,.tt mT-.Tr.TtvT!-. rr:'T-.T7rvTW ADPCiAV TTT71 iVF.KTI Y. lRBTCUARY 2. 1021 PAGE TWO ! ocal and Personal From their size, exuberant pep'pery nesB and seeming athletic urowess dis played the Hill Military academy basket ball squad, which passed thru the city this morning enroute to Ash land will prove worthy foes for Med ford high In their contest with the Portland visitors Thursday and Friday nights. These will probably be the most Interesting and important games of the local season outside of the Ash land contests. The Hill quintet play Ashland high tonight and Saturday nights, and Medford high Thursday and Friday nights. G. M, C. program and dance to help your community, Tues., Feb. 8th. 272 For dry wood pnone 890-X or 947-1.,. Prompt delivery. 273 Every woman who likes to save money be on hand early Salurdcy at Mann's greatest remnant sale. 208 T. Edy will sell you all kinds of lots and houses In Medford reasonable and on time payments, or cheap for cash. Also furniture, wagons and harness,, etc. 273; Interest In the Elks lodge meeting tomorrow night centers In the first nominations for officers for the ensu ing year. Nominations will bo made every Tnursday night this month, and the election will bo held the first Thursday In March. Chicken feed wheat $2.65 per hun dred In rack lots. Russ Mill. Phone G29. ,- , -i , . if The .greatest, event of the year, Matin's romnant salo, Saturday, Feb. Bh....Be. on.Jiand early. 268 We sell tho best cigarettes for $l.Gu per carton of ten packages. They will coat you $1,75 elsewhere., Fonts Gro. Co. -S h" ' m' .'Ralph Woodford 'arrived home this forenoon from a business visit at San Francisco. . Bring your clean old rags to this office, Oc per pound. Mann's greatest romnnnt sale opens Saturday, Feb. 5th. A great time to save money. 2ti8 I have enough lumber to build a good sized house. Will Bell cheap. This Is ground hog day nnd if there is anything In tho old ndago that it tho ground hog sees his shadow ho goes hack into his holo and there will be six weeks more of winter, but If he does not see his shadow wintor Is practically over, valley people were in n perplexed slate up to early this nftemoon. Tho sun shone weakly for a few minutes this morning on the west foothills, but did not appear else where in tho valley. Therefore It is possible there will bo six weeks more of winter In tho Jacksonville section of the vnlloy and a very early spring In' Modford. Popular brands ot hultor sell for moro money. It Is tho sanio puro fresh creamery butter only n different wrap per. Why pay tho difference) ? Fonts Grocery Co. 272 Dr. Heme, eye, enr, noso, throat, tf On sale at Modford Hook Storo, Col. Sargoht'B hew book, "The Strategy on the Wostorn Front. 272 ' Miss Knto M. Tracy left Tuesday for a several wooks stag In California. (Snouts at tho Holland include Mr. and' Mrs. W. W. Williamson of Fond J)u Lac, Wis., IT. Reed of Knoxvlllo, E. G. Jackson of San Francisco, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Willis and II. Willis of Seattle. A dollar plug of tobacco for 85 cents. Fonts Grocory Co. 272 Tho only phonograph mado with which you can play all makes of records without Injury to tho records, tho new Edison Diamond Disc. Come in nnd test It at Palmer's Piano 1 louse, 2M East Main. 270 Address Lumber, enro Trlbuno. 270 jTJi(! girls baskuC bnll team of the Grants Pass high school will play the glrty team of Modl'orfl : high at. the NtitiitoiTum Friday night, preliminary toilio Medford hlgh-HIll military acad oniyjeontost. strictly fresh creamery butter, every pouifd guaranteed, 42 cents per pound. Foiifs Grocery Co. 272 List your house, farm and timber with the Medford Land & Insurance Agency, 220 West Main street. tf Take a look! JGIi.OO suits at $15.00. Klein tho Tailor, 128 E. Malt), upstairs. 