BEDFORD MATT, TTITRUNE, MKDFOUD,' OlilWOtf, V K I 5JKST)AY, JANUARY 2fi,' 1921 PAOE SEVEN SALEM. Ore., ' Jan. ' 26. Because the' United States supreme court In the case of the Duplex. Prfnting Press company against Deering handed down an opinion following thc-'snnio lino o( reasoning as that used by tlie Oregon supreme court las October In the Portland picketing case of Hoitkamper against Portland Central Labor coun cil, the drcgon court yesterday denied a petition for" re hearing in the Helt kamper case. rln this case, the right to picket the Hcitkamper Jewelry establishment was denied striking employes on grounds that the picketing law does not cover the question o recognition of a labor uuion, In a companion case, that of Green field against Portland Central Labor council, the right to picket was upheld on grounds that the question of wages and conditions of labor validly came under the act. Petition for re-hearing is. pending with the Oregon, court In this case, but will not be passed on until tho United' States supreme court hands down an opinion in .& similar cnso.-nppealed from Arizona and which was-argued January. 6. . -'; ' Livestock PORTLAND, .Ore., Jan. 26. Cattle noniiimlly steady;' receipts 35. Quo tations unchanged. ' Hogs '25c - higher; receipts 179. Prime light, J1111.50; smooth heavy, $10.50i$ll; rough $7!.50; fat pigs, $10 fl; feeder pigs, $108 11.00. t-Sheep steady: receipts 556. Quo tations unchanged. r Butter ' PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 26. But ter' steady. Extra cubes 3Sc: parch ment' wrapped" prints, box lots - 45c; cartons 40e:t half box lots half cent more; less than half box lots lc more. Butterfat No. .1 'churning creum 43rij. 45c f. o. b.,- Portland; undergrade 41c f.'o. b., Portland. . ' i. Portland Whaat PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 25. Wheat, hard white $1.65; soft white, white club $1.G0; hard winter, northern spring $1.55; red Walla $1.52.- . ' , Egg and Poultry Eggs Selling price, case count 42 4lc; buying price, :4'0Q)42e; soiling price,, candled, 44 45c; selected can dled in cartons, 46 48c Poultry Hens; light 252Gc; heavy 30!31c; springs, 252fic; old roos ters, 14c. N , . Grain and Hay Barley, $2934; oats, $3234.50; corn, No. 3, yellow, $30 31. , amirun, $353G.. Hay Buying price, timothy, valley, $27 28; alfalfa, $19 19.50; cheat, $2324; clover, $19 20; straw, $15. PUT CREAM IN NOSE . AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To Open Clogged Nos- triis aad End Head-Colds. You Joel fine in a few moments. Your cold' 'irt head' 'or catarrh 'will, be gone. Your-eloggtti'hbstrila w-ill open. Tie air pnsaogos- of,, yquf. Jicad , will, clear and you cun breathe freely, -, No' more dull ness, headache; no hawking, -snuffling, . mucous discharges or dryness; .strug gling -for breath at night. Tell your druggist -you -want. a. 6maII bottle; of Ely's Cream 'Balm; Apply a , little of this fragrant, antiseptic creatu ; in your nostrils, let it penetrate through ; every air passage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous ' membrane,, and .relief comes instantly. It is just what every cold and catarrh stiffen seeds. ."'-Don t stay.' stuffed-up and miserable.'.-' -V- -s .."-..-' Dlt.UV X'VOS TTIE CAPITAL IX VOUU BRAIX MAXK A X b BCY REAL ESTATE , Orl interested in property now. Figure, out ; what you will be worth In the future if you be--gin now to plant your money whore it will do the most good in the years to ooni. We will help you Mfely invest your money. , -.- ' , fe 77..