f; W 11 f I! i ill! ; I s !! ' I ! i ,;r- lis"' i HI : i m ! ? ; 1 ir: .. ! 4 i ' : ; : I ttrais Six t -i ' -1 .J ' ' ' . " . .., ,v i-.ikr i -rr ' r i ut M V OQ. 1001 5rET)F0KD. MAnJ .TKLJiUMJiiV MEUirUKU. .OKKUU. JidiMi, .jiNuxnn -q -r-r i i 11 DANDERINE'" pirls! Save Your Hair! . Make It Abundant! F. TVl.-M. ,7-Ot Tmuindial ely nUer ft "Damlcrim' man engc, your hair take on new life, Justro nnd woiidroti.t beauty, appearing tivij as heavy .tnd plentiful, because eaeb hair e renin to flwfF and thicken.. Don't jet your hair stay lifeless, colorless, oliiia or straggly. You, too, want Jots of ."ton jj, htrong, beautiful liair. .A ' .'15-cent lwtilo of AeVg'ttt nl ''Danderine" freshen your Kcnlp, ci'ieeka dandruif and falling Imir. This Vn ulnting "beauty-tonic" gives lo ihin., dull, fading hair" that youthful hrigli.tiiGwi and abundant thickncis All drut; fiats! . WILL THE "DEVIL'S PASSKEY" : UNLOCK- Getting Together , With us on your INCOME TAX :''RKTURN8 ' and other AC- COUNTING' difficulties tlmt may uiiao in your, business, la I tho ' ! BEST VTO KCONOMIZE I" Our . Business 1h to preiiuro for you a correct ! return and save minify for you. " ANYONK ncoillii lliu BiTvlcii ot an tlNCO.VIS TAX !" kilii't ,' or EXPEl.'T ACCOUNTANT. ' iihould hco ' i.Mlt B. l. AVU-SON, C. l'.A.' ' or, ' Jill. J. C. CONKS Wilson Auditing Co. IillH-rly Mills. r P. 8' UII.T.: IJrlhn .yoiir lcHt Bill to tliu K1KS Fri day night. BOMB DOIN'3 ELATION FARM EAU 10 HOI OF THE FARMER Tim .Jaeksnn f'ounty Kami Iiureau i ;' pulling on a campaign to sncuro a Ii'i'inhi-rahlp inailo up ot llrt por cent a: the farm families of the comity. ; Tlio farm families ' of Jackson counfy need tho ; farm Bureau bo- i rauco it lil)s tho on tiro family, fath er, mother, the, hoys and Rirla. The Karin Iiureau hero in Jackson c(,uiity has made the farmer more prosperous. TliroUKli tho eradication of tho dinner a(uarrel, tlirmicli tho nrti of fortilizftrs, on' riWalfa and or rliards especially throuRh bettor nietliodti In tlio liandlitiR of live Htock arid 'poultry.'. The farnior ia each year (lepoaltliiff i:i the bilnlis of, .laclt mm county thousands of extra dollars iiii tho result of Increased production, brought about by Kuriu Iiureau ac tlvitfes. Tho farm' homo comc3 lit fpr Its nharo or attention. The Rood wife on the rami should bo efficient, and to bo efficient ijho needs tho best of tools with which to carry on her work. She feeds tho farm family, anil surely It shonlrt be dono with the s:;mo amount of system and Intolli Kenco that is used by tho farmer hi fiedliiK tlio cattle, hoss or chickens. She must lake care of tho clothing problem, nml here she has a job In tlio maklnj; aiid hooping in repair the wearliiK apparel for tho wbolo fam ily, that requires no small degree of hibor and ingenuity.' Sbo must take over the major shard of the training nf tno children. On ber rests the burden of making the farm home, a leal homo ,a homo in wiilch tho boys ,'ind girls, tho farmer himself, may find comfort, soclaiblllty, haplnos3. A home that will keep tho children on the farm. So tho farm Bureau alms to bring to tho housewife help along all of these lines and many a Jackson county farm home is better, brighter, moro efficient, because of its nctlvl Mds. " ' .' ' ' Tho hoys and girls belong to the Form Iiureau and' through the club work, in which tho Bureau takes an active