r PAOE TWO 1 arEDFOKT) MATE TRIBUNE, MEDFORD," OREOOX, SATURDAY. F7:DRUARY 12, 1021 ocal and At tho Medford are ilio fotluwIiiK Oregoninns: L. D. Porter ol Corvallls, I fnv I. InnL- no .f II... A . KWenMf'0' IloseburK, H. L. Cicim of KuRcne The week's membershli) campaign of the farm bureau which came to an end late this afternoon will close with not less man juuu members signed up, according to Indications this noon. Up to last night 952 members had been obtained. Don t let your chlckcna stand In mud and water. You won't get eggs If you do. Buy a bale of straw for $1.00. We'll deliver It. Phone 629, Uusb Mill. tf The Salvation Army Is In need of soma beds, bedding and chairs, etc., for Its general relief work. Those having anything like that thut they can spare please call 3G6 or call at residence, zus Apple street. We ca also use cast-off clothing, shoes, etc. Envoy and Mrs. Sinclair, officers In charge. 277 $10,000 In U. S. Liberty bonds for Rale, any quantity, lowest quotations L,lndas, 235 East Main. 278' The high school student body and friends generally of tho high school basketball squad will await eagerly to night the report of tho outcome of the game between Medford and Roseburg high In the lattor city. These two tcamB battled to a tie last night, and it Is understood that whichever side wins tonight's contest will be given credit for last night's game. Just received a shipment of 30x3' first-class non-skid tires, while they last 15.00. Medford Vulcanizing works. 299 We have a special bargain In print paper that makes splendid wrapping paper. There are three lengths of rolls, each has a core so they can bo used on the paper racks. You can purchase this paper much cheaper than wrapping paper. If Interested come and see the paper. tf You will find the Geo. L. Troichlor Motor Co. In their new quarters, 16 South Front. 282 Notwithstanding that It had been an nounced several times In this news paper that tho banks would be closed today because of Lincoln's birthday being a legal holiday a number of local people, who had forgotten, wore badly disappointed today at finding tho doors of the Institution locked. Over 2000 cans of government bacon have boon sold In eight weeks by the Grocortorla. Cotter get what you want before It's nirgone. tf 200 pair new shoes at cost. Second hand shoes and Bhoe repairing at the Medford Shoe Hospital, 119 East Sixth Btroet, Medford. i Lincoln's birthday will be celebrated tonight. A rousing patriotic time is assured for every one. Dancing from 9 o'clock on. The finest ballroom, tho best dancers and a congonial crowd will be found. 277 Tho first picture ovor made by Mary Plckford, a one roel affair, entitled "Broken Lockot," will be shown at tho Pago tonight In addition to tho regular program. Tho picture was made fif teen years ago, when the famous movie stnr was about 15 years old, and .snows the progress In fifteen yoars of pictures and acting. In tho plctu appears Owen Moore, who later be came Mary's husband and is now di vorced, Mack Blnnott and tho lato Bob ort Herron. Our entire stock of fine auto robes at cost sonio bargains bollovo me, The Busy Corner Motor Co. 281 Aftor all Is said and dono you will still oontinue to save at the Groceteria. tr The Medford Hoy Scouts basketball team Is to play the Central Point Hoy Scouts tonight at 7:30 at tho Nat. The game promises to be a good one and It is hoped that thoro will bo a large crowd out to witness the game. Thor will bo a preliminary gamo of soccer football of 30 mlnutesto liven thing up. If you are -interested In Medford Hoy Scouts then turn out and see these gnmoHiV'Adniitllmce will be the small :um of J5c for Bcouts and 2uc for all ol liars. An Old Fountain" will bo sung by Mrs, Sasnott at tho evening service t: jnorrow nt tho First Methodist Kplsco- pal church. Potatoes $1.75 per hundred lbs. Free delivery in town. Hutchison & Lums don. !S1 Horse-Shoo tires nro not cheap, but carry a dependable mileage guurunto backed by reliable factory and dealer: Kxcimnge Tiro Co. 279 leiunriue lonigut at the Nat in com memorntlon of Lincoln's birthday uancmg will be Interspersed by bul loon ascensions and a tin born band iho orchestra, "Host in tho West." The biggest time ever. There was born In this city on Feb. fith a daughter to Mr. and .Mrs. II. I). Woodford of Merlin, Ore. Hie Hlue Jay Twins" nt Eagle point Saturday, Feb. 12. 