- . EH N. .Y. Stocks NEW YORK, Jan. 26. Special is- tnics were urougut lorwara by imn pools In today's dull stock mar!:ct, but gains were cancelled wher represen tatlvc stocks fell back. S-ilos approx imated 475,000 shares. NEW YORK. Jan. 26. Loading shares . wore niafnly higher at . thj opening of today's stock market with General Ashphalt common us the. most prominent feature, gaining .2 V points in the firnt few transactions, with the preferred advancing 2V. Most other oils were strong, -ok wore also chemi cals, nnd coalers. . United States Steel made no, response, to the financial statement Issued after v yesterday's close. . Exceptional strengrti was .shown by foreign exchange, the early rnte for demand bills on Ixtndon ris ing, to 3. 82 ,4.- This establishes a new high rcoord.for over idx months. Tho market made further upward progress during tho morning. Ash phalt continued to lend, the common rising almost five points and the pre ferred four. Motors, equipments, sugars, leathers and tobaccos com prised tho strong ' '- specialties. Ex change made further improvement, the London, rate mounting to $3.83.. Call money was firm at 7 per cent on further prospective' federal with drawals. Allls-Chalmcrs ..... ... American Iteet Sugar ... ;.V... 45.7 American Can 29.5 American Car & Foundry ';.'.'. 1112. 5 American Hide, & Leather- pfd. 45.2 American international Corp. ; 46.5 American Locomotivo . ,'. . 82.7 American Smelting & Ref'g. . . 118. American Sugar ' 112.8 American Sumatra Tobacco ... 79.5 American T. & T. 1)11.7 American Woolen . . ', 66. 5 Anaconda Copiior . . !1S. Atchison . 83.5 At.. Gulf & W. 'Indies. ...i.. 60.2 Baldwin Locomotive ' S7.7 Baltimore & Ohio . '..' S4.5 Bethlehem Steel "B" 55.5 Canadian Pacific. . '. .. '. ....... 115.3 Central Leather Chandler Motors . . . Chesapeake & Ohio 40. (ill. 2 59. 28.2 26.5 " 22.2 28. 70,8 94.3 . 24. 13.2 125.6 14.7 - 40.5 76.5 2S.5 91. 34.6 54. 5 60. 19. 8 100. 0.6 155. 19. W.7 31. 18-.5 72f.5 20.5 100. 84. 3.7 74.7 . 41.7 36.5 2U.5 13.2 84.3 ' 66.5 66.5 42.6 23.1 97.5 22.5 ion. '57. 8.'7 43.2 13.3 B.-..T 10. 1 1 9.0 Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul Chicago, n. I. & Paq Chino Copper ; . . . Colorado .Fuel & Iron (bid Corn Products Crucible Steel ............. Cuba Cnne Sugar . Brio General Electric General Motors ...... Goodrich Co. ....... .' ..... Great Northern pfd '. . Great Northern Ore Ctfs. . . . Illinois Central. Inspiration Copper Int. Mer. Marine pfd. j International Paper Kenneoott Copper . . Louisville & NttsHvllle ...... Maxwell 'Motors Mexican Petroleum y ,'. . . MiamiCopper Middle States Oil Midvalo Steel Missouri Pacific New ork Central .....'..;., N. Y-, N. H. and Hartford . Norfolk &' Western (bid) . .. Northern Pacific ;. Oklahoma Prow. & Kef.' .'..".. Pan American l'otroleum . . Pannsylvanla . . .......... People's Gas'-...'..-.'....'.... Pittsburg and - West aV. - .. Ray. Consolidated Copper . . Reading Rep. Iron & Steel ........ Royal Dutch. N. Y SheH Trans. & Trad. . Sinclair Con. Oil ......... Southern Pacific-" .......... Southern Railway . . . .... Standard Oil of N. J. pfd. .. Studobaker Corporation . . ... Teonnessee Copper Texas Co Texas & Pacific Tobacco Products Transcontinental .Oil Union Pacific . . ...i, . . ... U. S.. P'ood Products ...... I. S. Retail Stores U. S. Ind. Alcohol . . .-. United States Rubber ....... United States Steel ........ 07. SI. 56.3 45. ' 8. 8.5 13. 35.5 63.5 ' 6. 34.6 2il.7 .63,. LTtah Copper . . . . . . . Wostinghouso Electric -. Willy's Overland American Zinc. Lead and Sm. Butto and Superior' Cala. Petroleuin ... Montana l'ower (bid) Shattuck Arizona . . . Pure, Oil "...'........; Invincible OH . 'i v. : . General Ajsliphalt ...'..., .. Some winter weather up here, about six . Inches of snow, and cold night; 1G above was the' coldest reached as yet. , . - t '-.