part, the boys are being helped to becomo bettor farmers and the girls to make better farmer's wives. The wholo family is hiterestcd In, the movement for a greater Farm Diueau in Jackson county. It will give ua bettor farms and farmers, bettor faun homes, better wives anil mothers. Better farms and farm homos in years lo como, because we :ro helping the boys ami girls of to day to become what tho iuilem farni or must be, lulollgcnt, progressive and self respecting. ASV1ASSACRE OF m u Courtesy Scrvico : 5c Special --5c Rubber Sale '' OSK WKKK ONLY ' ' : ; 86T11 iJA.NV. TO I-'KU 2NI 'Hot Water Ung. Jti'Kular $J.2r,. ; two foe . t . . ; a.;to . Hot Water Hag. llegul.ir 5:!.7r.. Two for . .'. SS.WI . lint Water Bag, Kegulur J1.7r. ' Two fur .; :! SI.SO Fountain SyrhiKc. KoKular JJ.Ti Two for $2.:;o c TlleHO. goods nro nil high elans, .' and fresh rubber. A real op liorlunlty; so don't miss it. Med ford Pharmacy " Main and Central l'bono 10 COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS (Continue1!! rroin yestordayO A wholesale massacro of Jackson county dog3 Is scheduled for next week unless citizens couio forth, and pay their' dos tax, according to Ciiurty lcrk haiincey Florey.' Ap peals anil' pleadings to remit, Have met with iiHlifferent . silence,' nml ik w there is nothing for tho county officials lb do, but follow thiy law:' Kltlier dog' owners nro negligent, or there has been a ferrific decrease in tlio canine population hereabouts hast year at' this thuo, licenses on 700 dog.'! had been paid, and right now licenses havo'beon taken out for Ies3 than 100. Tbd sheriffs office will start oiit next Monday t6 locate the discrcparicy. ' '- The dog liceiiso tax has never made much of a hit wltli dog own tin, particularly tho ' fanners, who f'guro that n dog in tho country Is it .blessing, and a dog in tho city a nuisnnco. The city dog owntorS main tain that- there should be no class distinction, and besides the farmer gets all tho benefits of the tax, as it is used in paying bounties on var mints thnt kill sheep, and other stock. ',"'"' 'NovertholoRS, unless the tax is paid forthwith,., a, number ot dogs will depart thin earth; ::;; iv. The following Is a schedule of ex penditures of Jackson County, Oregon, together witli a list of the claimants and articles of service for which the claim is made and which were passed iiln by tho County Court of Jackson Comity during tho month of December, 1920. Care of Poor at Poor Farm Dr. Theo. J. Malmgrcn, county physician's salary S3..13 W.. N. Wells, superintendent County Farm b salary .. Elton 12. Bceson, county I'anu sunnlies Ed Hinns. county farm supplies Bardwell Fruit Co., county farm supplies . : Albert Crane, nursing at county farm . Mrs. Cad Ellis, labor at county farm. Hutchison & Ltihisilcn, county farm supplies Haskins Drug , Store, county farm supplies , .... O. A. Manning, meat for coiihty farm - Medford Fur. ..& Hdwc. Co., 125.00 30.00 4.95 H. P. Neil, election expense........ Hurvey Fersoiis, election ex pense J. N. Pace, election expense Mrs. Louise Perozzi, registering voters county farm supplies William Petri, labor at county Pacific Te7.'& "Tel" Co." "tele phone for county (arm..- Paul's Electric Shopi lamps for county farm Talent Mercantile Co., county farm supplies .... W. N. Wells, superintendent county farm traveling expense W. N. Wells, county farm ex pense . 