Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 28, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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Medford Mail Tribune
Office Mall Tribune Building, 15-17-11
riortb Fir street.- rnone vt.
A AnnnnlldRtlon nf the Democratic
Tlmee. Th: Medford Mall, the Medford
Tribune, The Southern Oregoolan, lue
Ashland Tribune.
The Medford Sunday Sun la funilahed
subscriber deilrlug a aeven day dally
8UMPTKR 8. SMITH, Manager.
Dally, with Sunday Sun, yi-ar 7.0
Dally, with Sunday Sun, month , .71
lally, without Sunday Sun, year.. .G0
Unliv, Wlinom rsunaay nun, inomii .01,
Weekly Mall Tribune, one year.... 2.00
Sunday 8un, one year 2.00
BT CA11RIKH In Medford, Ashland,
Jackflonville. Central Point- Phoenix:
Dally, with Sunday Sun, month 75
Dally, without Sunday Sun, month
Dally, without Sunday Sun. year.. 7 SO
Dally, with Sundny Sun. one ynur 8 6l
All terms by carrier c-uah lu advance.
OfJIc'jl paper of the City of Medford
, Official paper of Jackson County.
Ptntered as second-claKS matter at
Uedrnrd, Oregon, under the act of Marcfc
I, 17,
The Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to the use for republlcallou of
sll news dlapatches credited to It, or not
otherwise credited In this paper, and-also
the local news published herein.
All rights of repnhlicatUin of sped'
alspatclies herein are also ros'Tved.
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur' Perry
February 20 to 20. will ho On Tlmo
Week; and to mnck it a success, It
should bo preceded by a C'utcb l'l
Week, ond combined with Go To Bod
If tho Harding Auni:iuHtnitlon doen
nqtljlng but prevent Hiram Johnson
from gallivant'ng around the ann
ate In a pair of yellow tights, with a
skyrocket 'In each hand, it will have
fulfilled Its destiny, aiul then somo.
" . KNfilNE TROl:HUK. .
i,-'!' i (Albany Democrat) ,
hlinaz; shrdlushrdluhrdliilhh
The third annual automobile ex- ,
position tp be held by the Al
bany motor dealers this year,
with new features and the best
.display in the history of the as
.'As'usual, when masstvo mlndaTgot
together, tho religious Issue has pop
pod up at tho legislature, and a sblon
from Multnomah county, has started
fishing for the amallboro bigot rote,
by sly efforts to agitato Ihe Catholics
and; Protestants. .This, la exemplify
ing tho Christian sprrlt, after the
manner of a couple of tomcats.
TUB moist progressive states t'diieafmmilly, from Massaehiisetts to
California have free text books. The practice is firmly ground
ed, both in principle find practice. Free text books are supported by
the principle of free mid equal educational opportunity which lies
i,t the basis of American Democracy. They are supported in prac
tice by a reduction in educational costs, better service and prompter
distribution. i ' '
A bill has bcin introduced in the state senate providing free text
books in the public schools of Oregon. Although we have no copy of
Ihe bill, the principle is right, and unless there are defects iu detail,
the bill!nlioulil pass. , ; '
Kvery child, whether rich or poor, should enter the door of every
public. K'licol on equal terms with every other child. This is impos
sible, unless text books are provided. For many children, under the
present system, are without a complete set of books, because their par
ents can not afford to buy them. They share one book with brothers
or sisters or friends. Although there is now a law forcing the school
district to supply books to children whose parents cannot afford to buy
theiii, thisjaw is almost never enforced., Many school districts have
n.o funds for such a purpose. In other di.stricts'parents who can not af
ford (he expense, refuse to appeal to the district. There is the matter
of .pi-jde. lioks so provided are always marked accordingly, and
.everyone knows how sensitive the average child is, to discriminations
of this kind. . . ' ' , 1
So in Oregon schools today the poor child does not cnler the public
school on an equality with the ehild in more fortunate circumstances,
fiooks are just us essential to school education as teachers. There is
no more reeason why parents should pay for one than the, other.
