STEDFORO -'"MATL-TRTBUNFi, MEDFOIiD, OKM'XIOW FUHVVY. JANUARY- 21, 1021 PArtfi SEVEN- " $1.12. -Total '. 23.51 . Janios Shields, lot 2, block 1, Shield's -lAddition, delin : iiuont sewer Installment No. . ! 9, $7.35; interest, $0.8$; ' I penalty, $0.41. Total 8.61 ; James Shields, lot 3, block 1. ! Shield's Addition, delln i tiuont sewer Installment No. . 9, $7.35; interest, $0.88; penalty, $0.41. Total 8.61 James Shields, lot 4, block 1, - ! Shield's Addition, delin-. , , i quent sewer installment No. ' fl, $7.35; Interest, $0.88; i penalty, Total ....j.:... 8.64 ; James Shields, lot 1, block 2, s 'Shield's Addition, delin- quent sewer installment No. ; 9, $7.35; interest. $0.88; "! i penalty, $0.41. Total S.Oi : James Shield's, lot 2, block 2, : Shield's Addition, delin i quent sower 'installment No. ' 19,- $7.35: interest, $0.SS; penalty, $0.41. Total 8.64 ; James Shields, lot 3, block 2, ,! Shield's Addition, idelln- :i i quent sewer Instalment iNo. , ' 9, $7.35; interest, $0.88; , penalty, $0.41. rTotal 8.6 4 : James-'Shields, lot -4, "block 2, .'Shield's Addition, delin quent sewer instalment No. 10, $7.3,5; Interest, $0.88;, , J penalty, $0.41. Total S.6 5 : James Shields, lot 2, block. 3, . i Shield's Addition, delin- . ; I quent sewer installment No. - , $0.43; interest, $0.77; (penalty, $0.36. Total 7.5Q i JameB Shields, lot 3, block 3, ' t (Shield's 'Addition, delln '' 'quent sewer installment No. : J 9, $6.43;, interest, $0.77; " '. penalty,- $0,86. r Total .......... 7. 5S 3l C. Gill,' lot-6, Constant Ad- I dition, delinquent sewer in- I stallment ?Co. 9, $33.81 ; in- . i terest, $4. 06;. penalty, $1.89. '"" 'Total .:..;:,..:: 39.7c '. Fled t S.tiHwoJI ,.lot . 11,?'. Wock " '. ' ! S, Oligijial Townsite; delin-'. , ',' . j quent'sewer 'installment No. .' ' 9,'''$3. CO; interest," $0.42; ,.. 1 penalty.'-sp.aa. , Total 4.22 Fred .-StaiV'eljj'rlQt 1?,,. ttppk 8, OrogJniilV'fowpstte delin- i quent Sewer instalment No. ' : 9, $3.60; interest, $0.42; ; i penalty, $0.20.' Total .- 4.22 iMartha -Seaman, lot 5, 'block -v ; 5, Pattison. Addition, delin i quont sewer installment iNo.- ' '9, ,$8..09: interest, $0.97; ; penalty, $0.45. Total 9.51 ! Martha . Seaman! lot 6, block ;! 5, Pnttfsoij Addition,, delin- fiquent sewer Instalment No. 9, $8.09; -Interest, $0.97; : ' penalty, $0.45. Total 9.51 i'Alina S. Smith, lot 1, block'3,1. ., , Jnttlson Addition, delin i quent sewer instalment No. i 9, $8.09; Interest", $0.97; : penalty, $0.45. Total 9.51 .(Anna S. Smith, lot 3, .block " ; ! 6, iPatttspn Additlon.i .Jdelin i quent sewer Instalment No. 0,. $3.13; 'interest,' $0,38; ; penalty, $0.17; " Total ....... 3.08 : M. Berlin, lot 15, block .4,- Or--:gtnnl Townsite,' .'delin- quent sewer instalments Nob. . 8 land 9, $8.08; . interest, i ,'544; penalty, $0.47. -to-- i tni .' . '" ' . . a no M. Berlin. Tot 16, block 4, ")r- ' : iglhal Towrislte,' delinquent " j sewer Installment Nos. 8 ' .," ; and 9, $8.08; interest, $1.44 ; ' penalty, $0.47. Total 9.99 ; W. P-' Twomey, lot 1. block 65, Original Townsite, delin quent sewer Instalment No. , V 9, $S.09; Interest, $0.97; ' pehalty,r$0.45. ' Total ........ .'9.51 W. P. Twomey; lot 2, block'65. Original Townsite, delin- I ' ; quent eewer installment.lN'o. . .-, qo.vv; imeresi,, $; penalty, $0.45. Total 9.51 Ay. P. Twomey, lot 3,-bock 65, i ' Original ,. .Townsite,' delin- . , . qtlont sewer Installment No. ' i '. 9, 1$8.09; interest, ,$0,97; ' penalty; $0.45, Total 9.51 W. P. Twomey, lot 4, block 65, ! Original 'Townsite, delin- ' ; quent . sewer Instalment iMo. r . a. s nn- ititat-ouf in 07 ' ponalty, ,$6,45. Total ' .9.51 , John .-Van , Natta., lot 4, block . f ' 2, ,Aniy &; Harbaugh Addi ction, delinquent .