Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 25, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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OLYMPIA, Wash., Jan.- 25. .Ship
ment to county auditors of applica
tion blanks for koUIUts' compensation
under the additional compensation
net voted last Nuveniber, will com
mence probably Wednesday, It was
Btated at the state auditor's office to
day. An edition of 100,000 of the
blanks, together with other neces
uary forms, will be ready by that time,
it was said. Former service men may
begin filing their applications as soon
oh the forms have been received by
the county auditors.
Payments cannot begin, however.
Until after the sale of the first bond
insue of 15,000,000 bids for vhich will
be opened January 29. State Au
ditor Clausen today reiterated his re
quest that former service men who
most need the money be given pri
prlty in the filing1 of claims.
N. Y. Stocks
NEW YORK, Jan. 25. The course
tf today's dull and narrow stock mar
ket was governed largely by the ope
rations of professional traders, prices
for the most part showing no definite
trend. Oils rallied in the last hour.
Bales approximated 500,000 shares.
Further cuts in the raw product
ifurnished tho basis of another drive
ngainst oils at midday. Equipments,
leathers and tobaccos also ' became
The speculative shares made fur
ther Improvement during the fore
noon. Advances of one to three
points in Bethlehem, Crucible, Lacka
wanna, Republic and Vanadium
Steels were effected at the expense of
shorts, but the movement in United
States wns extremely narrow. The
local utilities failed to extend their
early advance and express shares were
lieavy. Rails were dull and inclined
to ease. Call money wns unchanged
at 7 per cent.
V. S. Steel Dividend.
NEW YORK. Jan. 25. Tho United
States Steel corporation at its quar
terly meeting here today declared
regular dividends of 1!4 per cent on
its common and 1 per cent on its
preferred stocks.
Allis-Chalmers 36.
American Beet Sugar 45.5
American Can 28.7
American Car & Foundry ... 122.5
American Hide & Leather pfd. 44.
American International Corp. 40.2
American Locomotive . H2.7
American Smelting & Ref'g. . . "7.7
American Sugar
American Sumatra Tobacco ... 78.
American T. & V 00.7
American Woolen 00.
Anaconda Copper 37.6
Atchison 83.
Atl., Gulf & W. Indies ...... 00.5
Baldwin Locomotive i0.
Baltimore & Ohio 34.5
Bethlehem Steel "B" 55.3
Canadian Pacific ,115.2
Cenlral Leather .' 3!).2
Chandler Motor C!).5
Chesapeake & Ohio 55.
Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul . . . 27.8
Chicago, R. I. & Pac 26.
Chlno Copper , 22.2
Colorado Fuet & Iron 20.
Corti Products 71.
Crucible Steel 06.8
Cuba, Cane Sugar 22.7
Erie'' 3 3.2
General Electric 124.7
General Motors 14.5
Goodrich Co 40.8
Great Northern pfd 70.
Great Northern Ore Ctfs 28.7
Illinois CJjntruI 80.
Inspiration Copper 34.8
Int. Mer. Marine pfd '. 54.5
International Paper 59.
Kcnnecott Copper 19.7
Louisville s& Nashville 100.
Maxwell Motors 5.6
Mexican Petroleum 154.
Miami Copper 18.7
Middle States Oil 12.8
atidvale Steel i. 31.
Missouri Pacific 18.6
New York Central' 71.5
N. Y., N. H. and Hartford 20.0
Norfolk & AVcstern 100.5
Northern Pacific 83.5
Oklahoma Prod. & Ref 3.5
Pan American Petroleum 74.7
Pennsylvania 41.6
Peoplo's Gas 35.5
Pittsburg and West Va 28.7
Itay Consolidated Copper 13.
Heading 83.8
Rep. Iron & Steel 65.5
Royal Dutch, N. Y 63.8
Shell Trans. & Trad. 41.5
Slnclnir Con. Oil 23.2
Southern Pacific '. 97.5
Southern Railway 22.5
Standard Oil of N. J., pfd. ... ICS.
Studebaker Corporation 56.8
Tennessee Copper 8.8
Texas Co 43.
Texas & Pacific (bid 19.
Tobacco Products 55.5
Transcontinental Oil 10.