-,' ,',,'.'; Mrs. Ernest' Pcachoy was up, from Ashland last week, building fires and driving away tho dampness In their home bore, an they have been speuding the winter In' the valley. 'She returned Friday. . - . .- , . John Downs left for the valley Satur day. , t ''. ;; Mr. and Mrs. Barker and daughters went out on the speeder Friday.. Mrs. Lola' Hildreth came up home the last or the week from Eagle. Boiht where she has been 'nursing for the past two weeks. . 'V Grace Cowden.'wlth her two children has moved In town, where tho young sters will attend school.' i Mrs. Ella Smith js visiting Inilower California at nres,ent. .'.-. Quite a few strange men are seen on the streets lately. On Inquiring who they were was Informed that they had taken up homesteads in tiiis vicinity. Ole Adams has located himself on n claim cast of the Smith Brothers ranch. . Sam and Viola -.-Hughes' entertained a few n' ihelr friends Saturday open ing of last week, Some of the children In town are interested In raising chickens ln(ef (so (hy say), as the chlcketinox has been prevnlent for the last month. The youngsters ore janslhig over, who can produce tlie most chickens overnight. Mrs. Abbott nas been on tha sick BUTTE FALLS " . . . - - Gary D. Hardee . ' V W CO. N&W VOJtK New Governor ol. Florida. list foV the past month, altho not bed fast all the time, suffering with n severe ease of stomach trouble, v Glenn Tenill was seen on the streets one day this week. - Mrs. Richardson went out to seo her llttlo girl in Jacksonville Friday. She. has been unnblo to walk for several weeks caused from a fall at tho school grounds; injuring one of her limits he low the knee. She has been slaying with her grandmother of Jacksonville. Prof. Robertson's home was thrown open tq tha young folks and teacher: Saturday evening where-they all en joyed a very good time. Dainty re freshments were served by the lifts tess. Mcrl Brainerd went out to Medford last week to meet his sister, Uernico, and baby. They intend to make their homo bore fixim no won. Mrs. Frank Carson came up homo Monday from -McCloud, Cal., where they arc located for the present. Mr. Goss is enjoying a visit with his sister who arrived last week from Washington, D. C, for a shot vacation. Mrs. NIchol has been spend ing tho week In Medford visiting friends and having some dental work done. ...... . 1 Miss Hopo Nyo and her brothers Dee hind Waldo entertained -at their homo Saturday evening. The Misses Ethel Bessie and. Clortnule HiglnbolhanV Lcstor Gordon, Clem Clarke and Ches ter Davis.; , s N. S.' Goodlpw from : Central Point, has been visiting friends and relatives in this community for1 the past two weeks. ' -iv -,. Mr. and Mrs; R.' K. Vaughn, Mrs. Robert Brophy, Mrs. Manning and Mrs. J. J. Brophy spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Tracy Boothby. Carl Richardson spent the week end in Medford transacting business. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Higinbotham and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Nye spent Satur day evening nt Joo Pbipps'. . A party of yomng folks gatlicred at tho lliglnbotham home Sunday even ing. Those present were Miss .HOpe Nye, Clcni Clarke, SBIuurt Ditsworth, Lester Gordon,' Deo and Waldo Nyo, Chester Davis and Uriah Vaughn. Miss Denny Manning is visiting with. her sister, Mrs. J.: L. Grieves of the power plant. -.'.,,.