Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 08, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    r PAGE TWO
ocal and
' The rainfall for the winter season
nil until this morning with .18 of
an Inch that fell (lining Monday and
last night now amounts to 13.00
inches. It continued to rain this
forenoon and rain Is the prediction
for tonight and Wednesday.
Valentines at Swem's Studio. 270
Our entire stock of fine auto robes
at cost some bargains believe me.
The BuBy Corner Motor Co. 281
"The Blue Jay Twins"- at Eagle
Point Saturday, Feb. 12. 277
Only 4 days left to buy a Western
Electric Washer for $5 down and bal
ance In 12 monthly payments. Paul's
Electric Store. 273
Two hundred and twenty-five new
members from all purls of the county
were enrolled Monday, the first day of
the week's membership drive of the
Jackson county farm bureau. Mrs. A.
H. Davcnhlll, the only woman solicitor
of the drive, won the distinction yes
terday of enrolling a 100 per cent
membership from the Valleyview ills
trlct, In which she resides.
Oregon NurBcry Go., largest In the
northwest. All kinds of fruit and
shade trees, ornamental shrubbery,
cto. See or address V. S. Abraham,
B08 South Crane St., Modford. 280
Delco-Llght Electricity for every
farm. Jiedford Electric Co.
The real bargain for Wednesday Is
$1.16 worth of goods for GISc at Heath's
Drug Store. 273
The dance and pantomime to bo
given by Miss Katliryn Sworn and pu
pils at thfe Creator Medford club dance
and m-tat-am tonight is being elabor
ately Qf)tumod and staged and will
be onojoj the most beautiful dancoR
over presented In Medford The dance
will fouojv the program sliortly. after
9 o'clock.'
Regular communication of Kennies
Chnntof Wednesday evening, Feb. Mb,
at 7:30 sharp. No Initiation. Social
evening. Mrs. Wcsterlund's commit
ted In charge. 273
lncomo tux returns prepared. Lindas
235 East Main. ,
Regular community dance tomorrow
night at the Nat. Lucky number dances
a special feature. Dancing begins
promptly at 9. Free dancing until 9:30.
.The public library of Jacksonville! Is
now open on Tuosdnys and Thursdays
from 3 to 6 p. m. An entirely new Bet
of books was recently received.
.Lincoln's lllrthdny greeting cards at
Swom's Studio. 27G
Invest your savings In the Jackson
County Building and Loan association.
.Tooth Pnsto, Talcum Powdor and
Tooth Brush; $1.15 worth for G3c Wod
nosday at Heath's Drug Storo. iT.
$1.15 for G3c at Heath's Drug Store
Wednesday. , . . . . . 273
,1'ho contract for constructing four
nilloa of the Jacksonville-Ruch road
lias been awarded by tho county court
to Chris Natwick at $14,760.
List your house, farm and timber
with the Medford Land & Insurance
Agency, 220 West Main street. tt
"Dalloon" dances at Jacksonville,
Friday. 270
Jinnee at Nnl tomorrow night. Lucky
number dances a specially. Appreci
able prizos given. Herbert Alford,
sojolst will bo hoard In some of the
lulcHt songs. Free dancing conimencos
atI9 o'clock. 273
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Stover of Wlch.
lla, Kas., are gnosis at tho Medford,
as are also II. C. Bolton of St. Louis
M, Pollltsitt of Now York City and W
H.- Wright of Chicago.
Grape elder, fresh from the press at
tho Jackson County Crenmory Bottling
Dept. Phono 22-R.
"Spot" dances at Jacksonville Frl.
lidlson Alarshall's second book, "The
Strength of 'tho Pino," la being shown
lnii clover window dlsjdiiy by tho Med
fojM Book Slore. 273
,Pracllil. jukors Monday I afternoon
plljcod nn-.Unilntlmi. dead rat In the
coat pocket of Miss Paulino Thompson
a Jlerk il, Martin .1, Roddy's jewelry
store. When the young lady (Uncovered
tho "rat" Bho promptly fainted, which
was not what tho Jokers expected. At
this juncture Dr. Hayes appeared and
Miss Thompson soon revived. The
ringleaders of tho joke were more
frightened than the victim.
A few tons of stock cu?i"ot. Shade
laud Eclipso seed oals, the latest offer
lug of tho celebrated Shndeland family.
Kuiilun Ranch, Central Point, phone
llxxl. 27
Spuds, spuds, wno's got. ttio spuds?