Union Pacific 119.3
IT. S. Food Products (bid) ... 24.5
V. S. Retail Stores '. 66.
V. S. Ind. Alcohol 66.7
United States Rubber 68.5
United States Steel 82.2
Utah Copper 55.7
IWestinghouse Electric 45.
Willy's Overland 8.
American Zinc, Lead and Sm. 9.
Butte and Superior 13.
. Cala. Petroleum UC.
Montana Power (bid) 53.
Shattuck Arizona C.
Pure Oil 34.5
Invincible Oil ..... 23.3
General Ashphalt , 65.6
It's Good for Children
Mrs. C. E. Schwab, 1007 14th SL,
Canton, Ohio, writes: "Wo use Fo
ley's Honey and Tar for coughs and
find It one of the best remedies on
the market, especially good for chil
dren's coughs, as it does not contain
any drug that ia harmful." Serious
Blcknes3 often follows Hnerinz rnlrta.
' Hard coughing rack3 a child's body
and disturbs strength-giving sleep,
and the poisons weaken the system
so that disease cannot be warded off.
Take Foley s la time. Sold every
where. -
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 25. Cattle
lower: ho receipts. Choice steers
$S.50Ci 9.10; good to hoiee $S (fi 8.00:
medium to choice $Sii$.50; fair to
good $7(0 8; common to fair fiifi";
choice cows and heifers $0.75?i 7.25:
good to choice $6.2511 7; medium to
good Slip's 0.7o; fair to medium $5.50
(ii li.25; common to fair $4'y 5.00; can
tiers $2 & 4; remainder unchanged. '
Hogs steady; no receipts. Prime
light $11 if 11.25; smooth heavy $10.50
till; rough $7f(S.25; fut pigs $10
11; feeder pigs $10? 11.50.
Sheep steady; no receipts. Quota
tions unchanged.
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 25. Butter
weak. Extra cubes 40c; parchment
wrapped prints, box lots 45c; half box
lots half cent more; less than half box
lots lc more. BuUerfut, No. 1 churn
ing cream 43 45c f.o.b. Portland;
iindergrades 41c I'.o.b. Portland.
Portland Wheat
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. Jo. Wheat,
hard white $1.05; soft white, white
club $1.60; hard winter, northern
spring $1.55; red Walla $1.52.
Eggs and Poultry
Eggs Selling price, case count 42 (01
44c- lmvinE price. 40fi42c: selling
price, candled, 44 045c; selected can.
died in cartons, 40(rii4!c.
Poultry Hens, light 2B20c; heavy
3031c; springs, 2520c;old roos
ters, 14c.
Grain and May
Barley, $29134; oats. $32 34.50;
corn. No. 3. yellow, $30(031.
. Mfllrun, $35(f),36.
Hay lluying price, timothy, valley,
$27(528; alfalfa, $1!1 Si- 1U.50; cheat,
$23&24; clover, $10(0 20; straw, $15.
Chicago Markets
CHICAGO, Jan. 26. Foreign soil
ing had a bearish effect today on tile
wheat market. Opening prices,
which started from half to 114 lower
with March $1.70 to $1.70'i and May
$1.60 to $1.60Ms were followed by a
moderate further setback and then
something of a rally.
Corn receded, notwithstanding that
arrivals showed a big falling off.
After opening unchanged to half
lower, including May at 67 to 69c,
the market underwent a general sag.
Oats were easier, sturting unchang
ed to a quarter higher, May 44 to
14 c, but soon turning downgrade.
Provisions showed lack of support.
By A. C. Howlett
Mr. Keva Hutchinson and Mrs. l.lss-
zie Michol of Trail were pasaenBdi s
on the Medford Btago ' to Trail
"Wednesday morning and . Harry D.
Coder was also a passenger on the
Bingo for Derby and I). K. Wiu.iet of
Medfoid came out an J went- up to
LiOnff branch to visit his rcltitlvo, John
AValkc. '
Ira Mensley of Wollon was also a
business, caller Wednesday.
K. ), Patrick, one of the me
chanics, who has been work in i; for
the Jlogue Iliver Canal Co., du.'lng
the Buinmer- and fall, wns with us
Wednesday and Thursday nights.