- T Mrs. A. S. Furry of Phoenix, visited Urn. W. R. Coleman of Medford last Friday . Mrs. W. M. Cottroll of Sams Valley, came over to visit her mother, Mrs. E. Calhoun Inst week, and spent the week end with hr sister, Mrs. S. S. Stevens of North Talent. Mrs. C, C. Hartley of North Talent, has been quite sick .with a had cold but is better at this writing. Kov. and Mrs. Angell of Phoenix were calling on friends along (ho high way south of Phoenix -Friday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Rader and Mrs. A.' S.' Furry .of Phoenix, were at the danoe In Medford Saturday night, and report a social gHod,' time. ,' - y Mr. and Mrs. Vn. High of Talent, FINE FORJHEUMATISM Musterole Loosens Up-Those Stiff Joints DriVes Out Paia Youll know why thousands use Musterole once you experience tho glad relief it gives. . Get a jar at once from the nearest drug store. It is a clean, white oint ment, made with the oil .of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. - Brings ease and comfort while it is being rubbed on! Musterole is recommended by many doctors and nurses. . MUlionsof jars aro used annually for bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, pleurisy, rfieu- mat ism, lumbago, pains and aches of tha back' or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bri'ises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest ( it often prevents pneumonia). CurVHlQHI KtvUOhC VIC letiirned Monday from Rogue Kivcr whero they have been spending sev eral days visiting their daughtor, Mrs. Archie ICvnns, and family. Almost every one of tho gardeners and farmers along the highway be tween Phoenix and Talent have plenty of good, hay to svll. Hut fow of thorn have offered any for sale yet. .Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Stancllff and daughter Vivian, attended tho dance at tho Nat in Medford Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joho of 1'ern valley, visited their son, -Mr. Jobe of Ashland. Sunday, driving up in their car and returning Sunday evening. Rov. and Mrs. Angell of Phoenix, called at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. James Allen Friday, and held song and prayer services, and on Sunday after noon the following young ladies of Phcrnix came out and sangVind played for Mrs. Alien: Misses Orla Wilson. Uenotto Sheets, Mugyio Mowat, Dor othy McClain. These visits are enjoy ed very much by Mis. Allen. Mrs. Wilcox also visited her sister. Miss Layne, at tho Allen homo Friday. Dr. and Mrs. Jams of Ashland, were guests at dinner at tlie' pleasant home of Dr. and Mrs. Webster of Phoenix, last Thursday evening, and Mrs. Stan- clift, Mrs. Blackwood and Mrs. t! ruffes were also callers at the Webster homo Sunday evening to soe Mrs. II. H. Frame. Mrs. Frame is very much im proved In health nnd hopes to bo out before long. A meeting of . tho men's brotherhood and tho church trustees was held at Cly'do hall, Sunday afternoon, . which was followed with a most bounteous dinner. There wore some twenty-five or more' present. . Examinations arc over and ono wcok of the ifl'W semestor finished. Elmer! Anderson who has been at tending the Medford Business college entered the high school last week. -, Mrs. Carlton Janes of Medford ad dressed the Parent-Teachers associa tion at tho regular monthly meeting. Mr. Reimer, who has charge of the Southern Oregon Experiment station gavo an interesting and instructive talk to. the student body last Friday A new supply pt scionce apparatus has just been received by Mr. Milam and placed In- tho science department also two new Underwood typewriters have boon ordered. The school board is proud of the school and is ever ready to keep the school ,n tho front ranks. The basket ball boys have won two games and lost. qno. They will play Gold .Hill on the phoenix floor, Jan. 2S. ' r i Mr; and. Mrs.. Tyrrell have moved to Phooiiix for the , rest of the school year. ' . i , " 1 ' i LBS'RflEltllvBACK Take a glass of Salts to flash Kidneyi : if Bladder bothers Jou Drink . loU of water. ' ' F.