TOGETAFTEROILv WITH INTENSITY r. . - LONDON,. Fob., J X Intense opera lions in exploration and development of oil lands was urged . by George Unwell!. publicist and economist, in an address 'ro.' , Her. said vast new pe- tiuleusy fields migat po.ioiiun - ami gl'(Sn to ijiiiiitimL by tho "industrial trluiiivlrhtbr-itjie geologist; the chem iMnd too .business man." ; nusorf lariils,'.- the tropics and ovon regions hear;the poles must be search- editor oll.uipon'wnicn is uaseci inc.cie Jelapnient of 'nianifold Industrial -activ ities, he said;- .The'; northern rcslous of Cunaila' W-ere. peing thoroughly ex plored and lo added the flanks of the jjlnialayna' jin1 .the. Antilles presented iqierestlngprospects for the petroleum technologist; ' ' .'.',. . ' . .'Sir CharIes iOreenway,' prd3ldent of the Anglo-Persian Oil -company, gave warning' that : "development ' of , the world's oil' resources should be marked by amity, between the nations? ., ' ,. ' '"it each country devotes Jts ener gies and brains chiefly to, tho supply ell Its own markets, it win nave quite enough to do to occupy the energies of 'its- oil ' men and will malta quite enough profit to. satisfy any reasonable aspirauons,; . 11,8.9101;:.,. . , . Livestock . P0RTLANOr0re.,v freb." 11. Cattle steady; nd .receipts. Quotations un changed. . ' ' ,'Hogs steady receipts 98. Quotations unchanged,' ,' ' .'"':! 1 ' Sheep steady' ;V 'no... re!0lpt6. ..QUota Hons uncha'hgcd'-r :' !,. v ' i"V ! Butter ..' : ''. '.POltTtAND Feb. 11 Butter, extra cubes' 40c; ,- cartons '48cV "prints ,47c. Bulterfat, No. . 1 churning, cream 45 47c f.o.b. Portland;, under grades 40 41c ,:' . , v,7 .'- ',. . " Eggs ' FORT - WORTH, Texas,",, Fob. 11 Eggs retailed -for 35 cents a dozen here today; the lowest prlco since 1015. ,' SAtEM, .iQre,.Feb.. ,.;U The . ...egg this. cityhas touched bottom for,' a. periodicovering, spvom years. Eggs ' are' today selling at 25 cents ft dozeii retail! ; i ;,; ,.)s ,X-1 ' l ilWy wl Gvaiii- . ?.hrley;'j ' ,ao 0i.: oats,. ' , '32',34; MVn; l$o?3, yeilow,: $303ll ;. : v'MlJli'un, J3435. .'iiig.piice timothy, J2728; tnl(a,''( 1 9 'T 1 9:6 0 :-: cfrtfin, $23; -clover iS:20; aU'aw,..?15.s -.',,'.,. ;N. rY: Stocks, ' ffEW YORK,;l''eb. 11. Dealings on tliof Stock Ev hango today were ,bx trdniely du.II, 'tho niiroachlng double holiday exprtlng a' niai-lced Influence. Sajes, approximated- 375,000 'shares. Allis Chalmors ,. . . American Beet Sugar, . . Airierlcan Can' ................. A'iucrican Cdr & Fouhdry . American Hide & Leather pfd. Ainprlcan 1 h teVn'ational Corp. Arperlcan Locdmotlvo ........ Athorlcan SmcItinB & Hef'g. .";'' A'fiierltUrY8uiai Hi . AiticHoiiiliHilllnidiLrfrolKnuo li .aiicrlean T, & T. . Alierlcan . ' AVoolen ........... Ajjhconda, Copper . . . fT?j IfaldWli) '.'icpotSottlVo Ha.ltimouc.,&..OJUo, . ......jj 3-1.7 46. 29.6 123.5 44. 45. 83.7 42.5 92. SO. 1 041. 1 67. 39-5 &t (6 3. 89.6 ..-r7-( .117, . .1 ci Canadian PiolfIo.,... ... .... ... Central Leather ,n.. Chandler Motors ... . . . .". . Chesapeake & Ohio ...'......' Chicago. Mil. and St. Paul ." Chicago, tB. fir :pacr Chino Co.ip6rs .' i . . . .. Colorado Fuel & H on . . . . . Corn l Products ' .: ; ' y Crucible Steel ;. . . - ; . . . , Cuba Cane Sugar - . i ... ... . v. bhb .i'..:-;,; .-..i 70.5 59. ' 26.8 . 