Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 14, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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Tocal and
JLJ Personal
The people of tiie city except those
few who are gluttons for punlshuient
will bo satisfied If Sunday's storm Is
the last of the Beason and no more
liain or snow fall. Over fifteen inches
-of precipitation hero seems to satisfy
the average citizen.
$10,000 In IT. S. Liberty bonds for
sale, any quantity, lowest quotations.
Lindas, 235 Kast Alain. 27f
Just received a shipment of 30x3Vi
first-class non-sklil tires, while they
last $15.00. Medford Vulcanizing
Works. 299
Another big dance at Talent Friday,
Feb. 18. W
Kev. and Mrs. F. ft. Leach and -Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Davis leave Tuesday to
represent the First Baptist church at
a regional missionary conference at
Eugene. These conferences are being
held In important centers in every
stato, at which the northern Ilaptist
board of promotion are sending repre
sentative speakers from this and other
countries. Itev. F. H. Leach has been
asked to give an addreBs Wednesday
evening at Kugene.
We have a special bargain In print
paper that makes splendid wrapping
paper. There are three lengths of
rolls, each has a core so they can bo
used on the paper racks. You can
purchase this paper much cheaper
than wrapping paper. If Interested
come and see the paper. tf
You will find the Geo. L. Trcichler
Motor. Co. In their new quarters, 10
South Front. 282
Sanitary satisfaction ladles' and
men's suits sprayed and pressed 75c.
We cull. Apparel Cleaners & Hatters,
103 North Central. Phone 223. 283
Judge and Mrs. Henry E. Mcflinn,
well pleased with their short visit here
and with pleasant memories of the
Lincoln bniiquot or Saturday night ill
which the judgo was one of the main
Biienkers, left for their home at Port
laud last evening.
Over 2U00 cans of government bacon
have been sold In eight weeks by the
Clrocerterlu. Getter got what you want
before It's all gone. tf
200 pair new shoos at coBt. Second
hand shoes and shoo repairing at the
Medford Shoe Hospital, 119 East Sixth
street, Medford.
Tom Chaney's interpretation of
"Hllzzard," the man with the face of
satan and twlstod soul In Gouvornenr
MorriB' famous story, "The Penalty,"
stands out us one of the greatest per
formances In niollon picture history.
Chas. K. Chatlaln nnd family or Va
Her, Mont., nnd J. J. lludd of San Fran
cisco a ro gnosis at the Holland, as are
also M. J. illalio or Etna Mills, Calif.,
and Itobert J. Nixon of Yreka, Calif.
Our entire stock of flue unto robes
nt cost some bargains believe me.
The Busy Corner Motor Co. 281
After all Ib said and dono you will
still continue to bhvo at the Groceteria.
Good eats nt Talent Frl. 282"
The first degree will bo conferred
on Initiates (if the Odd Fellows lodge
nt tholr hall tonight.
Potatoes $1.75 per hundred lbs. Freo
delivery In town. Hutchison & Lums
den. 281
Horse-Shoo tires are not cheap, but
carry a dependable mileage guarnnteo
backed by reliable factory nnd denlors.
Exchange Tiro Co. 279'
Blizzard nrch-riond, poet, niuslclun
criminal with tho face of satan and
the mind of a genius tho wlcrdest
llguro ever scroenod! 278
llev. J. A. Smith who Is (o bo tho
preacher nt tho revival servlcos being
held at tho First Mothodlst church will
arrive this afternoon nnd deliver his
first sermon at tho Borvlce tonight.
Oregon NurBery Co., lnrgost In the
northwest, All kinds of fruit and
shado trees, ornninontal shrubbery,
etc. See or address V, S. Abraham,
608 South Grape St., Medford. 2S0
Bolco-Llght Electricity for every
farm. Jicdford Electric Co.
It Is a tact not generally known that
for yonrs the Dulck factory has each
year built inoro six cylinder atitomo
biles than all tho other well known
mukors of sixes combined. More than
two million persons have driven near
ly 700,000 llulcks hundreds of millions
of miles. They havo mndo liulek's
reputation as tho first cholco car, the
leader In Amoilcn'B sales. 278
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Curtis C. Darby
Sunday, Fob. 13th, a nlno pound son
who has been named Curtiss Charles.