Mrs. W. P. Morgan, who has been
vtaltlng her father for the past few
days, returned to her home ngain
Alvin Conover nnd Mrs. Walter
Wood were doing: some shopping
with our merchants here Wednesday
and so was Mrs. Jy Monia of Brow.hs
boro, and Mr. A. J. Moen of Keesc
creek and Charles Pettygrew, who
has a home on the Crater Lake high
way, north of our town.
Messrs. Hosh and Clery, the two
men who have rented tho Fred Pe
louze place a short distance nbove
town on the Brownsboro road, were
doing business with Itoy Ashpole, one
of our hardware merchants, Wednes
day, They have secured one of tho
best hay ranches in this section, as
a large part of it is set in alfalfa and
an abundant supply of water to irri
gate the land and by the use of the
proper fertilizers, can raise a good
supply of hay each year.
Marsh Garrett of Medford passed
through here Wednesday on his way
from his ranch in the Iake Creek
country. He has one of the best
stock ranches in that section and
handler u lot of cattle, although he
keeps a part of his cattle out in the
Dead Indian country, as he has fine
property in that suction of tho co"n-
try. jh has Mr. and Mrs. W. Tay
lor of this place, on the Lake Creek
ranch to care for and feed his stock
Mr. Derrian, superintendent of the
fish hatchery at Jiutte Falls, has
about completed the construction of
his place to deposit tho fish eggs to
prepare them to be moved to tho
Butte Falls hatchory so that it is
about ready for Use, and in a short
time thut branch of business will be
under way In our town.
It. K. Moore and Kd Dutton were
business callers Wednesday. Mr.
Moore is the occupant, who has the
Brown place on Antelope, tho old
James Malney place and is prepar
ing to raise a fino crop this coming
season nnd Kd Dutton is our old and
efficient road superintendent of for
mer days under the former adminis
tration who always kept the mud
holes In repair.
fleorge Kish of Trail, Jeff Bro
phy of Flounce Hock and Br, Pat
rick Hpent Wedneduy night at the
Thurnday morning f K. Fabrick,
B. F. Itedpath nnd his brother. C. J
liedpath. came in nnd engaged bonrd
and rooms again. They had been
out earlier In the reason and spent
some time pruning the Tronson or
chard, but the constant rain made It
so disagreeable that they had to lay
off, but now as we have hud two or
i hive days' Minshine, they hu e re
turned and ivMunu'd the wurl;.
Joe Pool, the foivmau on the HuUo
Creek orchard and Fred Arnes :ame
in Thursday -morning on their way
to Medford. Mr. Arnes was goinc, in
to have a doctor lance n lur-r-. car
buncle on his neck, and after lie had
it lanced had to go back a .vain Vi i
day to have it dressed. This is or e
case showing what we lost by having
our M. 1).. Br. Holt, have us and go
to Medford. And while on the sub
ject 1 may dd that here is a fine
location lor a physician, as there ia
a vast territory around us. including
the Trail, Persist. Unite Falls,
Brownsuoro, I,al;e Creek and Wellen
country that have to depend almoat
entirely on Medford and Central
oint for medical service, it works a
terrible hardship on the people who
are in need of such service.
Peter Young and his sister, Clara,
were here Thursday doing shopping.
B. B. Price and wife were hero
Thursday, Mr. Price is a contractor
with Mr. lihodes on the unit of the
Hog Creek-liognc Hiver section, and
they came in intending to go to Med
ford. hut when they reached here
found that tho garage men had not
finished up the job on their car that
had been left, and after taking dinner
at the Sunnyside, went on their way
rejoicing. They also intended to go
to the Butte Creek orchard and get
a load of apples to take to the camp
with the team they drove in. They
report that they are getting along
nicely with their job on the Crater
Lake Highway, and are clearing away
the titmber and brush en tho Rogue.
Mrs. J. M. Riggings and her daugh
ter, Mrs. JJ. M. Koeny, formerly of
Derby, but now of San Francisco, and
Miss Alice Humphrey of Derby, caine
out on the Medford-Butle .Falls stage
and the two madams went to their
old home while Miss Higglngs went
Mrs. K. C, Farriar of Lake ,Creek
was also here Thursday and went up
to her homo on the Jako Creek stage.