Warner, Wormian &. Goro, $1.75 per
hundred delivered. 271
Dance tomorrow night given by the
manager of the Nutntorlum. Lucky
number dance a special feature. Free
dancing begins at 9 o'clock. People
from over tho valley attend these par
ties in largo numbers. 273
Attorney Porter J. N'eff returned
Monday evening from a short business
trip to Yreka, Cal.
J'ersonul attention to overdue ac
counts. Lindas, 235 East Main.
Cortrudo Klrkpntrlck, Sponcer cor
getloro. Phono l lti-R. 2S0
Wed. AM be bargain day on fresh
meats at tho Public Market. 273
N. 11.. Calhoun, son of Mr. and Mrs.
11. H. Calhoun, of this city, and Miss
Ilesslo Hartley of Indianapolis, 1ml..
wore married In the latter city Janu
ary 29,-and left at once fur Seattle.
Wash., where Mr. Calhoun has a posi
tion with nil electric company. The
happy couplo mot at the 1'nlvontity of
Indiana, Bt Ijirnyctte, where they
were both students.
Popcorn that will pop big at Warner,
Wortmnn & Gore's. 274
Majestic "4" at Jacksonville Frl.27ti
Free dancing tomorrow nifiht will
begin at 0 o'clock. Excellent music
Fine roomy floor. Many free dances.
Lucky numbers and a good time nUhp
veiling, ' ' 3
All members of the official board of
the Christian church aro urged to nt
tend the monthly business meeting at
the church tonight at 7:30. Business
of Importance.
Jonathans, freshly packed, fine
grade. See Conner's Warehouse. 27G
Glldden dry lime and sulphur. Prices
right, quality the best. Conner's Ware
house. 27G
If your merchant does not handle
Rogue River made brooms you can get
them nt the public market. 278
Jesse Clary and Charles Hash have
taken the Meadowbrook farm near
Eagle Point and will operate It In
partnership during the coming sum
mer. Mr. and Mrs. Clary will leave
this week for their new location, and
Mr. Hash will make his home with
them. Ashland Tidings.
When better automobiles are built,
Buick will build them. tf
Prize waltz at Jacksonville Friday
night. The Hub Shoe Store of Med
ford will give a fine pnlr of Walk-Over
shoes to the gentleman of the winning
couple. 276
A noticeable feature In the present
buying of automobiles Is the tendency
to buy cars of established reputation
nnd used vnluo almost exclusively.
Buyers nro no longer misled by paint
and frills but demand past record as
the main consideration. In other words
people are buying on tho car's reputa
tion for keeping the faith. "When
better automobiles are built, Buick will
build them." 273
F. L. Schneider, a Snn Francisco
traveling salesman who wus arrested
by Deputy Sheriff McMahon in Ash
laud yesterday for not having an Ore
gon HcenBO on ills ear was fined $10
and costs in Justice Taylor's court
hero this forenoon.
Wanted Singing canaries. Box D,
Mall Tribune.
We save you money on your dry
denning, dyeing and repairing. City
Cleaning Wo ks, 401 South Riverside.
Phone 44. tf
t will pay you to buy Fisher's feeds.
See prices advertised in thlB Issue.
Ilnrdwell Fruit Co. 273
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Montgomery ar
rived homo HiIb forenoon from a visit
at Portland.
The Ladles' Aid of ,tho Christian
church will meet with Mrs. Alenderfer
on Tenth street Wed. afternoon. 273
When overhauling your old bus put
now life In it by demanding genuine
American hnmmorod piston rings, fac
tory equipment on tho bost cars. The
BuBy Cornor Alotor Co. tf
Tho Blue Jay Twins" at Eagle
Point Saturday, Feb. 12. 277
J. F. Wallace, traveling passenger
ngent of tho Chicago and Northwestern
railroad, Is spending today In Medford
from Portland on business.
If you nro Interested In making a
good investment, you should at once
purchase securities of the Mogul Pro
ducing &' Refining company. Leave
your orders ut Edwin P. Hughes' real
estate office. , , 274
Do not order calendars from travel
ing representatives or out of town
Arms. We have a factory Hue of all
sizos and iilnds of calendars, wall
oockots, cut-cuts, etc, that we will
ihow th trade later and save yoi'
monoy on the same. V
It will pay you to buy Fisher's feeds.
Seo prices advertised in this issue.
Ilnrdwell Fruit Co. 273
Mr. and Mrs. Frank llottlnger of
Stayton and M. S. Spiker of Portland
nro among (he Oregonlans registered
at the Medford.
