Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 03, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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Have You Tried
Snozv Flakes
. in the Family. Tin?
You know how good Snow Flakes arc how
crisp and tasty? You can serve these dainty
wafers oa so many occasions. Why not b-iy a
(ar.rily-sue tin, which will insure a const aiii
supply? Your grocer can liupply you.
fefol Don't lor
0f say SNOW FI'AKF'S
l 00 Pacific GKt
Our bank stands for aiding and developing OUR OWN
jhome town and community. I
1 1 When you put your money in our bank you help yourself
in more than one way. You increase, home property values, in
jjjr ease, the population of our own town and give employment
jjto our own people. , ' -
j$ Bank 'your money with the bank that sticks up for your
ihomo town. That's OUR Bank. ;..
'.-V. r .' We invite YOUR Banking Business.
. v.' '
Jackson County Bank
I - Established 1888 .
f '& .. .Member Federal Reserve
e; have the 'right size Exide to give long-lasting
power and care-free service in your car at a
All makes of Batteries repaired and recharged.
Battery and Electric Co.
Nat. Bldg
D. L. Ewinff
Phone 116
G. J. Hoffman
U Is just as necessary that the busi
ness man receivo a university train
ing as It Is tor the engineer, doctor,
lawyer or dentist In order that he may
have tho benefit of tho training which
most business men have obtained by
their own experiences. There are just
as many well dellned rules and regula
tions to the successful conduct of busi
ness affaire as there are In other pro
fessions, however these are subject to
changes in economic conditions and
for that reason the trained man is bet
ter equipped for success than the man
who is in business and does not under
stand why certain changes become nec
essary. Such was the essence of the
address of Dean Hohbins of the School
of Commerce of the University of Ore
gon at the Chamber of Commerce
forum yesterday.
In the establishment of a new course
of study for the training of secretaries
of chambers of Commerce Ihe Dean
clearly showed that a secretary must
understand city planning, must be post
ed on the changes of the economic con
ditions and understand the require,
ments for community leadership and
therefore a school for secretaries of
Oregon will be held during the Easter
vacation period this year.
The forum was well attended and
was presided over by Ulenn 0. Taylor.
Rev. Millard again demonstrated his
development as a song leader. Among
the out of town guests were John Fill
ler of Ashland. Miss Susanne Holmes
of Jacksonville and V. F. Walker of
PAZO OINTMENT instantly Re
lieves ITC.11NG PILES and you
can get restful fckop after the
first application.
All druggists r-e au horized to
refund the money i( PAZO OINT
MENT fails to Curo anv case of
dinary cafes in C days, the
worst cases in 14 days.
It is guaranteed by Paris Med
icine Co., St. Louis. Mo., Manu
facturers of the world-famous
Grove's- Laxative Broiao Quinine
This fllgnnture Is on every box
rtf DA71 niVTUK'XjT r.rv-
The Ceo. L. Treichlcr Motor Co.
will move to their new quarters at
10-18 South Fir street, February 15th.
This move is made to secure larger
quarters for tho increasing business of
the firm. They have already moved
their shop to tho new location. The
building will be re-arranged and re
modeled to meet the demands of this
Mr. Trclchler has been In the auto
and accessories business hero for sev
eral years and handles the popular
Dodge and Stephens Salient Six cars,
U. S. and Goodyear tires and accessor
They will continue their BinoUe nnd
removal sale on tires and accessories
until they move.
At a meeting of the board of direc
tors of the Med ford Chamber of Com-1
merce held yesterday afternoon the,
reports of several committees covering
legislative subjects were unanimously j
approved, and directed that the legisla-i
tors at Saiem be notified of the action!
taken. I
The .lupnneso question received the
attention of Ihe board and the forum
recommendation was unanimously np-
1 '1-1. ... f..- II. i nt.iw.lillttli.llt
I'lWVlTU. 11113 1'IIIJ 1"1 ..i. j,
. .. 1.1. . I. 1 .... It..'
(u a cinuiiuuee win:n nu.iu nuu an i..-
duty to confer with like committees of
civic organization and tho common
council to consider tho action to bo
taken Immediately to head orf tho Jap
anese Immigration to the Hogue River
valley and their leasing and purchas
ing of lands, prior to the time when
legislation could be enacted by the
Communications wore directed to be
sent to the Jackson county delegation
at Salem and at Washington showing
clearly the attitude of the residents of
Jackson county upon the Japanese
The coinmitteo appointed consists of
George T. Collins, chairman, J. W.
Wakefield, Ralph W. Elden, A. C. Hub
bard and 11. Klum.
; A proposition for tho establishment
of nn apple syrup factory was referred
to u committee consisting of C. C.
Cato, chairman, 15. J. Hkewls and C. M.
Kidd. No action will be taken by this
committee until further data may be
obtained as to the requirements reces
sary for the establishment of such a
Over 1000 men, women and children
were guests of the A. W. Walker Auto
Co., at the free moving picture show in
the Liberty theater Monday and Tues
day of this week and wero delighted
with the entertainment. The principal
picture was entitled "Something New",
in which Nell Shlpman performed
thrilling adventures among which was
the most exciting motor driving ever
registered by a camera. These stunts
were performed in a Maxwell, which
demonstrated the wonderful power
and endurance of this cur and especial
ly showed that it cau stand all kinds
of punishment.
