Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 25, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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Tocal and
Ji Personal
' Next week will be a big ono with the
Jackson county farm bureau. Ilcgin
jilns Monday inc'speaking tour, which
precedes the week of the big drive for
5 membership, will strt with (ieorge
' Grav. executive committeeman of the
National Farm Bureau Federation and
George Mansfield, president of the
Ktate federation and of the county bur
eau, as the main speakers. The first
; meeting will be held at 1:30 p. m. at
the city hall In lOagle Point, and the
meeting nt Wilhite's ball In SaniB Val
ley begins at 2 p. ni. Then- comes a
large mass meeting at S p. m. nt the
I Natatoriuni In Medford.
' Hutchison & Lumsdon deliver No. 1
potatoes any place In the city at $1.75
' per 100., 2C3
' Don't fall to Bee the Hayes Sprayer
' demonstration Wednesday at the Pat-jton-Hobinson
Store. 201
Elks dance, Friday night, at Elks
temple, under auspices of Lady Elks.
. 201
Mining interest hereabouts Is fast
, picking up with rumors of a number of
new developments. The fact that there
is plenty of water and will he fur
months to come has induced many
' miners and prospectors already to take
lo the hills to work on their claims,
and more aro going dally.
AKalfa seed, tests 99.92; no dodder.
Phone 902. Elinor Hanley Hush, 820
East Main.' 310
Cnmp 111 and spend your- money
with us and then go In and see what
Rliortv has to offer. (Joo. L. Trelehler
Motor Co. tf
Dig Elks dunce Fridny night. 201
A big time at the Ellin danco Friday
night, Elks temple. 201
Homombor our rc-bullt. tires cost you
less than half and run Just as far. We
Kuaraiitoe our work. Exchange Tiro
Co. 204"
Demonstration Wednesday Hayes
Sprayer equipped with Kalrhimks
Morso 3 h. p. engine and llosch mag
neto, i'atfon and Kobinson's Btoro. 201
i Leopold (lodowsky, (ho famous pian
ist who appears in concert at tho Pago
i tonight arrived In the city thiH morn
ing and is stopping at the Medford.
Try our merchants lunch. The
Invest your savings in tho Jackson
County liulldlng and Loan association.
Attend tho big Ellis danco Friday
night, Jan. 28th. 2C.1
William Davenport, formerly super
intendent of the Medford city schools,
nflqr less than four months In the
Chamber of Commerce field as a mem
ber of tho staff of the American City
Bureau, was tendered tho. assistant
Bocrctaryship at Muskegon, Michigan,
a city or nioro than firty thousand.
Notwithstanding tho fact that the posi
tion carried a lucrative salary, ho de
clined tho on'or and decided to remain
with the American City Hnroau. with
lieadquarters 111 Mr. Duvcn
! port worked In Muskegon as his first
oxpoiience In tho expansion and re
organization campaign.
Hayes Sprayer equipped with 3 li. p.
Fairbanks-Morse engine guaranteed to
maintain 300 pounds pressure under
two, guns. Demonstration Wednesday.
, Fnttpn and Hoblnson's Btoro. 201
Fancy potatoes J1.75 nor 100 deliv
ered In town. Hutchison & Lumsden.
In tho Wednesday special the Palace
Grocery ad stated they would sell
tbroo cans of old Dutch Cleanser in a
. combination of other things for $1.00
It nhould bo two cans of Dutch Clean
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. W. lllugliaiii and
daughter are in tho city from thel
orchard home for a fow days and are
Kuests nt the Medford.
Prizes at Eaglo Point Sat. nlto. 2fiD'
Urine .your cloan old rags to this
orrice, lie por pound.
Car shelled corn on track today
$40.00 por ton. Farm Hurcau Co-Opera.
tlvo Exchange. 203
Miss liulh Mars of Ashland has
entered St. Mary'B academy In this
city, where she look up her Html!
Tho (ioldon Star kindergarten Is ro
cclvlng pupllB this week at. 512 S. Holly
Btract. For particulars phono Airs.