Antone Ring of Trail was here for
dinner Thursday and remained over
night, going up home on tho Persist
stage. ' : -
David Smith und family have
moved again this time from a house
belonging to Win. Perry, Just above
town in the Fred Fin ley house. Mrs.
Perry needed the , house . for his
brother-in-law, Percy Haley nnd fam
ily to live in, as Mr. Haley Intends to
work for M r. Perry this season.
Th os. Co ok a n d N, S. I ! o wd e rs ) n
of Central Point, were passengers on
the Butte Falls stage for Med foul
John Silos of Butte Falls came out
Thursday afternoon on the Butte
Falls stage and went to Medford.
Carl Richardson of Peyton came
Out on the stage Thursday evening,
spent the night with us and went to
Medford Friday on the stage returned,
spent Friday night and went up home
Saturday morning, thus taking three
days for the trip, when if we had
roads that were passablo, ho could
have made the round trip In a da.v
and had time to visit his friends.
. Otto Nichols of Talent went up to
Derby on the stage Friday morning.
I began to think Friday when I
was tramping over the town looking
for items of news, that I would make
a f a i 1 u r e, but I me t W o rt 1 o o 1 in
Brown's store nnd one of the Mygros
of Brownsboro in the Ashpole store
and about noon Mr. C. B, Millard,
one of tho nulo agenty of Medford,
and Mr. D. W. Reynolds .one of tho
Central Point Jewelers, and T. (A.
Bushong, C. O. P. Co., nnd Charley
Delin came in for dinner.
Messrs Fawcett and Campbell, the
two men who took the contract to
clear tho-right of way on the Crater
Lake Highway, finished up their job
Friday noon, had their work received
and started for Medford, They have
been with us for some time as regu
lar boarders. .
A. H. Thompson and wife of Lake
Creek came out Friday just to enjoy
a ride in the sunshine; J,ut they did
a little trading.
uornic smun 01 JJUtto kiuis was,
here Friday afternoon on his way to
'Pape's-Oia'p'epsin" makes i
Disordered Stomachs
feel fine at once !
Lumps of undigested food causing
pain. When your stomach is acid,
and is gnssy, Bour or you have lieait
burn, flatulence, headache or dyspepsia,
hero is speedy relief no waiting.
Eat ' a tablet or two of Papc's
Dinpepsin nnd instantly your utoinaeh
feels iine. All the indigestion pain,
gases, neidity nnd misery in tin; stomneh
caused by acidity ends.
Pape's Diapepsin tablets cost little at
any drug store but there is no surer or
quicker stomach antacid known.
Confronts tho world .
All business must preparo to
meet tho new conditions, Wo .
can help,
SYSTEM Is our business
EFFICIENT la our system
Ileturns correctly prepared,
lioukkeeptng and other business
difficulties satisfactorily udjust
ed. Consult us.
"7 Aud'tirvS AccourvtlrvJ t?
ggy Insurance Irwcstmentsgy
M. P. Schmitt. Mar.
Phone 581 . . Liberty Bldg.
No-To-Bar" has hi-Ipod thousands
to break ihe eostly. nt-rvt'-hattorliiK
tol.utvo habit. Whenever you have
a longing for a clwar.-tl,'. i-iir:ir, pipe,
m- for a eiu-w. Just i,l:ice a liarinli'.s.s
Xo-To-l:ae tablet in your mouth in
stead, to lu-li relieve that awful de
sire. Shortly tile iia!-it may he com
pletely broken, and you are belter off
mentally, physically, financially. It's
so easy, so simple, dot a box of .No-
To-Uae and if it doesn't release you
from all cravintr for tnbncoo in any
form, your dniKSist will refund your
money without ouestion. Adv.
Notice of Hearing on Final Account
lu the District Court of the l ulled
States for the District of Oregon.
Columbia Trust Company, as Trustee,
Plaintiff, vs. Pacific and Kustern
Railway, a corporation. Defendant.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant
lo an order of the District Court of the
United States for the District, of Ore
son, made and entered .January lith.
l!l-l, a hearing will be held upon tlte
final report of the Receiver in this
proceeding before the undersigned, as
Special Master in Chancery, at his
office No. 703 Title and Trust lluild-
iiiB. Portland, Oregon, on the 2nd day
of February, 10111, at ten o'clock A. M.,"
at which time and place the under
sisned will hear objections, if any
there he, to tho final account of the
Dated January 7th. 1!121.