Dally and Bandar.
10:00 a. m.
' 1:00 p. m.
4:30 p. m.
Effective October 25
10:00 a. m.
1:00 p. m.
4:80 p. m. ' "' "
Can atop at all lotermedJata point).
Office and Waiting Rooms: Med ford, E South Front, Naah Hotel
Bldg. Pbooe 309. Orauta Pass: The Bonbonnler, rhone 180.
We also operate atage ltnea from Mod ford to Ashland, Pboenlx,
Talent, Central Point, Jackaonvllle.
The Southern Pacific watchman's
coop on Ilayniarket square was moved
back a little from the street yesterday,
and Is now being given a coat of paint
We can supply your requirements in
Dormant Oil, Liquid Lime and Sulphur
Dry Lime and Sulphur, Distillate Oil
Emulsion, Tree Tanglefoot and all
other Orchard Sprays. Prices right,
Quality guaranteed. Farm Bureau Co
operative Exchange. 274''
Guests at the Nash include Mr. and
Mrs. Elfred Li Goess of Paonla, Colo.,
C. M. Lewln of Tuolumne, Calif., Mr.
and Mrs. It. Hayes of Is Angeles, L.
R. Scott of Seattle, H. D. Walsh of
Klamath Falls, and J. P. Martin of
Grants Pass.
A nice assortment of children's roin
pcrs reduced 33 1-3 per cent. Handi
craft Shop. 270
The farm bureau speaking meetings
being held throughout the county this
week are being well attended. The
attendance yesterday was as follows:
Central Point, 85; Riverside. GO;
Wimer, 05 and Table Rock 60. The
meetings of Thursday are at Lake
creek. Trail and Talent. Doth Messrs
Gray and Mansfield will speak at the
Talent meeting. Tomorrow's mcetln
will be at Ruch and Applegate.
Crowing Old Gracefully
Are you
g row
ing old
wins in
the race
of life?
Is it the
who is
all the
,time ?
ArTathlete trains for evfsy race.
A man is as strong as his blood
and as old as his arteries. Make
your blood redder, your health
better by taking that old fash
ioned blood tonio sold fifty years
ago and still "good as gold"
namely, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. Sold by all druggists,
or send 10c. to Di Piercejs Invalids'
Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for"a trial
San Francisco, Cal. "There ia
nothing eo helpful to old persons
whoso kidneys are weak and who are
all run-down and need a tonic (some
thing to give them an appetite) aa
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery, My father-in-law took it and
was greatly benefited ; it seemed to
put now life in him." Mrs. Joua
Jackson, 1703 Oakdalo Avenue.
Wants to Help Other Mothers
Mrs. Wm. Sager, 901 Nlchol St.,
ftlca, N. Y.: "I gladly write anything
that helps a mother with her children.
My little girl had whooping cough and
I was afraid she would choke. 1 gave
her Foley's Honey and Tar and it
helped her wonderfully. She could
sleep 'most all night without cough
ing." This good cough syrup checks
colds, stops coughing, cuts phlegm and
covers raw, inflamed membranes with
a heallug coating. Sold everywhere.
Was originally sold to phy
sicians who prescribed it for
all forms of
It is purely herbal, contain
ing: no minerals or salicylates
and can be depended upon
to remove all poisons from
the blood, which cause rheu
matism and kindred troubles
For sale by
Farm Implement Prices
The break has come. For some
time prices paid for your farm
Droducts have been low. It is
Dut natural for you to want
lower prices on the farm imple
ments used in producing your
Announcement is made
by the Oliver Chilled
Plow Works of a general
price reduction in their
lines that brings prices to
the basis of 1918. They
are the first to make this
reduction and are taking
the loss that the move
brings for there has
been little reduction in la
bor or material as their
contribution in hastening
a return to normal condi
tions. This is your opportunity,;'
to secure new, up-to-date, '!
Oliver quality imple
ments that will help you
produce a full crop, and
get them at a price in line
with the reduced prices on
your farm products.
Patton and Robinson, Inc.
Tel. 150
112 So. Riverside
Rendered In a Quiet Dignified manner at
Your loved one ia taken Into the Home where there la alwaya
somo one with them. Our Residence Is on the Second Floor.
We are Licensed Embulmers and are prepared to make shipment
to any part of tho United Statos or Foreign Countries. We will
take complote charge of any Sorvlco aud make all arrangements.
Lady Assistant. 1'hone 47.
Corner of Sixth and Oakdalo. Oua block west of Tostofflce.
The Medford
Auto Paint Shop Wi
General Motor Car Rcflnlshlng -N.
Central & Jackson. Phnae f f
I Mako Them '
t2fl East Man Hr,
000 Men,
I .-T'f -
Women and Children
Were our guests at the free moving picture show , Monday . and
Tuesday of this week. All were delighted with the pictures, and
especially the stunts of Nell Shipman in '(Something New." .....
Car on the roughest mountain country in Mexico, demonstrating
again the endurance, power and superiority of this wonderful car.
The Maxwell is a popular favorite in Medford and the Rogue
River Valley and if you are going to purchase a new car, let us
give you a demonstration. .
A. W. Walker Auto Co.