10.10 Whittle Transfer & Storage Co., coal for county farm . 401.62 Wolter's Cash Storo, county farm supplies 1.00 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights for county hospital 10.61 Mrs. Prud A. , Piatt, registering voters - - C. M. Ruch, cfection expense'..... Mrs. M. A.. Robinson, election expense Thos. H. Simpson, election ex- 'pense W. S. Stnnctirr, election expens 13. E. Scott, election expense School Dist. No. 6, election ex- liense ...i i. ........... Elmo Throckmorton,, election expense - Marion Tryer, election expense Valley. View Parent Teachers Assu., election exiiense Valley .Fuel Co., election ex Woodman .Lodge, Phoenix, elec tion expense Mrs. Wobstcr, election exiHuis'e nij nn 'V.. Tj. Vllllltu, VIcmiuii I Medford Fur. & lldwe. Co.; elec tion exnenso - Emil nritt, election oxpensj! Cal.-Oro. Power Co., election ex pense - Cal.-Ore. Power Co., election oi" pense - : Fleta Chapman, election ex pense - Amy Dow, election expense. Ernest Langloy, election ex pense -., Teoplo's Electric Store,' election supplies Whittle Transfer & Storage, election expense ."..L.......!...... J. B. Wobstcr, election expanse . B.OOiW. 1.. Van lloutcn, . pay""" 6 district No, S ..: ; . KihmI Distrii'l No. I) R. , B, Vincent, payroll um- trict (No. 9 - Eads Transfer & storage,, I i.,.,,.lf luc- iliatrict NO. 3 31.70ljacko3ii Co. Creamery, frntcnt 5.00 d'strlct 'No. 9 - 1.011 3.00 11.00 14.85 10.00 12.501 1.501, 2.10 1 13.fi! i S.OII 1.65 I. CO &.00 " ,' - ' Flock to See Ray i . . -Capacity houses liavo been filling tho- Page theatre this week to sec Charles ltay in his latest Independent ly produced picture, "Nineteen and Phyllis," which many deelai to be even better than hiB previous suc cesses. , Card of Thanks Wo wish to than'K all who so lindly assisted us after tho loss, by fire of all household goods and clothing. .1. II. DK.I.MtNATT AND PAMII.Y. Plumbing and Stove Repair Coll 'filling, stoves rebuilt. Prompt service Iteasonabln charges. Good work 8. It. CASTILE 100-113 S. Holly. Phono mill 'i , Acctelyno Welilln3. WKONA Personal Typewriter Fold It up. taka It . with yon, type write nnywh ere. , (50.00, Including I carrying case. MIi'lFlU LSOOK RTC.KS Thnt.rlbiitnni for Fo. Oniiron The Medford ; Aiito Paint Shop (Reglstorad) , General Motor Cur JtafinlMilnR V. fnlrnl A Jnck.ion ' Phone 71)7 Hi t llwisn suit linlier lllllb'IH at lh! ofriio nt l.ic per tuMnit), U' I I ... . , . NEW YORK,. Jan. 28 Trading came almost to a standstill during the mid session, the market holding half way between liigh and low quotations of the morning. The only strikif.g execp-i Hons were Industrial Alcohol and American Linseed which showed gains of three to four points oh very moder ate dealings. The list registered further improve ment in the last hour under the influ ence of rails arid equipments, also the low priced oils. The closing was firm. Aside from the operations of the bull pools In selected issues, today's stock market session was dull and almost featureless. Sales approximated 475, 000 shares. AllisChalmers 35.7 American Beet Sugar 46.5 American Can 32.3 American Car & Foundry 124 - American Hide Leather pfd, 45.5 American International Corp 47 American Locomotive : S3. 5 American Smelting & Refg 39 American Sugar 93.5 Total $709.70 Court' House Expense I B. L. Moses, janitor's salary 62.50 George Margrulter, wood for court house .. 