4T I'AfiE SIX -1 .:: i Si it A c! :.., ! .l!Jnulir!'ii( :: A.'-' r .!'') I.-..;'-: iC 1 ;.! Hi. I'l'in). r.Uf .uiiuei;:! uiht'y ii MKDI-'OUD MATT; TIUBUXK. MI-7DFOR1). OKKdOW SATURDAY, VKHWTAKY 10. BUY THAT GAR NOW! . . . ,;k::.:.-. svi., r.,.,..vv-M:;,-: . . , j;. . Lfe q, F., . ..,, ' ; r ji-.. THE ONLY SURE WAY To have that new car this Spring is to buy it NOW. You gain nothing by waiting but you may lose much. y You remember less than a year ago it was almost im possible to get delivery on any car at ANY PRICE, t j TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS BUYER'S MARKET Now you can get any car you choose at a lower' price, but if you hold off and expect to buy later, you may not be able to get delivery for automobile factories are only working to part capacity to supply present demands. When Spring buyers rush in it may take months before you can get your car. . ; : DON'T BE CAUGHT NAPPING. Get in ahead of the-rush. kooklmck and you will see that conditions changed from a buyer's to a seller's mar ket over'hightl : The swing back -may be just as quick. - Today is a buyer's market. Take quick' advantage of it,, or you may have to buy your car on a seller's market later on. -, ' - jr." ' : - FORESIGHT BE ATS. HINDSIGHT. ' Enjoy that car now and be sure of having it this Spring. If circumstances prevent you using it now, we will store it for you until March, free of charge. But BUY THAT CAR NOW; You have muqh to gain, nothing to lose. ; ' ." ' BU,SY CORNER MOTOR CO. Overland, Cadillac curs and ttc , public Trucks. , !:' Corner of Main and Pacini! Highway, Medford. MEDFORD AUTO CO , liuii-k, Chevrolet, FranklinCars Chevrolet'; ami "White Truck. Corner Mriin' anil Holly streets, Medfm-cL SEEL? V. HALL MOTOR CO. . Packard-,' Chandler and Cleve land cars.'i ""Packard and Fede--ral Trucks. ,;; -,: .18-20, North Crape, Medford TUMY MOTOR CO. . . Oakland Sensible" Six and Olds mobile cars. Oldsmobile Speed Wagons. ..,,;. -.. : , :-. -.123-125.8: Front" St., Medford PRUITT-MYERS MOTbR CO Nash, Reo apd Colo cars. Nash, Keo and Alack Trucks. :i(i-4() North Front, Med ford. HITTSON MOTORS Studcbakcr- Velio, Templar and Allen ears. 'M',-40 South Fir. Medford C. E. GATES AUTO CO. Fords and Fordsons. N. Riverside, Medford. Wliy Wait. ' Buy Now EVERYTHING to GAIN CLARK & CHILDERS - lIii)iuobile cars and Huffnian Trucks. 127 North .Riverside. Medford. GEO. L. TRElCHLER MOTOR COMPANY Dodjie brothers "Motor Cars, Stephens Salient-Six Motor cars 1(1-20 South Fir, Medford. A. W.; WALKER AUTO CO; Hvitlsoh'; Essex, Chalmers, Max- well cars. ? Atterbury and Max well Trucks. .128-30 -W. Main Shi Medford ; The Tendency of PRICES now, ia . UPWARD not DOWNWARD BUY THAT CAR NOW . v 'v.- s , ,1 ,t.ii;( h.- v.nijui iVi)A .KltoolS if lio - fiiil .'.j'l. nin'ii 1:1 ill-' !f'.-.f.i '( i-l'.ax I') ,3iib:(-oUi jI ),:!..:) -le.Mii -iriivi'.o n J i f : i .. liO f ) i' .if l-V)J- Iltotil . it: ! If ' J I :,;),!( :.,if. h A - - . 4. ..... - .