46.6 , 23i 27. ( . -71. ,- 93.8 22 J 3.2 i Senator-Elect Prom Illinois William B. McKlnler. Represen' live from- Illinois, who. will enter i ' i" ; ' ?J 1 I , f' I, t n V 1 FIX STOMACH RIGHT UP "Pape's Diapepsin" at once ends Indigestion, Oases, Sourness, Acidity i You don't want & slow remedy when your stonim-H is- h-til-r-or nn uncertain one or a' hhrtnfUt trite yWf stomach is too- vnltiiiblc; you mustn't injure it with drastic drills.' " ' When your meals don't fit nnd you feet uneomforLitblc. i when 'ou belch aim's, acids, or 'raise sour, undiluted food. When you .feel lumps of indiges tion' jittin, heartburn' or: hendn,che, from acidityjust eat a. tablet of Pane's Dia pepsin and-the. stomat-hMistress is gone. . Millions pfvpeolc knuiv the mngjc of Pai)erH Dlflpepain aa an 'antacid. They know that indigestion ; and disordered stomach .are' so needless. The Teljef comes quickly, no, disappointment," and they cost so little too,. . General Electric; . , General Motors . . . , J. .-. . .'. Goodrich Co'. : Qi-eattNOrtherh pfd. i . ; . . . .-. Great Northern' Ore Ctfs , Illinois Central' Inspiration Copper . . . . . . Int. .Mer. Marine pfd. ..... International : Paper Konnecott Copper . . . . Jiouisvilio & Nmihvillo (bid) .. Maxwell Motors' IS 8.3 .14.2 -I3D.S '7B.3 : 29.5 .88.7 JC.5 52.7 i 5S.5 19.5 100 5.3 Mexican Petroleum . . . : . . Miami'. Copper '. , 158.7 18.6 13.5 .. 31.2 18.2 70.0 20.5 Middlo States Oil Midvale Steel .' Missouri- Pacific'. New York Central N." N. H. and Hartford Norfolk & Western 99. ' S3. Northern Pacific Oklahoma Prod. & Rot. '. Pan American Petroleum ,.F . . Pennsylvania ...... . '.'.'v; . . People's Gas s-. . . . ', . ' 3.3 75.7 '40. 30.2 Pittsburg and WofstirVa. ' . . .v. ' 29.! Ray Consolidated' Copper . .' . Reading . 13.8 78.3 tlep. -Iron & Stcct ' 65. Royal Dutch, N. Y.,. . . , ... . .60.5 - 41.7 24.7 Shell Trans. & Trnd. Sinclair Con. Oil -..... .V. Southern Pacific 78.7 Southern Railway . .r, . .r.J. . Standard Oil of N. J. pfd. . . . Studebaker Corporation , . . Tennesseo Coppor ,..'.. -i. Texas Co. Texas & Pacific . . : . . i . .'. . :'.,. Tobacco -Products Transcontinental Oil .:....'... tlnibn -Pacific . '. . . :.-..';'.. U. S, Food Products -. tv. .... . V. S. ctnll Stores . , . . . . IN S. Jnd. Alcohol United, States Ru,bbor ..... LTitod States Steel ,. l.'tah Copper . . . . . , .,.... . . . WestliiBhqUHe Electric . . . ; . . . Willy's .Overland ; .r. , .' , iTi Aifiertcah1 Zln'c, Eead and-Sin.. Butte and Superior (bid) , Caki. I?etrolcum- , . .''. '.--i';:.v-r Montana ,Power XMf'TV-. SKattiick'IArleona- (bid)' Pure Oil . :. . . . . ; . 22. 109. .55.7 8.5 43.7 ' 23. 53.5 9 110 23.7 ' 55J 68.2 US.. 82.7 68 , 4.7 ': - 8.6 13. - -40. .63.' ' 0. ' ' -'35.5 23.5 G7.2 Invincible Oil....-...; General Asphalt . ' EAGLE POINT EAGLETS V py A. O, SowHtt .. ' . There wero qulte'a iluhiber of people in town Saturday, the day I wrote my last letter for lUp -Mail Tribune.! Among; them was, Walter A. Smltt), the man who came from near Portland and has moved onto the Wllfley orchard, .with his famrty.'nnd John Norrls, thto fore man on tho orchard, Mr. and , Mrs. Walter Meyer,' tho lioultry ralsors and Pete Betts. Although that being one nf inv ihivR in write the Eaglets I am unable to tell definitely all tlJht did an8i)lro -that day , . ' ' Sunday was a fine day.. Wo hjia no rain of consequence and therij vWas. nothing of 'special interest tratispired unless it was that a number ot ljfnost Duhack's friends . collected , together that clny and put -his -barber shop some few feet' back so as to have, it out of ttieCfatreet.'; His father, ' EH Dahack, iid been helping him get the founda tion ready so now he has his shop all levelled un . aitaln and .the e ectric wires, connected up' again so that he can not only have light' but power' to operate hlB hair .clippers. The electric light, mcn-.came oui , luesnay iu jiectup the' wires that afternoon but found that they would have to put up an extra. light pole bo jwstnoncd' the job until this, forenoon; Saturday night, there was a compan nf about twenty or twenty-five mot at the House on uan nm uciuii8i"b I . ' r-- (till l.nnHlr.