81.00 D. O. Brewster, wood for court house ... .. , 56.50 Fred J. Fick, court house ex pense F, E. Zook, court house repairs.. C. D. Collins,' janitor's salary.... City of Jacksonville, water rent for court house ..- , Geo. W. Kearnes, wood for court house Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights for court house . J. A. iS'orris, janitor's salary.... Total . 28.15 1.50 34.00 30.00 250.00 1 7.93 5.30 566.91 Jail J B. L. Moses, jailor's salary 50.00; Cal.-Pre. Power Co., lights for jail 2.29 Fred J. Fick, jail supplies..:... 24.85 OpUmo Cafe, meals for prison ers --. . i : 79J5 George Plymate, jsil expense 5.60 Effie M. Terrill,-meals for pris- ( oners - : 140.70 Lewis Ulrich. jail expense-, 9.85 Jno. M. Williams & Co. supplies 13.40 ! C. D. Collins, jailor's Ealary 34.00 j Mrs. Jane Johnston, laundry for jail i U- ' 6.50 1.10 1.00 5.00 9.00 7.50 1.00 CftO .1.75 - 7.50 7.50 6.00 .50 1.5U 3E20 2.30 1.50 , 1.50 1.50 19.99 1875 9.50 Total ' .;...:..301.4S Roads and Hlahwavs Joe Hoaklns. ferryman's. salnry $ 75.00 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights at crossing . .u , . 22.99. ' Total 97.99 . County. Nurse , ' , Marie,, E. Falldino.,,,,, comity i. nurse's salary 1....,...:.....,.$125.00 American, lied cross,, rent ior county nurse ...............'.;... Marie ! E. ' Falldine,"' coilnty nurse's, traveling oxpense.....:.. C. E. Gates Auto Co., county nurse's supplies, etc.;.....,...'... Electric Shop, county- mirso"s expense 21S.96 9.00 3.75 Total : 2fi1-7 ' Itiiml District No. 1( David Dorn, payroll district vv in ..'....'. Jack Thrusher, payroll dls- - trlct No. 10 - I.eq Monson. Inbor district No. 10 ' Fred J. Krick, suppKes dis trict No; 10 : Arthur Fitch, labor dlatr'ct Ni.'J. 10 Fred Hosley, labor district No. 10-.j..:..-...;. -- Lval llartmani labor district No. 10 : .!,. illartman, supervisor, dis- , trict No. 10 Win. Uartman, labor district , 'No. 10 l , Henry pit., labor district No. 10 : Rov Smith, labor district No. 10 '., - V. C. Varney, labor dlBtrict No.; 1 0 - James Wilson, labor district : N'o. 10 .: Geo. V. Plymato, la'.ior dis trict No. 1 0 '..... J. K. Olurbidgc, labor district . No. 10 Elmer Hall, labor district No. i io Tom Lewis, labor district No. ,10 ....'. - Roily Rlnalinrgcr, labor dis trict No. 1 0 '. Lou Taylor, labor district No. 110 , , s.oo Melane & Chamberlain, county nurse's expense ;.. Medford Service Station, county nurse's supplies - : Rny Toft, rent 'for garage for county nurse ; 4.00 9.00. loo 2145 20.05 6.00 Total ' ..$177.10 Surveyor's Office Mary Bebb, surveyor's stenog rapher 40.00 C. Frank Rhodes, surveyor's office expense ..;..!..........'. 12.00 . Pal -Or Pftw'p Tn litrhtc fnr American Sumatra Tobacco 79.7 j '." American T. & T. , 99.7 Dow Hospital, jailor's medical 67 j services i 39.2 J. N. Norrls, jailor's back pay S3 American Woolen Anaconda, Copper Atchison All.. Gulf & W. Indies 70 Ilaldwin Locomotive 90.3 Baltimore & Ohio ! 34.8 liethlehom Steel , 57.5 18.00 5.33 Total $406.4: Canadian Pacific . Central Leather , Chandler Molors ,117.6 Juvenite Court J. J. McMahon,' juvenile ex pense Z t James Bower3, juvenile witness I fees Afraid of Pneumonia Took Viriol Mm, Mary l.nek 4f 82 North Wan Vilm Htrecl, Man Juho, Calif., write;. M f.llnvn: "A neighbor ri'i'oniiueudiMr Vinol and 1 took It for a hatul courdi whieh was ai'iunpanti.'d by iileurlsy. 