Special Master in Chancery.
Notice to Contractors
to tlie undersigned at Jacksonville,
Oregon, and endorsed "Sealed Pids on
Jacksonville-Ruch Road" for the con
struction uf the remainder of the
Jacksonville-Ruch Section of tho Itluo
l.edgo Road as now surveyed "by the
Slate Highway Engineer between Sta
tion No. 2'IIXli7.r and No. 4211X1 I, be
ins approximately four miles, in ae
conlniice with the plans and specifica
tions now on filo in the County Clerk's
office will be received and filed until
ten o'clock A. M. February :ird, lMl
and at that time the County Court will
open nnd publicly read all bids.
Phis aro to bo submitted in lump
sums only, for completion of said see
lion. Tho road Is to bo finished to
grade, according to said Slate Survey
us shown by tho plans and specifica
tions as now on filo m said County
Clerk s office.
Each bidder shall deposit with his
bid five per cent of tho amount of his
bid by certified chock, which sum shall
bo forfeited to tho County, ill case he
neglects, falls or refuses to enter into
a contract in caao the contract shall
ho awarded to him.
A bond satisfactory to tho County
Court in a sum equal to one-half of the
total amount hid will he retpiired for
the faithful performance of tho con
The County Court reserves the right
to reject any and all bids and lo accept
tho proposal deemed iliest for Jackson
County. . . ..
Dated Jan. 15, 11121,
County Clerk for Jackson County,
WANTED .Man to cut blight. Phone
DUU-K-Z. - i. ZUZ
FOUND One roll certainteed roof
ing near Agate. J. C. Pendleton,
Central Point, It. F. D. 2. 202
FOUND Saturday, an auto crank.
Loser can gut same at, 323 S. Orange
by paying for notice. 202
Auction Sale
Central Point
In the Opera House
Wed. Jan. 26
I have received some very eoHtly
mile furniture, which I wall Hell at
miction, comprising;;
Onk dining Riille, nearly new, eoiiHlst
Ing of tn hie, ehui rn nii'.l bhlnboard.
1 Oak DresMTN.
Nearly new J led Davenport 1
I Jtockei-H
Z Oak Uhniry Tables
1 Itluo Kiuinieled lied nnd Spring
:t MattresneM
I Kuj;s. 9x12
1 Oak Sewlnjc Mneliluc, new
4 .Kllehcn Chad's
1 Jl enters ' . :'
Small Cook Stove
Washing Machine, new
I Wringer
Todd'H Cheek Protector
Small Adding Machine
100 nar l.s of Fruit, all klndt.
I linn Iaritern
I Mill aso Mil 2 Rood Milk Cowh, &
and 8 years old
1 Maxwell Truck
1 Casnlim lragsaw
I lluzA Saw
1 Cross Cut Saw
0 Jtmls of Fence. Wlro '
:i0 potindH of KarlK'd Wire
K I tchen ra rl ture ad other useful
At(TIOX NOTK: Von nrn kindly
Invited to call and litsptet this very
excellent list of goods. You will find
It n very choice collection of furnlhh
lugs sultalile for the hest Iioiiich.
Mills and tv-umle
WANTED Clerks, (men. women)
over 17, for Postal Mail Service.
?i:i(l month. Examinations Jan. -Feb.
Experience unnecessary. For free
particulars of instruction, write J.
Leonard, (former Civil Service Ex
nmineri. 15S Equitable lildg., Wash
ington, D. C. M"
WANTED Responsible, active men
or women to rr-pve.-iont us in several
good sections of this state, taking
orders for fruit trees, shrubbery
roses, etc.. for spring delivery. l)e.
lnand Is liberal and returns to intel
ligent workers are substantial. Ad
dress Willi references, Oregon Nur
sery Company, Orenco, Oregon. -(!-
II El P V. NTl'.D l'KMA I.F,
"WANTED At once, experienced per
son for housework in family of three.