-sewer in r stallment iNb. 9, $2.66;, -In-' ; terest, ?,,3'2;;;penalty, $0.14., . Total l.....,-,-' 3,ii John Wair.Natta,,. lot 5, .block ' -; " I ' 2,. JAmy & H'arbaugh Addi- ' .tion, -noiitiquent,. sower' in- ,:.-,..t t Btaitnienf,jm(!, ;;fz.66;: in-r .;- : torest, , u,asi; ... penalty,,, ivr,!-', : $0.1 4.. total ,. 8ia John Van Natta, lot 6, block c: 1 2, Amy & 'H'arbaugh Addl- :,. tlnn,'-delinquent -sewer (in- . . stallment .INo. 9, $2.66; -In- : . ' tcr- $0.3? ; penal'tyi ' $0.14. ' Total 3.12 John' Van -Natta, lot 7, block ' 2, Amy & Harbaush Addi tion, delinquent sewer in stallment 'No. -9. $2. 66:. In-- . terest, $0.32; penalty, $0.14. " Total 3.12 John Van Natta, lot 8, block ' 2. "Amy.;&; Hafbaugh Uddl- - tlnh, delinquent! sower Mn i stallment No. 9, $2.66; in- ' i terest, $0.32; penalty, $0.14. ' 'Total I:.................... 3.12 John Van 'Natta, Jot 9. block 2, o i Amy & Harbough Addi tion, delinquent sewer in ; i Btalmcnt No. 9, $2.66: in- terest, $0.32; penalty, $0.14. Total 3.1 Alice Klncaid, lot 8, block G9, i Original Townsite. delin quent sewer instalment No. 9, $8.09; interest. $0.97; .penalty, $0.45. Total 9V5J 1Vm.;L. Welch! lot'i, block 2, " i Oak Park Addition, dclln i quent sewer Instalment, No. ' . 9. $4.90; Interest, $0.59; penalty, $0.27. Total 5-.7C VmL. WdlCh. Jot 2,. block 2, i Oak Park Addition, delln- quent awer. installment No ! 9. $4.90; Interest. $0.59; ' penalty. $0.27. Total ' 5.76 Urn. L. Welch, lot 3, block 2. . i Oak Park Addition, delin quent sewer Instalment vNo. "' ; 9, $4.90! Interest. $0.59; penalty. $0.27. Total . 5.78 Anna Wright, lot 1. block .34. a : "Original -TownBite, delin ; quent sewer Instalment No. ': 9. $8.09; Interest. $0.97; , penalty. $0.45.. Total 9.51 Anna Wright, lot 2. block 34, Original Townsite, " delin- quent sewer Installment iNo. - -: 9. $8.09; Interest. $0.97: - penalty. $0.4.". Total-. 9.51 W. H. Noreross. parcel of land described in deed recorded, in book 01', page 262 deed records Jackson county, Ore gon, delinquent sewer and paving Installment No: D, $110.42; interest, $13.25; penalty, $6.18. Total 129. 85 Frank Weston, lot 5, block 1, Shield's Addition, delin-. ' . quent paving Installment No. 9, $26.65; interest, $3.19; ' penalty, $1.49. Total 31.33 Garl Richardson, west 35 feet of -lot 7, block 1, Shield's .Adition, delinquent sewer ; and paving installment No. i 9, $23.81; interest, $2.85; " ' penalty, $1.33. Total 27.99 W. Hibbs, parcel of land de- scribe'd in deed recorded" in ' ' ' book 98; pago 121, deed ' records of Jackson county, ; Oregon, delinquent sewer in stallment No. 9. $11.94;- in-' terest, $1.43; penalty, $0.66. Total ; 14.0:1 Lucy A. Bingham, parcel of , . . .land described in deed re- ''' corded in book 99, page 120, 'deed recordB of- Jackson .'county, (Oregon, delinquent ; .sewer.-' installment ;!-Xo. ,9, ; .$11.94; interest, $1.-13; .7 , penalty. $0.66. Total 14.03 W. A. Schlingsog, parcel of land described in deed re- ' corded in book 95, page 434, Ideed records of Jackson i county,' Oregon", delinquent ! . ! sewer instalment io; 9, $7.- : ' 96; interest, $0.96.; penal ity,. $0.44. Total , ,9.36 Lewis Cticiile. .iparcel .pf land described in doed recorded in book 104, page 504, deed records of Jackson county, . Oregon, . delinquent sewer . .installment uNo. . 9,, $3.98; ' Interest, $0.4S; penalty, ' $0,22. Total 4.0? J. ' V. 'Anderson, parcel or,, land beginning at X. W. cor .neri.of .'p. L. 'C. 56,, thence ' ' 'S. " &.61 chains, thence -V.. ;'3i90 chains, -thence west 3.50 chains, i thenoe -North 2.50 1 chains, .thence Northeast-, orly along south Jine of caun-' ty road to (N. -Wf corner of . . . Stmpkins-tact thence-south , . 3.38 place of be ginning,, , delinquent sewer ' ; .'Installment ".No". 9, : $13.97; i ,' ; r interest, $1.67;' .penalty, ". o.'7s. Total ..,.;..."..'..:..:.....;.. iu.42 H. V. Wilson, part of lpt.2, .. : . Constant Additlbh.'