PAGE SIX 4 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, IklEDFOIlD, OREflOX, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1921 GREAT RESULTS Have been given by the fa mous herbal remedy ANTI-URIC In the treatment of gout, rheumatism or lumbago. Contains no minerals or salicylates. Your money back if not satisfactory. ;Try an outfit today. Relief prompt and definite. For sale by Heath's Drug Store 10 PLAY TALENT A Plea of the American Waif gonney'ss 1 flowers ('exam, valentine weeanq .ST. VALENTINE'S DAY. I. Monday, February li, .and most appropriate' 'i&af of tho .year io convey that message, bespeaking ( affection nnd friendship. The language of flowers rcah 'Tbt'St cbrivoy;i tho t thoughts' tu mlrfdeo' ' '-'11 " The high school alumni basketball team which loM to a Talent quintet a few woeks ago at Talent will attempt to stage a "come-back" at tho Natut- lorlum next Thursday night in a hoop tUHsol, which promises to bo hard and Interesting. Tho old team reorgan ized under the supervision of "Mutt' Williamson, former Medford high star and under the auspices of tho Amort can Legion is composed of "Mutt" Williamson, Hay Fish, Hugh lirown Stan Khorwood, Skinny Narrlgan. Jess Gentry nnd Dan Watson. This bunch of men, veterans at the game, aro confident that they can swamp tho Talent hoopers !n a game on tho Natatorium floor, while the latter aro equally convinced that thoy will bo able to show up tho "old boys." This will Insure an Interesting scrim- mngo Thursday night and together with a faBt preliminary, will make up a program, which will bo a hummer. I .OL..,.r Where you find the 'Tfoioers " DR. RICKERT fry a .. Eyes Scientifically Tested and Glasses Properly Fitted no drops USED Broken Lenses Accurately Duplicated . Suite 1-2 over May Co. 808 E. Main, Upstairs See Our Window Display of STATIONERY for WEDNESDAY'S BARGAIN DAY i These boxes contain 2 qniroB jpf paper and 48 envelopes, or .? twice the sizo of an ordinary lit"- "-' Plumbing and Heating 'Quality Service Wm. Hammett 42 8. Central Phone 659 At a nice lug of tho committees of tho Lincoln club last evening, ar rangements wore completed for tho banquet ut the Medford Saturday night. A splendid program has been arranged and nover has thoro been two men on tho program who havo hotter reputations as speakers thun Honry E. McGim of Portland, who makes tho political address, and As sociate Justice Lawrence T. Harris, who speaks on Lincoln. Tho musical numbers will bo first class and will includo somo of tho now local talent. Ashland mombors of tho committee who were hero last night, roport splendid lntorest thorn ' especially owing to tho two noted speakers nnd that tho usual number of mon and women will bo present. Last year there wcro 06 from Ashland. Ono man from Kaglo Point tole phonod In for olght tickets, and tho interest from other parts of tho county is oxcollont. Tho banquet Is for ovorybody, mill bo very entertaining and If you havo not socurcd your tickets yet, better got them at onco. Glen Taylor is chairman of tho commlttso and most any republican has tickots for sale. I OBITUARY. By Janet M. Pendegast.. I've been born under the Stars and Stripes, In the Land of the Drave and the Freo; Hut I haven't a place to lay my head Won't somebody care about me? Tho people all over this wonderful land, Have heard foreign babies' plea; They have given In millions, and well they could, l)ut shouldn't they care about me? There are beautiful buildings of brick nnrl nlnnn ' For grown-ups' use, you Bee, Hut we haven't a home, we can call our own. For poor little waifs like me. In fire-trap buildings we're huddled In scores. Tho last place on earth we should be So stop for a moment and think o( your own, American babes like me. We've a Home in construction, that Isn't complete. (They need more across the Bca) So we've bad to stand back, as we've done so long, American chaps like me. You've given and given, you're desper ate from drives, Sick of them, sick. as can bo. But tell me, my friend, when you check up your books, HOW MUCH HAVE YOU GIVEN FOR ME? Voluntary workers for Saturday, Fob. 12th, are wanted. Ladles who havo given their time to other drives nre asked to givo a day, or part of a day Saturday to soiling tags at 25c each, for tho babies of Oregon. High school and girls In the uppor grades can do splendid work. Chairman for Medford Ib Mrs. Her bert Clark. Phone 850,, and offor your servlcos. Those who prefer to send a chock, rather than merely buy a tag, may mako out such checks to J. E. Gill, Treasurer, take or mall to Mr. W. G. Tait, First National Bunk, troasuror of local drive. DIAMONDS