T. Edy will sell you nil kinds of lots
and houses In Medford reasonable and
on tlmo payments, or cheap for cash.
Also furniture, wagons and harnoss,
etc. 273
Bring your clean old rags to this
offlco, Gc per pound.
"Balloon" dances nt Eaglo Point Sat.
Mrs. Frank Saulsbury, who under
went u major operation at a Medford
hospital last Saturday, is said to lie
progressing nicely. Mrs. Saulsbury
has made hundreds of friends during
the time that she has been manager of
tho Jno. M. Williams store, who will
rejoice to hear of her good recovery.
Jacksonville Post.
R. A. Holmes, the Insurance Man.
Insurance, nnd Bonds, plus Sorvlce.
Tickets 60c each for the dance and
program given by the Greater Medford
Club, Tues. Feb. 8, on salo at Crow
son's, Palmer's Slualc Co., Tho Huh,
Weeks & Orr and tho Chumbcr of
Commerce ' 274
Better buy a Chandler than wish
yon had. tf
Webster Clark, a young man of till.'
city, who went to Los Angeles a month
ago for an operation tor Injury to his
hip Is progressing nicely according to
loports, but It will bo necessary for
htm to have his leg in a cast for a year.
Webster was a high school student,
and a magician of considerable ability.
"Spot" dances at Eaglo Point Sat.
tt 277
If your clothes nro not becoming to
you, you hnd better bo coming to us.
Puutorium Dye Works. tr
Chicken feed wheat $2.G5 per hun
dred In rack lots. Russ Mill. Phono 529.
SpruKue Rlegel was In tho city Mon
day from Gold 11111 on n short business
Alfalfa scod, tests 99.92; no dodder.
Phono 902. Elinor Hnnley Hush, 82
East Main. 310
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any enao of Catarrh that cannot be
emed !y llnlt'8 Catarrh Medicine.
Hiill'd Cntsrrh Mcdlrb'e ha been taken
tl? t-marrh rufferers for the past thirty
Ave years, and Iirs become known as tho
iuofi n-lttttie remedy for Catarrh. Hall's
CataHh Meil ino acts :hru the Wood ci
tho Miit-oue purfacen, exptfllinir tho Pol.
"on from Hie HkiMi and Urnllng tho dis
eased portions.
After you have taken Hall's Catarrh
MiMla-ine for n nhort time yon will eeo ft
trtnt tmttrovrment ' In vonr Kenernl
neatth Start toklnic HatPa Catarrh Metlt.
-ine at onoo and ret rid of catarrh. Sertd
for leMlrooMa!. free.
F. ,1. CIIKNKV CO., ToleJo, Ohio.
Sold by all Dnigota, 75c
Quito a delegation from this city
will attend the New York Chamber
Music Society concert at Ashland to
morrow night. The Andrews Studio
has engaged one of the large Jitneys to
take a studio party to the concert and
Wo can supply your requirements in
Dormant Oil, liquid Lime and Sulphur,
Dry Lime and Sulphur, Distillate Oil
Emulsion, Tree Tanglefoot und all
other Orchard Sprays. Prices right.
Quality guaranteed. Farm Bureau Co
operative Exchange. 274
Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlere for
NuBone. Phone 5S5-J. tf
Everything electrical. Medford Elec
tric Co. Phone CGI.
J. E. Enger, tho well known railroad
man from Roseburg, Is registered at
the Holland. Among other guests at
this hotel are Thomas D. Pelch of
Berkeley, Calif., E. E. Elliott of Salem,
and A. R. Ferguson of Eugene,
Try our merchants lunch. The
Hard Times ball at Eagle Point,
Saturday, Feb. 12. 277
Ford truck with cab and good body
for Bale cheap. New tires. Seely V.
Hall Motor Co. 277
Among county visitors in tho city
Monday and today were Ralph Jen
nings of Applegate, S. 11. Harnlsh of
Eagle Point and Bort Wyant of Ash
land, i
Bring your clean old rags to this
office, Gc per pound.
Delco-Llght farm light and power
plants. Medford Electric Co. .
T. Edy of Medford, 1125 West Tenth
street, r. O. Box 107G, will sell you one
good building 1Gx24, one story, very
reasonable. See him or address him at
once. 275
A .six nnd one-half pound baby girl
was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D.
Shaffer on Feb. 3rd. The baby has
been named Bertha Evelyn.
Insurance of all kinds. Lindas, 235
East Main.
Tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, will be
the beginning of the Lenten season,
which opens early this year as Easter
conies March 27th. This iH tho third
time this century that Ash Wednesday
has fallen so early in tho year. The
season of Lent comprises the 40 week
days proceeding Easter, nnd Is tho an
nual period of fasting among profess
ing Christians. Next year Easter falls
on April lGth, which will bring the
Yonten season throe weeks later
than this year.
Ford truck with cab and good body
for sale cheap. New tires. Seely V.
Hall Motor Co. tf
Mr, and Mrs. John ,B. Goodrich loft
Monday for a sojourn of about two
weeks in San Francisco and vicinity.
For dry wood ptione 890-X or 947-L.
Prompt dollvery. 273
Lnnco Offcnbacher of Applegate is
111 with pneumonia at tho Sacred Heart
hospital in this city, and Edward Kubli
of Applegate is also a patient In the
same institution.
Wo repair ull makes of phonographs.
Paimer Piano House. 27G
R. A. Booth of Eugene, chairman of
the state highway commission was
cnllod to Ashlond this week by tho
illness of his slstor, Mrs. Frank Mee
of that city.
Everything electrical. Medford Elec
tric Co. Phono 6G1. "
N. R. Greer Is a business visitor In
Portland this week and is a guest nt
the Seward hotel.
Majestic "4" at Eaglo Point Sat. 277 i
Break Chest Colds
With Red Peppers
Rub It on Congested, Aching Chest Loosens Up that Tight
Feeling at Once Surely Brings Quickest Relief.
Ease your tight, aching chest. Stop
the pain. Break up the congestion,
l'ccl a bad cold loosen up in just a
short time.
"Red Pepper Rub" is the cold remedy
that brings the quickest relief. it can
not hurt you and it certainly seems to
end the tightness and drive the conges
tion and soreness right out.
When heat penetrates right down
into colds, congestion, aching muscles
and sore, stiff joints, relief comes at
: twMyMXW : 1
"The Strength
of the Pines"
A new novel by
A product of our own home town
Medford Book Store
34 North
A letter from Court Hall who under
went an operation at Riverside liospi
tal two weeks ago, and who was in a
serious condition for a. couple of days
suites that he Is now able to sit up a
few hours daily, and is gaining
strength rapidly. Seely Hall, who was
at his father's side, returned yester
day. . ' ' -!
"William Tell Waltz'' at Eagle Point
Saturday night. 277'
The 17th annual convention of the
: Oregon State Retail Merchants associ
ation is now in session at Marshfield.
Among the visitors from Ashland in
the city Monday were Mesdames Bert
Smith and Elmer Smith.
Prize waltz at Eagle Point Saturday
night. The Hub Shoe Store of Medford
will give a fine pair of Walk-Over
Shoes to the gentleman of the winning
couple. 2
George A.- Mansfield will be home
but little In the next few weeks, as he
is giving the most of his time to state
farm bureau federation work, and Is
now booked ahead for speeches In four
counties in the northern part of the
state. He is president of the state
farm bureau federation. From Salem
be was expected to go to Columbia
county today lor several speeches.
Don t let your chickens stand in mud
and water. You won't get eggs if you
do. Buy a bale of straw for $1.00.
We'll deliver It. Phone 529, Russ Mill.
- tf
All visible traces of the fire have
been removed from the Liberty build
ing, and even the musty smoke odor
which has hung throughout tho struc
ture for weeks Is; almost gone. Every
office and room in the building has
been overhauled and scrubbed, .and the
liberal use of varnish and paint thru
out and new mattings in the hallways
present a pleasing appearance.- .
The Salvation Army is in need of
some beds, bedding and chalrB, etc., for
its general relief work. Those having
anything like that that they can spare
please call 35G or call at residence,
229 Apple street. We ca also use
cast-off clothing, shoes, etc. Envoy
and Mrs. Sinclair, officers In charge
' 277
The string music for the Lincoln day
banquet at the Medford next Saturday
night will bo furnished by the Premier
Novelty orchestra. ,
We have a special bargain in print
paper that makes splendid wrapping
paper. There are throe lengths of
rolls, each has a core so they can be
used on the paper racks. You can
purchase this paper much cheaper
than wrapping paper. It interested
come and seo the paper. tf
D. A. Bonnr is lu the city on busi
ness from the town of Glendale.
We can supply your requirements in
Dormant Oil, Liquid Lime and Sulphur,
Dry Lime nnd Sulphur, Distillate Oil!