The records show that no state which has adopted free text books
has ever abandoned them. The system is not only right in principle,
but it pays. Oregon should join the other progressive stales in p'ro
viding free text books for its 'public school children. , f
' rThe edict wa3 Issued by tho Mor-1,
chant Tailor Designers' association. I
which luiB been In .convention during
the 'Week, : "nuc!t" Tyler, tho bonu.
biiqhmul of Columbus, Ohio, pns.iod
out the news. Ho also announced ,
that Alio hip pocket is doomud.-
(Prps,s . tllspotcli) What otroct will
this have on the development of the
Nash ruining district? i
MY AUTO didn't! cut out vice when New Year Day invited
vows, find now, instead of running -nice, it's balky as the
law allows. - Two cylinders are pumping, oil, and when up heavy
grades Iclimb, the- radiatuor starts to boil, and oh, I have tho
dingdesb- time ! 1 sometimes think, when steeped in woe, in grief
that seems to have no end, of happy AYays of long ago, when Dob
bin was my faithful friend.. Year after year he plugged along,
contented- Willi -liis hay and oats, and seldom did his works go
wrong; ks-go.the works of modern boats. He had all kinds of pep
and power, lrom bfowouts, punctures, he-was free; hc,madc sixv
j'liriisufigs an hour, .and that was fast enough for me. lie didn't
freeze up over night, when ho was in bis stable stalled; no punk'
mechanics found delight in seeing he was overhauled: 'o carbon
in his system, formed, diis carburetor didn't cough, he didn't buck
till he was wanned,' when in the morn I drove him off! And in
those happy bygone tinis 1 had somo kopecks in my duds; I
always hud Ihe needful dimes to buy some sausage or some suds. .
Hut now I'm always in the hole, tile motor car has wrecked my
life; (he slciu -'mechanic gets my roll, and buys moru diamonds
for his wife. , '. ' . ,:-'. '
'. An,' Irate oitlzcn stops In to coai
plalivthnt an iBJapee freight onglnoe
endeavoring to , wake up a rear
braltoman Thursday night, woko, up
ovorybody else, with long and shrin
blasts. This la not to. The oniilneor
w-ns.slgnalliiig the section foreman
nt Sacramouto ( hat he . was roming.
It does look like tho lCspeo could tone
lis whistling .In a key thut would
not 'lift n taxpayer out of his puiiIh
with ovory yank of tho ovorworkod
whistle cord. ' I J
T ' v - (Kugeno Reenter)
; .."Dear Miss l'ngc: Wo aro In,,
.. Inyo wltli two men, but thero are !.
two others who uniiay us. llnw'
run wo get rid of thorn'.' Two ,
:.' l ovosick"
' ' i
. ; Inasmuch, as the hoitli-ultiii-liit i
.l.'uvo thulr ptunlng tools all shaip-
oned up for tho opening of tho prun
lug, :HiiHBon, they niight do a littlo
charity work on somo' of tho whisk
ors, !n our midst.
COXTItllll TKI).
Ilolng interested lu the foiilu'Oin
Ing glggl'iig contest, which even'
conies oft lu the near future between
Lofty l.oulo tllrich and others of
no,to. I wish to suggest that you en
ter the.naino of -Mr. Frank Wortmnn.
To my mind Mr. Wortinnn's guffaw
bus all other.t stirpassed In volume us
well us longevity.
; Interested Spectator.
' (If Mr. Wortiuqn had more spoil
lanoiiy and, be would -be
a dangerous contender, lie ulso
slurs the snorts In the flat guffaws
Int.-Spefi. Is Judging .Mr. W. from the
recket he makes, not his technique.
Hesldes since tho votes were counted,
has bus had nothing to giggle about
to speak of.)
