MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDPORD, ORMCION, Tilt! RSI) AY, JANUARY 27, 1)fl page ftve WtetNed Livestock PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 27. Cat lie nominally steady; receipts 2. Quotations unchanged. CHogs steady; receipts 509. Extreme top $ ll.U. Other quotations un changed. Sheep nominally steady; receipts .43., Quotations unchanged. llutter ..PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 27. But ter weak. Extra cubes 3Sc; parch ment wrapped prints, box: lots 4 5c; cartons 4Gc; half box lots half cent more; less than half box lots 1 cent more, fiutterfat. No. 1 churning cream 43S',45c f. o. b. .Portland; un dcrgrades 41c f. o. b. Portland. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 25. Wheat, hard' white $1.65; soft white, white club $1.60; hard winter, northern spring $1.55; red Walla $1.52. Eggs and Poultry ' ' Eggs Selling price, case count 42 44c; buying price, 4042c; selling price, candled, 4445c; selected can dled In cartons, 46(g) 48c. : Poultry Hens, light 25 26c; heavy 30 31c; springs, 25 26c; old 'roos ters, 14c. Grain and Hay Barley, $29 34; oats, $32 34.50; corn, No. 3, yellow, $30 31. Mfllrun, $3536. Hay Buying price, timothy, valley, $2728; alfalfa, $1919.50; cheat, $2324; clover, $1920; straw, $15. (Furnished by tne jacEson County i Abstract Co.) Circuit Court ,. Talent Irrlg. District vs. Edwin P, Hughes et al. Answer. , Ed Smith et; al vs. Frank Cameron ot al. Condemnation of right of way. .33. H. Lamport vs. Elmer. Qulgley. Default, affidavit. i Chas. E. Wlckstrom vs. G. H. Mc Elroy et al.. Order . .. , W. E. Phlpps vs. R. A. Matthews et ux. , Reply and answer. Leona D. Schmitt vs. Jackson Co. Creamery et al. Notice, objection, amended answer. . Frank J. Holbrook vs. Theodore Ice. Summons. City of Medford vs. Anna M. Walters ct al. ' Proof of publication. . City of Medford . vs. D. E. Phlpps. Proof of publication. . City of Medford vs. James Ingram ot al.", Proof of publication. iCity of Medford vs. Geo. W. Isaacs Est." at al. Proof of publication. City of Medford vs. T. F. Casselman et ah. Proof of publication. ;Clty of Medford vs. Emma E. Mur phy et al. Proof of publication. City of Medford vs. Elmira Miller et al. Proof of publication. City of Medford vs. Carrie L. Raw son et al. Proof of publication. City of Medford vs. John V. Mclntire et al. Proof of publication. City of. Medford vs. Harrison Wilson ct al. Proof of publication. . Peter Mlchalczewskl vs. B. E. Cam eron. , Affidavit of publication. Inez Yan Dyke vs. A. S. Kielnham mer et ux. Answer. So. Oregon Farm Lands Dev. Co. vs. C, E. Terrill (sheriff) et al.. Notice. , Anna P. Stewart vs. Martin A. Stew art. Notice, John R. 'Carpenter et al. vs. Nicholas Kloffelstein et. al. Affidavit, default, decree. , . Earl H. Fe(ilvsJ. CJty.qf. Medford et nl. Brief of defendant. Charles' E.'WIdtstrOniit tlx Vs. G. IV, McElrc:!g.a Answer. . i : ' ' ' f. Probate Court Est?. L. Hamilton. Semi-annual ac county.: Verified claims. ' S i . , Est. W. B. Roberts. Final account and order. . . .