.Wlllard, 77S-X. 2(1
Ho sura and see the Hayes Sprayer
demonstration Wednesday at the Put
ton und ltoblnson store. Sill'
Car superphosphate on track today
$33.50' per ton. Farm Hurcau Co-opera
tive Exchange. 203
Included among the guests at the
Holland are V. 11. Parkinson of l'hlla
dolphin, J. M. Shepherd of Hutchinson
Kan., Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Smith of Los
Angeles, John Dawson of Itautry, X
1).. and J. J. Mortimer of Sun Fran
Miss Alta Nnylor, tho Goodwin Cor-
sotloro. Phono MS-.I. 205
iioico-i.igiu Electricity for every
farm. . Medford Electric Co.
In on advertisement In yesterday's
paper Jy mistake the date lor Leopold
Godowsky's concert at tho Pago tin
nire was given ns the 20th. The eon-
cert, however, will be given tonight,
Jan. 25th.
It. H. Lund was n visitor In the city
Monday and today from II lit.
Oh! Hoy! Home cooked oats at
Kaglo. Point Saturday night. 205
Homo made candy fresh every day
nt Kalidylnnd, 2 doors east of Hlalto.
. . 202
Two siar Douts, ihixiiik ami wres
tling, Gold Hill, Friday evening. Jan.
28. . Tickets Drown & Drown. Medford,
Irwin's Cigar store, Ashland. 201
Airs. J.. Henry Provost of Ashland
Is a patient In a Aledfoid hospital for
Hod CroBS has family burned out.
need bedding, chairs and dishes. Any
one Iliivlng odd pieces of furniture
they wish to contribute please notify
Jlcd Cross, phone 450. 201
Clayton L. Long, horticulturist of
tho O. A. C, arrived in the city yester
day to participate In the orchard
pruning demonstrations of the week,
which began this afternoon.
Special prices on popular makes of
new. tires taken in trade by us. See
these before buying. Exchange Tire
Co. - 204
Fire, auto. Iianituy, burglary insur
ance. Medford Land & Insurance
Agency. 264'
It will pay you to buy Fisher's feeds.
See prices advertised in this issue.
Hardwell Fruit Co. 249
Inez Wilhlte of .Medford and Dorothy
Itobbins have been spending several
days at the Del Itio ranch and with
Dorothy's mother, Mrs. .1. E. Itobbins.
Some of our tires can be bought at
half-price. Geo. L. Trelehler Motor Co
Oregon Nursery Co., largest In the
northwest. All kinds of fruit and
shade trees, ornamental shrubbery,
etc. See or address V, S. Abraham,
50S South Grape St., Medford. 280
It will pay you to buy Fisher's feeds.
See prices advertised In this issue?
lardwell Fruit Co. 249
The Golden Link class of the Ilaptist
church will hold their regular monthly
meeting at the home of Mrs. Cope, 10
North Quince street, next Thursday
afternoon. A large attendance is hoped
for and please bring any garments you
have to make over or old linen for the
missionary box.
There will be a shooting match four
miles northeast of Central Point Sun
day, Jan. 30, beginning at 9 a. m., for 4
quarters of beef and several turkeys.
Everybody Invited. 201
Hemstitching and pecoting. Handi
craft Shop.
llroouls made by tho Rogue Hiver
llrooui Works are the best for the
money. Insist on home-made brooms.
Oregonluns at tho Medford aro II. L.
Lord and M. L. llykman of Eugene, A.
Stew'trt of Hoscburg,, Clayton L. Long
ol Corvallls, and tho following from
Portland: Hugh F. Cox, il. Hunter,
Mr. and Airs. ,1. II. Ilurk, A. W. Pur
Bons, II. S. Ilurpeo, H. P. Lyman, F. II.
Thompson, Ed L. Moore, J. II. Conner
and E. L. I'uyuo.
Delco-Llgbt farm light and power
plants. Aiedford Electric Co.
Prizo wait, at Eagle Point Saturday
night. Tho Hub Shoo Store of Medford
will give n flno pair or shoes to the
lady of tho winning couple. 205
Young beef at public market Wed
nesday. Geo. Glllmnn. 201
J. F. Halo arrived homo Ibis fore
noon from a business visit nt Portland.
Principal Slut, ol the Jacksonville
schools Is organizing a high school
employment bureau In that city, nnd
the citizens of the county sent are ask
ed to cooperate by furnishing employ
ment to students, who aro trying to
fluanco themselves while attending
school, mornings, evenings and Saturdays.
