FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 4. 102T vac,e fouiT irivDFoiiD .. mail tribute, medford. I tfimiitniiirnittiitiiiiitnniinitiniiiiitiinir'tillinil1tttllllfinni!llll!!lll!!l!ll!l!llllllll!lilil BIedfobd Mail tribune AS IVBEPEKDENT KKWSPAPKB rCliUHHED EVERT AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY BT THE ' VESjrOKD PRIXTl.-.O CO. WHY DISARM AWT NT MUST COME. DISARMAMENT today is not military question, but an economic; 4icn. The war cost the United Stat- 24 billions. Nothing isj om M-Ui Trttmn fcaiiaii t-l-tj plainer than lhat this debt must be paid, and it can't be paid, without! Worth y.r tot. , - serious financial disturbances, unless government expenses are re A eodoUdaMoo of tfca Daraoersrlc J Hasaa. Te: HedfortJ Mall. tSa Madlord ; duced to a minimum. : Trifaaoa. The Bout&era crrea-oiuaa. jwi ilh'IM TTlCnZM. , . To reduce' t-c verr:m -nt expenses to a minimum without some re duction in armaments is impossible. The o st of tfcr ain.y ami navy even at the reduced figures is a eollos&i sum. Naturally neither professional naval nor professional I'iiaiary men can t-e expert -d to favor radical reductions in their de-jiarw-itv Nevertheless soeh reductions be made. Tfct in' conference for reduced armamei;;i. announced s:t'iav i,y cairmsa Hntier ot tee I louse navti committee, is ice i:-si .'-i:-.'ia;tfi2 sun taat genuine realization 01 tee true condition ss pcr- Tb Medford Snooty Sian rarntsbed ambacribera o.etnrx a atves day daily twapT. ROBERT W. RCH1, Editor. CMPIEH R SMITH. ManAcar. moujno nun j WT MOI IS At'VAXCE: J Daily, with B-jr.Say San. yr Dally, arua Siiniay fun, roocth -.5; E-aJIy. w!lrot 8r4T Sn. year. .!'( Ia'.:y. irlrtout rraraay Ma. rnocia . We:y !ij Tnbur., oe yea i 4 JatkaOBTrU. CeJtra! Point Psoaix ii iaea'-i:;.. otllela. tX wS15y"83"SS55 -:iithe .-e:.s: -. a an initial step in the same direction. With the eondi Tyxlir. sritiKrat 5cr4iT Sua. year- t I ) , - - . . . , i . . i i i Daily! witb Sar.dsv Sun. year 1st livns i.i i:e coociri acu iiirousrnout uie worm as itiev are, it is jii bit- that lb: movement will not lead to one reduction in ex ;a Js in Washington. Senator Borah's resolution in i ' i RS. . SYLVIA . TT-K- Buffalo, X. Y4lt r avtsfaf lte mvkl ra tau firry al iril ' bot Ta'-ac -pltw-Jy resiored her blth : ftr b had ion All hope of errr brins rtl airln- , - - - ;UUllUUJllUiUilllUUlilHllllUUUUUIlUIIllllll!llHlinilUi!iuuiuiu..iio MAifN'siTbe Best Gook for the Price! No Matter What the Price MANN'S Ail um by earrwr caah 1 j OUle'M paper of th My of MMor i omeiai pT rt Jactaoa Coyaty. Eaterfrd aweor-t'iaa matter a: atfriford. Orea-oa. usder U act ol alarek tcs-. . a'y juslificJ by prepBration for another war. Ye Smudge Pot fly Arthur Perry s:inene in tJie- d3ins -f viral : j: lrxb-ms hits j--3i.s--ic a javfaiai mil c Aiov.'iva -?j3 i-eruinlv afford to take the lead in a rvfirn to busi j iv--!! i r .-;-. r:5y lor tnt i what a projierly balanced armament reu'K-; ! tion nteati. In the piev nt economic condition of the world. eivi!iza- " ii.n ckii not bear the burden of throwing more billions into unproJue-! :::ve ch; .nne's. Oniy hy the efforts of America today is the greatest i famine Mcee the Thirty Years war, beins averted. It is plain that un- tr.v v,oild si:n retirn& to peace, unltws i very reo:ircr ss aoon di Great Sale of- Thfy had eirtn tJ'aH ir-'of my j vertl to irrJ'lc'iVf iiuSustr. a rvturn lo evtu li-iiial well be sir. is i eVer feH in ny-afe and I ly i h shortly wttlni-fTJth "t-ffiiKy of the aministratitr..'' A Tlum- tiicj i - af W m" k 1 "r r- f rv T.f.C - S-wt.