- :. , Est. Lena. C. Clausing. Decree 'of settlement aud affidavit. Est. Jennie Root. Order... Est. G. Gobte. Proof of publication Dan R. Conner assumes the business name of "Ashlapd Sound Tire Service." Est. Lena C. Clausing. Vouchers; Est. Samuel H. Dufflcld. Report. Est. Genevieve Rose. Inventory and appraisement. Est? Jennie Ecclcston. Inventory and appraisement. Est. Charles F. Young. Inventory and appraisement. Real Estate Transfers Sheriff vs. C. C. Pierce. Lot i, block 6, Kendall Add. to Med ford $176 John W. Pruitt et ux to John G. Reeder, pt. sec. 30, tp. 36, S. R. 1 West P. A. Dooms et ux to Llllie R. Johnson et vlr, lots 3 and 4, blk. '2, Bunker Hill Add. to 3600 Medford 750 George S. Ruth et ux to Chas. E. Hays, lot 7, blk. 3, Sunnyside Add. to Medford ". .... H. G; Mathes et ux to Homer H. Eihait et ux, lot 4, Baglcy's Add. to Ashland Walter K. Newcombe et ux to Joseph M. Alnutt et nx, lot 4, Bagiey'8 Add. to Ashland W. S. Crowell to J. W. Berrlan et ux. lots IS, 19, 20, 21, in blk. 1. Laurelhurst Add. to Medford.. Carrie C. Obenchain to John S. Owen Co., EV4 of E4 sec. 10, tp. 36 S. R. 3 E Edward S. Bruce et ux to RalpH E. Stevens et ux, lot In Ash land i Charles Heschelc et ux to Matil da Devlin. EV4 of lot 14, Ash land Homestead Ass'n, In Ash- 10 10 10 10 3300 10 10 C. N. Robbins et al to N. S. Young, lot 5, blk. 3, West Add. to Med ford D. T. Lawton et ux to N. S. Young, lot 5, blk. 3. West Add. to Medford ' C. C. Clark et al to Frank L. Clark, KM of lot 3, all lot 4, blk. 29, Medford 10 Many remarkable fossils of extinct animals have been found iu the Bad Lands of the Dakotas. The oasis of Farafeli on the Lybian desert in Africa contains several ruins of Greek arid Roman origin. CORNS Lift Off with Fingers Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Frcezonc" on-an aching corn, instantly that corn slops hurling, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. Truly ! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Frcczone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. County Court Proceedings The following is a schedule of ex penditures of Jackson County, Oregon together with a list of the claimants and articles of service for which the claim is made and which were passed upon by the County Court of Jackson County during the month of December, 1920. ' The, following bills were allowed as follows with the exceptions shown: County Court and Commissioners G. A. Gardner, county judge's salary :..$150.00 James Owens, county commis- - Bioner's salary and expense.... 98.30 Thos. H. Simpson, county com- " missioiier's salary and ex pense 79.26 Western union Tel. Co., county judge's expense 90 G. A. Gardner, county judge's , traveling expense '42.20 James Owens, county judge's traveling expense 36.30 Total $406.95 Circuit Court A. R. Thompson, circuit court crier $ 45.00 27.00 1.50 17.00 15.60 17.00 14.20 14.00 3.50 6.10 Frank M. Amy, petit juror Emll Britt, grand juror John Butler, petit juror Chas. L. Bergstrom, potit juror Frank R. Bejllnger, petit juror John Barncburg, petit juror William Bates, petit juror Mrs. D. Bearks, circuit court witness R. C. Baker, circuit court wit ness '. Tom Collins, petit juror. 7.80 C. B. Carlton, petit juror 13.00 Wm. S. Cfowell, circuit court witness 2.00 13.60 15.60 16.20 Hiram Doubleday, petit juror.... Louis Dodge, petit juror. Carter T. Davidson, petit juror.. Fred Dorn, petit juror 16.20 Jamos W. Dunlap, petit juror.... 17.00 Geo.'W. Dunn, petit juror 13.40 S; E. Dunnington, petit Juror 12.00 F. E. Furry, circuit court wit ness 2.40 Joseph Geppert, petit juror 13.40 Wm. H. Gore, petit juror:. 16.60 Hugh Gillette, circuit court wit ness : 3.30 Jesse E. Glass, petit juror 12.60 John Hughes, petit juror 19.40 Jesse Houck, petit juror. 13.00 2.40 A. Hum, circuit court witness.... Geo. W. Lewis, grand Jury bai liff B. F. Lindas, circuit court ex pense 6.00 10.01 Ed. Lamport, petit Juror 17.00 Geo. H. Patrick, petit Juror 15.20 Lee Phlpps, petit juror. 17.40 D. Perozzl, petit juror.. 12.60 Harry Patnande, grand Jury witness 7.00 Lewis M. Sweet, petit juror. 