Gertrude Klrkpatrlck, Sponcer cor
sotlore. ( Phone 140-11. ' 2S0
You . cannot afford to overlook the
spocial prices being made on Urea by
Geo. L. Trelehler Motor Co. These
tires aro standard makes, not damaged
and carry tljo regular guarantees. 200
Get your tickets for the boxing and
wrestling bonis at Gobi Hill Friday
eve, Jan. 2S, at Drown & Brown's, Aled
ford, and Irwin's Cigar Btore, Ashland.
20 !'"
An unusual sight Tor Medford Is n
negro member of the united States
navy. A flno looking colored youth
from the U, S. S. Oklahoma therefore
attracted much attention when during
the train stop this morning ho left
train 13 and walked around the plat
form for an airing.
Wo save you mono? on your dry
cleaning, dyeing nnd ropnlrlng. City
Cleaning Wo ks, 401 South Riverside.
Phono 4(4. tf
insurance service, telephone 19. 264
Majestic "4" at Eagle Point Satur
day, Jan. 29. 20
Curl Jeschko, high grado watch and
clock repairing, 11 Fir struot.
The wntor In tho Regno river has
gone down rapidly with tho recent cool
nights, and yesterday its stage at tho
Gold Kay dam was only 2.7 feet.
Whon better automobiles are built,
Uulclt will build thorn. tf
Dr. Scheller, chiropractic nnd osteo
pathlc physician will open up a sub--
orfico in Medford next week. 205
Just received a carload of fancy po
tatoes $1.75 per hundred delivered in
town. Hutchison & LuniBden. 203
Airs. W. (1. Tait and daughter Heth
Juno left Sunday for Los Angeles nnd
other southern California points of ill-
erest to be gone several weeks.
When overhauling your old bus put
new lifo in It by demanding genuine
American hammered piston rings, fac
tory equipment on the best cars. The
Busy Corner Motor Co. tf
Good prizes at Jacksonville Fridny.
Medford Land & Insurance Agoncv.
phone 19. 201
Mr. Smith of Gold Hill will entertain
n parly or seven at tho (lodowsky con
cert tonight.
Dr. lloino, eyo, car, nose, throat, tf
Everything eloctrlcal. Medford Elec
tric Co. Phono 001.
H. A. Holmes, tho Insurance Man. I
Insurance, and Bonds, plus Service.
Oh! Yum Yiijii! Home cooked eats
it Jacksonville Friday night. 204
The cofferdam at the Snvngo Rapids!
dam which was submerged during the
Into high water w is above water Sun-
lay for the first time, nnd showed that1
the main cofferdam was In place Uh
full length. Only n little water wasj
flowing over It in one place, and it;
was only a few Inches deep there. I
Practically all of the material of the j
temporary structure reinuined in place1
luring the period of high water. ;
rants Pass Courier. j
Potatoes $1.75 per 100. Hutchison &l
umsdeu. 2(";i j
Grape elder, fresh from (he press a(i
ho Jackson County Creamery HottlliiRi
Dept. Phono 22 11. ,
A quartet of young women from New
atk city who have been on a biking
trip for mouths across the continent
and are now doing the coast arrived in
the city from the north last night by
the Grunts Pass auto stage, remained
at the Holland over night and departed
for California this morning. They take
advantage of all the free auto rides
they can and whorever they can obtain
employment for a time stop off to earn
some money.
Tiring your clean old rags to this
office, Gc per pound.
Pocket knives and scissors, all high
ly warranted one-third off at Garnetfs.
Albert Hohenstlne has been spend
ing a few days at the Del Itio orchard
as the guest of Lovell Robblns.
Everything electrical. Aiedford Elec
tric Co. Phone 661.
John Noon, an aged man who had
been living since last fall at Jackson
ville, recently became 111 o,nd was
taken to the county farm.
Pacific Package goods 24 per cent
off. Handicraft Shop. , 2G0
Among the guests at the Aiedford
are Lew Tea of New York, W. P. Hicks
and M. A. Fleming of Chicago, B. B.
Ireland of Tacoma, J. P. Kieran, H.
Mix and F. T. Lydlnrd of San Francisco.