Next weok is Pruno week, Help the
producer dlsposo of his crop. You can
get them nt Fonts tiro. Threo pounds
for 20 cents, 100 pounds for $(i.U0. 27H'
After nil Is Bald nnd done you will
still continue to suvo at tho Groceteria.
What was tho secret of Itllz.nrd's
tremendous power over tho despera
does of tho llarbary Coast? 278
Among tho Oregoulaus who are reg
istered at the Medford nip Ulanche
McDonald and daughter nnd E. ('.
Clark of Klamath Falls, anil tho fol
lowing from Portland: II. H, Pomeroy,
u. it. iiisiop, M. l.evlnson, A. 1". Houu
lawn, A. C. Freeman nnd 10. S. Albert
Clnrenro Plerco Is agent for three
good tiro insurance companies. Hotter
let him wrllo your business. Phone
105 pr 517-L. . 28.1
Buy "Diamond Pyrs." no other
kind, then perfect results are gimr
nnteed. Each package of "linmund
Dyes" contains simple directlunn to
llnnlond-dyo worn, Hhnhhy skirt,
waists, dresses, count, gloves, stock
ings, swenters, draperies, envrrlugH,
everything, whether wool, silk, linen,
cotton or mixed goods, new, rich,
fadeless colors. Druggist lias Colic
(Card. Adv. Ill
Dr. W. E. Waldo of Seattle, presi
dent of the American Osteopathic as
sociation, is making a tour of the wes
tern Btates. He Is lecturing to the
public, the profession and making
many examinations of difficult cases.
Ho will be In Medford Tuesday even
ing and will appear before the Osteo
pathic Society of Southern Oregon.
We still have some of that fine sor
ghum at 15c a pound. Hutchison &
Ltimsden. 281
Invest your savings In the Jackson
County Building and Loan association.
Why did Hllzzard maintain In his
cellar a room completely equipped
for surgical operations? 278
Mrs. 11. D. Manning and child re
turned Thursday night from Napa,
Cal., where they spent the past six
weeks with Mrs. Manning's Bister, Mrs.
Lovctt, wife of Kev. F. C. Lovett, for
mer pastor of the Baptist church in
this city. Grants Pass Courier.
List your house, farm and timber
with the Medford Land & Insurance
Agency, 220 West Main street. tf
After all Is said and done you will
still continue to save at the Groceteria.
Prize waltz at Talent Friday night.
The Hub Shoe store of Medford will
give a fine pair of Walk-Over shoes to
the gentleman of the winning couple.
A pleasing feature of the Lincoln
banquet here Saturday night was the
excellent music provided by the Pre
mier Novelty orchestra.
Grape cider, fresh from the preBS at
tho Jackson County Creamery Bottling
Dept. Phone 22-11.
Thor and Eden electric washing ma
chines, 12 months to pay. Peoples
Electric Store. 280
Why did Hllzzard run a secret hal
factory In IiIb home, whore dozens of
women he had taken off tho streets
wove hats by the thousand till of the
same design? 278
Hoy Ilebb of tho Ashland Tidings
was a week-end visitor In the city.
We mako a fair allowance for your
old tiros In trado for now or rebuilt.
Exchango Tire Co. 279
Ho protected ngalnst loss by fire by
lotting Clarence Pierce write your in
siirnnco. Phono 517-L. ' 283
"Spot" dances at Talont Frl. 282
Mr. nnd Mrs. llenl. M. Collins of
Grants Pubs wore over Sunday visitors
hero. Other Oregonlans registered at
tho Holland last night were Olivor
Kogors of Salem and Leo Davenport,
George Jackson, It. II. Sldeirins nnd II.
E. Morwln of Portland.
Aftur all Is said and done you will
Btlll continue to save at tho Groceteria.
Homo made sorghum 15c a pound.
Hutchison & Lumsden. 281
Personal attention to overdue ac
counts. Lindas, 235 East Main. i
Many people of Medford will be In
terested in the announcement that tho
regular monthly sacred concert by the
First nnptlst church choir under the
direction of Mr. Walker will bo given
noxt Sunday evening'. An unusually
strong program will be given.
Yon can nlwnys depend on a West-
inghouso automatic electric range.
People's Electric Store. 280
Alfalfa seed for sale, $25 per cwt.