16.00 Ernest J. Smith, petit Juror 17.00 Chas. Strang, petit Juror 14.00 Sam L. Sandry, petit juror....; 10.60 Samnel B. Stoner, petit juror.... 16.80 Gertrude Spencer, grand jury witness : 2.50 Mattie Thompson, meals for jury 19.50 T. A. Waterman, petit juror 17.00 Jesse N. Taylor, circuit court witness 2.40 E. F. Weber, circuit court wit ness 6.10 Mr. Williams, circuit court wit ness 13.90 A. W. Beebe, grand Juror 35.80 H. C. Burgess, grand Juror 35.40 Jas. Campbell, grand Juror 37. 80 Fred C. Copple, grand Juror 38.60 Oris Crawford, grand Juror 35.00 Wm. Earhart, grand juror 33.00 Daniel Foeller, grand juror 43.S0 Total . $859.20 Justice Court W.'H. Gowdy, justice court ex pense $ 3.9 G. O. Taylor, justice court fees 20.00 0. 0. Taylor, Justice court ex pense 17.30 J. W. Hays, constable fees 1.50 A. J. T. Smith, justice court , fees 1.00 Total $ 43.75 Sheriff's Office C. E. Terrill. sheriffs salary....$208.33 Geo. L. Howard, depot sheriff's salary 126.50 J.- J. McMahon, deputy sheriff s salary - 150.00 Flora Thompson, deputy sher iffs salary 110.00 Glen Te.-riil, deputy sheriff's salary 100.00 Drlpha Terrill, deputy sheriffs salary 93.00 llnvol Tnfhnrnw fletinlv shpr- land (tf s BBlnrv .... 82.00 i ; C. L. Morrison, deputy sheriff's hire 17.00 Geo. L. Howard, deputy sheriff's traveling expense 9.50 Jacksonville Post, sheriff's of fice supplies 11.75 Medford Book Store, sheriff's office supplies 4. S3 Medford Priming Co., printing for sheriff 59.75 J. J. McMuhon, deputy sheriff's traveling expense 3.60 J. McMalion, deputy sheriffs traveling expense GO. S3 C. E. Ten-ill, stamps for office.. 16.20 Glen Terrill. deputy sheriff's traveling expense 21.53 C. E. Terrill, sheriff s traveling expense 20.55 Postal Tel. Co., sheriff's tele grams 12.9 1 Stockwell Lock Inspection Co., cleaning locks, sheriff. 10.00 Total $1,11S.S Clerk's Office Chauncoy Floroy. county clerk's salary jtiio.uo Mildred M. Neil, deputy clerk's salary 125.0U Delilin Stevens, deputy clerk s salary 110.00 Ruborttt Pearce. deputy clerk's salary so.uu Helen Clark, deputy clerk's sal- orv TS.ou Grace McDonald, deputy clerk's salary 7o.OO Edna Bryant, deputy clerk's salary 70.00 Mattie Stevens, work in clerk's office 70.00 Mida Mcintosh, work in clerk's office 70.00 Interurban Autocar Co., clerk's office expense 11.56 Chaunccy Flore , stamps for office 20.00 Jacksonville Post, office sup plies 35.50 Medford Book Store, clerk's of fice supplies 10.8o Medford Printing Co., clerk's office supplies 55.00 Glass & Prudhomme Co., clerk's office supplies 124.00 H. M. & C. Co., ribbons for clerk's office 34.00 Interurban Autocar Co., Trans fer for clerk's office 4.03 Total $1,150.10 Treasurer's Office Myrtle W. Blakeley, county treasurers salary $100. uu Dorothy Bedwoll, deputy trea surers salary 80.00 Medford Book Store, treasurer's office supplies 3.85 Stockwell Lock Inspection Co., Cleaning safe lock, treasurer 8 office 10.00 Total .: $193.85 Coroner's Office Crater Lake Hdwe. Co., coron er's expense $ 3.66 John B. Palmer, coroner's ex pense 4.0 J Total $ 7.66 School Superintendent's Office Almeda J. Fuller, school supor- vlsor s salary 1 $120.00 Susanne Homes, school superin tendent s salary ..... 150.00 Almeda J. Fuller, school super visor's traveling expense Susanno Homes, school super intendent's office expense 47.00 56.68 Medford Book Store, school su perintendent's office, sup plies 3.75 Medford Printing Co., printing for school superintendent 49.25 Mrs. Eugene Thompson, work for school superintendent 40.50 Almeda J. Fuller, school super visor's traveling expense 2.70 Ashland Tidings, school super intendent's expense 13.00 Almeda J. Fuller, school super visor's expense 42.15 Total oar.uo Fruit Inspector's Office E. R. Oatman, fruit inspector's salary and expense .