2 Oregon Nursery Oo., largest In tho northwest. All kinds of fruit and sliado trees, ornamental shrubbery, etc. see or address V. S. Abraham uvu somn liiapo St., Medford. 2S0 Oh boy! Basket ball tonight. Cell tral I'oint vs. .Medford Buy Srouts. fvat. 7:30. . Jiidgo Lawrence T. Harris of the state supremo court, who delivers the address on Lincoln at the Lincoln ban qnct tonight, arrived In tho city Ibis morning from Salem, was met at the depot by O. C. Hoggs, W. II. Gore and Gus Newbury and escorted by then to tho Medford. Judge Henry K. Me GInn of Portland, who delivers i ho po litical address at the banquet, arrived here oil tills afternoon's train from the north. j -Itflm ueico-Liigni electricity ror every (arm. Siedford Electric Co. Next week is Prune week. Help the producer dispose of his crop. You can get them at Fonts (irn. Three pound for 20 cents, 100 pounds for $0.00. 279 ' After all is said and done you will etill continue to snvc at the Groceteria. tf and Ethel Newland, F. J. Nelson, E. O. Hall, Wm. Hall and Tall Thompson of Portland. Clarence Pierce is agent for three good fire insurance companies. Better let hlui write your business. Phone 105or517-L. 283 We can sell you any size tire you want from our stock of rebuilt arid Savage 2nds very cheap. Exchange I 1 Ire Co. 279 Income tax returns prepared. Lindas 235 East Main. John F. Cowley of Medford, a senior In mining engineering at O. A. C, will be graduated this spring. Cowley was a member of the vigilance committee his sophomore year. He Is a member of the student council, an organization having charge of disciplinary matters on the O. A. C. campus. Practical ex perience is a prerequisite to gradua tion from the O. A. C. school of mines Cowley worked with a party of engi neers in the Bully Hill mines, Shasta county, Calif., last summer. He ex pects to go ciiBt after graduation to take up a position. We are prepared to handle any of your pumping promblems. People's Electric Store. 280' We still have some of that flno sor ghum at 15c a pound. Hutchison & Lumsdeu. 281 A check to cover your flro loss would come In quite handy. If not protected see us. Bennett Investment Co., 113 West Main. 277 The Premier novelty orchestra will render several popular numbers at the Lincoln banquet tonight. After the Lincoln banquet, banquet ers are Invited to drop In nt the Nat for a genuine colebration. Finest music, finest ballroom and a crowd that's right. Herbert Alford. leader of the orchestra and a soloist of note, will be heard in some of the latest songs. 277 Invest your savings in the Jackson County Building and Loan association. tf List your house, farm and timber with tho Medford Land & Insurance Agency, 220 West Main street. tf Among tho Central Point visitors in the city Friday was Paul A. Scherer. Aftor all is said and done you will Btill continue to save at the Groceteria. tf Grape cider, fresh from the press at tho Jackson County Creamery Bottling Dept. Phone 22-R. A holiday today. Everybody will celebrate nt the Nat. tonlte. Dancing will begin nt 9 o'clock. Music, hall. loor and atmosphere, everything com plete for a grand and glorious celcbru- lon. 77 The Women's Collego club .of the Rotfue lllvur valley met thlB afternoon at tho home of Mrs. It. V. Stearns, 23 North Orange street, this city. Thor and Udqn oloctrlc washing ma chines, 12 months to pay. Pcoplo'si r.iectric store. 280' Wo make a fair allowance for your old tires in trndo for now or rebuilt Exchnngo Tire Co. 279 He protected against loss by fire by letting Clarenco Pierce write your i suraiice. Phone B17-L. 2S3 Mr. and Mrs. L. Neelcy wore Ash land business visitors Thursday from ineir fcvans creek ranch. After all Is said and dono you will still continue to save at tho Grocotori tf Jiomo made sorghum 15c a pound iiutciuson & Lumsdcn. 2S1 " at It Is useless to lock the bar after the horse Is gone Is a saying to roineinbor when you think of the Insn unco you should carry on your build ings mm car with tho Medford Land & lusuiunco agency. Phono 19 and on ruprosonlatlvo will call. There was born at the Sacrod Hear hospital, Feb. 7th. to Mr. and Mr trunk Dixon, a daughter. i ursunai audition to overdue ac counts. Lindas. 