- In Fi-artlt Brown and had a little -social dance There was a scarcity of ladies but the nien who went, from tno aunny- slde renorted'having naa a very jovM" ime HariT Hays of Indian creek. iur- n'lhhed.tho. mUSiC. -i-.i ' 'i ' Thova WAS another social party at the horned Alr.'ahd-Mvs. rtby Stanley iT FILLS THE HEED IWlien your doctor 3 decides that ybii heed - jScolt's Emulsion you may rest assured fA i that he kiibws thaf it 1 will fill the need better Tl than anything else.'1 4 1 I. Scott 4 Bown. BloomfilJ, N. ALSO MAKERS OF T I Rl-HQIQS I (Tablets or Granule) rr- ikjnmrcTinN Ls MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE,' MEDFOUD, ORKOON, ; FR1 DAY, FMIinUAItY' 111gL where they spent the evening iu social chit chat and card phi) ins. In spite of" the Tain, mud and rough oads the Mcjford people will come out, just for pleasure and Sunday wo had as dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. R G. Trowbridge and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Isbell of Medford and later In the day .Mr; C. C. C'ato, our county pathologist. and Mr. Wb. Shulmerick of HiUsboro came In and Mr. Shulmerick engaged a room for: a few days as ho is here in he Interest of the Farm Bureau. . He is canvassing the state organizing local bureaus in every community. Monday was rather a lively day In our little town as it is one of tho two days In each wecK when one of the creamery men of Medford calls and collects the cream that is brought in from t,ho-surroundlng country, and In addition to that tno local mien com pany pf Eagle Point' held their annual meeting .-to discuss . tho various sub jeeis that .have arisen since-the' last meeting, and to elect their officers tor the ensuing year. . -I'liey met according to a,cll by the secretary, H.'B. Tron son. In Frank Lewis' pool room at i(. in. and wore called to order by the president, J: H. Cooley, and after The reading and approval of the minutes of the last meeting proceeded to trans act tho regular business -of tho meet Inc. Durlnir the discussion of tho var ious topiCB tho quoetion came up Avlth regard to the waste or overflow water as some of them who live on the lower end of the ditch complain that some times their land is floodod and at otnou times there would be a scarcity of water, but it was finally ecldcdi thal those who wero thus troublod with surplus of water would have to provide overflow ditches to protect tlieinsolves. " During the course of the proceedings the question came up with regard to the amount of expense the different ones should bear and under the by laws as they stood the payment was to be according to the number of shaves tbev held in file ditch and some of them thought that the large shareholders wore paying too much so they decided that they would change ttio bv-lnws and have each one pay ac cording to the amount of land he had under the tHltch, and then it was voted to employ a surveyor and haveeach one's land 'surveyed and have thorn n'RV accordingly. " ' iThey hold their annual election an elected the old president and secretary J. H. Cooley and H.,B. Tronson and Rhv stanlev as vice oresiednt, and Wm. Perry as watermaster. For di rectors Win; Perry. H. B. Tronson, Roy Stanley, Wilbur Jacks : and J. M. CJopley. . ' "' ; '. s '''' . Tho Farm' Bureau nien took advan tage of the situation and' ' remained until.