At n riioutlhs of the Ruropean Aid
Fund -committee yor.terrtiiy, it wan de
cided to'start an organiKOil drivo n
.laeksnn eoiinly to secure) the $f()00
uuota to feed the starving children of
middle Kurope. ' Kcv. .1. II. Snnnett,
linmor of the Methodist KplHcnpal
ehureh of tills city was appointed
county chairman, and he started todny
mi the organization of it representa
tive county committee. Tire nelcollon
1h an ndiNlrahle onit, and there Is every
reason to believe, Jackson county will
be put. over the top, lu 'this worthy
cause, in record time.
As previously announced, with the
initiation of mi organised fnmpHtgn.
The iUnll Tribune's voluntary cam
paign automatically ceases. Tomor
row noon the fund will be finally
closed, nil contributions received at
this 'office after that time, being
turned' over to this new ennuiilttee.
Willi a total of over if 1 2011, Tile
Mail .Tt Ibune Is naturally proud of Its
record, and again lakes occasion, to
thank tile people of Medford and
.laeltttoii county who have so gener.
oiliily contributed. .Nut a cent has
been solicited, no drive has been cur
ried on, this generous nmount rep
resents an absolutely' spontaneous
good will offering from men, w:men
abd children iii all purls of the coun
try, who hnvo felt the appeal -so
strongly they have taken tho trouble
to send their checks nnilcash, their,
dollars and pennies to give aid to
those (ess fortunate than themselves.
Under the circumstances, the col.
Mectlon of J 0 000 should noi he a dif
ficult matter. .Hundreds of pcoph'
eager to contribute, " have neglected
to do so. Hundreds of others have
contributed to the fund through out
side sources and these amounts, .of
course, will be Included in the coun
ty's total. Many more who have
given, wl undoubtdb, giye,ng!iln.
.laekson conhl. 'will hot fail 'to keep
lis nuoia ofj.Jii.O slfirviiig chltdvcu. lii
middle Kb'r'ope fed. clothed and shcl
tecd dining ihr ((resent yeinj.i,(.r;,.;
VThe Tribune "fund to dato follows:
Crnvloiwl.v iic,kjowlcjgcd v, .fU'jiTtlg
Mr: nnd Mrs. W
Kdgnr Wight
Anonynunis .
.1. 1J. Ktvwart
K. t'rews
10. OU
. 1.00
How Much Do
P6loslng the movies on Sundny, puts
tho preachers In competition with the
'actors, and what chanc,e lias a pur
veyor of tho gospel- with a wavy
hulled,, dimpled chin fashion plate.
i v - -
( Vickn .lournal.)
', Owing to the heavy frost on
" frldajr morning fho milking
lUHchinus of Alike Hamuli and
;!"V. Pearottt were unable to op
orate. Could It be Unit tho milk
j was frozen in the "cow's ttddors?
I Tf Mr. Schwab bft-ls jiKnin in the
wltuess chair, while tesfiTying In Hid
ship yard graft, - soiftrj entlnieiital
eoul wit want to dirert the funds
collected for the melancholy . Mor
rocenns to his pockelhbok.
1 Doesthe Gulf stream uffect the
cSlniatc of western Europe?
-Whal. is taxonomy?
3 When was Sweden a great iiower?
What nioimlaln marks tho boun
dary, line between Alaska -and the
HriKsh iMissesslons?
B What Is the date of the first
treaty between United States and
6 What mistaken Impression have
lieoplo remtrding the climate of Japan?
7 Why Is perpetual motion Impos
sible? '
H What are buttes?
0 What are the largest bodies of
Iiesh water on the globe?
ID What clement in lead and coul
Is Ihe same that, crystali?.od. forms the
Answers to Yesterday's Questions
.1 Whnt causes bees, to swnrni?
Ans. Uees usually swarm or migrate
when Ihe hive becomes crowded. The
first swarm Is led by the old queen
leaving Ihe new queen iu isissession of
the hive.
2 Where is lledloe's Island? Ans.
It is situated In New York harbor. It
was coded to the fulled Stales gov
ernment lu 1SS0. In IM1 Kort Wood
was built on i lie island.