235 East Main You can always depend on a Wos iikiiiiusu automatic eloctrio rnniro eopio s Electric Store. 2S0 Allnlt'a seed for sale. $25 ner ev josso r. Klehnrdson. Central P.iln reed Sloro. Chns. Stiieklln, representing the state engineer's office Is here looking over mo arralrs of the Irrigation districts. (ertrudo Klrkpatrlck. Spencer cor setiero. Phone 140-K. as Aner all is said and done vou will still continue to save at tho Groceteria tf nsure In sure Insurance. See Hen uett at 113 West Main street. KoReburg was chosen as the nlaeo mr noiding next year's Oregon Ketall Merchants association convention, nt Ills years convention of the associa Ion hold at Marshliold this week. special prices on Valentino favors See Martin Roddy's window. : i.nuies hose 29c. Hutchison & .umsden. n?i by pay rent? Good four room bun no, nivpiaee, sleeping porch, large lot, $150 cash, balance ilka ampbell & C'arley, No. 9 North Fir St A Rhode Island Red hen owned bv Mis. Carl (loltsche of Ashland, recent. set a record of laying 12 eggs in H ays. the total weight of which was i pounds. it your merchant does not handle ogue River made brooms vou can cot cm nt the public market. 278 When belter automobllos are built nick will build them. tf no Knows, 1o may bp next. Are 'U fully protected? We write fire nsiirancp. Bennett Investment i'n 13 West Main. S77 Among Hie California guests at the (illand are Mr. anil Mrs. A. C. Fellows f Long Hcach. and Mrs. 1'. W. Dean San Francisco. Wanted--Singlng canaries. Box D. all Tribune. Everything electrical. Medford Elec trie Co. Thonc 661. Samuel G. Cooper of Now York, of the American agency of the Times, Norwich House, High Holborn, London was in tho city yesterday selling a new history of the world war. Saturday, Feb. 12 and Monday the 1 1 th Miss Taylor will have her first showing of early hats. Our Easter opening will be announced later. At Deuel's. 277 Alfalfa seed, tests 99.92; no dodder. Phone 902. Elinor Hanley Bush. 826 r-asc jiain. ' sin Everybody celebrate at Ashland Na tatorium, Mon. Feb. 14th. Snecial fea tures for the evening. The Aviation dance, the Exciting Shower dance. Ser pentine dance and Confetti battle. Dancing from 9 to 1. Tickets includ ing war tax, $1.50. Spectators 10c. 237 Ten persons were received for mem bership at the prayer meeting Wednes. uay at tne First Baptist church. A Baptismal service is planned for Sun day evening. While no special meet ings are being held there Is scarcely a week but what additions are being re ceived. I he services Sunday will be of unusual interest. Special prices on Valentino favors. See Martin Reddy's window. . 277" Chicken feed wheat $2.65 ner hun dred in sack lots. Buss Mill. Phone 529 tf Beginning the first of March we will start a retail milk route. Our price win be Z'a per quart. Hoover Dairy. 1'iione 4u2-Y. ' . , . tf S. G. Clark of the Grants Pass office of the Callforuia-Oregon Power com pany was a visitor in the city today. ine time, Fob. 12th and 11th. tho piuco, ueuol s showing early soring models. You Ore Invited. Miss Tavlor. 277 Insurance of all kinds. Lindas, 235 East Main, ' , Cornelius Vnnderbllt, Jr., completing ins tour rrom Canada to Mexico, is now not only un urdont motor enthusiast but also a believer in Bulck. He says. "I have driven many makes of foreign and American machines but have never had one, a stock car, which equalleu tho Bulck. If anybody ever seeks my advice again concerning a good car for the money I'll be glad to refer them to the Bulck for I speak from experience when I say that my ear has gone many spaces beyond what I even ever dared hope a car would do." 277 The eight pound baby daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rohrer at their homo Thursday evening on South Holly street was a son, and the num ber of the house Is 41 instead of 841. Otherwiso the reporter had the birth item perfectly correct in Friday's Mall Tribune. Hats of clre ccllaphane satin and various combinations on disulav at Deuel's Saturday and Monday, Feb. 12 linn i t. Aiiss Taylor. 277 Wo save you money on your drv cleaning, dyeing and repairing. City Cleaning Wo kB, 401 South Riverside Phone 474. tf iSeo Mrs. C. L. Snylor for dressmak ing nt 16 Mistletoe street. 