(Mig meat regularly eventually pro duces kidney ' trouble in bOTmb form or other, nays ! well-known authority, be cause tho uric acid in. meat excites tho kidneys, they become overworked) got Sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and mis ery in tho kidney region; rheumatic twin ges, scvero headaches,, acid, stomach, con stipation, : torpid liver,. . sleeplessness, bladder, and urinary irritation. i ; Tho moment your back hurts or 1tid neyo aren't noting Tight, or if bladder bothers you," get about four ounces' of Jnd Salts from aily good pharmacy; take a tablenpoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few dayB and your kidnoys will then act fine. This famous salts is mode from the . acid of grapes and ' lemon' juice, combined with lithia, and , has, been used for generations to flush' clogged kidneys and stimulate them to 'normal activity; also to neutralize tha acids in the urino so it no longer irri tates, thus ending bladder disorders. : i Jad Salts : cannot : injure 1 anyone; makes a delightful effervescent - lilhia water drink which millions of men and women take ' now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. ESTRAYKD STRAYED Two Toggenberg shqats; ; Call Castile's stove repair shop, li;i . S. Holly. Phono 39. XV STRAYED Red cow. and call from Bwanson. pasture Roxy (Ann. . Last seen on Dry Creek. Ears cropped, branded - loft anglo over iquarlor circle right hip. Ralph Oowgill. 262 READJUSTMENT, 4 ' Confronts the; world , All business must propare to meet the. now conditions. Wo . .can help ( Pl'T V'Ol'R JIOl'SK IX OltDLII i '.-; .' .'. '. : . SYSTEM Is our bustuess ' ' - I ' '' : ' and , 1 EFFICIENT la onr system INCOME TAX ' Returns correctly prepared. ', Bookkeeping and other busliies , difficulties satisfactorily. adjufct- ' ' ed. Consult us; v - . . . ' ' '7 i ' ' (T"- AuJ'lii3 Cf Accouivtli4 STErAERVICfiO; lrvsul-aiccrf Irvve3tncrit ' M. P. Sohmltt. Mar. Phone 581 " Liberty Blda ' HELP vVAVTWD Mulolmd FiMnnle WANTED .Clerks, (men. women) over 17, for Postal Mall Service. $130 month. Examinations Jan. -Feb Exiierience iinnecessarv. For. free particulars of instruction, write J. Leonard, (former Civil Service Lv aminer). 15S Equitable Bids.. Wash Inglon, D. C. 2: WANTED Responsible, active inert or women to represent us in several good sections of this state, taking orders for fruit trees. shrutiboiT, roses, etc., for spring delivery. De mand is liberal anil returns to intel ligent workers are substantial. Ad dress with references, Oregon Nur sery Conipnny, Orenco, Oregon. 262 HKI.P WAHTBlv M.VLH WASTED -Man to cut blight. Phono 202 ;oo-r-2. , II HI I' WANTED I'KM.l LE WANTED At once, experienced per son for housework In fnniilv of three. Mrs. J. C. S. Wellls. Tel 171. 265 WANTED Experienced sales ladles tor department store work; perma nent positions, opon for competent assistance. Reply giving references nnd past experience to Bannon 4i I Co., Oregon City, Oregon. 264 WANTED Middle-agod lady for cook on dairy ranch. Eight or ton mon Writo to Chus. Pala, Smith RIvor. Calif. 267 WANTED SITUATION'S WANTED A boyTif 16 wants steady work on a ranch. Atldross Mail Trl buncj box M. 261 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS . WANTED Houses , and . bungalows. 'Havo-inquiries for -several houses and bungalows. Is your for sale? Send mo price and terms. Can prom ice quick action.- B. F. Lindas, 235 7 E. Main. 287 WANTED To rent furnished apart ment of two rooms, kitchen and . bath, ' or small house furnished. Phone 797. 