HIGH, BUI McKISE EIlous Bill McKco of Grunts Pass, Ore., was born Oct. 24 1810 in Sullivan county, Missouri. Dlod near Baker City, Oregon, Feb. 2 1921, being 80 yearB, threo months and nine, days of ago. He was the Boventh child of a family of olovon of which he Is survived by two brotliora, Slmond McKee of Central 'Point, and David McKco of Llkoly, Ore. In tho early 60'b ho crossed the plains by ox team with his paronts and camo to Jackson county, whore the family made tholr home. Doc. 31, 1S77 ho mnrrlod Catherine George and re sided near Much, Ore., until tho time ot her (loath, July 6, 1906, then re moved to Grants Pbbb whore he re- sldad until tho time of his doath. Early In ltfo Mr. McKee became a member of tho Methodist church and remained a faithful and nctivo member until the end. 80 Years Old Fit as a Fiddle "I had a bad en ho of Btoivmeh nnd Imwol trouble that four doctors could not help. Buffered all kinds of pain was filled with gaa and constipated for yeurs. I was advised to uso Mnyr's Wonderful Itemedy. Since tnk iriff a eourHo of it four years ago my trouble his disappeared and have felt llko a young man.. Although 80 years old, I feel fit as a fiddle." It is slm pie, harmless preparation that re moves tho catarrhal unions from tho intestinal tract and alluys tho Inflam mation which causes practically all Nttmiaeh, liver and intestinal ailments, including appendicitis. Ono doso will onvlnco or money refunded. Adv. GIVE PREFERENCE TO OREGON PRODUCTS. WHEN you buy Oregon made goods you boost Oregon payrolls, and that means the promotion of Oregon prosperity. If it isn't made in ModiWd it IS MA UK IK OREGON. Your "Nationalized" account at the First National will grow that much faster. HI' KANSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. 8. Ben Smason, 71 years old will not hold the party today that he had planned for his wife's seventieth birthday. Smason was arrested Saturday for having five pints of whiskey and twelve bottles of home brew In his possession. While waiting yesterday for a friend SAX FRANCISCO, Feb. 8. Sen tence of Thomas Brady, criminal gangster, convicted of an attempt to attack Miss Jean Stanley, was post poned today until Thursday following tho introduction of a defense affi davit from John J. O'Connor, deputy Hheriff. in which Miss Stanley was al to come and furnish the $1000 bond set leged to have suid that Brady "did by the united States commissioner, tears trickled down Smason's cheek. 'I only wanted to hold a little party when my wife celebrates her seven tieth birthday tomorrow," he Bald. "And I didn't know I was doing wrong." AMSTERDAM, Fob. 7. Nearly 8000 of the 10,800 mombors of tho Diamond Workers union here are idle. Experts say an era of financial stringency has supplanted Hie epoch of free spending to Buch an extent that precious stones havo become a drug on Uie market, altho prices are being maintained. n Guests at tho Medford include L. A. Davla of Lob Angeles, A. N. Luce of Sacramento, A. D. McClancy and H. A Uoutoll of San Francisco, and the fol lowing Oregonians: A. B. Reed of RoBeburg, Miss D. A. Canfpbell ot Glondale, Claudo Buchanan of Corval lis, and Leo Davenport, R. C. Brown, A. C, Freeman, W. P. Gray, Chaa. II. Glaser, L. W. Keonan and Ethol New man of Portland. Harold Babb was among the visitors horo today from Ashland. K. L. Stetson of the U. of O., ar rived in tho city this morning from Eugene. Mrs. M. P. Roberts of Grants Pass 1b also a guest at tho Holland. L. Bryan Pierce, woll known In Med ford as an experienced electrician has opened a ropnlr Bhop at 116 North Central whero ho will specialize In phonograph and electrical work. Mr. Pierce was formerly employed by the People's and Paul's electric storos and Is in a position to do expert work. He Is tho son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pierce, woll known Medford residents. COMMUNICATIONS NIECE OF INVENTOR MOR8E WRITES FROM TALENT To the editor: I seo n roport In the Medford Mall Tribune, that a man by the nnmo of Alfred Vail now coinos forward and lays claim to the fame and honors duo to Samuel Breeze Morso, tho telegraph Inventor, which Is falso as 1 am tho nicco of Samuel Hroeze Morse and know all tlio circum stances. I am nearly 90 years old. No ono helped him oxcopt a homeless girl, nnd for her kindness ho let her send tho first message over tho wire, which was tho words, "Sco what God has wrought." MRS. M. E. MORSE KANE. Talent, Oregon, Fob. 6. rnotu movk is kkatex (Continued from Fag One) l Vhe First National Bank: Mddford Oregon Ranks' freo text book bill, by voting down a minority report against; de feat of tho llumo nnti-vacclnntlon bill; rejection of a minority report aR-nlnst tho Olll bill regulating chiro practic physicians; passage ot VlJnw'j bill relating to tho court ot doni"sile relations and a down other ninnRUves. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR BALK Can give immediate possession, (l-room modern house on good terms. C. S. llutlorfield J-hona 21fi, I 8 HIS 43?ND BAnLE NEW YORK, Feb. 8. Jack Britton, world's welterweight boxing champion fought his four hundred and thirty- second battle last night when he suc cessfully defended his title against Ted (Kid) Lewis of England. Today he said "I'm riot through yet." Tho bout last night was tho nineteenth with Lewis. Britton has passed his thirty-seventh year nnd la the oldest holder of a ring championship. The case of Carl Dusenborry of Gold aim. was dismissed by F. Roy Davis, U. S. Commissioner, today, when he wnB Informed by the federal district attorney from Portland that ho would not be hero to' prosbcuto the case. Dusenberry was arrested last week on the charge of having' intoxicating liquor in his soft drink establishment at Gold Hill. The case was continued In Justice Taylor's court here several times, and was finally dismissed when Prosecutor Mooro was Informed that the federal authorities wanted to prosecuto It. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS MAY BE OVERCOME not touch her." The affidavit was in support of a motion for a new trial and the continuance was granted to permit the defense to further perfect this motion. Tho offenso for which Brady was convicted calls for a sentence of from one to fourteen years. KING ALBERT GIVES PHILADELPHIA, Pa King Albert of Belgium, has awarded to John S. MacDonald, dining car inspector of tho Pennsylvania railroad at New York, the silved medal of the Order of Leo pold 11 In recognition of the services lendered to the royal party during the tour of the United States made by the king last year. Mr. MacDonald was in charge of the dining car arrangements and accom panied the party on Its tour. He had charge of similar trips for many not aule persons including Prince Henry of Prussia, President McKIuley, Presi dent Wilson and the Prince of Wales. FOR ANTI-PEST BUGS SACRAMENTO, Cal., Feb. .8. The- state of California may search, in far distant lands for bugs that will make a successful war on Insects enemies of horticultural and agricultural crops. Senator F. A. Arbuckle, ot Fillmore, has a bill pending that would appro priate 110,000 to be spent thru tho department of agriculture in sending an expert entomologist to "South Africa, southern Europe or such coun tries as may be deemed necessary to collect and Import into this state para sitic and predaceous Insects for use in the control of black scale, red Bcale" and such other Insects. . ' ' If you have Catarrhal Deafness or head and ear noises or are growing hard of honrtng, go to your drusvist and get 1 ounco of Parmint (double strength), and ndd'td it V4 pint of hot water and a little granulated sugnr. Take 1 tablespoonful four times a day. This -will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breath ing becomo easy and tho mucus stop dropping Into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little nnd is pleasant to take. Anyone Who has Catarrhal DcafnesH or head noises, should give this proscription n trinl. Adv. W WWW tfpk saBas IB ANITA S WW ' m ll f ilk .. Mp LAST TIMES ', TODAY HARRY CAREY in "WEST IS WEST" STARTING TOMORROW STEWAK 4 IN THE GREATEST PHOTODRAMA OF HER ENTIRE CAREER "THE YELLOW TYPHOON" ' ' v.. " ' i "YELLOW" of her hair; "TYPHOON" because of the human wreckage she left, in her wake. "THE Y'ELLOW TYPHOO.N," they called her after tho manner ot tho Orient, where sho was notorious for her vnmplsh escapades. With a kitten's purr but a tiger's heart her carnival ot reprisals against the male sex was curried to a whirlwind conclusion. RIALTO lill,ffll ..i,.ia. PAG E - - an mum tr ' Jk J III llll rJ nWSr Begins Tomorrow end 'Trie tfraen of StaZb ul' r7ttW, dramaof desperate work after darkji up ported oy that marUel' C J 2" ftoracter actor, famous (?r ;VS roJP" Miracle Man' and JAe Penalty' QEAMM JoitLKYWLL his eye vOas like a sukrd pointing at hec heart She was "Silky Moll" to the underworld But wise, quizzical, all-knowing Chang Lo called her "The White Lily." "Who can know the ending of a tale that is just be gun?" Quoth Chang Lo. His religion was Gentleness, yet he meted out a ter rible, unsanctioned punishment outside the law LEAVING TONIGHT - The jazziest, peppiest, speediest comediennes on the screen. CONNIE TALMADGE AND HAROLD LLOYD