-the latter part of the. day , and went homo wjth C. E. Bellows.' - ' Mrs.' John. Miller and her daughter of Lake creek! who went out to Med- fprd lastjwee:,. returneai niouuay uuu went up homo on thb-Lake Cro'dM stage. . , . . , i Carl Belberstoadt was a Mismess calleii Monday, and sp.were Guy Pruitt, E. V, Bilttson, MrjC Hensloy' ana -ins brother-in-law . Shorty Allen ot vvenen, W. E. Hammel, L. K. Haak, W. ,H Crandall. Thos. VeBtal.' - John Hader-of Wellen, and A. i. Snence of Urownsboro, ' werq business callers Tuesday and C. JL Natwlck and son Carlyle who have been finishing a contract on the Pacific highway above Ashlahdcame In Tuesday and spent the h cht at the Sunnyslde. We also- had three persons here Monday whov wero soliciting for , the Western Farmer and offering a series of maps as a' premium.' They- were Mr. and Mrs. R. S. MeClennon and a . Lewis. Tlieif worked the eVpwd to a finis)! and suocoedod quito well., The ladv tackled your Eagle Point corre- sndndenf on sight and talked so fast antbWRs so'.persistent In uer piea tnai It almost turned my head, but I finally ;told her that I did not want the map 11 There Was Nothing SoGood for Congestion and Colds H. as- Mustard -' v. ;; ! But-1, trie ' old-fashioned ' mustard i plaster Ijurned' and blistered while it acted. Get the relief and help that mustard plasters gave, without the plaster and without the blister. . Miiprnle does it. . It is a clean. o,blti nintment made with oil of mus-- tard. It is.scientifically, prepared, so that it works wonders, and; yet does not blister the tenderest skin. - Gently massage Musterole in with the finger-tips. See how quickly it brings re lief how speeauy uie pain uispiaia. . lico MiiK'prole for sore throat bron chitis, tonsilitis,. croup, stiff neck, ,ithmi neui-alsia. headache, conges tion, pleurisy, rheumatism; lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, T : miiorlpji. bruisesj chil- piaiiio, ... , ---- - , blsins, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it olten preycnis pneuuiuuj , .. DOOOOOOOOOOOOi Used Automobiles ; : For Sale. - One good Chevrolet - Touring $450 One 1916 Ford Delivery..!-...- , 15 One ; i Studebaker -Touring 650 One good Oakland - -'Touring:....'.. 850 It costs you nothing to look ,; . nt theie hnrgainS i. Tumy Motor Co. 123-125 So. Front Street . ' . I - - !- and would not yield, but she seemed to!,. , be meeting with some success, urn TO Mr. Lewis remained until later In-thc ay and sold quite a number. They all took diunerU the Suniiysiile and later the day J. J: Cador. Derby, and Willluiu- Monro of Butte Falls,' citinon and spent tho night.' Iuis Uhiess and Charley nelin and Stinson and II. Buchter, two circ le light men who connected up the barber shop today, Wednesday, unu . B. Millard, salesman for an auto house in Medford were here for dinner today. . , (Furnished by tn lacsson County Abstraol- co.i ' Marriage licenses Mvnm lvuii Audorsiin,. and LiltiRj nishiriau. Burnlo U. Wood and lriua Taylpr, Circuit Court A: W. Walkor, Auto Co. vs. William Lowdcji. For monoy. ., Real Estate Transfers- , C. A. Besslre'et ux to, W. It. Yoo ot tlx, govt, lot 3, in sec. l, ip. 39, S. It. l. West t 10 E. E. Milinick efux to J. y.. Davidson, pt. sec. 1, tp. 37,'tL , It. 2 Went .'. .....v.........-......; L. M. Langley to Hewitt Land Co., SW of NBtsec. 4, tp. 40, S. R 'i West .Wi,...'!..;.......,...,;.... Elizabeth Keamoy et vir. to Mil lard p. Olds,' land in sees.- 2 and 3, tp.-34, S. R. 3 East and In see27 and 34, tp. 33, S. 11. ' 3 East i.-.......:.....'.....-.... W."T. Skaggs to Ben L. Dels-' man et ux, lote'4, 5 and 6, Hun Salter's Add. to Ashland.. Delia G. Keenoy et vlr to Walter Herndon et ux, lots 31 and 32, blk. "H" of R. R. Add. to Ash land 1400 10 10 IF 1ST GRAY, USE SAGE TEA Here's Grandmother's Recipe to .. ; Darken and Beautify Faded: Hair. . That beautiful even shhde of dark, glossy hair can only do. nan oy or""' Ihg a, mixture .of .tlngo.Toa and Sul phur. your nairs.ypur ot.. mnkjin nr m&m. tlie-face, vvhen fades, turns gray or.,strcaked. Just an applloauon or iwo oj. cage uuu ou,; phur enhances Its appearance a lun' nnn't hnthAi . tn - nranaro ine mix- a, vnn tTAt Oil A mmOUS OIQ recipe Improved, by "ihb addition of