.described in deed recorded In book 95, ', .page. 325, deed records ,ot ., Jackson county, Oregon, de linquent sewer 'installment , 'No; 9. $i.35; interest, $0.S8; -, penalty; $0!4l Total S.64 O. J.iEihii, part of lot. 2. Con stant Addition, described in deed recorded In book . 109. page 199 deed records ' of Jackson county,-Oregon, delinquent sewer Installment ' No.9, $6.54;-intorcst,'?0.7S, ,' penalty, $0.36. Total 7. OS D. S. Wood, -part. of' lot, 2. Con Mont 'Addition, described in -book 98, page 255, doed rec ords of Jackson' pounty, Ore gon, delinquent sewer in- ' stallment 'No. 9, $7.35; in-teest,!$0.8S;- penaltyOl. , -. -Total ...:".J..:. I.:. ' S.C4 C. :H.-"Corey, 'part of lot 2, on-.. stant Addition, described in deed recorded In 'book 101, page 363, deed records of . Jackson, county, Oregon,- de-. ' ' X 'linquent sewer 'Installment No. 9, $14.70; interest, $1. 76; penalty, $0.82. Total.... 17.28 H. Sv-Stinp, part of Jot 2 Con- . - stant -Addition,-. described In -deed recorded in book 98, page .48J,. .deed, records .of . . Jackson county; Oregon, de-' linquent sewer Instalment No.-9, $4.90;: iriterest, $0.59; penalty, $0.27. Total 5.X6 D. L. Swlhart, part of lot '2, ' ' Constant Addition, descrlb- ' ed in deed recorded in book ' 102, page 399, deed records ' 1 of : Jackson' county,-Oregon, delinquent sower intsall ment -No. 9, $4.90; ' inter est. $0.59; penalty, $0.27. Totaf 5.76 C. R: Alextfnder,, pni-t of lot 2, ' Constant Addition, . descrlb- , od in deed recorded In book 104. page 233, deed records of Jackson county, Oregon, .delinquent sewer installment ' 'No. 9, ' $4.90; Interest. '. ' .0.59; penalty, $0.27.-Total 5.76 O..O..Purkeypllo,.lot 1-block: ,19, Original .Townsite, de . linquent sewer ..Interest to "'Novv. 1st. 1 920. .$0S8; penalty; $0.04. , Total 92 O.-'C.i Purkeypile. lot '2. block 19,- Original Townsite, de linquent sewer Interest to .Nov. Int. 1920. $0.88; per ;,a.lty, ,$0.04. Total .92 O. C. Puikcyplle. Jot S. block is, ung:ni.n Townsite. oe ' linquent sewer interest ' to ' Nov. Jst. 192 0. $1.81; pen alty, $0.09. Total 1.90 O. 'C. Purkeypile. lot 4, block . 19,;-Original Townsite, de linquent Bewer Interest to Nov. lBt. 1920, $1.81; pen-' . qWv. Tnini . 1 oft O. C. Purkeypile,-lot 5, Vdocit 19, Original Townsite, delin quent sewer,lnterest to .Nov. 1st, -,192o,' $1.81; penalty, $0.09. Total : 1.90 O. C. Purkeypile. lot 6, block 19. Original Townsite, de- linquent newer interest to . -",-' , 'NoV; lst,'1920$l;81;,. Jen- alty, $0.09. -otal 1.9p O, C. Purkeypile. lot 7. block 19, Original Townsite, de linquent sewer. Interest to" ' " " -Nov. 1st. 1920, $0.90; pen- Blty.i$0.04. Total .94 0. C. Pui koyl)ilp, lot 8. block I?, 'Original Townsite, de- ' , ' l'nqnent sewer Interest to . ; -Nov. 1st, 1920. $0.58; pen- '". alty,. $0.03. .Total ....... 61 O. C. Purkeypile. lot 9. block 19, Original Townsite, de- ' linqtient sewer interest to Nov. 1st, 1920, $0.58; pen- ; alty, $0.03-. Touii '...:..:..... ' ;cr " ' ' ' ' Ji W. JACOBS. ' .Itacocder ot the City 4t Central Point; Oresori. .'.i r " ' '. Dated .Ian. 21st. 1921. ..ji -f" PNEUMONIA I Call a physician. Then begin I f "emergeney'l treatment' with V A PO RUB 1JALEN1 HUSKIES BEAT H. S. ALUM SY23-11 SGOR In a Imrkctliall Kumc; 'WMrh'wua a cvor. between a footOiill. contost una a prlae iiKht nt TaltMit lust-niMaf.