$101.50 H. T. Pankey, fruit Inspector's salary and expense 112.00 Total $il3.50 Assessor's Office J. B. Coleman, assessor's salary $125.00 Jas. M. Cronomlller, deputy as sessor a salary 110.00 Llnnle Hanscom, deputy asses sor's salary " 90.00 Ray Coleman, deputy assessor's salary 75.00 J. B. Coleman, assessor's trav eling expense 86.17 Medford Book Store, assessor's office supplies 2.70 Total $488.87 Tax Refund A. W. Bradshaw, tax refund $ 3.00 Emma Higelow, tax refund.... .47 E. A. Bayllss. tax refund 1.64 George T. Collins, tax refund.... .35 C. E. Chamberlain, tax refund.. A'i D. O. Frederick, tax refund 17 J. H. Jenss, tax refund 75 E. E. Jamison, tax refund 30 George Lauuspach, tax refund.. 7.35 G. E. Monroe, tax refund 70 Andy Nichols, tax refund 1.05 C. C. Pontlng, tax refund 48 J.- L. Pierce, tax refund 21 W. E. Smith, tax refund 61 Emma Savage, tax refund -.. .28 Frank Tlsdale, tax refund 84 W. H. Thompson, tax refund 54 Woodcock & Blackert, tax re- fund .90 David D. Watson, tax rerund 3: R. A. Wooldrldge, tax refund 2 Otto Caster, tax refund , 18 L. O. Caster, tax refund 4.92 John Grieve, tax reiund 25 Nora Ncathammer, tax refund.. A'i Rogue- River Canning Co., tax refund 2.0i A. a . Stover, tax refund 28 Chas. E. Warton. tax refund 92 ' Total .........! $ 29.81 Widow Pensions Lucy May Davis, widow's pen sion $ lO.Oti Nettle Green, widow's pension.. 25.00 Mary H. Higglns, widow's pen sion - 10.00 Dolly Love, widow's pension 22.50 Nida Oatman, widow s pension Mary P. Price, widow's pension Anna Prescott, widow's pension Rosa A. Peffly, widow's pension 15.00 17.50 17.50 25.00 Rctha M. Richardson, widow's pension 32.50 Lydla Sanders, widow's pension 17.50 Sarah A. Summers, widow's pension Elizabeth Revey, widow's pen 22.50 sion 17.5" Kose Singler, widow's pen - ' sion 40.00 i Lama E. Stewart, widow's pen sion '. i,2.o0 Addie W. Shanks, widow's pen- lion 15.U0 Amy R. Thorn, widow's pension 25.00 Surah Wakenian, widow s pen sion 22.50 Ernestine Austin, widow's pen sion .-. Effie Marie llaer, widow's pen sion .- 25.00 Minnie Hoardmnn, widow's pen sion 10.00 Mrs. J. H. Byerly, widow's pen sion 30.00 Ella May Cnlno, widow's pen- .sion 17.50 Anna Laura Corum, widow's pension 10.00 Rebecca A. Clary, widow's pen sion 15.00 Susio Coy. widow's pension.... 15.00 Mrs. Nora Martin, widow's pen sion 25.00 s Total $522.50 Care of Poor Not at Poor Farm J. R. Anderson, repulnr Indi gent $ Nancy Arrasmlth, regular indi gent Mrs. G. R. Brobeck, regular indi gent A. D. Beardsley, regular Indi gent J. M. and Rebecca Chlldcrs, regular Indigent Knte Copnle. regular indigent.. Dave Daniels, regular indigent J. H. Fnttli;. regular indigent.... Alison M. Ford, regular Indigent Mrs. Gunn, regulnr indigent Mrs. Hudson, regular Indigent.. 6.00 10.00 S.00 10.00 10.00 S.00 S.Od S.00 s.on 12 jin s.00 Mrs. Hatch, regular Indigent 10.00 J. W. Ingram, regular Indigent.. S.00 Viola Jones, regular indigent.... , 10.00 Mrs. Martini Jones, regular indi gent 10.00 Albert. Johnston, regular indi gent S.