MEDFOftD MATL . TRTRUXE. MTCTiFOTCTV OftF,"10T. S TTTT)AY, .TANTTATIY 20. 1021 TACY. REVTW It Will be to Your Advantage. to consult with us if you are con sidering: the purchase of a home. It's our business; .to know values, and the, conditions pertaining: to the. .local market... We ' specialize on homes, our. listing is large. Why not take advantage of this? We have four autos for your service. No trouble to show ; properties. The market is active now and will be more so within the next, sixty days., we Know how you can save money if you buy now. 1. Good modern house, fully fur, nished, newly painted and refih ished. Lot 50x125 feet. ' A good buy $3200.00 : 2. Attractive , modern ' 5-roora bungalow. Well finished. Nice Eorches, shade ' trees,, woodhousel et us show you this, $5000. 3.. Five room cottage, six lots, lo cated nicely for chicken business. All level. Good well, garage. You can make a living on this. Price only $1500.00. Terms. 4. Nice attractive bungalow. Strictly modern. Lot 50x100. The price is. right, $3000.00. 5. Best garden' land, some ber ries, chicken house, fair house four rooms. Large well, gasoline motor pump and tank. The lot very large 50x240. Price $1500. Pay like rent. $500 down, balance to suit. 6. Large eight-room, two-story home., bath, garage, woodhouse. Several shade trees. We can sell this for $3000.00 with, all assess ments paid... The lot is 100x100. and location' close in; 7. Six-room story and a , half bungalow... Hard; wood floors, sta tionary laundry .'tubs. Garage, chicken house.' Included are elec--trie range . and electric,, heater. .With .paving and all assessments . mam nntv :it)ii nil. 8 A small farm, 2 1-2 acres fine land. Good five-room house and bath. Barn, chicken house. Good well and pump.'- Family orchard. ' Price. $3750. ".. . Terms. 9. ; Modern o-room bungalow. sine snaae, Denies ana oiner fruit. Only $2500.00.' '.",' 10, Fivfe room modern bungalow, sleemn? riorchv kitchen . Tjorch. T.avtra ViaSirrtnm all nourlir fiwiuVi an TTitio rnnHifinn fin T-n i-rct ti.op 1.. a r a. nyi i . .ju-wu. fitwi. iioia. we nave casu prjee $2860.' with paving and all .assessments nn id. .1 I - DnUnn. A 11. .... .1. .firle fivtnres. t.wn alepniyio tinwdifca - uaDinei Kuerten, wooa nouses, ce ment walks. Lot 75x120.- All as sessnlents paid. Only, $2200. .', Tlot 100x100, Very close in. suit- hihlft fnv Vmoinoae paving paid, only $2000. . 43. . Neat attractive bungalow ; nftttifl. ." MftriPrTi rnTivp.TnimnAc fin: mJTif Tirollro frtrt4 avtrl pi1a Hwima ?$5fi50. - Pnv fRRBfl n.azh VmlaWno f 14. Very ' attractive- six-room '-. hiodern bungalow firetnlane. naW - 'flnnrd tndnw hinlt in fontnrAo fin trifiTif". walks, nil -navi-ntr Aeerjcc . , v- ' ' ww- 4 e s i- a i xo. m eiimwoora mouern v Btvi uuuie luuitteu on tust siije. lawn. Prioe $3000. Terms. 16. Neat .five-room bungalow. garage, gardeni can sell for $2000 cash. V . ' " 17.,; East side bungalow home, six rooms, stone fireplace; built in fea . ttires, cabinet, kitchen, two-story garage, lawn, mm trees. Lot 66 xl50. Price $5000, plus paving. , leruiH. 1,18. Close in, six-room modem cottage, cement foundation, only , $2367.50. Very easy terms. It's a i cooa duv. i 19. hnmn fllnoa tn f, woodhouse, garden, fruit, lawn. ! flowers. Only $1800. . 20. Cheap six-room- cottage, lot 50x100. Woodhouse, garden. Price ; $1200. Easy terms. 21. 