-a toam composed of Mod ford htsh ;luol alumni lout to the Talent bus- kits liy a 11 to 23 8Lorc. The cridit for the v ItM ry over tlie in vaders belonsn, necovtliiir? to Medfniil reportu, largely to the enthUHiaHm of the kup porters at the skk'-railB Hineo ut times the zeal of tho apei'tatoru reached such it piteh they Hurled out upon the floor to aid their tosners. elhi 01 kill that hird'.and the houille action;; pf the audience kept the local towers In .conytufit fear of tlieir lives, fhe Talent- men won "their 11 to 23 de einion largely hy landing more straight hill-., uppereuts and Ruuth-paw jabs," ia the way one witness expressed-it. - If a return pa me can he arransecl in. thin ctly .there should :be. no ex cuse ' for defeat since, in team piny and basket toxins, both fives have an even break 'for honors . and it w'.M be a;'fiKht"to-Ahe-finish.' The Mediord liheiup. was. composed ot .Williamson, Narreyun, Fish, itrown, Sherwood, (entry and Coleman. "Mutt" Wil liamson, former Medford hi?h school basketball star, iH completinjr .urranpp-ment-'for a Amerienn ietTion quintet which will ilay with' other ya,lley teams, ' . ; Livestock ' PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 2t. nominally tQdy;- receipts liU. Cattle Quo- tations unchaiiKcd. Ross weal recoiptu 21G. .Quota tions unchanped. ; ., , .JiUoep ; noiuinatly steady; receipts 13. Quotations imelianged. 1 flutter - . .PORTLAND, Ore., .Ian. 21.uUer two cents lower. xtra cubes. 4 0c; pnrchmcnt wrapped prints, box lots 15c; cartons 4U:; half .box .lots half cent, more; leffv thnn half- box lotsvlc moi'c. ' Hutterfat, No. 1 churnlnff .cream 43c f. o. 1., Portland; under- gmdes 41c f. o. b.. Iortland. - V" Eggs. POim-AND, Ore., .Inn. 21.- EmtB lower, buying price 4iiMSe; selling price candled ' GO 52c; fancy selects 52ry;u3e. ' ' Kpss'iill 5 Cents. SAN'fJIANCISCO, Jan. 21. Kkkh are dropping towanl prices that brills' cheer tq ,,t)ts' hoiiHewife tin. hens are .'eleratlhtr: the laying industry,,. an.d afalKot.0va.and one-hall' cent a. in tho quotations for best Krade ojjrs wan made at the San Francisco "Wholesale Dairy Produce exchange here today. Fraeh f:extras, . hishest quality, wero quoted, today at S6i: a dozen. FnlUns prices will be the order until tho peak of production is reached In March, according to doalers..,;.. , j' r- ::';.": .1 I Chicago Wheat ; CHICAGO, Jan, 21. Wheat prices developed moderate streiiKtli today chiefly as a 'result pf neaboard Inlying. mere was. a Ulsposmon also lo con strue Argentine news as bullish on the ground-.that eventual euactment of an export iax on wheat was Indicated. Opening prices which vailed 'from' -un changed "-figures- to one cent lower Wjith March $1.C8 to $1.G8 and May $1.59Mi to $l.G9'6, wero followed by upturns, all around to well above yes toiOay's finish. .'.,..' .Corn .after opening quarter off to 3-Sc higher, ..-Including flluy at CS14c to, 08c, scored a slight general gain .Oats'were dull,.'BtartIngVs to c down,. May 45 .to 45c but later re covered... , ' ILowei' quotations on hogs tended to depress provisions. ' - Sore Throat Chest Colds Won't Laat Manyr Hours When", Bcgy 'o -Mustaride Gets on the Job. .): ' . . " . ;No mustard plaster that any (rand mother ever made goes after Inflammation and congestion like Gegy's Mustarine, that you can buy at any drug store in a yellow box for 30 cents, . and, best of all, there isn't one blister in a whole carload. Of times when you rub It on at nightthc inflammation is gone in the morning. But if It isn't, all gyne, the relief you prayed for is certain. 'And it acts' just fast when used for lumbago, neuralgia, the pains of rheuma tism and gout or for sore, aching feet. In fact, for all aches and pains, soreness and swellings, nothing you can buv at anv drug store will produce the hoped for result as quickly a Begy's Mustarine, in the yebij iuw uoa inaue oi real yeuow musiara. it s the Quickest Pain Killer on Earth. .Bold -by.iieath's jurug.Store Used Automobiles For Sale 6ne Ford Delivery .......,$185 One Chevrolet Touring '$490 One Maxwell Touring....