3 What Is jtile? Ans. Jute is th
fiber taken from Iwo plants both of
the time treo order. The larger plant
Is from flvo to fourteen feet high ami
is grown in central and eastern Hon
gal. The smaller plant Is grown around
Calcutta. The plant has also been
grown successfully in southern states.
4 When and by whom was the guil
lotine Introduced. Ans. It was Intro
dueed April 23, 1702, by Joseph Gulllo
tiu. It Is popularly supposed that Ihe
Inventor died by his own instrument
but In truth he died in bed In 1SH.
6 by was the Pacific ocean so
called? Ans. - Because of its peaceful
waters. . .
, How many spinal nerves are
there? . Ans. Thoro ire 31 pairs of
spinal norves.
7 Does the eye Itseir do the seeing?
Aus. Tho eye Is merely a receiving
apparatus. The brain duos the seeing.
S From what Is linseed oil made?
Ans. It Is made from the soed of flax,
i fi In what city have nails been man
ufactured for 300 years? Ans. Nails
have been manufactured In lllrnilng
hlim, Knglnud, for 300 years.
10 When was the first paper mill
built In United States? Ans. It was
built In 160 where rhlladolphht now.
Miss Cogan Declares Tanlac
Overcome all Her Troubles
: and She Thinks It's Just
7 Wonderful.' .
.-"I uuert t6 think iH tho RtinmcntB
tihout Tanlne wci;o. exntffraU'i!. hut i
know different now, I: have line I,
tHo, niodkino. myself ,vvli:i .wan-Jortul
iVhuIO;," sId Miw Crao; ''':;nti, th.e
popular'cashier of the I!-in;im'' Hnlel,
241 Third St.; I'ocateJlo, Idaho.
"''Before I' tuoli Tanlac I hud bi
In terribly ijqor hcaHh for iMrj Vf-iva.
t was'. had no ivt;.t''i.
was as jiervoiia aa I. could h and .u
far uh restrid ultep ;vas L-o'ici'.'noJ, ,1
would have been almost a'weil o.Jf if
I had never Bone to bed at all.
"l' had constant headaches ond
paints in my stomach, and.wus eo
'weak it was Juki a drug to so uoout
i my work. I took any. number of md
icines, -but none of them did mo a bit
of good and 1 got so I lost faith in rny
thinff helping me.
U u t it's altoKether different with
me Hinee 1 have laktn Tanlac. I now
have -a splendid 'ippetitn, mv sleep i
! sound and restful und I col the ji.y
of living onee. moro for my strength
ajid energy have come back to me. I
could hardly haVo be 11 eyed any medi-.
cine could have done i me so much
good' in so short a time. Tanlac is
Tanlac is sold hi Medford by West
Side Pharmacy. In Jacksonville y
J.. W. Robinson, in Rocue River by
V. S. Cary, and by leading druggists
in every town. Adv.
Star Meat Market
'-' SATURDAY.'; ; '.
'.; Shoulder Perk Roast, !''i,t..C20c,i.
! Hamburger Steak, . IhiU ,' . ','at..'wUr
- Jpeer btews i v;..,:s :-. .,Jirfl.,,15c,.,:
. Country-Baccn J:!.'.. , . . y7l.,.i'
Free Delivery ' ' . :,
314 E. Main
tHs Valuab
A 9hfe Guide to
Quality and Fnir
Our Catalog It the
standard reference
for Northwest grow
ers, listing our com
plete lines of Seeds.
Frees and Plants,
Fertilizers, Poultry
and Bee Supplies,
hpravs end Spray
ers. Dairy Supplies
and Equipment.
Planters Guided
giving inforraatibn as to leaion, toil and climate.
Pat your land to work for profit
You can't afford to tie up your land or spend
time and labor on any but the best stock. Order
. Diamond Quality stock and be sure of getting the
finest strains and the right varieties for your
purpose. Get the Diamond Quality Catalog in
your possession as quickly as you can. It will
pay you I A,k for Catalog No.