Pruning demonstrations Tuesday
afternoon, Chester Fitch; Wednesday
forenoon, AIcFadden, Talent; Wednes
day afternoon, llarnest tract, northeast
Phoenix; Thursday afternoon, Roy
Nichols, Central Point; Friday after
noon, E. C. Carlton, Tuble Rock. 261
Do not order calendars from travel
ing representatives or out of town
firms. We have a factory line of all
sizes and kinds of calendars, wall
pockets, ' cut-outs, etc that, we will
show the trade- later, and save ydti
money ott.the same.' ;' ; . -ti
j'l'ho Alpha Delta class of the Chris
tian ellilfell. Will hK'et'Tiiiii-Rdnvfalildi!.'
noon aijztaUlt ilv IT. E.'jWnljf Kf
tho Bnnulmt upavtiiients; ' Alius' . Flor
ence Pool will address the ladles. All
niembiirfc' Aflf) frBifldktol tluclhas are
invited-? ! 1 m '.
Prions on'olir glove eiit to ihe quick.
Busy Corner Alotor Co. 201
Our hoallng stoves wero not even
smoked, yet selling nt the reduction ol
one-third. Shortie'Gurnett. 261
Portland guests at (he Holland are
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Hull, Air. and Airs.
Nell Iverson, who arrived in the city
this morning by train, and C. G. Bun
nell, F. Tiffany and Lee Davenport,
tho former Medford resident.
We hnvo a few freshly packed Spitz
Baldwins and Black Twigs which we
aro offering nt attractive prices. Call
Oregon Growers Packing Corporation.
Phono 128. 203
Kenneth Hodgmnn, the district high-
wny engineer, arrived home this fore
noon from a business visit nt Salem.
Alujestlc "4" at Jacksonville, Friday,
Jan. 28. 204
Mrs. Carl Foster nnd baby left thin
morning for Copco, Culif., to join Mr.
Foster who was recently transferred
to service nt that point by the power
company. .. .. ,.,:!,
Fishing In the Rogue river Is a high
ly popular sport those days. Yester
day a party consisting of D. R. Conner,
Clydo Costello, Harry Hosier' and
Louis Dodge braved tho chilly waves
of that turbulent river during the
afternoon and returned home with 17
flno steelhcads. Aluny others were
down to various points on tho river
fishing yesterday and today. Ashland
For dry wood pnone 890-X or 947-L.
Prompt delivery. 273
The George . Hunt company has
generously ofrered the Page theatre
Saturday morning for the benefit of
the child relief fund for starving chil
dren In Europe. The school children
will be asked to sell tickets. If possible
'Daddy Long Loga" will bo the attrac
tion. The entire proceeds of the enter
tainment will bo given to this worthy
relief fund.
Airs. Paul Hansen, corsetiere for
NuBono, .'. Phone ..CS5-J. K. , ' tf
Judge Clp. Wut-son. ot 'Oold Hill,
came, to Alcdioi d tuday and reported n
great revival of mining activity In the
nortfturu ffif) t ofilho county. A -number,
'of, VlelA stfi,s lfnvt) hoeri Tnade
recently and minors from all parts of
the coast are', koepipg an eye oil tho.'
Cold Hill district now.
Incandescent electric light globes
one-third off at Garnetfs. 201
Homstltchlng una pecoting, 10
cents per yard. The Vanity Shop, new
location, cor. East Main and Bartlett.
'Bring your clean old rags to this
office, 0c per pound.
John Wilkinson, the deputy Internal
revenue collector, departed (his morn
ing for Klama'lh Falls where he will
give Income tax return instructions to
residents of that section for some time.
Old clean rags wanted at Alail Tri
bune office.
Wednesday night dancing party at
the Natatoriuni. It is a pleasure to
dance on the spacious glossy floor.
Actually selling $1.50 flies at 25c per
dozen; hot damaged in the least.
Shortie Garnett. 261
Guests at the Nash include Helen AI.
Sears and F. R. and C. E. Wymore ol
Eagle Point, G. W. H. Albert of Butte
Falls, W. C. WiBe and W. AI. Straus of
Gold Hill, E. C. Piper of Portland and
Reuben Rosier of Bray, Calif.
Bring your clean old rags to this
ofrice, 6c per pound.
Spend a pleasant evening at the
Natatoriuni Wednesday night. Dancing
begins promptly at 9 o'clock. Free
dancing until 9:30. ' 261
The series of pruning demonstra
tions began this afternoon with Clay
ton L. Long, O. A. C. horticulturist,
and C. C. Cate, county pathologist, as
Instructors, at the Chester Fitch orch
ard. Wednesday's demonstration will
be at the AIcFadden orchard near Tal
ent at 9:30 a. m., Thursday's at the
Roy Nichols orchard near Central
Point at 2 p. m., and Friday's at the
Carleton ranch at Table Rock.