$650 One Studebaker Six ; . Touring ..750 One Oakland Touring $1200 Tumy Motor Co. N. Y... Stocks MOW YOKlv. Jan. 21. Steel, cop: pelt), leathers, tooaet i s, eiieimeam and tho utilities wero carried down ne to almost, three points in the broader reactions of the lirst hour. Oils also heouino heavy. From tho lower levels there were ralllrs of one to three points. The market failed to hold,-however, "rices lm-akiiiK .asain before noon. . Call loans opened and renewed over the we-.k-end lit seven er cent and offering of time money wero small. tiruisn exeiian;o un proved. atproaciiint; 'lis recent mHX)- inum fiKiire, The lighter Uj;ulins f nid nesslon embraced various ol iv.-m e spechtlUes. American .inc prel'errod. American Awriciiliurat riiemlcal. Al lied ClitMiiieal. Ajax Kubber, May. De partment Stores, American Can, Har vester and Pressed Steel Car sus tained losses of one to two points. CoppcrH and rails also continued heavy. with food issuer. Equipments and . specialties were the center of sellinf? movement Inter at a loss of one to three points. Ituils alro yielded moderately. The dosing was heavy. J.aaking the recent support of hull pools, the stock market today re acted, irreilftilarty iji almost .every, quarter of tlie Mist. Sales approxi mated G50.000 shares. COffiB SnEE'B .FADED.ORMY HA!R. If Mixed with Stilphur it-Darkens so Naturally-Nobody can Tell. - , . ; Orandmother kept Jier' ha(r bpautl fully darkened, ' glossy and attractive with a brow of S:iro Tea and Rulplmr, "Whonevor. her hair took- on that ilulk faded or streaked appearance, this nlm ple mixture was applied with .wonder ful effect. "By asking at any drug store for "Wyoth's Sago and Sulphur Compound," you will get a largo bot tle of this btd-tlme recipe, Improvod by the addition of other Ingredients, all ready to. use, at. very, little cost. Thlf simple mixture can- be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty tu the hair. c A .Ivell-unown 'downtown - druggist says everybody uses Wyoth's Sago and Sulphur Compound, now bocnuso It darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell,, It has boon applied it's so. easy to use, too. You rjtmply dampen-a. -comb or soft .ibrusli and draw it through your l.air. taking one strand at a time. By morning tho cravainlr dlsannoars; after another .application or. two. Jt.ia restored to its natural color and. loons Riossy, son and beautiful. This preparation is a rioltrhtfnl toilet rcnuislta. It is not in- ' tended-for tho cure, mitigation or pro- vontion of disease. , . . . , - WANTKD VITIATIONS WANTED Any kind p work .after 8chool .nnd Saturdays, by , boy with ; wheel. . Phono, .'J6-Y.,r : .... .233 WANTEU A boy of- tt- wauta steady work on a ranch. Aijdross Mail Tri bune, box M.. ' ,". 201 W-An!tED lly exiicrieficed stonogra-, pher position, full or pai't lime. Jlox X, Mall Tribune. WANTED Lady ' would like three ; hours, work c per day, . clerical or as cook or wnltress. ilox E, Mall Tri bune.. 24S VANTE1 :Posltloli by- an- cxperlene- ed sleuographer. iVelinn Showers, i K. Fourth St.. Phone 461-R.- 259 L ' . 1 V - HEMP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Middle-aged -lady for- cook on dairy .ranch. Eight or ten men Writo to'Chas. Pala, Smith illvor, Calif. . ' , 207 WANTED Comift'tent girl for general housework in family of two. Mrs. 'J. E. Stewart, phono 037-L. 209 WANTED Young woman for house work and washing on ranch. Must be' good laundress, wages ?60.00. Tel. Jacksonville 38-F-5. : 25ii WANTED Comiictont woman for gen . oral honsen'ork. Mrs. K. W. Ruhl. Phono 618-J.: '. tt WANTED Woman for general house work! goo1 wages; gcjod homo. Mrs. . G. L. Buhrman, 15 Geneva Ave; ' 258 FOR 8AXJC JJVK8TOUK FOR SALIi14 head extra fine shoals, '100 Hib. or lnore. Phono ' 12-F-12, ' Talent, Ore. G. W., Dewey, , 258 FOR SALE 12 head spring weihors in fair condition, iirice,.00. P.. O. Hot 125, Eagle Point. , ,- - 259 FOR SALE Good Jersey cow. ltuggy shafts good as new, two-seated hack. :' Phono G85-R-3. - ' " 258 FOR ' SALE--Foiir extra good fresh milch cows. Wulsh's place, ono nlile northeast jot Modfoi d, on Crator Lake Road. 2G0 READJUSTMENT. Confronts tho world " All busini.