Mrs. J. C. S. Weills. Tel 171. 265:
WANTED Experienced sales ladies
for department store work: pertna
nent posilions open for competent
assistance. Reply giving references
and past experience to Pauuon &
Co., Oregon City, Oregon. liGl
WANTED Middle-aged lady for cook
on dairy ranch. Eight or ten men
Write to Chas. Palu, Smith River.
Calif. 207
WANTED Conuictent woman for gen
eral housework. Mrs. 11. W. Rulil.
Phono 51S-J. tf
WANTED A hoy of l(iwants steady
work, on a ranch. Address Mail Tri
bune, box M. 201
WA X T E I ) 1 1 S OK LfjANEOl'H
WANTED Horses nnd mules pnst
usefulness. Phono 201-W or deliver
to Rogue River Poultry Farm, Jack
sonville Road. , EGO
WANTED A second hand wicker
baby buggy. Must bo in good con
dition. Phono 0SG-J. 2G5
WANTED A good home fori a flife
largo collie, male dog., Ana. liox SI.
' Mail Tribune. , ,: . 2G I
WANTED To contract pruning nuy
whore in valley. Address Clarence
Pankey, Central Point, Oregon. 2G1
-An electric range.
WANTED Manure spreader. Cieo. It.
Young. Phono 7-F-4. 201
WANTED Good clean rags. Medford
Printing Co.
WANTED Shoe repairing while you
wait nt tho "Modol Root Shop." 21
S. Central Ave. Quick servlco,
quality work. 10. N. lllden, prop.
WANTED All kinns of building and
repair work. Phono 359-Y or
6GG-M, after six p, m. or before
seven a. ra. sm
WANTED House moving and re
pairing. Phone 488-M or 48S-X. tf
FOR KENT Com fort able room, hath,
in private homo; meals if doBirod.
Phone B22-X. 202
FOR RENT Lnrgo comfortable Bleep
ing rooms, newly painted and pa
pered, $3.00 ner wook. 325 S. Rlvur
sido. Phone 701-J. . 201
FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, hot
and cold water, bath any time; use
of wash tub and iron. Largo gar
age; one block from library. No.
601 W. Tenth.
FOR RENT Unfurnished five room
house. Phono 820-X. 201
FOR SALE Like rent, 5 rooms, bath
nnd Bleeping pencil, (las und elec
tricity. Lnrgo lot on pavement. Price
$1200, at $25 per month. The chance
to own your home und never miss
the money. Phono owner, C84-J-1.
TOR SALE 25 acres, 3 miles
northeast of Medford. Sultablo for
fruit, berries, vegolifblca iir poultry:
Good buildings. E. A. i llruninugh,
Route 3, Box 113. , ,. ,.m 1 :,. t-286
FOR SALE Small ranch wesl or Med
ford at ti sacrifice, uedbunt of. own
er's health. In answering give phone
number. AddrcsB Medford Mall Tri
bune No. 1!).. 204
FOR SALE Modern 8-room house,
partly furnished. Price $0000. See
owner, A. C. Hubbard, 322 Soutn
Riverside. . tf
FOR SALE 18 acres on Jacksonville
boulevard opposito Oak Grovo school
houso. Price $2500. Address Need
ham & Purdy, Lyons, Kansas. 273
FOR SALE Good ranches. See us
before buying. J. D. Androws, 31
N. Grape St. Phono 63-M. tf
FOR SALE Leas and exchange real
estate. Gold Ray Realty Company.
FOR SALE Houses ana bungalows,
lurnlshod or unfurnished; also
acreage. C. 8. Butterflold, phone
For Sale
One Ford Delivery $185
One Chevrolet Touring $490
One Maxwell Touring....$650
One Studebaker Six
Touring $750
One Oakland Touring $1200
Tumy Motor Co.
No. 123 So Front St.
FOI1 SALE 50 tons alfalfa hay, will STUAYEI-Red cow and calf' from i;'
feed out. Lester Layton. 265 Swanson pasture Roxy Ann. Last r.'.'-
,Z;,, ," ",T7, , , m T secn 011 Dry Creek. Ears cropped, - '
OR SALE 1 J R. 1. Red pullets mat- branded left angle over quarter ';
ed to year old male bird: also White circle right hip. Ralph Cowgill. 2G2 " T
Leghorn cockerels. Spring St., off . - '.