209 The locnl police this morning picked up a Chevrolet ear that, had been loft standing by the Natatorlum since last Saturday night, on a notlco from Med ford stating n car bearing that number was missing. It Is supposed the auto had been taken from Medford and run up hero Saturday night; and fearing deteollon. the parties bad abandoned It. In tho car was a bottle contalnln about a half pint of whisky and two pairs of women's rubbers. Ashland Tidings. The new phone of tho A. W. Walker Vvd Car Annex Is 18 instead of No. 100, ami the new location Is 123-127 West Main. Whllo our present stork ot tobacco lasts wo will soil the leading brands for S5 cents per plug. Fonts Gro. Co Patronize homo and build tip pay rolls by Insisting on having brooms made by Hoguo River llrooni Works DIAMOND DYES DON'T STREAK, SPOT, FADE Buy "Diituimid Dyes." m otlu'i kind, then polled nsulis are guiir nntrril. Each package t'f "Diamond Ilyps" contains simple diriMlimis to dlnmond-dye worn, KhHbby skit-it, waists, drosnCH, routs. Klovr-a, stock ings, mveateiB, dvuperli-M. ooverloKs. everything, whether wool. silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods, new, rich, fmle es colors, J)ruBB"lsl has Color Card. Adv. 1 T. 4 The usual prediction of rain for the weaincr a uay unuim wm mnuvu vj weather bureau this morning. Just a trace of rain fell this morning. It is a proud distinction, well earned by the 1921 model liulck Six, that the new liulck models represent a 25 per cent greater used value than any other automobile built In the United States. The Bulck factory management, is proud to make this announcement that their latest product is by far the great est Bulck yet built and actually repre sents 25 per cent better used value than any car ever built. 268 We have butter for 42 cents, 45 cents and 50 cents. It Is all guaranteed. Fonts Grocery Co. 272 $05.00 suits at $45.00. It will pay you to climb my stairway. Klein the Tailor, 128 E. Main, upstairs. 2C9 This Is Christian Endeavor week and that world wide organization is cele brating Kb 40th fenuiversury. We sell for a profit, but we do not need so great a profit as some, as our expense for doing business Is leBS. You can save enough on two pounds of butter to buy a loaf of bread. Fonts Grocery Co. 272 A dollnr roll of butter for 84 cents. Fonts Grocery Co. 272 Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlere for NuBone. Phone 685-J. tf Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Scheuer and Will. F. Lcaney of New York city, are registered at the Medford, as are also Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Arnspiger of Ridge field, Wn Joel C. Stockwell of Castle Rock, Wn Ed E. Moore of Los An geles L. Desley of Taeoma and W. C. Rutherford nnd J. W. Carey of Seattle. If you want to know any of our prices call 271, Fonts Grocery Co. 272 "Spot" dances at Gold Hill Saturday. 271 Candlemas Day dance at Nat tonite. Excellent music and the best floor in tho country. ' 208 W. T. Normile left last night for Oakland, Oil., whero he will visit with his family for two weeks and look after business matters. Up In quality, down in price. Klein tho Tailor, 128 E. Main, upstairs. 209 Grape elder, fresh from the press at the Jackson County Creamery Bottling Dopt. Phono 22-R. Everything electrical. Medford Elec tric Co. Phone 661. There will be a delegation from Med ford In attendance at the American Legion boxing bouts at Grants Pass next Friday night, which have been ar ranged by Joe Thomas. Cundlcmns Day danco tonite at Nat. Lucky Spot dances. Free dancing until 9:30. 208 Alfalfa seed, tests 99.92; no dodder. Phono 902. Elinor Ilanley Bush, 826 East Main. 310 200 pair new Bhoos at cost. Second hand shoes and shoo repnlrlng at the Medford Shoo Hospital, 119 East Sixth street, Modford. J. W. Utter, tho well known entile man of Klaniaih county who had been on a cattlo buying trip thru eastern Oregon and points north, and who has been In this vicinity on tho sanio er innd left today for northern California points whero he expected t opurchnse still more stock. Parties having Oriental rugs that need repairing phono 929. 