1 was afraid 1 mHrlit have piu'Liinnnia. I trieil nomo rein.,'ilieH atUl jthytiirlanV PH'dh-lni's. but ilid not .seem to Kain very !nu'h. 1 tin hmiNiicleaninK ami work in tho fruit harve.it dining tin season. 1 UmU four bottles of Vinol juiU bewail to jrain from tho very fhvi (I uses, and am now feeling fine. 1 think Vinol Is ottu of tho host reme dies" If mo4o peoplo took Vinol when I hey bepan to feel out of sorts, rim dowu and , .ithervise,,' debilitated, thero would he fewer cnaea of lonj; slr ts of HIi'.om.s. Medford Pbarnuuy, Malh ht Cen tral pel Is and ret ommends Vinol. Adv. Chicago, Mil.and SU Paul Chicago, R. 1. & Pac. Chint Coppor Colorado Fuel & Iron Coin Products , Crucible Sleo! Cuba Cane Sugar , Krlo : (it'iicral Kloctric Conrral Motors ('oodrirh Co (Jroat Northorn pfd.;.. 70.5 60 2S.S 27 - Benton Bowers, Jr., juvenile wit- HI Wlien the Children Couch, Rub Musterole on Throat3 and Clicsts Ko telling how soon the symptom may develop into croup, or worse. Am! then's when you're Riad you have a j lr of Musterole at hand to give prompi, sure relief. It does not blister. As first aid and a certain remedy, Musterole i3 excellent. Thousan oi r.w'.hcrs know it You should keT( a jr in the house, ready for instant uw. It is the remedy for adults, too. Re lieves sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia lier.dache, congestion, pleurisy, rheu innlism, lumbago, pains and aches of backer joints, sprains, sore muscles, chilblains, frosted feet and colds of tlio chest, (it often prevents pneumonia). . 29 72 2 . 95 ""I :. it.5 128 14.7 40.7 , - 78.7 Great Northtiru Dro Ctr.. ; 29 Illinois: Coiili al , ........ .ii;..,.!. 90.2 liispiiatiiin ;(JopiKT ;...ii.J--..,.. 31.7 Int. MtM-.-'Mnrini; pfd '., r.4.8 (nlMrnutional. Paper ........'...'.'.i....: 0.7 Ketineeiilt Tropper ..'. ....r 20, Louisville & Naslivilio ........ilOO. Maxwell Motors 5:0 Mexican Petroleum -. ...... .........) 57. 5 Miami Coiiper 18.7 Middle States Oil ..: 13.5 Midvale Steel 31.5 Missouri Pacific r 19 New York Central . j... 73 C. C. Robertson, ness fees juvenile wlt- S.3S 3.20 3.20 3.20 .. 17.9S Total Advertising and County Printing Ashland Printing Co., printing' road notices - Jacksonville: Post, county print- Medford Printing Co., county printing : Medford Printing Co.,' county printing ; Gold Hill News, publishing road , notices Ashland Tidings, printing bud- Ashlnnd Tidings. publishing road notices ... .' 7 u , . total Indigent Soldiers D. W. Luke, indigent soldier ex pense ;.: $ C0.00 ' Election Expense' , Chnunccy Florey, payment of judges and clerks of election $2590.07 6.40 5.45 79.85 57.65 15 61.30 6.70 ..$220.70 Total- 62.00 Sealer of Weights and Measures, E. A. Bond, scaler of weights . and measures salary $ 17.S0 Water Master , Fred N. Cummings, .water master's salary 1. 100.00 Fred Nt Cumhiings, water master's expense 29.1 1 Frad N. Cummings, 'wator . ; master's expense .;Ui,.'-....'...: 16.87 Percy A. Cupper, water mas ter's expense .....1 , 8.00 Total -I, $154.04 County Attorney G. M. Roberts, district attor ney's office expense 50.00 Dog Fond Ed Binns, sheep 'killed by ' , dogs i... : 55.00 J. M. Keeno, sheep killed by dogs 35.00 r Total : $ 90.00 Roads Road District No. 1 Jack True, payroll DlBtrict No 1 35.00 E. P. .Moore, labor district No. 1 ,. a . 17.0 C. II.. Blake, supplies district No. 1 ' 24.92 Thos. II. Simpson, supplies district (No. i .,.... 