8even-room, two-story bung ; alow, fine location. East front. "i hardwood floors, fireplace, sleep ' ing porch, garage, woodhouse, nice ,.iawii ail assessments paw in lull. fThis home nicely arranged. Fine large living room. Only $5250. ;22. Six-room modern bungalow, j cpment foundation, fireplace, very ' attractive as rooms well arranged. Woodhouse, garden. The price $3500. ';23. Six-room up-to-date ,bunga- ; jvw, tciniui, luunaauon, iirepiace screened porch, barn, garage.'. A vierv desirable hnmi .tdlinft K4. A city farm, lot 50x300. Best bottom land. Five room modern ; bungalpw, berries, fruit, chicken houseand yard. Only $2750. 25. Two acres fine land, house 5 iooius, several nyaranis lor lrn- ' gation. Price $2000. Trms." Page-Dressier Co. . Phone 282 Nash Blk. Medford ; i' For Any Kind of Real Estate The Best Fire Insurance Market News --. Livestock 1 PORTLAND,' Ore.. Jan. 29: Cattfo steady;' ''receipts 29. Quotations un changed. Hogs and sheep, no receipts. Quotations unchanged. ' " Butter PORTLAND, Ore, Jan. 29. Butter firrti. Kxtra cubes 385 40c; parch ment wrapped, prints, box lots 45c; eitr- tons 40c; half box lots half cent more; less' than half box lots -lc inore. liut terfat. No; 1 churning cream 43fr4rc f.b.b. 'Portland; undergntdes 41c f.u.b. Portland. . r Eggs PORTLAND, Ore.,: Jan. , 20. Ekrs lower. Iiuylng price 38c'i selling price, case count 4Uc; 'candled 42c; selects 43 6 44c. ' TACOMA, Jan. 29. The egg market here touched the lowest price in two years today when fresh ranch eggs were quoted at 45 cents wholesale. Grain and Hay Parley. ?29(S 34;' cats, $32 34.50; corn, No. 3, yellow, f 30 (if 31. ' Mfuruil, 353G. - - CHICAGO, Jan. 29 The fnlliiro of an Argentine bank,' the general politi cal and economic outlook and the gov ernment report on farm reserves which as construed as favorable to the bears despite the fact that It showed a large reduction in supplies compared with a your ago were responsible for the bear ish sentiment In all grains here today There was general selling in evidence and corn and oats; dropped to a new low on the crop. Opening quotations on wheat ' 'which-. were quarter to 2 lower with March fl.62 to $1.03 and May '$1.51 to $1.53 were followed by Curther declines and theh a slight re action.' ' : ; ,' ; Corn, starting - to' lc -oft with May C5 to BCc declined slightly, V0" rallied. - ' :-'- . "Initial quolations of oa(B wljlch wore off 3-8 to 5-8 with May 42Vi to 42 c showed further weakness and then hardened. -..' Proylalons were dnll and easier with grains. ' 't-' - - N. Y. Stocks . NEW YORK, Jan. . 29. Trading .in stocks today was limited, almost en tirely to special issues,"'no4ably oils, oqulpmonts, motors and low grade rails. Associated Oil rose five points and .Mexican Petroleum 2.. Several of the utilities gained ( one , to three. New Orleans, Texas and Mexican fea tured the rails, rising, fpur points. Heaviness of high grade rails caused i'sojuo irregularity at the close. Sales approximated 2.50,000 shares.. NEW YOEKi Jan: 29. Mexican and California' oils and several obscure in dustrials ,Rnd minor-rails were the sole features , of interest at the-quiet unci uneven opening of today's stock mar ket. Within the first few minutes gains of 1. points were made by Mex ican Petroleum and Associated Oil. European oils were heavy and Invest ments transportations, including Nor thern Pacific eased slightly. Before the end of the first half hour 'a firmer. tendency' developed In the popular shares. - ,v - ' NEW YORK. Jan. 29 (Weekly Wall Street Review). Trading dwindled al most steadily in the stock market this week,, the only activity being In Issues of the' more speculative character or under professional control. ' Oils fur nished a preponderance of