209 Hard Times ball nt Englo Point Saturday, Feb. 12. 277 Try our merchants lunch. The Shasta. . Neeley and family of Ashlnnd yesterday moved to their ranch In the Applegnte section to reside there until next winter. Dance tonite at Nat. Lucky Spot dances. Imperial orchestra. Latest music, finest floor. 208 Bring your clean old rngs to this office, 0c per pound. Hemstitching nnd pecoting . Buttons covered. Handicraft Shop. 270 Gaston Domergue is expected home soon from New York city whero he went two weeks ago lo attend the annual convention of agents of the Metropolitan Llfo Insurance company T. Edy will paint ami paper your house reasonably. Also will make your cane seats and repair your furniture, lluys and sells. 1125 West Tenth or Box 1070. Medford. 271 Invest your savings In the Jackson County Building and Loan association tf Delco-Llght Electricity for every (arm. Medford Electric Co. Mr. and Mrs. W. IC. Hummell of Ragle Point are guests at the Holland who arrived Tuesday. Candlemas Day dance at Nat. tonite Dancing begins promptly at 9 o'clock 208' Another big dance at Talent, Friday Feb. 4. 270' Car eastern corn on track. Bulk $10.00 per ton, $12.00 per ton snckod Seo us for new low prices on all feeds. The Rogue Valley Milling Co., corner Ninth and Front streets. John J. Wilkinson of this city, an George J. Hewitt, deputy Interna' l-evenue collectors, are In Klamath Falls this week assisting the public In making out income tax returns. From Klamath Falls they will spend a wee! in Ashland for the same purpose and then will come lo Medford for a stay Income tax returns prepared. Linda 235 East Main. Ail styles of buttons covered. Hand! craft Shop. 270 Car eastern corn (in track. Bulk $10.00 per ton, $12.00 per ton sacked See us for new low prices on all feeds. The Rogue Valley Milling Co., corner Ninth and Front streets. A. W. Oborg and Jesse Peterson o Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mnstln o Kugene and II. J. IVmnior of Roseburg are stopping at the Nash. Spot dances worth while tonight nt Nat. Music that makes you dance Free dancing until 9:30. MS A prl.o waltz nt Talent, Friday night. The Hub Shoe store of Medford will give a fine pair of shoes to the lady of the winning couple. 270' Odd balls of yarn at 30c per ball Handicraft Shop. 70 Miss Edith Sweeney arrived home this forenoon from a three weeks visit, with her sister, Mrs. R. C. Day at Portland. Lucky spots at Nat tonight and many or tneni. .Many iree ounce"., Excellent music and the best floor. 268 Our entire stock of fine auto robes at cost some bargains believe me. The Busy Corner Motor Co. 281 Now Is the time to have your old tire and tubes put in shape. Exchange Tire Co. 272 Johnny Reed, postmaster of Gold Hill, was among the out of town visi tors at the American Legion smoker last night. Car eastern corn on track. Bulk, $40.00 per ton, $42.00 per ton sacked. See us for new low prices on all feeds. The Rogue Valley Milling Co., corner Ninth and Front streets. Oregon Nursery Go., largest In the northwest. All kinds of fruit and shade trees, ornamental shrubbery, etc. See or address V. S. Abraham, 508 South Grape St., Medford. 280 Insurance of all kinds. Lindas, 23o Sast Main. 4 The will of Marshall C. Awbrey probably the last survivor of the Mex lean war in tho state of Oregon, was filed at Roseburg last week. The sum of $500 was bequeathe!- to Colonel Robert A. Miller, prominent democra tic leader of this stato, the rest of the estate being left to a nephew. Awbrey died nt the soldiers' homo in Roseburg a few days ago on his ninety-second birthday. Portland Journal. Knights of Pythias Informal dance at Castle hall, Friday evening, Feb. 4. All knights cordially Invited. 