nrtior infvrAnipnLH ill ll ihiillli lliol, mnilv. tnf. tuwr It . Is 1'Callod Wyeth onM myiA 0lnl,r,r?nmnnlind.Thi8 en always- be depended upon. to, bring I tb naturali color and- lustre' of I your half. . -. ' ' . ' Everybody usea "Wyeth's" Sag ana Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so noturauy ana ovoiny nobodv can toll It has. been applied. Ybu simply dampen a sponge or. soft hnaii with It and dra this through the hair, taking ono small strand at a tlmoi Dy morning ma gry u. Otsappeared, .and after another appii .iAn it h,MmiH boautlfullv dark ana appears') glossy and- lustrous. This, reBuyw-uou 1 -----a-- ful toilet requisite for. th one who de sire dark hnlr and a youthful appear ance. It Is not Intended for the cure, . . . .... ...... n .. , 1 r,n to n .ni,EpnK- mltlcatlon or prevention 01 aineumi, WANTED SITUATIONS ; , WANTED Position as niirso girl for one or two children,- I'liono l)ll-J--i. if . '-' ' .-. -27U ! HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Girl for housework. Phone 144-2. i '..?; u WANTED Children's nurse, perma neMt nosltlbn. Good wage 'lei 'iOll-J-3, Mrs. F. Corning Kenly. WANTED MLSCELLANHOUH WANTED rSmall- range . with , colls,;. must bo, in good condition. Piipnc '8:t5-L. ; '. " 278 WANTED Practical .-builder twenty yearB experience, would like to moot jiarty to finance huihling; caii,.qrry .payroll. Box 3; f :.- . . 277 WANTED Furnished house or apart ment, 4 of 6 rooms. Dr. Kullcn, Men' ford Hotel -' . : ' :' 278 WANTED Ford roadster body: 104 8. Hartlett St. ' ' WANTED All makes of phonographR to repair.-- 234 ' Piano House. E. Main, r Palmet 27(i WANTED Camping outfit 8x10 on 10x 12 tent. Phone B85J-3. 276 WANTED One; jialr '- wagon ' Phono 788-n-l. scales. 275 WANTED 500 'Medford women-to e ' change their old machines for latent model "Slnaors" authe now low price.-' Singer Sewing Machino'Co. 3.0 8. 'Fir. Phone 215-R. ,. 2.94' WANTED Old sewing machines to repair and adjust. Phono 21jj-K. , ; . . I- 294' WANTED Shoe repairing while yon wall st the "Model Boot Shop. 21 S. Central Ave. Quick soryfeo, quality work. E. N. Utdeu, prop. WAITED House mOTlng and re pairing. Phono 488-31 or 488-X. tf ESfBATED' STBAYED-rFrom Roxy Ann, one bay -mare branded bar over . OJ M. on right shoiflder. Ono roan horse colt .'branded bar on-left shoulder. Ro .'ward for Information- leading to 1 their recovery. Notify Dr. GltJien or bhone 314-R, Medfpr,d.. ' , 280 For.S'D f. vrvii iicit of lace. - Call nt Hugger Ranch, Central 'Point, " MOXKt TO LOAJT LOAN J. II. Andrewi loani FOK money on real estate sna ouvi mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone 63-M. tl North Urap street. . LOST LOST Weduosilay night, one brown glove, almost new. Finder return to Tribune Office. , 2i LOST Ono pair tortoise rim glasses at Legion hall, Monday. .Mrs. h.. M McKenuy, 29 S. Newtown St. Zii OST Goodyear all weather troni) 32x3V. tire ou Dodge rim, between Medford and Table Ruck store-. PleiiBo notify Phono Stiil-L or Box 10U6. i ,OST Two vonr old red imtly steer, siniiH for age. ixiwnward split, in piii'li wir. " Last seen on Roxy Ann, Unwanl: Call 0. A. Hamlin. . 277 OK ltK.VX fUlt.MSIlEO ltOOMS 'OR' RENT Newly furnished rooms, ' close iu. 325 S. Riverside. Phone 701-J. . - 277 FOK RENT Sleeping rooms, hot mwi nrfiiai.-h:ith anv tlmo: use 1 wnor, inh mid irnn. Larce car- nge; ono Mock- from library. No. 004 W. Tenth. - - .- FOB KENT MOCSKKKBPma j r , ... . BOOMS FOR- RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 311 N. Hartlett St. tl FOR RENT rKurnishod housekeeping rooms. 240 S. Ivy St. JHy FOnrtKN HOUSES FOR RENT Four room honso on S. Orajice. Innutre J. B. Andrews Phone 63-M. . 