the dealings altUough tuo movement' was; ..largely regulated by further;; retuctllns In prices. '.. . : ;''. Steels, railway. equipments' and var ious shares governed, by the cotlrse of Industrial coildItlenB,lwere not- espec ially responsive to the flnVhelal state ments of the United States Steel and riolhlehom corporations.. The optimis tic views of those companies were lit tfelided by a moderate revival of aetlv (ty "at mill centers but increased con sumption seems to be waiting lower prices. . . Conditions in the Investment mnrket show Improvement as evidenced by the speedy sale of such important un- derwrltlngs as the Pennsylvania rnll road offering, the Belgian loan, and the more moderate Issues of Industrial companies and domestic municipal ities. '-.'''.'' Interest in foreign ' exchange con tered mainiyin the strength of British remittances which rose to their high est quotations in sver half a year. There were concurrent advances in rates to continental Europe, the ad vance, according to" popular report, bearing close relation to the, approach ing meeting of the reparations commis sion. . ., Allis-Chalmers ...., 35.C American Beet Sugar, bld...4....C'4ll American Can ; Si. C American Car &: Foundry 124 American Hide & Leather, pffl 45.5 American International Corp.. 48.7 American Locomotive 83 American Smelting & Kef'g .- 40 American Sugar . ,. 93.7 American Snmntra Tobacco 81.2 American T. & T 99.8 American Woolen 07 Anaconda Copper 39.2 Atchison ,..:........ . 82.7 Ati., uttir & w. indies i .. ca.u Baldwin Locomotive 89.8 Baltimore & Ohio ...... 34.7 Bethlehem Steel "B" - 57 Canadian Pacific 118 Central Leather ; 41 Chandler Motors .. 72.5 Chesapeake & Ohio, bid 59.5 2S.3 .... il.o in 5 22.S 13.5 128.2 Cuba Cane Sugar Erie General Electric General" Motors 15 Goodrich Co. : 40.5 Great Northern pfd 78.7 Great Northern Ore Ctfs., bid 28.S Illinois Central 90 Inspiration Copper 35 Int. Mer. Marine pfd., bid 54.5 International Papey ...1 ; 01.2 Kennecott Copper 19.8 Louisville & Nashvillo .-..lul.5 Maxwell Motors Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper, bid. Middle States Oil ... 5.7 15S. 2 18.7 13.5 . Mldvale Steel Missouri Pacific New York Central ...i t N. Y., N. H. and Hartford'. Norfolk & Weslern .: Northern Pucific, Oklahoma Prod. & Pef Pan American Petroleum Pennsylvania People's Otis Pittsburg and West Va Kay Consolidated Copper. Heading ltep. Iron & Steel Itoyal Dutch, N. Y... ...'... Shell Trans. & Trad Sinclair Con. Oil Southern Pacific : Southern Railway Standard Oil of N. J. pfd.. Studohaker Corporation ... Tennessee Copper ..... Texas Co Texas & Pucific Tobacco Products Transcontinental Oil 31.5 ..: 19.2 72.7 21.3 , 101 88.5 3.G 75 41.7 38.6 30.2 13.8 S3.7 07 ; 60.7 43.7 24.5 :;. 98.5 23 108.7 58.7 9 43.7 .i. 21. 55.7 10:2 Union Pacific II. S.- Food'Vroducts U. 8:5 Retail Stiiros. ;.;!....., ....V,.:..!...-.:...,119i7 :.': iv-.v-.:: 2' -5G.5 II. S.; Ind. Alcolun 09.5 hld..-.-.-:..-... 09.5 United States-Rubber, United -.Stat '8tfl 3........ 83 Utah Copper. !..J.i."x.iL 57 Westliighdiise fetoctiw IL: 45. Willys Overland 8.2 8.0 13.5 37 53.5 6 3 5-. 2 24.7 'American Zinc, Lead and Sin.... Butte and Superior Cala. Petroleum Montana Power, bid Shattuck Arizona, bid.......... Pure Oil '. ; Invincible Oil '. General Asphalt ... (Furnished by tne JacRson County Abstract Co.) Circuit Court Continental Highway vs. Crater Lake Hdwe. Co. Notice. S. .A. Hull vs.