-ss must prepare to meet thp new conditions., .We . can help ' PUT YOflt HOISE IN ORBKII SYSTEM 1st our bnslncsi . ; .' and . EFFIClEXT.ia.our.iyatcm INCOME TAX Itoturns Correctly prepared. ) ' -Bookkeeping. And pther-' business ' ''(lifflriiltiOH'H.'itlsraeiorJly ;ndjut . ed. Consott ua. ." -' ' - JIVllLI X.VilWl M. P. Schmitt. Mar. , Phone 581 Liberty Bldfl. ' WASTBl) MISf KI.IAXKOl:S VA.NTKlC"sii.all houso 3 or 4 rooms cheap for cash. Describe pi'o-l'i-ty and prici-. Athlress J. V. Steel n::i!i. liolcl Hill, Ore. 2"'. WANTED luiiuro Kpreiuler, Goo. B. .Youns. l'hono T-Ii-i. il WA.TKI To rt'tit iui-ii:t-liotl bouse or light housekeeping rooms. Ilox itd. Mail Tribuiie. 2JS WANT I'D TO KENT I or 5 room house furnist.Rd or not. Ans. U"X 91. Mail Tribune. . i tf WANTKIV-Simill house I can buy Ilka rent. Ans. I'.ox 01, Mail Tribuno. tf WANTKD To buy 1 or r. room mod ern hmiKiilow, lnoutlily payment plan Address S 10 Taylor. 2iiS WANTKD Team of mules. Slato price. Ilox till, Tribune. WANTED Good clean rags. Medford Printing Co. ... . . WANTKD Shoo repairing while you -.wait at tho "Model Hoot Shop." 21 S. Central . Ave. Quick Borvlco. quality work. E. N. lliilen, prop. WANTED All kinds of building and repair work. Phone 359-Y or 666-M, after six p. m. or beforel :-seven a. m. . . 2b3 WANTED House moving and re pairing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. 1'OH t IS li-VlC I' I ItYISHKD UUWLS FOR -RENT Furnished sleeping rooms. 70S W. Fourth. Phono S35-I. ... . 2l FOR IlKNT Steam heated sleeping rooms. Free bath. Very reasonable, t Phone 804-1.. 2o!l VOW RENT Sleeping rooms, hot -and cold wnter, bath, any time; use of wash tub and Iron. Largo gar . don; ..ono . block from library, ' No. GDI W. TentlL . l' OIt RENT lit U SES FOR BENT Very desirable ..home. ' Garage. Present occupant has same completely furnished with new fur niture which ho will sell at very rea sonable prico if all taken. Inquire 322 S. Newtown St., cor. Twelfth. 25S FOR KENT Eight room house wltu , garage, furnace, two; fireplaces, all modern conveniences. Location 1327 lloddy Avonuo. Address 11. C. Stod dard, caro Goodyear Ascot Park. ' Los Angeles, California. 200'' FOR KlfiNT BOOSKKEKl'tNO ROOMS FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms close iu." Phono 199-M. 21 FOR RENT Two furnished ' house keeping rooms, modern, new paint and paper; garugo. -1 Cotno quick . of yo:. want thuni. CV C- Bussengor. 730 W. Eleventh. 258 KOINI) FOUNn ' 030-R. -Fox terrier puppy. Phono 25!)' . J AlTTO.MOIllI.ES A RI5AL HUY for S700 in a fivo-pas- songoi. touring, car; , trade oonsid- ered. ,' i!vory por-sible equipment on this bargain. Tho Busy Corner Motor Co.. 200 FOR SALE 1919 Ford tourlifg car cheap for cash." A-l shapo: Call 851 East Ninth street. 259 TOR SAI.E-rKEAL.JiSTATE . FOR SALE 70. acres,. .40,,.in alfalfa, : improved.. Soiithwest of Modfoid, ' $200 an aero: i Box- MA, 01, F. V. 1- l3lH:-'i n r .20 FOR SALE Six room modavn i home on liavenient. .Garage, chicken house and yard, 'fndt-and shadu trees, ber ries, corner lot, east front,' all assess ments .paid, price $2800. Call fore noons, on week duys only". 423 eatly.Stj - i .." :;'. 200 FOR' RALE 240 aero ranch, . 