270 Delco-Llght farm light and power plants. Medford Electric Co. A nice assortment of children s rom pers reduced 33 1-3 per cent. Handi craft Shop. 270 A goodly number of out of town pa trons were In Medford today to take advantage of the Wednesday bargains offered by local merchants. Personal attention to overdue ac counts. Lindas, 235 East Main. Gertrude Kirkpatrick, Spencer cor setlere. Phone 140-R. 280 "Spot" dances at Talent Friday. 270 Portlnnd guests at tho Holland In- cludo B. IT. Garrett, R. J. West, S. T. Campbell, L. A. Newton, J. W. Hau liers, W. V. Walker, G. F. Hiles and C. E. Heltkemper. Horse-Shoe tires have stood the test. Full guarantee and free tire service for tho mileage. Exchange Tire Co. 27 Fresh cottage cheese, Dairy Nook Majestic "4" at Gold Hill Saturday. 271 0. C. Hoggs arrived homo this fore noon from Memo Park, Calif., near 'alo Alto, to which placo ho accom panied his son Carter, who entered a private boys school there. Vess E. Jones has Just arrived from Houston, Texas, with good news con cerning Mogul Producing & Refilling company, and all stockholders and prospective purchasers of "Mogul" securities should see him at onco nt Edwin P. Hughes' office, as he will be here but a few days. 208 Carl Jeschke, high grade watch and clock repairing, 11 Fir street, . Wo have a largo stock of repaired and rebuilt tires. Exchange Tire Co. 272 J. J. Skinner left today for Gold Hill on business. Good eats tit Talent Friday. 270 Pacific Package goods reduced 25 per cent. Handicraft Shop. 270 When better automobiles are built, Bulck will build them. tf Wanted Singing canaries. Box D, Mall Tribune. Mrs. M. It. Rice, night ticket agent at tho depot, Is home front a several days visit at Portland. Wo save you money on your dry cleaning, dyeing nnd repairing. City Cleaning Wo Its, 401 South Riverside. Phono t(4. ' tf Majestic "4" nl Talent Friday. 270' F. II. Tlchenor, of Eugene, district malinger of the Woodmen of the World arrived in the city this morning for a month's stay on business connected with that, order. Chicken feed wheat $2.05 per bun died sack lots. Russ Mill. Phone 529 tf" Sprague RIegel of Gold Hill waB a Medford visitor yesterday. Infants' dresses in Pacific Package goods reduced . Handicraft Shop. 270 When overhauling your old bus put new life In it by demanding genuine American hammered piston rings, fac tory equipment on the best cars. The Busy Corner Motor Co. tf San Francisco guests at the Medford are D. W. Ilurrell, H. S. Livingston, J. S. Xowenthal, A. S. Thompson and S. F. Samish. Portland guests at this hotel are C. P. Schmeer, Z. N. Agee, L. M. Green, R. G. Holden, Cecil S. Schryer and E. S. Morris. Business college boy wants spare time work. Phone 259-H. 271 Do not order calendars from travel ing representatives or out of town firms. We have a factory line of all sizes and kinds of calendars, wall pockets, cut-outs, etc., that we will show the trade later and save you money on the -same. tf Bring your clean old rags to this office, 6c per pound. Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Minear are recelv ing congratulations on the arrival of an 8Mi lb. boy. The wool and mohair growers of Jackson county are requested to meet in tho library building at Medford, Saturday, February 5 at 2 p. m. to perfect an organization to pool their wool for 1921. It's Important that all growers be present even if they only have half a dozen sheep. F. W. HeriTn. 270 R. A. Holmes, the Insurance Man. Insurance, and Bonds, pluB Service. Rompers In unbleached batiste and white poplin stamped to embroidor, greatly reduced. Handicraft Shop. 270 Much interest is being manifested in a coming amusement event at Central Point next Friday night, the details of which will soon be forthcoming. Big dance at Gold Hill Saturday Feb. 5. : 271 Everything electrical. Medford Elec tric Co. Phone 661. Dairy Nook lunches please. Notice To all my friends I wish to announce that I have a shoe-shining parlor In Brown and Brown's. Try ino out. Prompt attention given all work sent in by ladies. RAY RLACKBURN. 