- M. M. Maine et al. Tax foreclosure. . ' Laura Bernlce Cameron vs. F. Crump. Cost bill. "- Agnes 1. Merrell.vs. C. E. Torrill (sheriff t. For' possession' of property. Leonle D. Schmidt vs. Jackson Co. Creaniory, Objection. Amended an swer. Probate Court Est. O. W. Little. Proof of Jiubllca tion. ': . Est. H. J. Ilnskamp. Proof of publl cation.' , c , Est. F: K. Deuel. ;Proof of 'publica tion. ' . Real Estate Transfers - John F. ux to Central Point State Bank, pt. sec. 20 and 21, tp. 8.6, S. R. 2 W .....$ Joseiih . F, Dietrich et tax to jo-. sejih P. Hammer8ly, lots 5, .6,' 7, 8, blk. 20, Dekum .Add. to Gold Hill Zoe R Noe to Joseph P. 'Horn-'! mersly, lot 12, blk. 15, De k urn's Amended Add. to Gold Hill Edl th' w! 'Ho'lriibs To" dt- Ei'Plerco et lixj nhd- in- Stewart-Acres 10 300 Subdivision : .". ..A...J. 1850 Carl Bennett' et ux to E. P. Boh-" ' hett, lots 1 and 2, blk. 1, Ceh-'V '' '80 iBcres ' Bear - Greek Bottom niUTagoTSIil. "d St. Paul.. Chicago, R. 1. & Pac: fhlno lV''it,'jJi.; t'olurailo Fuel Sl lion, bid.... C'orn Pn)ducts .' .'. Crucible Steel :. B8.2 -v (biMNews Nothing Better Under Irrigation ' and Water Fully Paid Improvements Good , Located In Central Point Section on Paved Pacific Highway x The price $200!00 Per Acre This will interest the in vestor, the speculator, and the honest to good ness, farmer.; -.-..'v. We Must Have QuicW Action Phone or Call Page-Dressier Co. Nash Block Phone 282 For Any . Kind of Real Estate The Best Fire Insurance tral Point l K. poster el ux u George Tavoiner. lots in Ashland Ralph II. McDonald ct al to Helen Poller Sander. NE of SW, Si of NH of SK. SVa 'f SE sec. C, tp. -vJ. R. 1 West .10 10 A Woman's Reeom-iendatlon Mrs. D. T. Tryor, Franklin Av., Otse go, O., wrltes:Mne years ago I was very much afflicted with kidney trou ble. 1 bought different kinds of med Iclne, but all to no effect, uutil one day I bought a box of Foley Kidney Pills. I realized so great a benefit from the use of that box that I feel safe In recommending Foley Kidney Pills to any kidney sufferers." They relieve backache.- soro muscles, rheu matic pains and bludded ailments. Sold every where. '- ' ' WANTED SI'IT.VTIONS ' WANTED Housework In small fam ily;' no washing; references. Box M; Mail Tribune. ' 205 WANTED Position by experienced dictaphone operator or tv'pist. Phono 419-L. 205 WANTED By experienced farmer po sition as ranch foreman or tenant by the year. Address llox 174, Ash land, Ore. 205 WANTED Position by slunographer and bookkeeper with several years experience. Call or write American Red Cross. 2(10 WANTED-Two experienced young men want brush Imriiliig or other orchard work by day or contract. Phone C25-Y. 203 HEIiP WANTT.n MATjH WANTED Men to do grubbing or contract. ' Phone 402-Y.- 20li! WANTED Salesman: Wo want n real " salesman Hint, is reliable and ener getic, with an auto, for a permanent position in each county of Oregon. Washington and Idaho to sell M labor saving and farm conveniences arti cles for the-'house, barn and stock. They are articles with real merits and one that the farmer, will buy If properly presented. They are lines that iny-salesman can handle with credit to himself and in which he can build tip a pcrmnoent business that will last for years. In answer ing state .territory preferred, your age, selling experience and refer ences. It is a commission proposi tion. A good salesman can easily make from $2500.00 to $5000.00 a year. If you can qualify for the posi tion It's worth" tho while of any salesman employed or unemployed. Coast Culvert & Flume Co., Portland (Kenton) Oregon. 2GS HELP WANTED FEMALli WANTED At ohoo, experienced per son! for housework In famllv of three. Mrs. J. C. S. Wellls. Tei 171. 