Emulsion, Tree Tanglefoot and all
other Orchard Sprays. Prices right.
Quality guaranteed., Farm Bureau Co-
operative Exchange., 274
' The list or Medford, Day bargains
which appeared iii last night's issue
of tho Mail Tribune contained many
desirable articles of merchandise
prlcod far below the usual quotations.
Some merchants not content with
meeting "pre-war prices" are , going
them one better and offering special
items at exceptional figures.
200 pair new shoos at cost. Second
hand shoes and shoe repairing at the
Medford Shoe Hospital, 119 East Sixth
street, Medford.' .- "'
Nothing lias such concentrated, pene
trating heat as red peppers. The mo
ment you apply Red .Pepper Rub for
colds, backache, sore muscles, stiff
neck, lumbago, or the pains of rheu
matism or neuritis, you feel the ting
ling heat.
In three minutes the congested spot
is warmed through and through.
When you are suffering so you can
hardly get nbout, just get a jar of
Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from
red peppers, at any drug store. You
will have the quickest relief known.
Mr. and Mrs. James Grieve and sou
Heston, who returned to tho city last
week from a five weeks sojourn in cit
ies gn the north Pacific coast, left for
their home at Prospect by auto this
forenoon. - Mr. Grieve bought a new
pair of overalls the legs of which were
three Elzes longer than his own, for
the long trip thru the mud, which by
the liberal use of language and exer
cise of much patience he hoped to
make by sometime tonight.
That Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound Has Extraordinary
Curative Power in Cases of
Woman's Ailments
Columbus, O. "I suffered very much
pain during my monthly periods and
telt weak and all run
down. 1 tried many
remedies and the
doctor said I would
have to have an op
eration. Then be
fore my baby waa
born I had terrible
pains in my sides. I
took Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound and it
helped me wonder
fully. I have had
two children since I began taking your
medicine and did all of my own work in
cluding washing while carrying them.
I can also recommend Lydia E. Pink
ham's Sanative Wash. You may use
this letter as a testimonial if you wish. "
Mrs. Thomas L. Christy, 704 West
Mound St., Columbus, Ohio.
Such a condition as Mrs. Christy was in
points directly to a deranged condition
of a woman's system, and by following
her example taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, women may be
relieved from such ailments and be re
stored to normal health and strength
just as she was.
. If there is anything about your condi
tion you do not understand write Lydia
E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.,
in regard to your health.
New York
1. Old Washboard Method:
Wildes of laundress, 10-i days ill .2.10 $240.60 II
Lunch for laundress, 104 lunches at 2uc 2G.00 ;
Estimated cost of replacing .aUirts, lingerie, linens, etc., chillies rubbed away on the 11
washboard :... ,. .' .l 50.00 II
( . .' ' $325.00
NOTE: If yon send your laundry out, it will amount to at least this much, f ' II
! 2. Washing Electrically: I
Cost of Washer 1 .........-.'...! - $160.00
I Interest on investment 1. ; . 16.00-
Cost of electricity, 104 washing at 4c r ' 4 ig . II
- i " " $180.16 . :
ACTUAL SAVING . .'. $145.44
$5 Down 12 On Balance
j Expires This Saturday
I Pauls Electric Store
j Main at Central Phone 90 '
Piano, Wind and String Instruments.
Will Appear at Ashland Armory
Tomorrow Evening, February 9
This is positively the finest organization of its kind in America.
y special arrangement, in order to accommodate the entire comraunitv of
the Uojrne Kiver Valley the price-has heeK placed at 1.00. Tickets niav be
obtained at Palmcu's Piano House, the Andrews Studio or Mr. E. 0. Hoot.
The woman that 1ms small feet Is surely lucky." .. ,
We arc going to sell nil small sized shoes and low shoes j
ut only ' , ." ' . J
$1.95 a Pair
Xo they are not HMI styles, but why Six up your old soiled
shoes iviien you can buy new ones for less?
Good Shoes"
ouRONi Personal
TnA It nn. taka It
wrlte anyw-h ere.
$50.00, Including
carrying case.
TMatrlbutnrR for Po. Oregon.
Chamber Music Society
21 North
' f, G. HEINE, Mm,(:,
Physician and Surgeon t -
Surgery of Eyes, Ears, Nose nnd
Throat. All diseases, oft theso organs
treated. Classes fitted. itl4-315 Lib
erty Bldg., Cor. Main & drops Sis;.