flFEDFORD MAT1, TRIBUNE. MK11P0RD. 01MfiOX, "WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 2(. 1921 PAGE Til K IS IB GE RECLUSE IS BOUND OVE : FOR FOQEI THEFT ho qao talk,, but, does not understand During the winter he has been living in the old chicken hont on the Dad Dunlap'prouerty east of the city. : His bed was a pile o! straw, and he cooked his food on a piece of tin. A bank deposit book shows'$961 to his credit in the First- National bank ot Yreka, Gal.. : Despite this wealth he. has been living in squalor, and lias not bad a haircut-or shave for many months. ' Manuel Frhncri; ' "a ' Portuguese, charged With breaking into the resi dence of Peter F, Young, gardener for' Frank O. Owens, Sunday night, was bound over under bonds of $1000 Tues day afternoon, ' by Justice Glcrrn O. Taylor to await the action of the next grand Jury. ' Francis was charged with stealing a roll-of butter,' two jars 'of canned fruit,; and some pork. He is also charged with entering a bakery and stealing bread and cookies, but this was not admitted as evidence at tho-hearing. Francis has been living like a wild man in this vicinity for three months, according to the. police. Once they ran him out of the willows along. Dear creek, but he could not be arrested on a vagrancy charge as fie had a $100 j jjioerty uonu in nis pocket. He claims .- 'With his usual .cheor,- and .ftunshine, A. V. Cornell fame into the office to day., and reports, a. very. succclsflll year for .the Oregon' Life, as well as most all other Oregon industries. Yho! ouestioned ns to the -future, he claims the only real -drawback had been removed during his absence. Thi recent ihigh water in Rogue -river had taken out the old Anient dam and from tliis time on Josephine and Juck- sn county fishermen will no longer nave inis element m cunii-Miuuii. OTEOWEIS J WEI Hi FEBRUARY 1 2TH TAR ANDTEATHEf? The seventh animal banquet of the Lincoln club' of southern Oregon will be held at the Meuford hotel, Saturday evening, Feb; 12, and preparations are heins made for one of the best events in the history of the club as two of the best speakers in the state have been secured for the occasion. - Judge Henry E. McGinn of Portland, an attor ney of renown throughout the north west, will make the political address and Lawrence '1 Harris, associate jus tice of the supreme court, will make the address on Lincoln. Judge Harris is a great lover of tho life and public service of Lincoln and his address will undoubtedly be a gem. There will be a new and original poem by. Dick Posey; the James Whit- comb Riley of I he . Rogue,, ud , some, excellent music ""' ' Reservations for the banquet "will be limited to 250, and as tho.altendanoe promises to be large this year you bad bettor, make your reservations early. Uienn Taylor is chainnuu of the ticket committee. '' ' . . .( JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Jan;" 1 Francis Patrick Sullivan, C2, native of 'Australia, "-but a naturalized American citizen and a veteran of the world warj was called' from his home near here last night by a fake telephone message and tarred ond feathered by a bund of five men. .Sullivan was Inter dumped from an automobile in, the downtown section. . ' '..':"; At police headquarters, '.where "he was taken by passing motorists, Sulli van stated he' had been the victim of neighbors, threa,;f)f w;honi he snld he kiiew,-seeking'" revenge' becaiise'of per sonal differences he had with thein. FEBRUARY 20TH 10 26TH TO BE 0N:II::WEEPO0VEuFUNILyNl at imrnrnnn Timnonnv hi lYiLuruKu munouMi "I believe that I would rather miss a train now and then rather than be compelled to wait for one that was not on time," Is (lie manner in which the chairman of the "On Time Commit tee'' expressed himself yesterday altcr noon at a meeting of the committee at the Chamber of Commerce head quarters.. "If for nothing else, the on tlmo campaign, which is to take place very soon, is going toibe of special benefit to me in that it will give me the training of being exceptionally prompt and so will it be with every citizen in the community." The weok of February to 26 has been designated as "On Tlmo Week" and arrangements were completed for the I composition of competitive short stor ies on the Importance of being on, time. These stories to be given publicity thru.' the press. - Window posters will be used and these will give opportunity for students In art to display their originality In design. -., T.i If.. Elmore- Mrs, B. A. -iVlcV M ' Roy .Smith,, jMre L .X..ipbIJcVlr.