205 WANTED Mlddlc-agod lady for cook on- dairy ranch. Eight or ton men Write to Chas. Tala, Smith River, Calif. , ... . ..20? WAXTJOD SlISClCLLAXEOUS , WANTED To buy'.fron) ; owner, good placer ground on deeded or patented land. .- No mining clulni. Box 13,-A., Mull- Tribune.- - ' r 1 , " WANTED Contract pruning any where. In valley. Am prepared to do tree grafting this spring. Clarence Prihkey; Central Point, Oregon..- 270 WANTED A -malo Airdale or Collie dog. Address J. 8. Miner, Central ' Point, Ore. ' ' ; . ! ' 2W WANTED-To buy a good, milk cow. Call or address 919-W. Eleventh. 260 WANTED Tg buy horso weight - about 1400; . nothing old, must be trite. Phone 370-J. 205 WANTED-1 To rent furnished apart ment of two rooms, . kitchen .' and bath, or. small house furnished. Phone 797. '. - '',..' , ' 205 WANTED Horses . and mules' past usefulness. Phono 201-W or deliver to Rogue River Poultry Farm, Jack sonville Rond. 200 WANTED A' bccoiuI- hand wicker baby buggy. Must bo in good con dltlon. Phone CSG-J. ' - 205 W A NTED-Good clean rags. Medford Prliltine Co. ... WANTED Shoe repairing while you ' wait at the "Model Boot Shop." 21 S. Central Ave. Quick service, quality work, E. N, DIdon, prop. WANTED House moving and re. pairing. Phone 8-M or 4RH-X. tf If you ore looking -for good city property, yo have it. If you Vvnnt rqnt-h jiroperty, see lis. The Owl Investment Co. G. F. Wertz, M. F. H. Bltlg. READJUSTMENT Confronts tho - world All business mlist prepare to meet the ne cqnditlune. We can help ' ' ' ' PUT YOVK HOUSE IN ORDER ' : ' . ' .': . ST3TEM Is onr business , and . .', 'EFFICIENT is out system INCOME TAX ' Returns correctly prepared. Bookkeeping and other business difficulties satisfactorily adjust ed. Consult us. i 3AuJ:til3 O Accouretlna C? rYSTEriCRVICElO: F li3uranf zkyff lrvejsmerss M. P. Schmltt, Mgr. ' Phone 581 ' Liberty' Bldg. KOR ItKXT noi'SKKKKPlXO - - - ROOMS FOR 1!'-:.T Light hoiiKt-L t i! p 1 II rooms. 32.2 t. Central or pboao 403-X-2. - 2iili KOlt 1CK.XT l-'l RMS1IKI ISOOMS FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, hot and cold water, bath any time; use of wash tub and Iron. Largo gar ace; one block from library. No. 004 W. Tenth. FOR REXT lUH'SKS FOR RENT Furnished house In fine condition, to ndiilis only. Price $20.50. Phone 353-J. 20:1 FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished apartment: adults onlv. one or two ladles pre ferred.' 51S King St. 205 MONET TO LOAN TO LOAN J. D. Andrewi losui money on real estate and buvi mortgages and Llbnrty bonds. Phone CS-M. SI North Grape street. ESTRAYKD I. STRAYED One Toggenberg gout. Cjill Castile's stove repair shop, 113 S. Holly. Phono 939. tf 1YH SAI.K REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Six room bungalow at 000 Heatty St. for only $1500. Assess ments paid to date. Look it over lind phono R17-L after 0:00 p. in. If you wnnt It; 205 FOR SALE Some, exceptional bar gains: , 0-rooins and bath $17r,n.ilo -Five room 'b.ungulow, barn.... ISOO.00 -, .0 room bungulow, jiioderu, .'".,- largo outbuildings 2500.00 ' i Splendid homo, good,, locii-. ,.. ..ii..ton easy ter)UH-Nt.',.w.4-r 3C00.00 ' Call or wrlto for iioUiplele! list 'of Medford Baiguliis.! 11, - if. Lindas, 235 Bi .Main St. ' i:wi-t v 205 -.l.-ir . u' . i :f- . FOR 8 A LB : Olt-.l EXCJIANllE-For Medford nronertv.' 40 -ae.i-es . near ' lleagle. Sums Valley. Klein the Tailor, T2S 10. Main. 207 FOR SALE Largo modorn eight room house, partly furnished, three and one-half blocks from Main St. Lot 07 by ISO feet, double garage, good barn, assessments ull paid, east front. Price $0000. A. C. Hubbard ' . . 