-;rv of I he Navv Daniels :k! n!iiMi;:M II-? raaiiiiains Amfrita mu1 Lave - . - itel tx-ery sick pson abcui this, grand iiaediciTie - i 1 ,:- . E ,ra. ,c .o.c "A TT iS.MjMU.7 l hud a MVfT aiar-K OI rjt?r i;rf! a navy eijUli -n- in a u-.TiWv vecikened' tfrdition j t any wavy ia The wrM. r iire danifers threaten. The proicKl of Eune 1U. ih ii.ed joociaji! leader, to t-r-d ware t-j jtrohittiiiis the iew- ef naorie?rr when nations iro craay. 13 dc ihe work. "IVfatu the dollar out of an cnier- prfe so do tlse intneT The jrre&t war would have IiaMd two dsiy. tm for ihe Cat inckinr t-hind the lint-s and my appciUf vras s-o r-ar 3?iait l 1 - . ' T t - - - fcUV BU tii&re man er.-jn to kwj ! ft. is tjh taut- to fail the Josepbus Muff. . Y nh what isatnn r and sjcI tope-h-r. i.. . . . , , , . - W thai n fret5mJ Uke u had 5 3Ir, LameN has on:e mformatioii wh:ni. no one tr !.? W-.s. laer? wflo Voiueil altogether and i -oud. thi-.k A PA.SIlI.Vt; WRITER. the iru yoang and pretty and teLshful and (roni the coun try and he rat in the Interur lan gwnao eait ao trailed te-. raue- it ia in one of the front ' corner of the car a.nd the driver mujrlook tudewaya at the ix'r aon m the sedt because if he turned bis head th car might ran off the pavement and : smairh everybody to ffmithereeris. The long drouth over Ihe city and valley for the lat 18 hour was broken Ur a highly desirable and ineasley rain this morning. '.."We Guarantee a Fit With. Every 'Suit We SelP (Ad Eugene Guard.. The convulsions - are t decreasing, however. " . A fair sample of how man gets it, coming and going, is revcak-d by the Nw Orleans vampire, who winged a vugar planter, because he paid no at tention to iicr elforta to bewitch him. - Ttie Lincoln Day banquet of the Republican party of Jackson county that, been approved by their commander-in-chief, Koss Penrose, of Pennsylvania. MRS. H. YOr ARE FAR TOO SOCIABIaK fOR 115 iorxus V' (Portland Telegram) Dear Nancy Ann: I am five feet four inches tall and weigh 115 pound. Am IS veara old. ' lo I weigij an much aa J 5hould lor my . height and atf?. My husband works ntghtx and can not, ta k e me a n yw tie re- W e have a gentleman friend whom we like very murJu Do you t think it all right that t should go to a show once in a while with 1 this, friend if my husband does "not object? He thinks Ut Kr . fectly alt right. Mrs. 11. more dan&rvr of war btwn the I uited Stat mtUrf at ' Iintaitf tbaii my Urn had "me- J -v5 , a ... ' V , - ht I -ouidnt go up the step w;:?i itfirrn I lie I mtt'ti Mates aiiti Mars. Jsiie 4HA;iijtiTarJ Jau oiit holding to the rail!r. it w im- Vft atfprd.njf to th test information oK&iRlkiA ZzJubin" Vu!ir? ri" ic roe 10 do n" hwk. scliemc 01 diplomacy is now built upon averting KerioifB trouble with mT arcotu-r. wiisoui a-.-iuirs it. the l"ni:ed States. I'nU-ss Mr. Daniels is merelv iilari'nie K!itics. and "Mv ' bn-' . ... - , -, ,, . . , ' : ". , and I would have isnolhertng spells liul'.iiLnn? 111 a chibiisfi rt-settnient over yie country s referendum on.-,,,,!, nave to t ui and g. the Iaane of Nations, be should r'ir what jeards be has on the lab! to the -tniov to I could breathe. . ' . - , - "I fir-allv ftartetl tAiitip Tar.lac on now- fre Kdrjje-f. a frfetrd and before I , , . had flnisht-d latiuK Jbe .