-' Robt. Clancy, j-. V: McCoy; J.'h: Fu ler, I.. F.. Ferguson, Louis l!!richj, V. iff! Vawter, H. J. Deuel, , ' - ', ,ir ' ? ' All members are requested to attend this luncheon. . ,. '" "" ' .,'.."; v"' .0'y.'lV o'l. ,11,.'-" --' ''' Ma mm - Secretary Frobach of the ;Medford chamber of commerce has called a lun cheon meeting at the Hotel Medford at noon Thursday of a local committee appointed from Portland to conduct an organized drive for the benefit ot the starving children of Europe. At this meeting it will be definitely decided whether or not such a drive will be conducted. The quota for Jackson county is placed at. JtiOOO, and it will be necessary to conduct an active and well organized campaign if anything like this amount is to be secured. The members of the committee are as follows: Mrs. A. C. Joy, Mrs. D. Jerozzl, Mrs. "Pa pe's" Cold Compound'., is, Don't stay stuffed-up!'-' Quit blow' lug and snuffling' A dose of "Pape'iS Cold -Compound,''.' takeft every , twpj; , hours- until three 'doses are thken, usually breaks, any cold .right- up. . The very first dose opens- clogged'1 nostrils undthe air.' passages of .the ' head; stops nose running; relieves . the headache, dullness, feverishness. " "Pape's Cold .Compound'' costs- oniV-' a- few cents at . drug, stores. - It acta' without assistance, 'tastes nice,: con tains no , quinine Insist, upon Pape'sli ; 7 j : ; ! : ' : ' ; ' ; . , ,. ,v 'inidt'jfl l .1; A sweeping riBcluction.has brought the prices down to a new level in presents day retailing iEvery item in our 70 stores! now selling at our replacement costregardless of former cost. A real opportunity for you to save money 't-1;- ;: ..J. "'-;' i,:). '.':i'i..;-.)J " 1; i.i.V n1 u.'i:iv':.j,'iri,.1"-.lr.tfi-''rtii" u ' - - -iv''iil jo o.''), '!'. ':'.! . ;f:w-'' ;7f.BftK'; '-' - 'u- vHn ii " ;r ,i'.n -y.'iT- .wpiir " v;i ;s" y rJri"'o iiiviif) KaS .11' ''' fi!f-"i:t..n '-U '! -.'-! THE LONG LOOKED FOR, HOPED FOR, PERIOD OF LOWER PRICES HAS GOME Dry Goods Hopo jrnslin, 3(5 inelics, n;.' viinl .',.....'-.. Funny: Ginghams, ST-inch nt,.,vni'tl . No. .00 P.erlreh'.y Cnnibi'ic nt, yiu'd .' : No. 100 Berkeley Cimibric at, vnrd- !.' .......... J't'st. snitlo Fentlior Ticking 'at, "yorcl '. Devonshire Cloth. Big lino pntteriis nt, yirtl 3-'!-inch Indian Head Muslin at,' yard SG-inch Indian "iioad M.uslin at, yard m 54-ineh Indian ITond Muslin at, yard .., 23-inch !a!atea ait, lU'd -.......t. ( ' .... V ... . 28-incli Juniper Cloth at, ynrd ' i j:174 nt .. 24. 33;' .35 39 .1-27 -32d 45 ...:..37 ....:...37f The American Dollar will again assume its rightful value :;and buying power In, order to meet these new condition's and follow our policy of always giv ing our patrons the lowest puices possible, the Golden' Rule Association, with 70 Department Stores, loe.ated:iii 10 states, ;has, at A TREMENDOUS ' LOSS- reduced aH selling prices to'iabsolutc 11'j'6-UOCK,' based on actual .replacement .values. ' ' :', ,-rr,.i ! ?TTt ! 'T? ;';""i' 'Our .enormous purchasing poer,; liis our pojihy. of largo volumo and ' small profits, makes it possible for i s to regularly undersell all one-store 'competitors. .-''.-'.-: , vr ' '"! ' ''."' " - - - . ' ' '.' -. ' C ' V : , . .. , . , ' We never indulge in sensational special :s'a'lo" advertising. We never , ' exaggerate. We always moan just what we say. ,'i'his in not a spasmodic "sale." The prices quoted on tliis'pago and-those; yoii will find marked' in. plain figures on the goods in our stores' are pur 'RE-CONSTRUCTION PRICES," the lowest it is possible to put oiv 'the, kind of merchan- v diSe you- Want to buy. Every article will remain as priced -until sold or forced by tnarket conditions to chaiige. You : enit safely b'ank oii' this' .'oino to our store today prepared to save money. .' : ' -o- Notions hiSJ&t Palm Olive Soap.at, bnr' .!..'... ". 8 .' Colgate's Talcum Powder at, can ...... 1G? .' J. & P. Conts Sewing Thread at, spool ....a.-,...:...'