No. 1 potatoes $1.75 per 100. Hutch
ison & Lumsden. - 263
Those having unpaid accounts with
Shortie Garnett would confer a' great
favor by calling at Geo. Ii. .Trelchler'g
office and paying same. Shortie needs
the money,
Get your alubaBtlne for spring dec
orating now nt 60c per package. After
this sale It will be 90c. Shortie Garnett.
j : 2oi
Airs. J. P. Wolf of Ashland is re
cuperating from an operation per
formed In a Medford hospital last Fri
day. Mrs. Haney, hemstitching, pecot,
buttonB covered.' M. F. & H.'bldg.
- - ,-; - -v - ; 264
Prize waltz af Jacksonville Friday
night. The Hub Shoo. Store of Medford
will give a fine -palrof shoe's to the
lady of the winning couple. -264
Tho general feel of the atmosphere,
the high wind of this forenoon, a fall
ing barometer and' the prediction of
ruin for tonight and Wednesday seem
to indicate the near approach of a
Phone D31-X for hauling and trans-
ferlng. Guy Cox. 261
No better entertainment found than
at- the Natatoriuni on Wednesday
night. The music is inspiring, the floor
a dream. Free dancing until 9:30. 201
Burn door track ..and hangers for
garages at. .'the ' great' reduction at
Shortie Garnetfs fire and smoke sale.
-,' !;.' . 261
The Aiedford friends of Air. and Airs.
Tom Fulton of . Jacksonville will be
pleased to know that'' their infant
daughter who had been seriously 111
and threatened witl'i pneumonia, is now'
improving daily. (
just arrived a car load of No. ono
white potatoes at $1.75 per hundred
lbs. by the sack. Delivered to nny part
of the city. Warner, .Wortman & Gore
Work on the construction of two
new additional units to the Curgill i
Court Aparlme nts. Sixth und Ivy ,
streets began Monday morning-. The j
new Htrwture will be of concrete Ptuc- '
coed, two Htories hih, with basement,
and furnish 12 additional apartments
to the present establishment. : The
cost whon completed, is .estimated at
$25,000. A force of men are now ,
excavating, and actual construction !
will commence within ten days. Col.
Stewart is the contractor. ' j
The new apartments will embodyj
all the latest built-in features for the i
convenience of the tenants. The plans j
were drawn by a San Francisco archi
tect, And the local building will be f
modeled after California apartment
houses, where they have this featuiej
of modern life down to a fine art. j
Each apartment consists , of three i
rooms, a bath, and a sleeping porch, I
and according to Dr. K. H. Porter, the
landlord, give as much room as the
ordinary five-room bungalow.
The apartments will be completed,
ready for occupancy by April 15.
The old structure will, be stuccoed
to conform to the new building- The
new work is on the northeast and
northwest corners of the lot.
"What You Need Most in Your Home"
The Chance You Have
Been Waiting For
SALEM joye.t," .Iaif- aftfjliT4i'e)iSe9
In lares or) 11 ofVHs W-JJorJ aiij-l t
car lines are limiapdrj) bytjie ijrlli-J
era Pacific company ' in nppfleations
filed wltli,.Uie iM,lUpr.vW (.inniis
Bion. The cities' ViijleHilAfi ope
rate are Knlcmf 'i fcutiiij MiWl'k'hl,
and Wes-.t I.inn. - increases Wfieieitt'
to yield 7 flier
cent on Investment are
To my many friends and patients, I
wish to state that I have decided to
remain in Aiedford, and continue my
practice of medicine and surgery. I
ulso wish to state that while I have
closed the Dow hospital until a more
suitable location is secured, that I
have made arrangements with a good
hospital to admit my patients for sur
gical ..and obstatretical service. Dr.
AIcAlorris M. Dow. residence: Hotel
Holland. Offices: 307-8 AI. F. & H.
Uldg., Medford. 263
(swinging! I rfv H!vr. I -09 1 ron I
Vj'-tHiaSJllV VH!KGERy fT fV "01X5
yi ess mf
- TOP fXw iP'lM 0IRa'l.1!0Kl
i no i .rx Vrr,rh Vuutsor
vJSI n fes?iis
PltOOK V;u"7rtKi'1 Vkovi'.d - '
I V LJtY i r.i .i.l
Then von can sav ""noilhyo forever" lo wash day 'drudgery !