00 111 . alfalfa under (I I tain rrom ' -HIg-Apple-gate river, 80 nioro can bo cleared, 21,000; lenns. F. E. Schneider, Jacksonville, Ore. .201) FOR SALE Two acres improved . chicken ranch or will tnko ear in on sumo. A.iA. Gillette, Central Point'. . ' ' ; . ' ' ' "200 FOR SALE Modern 8-room. house, partly furnished. Price $0000. See owner, A. C. Hubbard, 322 Soutn Riverside. tt FOR SALE IS acres on Jacksonville 1 boulevard -opposite Oak Grove school , house. - Price $2500. .'Address Need ham & Piirdy, Lyons, Kansas. .273 FOR SALE Good- ranches. See us ' 1 fore. buying. J. li. Androws, 31 N. Orapo St. Phono 63-M. tf FOR GALR l.easi. and exchange real estate, Gold Rny Realty Company. FOR SALE Hotioes ana bungalows, , furnisbod or' unfurnished; also acroagq. I C. S, Butterfield, shone 116 Bungalow Bargain v .Six. Rooms ''. ' .' Strictly Modern , Hardwood .floors, fireplace Many built-in features. Cabinet(: arranged kitchen, j splen did Igarago, fine .wood house, fine lawn, 'roses,' all city assessments paid. PRICE ONLY $3200 You can make your own f : terms v " '. - "First Money Up Gets It. J Page-Dressier Co. Phone 282 Nash Blk. Medford For Any Kind of Real Estate , - The Best Fire Insurance -r;:ll SAI.K M!'.OlS KDU SAI.K One fruit rack, Rood now, one 10-inch walkins; plnw, one Kmnl cultivaior. iucuhatoi- and other nunierous articles. Alo 3 pure bred Salmou l-'avorolle cockerels, it. A. I'llcu, Coker Unite lload, It. F. D. II. 2ii;s VOn SAI.K Tiro special. We.havo a lii'isain in 5 :i(jx4 rlincber tires; alw other used and rebuilt tires. Ex chaiiKo Tiro Co. , - 2 6 1 e FOR SAI.K Oak Heights Tailored ler.horn chicks, $IS per hundred. ICkks tB.tK).' Drcsslor. Sipiarc-Deal Klectrlc Hatchery, l'liuue !)3I-1.. 2Sii FOR SAI.K Furniture, range, etc. Complete house t'liuislilns for sale . at very low fimue for entire lot. ;t2-! S. Newtown St.. cor. Twelfth. 25. FOR SAI.K rhonnsrraph, now, $173. Will take good orttan as part pay- incut. 1 aiso sell the Baldwin pianos und plaver pianos at. 25 S. Oakilale Ave. li. N. Lofland. 2'1U FOR SAI.K Double set of liaruoss and a-inch wawn. v.Maro 5 years old. weiKhs i:oti. G09 10. Main. 2(13 FOR SAI.K Little Club wheat 2c per lb. Phono 13-X-3, Kdw. G. .Miller, Central Point. 20U FOR a.l JO WiliclH'stor, rifle, 22 ca'.. Price 12.t)t). lmpilre of A. E. Miller 322 S. Central. 259 FOR. SALIS Good i mnnzauita woo Phono 1-F-M, $1.00 at ranch, Ju.00 delivered. Good measure. 202 FOR SALE Pino bred Daried Rock cockerel. . Phono 30 l-J. ' 3M FOR -SALE Chunk, wood and . grain liuv. Phone 0-F-l. v 2u9 FOR SAI.ICShoes at cost. $1.00 re duction on each pair oi' now Hlioea whilo (hey last at tho Mediord Shoe llosnital. 119 Ji. Sixth-St., Mediord - tt FOR SALE Tho Centra; Point Feed Store is taking orders for corn at $10.00 per ton, bulk, Medford. Place your order now. Car will arrive In a few days. Alfaira seed for Bale $2C nor hundred. - Jesso L.i Richardson , - ... - 25S FOR SALE IS Now Zealand Red' rab bits at a bargain. 120 N. Holly, tf FOR SALE Shelled .eastern yellow corn, sacked and delivered to you for $2.70 per 100 lbs. by tho eack Russ Mill. Phono 529 right away. FOR SALE Alfalfa. $21-and. $23 ton .delivered. 1103 Nlantlc St. '258 FOR SALE Altalla and grain liny ..$20.00. Team of good work horses and harness, weight 2000,, $100. )'. E I'oicengor, pnono o-u-2. . . FOR SALE Egg Producer $3.50 per 100-lb. sack. . Scratch teed $3.50 per 100-lb. sack. Dairy feed $2.40 per sack. These prices are. for ca3h do livoreil to you in tho city for tills week only. Monarch Seed Co i Phono 200. - - ' FOR ; SALE 2000 cordu wood on stuinpago, nioHtly big pine, rest oak. Will soil for 75c to $1.00 per cord on stump. Two miles to J If It via state Highway; no upliill pull. Mill .in tlilt 'Will buy . all , the logs. Hreo paKturago for horses. Ilox 1G, Hllr, Cal. 258 FOR SALE We can still book ordors : for . baby chicks - but our supply is diminishing fust. $20.00 per 100, $15.00 . per .10.0 aftor April 30th ; Hoguo' River Poultry Farm. Phone ,201-W. . i 268' FOR SALE--Prunes,- Sweet ;Potltes, 12 pounds for a dollar. ; AV'lll dolIver, T. Dixon, Orchard Homo. Phone B39-J-4. , .258 FOR SALE L. (i. Smith typewriters; llalton Adding Machines, Chock Writers, ribbons, .carbons and im pels. All makes typewriters bought, sold, exchanged, rented : and -re paired.! ,Valloy Sales Agonpy, Sparta ,,Ulug., Phone 188-W. tt; FOR SALEGood trailer., 113 S. ..Front VOR SALE '.Good sewing ..machine cheap.