207' FOR SALE Somo desirable houses. also ranches. Bowling, 20 S. Peach. Phone 353-J. ' 1 205 FOR SALE J.lko rent, G rooms, bath and sleeping porch. Gas and elec- trlcity. Large lot on pavement. Price $1200. at $25 per month; The etianci to own your homo and never miss the 'money. " Phono owner, 084-J-l ' ' . 2G0 FOR SALE 25 ncres, 3 Mi miles northeast of Medford. Suitable tor fruit, berries, vegetables or poultry Good buildiiiPB. E. A, Brumaugh, Route 3. Box 143. - 205 FOR SALE 18' acres on Jacksonville boulevard opposlto Oalt Grove, school -honse."" Price $2500. AddrosB Need ham & Purdy, Lyons, Kansas. . 273 FOR SALE Good ranches. Soe us before buving. J. B. Andrews, 31 N. Grape St.- Phono D3-M. tf FOR SALE Lens and exchange real estate. Gold Ray Realty Company. fOR SALE Houses .and bungalows, . furnished or unfurnished; also acreage! C. B. Butterfleld, phone M6. ' '' ' FOB BALK IXVKHTOCK FOR SALE $85 buyB 5-year old fault less Jersey cow. R. D. Sanford, Join ing Helman'a Butbs, Ashland. - 208 FOR -SALE Throe horses with har ness, one wagon, ono steel wagon, sulky (How. nrlngtooth, three-sec lion Tinrrnw, mower, rnke, cultivator, at sacrifice because of owner's health. Phono 18-X-4, Central Point. ,' ,-, 205 FOR SAfyH-Hunvy span of good work muloB;; also team ot.v)n,rses weight about 2000, good workers, Alfio grain drill. - James Campbell; phdno ' 17-F-21.1 I.H'.V..ii ...j it -206 FOR BALE--Twenty of i.tho finest milch cows In southern Oregon. Will sell separately., Also new DeLnval Separator. Walsh's place, one mile northeast of Medford, on . Crater Lake road. 287 FOR SALE OR TRADEfor honB, one half blood Hamlltonlau 2 year old fillv. ' rrlte box-251 Central Point, Ore. " ' 205 FOR SALE Good milk cow, just fresh. W. S. Stancllff, Phoenix. 20 AUTOMOBILES FOR "SALE J921 Clievrolet roadster. Phone 244. 20u FOR SALE 1920 Chevrolet touring car cheap. Just llko new. Phone 735-M. 205 Used Autoniobiles For Sale OneForrl Delivery $1&5 One Chevrolet Touring $490 One Maxwell Touring....$650 One Studebaker Six . 'Touring $750 One Oakland Touring $1200 Tumy Motor Co. No. 123 So Fi;ont 3t. KOR S.LK MISCKI.LAXEOUS FOR SALE All Kindling wood. l!aj Blackburn. kinds Phone of wood and i 519 J or S5S. , ' , 270 FOR SALE Rhode island Rd and White Leghorn setting eggs: also few cockerels. Ernest Webb, Central Point. 2Jo FOR SALE Second crop alfalfa hay baled. Ernest Webb, Central Point 270' FOR SALE A small size piano good condition going at $105.00 at Palmers Piano House. 2t0 FOR SALE One wagon. 1 small build ing 10 ft. x 20 ft. Bailable for garage 1 Until auto trailer, 1 1!20 .Maxwell truck used 11 monihs, 1 1020 Huff nian truck used 7 months. Call 1 G28-J or iiSO-M, Wiseman & Scheffel, tt' FOR SALE On:) coal beater, 1 bicy cle, 1 refrigerator, 1 writing table, all in good condition. Plume Oll-J-5 1 270 FOR SALE Dry clean planing mill ' blocks. Phono 031. 200 FOR SALE Cood manzanita wood Phono l-K-14, $1.00 at ranch, $5.00 delivered, (lood measure. 200 FOR SALE Ladles all wood serge suit, new, size 3S. Six oak dining chairs, genuine leather seats. 9x12 Axuiiiister rug. Phone 731-11. 20 FOR SALE Pure broil O. A. C. strain Barred Rock cockerels, $2.50 each James Campbell. 200 FOR SALE Red oats fur spring sow ing, ncavy yiemer. I'lione hi.. a-4 FOR SALE Belgian does cheap Phono G34-X. 200 FOR SALE Spilngtooth cultivator steel harrow, saddle, bridle and oth er farming tools. See same at 001 W. Fourth St. 205 FOR SALE IS White Leghorn hens heavy laying strain. 