Joase P. Richardson, Central Point
Food Store. 282
Do you know that Lon Chaney.ns
"Hllzzard" In "Tho Penalty" plays thru
tho entire picture the part of a legless
cripple? That Lon Chanoy has as fine
n pair of legs as any man could wish
Tor? How does he do It? You never
saw anything like It boforo. It will be
town tnlk. 278
This week's bargain directory for
Meilford Day which appears elsewhere
In today's paper contains some values
that will mako even the mail order
houses "sit up and take notlco." Mod
ford merchants are cooperating in an
earnest endeavor to annihilate tho old
"H. C. of I." bungnboo and bring prices
down to n pro-war basis or oven hotter.
That tho people ot Jackson county ap
preciate those weekly bargain days is
shown by tho excellent patronage en
joyed by local morchnnlB cvory Wed
nesday.' lloselmrg was chosen as Iho place
for holding noxt year's Oregon Retail
.Merchants association convention, nt
Gertrudo Klrkpatrlck, Sponcor cor
sotloro. Phono 146-R. 2S0
Atter all is said and dono you will
still continue to save at the Groceteria.
Ono of Iho features of tho rovival
service nt tho First Methodist church
tonight will bo a solo, "My Lord and
1" by F. C. Edmeadcs.
Income tnx returns prepared. Lindas
235 East Main.
Wo are prepared to handle nny of
your pumping promblcius. People's
Electric Store. 28U
Netted Gem potatoes for sale $1.25
cwt. delivered. Call 73 or 14. 280
('has. llpfbeck who motored Into
the city from Griffin creek this morn
lug through the slush nnd mud, said
that the snow was much deeper In that
section than in Medford.
Netted Gem potatoes for salo $1.2!
cwt. delivered. Call 73 or 14. 280
Special prlres on Valentino favors.
See Martin Ileddy's window. 277
Ladles' hose 29c. Hutchison &
Lumsden. 2SI
Llirklu Reynolds returned lo tho city
from Hilt on Sunday nnd is stopping
at the Nash. Other guests nt this hotel
Include Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Wingrield
nnd C. F. lleltzuiau of Portland nnd
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Clark of Seattle.
It your merchant does not handle
Rogue River made brooms you can get
them nt the public market. 27S
When better automobiles are built,
Dulck will build them. tf
Wanted Singing canaries. Box D,
Mull Tribune.
S. (1. Clark of the power company
has returned to ('rants Pass after a
visit nt tho Medford office of the com
pany. Everything electrical. Medford Eloc
tric Co. Phono 601.
George Wolff who is In the moving
picture business at Gold Hill, spent
Sunday In this city.
Alfalfa seed, tests 99.92; no dodder.
Phone 902. Elinor Hanley Bush, 826
EaBt Main. 310
Everybody celebrate at Ashland Na
tatorium, Mod. Feb. 14th. Special fea
tures for the evening. The Aviation
dance, the Exciting Shower dance. Ser
pentine, dance and Confetti battle.
Dancing from 9 to 1. Tickets includ
ing war tax, $1.50. Spectators 10c. 237
Today is St. Valentine's day with
the customary observance with the
usual social functions and Interchange
of valentines.
We can sell you any size tire you
want from our stock of rebuilt and
Savage 2nds very cheap. Exchango
Tire Co. 279
Majestic "4" at Talent Frl. 282
Guests at the' Medford from a dis
tance Include G. N. Skinner and L. H.
Werthelmer of New York City, Mr. and
Mrs. L. H. Winter and Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. McKnlght of Chatham, Ont
Canada, H.-G. Davidson of Milwaukee,
C. A. Nachman of Peoria, 111., E. Ga
lena of Chicago, and J. G. Brown and
G. W. Evans of Seattle.
Special prices on Valentine favors.
See Martin Reddy's window. 277
Chicken feed wheat $2.65 per hun
dred In rack lots. Russ Mill. Phone 529.
Judge L. T. Harris of the state su
preme court who spoke at the Lincoln
banquet Saturday night returned to
Salem Sunday.
Beginning the first of March we will
start a retail milk route. Our price
will be 12'4c per quart. Hoover Dairy.
Phone 462-Y. tf
Insurance of all kinds. Lindas, 235
East Main. .
A serious accident about which noth
ing can be learned in this city prob
ably occurred lute .Sunday night when
an auto struck a power and phone
pole tit the sluVof the Pacific 'Highway
a neksoh hot springs with such force
that It . broke'nir; the glasses .which
hold the wires. Imposition on the pole,
nnd loosened the. wires, causing much
trouble with the plonos in that district.