No mure wearisome serulibing
more divnd of "151 no Jlondiiys!"
mid wrinfiinu: ly
Isn't it worth
hand. Xo
Down and a few easy
monthly payments to put a
Western Electric
in your home? It soon pays for itself and then froes right on
saving jjtuiuli'y hills, saving -yguir time and strength' und your
elotljes year after year. ..
PHONE fed -
I Paul's Electric Store
FOR SALIC 05 acres 30 acres pears.
2U acres grain. 15 acres wood nnd
pasture. Kino locution: Terms. O.
S. llutterfleld.- Phono 210. 261
FOR SALE Turkeys for breeding.
J. C. Herring. Central Point. 267
WA.NTKi) To rent furnished apart
ment of two rooms, kitchen nnd
hath, or small house furnished.
Phone 7!'7. 262
Notice to Elks
Mineral services of Brother T. AI.
Farrell, member of-Pocatollo, . Iduho
Lodge No. 674,- D. P, O. Elks, will be
held Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 26th,
nt 2:30. at the I'erl home. Medford
lodge No. 116S B., P. 0. E. will conduct
tho service at the grave.
All Elks are urged to meet nt the
Elks Club at 2:00 p. ru. to attend tho
funeral. Interment in Aiedtord I. O. O
F. Cemetery.
Exalted Ruler.
LEE L. JACOllS, Secretary. 261
R. A; M. No. 32
Special convocation Janu
nry 25th, 7:30 p. m. AI. AI.
Degree. Refershem e n t s
served. Visitors welcomed
A. F. NOTH, Secretary.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of tho Disease.
Catarrh ia a local disease, greatly In
fluenced by constitutional conditions, and
In order to euro It you must take an
Internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine Is taken lntornully and acts thru
tno Hlood on tho mucous surfaces of the
system. Hull's Catarrh Medicine was
prescribed by one of the best physicians
In this country for years. It Is com
posed of seme of the best tonics known,
comblmd with some of the best Wood
putnliers. The perfect combination of
the Increments in Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine Is - what produces such wonderful
results In catarrhal conditions Send for
testimonials, free.
F. J. CHKNEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, O.
All nrucKlsts. 75c.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
IXiKO.NA Personal
- Typewriter
Fold It up, take It
wita you, type
write anyw-h ere.
.150.00, Including
carrying case.
TMntrlhntnr for Pn. Orflaym
Wednesday Special Only
20 Off
They Come in Assorted Colors
Maddox & Bonney
Sparta Bldg Phone 506 or 374
Merchants' Lunch
122 p. m.
50c ' '
Head Lettuce, French Dressing
Vegetable Soup
Choice of:
Chicken Pie, ttoston Style
Ilonat Sirloin of Beef, lirown Gravy
Corn Bread
MnNhcd Potatoes Early June Pea's
Apple Pie
Ten Coffee Milk
Try Our Special Plate Lunch
40c .
Ronst Sirloin of Iieef, Brown Gravy
Corn Bread
M lushed Potatoes
Apple Pie
Ten Coffee Mill;
at the
Greatest Musical Event
J of the Year !i""",vs
.Master Pianist
Price of tickets, $2.00, $1.50, and $1.00
L llltllllllllllllllilJJIJIIIIIfllJfjllllllllllllllllfJilillllTiEIIIllIllIMIllllllIlfllill EIflI.IIEIfTriMt-;j?IMfITIE:MlfFIIIIIIIIIIITllIII!lllTIIlTI
; lirn wo selected Hie KOItDSOX THACT OU,'wc drill 'the future in view. We wmiled n trnrtnr (lint
; would rKKFOHM nnii MVK iiml niiike a TKACTOlt OWVKll n satisfied user. The 1 t)l;iSO does
: this in every way. It is A.MKItlt'.VS I'OKIOIOST TKACTOIt So iierl'eelly designed and built thai
; il run be relied on absolutely.
Z ""r servlee department Is completely organized we have oicaiiiycd II fur :i l'Klt.M AXKXTI.Y sucress-
; fill Tractor business, mid we want you to Ik- one of our ninny satisfied l-'OltllSOX OWXKliS.
: Sixth and Facific Highway.