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kane, regu lar indigent 20.00 Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kelsoe, regu lar indigent S.00 Mrs. Lena Lee, regular indigent 8.00 Amelia Mayflold, regular indi gent 17.50 Mrs. I. A. Montgomery, regular Indigent Mrs. J. A. Myers, regular indi gent Carrie E. Miller, regular indi gent Margaret Noble, regular indi gent '. Doc Parsons, regular indigent.. iins Plover, regulnr Indigent.... T. D. Stafford, regular indigent Alex Wilson, regular Indigent.. Z. Wolirnmolt, regular indigent Annie Watklns. regular indigent L. B. Hall, indigent expense S.00 8.00 10.00 lo.on s.00 in.oo 7.00 s.00 15.00 s.oo 35.00 Mrs. M. E. Middlobushcr, indi gent supplies 5.44 Mann's Dept. Store, indigent supplies 1,77 Sacred Heart Hospital, indigent expense , 5571 Mrs. Schmidt, Indigent expense 1.50 Mrs. L. Schieffelin, regular in digent ... W. H. Smith, regulnr indigent.. Nancy Sisonioro, regular indi gent B. P, Theiss & Co., Indigent supplied .'. Z 6.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 S.OO Lewis, Ulrlch, indigent supplies Weeks Conger Co., Indigent cx- ponse C. S. Butterfield, Indigent Blip- 40.00 plies 10.01 Bungalow store, indigent sup plies 9.90 Cowley's Emporium, indigent supplies 25.39 G. W. Johnson & Co., indigent supplies 6.1 5 Mary Price, regular indigent. 8.00 Mrs. Jean Ross Smith, regular Indigent 8.00 Vhlte House Grocery, Indigent supplies 20.00 Leonard, Oorthuys, indigent sup plies 6.00 Total ; $569.97 y(To be continued) Notice of Private Sale Notice is hereby given that the undersigned by authority of an order made and entered by the Honorable G. A. Gardner, Jttdgo of the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, on the 12th day ot January, A. D. 1921, will on or arter tho 25th day ot February, 1921 at his office in Jackson County Bunk in Medford, Oregon, proceed to sell tho real property belonging to tho estate of Jane Carroll, deceased, at private sale to tne highest bidder for cash sub ject to the approval and confirmation of the Bald Court, and said real pro perty is described as follows, to-wlt: Ut No. 4 in Block No. 25 of the Old Plat of the Town (now City) of Med ford, Oregon. GEORGE R. LINDLEY. Executor of the Last Will and Testa ment of Jane Carroll, Deceased. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Two experienced young men want brush burning or othoi orchard work by dny or contract Phono 625-Y. . 263 WANTED Position. Experienced dictaphone operator or typist. Phono 419-L. - 263 READJUSTMENT Confronts the world All business must ' prepare to meet the new conditions. Wo can help PIT VOl'll HOUSE IN OR.DKH SYSTEM Is our business and EFFICIENT Is our system INtOME TAX Returns correctly prepared. Bookkeeping and other business difficulties satisfactorily adjust ed. Consult us.. O AuJ'tirxJ t " Accounting T? lERVICElO- jy liwesrnxerdsgy jJMr.surajxce M. P. Schmitt, Mgr. Phone SB I Liberty Bids HFXT" wASTKl) Mule and Fmutle WANTED Clerks, (men. women) over 17, for Postal .Mail Service. $130 month. Examinations Jan.-Feb. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars of Instruct inn, write J Leonard, (former Civil Service Ex aininer), 15S Equitable Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. 2ti; HELP WANTED K EM A LH WANTED At onre, experienced per son for huusework iu famllv of three, Mrs. J. C. S. Weills. Tel 171. 265 WANTICD Experienced sales ladies for department store work; perma nent positions open fur competent assistance. Reply giving references and past experience to Itannon & Co.. Oregon City, Oregon. 264 WANTiCD Middle-aged lady for cook on dairy ranch. Eight or ten men Write to Chas. Pala, Smith River. Cnlif. 26 WANTED MISCEI.LANKOIS WANTED Houses and bungalows Have inquiries for several houses and bungalows. Is your for sale? Send me pi-ice and terms. Can prom lee nulck action. 