The lighting service was not affected.
Many broken pieces of wind shield
glass and much blood lay about the
polo and on the highway.
We save you money on your dry
cleaning, dyeing and repairing. City
Cleaning Wo ks, 401 South Riverside.
Phone 474. tf
When overhauling your old bus put
new life In it by demanding genuine
American hammered piston rings, fac
tory equipment on the best cars. The
Busy Corner "Motor Co.' tf
Lincoln's birthday anniversary is
past and St. Valontlne's day is here,
but a week from tonight comes the
next big event, the annual appearance
of, tho Elks minstrels at the Pago the
ater. Indications now are for a crowd
ed house on both nights of the show as
the tickets are selling like hotcakes.
If your clothes are not Becoming to
you, you had better be coming to us.
Pantorium Dye Works. tf
Wo just received a lot of good
canned salmon, two cans for 25 cents.
We also have a bargain in Puffed Rice,
Pancake flour, our old price was 18c,
now 10 cents per package. Do not for
get to call for a package. Fonts Gro.
Robert Nixon was one of the Yreka
republicans here in attendance nt the
Lincoln banquet Saturday night.
Mrs. Paul Hanson, corBetlere for
NuBone. Phone 686-J. tf
Try our " merchants lunch. The
Mrs. C. R.. Bowman and daughter
Alice of Chlloquln, Ore., formerly of
Medford, are guosts or Mrs. F. C. Rol'
mer at the Experiment station.
We have a good grade of tea for 25
cents per pound. Fonts. 279
We repair all makes of phonographs.
Palmer Piano House. 27b'
The Woninn's Auxiliary of the Amcr
lean Legion will hold their regular
monthly meeting Tuesday evening in
the Legion hall. A full attendance is
Ford truck .and good body
for Balo thenpVNeW 'tires. Seely V.
Hall Motor OoffjVl'Mf ' : tf.
Ladles' 50c hosq 29c. Hutchison &
Lumsden's. ' '-'281
is'lno new, njumbors wore received by
Baptism Into the membership of the
First' Bniitls'F church 'Sunday 'evening".
Others wore received nt the morning
service, but wero prevented from-' be;
Ing baptized In the evening. The
membership goal of seventy members
by Easter is assured, as seventy-two
of tho number have already been re
colved, while others are expected to
unite soon. The rapid growth of the
church Is gratifying to the pastor. Rev
F. R. Leach as well as to the member
ship of tho church. A personal work
ers class Is held Monday evenings,
conducted by Rev. Lench for instruc
tion In methods of personal work. An
active, systematic campaign Is carried
Dolco-Llfiht farm light nnd power
plants. Medford Electric Co.
Everything electrical. Medford Elec
tric Co. Phone 661.
Albert Noth arrived home last night
from Portland from a soverul clays
visit with hlh brother, who Is seriously
III In a hospital there, and Is again on
duty in the ticket window of the depot
Fouls Grocery hns very attractive
prices on coffee Hill's Red can 45c.
M. J. B. 45c, Royal Club 45c, Golden
Gate 45c, Golden West 45c, Hill's Blue
can 30c, Jewel City, threo pounds
$1.00, bulk corfee 20c. 30c, 35c ami 40c
Edison Marshall will speak at the
public library next Thursday night
under tho auspices of tho Trl-L club of
tho Y. W. C. A. on Far North and Far
South, the exeriences of a wrlter.The
public Is Invited to hear his address.
R. A. Holmes, tho Insurance Man.
Insurance, and Bonds, plus Borvlce.
Better buy a Chandler than wish
you had. U
Lee Jacobs, secretary of the Elks
lodge, has been laid up at his home for
several days with a yery bad. cold,
which threatens to keep him there for
several days yet. .
Do not order calendars from travel
ing representatives or out of town
Arms. We have a factory line of all
sizes and ainds of calendars, wall
Dockets, cut-outs, etc., that we will
ihow the trade later and save yoi'
money on the same. tf
The members of the high school bas
ket ball teams arrived home Sunday
from Roseburg where they played the
teauiB of that city Friday and Saturday
Fine fresh creamery butter 42c per
pound. Guaranteed. Fouts. 279
A north bound freight train arrived
in the city shortly before 9 o'clock this
morning, blocked the crossing a while
and wns then cut in two to allow traf
fic to continue, but the crew manipu
lated the cut so as to leave the end of
the south train half standing on the
crossing blocking the Bidewalk on the
south side or West Main street, thus
causing all pedestrians on that side
including many school children to
wade out in the water and slush of
the street to get around the obstacle.