-md bottl .... ' . ". ' , ' 1' ' . ,, ' ir.r neighbors coald tell I wis impror- .eitni-r does the cry of unpreparediiess hold water. nh an inj .5 alone Well, it has oni anny of two inillii-n trainejl men to call upon, and a reserve-of to k" Te bottio to restore my hecs-j: million more, scarcely out of their training camps, with the navy still ""ly ,."j-i:e is 'jvtx s;l?r.did now in battle trim, it will be a lonp time before I'nele Sam can be iustlv w nene-are-rtmg-a-d tieady. my " ,. .hocsemork is a real pleasure, and I accused of being either too proua to Tight, or too unfit. in,-M&- iht.- in Hut the crux of the entire question is the question of finance. in- "fact. 1 n'vJfr fe!t b"r i3 my "fe'" volvin? the realities of ecfamniitt conditions, which no spread eagle Tebe4' iartis RiiKnc oratory can dispel.. General Bliss, who, can't be considered a pacifist w Tnade 1- Mrs., a .Fester, of by training or temperament, hit Ihe nail on the head .he other day tei-knoVaf,IIndU highly " respected when be said that the first sane, preparation for war is to place the resident jt that ciiy. world's treasury into such a condition that war can be waced. lle'iannW. 'iii' feVPvine spoke with particular reference to the threatened bolsheviki invion w- Rohrmmn. in R-vtrue River bj But his .statement eoold be used as a final answer to the jiugoists ,ted,n everywnt-rc. ; The short change artists have come and gone, but there are a number of short change artists lvft. The O. A. C is urging farmers f the stale to "divensifv their crtjp." is ronimendal'le. but a crop , ahouid Ik lamed thiai does not inter- ' fere with Um deer and hunting . eeastns. A farmtr ran not garner the ; han wt, and be shut iur a huck j$ the sanje ilme. , i AH laVBatory' work in Ih ntine toistrir-t wa sus-ei.-it d Thurs-da aftemfn. wing to th.- had (h."rus, Hike Woirack b-mng all the .- it p Ricnt. a h!prpx ket n:i r jf i'pe. f ' citizkx ntrritEATs. ' Yn-ka Joarnal, ',' A 'liissurfirrg row x-rurrvd her, last Thiiiiiiy evening Just .. ' .pe'n'-' wre glng Sn!o the tuvltr. C H. t'layton had aT.ed :n' Italian a ,,p the It-.- lan 1-4.H h-: Alile aid a and Mrs. C.'ayto:i re irslv to t. go to th show ht arted t-!l- . ,lng Jr. 4'layton rrr.j ht tbt-ugh: of him. I n iii tiv,h'. and , ran into the l.uiti mhf-rv "thy say they )iad t- t.K. hitn out :f tiet day with mu::(- I red sr.d otitter. We hM!y ,-jd.t though 'even if h1 hidr f; . 1h -nrad liflh,. -I RipplirrgRhqrriQsMI KfJ&& V 4 wait Maton TJ il Li ' ' At NOT ON DUTT. I CAIXED on tentist Ra'con to have1 my teeth half-sole; the way said teeth were achiu' caused agonies untold, and I bv. peace forsaken, iad feet supremely cold. The office was deserted. no scienti.-t.vy&s tiiere; but patients, inolar-hurted reared tip W .roan and swear, because the dentist flirted with go!f and dam-' sels fair. - I flnupht his office daily throughout a weary week. ' the while the toothache jiayly played tag beneath my cheek ; 'Oh,? ww and willow waly!" I often used to shriek. I hired the village tanner; he. with the plumber's aid. with erowhaV and with span ber dua but. the teeth decayed, and in a blithesome manner the modes! bill I paid. Those business inert are silly, who elise.heir office d ors. to sfck the golf course hjllv,.a.iji .play aroumf rjjjt doors; their customers irrow ('hilly, and elas' to ofher stores. V lil;e to play and gambol, the business rwHtrWlWii Artpi like to take a ramble in my tin limousine: but irst I scratch; alid scramble to earn he t!od hm trreen. ' When people' seek my dwelling to buy three yards of rhyme, th.