11. F. Lindas, 235 E. Main. 2S7 WANTED Horses nnd mules past usefulness. Phone 201-W or deliver to Rogue River Poultry Farm, Jack sonville, Road. 260 WANTED A second hand wicker baby buggy. Mnsf bo iu good con dition. Phono 0S6-J. 265 WANTED A good homo for a fine largo collie, malo dog. Ans. Box 81. Mall Tribune. 264 WANTED Good clean rags. Printing Co. Medford WANTED Shoe repntrlug while you wait at the "Model Hoot Shop." 21 S. Central Ave. Quick service, quality work. E. N. Biden, prop. WANTED All kinds of building and repair -work. Phone 859-Y or 666-M, after six p. m. or before seven a. m. 263 WANTED House moving and re pairing. Phono 488-M or 4SS-X. tf Hill KENT KUKMSIIKD ROOMS FOR RENT Large comfortablo sleep ing rooms, newly painted and pa pered, $3.00 per week. 325 S. Rivor Bido. Phono 701-J. 261 FOR RENT Steeping rooms, hot and cold water, bath any time; use of wash tub and Iron. Largo gar age; one block from library. No. 601 W. Tenth. VOll HUNT HOUSES FOR RENT Furnlshod house ill fino condition, to adults only. Price $26.50. Phono 353-J. 265; FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Largo modern eight room house, partly furnished, throo und one-half blocks from Main St. Lot (17 by 180 foot, doublo gtiraga, good barn, assessments all paid, cast. front. Prico $6000. A. C. Hubburd 267' FOR SALE Some desirable houses. also, ranches. Bowling, 20 S. Peach. Phono 353-J. 265 FOR SALE Like rent, 5 rooms, bath and sleeping porch. Gas und elec tricity. Large lot on pavement. Prico $1200, at $25 per month. Tho chance to own your homo and never miss tho money. Phono owner, 684-J-l. 266 FOR SALE 25 acres, SVi miles northeast of Medford. Suitable for fruit, berries, vegetables or poultry Good buildings. E. A. llrumuugh Route 3. Box 143. 260 FOR SALE Small ranch west of Med ford at a sucrlflco, account of own er's health. In answering give phono number. Address Medford Muil Trl buno.Nn. 19. 261 FOR SALE 18 acreB oil Jacksonville boulevard opposite Oak Grove school house. Prico $2500. Address Need ham & Purdy, Lyons, Kansas. - 273 FOR SALE Good ranches. See us before buying. J. B. Andrews, 31 N. Grape St. Phono 63-M. U FOR BALE Leasi and exchange real estate. Gold Ray Realty Company FOR SALE Houses and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished: also acreage. C. 8, Butterfield, phone 216. ESTRAYED STRAYED Ono Toggonberg goat Call Castile's stovo repair shop, 1 1 II S. Holly. Phono 939. tf MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN J. B. Andrews loans money on real estate and burs mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone D3-M. II North Grape street. Used Automobiles For Sale One Ford Delivery $185 One Chevrolet Touring $490 One Maxwell Touring....$650 One Studebaker Six Touring $750 One Oakland Touring $1200 Tumy Motor Co. No. 123 So From) I'OR KALI'' MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE II. I. Itod pullets and cockerels. Call at SIS S. Peach St. 20.; FOR SALE A few high grade White Leghorn cockerels. VY. J. Warner. Phono 696-M. FOR SALE Furniture enough for apartment house. House can be rent ed cheap. 2111 Talent Court. 26 FOR SALE 200 pair new shoes at cost. Second-hand shoes and shoe repairing til the Medtord Shoo Hos pital, 1111 E. Sixth St., .Medford. FOR SALE Black oak, white oak, fir and pine, one dollar cord slumpago, about four miles from Rogue River. Inquire of Mr. liirdseye for -Mrs Malbnc's Place. 261 FOR SALE 12 It. 1. Red pullets mat ed to year old male bird: also White Leghorn cockerels. Spring St., off Crater Lake Road. W. T. Bulger R. 3. 26; FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, $20. Shafer. Phono 23-J-t. II 26, FOR SALE 12 fine turkey hens, one gobbler. 