This peeved Chief of Police Timothy
so much that he looked up Mark Mont
gomery, the S. P. agent, to pinch him
for the train crew's act, but Monte,
who could not be found was peacefully
nibbling his morning coffee and
doughnuts in a local restaurant, not
appearing publicly again until the
chief's ire had worn away.
(Continued From Page One).
per annum while attempting to dis
charge the duties as a district judge ot
tho United States which tends to mil-
liry the errect of the judgment of the
supreme court of the District of Co
lumbia and the baseball gambling in
dictments pending in the criminal
courts ot Cook county, Illinois.
'Fitth: For injuring the national
sport of baseball by permitting the use
of his office as district judge ot the
United States because the impression
will prevail that gambling nnd other
illegal acts in baseball will not be pun
ished in tho open forum as other
In presenting his case, Representa
tive Welty said the District of Colum
bia supreme court had entered a judg
ment or $240,000 against the American
and National leagues and the individ
ual sixteen clubs -composing those or
ganizations "tor having violated the
Sherman anti-trust law." He also said
a grand jury at Chicago had indicted
ton baseball players on charges of
throwing the- lU19.vorld Beries base
ball games, and added-:
Bought Him Off 1
"After the baseball' associations had
been found guilty under our laws of
being a trust and while the fine of
$240,000 was still pending against
them," they rushed Into Judge Landis'
court and for an additional salary of
$42,600, e became, cjllcf arbitrator of
a trust which' was declared illegal and
with their request remained on the
federal bench. ,-...
, "This case Is noV pending In the
supreme court of the United States.
What will hinder each member ot this
court from accepting' a like sum from
these baseball associations? It Judge
Lnndls can lawrully -accept this addi
tional Tee, then-every -other federal
judge In the land caii enter the employ
of those who violate the lawB of the
land. Tho question' for congress to
settle is, can a federal judge accept a
subsidy to perform judicial duties
"Judge Lnndls has done a great deal
of good, but it he wants to retain con-
ridence and respect as a judge he must
divorce himself from the flesh-pots of
illegal combination.
Keep Sport Clean
"I want to keep the baseball sport
clean, so the people will continue to
support It. But you cannot maintain
the sport when you permit tho players
to throw the game and the baseball
magnates to throw our Judiciary. ,
. "You dare not porrriit Illegal com
blnatlons to tamper with our judiciary
by. subsidizing them with nn addition
al salary in order to1 give these com
binations a bath so they will again
gain tho confidence of the public.
"On March 3, 1917, the 65th congress
passed an net which In part provides
that: !
" 'No government official or employe
shall receive any salary in connection
with his services ns such official or
employe from any other sources than
tho government of the United States.
The Ohio representative then out
lined his charges and concluded with
this statement.
"Wherefore said ICennsaw M. Landis
wns and is guilty of misbehavior, ns
such judge, nnd of crimes and mis
demeanor In office."
There is little likelihood of notion by
the judiciary committee on the Welty
charges at this session. Chairman Vol
stead said. '
"The fact that Mr. Welty retires
March 4 does not nffect the status of
tho proceedings, nor does the case
necessarily end with adjournment of
congress," he added. "flo arrangement
has been made for n meeting of the
committee, but we probnhly will hear
.Sir. Welty Bliortly and If the commit
tee believes there Is sufficient ground
to go ahead It will be necessary to
adopt a resolution providing therefor.'
Dial Warming Up
WASHINGTON. Feb. 14. Senator
Dial, or South Carolina announced to
day he would prefer charges against
Federal Judge Landis with the depart
nient of Justice in connection with the
Judge's statement In the case of the Ot
tawa, 'Illinois, bank clerk charged with
embezzling $:n"i,000.
Senator Dial asserted that he would
call attention to Judge Lnndls' state
nient that the officials of the Ottawa
MONDAY. Fl'lsll;AK - h,
The circuit court will hear argu
ments and give a decision next Thurs
day in the motion of R. D. Hlnes, for
mer vice-president of the Bank of Jack
sonville, through his attorney, Porter
J. Nefr, for a chango of venue on the
grounds of prejudice preventing a fair
and Impartial trial in this county. The
prosecuting attorney will represent the
state and present arguments contest
ing the motion.