262 WANTED--Horses and mules past usefulness. Phono 201-W or deliver to Rogue River Poultry Farm, Jack sonville Roitd. 26B WANTED A second hand wlckor buliy buggy. Must bo in good con dition. Phono GSO-J. 265 WANTED A good homo for a fine large coiuo, mate uug. aub. uox m Mail Tribune. . - 264 WANTED Good. clean rags. Medford Printing Co. WANTED Shoo repairing - while you wait nt the "Model Boot Shop.". 21 R. Contrnl Avn Ontrlr anrvlpn j quality work. E. N. Blden, prop. WANTED All kinds of building and i ropalr worn. Phone 85U-Y or j CtiG-M, after six p. m. or before I , soven a. m. . ,. , 2u3 WA.N'TED House moving and re pairing. Phono 4S8-M or 488-X. tf FOR RENT Kl JtMHIIED ROOMS FOR RENT Comfortnblo room, bath in private home; meals if desired Phono D22-X. 202 FOR RENT Largo comfortable sleep ing rooms, newly painted and pa pered, $3.00 per week. 325 8. River side Phone 701-J. 261 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, hot and cold water, bath any time; use of wnsh tub and iron. Lurgo gar age; ono block from library. No, G04 W. Tenth. - - Van SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Liko rent, 5 rooms, bath and sleeping porch, (ins and elec trlclly. Largo lot on pavement' Price 1 1206, at $25 per mouth. The chance to own your homo aud never miss the money.. Phone owner, 684-J-l. 266 FOR SALE 25 ncres, Z miles northeast of Medford. Siiltnblo for fruit, berries, vegetables or poultry. Cood buildings. E. A. : Bruiuaugh Route 3, Box 143. ' 2flu FOR SALE Small ranch west of Mod- . ford nt a sacrifice, account of own er's health. In answering give phone number. Address Medford Mall Trl bune No. 10. 201 FOR SALE Modern 8-room house, partly furnished. Price $0000.. See owner, A. C. Hubbard, 322 Soutn Riverside. . tf FOR SALE 18 acres on Jacksonville boulevard opposite Ouk Grove school house. Prlco $2500. Address Neud- bam & Ptirdy, Lyons, KanBas. 273 FOR SALE Good ranches. See us .iiejoro buying. J. B, Androws, 31 N. Grape St. Phono f.3-M. tt FOR OALE Leasv and -exchange real estate. Gold Kay Realty Company. FOR BALE Houses and bungalows, ; furbished or unfurnished; -also acreage. C. S, Burterfleld, phone 1 ft t Used Automobiles; For Sale ' One Ford Delivery ........$185 One Chevrolet Touring $490 One Maxwe.ll Touring... $650 One Studebaker Six - Touring .........1.$750 One Oakland Touring $1200 Tun.y Motor Go. o, 123 'S9 Front ty. l'dll SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 200 pair new shoes ai cost. Second-hand shoes and shoe repairing at tho Medford Shoo Hos pital, 119 E. Sixth St., Mudford. FOR SALE Black oak, white oak, fir ami pine, one dollar cord stumpage. about four miles from Rogue River. Inquire of Mr. llirtlseyc for Mrs. Mulatto's Place. 264 FOR SALE 12 R. 1. Hod pullets Hint ed to year old male bird; also White Leghorn cockerels. Spring St., otl Crater Lake Road. W. T. Bulger, li. 3. 263 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, 20. II. Sharer. Phone 25-J-l. 265 FOR SALE 12 fine turkey hens, one gobbler, 1 -l-gallon Jersey cow. 1 good brood sow nm". seven pigs, throe shouts 100 lbs. each; 5 or 6 tier!ta wood. Call 2S-J-3 meal time. - 265 FOR SALE 16x16 tent, square. 'In quire Johnston's Transfer Co., 065 S. , Newtown, Medford. 262" FOR SALE One O. A. C. thorough bred Barred' Rock cockerel and four Taucrcd White Leghorns. All high est quality. S22 S. Oakdalo. Tel. 4S1. CAN ACCEPT a few more orders for day old chix Iroiu our thoroughbred Tailored White Leghorn, flock. De livery any date. Also hatching egg and custom hatching. This flock has averaged 75 to 80 per cent egg pro duction during entlro winter. It you want poultry for ogg production we hnvo them. Inspect, flock nt 822 S. Oakdalo. tel. 4S1. Standard Electric Hatchery. -. . . , ,11' 'OR SALE One TO-lnch P. & O. gnng Plow. Tel. 5!l'l-J-l. 203 FOR SALE Home dryer, trays, sul phur box, col or, pater and slicer. Tel. 591J-1. . 