1 4-gallon Jersey cow, 1 good brood sow and seven pigs, three shouts 100 lbs. each; 5 or 6 tier manzanlta wood. Call 2S-J-3 meal time. 265 FOR SALIC Ono O. A. C. thorough bred Haired liock cockerel and four Tailored White Leghorns. All high est quality. S22 S. Oakdale. Tel. 4S1. tf CAN ACCEPT n few more orders for day old chix- from our thoroughbred Tuncred White Leghorn flock. Dc Hveny any tlate. Also hutching eggs and custom hatching. This flock lias averaged 75 to SO per cent egg pro duction (luring entire winter. If you want pouUry for egg production wo have them. Inspect flock at S22 S, Oakdalo, tel. 4S1. Standard Electri llatchoiy. tf 'OR SALE Ono 10-inch P. & O. gang plow. Tel. 591-J-l. 261! FOR SALE Home dryer, trays, sul phur box, corer, parer and sllcor. lol 691-J-l. 26 FOR SALE One fruit rank, good as now, one 10-iuch walking plow, ono good cultivator, Incubator and other numerous articles. Also 3 ptiro bred Salmon Faverollo cockerels. R. A Prico. Coker Butte Road, R. F. D. 3, 263 FOR SALIC Tire special. We have a bargain iu 5 36x4 clincher tires; also other used and rebuilt tires. I3x chango Tire Co. 264 FOR SALIC Oak Heights Tancred leghorn chicks, $18 per hundred. Eggs $5.00. Dressier. Squaro-Denl Electric Hatchery. Phono 951-L. 2S3 FOR SALE Double BOt ot harness and 3-inch wagon. Mare 5 years old. weighs 1360. 609 E. Main. 263 FOR SALE L. C. Smith typewriters, Dalton Adding Machines, Chock Wrltors, ribbons, carbons and pa pers. All makes typewriters bought, sold, exchangod, rentod nnd paired. Valley Hales Agoncy, Sparta Bldg., Phone 188-VV. tf FOR SALE Good trailer. 113 S; Front. FOR SALE The Vnlloy Fuol Co. curries tho boat eduction In tho city of all kinds of fuel, elves prompt service, and will moot all competition. Why buy olgewhoro? Phone 76. tf FOR SALE Ono 6-horse Almo sta tionary engine, like new, $22o. One 5-foot orchard disk, used ono season, $50. One 8-foot orchard disk, used one season, $75. One 10-lnch gang plow, just like new, $75. C. E. Gates Auto Co. tt FOR SALE Eight horses, one colt; 9 sots harness; 1 Klllfer stibsollor; 1 spray rig, complete. Cull 80 N. Central. Phono 105. tf FOR SALE Sand, gravel, sediment and dirt. Plowing and teaming vork dono. Phone 912-J, Samuel Batemun, 302 Maple street. FOB BALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Twonty of tho fittest milch cows in southern Oregon. Will soil separately. Also new DoLnvnl Separator. Walsh's place, one mile northeast of Medford, on Crutor Lako road. 287 FOR SALE OR TRAUIC for hens, ono hnlt blood llamiltonian 2 year old filly. Wrlto box 251 Central Point, Ore. 265 FOR SALE Good milk cow, Just fresh. W. S. Stanclllf, Phoenix. 265- FOR SALE Two good work with harnoss. Tel. 591-J-l. teams 263 AUTOMOBILES FOR SA LE-f-a r cheap, 735-M. -1920 Chevrolet Just like now. TAKEN OP TAKEN UP Black heifer, white face each car marked with swallow fork ' and under-bit. Phono Biiigham 5H7-.I-3. FOED TOURING ...$275.00 FOED TRUCK With covered body, cab and windshield. Practically new $700 STUDEBAKER '17 .$700 Pattonand Robinson, Inc. Tol 15Y U3 o. Riverside BARGAINS LOST LOST On Saturday, a gray fur-lined glove, l-inder return to Klocker l'rintery, 28 S. Central Ave. 264 LOST Fountain pen in or near post office. Reward. Return to office of Redden it Canaday. 263 LOST Thoroughbred Hereford bull, branded AM connected with bar under it on left hip. Finder notify II. A. Meyer, Lake Creek. 