277 Among guests nt tho Medford are John Levy and Wm. Caldwell of New lorn city, N. A. Edgar of Seattle, and O. 10. Doyle, B. M. Liukln, R. Harrii and Roy Thym of San Francisco, When overhauling your old bus put new life In It by demanding genuine American hammered piston rings, fac tory equipment on tho best cars. The Busy Corner Motor Co. tf If your clothes nro not becoming to you, you had better be coming to us, nintoriuin Dyo Works, tf Wo just received a lot of good canned salmon, two cans for 25 cents. We also have a bargain in Puffed Rico, Pancake flour, our old prico was ISc now 10 cents per package. Do not for gee to call ror a package. Fonts Gro 279 There was a good public market to ). mu leamres ot winch are eggs selling at 25 cents a dozen, and the salo of homo miido baskets of oak wood the product of a Talent man, which will be on salo regularly at the market Hereafter. Mrs. l'nul Hanson, corsetlore for MiUono. Phono 5S5-J. tf Try our merchants lunch. The Shnsta. .Modioli! Cement Brick & Block Works wants apprentice to learn the business. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets Mrs. Brookor and her nephew Rollln Taylor, of Rogue River, who Is just out or a hospital, are guests at tho Hotel Holland. Let s go every hat is a winner bowing nt Deuel's, Saturday and Mon day. Feb. 12th and nth. nam times ball at Eaglo Point. cniuriiay, Feb. 12. veieuraio tomorrow tuglit tn com memoration of Lincoln's blrlhdav Dancing will bo interspersed bv bal loon ascensions and a tin horn h.inil ho orchestra, "Best in the West." he biggest time ever. 276 Tho fire last night broke up the ro- earsnl of the Elks Minstrels at the Oiks club for a time, and the twentv )t her Elks at work In the basement building the special scenerv aad decor-. Hons for the show also stopped their work until they had visited tho scene f the flie. We have a good grade of tea for 25 ents per iiound. Fonts. 279 We repair all makes of phonographs. aimer Piano House. 276 Ford truck with cal. and good bodv for sale cheap. New tires. Seely V. all Motor Co. 577 Tho near approach of Valentine day reflected In the show windows of a umber ot stores by the display of alentlnos. Ford truck with cab and good body r sale cheap. New tires. Seely V. lull Motor Co. tf Ladies' 50c hose 2!c. Hutchison & imsden's. 281 rlze waits at Eagle Point Saturday Igbt. The Huh Shoe Store of Medford 111 give a fine pair of Walk-Over Shoes to tho gentleman of the winning rouple, ;;; H. R. Jacoby has sold" his interest in the Plaza confectionery store to his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Troutfether of -Medford. The latter will move up to Ashland and devote her time to the business with her son, Arthur Trout fether, who has been connected with tho store for the past year. Ashland Tidings. Delco-Llght farm light and power plants. Medford Electric Co. Everything electrical. Medford Elec tric Co. Phone 661. Majestic "4" at Eagle Point Sat. 277 The condition of Mrs. J. F. Hittson, who Ib critically ill with a combination of pneumonia and gallstone complica tions Is today reported as somewhat improved, much to the gratification of her friends. "William Tell Waltz" at Eaglo Point Saturday night. 277 Fouts Grocery has very attractive pricos on coffee Hill's Red can 45c, M. J. B. 45c, Royal Club 45c, Golden Gate 45c, Golden West 45c, Hill's Blue can 30c, Jewel City, three pounds $1.00, bulk coffee 20c, 30c, 35c and 40c. 279 R. A. Holmes, the Insurance Man. Insurance, and Bonds, pins Service. A son was born, to Mr. and Mrs. Orval McClannhan of 621 Palm street, on February 6th. Better buy a Chandler than wish you had. ' tf Do not order calendnrs from travel ing representatives or out ot town Ureas. We have a factory line of all sizes and ainds of calendars, wall Dockets, cut-outs, etc., that we will ?how the trade later and suve yoi- money on the same. tf Dr. Frederick D. Strieker, the new state health officer, and family passed inrougn tne city this forenoon enroute from Tucson, Ariz., where they had been residing for Some time past, to Portland, and were met during the train stop at the depot by Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Klocker, old friends from Grants Pass, Vhich city the Strickers still claim as their home, although absent from there for several years. . I1 ine fresh creamery butter 42c per pound. Guaranteed. Fouts. 