..,.,.. '. : Sewiiig' Silk; Threa(i'aCspoid'.Il!ll!; l.;.::..H30 1 Good Pearl Buttons at, card ,.'..' - - "' Pound Can Talcum Powder at, can ....... ;...,i-,--T.i3 Colgate 's : Shaving Son p- at' '...,..,,.......JM5 :, to- Colgate's Toilet Soap at, bar :i ...v....:..i.10 to! IS.1' . XiadiesVShoo Laces at, pair Men's Shoe Laces at,, pair: .'..'"', i i..:4,-$f.'t'.tlfl;;' t..j(,,. WE ONLY HAVE SPACE TO LIST A FEW OF MAN Y ARTICLES CARRIED IN STOCK. -,1 '- .'.-.'"' km -Ortfr4ofc-Ladiest- Aprons. "To'close "out aC!l.'.'.'....93 ""Don't Fail to Get One'-' i ' , ! . . .-., Fine Lisle Hose in 'black, grey, white and brown, at pair . 50 Meroerized Table Cloths, 58 b 70-inoh, at $2.29 New line Plaid Skirts at 7.50 '. Utica Sheet, 72 by 90'r.t," each $1.70 Rest Well Sheets, 72 by 90 at, each $1.35, J. - & P. - Coats Sewing' Thread at7&pool ' Sewing Silk Thread at, spool - .'.!.......... .1.: 13$ Best qualify 27-inch Out ing Flannel at, yard 25 Assorted colors Japanese Crepe. 29-inch' at, yard ' 38 , 45-inch Peqnnt- Pillow Tubing at, yard ..55 10-4 Pcquot Sheetina- at, yard ...!....;..,...;.....: 80 9-4 Sheeting at, yd. 70 S-4 Sheeting at, yd. GO' 7-4 Sheeting at. yd. 58- - A new line Country Club Pongees- assorted colors, at, yard $1.90 A good' lino of fancy. House Aprons will arrive the last of the week. Rea sonably priced. One -line ' Fancy Silks. Priced a yard -...$1.19 42-inch Pillow Tubing at 3G-inch Tubing at 33 ': Compare These ' ;.! Prices' With' All ' , v Sale Prices , Some lines ' of 'Merchan dise are going up now: So don't wait too long to buy your needs. ,' :' . . American Lady Corsets at new 'prices. Jackson Corsets at the - , new prices Men's heavy .Cottony rib bed two-piece Underwear at, garment 95 40-inch Crepe de Cheno at .yard $1.65 40-inch OeorgeCte Crepe, yard .'. $1.35 New Spring Tumps for Ladies. Priced at $7.00 $7.35." $7.75; $8.-45, SS.75 Men's Wool Union Suits.' Heavy weight at $4,85 . to $5.95 . Men's Work! Sidles;' Solid leatllcr...... $5 to f$7,50 Men's '.Dress', SliQes - at $6.00. $7.15, $7 80 $9.00 to $13.50- Ladics-r Buy yoiu,( ' Ox fords ' and : Pumps now: Nearly ull sines and vidths ,' ' ' ' J list Received Big Ship ment .Combination Width bxfoiMs,'. Utz & Dunn make. 1 ! TJldek Oxfords, at $8.75 Brown Oxfords at $9.75 Men's Heavy Cotton Uni" ion Suits, at ...L,;.$2.25 ' -' Ford 'Special Work Gloves at, pair i uJSQf Buster Brown Hosiery and Black; Cat .Hosiery, for boys and- girls at ' no prices. " ;, - y ' ';: ." ';. ; Women's ; Dress i Shoes. Priced at $6.15, $6.75, $6.95, $9.50 $12.90 ".Just n few. Army Blankets li'lt. Oct one now. Priced at ' . - . ' I $4.85 Cotton - Work ' Socks ; ;it:. pair .......:.:.:...;20?. Wool Work Socks aty pair 50, 60 ahd;g5; Good Cotton ' . Sock, ; at; pair i;.;;J.i.U..:-..l.i 20fj LisW Hose at 30; to 50 Silk IIoso at; 85 to, $1 jChaki Pants; aty $2.80.' $3.00 to $3.50 Other V Work ; '. Pants " at $4.20 to;-$4;75;;; Boys' Blouses. I'.'Kiiynoe Brand" at $1.10 Heavy.- All-Wool Sliirts army color nt .:.'..$4.'35 Best, grado.f.Worlir.brlj' at, ,each'.x,'),;,U.......i'iV'j9S.t Best j grade .'-Bib 0vei?ailsi' at, pair $175 1- Boys' best - grade Rover-? alls, ago J. , to 8 .y.ears't.l,; each :.lL:;$iAHf Man 's ;. Rid ing ; Pants. : in ; Khaki, at ..:.....i,$420 Corduroy Riding Pants at .;i;1?'.5Q: . ' ' ' t '. i i - " Best- grade' Corduroy ' Pants ;at; f $5.65 - to $70 V, '' Heavy Cauvns 'GldVes ' (it , 1 15? Mk 20 , ! .; lA "i L ; ; . LADIES READY-TO-WEAR ; The new Suits and Coats will lie here ill a few days. Our buyer is in Now ' York with 70 other Golden Rule' buyers and yoti may know tliat our. new ' , spring line of Coats, Suits and Dresses will 'be 'priced right alid tho newest in style aHtl materials.- . - .- ... All Coats and Suits in Stock nt Low Prices MEDFORD' S LARGEST DEPARTMENT S TORE "THE DAYLIGHT STORE'' The Golden Rule Mercantile Co; , On North Central The Busy Street MEN'S AND BOY S' SUITS Largo assortment of Men's Suits. :AU priced to meet tho new conditions. Men's Suits. Priced at I $25.00. $33.00 to $47.50 Young Men's Suits. Priced at . ..I . $25.00 to $40.00 -!'... - ' . :.: ...... '..'.,..-, .:. , .j ' Boy's Knee Print Suits. Priced rtt,$7.50; $10500, $12.50 tb $15 Moll's Dress Pants. Prict-d at . . 1- $5.85; $6.85 $8.00 Wf.9L35 1