According to announcement all the
defendants in the Bank of Jacksonville
not previously pleading, will enter be
fore Judge F. M. Calkins in the circuit
court next Thursday, Feb. 17 The de
murrers filed in the cases were all
overruled with the exception ot the
one filed in the case of A. W. Walker.
The grand jury for the spring term
of court will convene next Monday
Feb. 21, and the petit Jury the next
Monday, Feb. 28. Among the cases
coming to the attention of the grand
jury will be that of W. F. DeWltt, an
Ashland jitney driver, held guilty of
carelessness by a coroner's jury inves
tigating the death of Mrs. Nona Jen
nings of this city, In an auto accident
on the Pacific Highway near Talent,
last Christmas eve. DeVV'itt waived
the preliminary hearing in the justice
; In the petit Jury cases, tho re-trial
of Lark' Evans, charged with the rob
bery dhd kidnapping of a Grants, Pass
jitney driver September, j9l9, Is crteat-'
ing as. much interest as any' 6( the
Bank of Jacksonville1 cases'." Evans is
defended by attorney Gus'Jvewbury.
who has made a hard legal flK,f
his cient. EValis was gVa!iityd-rteiy.
trial by the 8upremelfcoint; p&i the
grounds of new evidence. ;l
The docket for the ternv hns not
been arranged, but It Is highly prob
able that the minor bank cases will be
called first. ,
MEXICO CIT, Feb. 11. American
Catholics have offered co-religioniBts
In this country $5,000,000 with which
to combat radicalism in Mexico, de
clared El Naelonal of this city. The
newspaper asserts Cardinal Gibbons is
a leader In the movement, to assist
Mexican Catholics In the proposed
Attacks upon a parade of Catholic
youths here Tuesday brought the feel
ing between the radicals and Cntho
lies to a climax and charges nnd coun
ter charges of plotting- which have
been frequent on both sides havo in
creased since that incident.
bank were responsible for the clerk's
embezzlement because they paid him
only $90 a month.
Senator Dial said that In his charges
to be filed wlth the department of jus
tice he would contend that Judge Lan
dis was unfit for judicial duties, in that
statements made in the case of the
bank clerk , would "encourage similar
"Judge Landis' statements were
anarchistic and revolutionary," he de
clared. Landis Is Muni
CHICAGO, Feb. 14 Judge Kenesaw
M. Landis today refused to comment
on the charges of Senator Dial of
South Carolina. . He repudiated pub
lished statements in morning papers
attributed to him nnd declared he
would havo nothing further to say on
the matter at thjs time
"Well, what's the'ne; move,Judge?"
he was asked. .
"It's Dial's move. I've nothing more
to say. Why, all these reports of al
leged' interviews Wake" tile' "But a com-
hnon gossip." . ... .
The Judge's office, was busy with
callers all day, '
; "Why, I'm no more interested in this
than I am in the appointment of a new
bellhop in that hotel across the street"
he assured one caller.
Apply Zemo, the Clean, An
tiseptic Liquid Easy to Use
Does Not Stain
Greasy salves and ointments should
not be applied if good clear skin is
wanted. From any druggist (or 35c, or
$1.00 for large size, get a bottle of Zemo.
When applied as directed it effectively
removes eczema, quickly stops itching,
and heals skin troubles, also sores,
burns, wounds and chafing. It pene
trates, cleanses and soothes. Zemo is
a clean, dependable and inexpensive
antiseptic liquid. Try it, as we believe
nothing you have ever used is as effec
tive and satisfying.
The E. W. Rose Co.. Clevttand. O.
WANTED To rent small furnished
cottage or two-room apartment.
Phono Mrs. W. B. Robinson, Hotel
Medford. 2S3
FOR SALE Small house and two
large lots next to pavement in
Phoenix at a bargain. Call Apparel
Cleaners & Hatters. 103 N. Central.
FOR SALE Northeast 4 of South
enst 4 section 24'. Twp. 38. Range 2,
West Willamette Meridian, for $800.
About six miles from Medford. Part
ly Improved and cleared. Write Geo.
Piatt, llox 1)39, Marshfield, Ore. 2S0
Medford passed through a stormy
period Sunday and tjis morning of
rain, snow and slush, which may con
tinue as the prediction is for prob
able rain or snow tonight and Tues
day. The storm was the most severe
ot the winter. With the 1.07 inches
or rain that roll Sunday and the tour
inches or snow that fell until this
morning, which measures four-tenths
of an inch of precipitation, the total
precipitation since September 1st last
is now over 15 inches.