52-1 N. Barllett St., near Lincoln school. 207 FOR SALE Beardless seed barley $2.50 per nwt. Ton lols, $1S.OO. I D. Harris, on Ed llanley Ranch Phono 0S5-R-2. . 200 FOR SALE A few high grade White Leghorn cocltorols. W. J. Warner, Phono G9G-M. FOR SALE Furniture enough for apartment bouse. House can be rent- ed cheap. 219 Talent Court. 207 FOR SALE 200 pair new shoes at cost. Second-hand shoes and shoe repairing nt the Medford Shoe Hob- pital119 E. Sixth St., Medford. FOR SALE ARalfa hay, Shafer. Phone 25-J-l. $20. . H, 26. FOR SALE 12 fine turkey liens, one gobblor, 1 4-gallon Jersey cow, good brood sow and - seven' pigs, three shoals-100 lbs. each; 6 or 0 tier manzanita woud. Cull 28-J-3 'meal time. " 1 ' -' 205 FOR SALE One O; A. C. thorough bred Barred Bock cockerel and four Tancred White Leghorns. All high est quality. 822 S. Oukdale. Tel. 481 tr CAN ACCEPT a few more orders for day old chlx from our thoroughbrod Tancred White Leghorn flock. De livery any dnlo. Also hatching eggs and custom hatching. Tills flock has avoraged 75 to 80 per cent egg pro ducllon during entire winter. If you want poultry for egg production we havo them. Inspect flock nt 822 S Oakdale, tel. 481. Standard Electrl Hatchery. ' " tf FOR SALE-'Oak Heights Tancred leghorti chicks, $18 'per hundred. Eggs $5.00. Drossier.- Square-Deal Electijlc Hutchory. Phone 961-L. 283 FOH SALE-j-L. C. Smith typewriters, Dalton Adding Machines, Check Writers, ribbons, carbons and pa pers. All makes typewriters bought, Bold,- exchanged, .rented and . re paired. Valley Sales Agency, Sparta Bldg., Phone 188-W. ', . tr FOll SALE Good trullor. 113 S. Front. FOR SALE The Valley Fuel Co, carries the best selection In th city of all kinds of fuel, glVes prompt service, and will meet all competition, ; Why. buy elBewnere? Phone 76. tt FOR SALE-One 6-horso Almo Sta tionary engine, like new, 225 One 6-foot orchard disk, used one season, $50, One 8-foot orchard disk, used one season, $75. One 10-Inch gang plow, Jn3t like new $75. C. E. Gates'Auto Co. tf FOR SALBi-Elglft horses, one colt v sets narnessi i miner suDsouer 1 spray Tig, complete, van su f Central. Phone 105. tf FOR SALE -Sand, gravel, sediment and dirt. Plowing and teamln vork done. Phone 012-J, Samuel Bateman, 303 Maple street. ' ' '' TAKCT' tTf- TAKEN Ul'-Uluck heifer, white face each ear marked with swallow fork and under-bit. Phone Bingham 097-.I-3. BARGAINS FORD TOURtNO ..t..-..:.. . $276.00 FORD TRUCK ' With covered body, cab and windshield. Practically new $700 STUDEBAKER 17 4700 Patton and Robinson, Inc Tel ISO 112 So. Riverside LOST OST Pen end of a gold fountain pen. $: reward. Finder return to Mall Tribune office. 200 OST Diamond set In crown prong Hting broken from ring. Reward it ft at Lawrence Jewelry Store. 205 OST On Saturday, a gray fur-line 1 glove. Finder return to Klocker Printery, 2S S. Central Ave. 264 LOST Thoroughbred Hereford bull, branded AM- connected with bar under It on left hip. Finder notify II. A. Meyer, Lake Creek: 271 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abstractors. MURRAY BROS. & VAN VORIS Abstracts 'ol Title. Rooms 3 and 5, No. 22 North Central Ave., upstairs. ACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT COM PA NY Incorporated 1001. ' Ab stracts of 'Title, Title Insurance. Auto Supplies AIIER AUTO SPRING pO.