271 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abstractors. MURRAY BROS. & VAN VORIS Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5, No. 22 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporated 1904. Ab stracts of Title, Title Insurance. Auto Supplies LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. We are operating tho largest, oldest and best-equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Use our springs whou others fall. Sold under written guarantee. 31 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-Iaw. rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. E. REAMES Corey Building. -Lawyer, Carnett-, O. C. BOGOS Real estate law and settlement of estates a specialty. . B. F. LINDAS Attorney, Genera!' Practice. Patents a specialty. ; 31 ' 1 N. Grape St. ' ' Building Materials, MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS specialize in all kinds ot cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. Chiropractor. DR. A. UURKLUND Chiropractor. Spinal Adjustments. 204-205 Sparta Bhlg., cor. Main and Riverside. Offico phono 285. Dentist DR. V. R. KAUFMAN, Dentist. Office in Sparta Building. Office hours 8 to 12 a. in., 1 to 5 p. m. Evenings by appointment Phone 285. Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. WU son, C. P. A. Attention given to anything In Accounting and Income - Tax requirements. Look into our simplified accounting method. Lib erty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R. IVAN LIVINGSTON Incorp orated Accountunt. Auditing, Systematiz ing. Financial and Income Tax State ments. Addross 311 S. Sixth St., Grants Pass, Ore. 27f Fidelity and Surety Bonds FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS Wo execute all forms ot bonds. McCurdy Insurance Agoncy. tf Instruction tn Music. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher ot piano and harmony. Halght Muslo studio, 318 Gurnott-Corey Building. Phono 72. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. BURSELL Spinologlst, Phy slclan and Burgeon. Spinal adjust iiitmtH, general treatments and diag nosis. ' 309-10-11 M. F, & H. Bldg. Elevator to third floor. Phono 29. DR. J. J. EMM35NS Physician and surgeon. Practico limited to eye, oar, nose nnd thro&t. Eyes scibntiti : ically tested and glasses supplied.' Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. It. R. Co." M. F. & H. Co. Bldg. l-nono t07. DR. P. O. CARLO W, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic -Physicians. 416-417 C.arnett-Corey Bldg. Phone 904-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician. Special attention g'veu to eye, ear, nose and throat. 303 Llborty building. Phone 496. DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Natural Painless Meth ods. Room 428 M. F. & H. Bldg. Phone 965. JAMES C. HAYES Physlcinn and Surgeon; offico hours 11 to 12 a. ni., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Sparta building-; residence 1405 W. Main. Phonos: Office 563, res. 492. "Specialty," Medical and Surgical Diagnosis, tt Dr. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices M. F. & H. Bldg. Phone 165. Will be In Eagle Point on Sundays until further notice. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing offico In . Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St. Rug Weaving. MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn curpets and rugs. Thone 510-M. 706 Pine St. ' Tent and Awning Works MEDFORD TENT AND AWNING WORKS 12S N. Grape St.. Phone 4t-Y. E. Burger, Prop. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offico 42 North Front St, Phone 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER Anything moved 1 day or night. Service guaranteed. I I'.,! Iranlntonl 1 0i SI Ftr TMimia! office oil of re: 7-R-?6t ."' fl"