27S FOR SALYj IlEAtj KSTATE FOR SALE Modern 5 room house - and two lots, assessments paid. Acl- s dress Box 95, Jacksonville, ore. 2j FOR SALE Aro. yon fnovlng -to Port land? 2 loin 100x100 near carlino, beautiful site for a homo. Will sac rlflce for quick sale. L. Grcenloaf R. 1, Central Point. 27 FOR SALE Nine room houso, with all necessary outbuildings, close in, on a ndpulur paved street, all assess ments fully paid, $4000. Terms on about half, if vlosired.: Addross W W.. caro Mail Tribune. '"' 278 FOR SALE Furnished bungalow oh naved street.. 4-rooms, pantry ann i bath. Largo lot, garage, pen, garden and strawborrles. 'Nice Inwn -nnri nliiirln troos. Price $1800. 'Terms. . . See Owner, 1140 W. Ninth St. ., V;V' . ' " "2T7 FOR SALE Dandy 'bungalow, modern conveniences1, . pavement,; six ' ' rooms,.' commit walks. Lawn, fruit I and berries. S,co it at 518,Boatty St., : Mcdford.'Oro. I ' , ... - . 27.8 FOR SALE 49 , acres' nlfalla. ranch, . about- 25 acres under irrigation, 4wo 1 miles from Rogue River. J, M. can ton. Rokiio ltiver. FOR SALE Best-small house in Med ford, good location, tormB. Soo U. L. DavldBon at Medford Cigar Start, cor. Fir and Main. '. . .tf FOR SALE80 acres 'of timber land 6 miles out. can on 'or auuress vy. A. Chlldors: Jacksonville Oregon. 270 FOR SALE Bungalows and cottages See us before purchasing. Modford Land & Insurance Agency, 220 W. Main. ' tf FOR SALlS-rOood ranches. Soft us before Buying. J, a, Anurews, ax N. Qrape St; . 'Phone 58-M. tt FOR' BALE-Least. and' exchange real estato.. Uold llay Meaity company, FOR SALE Hoftsos and bungalows furnished or unfurnished; alse acreage. C, 8. Butterflold, phone '' ill. . V ' ' ' "' ' FOK BALE L1VK8XOUE FOR SALE Al team of, nrcs weight ! 2S09. ' O.- Ockcrmuii:' 'Central. Point. '.' . . i , . . 278 FOR SALE 30-lb; to 4.0-lb.- plgu $5.00 each. E. J. White, throe nillos west, . of Phoenix, R..F. D..1. 279 FOR SALE Jorsey cow at a bargalli W. J. Warner. Phone 096-M. FOR .BALE FroBh young' cow. Also turkoys.i Phone 7-F41. ! , 2 FOR SALE rGood work horse, single ... n. h,l liarnnau Wlllall'R tlllieO. oii mile -northeast of Medford, oh Crater Luke road. 28il FOR SALE-rFlfid farm team 2C00 lbs. 275. Two first class family young " Jersey cows.. . Teh 689-J-2. ' Carr1 ' Brommer.'' - ' . 27 FOR SALE Team of big Bound mules, ' one fresh cow. Mlravista Orchard, i- 697-J-3. - Pfin BAT.F 'I'weniv of tho flnnnt. milch cows in southern Oregon. Will " it nnaratnlv.' Also new DeLaVnl ' Renafntor. .Walsh's placo.'one mile northeast of Medford, on Crator I.nkn road. 1 - ' '' ' 28" BUSINESS , .INSURANCE ' Agolnrtt.' mlstokos, . leaks and loiistn, la avallablo to 'you by the uso of , ' i . SYSTEM, our business P INCOME TAX , Returns correctly prepared. Bmykkenplni and other business difficulties satisfactorily adjust; ed. Consult ftis,' ! ' . i i. A;ouitii3 t IERVICE10; 0 Irvsu lrsurejce M. P. Rt'HMITT, Mgr. Plump r.Ki LIlKTly Hide, FOR SALF TOtriVTRl ANT EGOS SALE S. C. White Leghorn eWf from flrst-clHHs stock, sl.i'O for set tini: of 13. (let them at Mail Tribune (ifllce. . . '.:'. tf FOIt SALE White Leghorn, White Minorca hatching eggs, Sc cacn heavy laying strain over -70 percent iu Jnnuuiy. Crane, Applegatc. FOK SALE Whlto I'lyinimih Rock hatching CKRS. Fishel strain. J2.M) ' and $5.00 a selling, t". E. Morton Ci. 501 Euclid Ave.. Ashland, Ore. 2SU Foil SALE O. A. C. strain of 11. V Uock eggs fir hatching, l'hono 3G4 J 277 FOIt SALF Two W'hito Leghorn roos ters. I'houo 90G-J. 27 FOR SALE Two thorouKhbrod All . ........ iMintin :t--2 Each' , Point. . 31 FOR SALE Haired Rock eggs for ' hatching.. Phono 5-F-2. , T. K. Pol tcnger. , . FOR ' SALE Whllo Leghorn bnbv chicks ti-mii 'slock with an immense capacity for laying oggs. $20.00 per 100. Also custom hatching, ltoguo ' River Poultry Farm. . Phone 201-W. .... 