Crater Lake Road. W. T. llolger,
FOR SAU-: Six 4-light check rail T0 LOAN J. B. Andrew loana
windows, frames and cases- Phone money on real estate and bu
M3-1, after live "til mortgages and Liberty bonds.
Phono &3-M. II North Grape
FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, $20. H. stroet.
Shafor. Phone 23-J-l. 20.1 - .j-
TOlSATEirfine turkey hens, one BUSINESS DIRECTORY.
gobbler, 1 -1-gallou Jersey cow, 1
good brood sow and seven pigs, Abstractors.
three shoals Hid lbs. each; 5 or (i tier iTTTf"; ; - -
...nnzanita wood. Call 2S-J-3 meal . ! & VAN VORIS- ,
time. 205 Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and o,
' H No. 22 North Central Ave., upstairs.
FOR SALE PlxlG tent, square. In- -
quire Johnston s Transfer Co., 003 S. JAf KSON COUNTY ABSTRACT
Newtown, Medford. 202 COMPANY Incorporated 1904. Ab-
stracts of Title, Title Insurance.
FOR SALE One O. A. C. thorough-
bred Pai red Rock cockerel and four Auto Supplies :
Tancred White Leghorns. All high- . . . L
est quality. S22 S. Oakdale. Tel. 4S1. ' ' i
CAN ACCEPT a few more orders for
day old chix from our thoroughbred
Tancred White Leghorn flock. De
livery any date. Also hatching eggs
and custom hatching. This flock lias
averaged 75 to 80 per emit egg pro
duction during entire winter. If you
want poultry for egg production we
have them. Inspect flock at 822 S
Oakdale. tel. 481. Standard Eloctrk
Hatchery. tf
I'OK SALE One 10-inch P. & O. gang
nl,. Ti.l -Ji::'.
EOU SALE Homo dryer, trays. But
phut- box, corer, purer and Blicer. Tel,
51U-J-1. 203
l-'OU SALE One fruit rack, good as
new, one 10-Inch walking plow, one
good cull ivator, incubator and other
numerous articles. Also U pure bred
Salmon l-averollo cockerels. It. A
Price, Coker Unite ltoad, It. I- D. S.
FOR SALE Tire special. Wo have a
bargain in G :tllx4 clincher Hi-oh; nlsu
other used and rebuilt tires. Ex
change Tiro Co. 20-1
FOR SALE Oak Heights Tancred
leghorn chicks, $1S pel- hundred
Eggs $6.00. Dressier. Square-Deal
Electric ilatchury. Phone 115 1-L. 2S3
FOR SALE Double set oi hurncss nnd
3-inch wagon. Maro 5 years old
weighs 1300. C09 E. Main. 203
FOR SALE Oood mau.auita wood.
Phono 1-F-lt, $1.00 nt ranch, $5.00
delivered. Good measure. 202
FOR SALE L. C. Smith typewriters,
Dalton Adding Machines, Check
Writers, ribbons, carbons and pa
pers. All makes typewriters bought,
sold, exchanged, rented and re
paired. Valley Sales Agency, Sparta
Uldg., Phono iss-W. tf
FOR SALE Good trailer. 113 S. Front.
FOR SALE The Valley Fuel Co
carries the best solection in tho
city of all kinds of fuol, gives
prompt service, nnd will meet all
competition. Why buy elsewhere?
Phone 70. tf
FOR SALE One 5-horse Almo sta
tionary engine, like new, $225
One 5-foot orchard disk, used one
season, $50. One 8-foot orchard
disk, used one season, $75. One
10-lucb gnng plow, just like new
$75. C. E. Gates Auto Co.. tf
FOR SALE! Eignt horses, one colt;
9 sots harness; 1 Kllifer subsoller;
1 Bpray rig, complete. Cull 30 N
Central. Phone 105. tf
FOR SALIS Sand, gravel, sediment
and dirt. Plowing and teaming
York done. Phono D12-J, Samuel
Batonuin, 802 Maple street.