It started with a heavy fall of rain
during Saturday night and the down
pour continued so heavy all day Sun
day that the storm sewers were un
able to carry the water away fast
enough, hence many strets nnd cel
lars in the city- were flooded and one
could not cross many streets without
wading through deep water because
of the fast running streams or creeks
on each side, and at many corners
were miniature lakes. In the low
places in streets, yards and lots were
also lakes. The already well saturat
ed ground could not begin to absorb
the heavy rain.
Washington school was closed to
day because of its basement being
flooded, thus preventing the firms
and operating of the furnaco, the
storm sewer being "unable to carry
away the water; which backed up into
the basement. Superintendent Smith
said this noon that lie hoped to have
the water, cleaved out and a fire in
the furnace so that' school sessions
could be resumed tomorrow, but that
any further fall of rain today or to
night might prevent this.
i Not only was pedestrinnism diffi
cult Sunday but also the driving ot
cars.' Drivers had to go caretully on
tho sllpperjy streets. Tho rain storm
turned into- snow early last evening
and snow continued to fall during, the
night until this morning found the
city and valley under a mantle of
snow'whlch at Medford was 4 Inches
deep, and at other points In tho valley
was much deeper. Reports from Ash
land this morning were that 8 to 12
inches of snow had fallen In that end
pfjJtUe volley.,. -
The snow nnd slush weighing down
the wires caused a number of breaks.
and hence the teleohone company in
many districts encountered the most
serious trouble or the winter.' The
power compauynlsb had a little
trouble, caused bv fulling wires, but
the phfrno system' was the most af
The slush caused by snow made
walking very disagreeable this fore
noon. ,
As-'a'result of the Btorm Bear creek
reacherLJtB. record, dqpth ot the win
ter this morntng, and with' its swift
deep stream of muddy colored water
was almost entitled to enter the rag
ing torrent class.
The Rogue river almost reached
itr. record of the winter season, reach
ing its -maximum of 9.9 feet at the
Gold Rny dam at 3 o'clock this morn
ing. Its record depth of the winter
season at this point is 10.03 feet,
reached last December. '
The Japanese control the pearl fish
eries of Thursday Island.
No cigarette has
the same delicious
flavor as Lucky
Strike. Because'
vf It's
v toasted
Phonograph and Electrical
116 N. Central "The Glass House"
Rendered In a Quiet Dignified manner at
Your loved one is taken into the Home where there is alwayt
some one with them. Our Residence Is on the Second Floor. '
We are Licensed Embalmers and are prepared to make shipment
to any part of the United States or Foreign Countries. We will
take complete charge ot any Service and make all arrangements.
Lady Assistant. Phone 47.
Corner of Sixth aud Oakdale. One block west of Postoffic.
, FRttlUlntFUuLiC
A feature of the drive now on to
obtain $4,00ir for the purpose, of com
pleting the equipment of the X-ray
laboratory at the Sacred .Heart hos
pital, which is meeting with much
encouragement and is endorsed by all
the doctors of the city, is that from
4 to 5 p. m. dally all this, week all
people Interested in the subject and
who desire to view the workings of
the X-ray are invited to call at the
laboratory at the hospital.
Dr. Lincoln Kallen, the clinical ex
pert in charge, will be there during
those hours and will be pleased to
answer any questions.
British steel makers have adopted
drastic cuts in prices. Foreign com
petition Is said to be largely responsi
Eaten by the Fire
In Medford
The Insurance Man
All Forms Insurance and Bonds
..I.Jackson County Bank BIdg.
About Orchard Pests "
Corona Dry
Arsenate of Lead ; '
Lime Sulphur
Oil Solutions
of the Northwest
Always at Your Service
Automobiles Painted.'Wl,.
Revarnished :
22 1 North Fir.
Phone 777
T. G. HEINE, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Surgery of Eyes, Ears, .Nose and
Throat. All diseases of these organs
treated. Glasses fitted. . 314-315 Lib
erty Bldg.. Cor. Main & GrapB Sts.
CORONA Personal
Fold it up, take It
with you, type
write anyw-h ere.
$50.00, including
carrying case.
nintrlhutore for 8o. Oregon.
f - '
i- -!