290s FOR SALE Standard bred While Leghorn eggs, 15 for $2.50. Also cockerels, lnying pullets, electric in cubator and two electric broodors. J. O. Isaacson, Central Point. 2 i FOR SALE Barred Rock eggs from O. A: C. host niing striiln. rnone fiSn.R-3. 1 ' ' '' 294 FOIt SALVr Whlto Leghorn oock. First-prise winner cockerel Medford show 1920. Price $15.00: also prise wlnnor pen same show, prlco $20.00. Those are easy worm $&u.uu eacn. Ribbons go with birds. I also have some cockorolB and pullets from above birds that I. will sell reasonable, can J. Brommer, phono 689-J-2. 277 FOR SALE Oak Heights Tancrcd leghorn chicks, $18 per huunrea. Eecs $5.00. Dressier.- Square-Deal Electric Hatchery. Phone 951-L. 283 FOIt SAIiF MISCELLANEOUS FOuTALE AifaTfuT$21 delivered , Vnn- rl)nfh . tntim WAlTnn and liaV- niisK. Kino mnro. buggy and hilr- uoss, limiting stove. . Call' ovcnlpga or Sunday. 1103 Nlhntlc St' 27. FOR SALE Seed corn, seed wheat, tlor wood or In troe; also young miinh pn hint lieali. Rnnch Green leaf. ML l. Coutral Polut, corner Kanes Creolt load. ' ' . i ;'27ll OR SALE-1-Beardless barley, best for Biirinir. seeding. $2.50 .per- owu, ton lots $45.00. '. Delivery at Bill iianiey Ranchi ,L. D. Harris. Phone 085-11-2 -.,',.?.;;(.'.'.;;' ' . nil- SALE Dose. DiAnion and Hart lott'. noar scions. llWlclqus uppio scions. .' T. B. Myors; Phoenix, ore. 270 Ijyrii. ill, , . FOR SAJjE220 grtllon ,Bwaer. gnso- lllia pump niinaaiiK. ,. jiiveruio uui ago. ' : .' ' ' , ' 209 FOR SALE New DriinswlOk phono- graph and recordm ,; Plays a,)' of. records;. l'hqiio,805-H. , 278 OR SALE 100 pairs new shoos on Bpocial' pilco1 this week; nno. iow army overcoats. 103 N; Cdntrnl.: 277 FOR SALEr-Sensoned wood by tlor or cord. Must be sold jooil. prompt delivery. O. A. Seely, 947-L, and ;W. E. Blair, 890-X. ' 297 OR SALE High scoring Light Brah mas. Call .C. Cnry,.16-F-ll or addrass Talent. " .. ," h. ,T - 280 S-OR " SALE Underwood typewrltor, jMiiri-. ovornauieu.'. no. uau . xwxi :ovon ncs.. , .. -vc c- .-' OR SALE 200 pair new Bhoos at sitmr.'. second-hand shoes and snoe ropalrlng at tno inoniorn nuoo mm pltal, 119 E. Sixth St., Medford. kyii? RALI.T LI C. Smith typewriters. "DAlton- Adding Macninos, unoca Writers, ribbons, carbonB.and pa pers. All mnkoB typewriters bought, sold. ' exchanged, rented anu re- 'palrod, Valley BaleB Agency, Sparta Hide.. Phone 188-W. " tf xtcM HALE Oood trailer. 113 S. Front. FOR SALE One B'-horse Almo' sta tionary engine, like-new, . ssio, Oiia , R.fnot orchard disk, used one season, $50.. One 8-foot orohard disk, used one. season, $75.. One 0-Inch gang plow.'JUBt like new 7B. C. E. Gatas AUto uo. , n por SALE Sand, gravel, sediment and dirt. ; Plowlpg ana teaming Tork done. Phone 912-J, Bamuel Bateman, 802 Maple street. . AUTOMOUILK3 FOR SALE One Reo touring cor. In unorl mechan cal order. W. 11. ior- cross, Central Point, Ore. for SALEr Ford. like -new,, sen- starter, speedometer, iiemouiuuuiu ronl tires, extra snrlngs... license ft. It Rtlsaf. Central Point. ' 278 BARGAINS FORD TOURING- FORD TRUCK r '" With covered body, ..?275.00 cab and windshield. Practically new $700 Patton and Robinson, Inc Tel 150 ' 112 8o. Riverside If you nue looking for good city property, have it. If yoo want ranch property, see' os. The'Owl Investment CoT BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abstractors. MURRAY UHOS. & VAN YOBIS Abstracts of-Title. - Rooms 3 and 6, No.' 22 North Central Ave.,: upatalra. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incortiorated 1UU4.- Ab stracts of Title, Tltlo Insurance,' Architect ' ' K. TEETS Licensed Sls8un, California. architect. . . 32i Auto Supplies ' LAHER AUTO Sl'RING CO. -Wo utt nnnrntlnK the largest, oldest lnI best-equipped plant In the Pacific;,, northwest. Uso our springs wheit others full. Sold 'under written guarantee. 