2.00 Hubbard Bros, supplies dis trict No. 1 lOl'.lO 509.05 78.50 21.3S 27.70 44.00 ' 7:50 23.62 36.00 64.12 5.62 41. 00 36.01) 38.00 30.00 400 6.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 nllo :;;....,..:........ . 37.4S Murt'ii Pcllctt, Jalior gonoral ' roads - .ai) Pruitt-Myers Motor Co, sup- plies, general roads..... i 6. 93 Prultt-.Myers Motor Co. gen oral road expense 31.90 Roily Rlnubaiger, labor, gen eral roads . 9.20 Thos. Roseberry, labor and expense, general roads...... 2S0.75 R. J. Rinobnrger, general road oxpenso , 41.51 L. C. Taylor, general road ex pense - ' 15.00 Jack Thrnshor; general road expense 52.20 Geo. .Trolchlci Motor Co., tpnpra! road supplies .50 Total :...'..' .....a:......$00.54.SS ' Ashlanil-Kliuiiiith Falls Rouil Jack True, payroll, Ashland Klamath FallB road ,...1150.75 H. G. Purkcr. supullos, Ash land Klamath Fulls road::.. 623.20 M A. Kinney, car,' Ashland Klamath Falls road '. 21.00 Austie R. iBrown, supplies, ' Ashland Klumiilh Falls road .-.:: 78.12 Ender's DeiH. Store, sitppllcs Ashland Klamath1 l-'ulla roaxl .....: 1.'.;.... 94.55 H. P. Holmes, supplies -Ash- land Klajnath Palls road..... 25.82 Harrison Bros, supplies Ash land Klamath Falls road.... 67.06 J. H.. Lacy, exponso Ashland 'Klamath Falls road 277.19 Thos. 11. Simpson, supplies Ashland Klamath Kails road- 18.30 East Side Meat Markot. sup- piles Ashland " Klamath Falls road Total $992.09 - Road District Noy 11 ' (lenry Baker, payrolltdistriot' , No. 11 , :1329.00 F. J. Honner, expense district iN'o. 11 9.00, J. E. Smithpeter, labor dis trict No. 11 . 14-8S ' Total .........$1352.88 ltoml District No. 12 J. 13. Glass, payroll district ; Mo.- 12 215.62 Medfr-rfl Concrete . Construe ,1'nn Co, supplies Dist. No. ' 12 ,': 46.20 Total :...'.; $2oi.ss .' Road District No. 13 H. L. Gregory, payroll dls- ' . ti-Ict- No. 13 84.50 F. .1. Ayors, labor district No. -13 '..:..:... ;:...: . 12.00 Henry A. Owens, . lubor dis trict No. 13 .-. , Total 1... 16.00 112.50 Total '.-!.:'..'..:.':.V...:.:i;.::."...'..V..'.$ 180.52 Itoiul District No: 2 ' Wm. JJfiiin, payroll district i 'Noi 2 ...,..........,,;..,,.,...ur.214.?0 S. H. Eddy, expense district,. .,i No. 2 -.... Medford Cc-'ncrctr- f.oiislruc- tion co., supplies district No. '2 ' ....:..:...:....;...::...... N. Y., N. H. and Hartrord 21.5 Norrolk & Western .......101 Northern Pacific 87.5 Oklahoma Prod. & Ref,...: '3.6 Pan American Petrolouni 75 Pennsylvania 41.3 I'eople'B Gas ..: .. 38.5 Pittsburg and West Vu . 30 Ray Consolidated Coptier..:'. 13. S Reading : 84.6 Rep. Iron & Steel .. 68.7 Royal Dutch, N. Y 66.7 Shell Trans. & Trad...- 44.6 Sinclair Con. Oil 23.7 Southern Pacific : 9S.7 Southern Railway : . 23 Stnndr.nl Oil of N. J. pfd 107.S Studcbaker Corporation 66.5 Tennessee Copper 9 Texas Co ...... 43. S Texas & Pacific .........120.2 Tobacco Products 53.S Transcontinental ''Oil - - 10.5 1'nlon 1'nciflo : 120.7 V. S. Food Products 26.3 I'. S. Retail Stores . 5C.6 V. S. lnd. Alcohol 09.5 United States Rubber 69.6 United Stales Steel S3 1'lah Copper '. 56.7 Westlnghoiise Electric 45 Willy Overland S American Zinc. Iad and Sm 8.6 Itutter and Superior 13.5 Cala. Petroleum .'. 37 Montana Power, bid 63.5 Shnttuck Arizona, bid........ fl Pure Oil : 35.S Invincible Oil . 2.1 General AsbUiilt .' 