-y find me there a-swelliug my mcrehan die sublime, my hon -st bundle swelling by added plunk and dime. iS? outer Girb yc ..-5 T VATJEXTlXliTS HAY W i . Is 'nUi4y. 'February .14,, .andthe r.H:?t aVprOprlate day of lae 'yar to e-onvey Ihat. mtsace, besjie-skins sffwtion - and riendfcbip-. y' The fcia-tiase- o fflow?rs t ran mst f ctnvty- the .houshl? in niind so 1 . ioukrrSAops UL'hrre you find lie ffovcrs ' 1 How Much Do Tou K now? 1 How bit is the rock of Gibraltar?! Ans. Ii is three miles kn. thre-e-j fourths of a mile in average breadth and HO? feet high at its highest point-' 3 in what country does the grand j cabinet meet between the hours ot Is the tcaatc chaml-er use.1 for ; ioar -nA ,iT. ci,i. in ,,. in Ans. In China. For what purposes mere the VTr arnids nted? Acs. They are the tosiu any other purjxwe than for meetings of Ihe Veiled States senate? 2 Who wp vice-president daring Abraham Lincoln s fit adiain'.stra-th o-.iler covering 01 tuZEMA Penetrating, Antiseptic Zerno Will He!p Yoj Never mind hcrar oitcn you havt tried . and failed, yaa can step bumir.c. itchir? rczrma quicxiy by arjin-ii zirra Furriished byanydruco loriic F.itia 'large bottle. $1.01 lieal.r be-g-jH ths , moment Zno is applied. In a thart fliroe usuaily every Irate of eciena, tetter, pimples, rash, bLacVhds and 4 timilar. skin diseases be rnnoKd For ckari-tg thj fiun and making it f rigoroutty Zerno. the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It r nof ajrrrJS-al-eanditdDesnotstain. When others fail it is the one ciers-ndabis treatment for skin tnublcs of aii iacv - jot e, yf, Rjtoc'rrKma $ What is the the skull called 4 S'hat coantry inindnc-l encrav :.-g io the world? Z What art crvMnaama? S What I the "fvai Ijc'.ter of S Po!,,''cal J"rtie,! ia the t'n'ted States What state in the unionMs known as the Granite slate? Ans. New Hanitshire has been so named. $ When were the first political par ties formed in Toiled States? Ans. f.ce"? T Where did the ro-''oira-na oris ir.av ? What was the Alamo? Who rat,t:tted the lesion ol 10 At hat ;!a e is the shortest day ot the year on'; three hours and twohe m. in length?. Answer, to Yesterday's Gucstor, 1 Whit is the w'Uhi of the Ta;or ;;.- -ti ia a day by the hun-ian body in the f-.rta f per;tira:ion ? Ans A!:njt two and one-haH iands. U W tat can of the Ijtal bulk of a:; iceberg i below the ater? Ans. The iart of the iceberg bek'w ihe ater it nine t:n. a great as the art alKve tea lei?L ' 3 What rod Is the type of ajaniy itrcEgt.Ii an.l manly endurance? Ass Heretics. i began as early as 17S7. S What was the greatest piece of blas'ing the wo:M has ever known? Acs. The removal of Flnod Kork at : Hell Gate in the East River New York aa the largesi blast ever tnade. 1 Whch one of the seven wonders of the world as set on fire the night Aievsrsler she Great was bom and by? Ans, The tempU- of Diana ii Ephesns was set afire the night Alex ander, the Great was bora In order1 to give him an undying name. Have t" About . THE benett yoa would derive ' the services of an INCOME" . TAX aAd ACCOt NTINO sjec tallft. hainB your accountins and in.'ohie tax prepared in the rerevt way with every credit snd dcJctl'jn the law allows , 'cu- . ; Our . .