Fisher Flouring Mill Company's
Contain uniform hlRli qiuttity iii.irivilft'til'tf, bii'ch lnK'icl'iiiif Si-locfWi
for it'piniiiwc in one of tlu fint'st ti'stlris liibi-iitorli-! oh ilic' raclfic1'
Coast.- :.. : v.-M! .i-.:; 1 -ui'
Iton't Tnkc t'lmiicos with Infortor-or'lchoap fcoils; -' it ! "!-
A list of nil liiRiwlloiils and a u;iinrnnn-d unatysia of food vnlucs-
I'ontuii'Cil is plainly listrd "on ciu;U fack.
Scratch Food, per. 100-pound sack -.....$3.50
Egg Producer, per 100-pound sack' ; l.-i... .1 3.50
Mill Run, per 80-pound sack : . 1.80
Dairy Food, per 90-pound sack 1 ; 1 -2.50
Morffiilk, per 80-pound sack : . . . 2.05
. (Subject to change without notice)
The above prices are cash f. o. b. our warehouse in sack lots. A dis
count of five cents per sack will be allowed on purchase of half tort
or more. Delivery free In 500 lb. lots or more.
Bard well Fruit Company
. Phone 12 445 So.' Fir St.
At rmhirna rub lh throat an
cheei thorou(thly trfth
Otl 17 Million Jan UkJ Yurlg
The summer terms of the Oreron Normal Sehoul will be hold
as folfows : . , , ; ...
v ' , ;! MONMOUTH
. Hi'guliir tlouiscs six weeks, beginning Jnue 27, : Klemeu-
tiiry Tenclier s Training Course, twelve weeks, beginning June
iiiinai. , - " - -
. Regular Courses six weeks, beginning June 27, 1921.
"For detailed information eoiieerning Monm'onth, write to .7. II.
Aekernian. Monnioutli, Oregon.
Tor (letniltd information concerning Pendleton write to II.
K. Imiw. remileton. Oresnm. . '
Special Sale
., Tomorrow on
Golden Gate Coffee
J. A. Folger & Co., are putting on a special
sale on Golden Gate Coffee. ;. ,. -:; ; v : (
I lb. free with a 2 lb., can! ': - "
' : 1 lb. freewitha51b. can r j-
This makes a very low price on this extra
quality coffee. t Include one can with your
crder. . .. .
: Personal Attention , Prompt Service
Phone 252 '. Grocer Phone 252
Nitrate of Soda
:f - why?
t'.ECAUSE it is a plant; " food that increases the
. k ,J,S l vigor of j'our 'orchard. ' '
BECAUSE it is the cheapest and most quickly
. available source of nitrogen, so essen-
'-i; tial to plant life. : '; .
BECAUSE its application is reconunended by all
'.;' government authorities land cxperi
, f,i merit stations in the Northwest. .
Earl);' application is productive of best-results. -J
- ;:',-For literature and quotations write or wire
Nitrate Agencies Co.
8G6,Hoge Bldg. , Seattle
biit tho peculiiir combination of
gases is not nil. It takes skill and'
experience as well to turn out a
finished job of welding as we turn
it out. Give us your order, and'
leave the rest to ns. You will sec
the results, v. ' '".
"The Weld That Held."
39 South Front
yon can add to your tire '-life by
having it half soled. It will bring
it back to life and make it worth
many dollars to you.. . ,
s -
.--.,. ' . ; - ,
More Mileage Tire Co.
;V -! R. A. Petty, Jr.
;132 N. Riverside Phone 162-R
'Runsand looks like new. Has '
good tires with spare and -tire
cover, and large spotlight. This .
' carls priced right. ,.
' '.-J '-'-' - . , - - ' ; l'
Trade Considered ".
Terms If Desired
The Busy Corner
Motor Co.
The store "where your dollar does its duty