279 The American Legion post will hold an Important mooting next Tuesday night at which time features of tho compensation law for ex-service men will be discussed. A large attendance is expected. i-repare tor BUnny Monday, buy a new tub at Mordoff & Woolf's Satur day sale. 276 E. II. McKeany, who recently return ed from a hospital In Portland, is slow ly regaining his' health at home, but it will tuko some time yet before he can resumo attending to business mat ters. He takeB short walks dally when the weather permits. "Balloon" dances at Eaglo Point Sat. 277 Mayor Gates was thrown badly in tho air Inst night when on coming out of tho Elks club Into he saw on the scat of his enclosed coupo car the following note written in ink and sign ed "B": "Thought I wouldn't take the car this time but the next time be ware." The mayor is still puzzled. He does not know whether a practical joker wrote tho note, or a possible auto thief. Tho speedometer shows .that the car had not been used for a joy ride by the note writer. "Spot" dances at Eagle Point Snt. 277 A ten pound son was born to Mr. and -Mrs. Dennis Garrett of 705 South Oak dale, on Feb. 3rd. iiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii The Biggest Business in Medford ':,t;r.-"y-r-i"r:' is character building, into new at ( Old lives are made over KEV. F. II. LEAtn Pastor First Baptist Church (N. Central and Fifth Streets) Sunday will be a great day. Be with us. 11:00 a. m. "THE WORLD'S CRY FOR BREAD." 7:30 p. in. "ACCEPT HIM NOW." (Ordinance of Baptism.) ? ? PUZZLED p p. Is life for you a maze of question marks, or a wilderness of doubt? It will help you settle some great issues to attend the ' J'.J' r&. REVIVAL SERVICES At the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Fourth and Bartlett. t -'.'. , -. , . '- ' .;? " - ' ' . i - . BEGINNING TOMORROW Sunday services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Week days 7:30 p. m. REV. J. A. SMITH of San Francisco has been secured to assist the pastor and "will preach at every service, beginning Monday. A pleasing personality, a great thinker, an able him. He will help you. speaker. Heoir TOMORROW Tclrazzitnt Has Hail Eur. lllU.MI.NtiHAM. Ala., Feb. 12. Tho condition of .Madame Louisa 'I'etiaz zani, opera sinner, who was forced to cancel an cnpiKeinent here Inst nislit because of sudden Illness, showed no improvement today, according to her pnysieinn. Klio is ntifferinir from mroat ntrectlon which has reached one car. As n result of various experiments, government, experts have decided that Marquis wheat Is the host variety of' common wheat for tho northern great Plains. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOlt SALK ;t-rooin house B-room modern buncalow 5- rooni plastered house on pav ing JtiOO cash will handle. 7-room house, modern. Terms.... 6- room house, lastered, toilet, bath, paving paid In full Terms 4-room plastered house, large easy terms. C. S. nUTTBUFlELD, t .5n 215(1 .1001) 700 1030 lot; WANTED Men with Ford car in ltogue Valley fruit district. Very liberal pay. American Fruit Grower. 310 Hoard of Trade, Portland, Ore. 2S2 Table de Hote Dinner HOLLAND CAFE 1 1 a. m. . "Validating Our Worship" Sacrament of the Lord's Supper lniTriffl''iii1IiirMJ'--- - 7:30 "The Ways of Life" An Evangelistic sermon by the pastor Congregational "sing" SUNDAY a s p. in. $1.00 Oyster Cocktail Apple and Nut Salad Choice of: Stewed Young Hen. a la Trim-ess ltoast l.eit of Veul. Prune Dressing Small Sirloin steak, a la Stanhy Holla Cream Whipped Potatoes AsparaKus Tips, Supreme Sauce Choice of: Vanilla Ice Cream and Cake P-anana Short Cake. Whipped Cream Tea Coffee Milk To the Retail Dealers of Oregon The success of your business' is de pendent upon the buvinpr power of your customers. This is determined by employment conditions, which in turn liinpe upon whether or not there is a market for things produced. You see, the buying of Oregon Pro ductsand the strengthening of a market for ' Oregon-made goods is quite as important to vou as to the consumer. Wages in 'their pockets mean dollars in yours I Feature Oregon Products in vour store. Help to minimize unemplov nient in Oregon. BUY OREGON PRODUCTS ASSOCIATED IXDUSTIilES OF OREGON 111-