-; v.; T!.. OWN satisfactioi. Is In know. tic lhat every wni -we erf'trtu rvcit-s the hiichsl quality" of tttemtun. Ask Our Clients Wilson Auditing Cq. Liberty Ride. E. l. W.iyn. C.'r. A. Ao-funti-ig Auditing Men's Wear -at- Mahii's Saturday I Look at These Low Prices : Men's Linen Cellars. .SblcT at 25c. Now,' 15c e Men's IIisi "ia. black and white. Sold at 35e. "This bis . sale only, pair -19c Men's Diirham' and Tar Heel Ilosa lhat been selling at i. All goin.2 in this sale at, pr.-15? r . Boys" Hayues under wear. Union Suits, -sold regular at 1.8o. '. This sale suit' - $1.35 Work Shirts, made jf the best Chambry. in blue and grey. -Sold at $1.75. On .sale Saturday, each ' $1.00 CLOTH HATS ' :j.5t Hats $2.50 fl.on-Hats.i52.50 Hafs S3. 56 Men's OnUiTg.i Hajinel Gowns S ;.ij.;'0ne-hoj Price';'.-' i Half Price Sale on Leather Work Gloves -o i- .... V; " v, - Men's Hats Marked Down to New Low Prices Men's $5.00 Felt Hats, now $3.00 Men's $7.50 Felt Hats, now $5.00 Men's $8.50 Felt Hats, now $6.50 Men's $9.00 Felt Hats, now $7.00 Men's $10 Felt-Hats, now $750 These Are. All-New Styles' EVERY PAIR OF MEN'S SILK HOSE IN1 THE STORE GOING AT ONE-THIRD OFF REGU LAR PRICE . ' - CLOSING OUT WOOL SHIRTS Mens fl.Oirferev VTool Shirts 3.00 Men's $4.50 Ijaki Wool Shins , ' " ' ..3.00 Men's $6.50 Iv-S. Army Shirts . 5.00 All Men's'and Boys' Wool' Under wear, on Sale Saturday 20 Per Cent Off Regular Price ALC MEN'S AND BOYS' SWEATERS GOING IN THIS SALE AT 20 PER CENT OFF REGULAR PRICE Men's Thermo Knitted Sport Coats in Brown and Blue Heath er mixtures. Sold at $10.00, now, each . . ." $6.50 Men's Wool Trousers All Going . ." at 20 Per Cent Off Mann's Department Store """'""' THE sfOEE FOB EVEEYBODY " ' ' - MEDF0RD, ORE. ' i 5 . 1 .a Mail Orciers Promptty . Filled Fostage Prepaid on All Order's. . S l!ll)il!llilllliilllll!llil!!lilliilllillllll1lllllillllllll!l!illllin New Ties. Just in. Going at $1.00 each Men 's Lisle ilose iu black, grey and , brown. Sold at 55c. This big sale only, pair 40? Men's, medium weight Wool Merino . ... . . . .. j. Hose in black and natural. Sold at 75c. This big sale, pair . 35? Men's wool Under, wear. ' Glastonbury "Wool- Shirts and Drawers. Sold ' at $3.00. This big sale, each 1$2.50. OVERALLS Men's Bo'ssyof the Road -and Le,vi " ' . ' Strauss Waist and Bibt Overalls, On side. . Saturday for only, pair S?2.00 Men s heavj- Fleece Ldued Shirts and ' Drawers. Sold all season at $1.75. This sale, eiicir-lS? 1.25 I I ! kJEASLES mrj-jr be foBrwfi trAL trrclles; t- V V A ORUB Licensed CITY SCAVENGER Alt rwfus Immediately retViffved on short notice. Weekly vlstt In resi dence dUtricts. DaJty buainesat dia trlct. Phone ts. " GIVING BUSINESS A BOOST.- ' YOU know much of Orecri-n's prYsperity is n matter of l-ayrolls. Payrolls rcp'reci.t .j'Tothii'ts.' Thorcforr. whcn.-ytu buy Bed ford and Oregon made tilings, you arc heljv ing make the payroll wlnMi help make pros perity. " . -.. - A "Nationalized" hank account at the First. National is always in order.'? Ufa First Nations Rank' riEDFoRD Oregon To the Home Owqer or Prospective Builder Wo wish to announce that we can now deliver the BIG 3 Meueller Pipeless Furnace n the new price on very liberal terms Comfortable heat in every room Local rcrsorml References Modern Plumbing & Heating Co. Sparta Bldg. Phone 620 WITH WXDFCXD TRADE 13 MEDF0ED KADI The Medford Auto Paint Shop ' (Registered) General Motor Car Reftnlshlng V. Central Jackson. Phnne TOT GOOD CLOTHES I Make Them KLEIN mm TAXLOB 12 Fast Man f?t.