-pWe are operating the largest, oldest and best-equipped plant in the Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fail. Sold under written guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth St.', Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. OUTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-laW. rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, Garnett- Corey Building. . C, BOtRlS Roul estate law and settlement of estate's a specialty. . . F. LINDAS Attorney, General Practice. Patents a specialty. 31 N. Grape St. , .. Building Materials M EDFORD .CEMENT BRICK'S: BLOCK WORKS specialize In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. . Chiropractor. DR. A. BURKLUND Chiropractor.- Spinal Adjustments. 204-205 Sparta Bldg., cbr, Main and Riverside.; Office phono 285. ' .... f - Dentist DR. V. R. KAUFMAN, Dentist. Office in Sparta Building. Office hours 8 to 12 a. in., 1 to 5 p. m. Evenings by appointment. Thone 285. ;. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil son, C. P. A. Attention given to. anything in Accounting and Income Tax requirements. Look into our slrrtpllfied accounting method. Lib erty Bldg., Medford. phone 157-R.' IVAN L1VING8TON Incorporated Accountant. Auditing, . Systematic Ing, Financial and Income Tax State ments. Address 311 S . Sixth ,St;, Grants Pass, Ore." ' ' ' " : "211 .fidelity and Surety Bonds :' .p-; FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS- Wo execute all forms of bond". McCurdy Insurance Agency. tf Instruction In Music. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher k piano and harmony. Halght MubIo studio, 318 Garnett-Corey Building;. Phone 72. ' ; ' - ... Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. BURSELL Spinologist, pty. Slclan and surgeon. Spinal adjust ments, general treatments and diag nosis. 309-10-11 M. F. & H. Bldg. Elevator to third floor. Phone 29. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Burgeon. Practice limited to eye. ear, nose and. throat. Eyes scientif ically tosted and glasses supplied;. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P R. R. Go,' M. F. & IL Co. Bldg. 1'none b6T; i -1. Dlt. F. O. CARLO W, DR. EVA MAitJs CARLOW Osteopathic, Physlolahs. 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Phonei 904-L, Residence 26.3. Laurel Sti DR. W. W. HOWARD-rOBteopatV)o riiysician. special attention gi.veu to eye, ear, nose and throat. ,''308 Liberty building. Phone. f9. DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN -Chiro practic and Natural Painless Meth ods. Room 428 M. F. & H. Bldg. Phone 905. . -. JAMES C. HAYES Physician and Surgeon; office hours 11 to 12 n. ni;, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Sparta building'; residence 1405 W. Main. PhoneB: Office 503, res. 492. "Specialty," Medical and Surgical Diagnosis. ' tC Dr. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician anil Surgeon. Offices M. F. & H. Bldg. Phone 105. Will be in Eagle Folut on Sundays until further notice. ! ' J : Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD -PRINTING CO. hna' .the best 'equipped printing office In Southern " Oregon. . Book bjndlng, loose leaf ledgers, billing, systems, etc. 1 Portland prices. 27' N. Fir 8t Rug Weaving. MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORK!) - makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 610-M. 700 Pine St. !.f Tent and Awning Works MEDFORD TENT AND AWN1NO: WORKS 128 N. Grape St Phon 413-Y. E. Burger, Prop. J , Transfer vi: EADS TRANSFER & ' STORAGE CO, i Office 42 North Front St Phons. "315. Prlcos right Service guar anteed, . ! DAVIS TRANSFER Anything mov4 day or night Service guaranteed. Fair treatment 104 S. Fir. Phone; Office 044 or res. 647-R 206. U