FOR SALE Two good milk cows. Will
be fresh about Jan. 29. A bargain
Whcolcr Ranch, on Coleman Creek
FOR SALE Two good work teams
with harness. Tel. D91-J-1. 263
FOR SALE 1!)20 Chevrolet touring
, car cheap. Just like new. Phone
735-M. 205
LOST On Eagle Point road, a blue
serge dress skirt. Finder leave at
Mail Tribune office. 201
LOST Fountain pen in or near post
office. Reward. Return to office of
Redden & Cnnadny. 203
LOST On street Wednesday, brown
coat. Namo lu pockot book. Finde
please return to this office and avoid
trouble 200
LOST Thoroughbred Hereford bull,
branded AM connected with bnr
under It on left hip. Finder notify
II. A. Meyer, Lako Creek. 271
LOST Demountable rim for Chevro
let. If found notify Pullman Bakory.
With covered body, cab and
windshield. Practically new $725
Patten and Robinson, Inc.
Tel 150 112 So. Riverside
operating tho largest, oldest nnd
best-equipped plant in the Pacific
northwest. Use our springs when
others fail. Sold under written
guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth St.,
Portland, Oregon.
PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law.
rooms 8 nnd 9, Medford National
Panic Building.
A. E. REAMES Lawyer, Garnett-
Corey Building.
O. C. KOOGS Real estate law and
Bottlement of estates a specialty.
. F. LINDAS Attorney, General
Practice. Patents a specialty. 31
N. Qrape St.
Building Materials.
BLOCK WORKS specialize In all
kinds of cement building products.
Cor. Fir nnd Tenth streets.
DR. A. BURKLUND Chiropractor.
Spinal Adjustments. 204-205 Sparta
Bldg., cor. ' Main and Riverside.
Office phone 285.
DR. V. R. KAUFMAN, Dentist.. Office
in Sparta Building. Office hours 8
to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. m. Evenings
by appointment. Phone 285.
Expert Accountant.
son, C. P. A. Attention given to.
anything in. Accounting and Income
Tax requirements. Look into our
simplified accounting method. Lib
erty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R. '
Accountant. Auditing, Systematiz
ing, Financinl and Income Tax State
ments. Address 311 S. Sixth St.,
Grants Pass, Ore. 27f
Fidelity and Surety Bonds
We execute all forhis of bond?.
McCnrdy Insurance Agency. tf
Instruction In Music.
piano and harmony. Halght Muglc
studio, 318 Garnett-Corey Building.
Phone 72.
Physicians and Surgeons.
DR. A. I1URSELL Spinologist, Phy
sician and surgeon. Spinal adjust
ments, general treatments and diag
nosis. 309-10-11 M. P. & H. Bldg.
Elevator to third- floor. Phone 29.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, noso and throat. Eyes scientif
ically tested and glasses supplied.
Oculist and Aurist for S. P. R. R. Co.
M. F. & H. Co. Bldg. Pnone t67.
CARLOW OsteopaJ.hlo Physiciana.
410-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Phone
. 90 1-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel St. '
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic
Physician. ' Special attention glveu
to eye, ear, nose and throat. 303
Liberty building. Phone 496.
practic and Natural Painless Meth
ods. Room 428 M, F. & H. Bids.
Phone 965.
JAMES C. HAYES Physician and
Surgeon; office hours 11 to 12 a. m.,
2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Sparta building;
residence 1405 W. Main. Phones:
Office 563, res. 492. "Specialty,"
Medical and Surgical Diagnosis, tf
Dr. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and
Surgeon. Offices M. F. & H. Bldg.
Phone 165. Will be in Eagle Point
on Sundays until further notice.
Printers and Publishers.
best equipped printing office In
Southern Oregon. Book binding,
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St.
Rug Weaving.
makes fluff rugs from old and worn
carpets and rugs. Phone 610-M.
706 Pine St.
Tent and Awning Works
WORKS 128 N. Grape St. Phcrie
443-Y. E. Burger, Prop.
Office 42 North Front St Phone
, 815. Prices right. Service guar
, antced. . '
DAVIS TRANSFER Anything moved
day or night. Service guaranteed.
Fair treatment. 104 S. Fir. Phone:
OHIce Oil or res. 647-R 206. U