270 HEALTH OF WOMEN QUICK RELIEF Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That is the joyful cry of thousands since Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tablets, the substituteforcalomel. No Rriping results from these pleasant little tablets. They cause the liver nnd bowels to act normally. They never force them to unnatural action. D; Edwards' Olive Tablets are a soothing, healing, vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. If you have a bad taste, bad breath, feel dull, tired, are constipated or bilious, you'll find quick and sure re sults from Dr. Edwards' little Olive Tablets at bedtime. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED To buy milk bottles. Phone 0S5U-3. 270 WANTED Any kind of work for hoy 14 after school and Saturdays, with or without wheel. Box 40, Mail Tri bune. 270 WANTEll By 18-year-old boy. situa tion, any kind of work. Address Box P. 11. 1... Tribune. 270 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for cattle eight acres irrigated, with buildings. close in. W. E. Mann. K. R. 4. : FOR SALE Two thoroughbred Ches ter White cows. Weight about 150 lbs. Guy M. Martin. 54 miles south west of Medford, on Griffin Creel; 270 WANTE1V From owner, a 5 or t room modern bungalow: east slib preferred. Ans. Box 41, Mail Trl bone, How many perfectly well women do you know? Isn't it true that in order to keep up with the march of pi-o gress the endurance of woman is often strained to its utmost and the tax upon her physical .system is in many cases- greater than she can stand. Head aches develop, and ilervous irritability, backache, u"Vagglng down sensations, And other painful ailtnents peculiar to women. The reliable remedy when woman gels into such u condition Is Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound, as for nearty half a century it has proved .the natural restorative for these troubles'. LOOK WHO'S HERE BIH Splvcns." Accompanied by Ills J-'atnmiM MuMi-llotnuI "Steve,' Will Appear livery Week lu The Mull Tribune. ,lunt why this famous cartoon char acter-has I'omc to Mod ford ,-r-no one seems to know. The fart that "Hill' is here was learned from J.-11. Deni son of the Medford Auto Company, who merely smites nnd looks wise when questioned by a Mail Tribune reporter. "Just wait and wateh," is nit Mr. Donison would say when questioned. It is rumored that Splveus Is the apent of some foreign government while others say It is a business proper sition he is here on. and others inti mate it is a love affair in which "Kill' is devising means to win tho fair one who is a Medford miss. "Steve." who is Hill Splvcns faith ful mush -hound will have something to say in these columns so wait and wateh. Merchants' Lunch THURSDAY 122 p. m. 50 HOLLAND CAFE Salad Chilled Can li flower. Mayonnaise Soup Corn Chowder Choice of Hreaded, Th-oast of Lamb, Paprika Sauce Uoast Beef Hash, Southern Stylo Corn IJread Mashed Potatoes Hrai'ed Carsnips Chocolate Pudding I Tea Coffee Mil Try Our Special Plate Lunch O " Pleaded Ureas t of Iat Paprika Sa uce Corn I tread Corn Prend Mnshed Potatoes Chocolate Pudding Tea Coffee Milk BARNEY GOOGLE SAYS: "It is tho besi buy; for the money in iredford." A Snappy Mahonny Calf Straight Lace Shoe for young men at $7.90 a pair. English Last' Welt Sewed and Rubber Heels. "Good Shoes 21 North Central "Trade on North Central where the Saving is Big and the Service is the Best." cdlways good-ljoii'U lite it more mid more oAlmp good-ifou'll lite it morcand more cllwap good-ifou'll lite it more and more ejlwaysgood-ifou'll lite ihnoreatid more i- . ' - ' ,,i ,, .( , ., -!.il-.-i'! :n-r ll -l'i;' CARS tfWila1rn'OTlMS Biggest Bargains Ev er Off ered i !'!-, .1! -! .lilV sue." ( r 1 1;-: r v- Studebaker-Six, 1919, new paint, new top, fine condition $850 Dodge Touring, 1919 . . $750 Maxwell Touring, 1918, fine condition ..... $600 Chevrolet, excellent condit'n $525 Ford Cars from $150 up Prices to Meet Any Purse Gates Auto Co.