68 S. S. Aiken, election expense.. E. E. Ash, election expense Big Pines Lumber Co., election expense : .... Geo. Hrown & Sons, election ex pense Cal.-Oro. Power Co., lights, elec tion exiiense ....:..... City Treas. Butte Falls, election exponso Del. Rio Orchards, election ex pense . F. C. Elliott, election expense ... Chauncey Florey,- Btnmps for , election , Pouts Grocery Cq., election ox ,. pense i W. II. Gowdy, registering' vol- ers ..'. G. M. Gllklson. election expense Sarah J. Hall, election expense J. W. Hays, election expense Koizur Uros.. election expense.. Geo. J. Kunzman, election ex pense Olln Knox, Work on election...... A. R. Klncald, election expense Robert Kyle, election expense.. Goo. J.. Kunzman, . election ex-, porise .1. ; D. W. Luke, election exiiense... Medford Pinning Mill, election expense Martin McDonough, election ex pense Mrs. A. ft. McCarthy, election expense Mrs. Mary. Moore, eiecliou ex . pense . A. MeKeo. election expense Medford Fur. & Hdwe. Co., elec tion supplies ,.!...: .'. J. H. Maxwell, election expenso Samuel Mathls, clecdon ex pense ' P. L'. Morrison, election expense J. I. MeKluney, election ex iiense f. 2.0-1 6.00 1.45 10.2 5.00 2.50 6.00 . .C2 6.00 11.30 S.OO 6.00 6.5(1 20.00 .1.00 36.00 2.0O 5.00 2S.9 6.00 10.50 38.00 6.00 7.00 2.50 5.sr 5.00 6.0(1 60.110 .3.00 io'.so .." .: ' Rpa'V Distilct; Ho.. 11 ..; .'-" Ediii'nnd, Piolo; payroll dls- . i . trlct 'No. 1 4 ....:........'. 252.65 . r " : ' ' General Roads Jack Thrasher, payroll gen- .i oral; rdads 326.10 AV..' A. Bislop, labor, general " roads 156.00 Billings Carriage and Auto ' Works,' supplies " and re pairs, genearl roads -.. 09.50 Geo. Brown & Son's, expense gpnoral oralis ;.: ' 3.36 Billlangs Carriage and .Auto Works, general, road ex- ' pense 3.35 Crater Lake .Hardware! Co, genera road expense 15.80 c. F. Carter, general road re pairs 9.00 I-rod J. Fick, general road ex pense S.S'. Dr. G. A. Gitzen, hire of team. general roads 6.00 C. E. Gates Auto Co, general road expense 33.80 I,. Gaguon, general road expense ...'.... .. G5.17 Hubbavd Bros, gohoral road exponso : 6.75 Hubbard Bros,- gonoral road exponso -. 11121 Medford Iron .WorkS, general road expense , ; is.no .Medford 1 fairness, Co, general road ox pense Ii7; Medford Concrete Construc tion Co, general road ex ponso .. : 594. 7S i nris Natwlck, contract, gen eral.- roans 1 OS 1 .4.1 rruttt-.Myers Motor Co, geh-. . oral road exnenso fi.KR r rank. I). Roberts, general . road exponso :... . nr. on IIIOS. II. Simnsoil. ceneral . . Total , . Bounty John Calvin .. ..... Ralph. Wort John H. Hecknor John Wlpnlngham Ray iWarner Paul Fattlg . W. H. Paul i - Charles Cushman. :.. C. R. Richmond ,.:..-. 0.-J. T. Meadoms , Homer H. Neal ,.:.:.... M..A.- Carter Anton Ring Owen E, Austin D. Hill Ioren Moore Corbet.t Smith A. Jeldness :..... ;.: Thomas G. Spanglor ... .1. H. Ring ....'..;....;...:... W. McCampbell ......... E B Conger .'...........:..:. Edwai'd Johnson' .....v. G. W. Ring ... W.-A." Beck'...:..t Perry Ashcraft J. R. Schooler ....:.'...;. A". J. Shai'p , .......-.....'..v.. Geo. V. Horrlott R., L. Jjovett .':.... IS. R. Lull :..::..;;...:.:. Spratt Wolls ....:;.....:: Donald Andorson Total ., ....J $228. GO Itoiul lllsti-ior No. !t Earl O. 'Hayes, payroll dis trict No. 3 4S7.24 Faglo Poiht Garagd,. repairs district iNo. 2.50 von der Ilellen Bros1, supplies district No. 3 1.70 Total : ..........i...:....... $491.44 noail District No. 4 W. jr. Tothorow; payroll dls trlct No. 4 Itoiul District N'o .1. Watson, payroll district No. o . -A. Bishop, labor district No. o ; Medford Iron Works, supplies district .no. 5 supplies dls- .... 