263 FOR SALE Ono fruit rack, good as new, ono 10-inch walking plow, one good cultivator, incubator and other numerous articles.. Also 3 pure bred Salmon Faverolle cockerels R. A. Prlco, cokor Butte Road, It. F. D. 3. 203 FOR SALE Tiro special. Wo havo a bnrgaln in 5 36x4, clincher tires; also other used nnd rebuilt tires. Ex change Tiro Co. , .264' FOR SALE Oak Heights Tancred leghorn chicks, $18 ; per hundced. Eggs $5.00. Dressier. Square-Doal Electric Hatchory. Phono 951-L. 283 FOR SALE Double set of harness and 3-inch wagon. Mare 5 years .old, weighs 1350. 009 E. Main. , 7 263 FOR SALE Good manzanllu wood. Phono l-F-14, $1.00 at ranch, $5.00 delivered. Good measure. 202 FOR SALE L. C. Smith tvnowrltors. uaiton Adding macniues, unocK Writora, ribbons, carbons and pa pers. All makes typewriters bouglt, unlit nvrhimirnil i-nntnil Mml vo. pulrod. Valley Sales Agency, Sparta tiidg., mono jtss-w..- it FOR SALE- Good tiallor, 113 S. Front FOR SALE Ho Vnlloy Fuel Co. carrion tho bast solection In tho city of all kinds of fuel, gives prompt service, and will moot all competition. Why buy elsewhere? Phone 70. tt FOR SALE Ono 5-horse Almo sta tionary engine, like new, $225 One 5-foot orchard disk, used one season, $5 0. Ono 8-foot orchard disk, usod one season, $75. One 10-Inch gang plow, just liko new $75.' C. E. Gates Auto Co. tf FOR SALE -Eight horses, one colt; 9 sets harness; 1 Klllfer subsolier; 1 spray rig, coinplote. Call 30 N, Contral. Phone 105. tf FOR SALE Sund, gravel, sediment and dirt. Plowing and teaming it ork done. Phone 912-J, Samuel Bateraan, 302 Maple street. roll BALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Two registered Jersey cows, perfect In evory respect and high producors. Both fresh with holfor calves. W. M. Barber, 153 Grnnito St., Ashland. Phone 411-R. , 20 FOR SALE OR TRADE for hens, ono : half blood Iiamiltonlau 2 year old - filly. Writo box 251 Central Point, Ore. , 205 FOR SALE Good milk cow, - jus frosh. W. S. Stancllff, Phoenix. 205 FOR SALE Two good work tontns wun niirnoss. iei. uui-j-i. - zoj ' AUTOMOBILES i'OR SALE 1920Chcvrolet toiirinB car cheap. Just liko new. Phone 735-M. 7 205 LOST "7 LOST Fountain pen In- or near post office. Reward.. Return to office of Redden & Cauaday. 203' LOST Thoroughbred Hereford bull branded AM 'connected with bar tinder If on left hip. "Finder notify 11. A. Meyer, Lake Creek. - 271 FORD TOURING ..,$275.00 FbRD TRUCK With v covered body, cab and windshield.-. Practically new $700 STUDEBAKER '17 iXlZflW s' ii V ;7 : ;' f i f ? !. ; : H Patton and RobinsOn. Inc. BARGAINS ' ' i 7 ' f --' -. .sMlPttuVt FOUND FOUND Ono roll certalntecd roof ing near Agalo. -J. C. Pendleton, central Point, 11. F. D. 2: 263 FOUND Saturday, an auto crank. Loser can get same tit 323 S. Orango by paying for notice. 262 MOXET TO LOAN' TO LOAN J. B. Andrn-rt -loans money on real estate and burs mortgages and Liberty bonds.. Phone 63-M. 11 North Orapa strnot. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abstractors. MURRAY BROS. & VAN VORIS Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5, No. 23 North Central Ave., upstuirs. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY incorporated 1904. Ab stracts of Title, Title Insurance. Auto Supplies . LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Wo are operating tho largest, oldest and best-equipped plant In the Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fail. Sold under written guarantee 34 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law. rooms s and 9, Meuioru National Bank Building. . . ..... .. ,l; A.!