31 North ..Flttopnth St., -Portland, Oregon. Attornsys. PORTER, J. NEFF Altorney-at-iaw. rooms 8 and 9; Modford Rational Bank Building. 1 A; E. REAMES Lawyer, Garnott- Coroy Buildlug. O. C. BOGGS Real estate law ana settlement of estates a specialty. 1 It. : F. -LINDAS Attorney, General ! Practice;' Patents- ' a spectolty.. Stewart Blclg. - ' ' ''' : W1NF1ELD, R. - GAYLORD-Law.yeiv-Room it-, Palm block, 107 Eatjf Main " StvMotlfotd. 1" - '..-, Building Materials. MKIWORD CEM'BNT BRICK 'St BLOCK WOJtKBi siieolallie in kinds of cemont building producta. Cor, Fir nnd-Tenth streets, ,. ijt. R' DR. Ai BURKLUND Chiropractor. SplnsJ- Adjustments. 204-206 sparifc Bldg., cor. Main and RIverBlde. Office phone 285. i - Dentist DR. V. Ri KAUFMANi Dentists Office in Spartai Building. . Office hours' e ito 12 a; m.,il .to B'p.-m.i Evenings v by appointment. Phone 285. , ; Expert Accoantant.- WILSON AUDITING CO.-E; Mi. WIV .son, C. P. A. j. Attention! given- i anything In Accounting and-Incotno Tax roqhlrfimbhtB.' : Lobk Into otrf ' simplified accounting hlothod.; Lib 'erty Bldg., Modford. ; Phone 1B7tE; .' . IVAN LIVINGSTON Incorporated ; Accountant Auditing, SyBtomatls ' Ins, Financial and Income Tax Stats menta $ Address'. 811, Sj Sixth St, - Grants Pass, Ore, :. 27f Fidelity and Surety. Bonds ' IDELITY AND SURETY DOND3 We exooute nil forms ot bona McOnrdy Insurance Agency, ': ' ! " Initruotlon In Music RED ALTON HA1GHT Teacher ot piano ana narmony. tiaigur-wusm . studio, '318 Garnett-Corey . BtiUdtng. Phone 72. . -. . , ' , r "Physicians and 's'ufgeons.' PR. A. BURSEIvL Spmoiogist,- rny- slclan anfl' surgeon.- opinai bujuv mouts, general treatments and diag nosis. . 309-10.11 M. F. .& HBldg. Elevator- to, third floor. Phbhe.ze. DR.'! J. J.' EMM.BNS Physician gna 'sn'rgeonq Practice Mimttea to' eye . ear, rioso and throat, j Eyos solentt- , lcnlly- tested and glasses supplied, Oci)list and Aurlst for S. P. R. lL Co,., M. F. & H. Co. lildg.-rnono o7. ,", . DR. F. O. CARLOW. DRi EVA MAINS CARLOW Ostoopaihlc pnysiciansi 410-417 Garnett-Corey. Bldg.' Phone 9(4-L.' Rosldince 26 8. Laurel. St. , DR.' 'W.. Wif HOWARD Osteopathic Phvslnlnn. " Sooclal Bttention given to evo. ear. nose' and throat. 30i, Liberty building. Phone 496, . DR. HARVEY P. COLKMANT-AJBiru practlo and Natural painless. Mom ods.Room.428 M.. F, & Illdg. Phone .906. 's J. ,-..,' ! '. . f 1? JAMEB Ci HAYES Physician" nnd;v Surgoon; orflce hours it to iia. m.,.: Z to 4 7 to8' pr mi Sparta-tniltdlng; resldonco' 1405 W. Mhln. Phories: Office .ml tea. 492. "Specialty," Medical and'Surglcal Diagnosis, tf Dr. WM. W. P: HOLT Physlclnn and Surgeon. Offices M. F. & H. uiag. Phone 165. Residence 118 Gcftesea St. Phone 105-J'Z. - ''.'.' DR. SCHELLER-Osteopatblc Physic- Ian. Rooms 409-410 Liberty lllitg. . Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING- CO: has' tne; best equlpjied printing oiueQ.rin Honthern Oregon. IloOki binding. loose.' leaf ' ledKers,-: biUlng -system",, ete. -i Portland prices. . 27. N, nt.HU Public Accountants ' ' ALAN CRACKINREBD, Room 9 P. E; HAYES, Room 10 Jackson' County Bank lildg. Accounts; fed-; eral tax- returns, business counsel. i Rug" Weaving. MEDFORD FLUFF -RUG WORKS. . makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and' ,rugs. . Phono 610-M, 708 Pine St. . : Tent nd Awning Works; . A- u MEDFORD TENT AND AWN1NU' WORKS 128, N." Orape SL Phone 443-Y. E. Burger, Prop; - Transfer'" EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front St. Phone 815. - Prices right. , Service- guaranteed. DAVIS TRANSFKR-Anything moved day or night. Service giiarnntned. Fair treatment. 104 9. Fir. l'hono:, '. OHlce (HI op res. 647-U 206, tJJf 5 's )f Senate pa jata'."1?