123.11 ... 503.63 6.00 Eads Coal Co, trict No. 5 . Elmer Hall, . No.' 3 Tom Lewis. district No. labor labor 5 8.1 r 11..". 0 district district Roily Rinabarger, labor dis trict No. ii ;.....'..'. Homer .Stevenson, labor dis trict No. 5 ....: Wlllard Service Station, ex pense district No 3 . 16.30 22.011 2.7.TH 11.00 2.30 Total $5S4.0 Itoiul HWti-lct Xo. n Eagle Point Garage, repairs district N'o. 6 g.j Riwul District No. "'? Joseph Goppert, payroll dis trict. .no. .7 If. I.. Gregory, payroii'di'strict jNo. 7 W. A. Bishop, labor district No. 7 Cal.-Ore. Power Co, expense ttisirici -,o. 1 j irt u ,iaior, lauor distr ct : - 6.5 SO. 2 4 4 8. 00 60.00 No.' Total 6 50. Rond District No, S ,, ...$594.92 road expense Wnl kcr Butlei', tonclug,4en oral roads ; City of Ashland, right of way orator Lane Hardware Co, general road expense T. .1. Gasnon. .general road expense ... Mndford Lumber Coi general . roau suppitos Thos. If. Simpson, general road expense Young's Garage, repnirs and - supplies, .general roads...... F. L. Carter, general road ex pense ,...L.. ::.... T Albany Iron,, Works, gociirai road repairs Modern , Mechanical Saiidta- rlum, : truck supplies, gen tral r... ; W. J. Burbldge; ge'heral 7oad' expenso Ralph Haymond. general road . expense ...': Chris Natwick, payment 'on , contract, general roads.... C. .. Allen a Co, general road expense ,...,....'..... J. W. Burbldge, labor, gencriil roads Hillings Car & Auto Works! general road expense Fred J. Kick, goncral' road . supplies lames E. Grieve, general road ' .expenso :........ J..-l- Hlttsoh, general roari expense A. A. 'Madden, labor, general reads Medford Furniture & Hard" ' ware Co, general road sup plies Medford Concrete Construe" lion Co, general road sup plies' . t Medfofd . KurlHtuVo " ft''ward-' ware Co, general road sup plies 1 , Medford IirnitVi'frft" HB"r",'i" warii Co, general road sup- Total 269.80 ..$3,231.79 .... ; 2.00 11.00 ..... 17.00 2.00 ... 4.00 .... 4.00 .... 11.00 6.00 .... 4.00 3.00 3.00 .... ,4.00 .... 45.00 4.00 3.00 .... 4.00 7.00 :... 12.00 15.00 7.00 4.00 .... 400 12.011 .... 8.00 .1... , ,3.0(1 3.00 .... 4.00 3.00 100 v..: .:. 4.00 ilnn 's.on 13.00 ..$242.00 . OILIlUNCEY' FLOREY, ' ' . County Clerk. REFINED SERVICE at a saving We are in a position to give... the lowest- possible rates obtainable. : . ; i ; Every" item of mpdefn fun eral service is given our most careful . attention. . . also . .; the assistance of a Licensed. Lady . ' :i, ; Embalmer . -"r,-.-: ':' without extra charge . 5 Weeks - Conger Co." 50.00 r.n.fiti 575.00 o.oo 187.90 18.63 13.75 ir.70 702.00 14.73 23.77 42.25 42.00 794.91 17,50 9.20 23. 40.52 348.4'i 1.30 33.00 9.59 - Gp.7r, R.SM k etiaitce to Saive On' your eost of living? i' ir f ii ,t . ", B 1 by Smelt Now selliiVsr foi1 loss limn nost :iHv'othor fish or nicat. on' the niai'kcTj, '. SMcav.:Fisk.vcrrd'ay. . Medford Fish : " "' -'.'Market ' Wioiiii'M.::. Free delivery AUTO PAINT SHOP Automobiles Painted and Revarnifihed 221, North Rr. L. O. SVBWKLti, Prep. ' Phnnn 777 . Licensed CITY SCAVENGER All' refuse immediately removed o" short notice. . Weekly . visit In resi dence districts. Dally' business rt" trlct.. Photin 893.' ill. I !