-, E..7 RlSAMES Lawyef,; GarnetU coroy Building. , , O. C. BOC1GS Real cstate'law ' and settlement of estates a specialty. F. LINDAS Attorney, General Practiced - 'Patents' a specialty. 31 . N.-Grape St.- ..- .. Building Materials. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & ' BLOCK WORKS specialize in 'all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. . Chiropractor. DR. A. BURKLUND Chiropractor. Snjiial Adjustments. 204-205 Sparta ' Bldg., ;cor. - Main and' Riverside. ' Office phono-2S5. ' , ; , . , . J. ;. , i ' ' 7 i t Dentist DR. V. R. KAUFMAN, Dentist. Office in Sparta Building. Office hours 8 to 12 a. m.. l to 6 p. m. ' Evenioga by appointment.! Phone' 285. . ; ' j Expert Accountant.- ; : ; . ; WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M.' WIF son, C. P. A. Attontiort given1 to- anything in Accounting, and Inconie 1 Tax requirements, ;; Look tintp our simplified accounting methods ;Lib- ' erty Bldg., Medford. Phone J.57.R.,. ; : IVAN LIVINGSTON Iiicofp o rated Accouutnnt. Auditing, Systematiz ing, Financial and Incomo Tax State ments. Address 311 S. Sixth : St.,'' Grants Pass, Ore '. 1 ,'27 Fidelity and Surety Bonds FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS We oxeciito all forms ofj bonds. MoCurdy Insurance Agency. ' ytl Instruction tn Music.', FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher ot piano and harmony. Halght Musto studio, 31S Gurnett-Cofey Building. ' Phone 72. - . . ' . '. i Physloians and Suigeons. DR. A. BUUSELIj Spinologlst, Phy- slcinn and surgeon. ' Spinal; adjust" uicnts, genonil treatments and diag nosis. 309-10-11 M. F,,& H. Bdg. Elevator to third floor! Phpno,'2D. DR. 3. J. EM&tENS Physician and ; Btirgoon. Practice limited to eye ear, none and throats TEyes aclohtlt-. lenlly tested and glasses, supplied. ! Oculist and Aurlst for H. P. R. R.Coi M. F. & II. Co. llldgj.' i'Do'no o07.J , DR. F. G. CARLOW, Dll. EVA' MAINS OARLOW Osteopahlc: Jfpysicians; 410-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Pliona 904-L. Residonce 20 S. Laurel St. DR. W. W. HCiWARD Osteopathia Physician. Special attention given to oyo, ear, noso and throat. .303 Liberty building. Phono 490. , f. t i DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chi ra praetio and Natural Painless Meth ods. Room 428 M. F. &. H. Bldg. : Phono 905. ':.; ii i 7 JAMES C. HAYES Physician and i Surgeon; office hours 11 to 12 a: m.j -2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Sparta building; i rcsldonco 1405 W.! Main. Phones:- i Office 603, res. 492. "Specialty," Medical nnd Surgical Diagnosis. " tf Dr. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices M. F. & H. Bldg. "."Phono 165. Will be in. Eagle Point " on Sundnys until further notice.- Printers and. Punllshers. MEDFORD, PRINTINU CO. has "'the host equipped - printing office in Southern Oregon. Utile binding, loose leaf lodgers, billing systems, -otc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir.SU Rug .Weaving. MEDFOltD FLUFF RUG . WORKS mukos fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phono 61Q-J1. 706 Pino St. ' , : Tent and Awning Work. t MEDFORD TENT - AND AWNINO i WORKS 123 N, Ornpe St. ? Pbone '. 443-Y. ' B. Burger, Prop. ,' .... i . Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE Ctt ; J-Offico 42 North Fjont; St. , Phone , 1 815, i prices ;rJght.' ) Service jgnr; ' antcedf. '. . 7: : ; v j ; 1 1 .? ; i i ' i'i DAVIS TRANSFER AqythftigmOv!.4 " day or night, Service guaranteed. F'nlr treatment. 104 8. Kir. Phono: Office 01,4 or rea, 6-j7--6( ye