-F. E. Redden, 32 N; Central tf FOR SALE Tho Valloy Fuel . Co , carries the : bust oleption-. In " the city of all kitids ot fuel, gives ' prompt sorvlco, nnd will meet all competition, .i.Wliy buy olsewUore? Phono 76. tt FOR SALE One B-horso Almo sta tionarv cngino. like now. S225. . One 5-foot orchard disk,? usod one -season,; $50. One 8-foot- orchard illsk, used ono season, $75. One 10-inch gang plow, Just like new . $70. C. E. Gates Auto Co. . tl FOK SALE Eight horsos, one colt !) sets harness;.! Klllfer subsoller 1 spray rig, completo. Call 30 N Contral. Phone 105. "" c tf FOR SALE Sand, gravel, Bedtment and dirt. Plowlug ana teaming vork dono. . Phone 912-J, Samuel Batoman, 302 Maple street. LOST OST-fWoodinen recfyipt book. Finder -. will lcnve samo at Medford National Hank and receive reward. FORD TOURINQ ..$350.00 FORD TRUCK . " With covered body, cab .. and windshield. Practically new $725 STUDEBAKER '17 ..$700 Patton and Robinson. Inc. BARGAINS KSTKAVKI) STRAY KD Red cow .and calf from. Swanson -pasture Rosy. Aim. . Last siM'ii on Dry tlrtrek. Ears croppej, branded left ansle over rpiartor clrcle rlKht hip. llalph L'owgill. ZV1 MONEY TO LOAX TO LOAN J. B. Andrew loans mo ley on real estate and buys mortgages and I.lhrtT bonds. Phone 53-M. SI North Orapo streot. . f. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abstractors. MURRAY I'.ROS. & VAN VORIS ' Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and. 5, No. 22 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT COM PA NY Incorporated 1904. Ab stracts of Title, Title Insurance, t . i Auto Supplies LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. We are operating the largest, oldest and. hcst-onulpped plant In the Pacific r.orthwest. Use our springs when, others fall. Sold under written guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. PORTER J. NEFF Attornoy-at-law. rooms .8, and, 9, Modford National i Hank. Building. A. rE. iJU-JAMESLawyer, Garnett- I-: ' Corey- Building. ' O. C. HOGGS Real estate-Jaw nnd settlement of estates a specialty. li. !-F. r'-ANDAS Attorney, - General Practice. -Patents a -specialty. '31 Ni Grape SUif -s ! ''- Building Materials. v : ME11FORD CEMENT 1IRICK BLOCK WORKS spoclnllzo in iall : kinds of. ecranut building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. Chiropractor. DR. A.. BUJIKLUNJ Chiropractor. Snlnal Adjustments. 204-205 Sparta llldg., cor. Main and Riverside. Off Icq, phono 2S5. : Dentist DR. V. R. KAUFMAN, Dentist. Office in Sparta Building. Office hours 8 "to-12 a. m.,'l to B p. m. -Evenings by appointment. :Pliono 285. !. fc I Expert Accountant. WILSON -AUDITING- CO. E. M. Wil son, C. P. A. Attention given i to anything In -Accounting and Incomo Tax requirements. Look Into pnr slniplificd accounting method. Lib erty Uldg-iJUedferiU Phono 1B7-R. IVAN LIVINGSTON Incorpo r a te d Accountant Auditing, Systeinatiz? ing, Financial and Income Tax State ments. Address 311 S. Sixth St.; Grants Pass, Ore. 27t Fidelity and 8urety Bonds FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS i .Wa. . exeouto all forms of bonds. McCurdy Insurance Agency. ftf Instruction tnM'uslc.' FRED ALTON HAIGHIV Toacher ot piano and harmony.- Huight Musio studio, 318 Garnett-Coroy ;Bulldlns. Phono 72. ' '' I Physicians and Surgeons. DR. -A. liURSILrSiiiiioIogist, Phy slclan and surgeon. ' Spinal 'ndjitst r mqiits,.gr.gern,l treatmouts.and diag ' nosls. 309-10-11, M. F. & II. Bldgi 'luloVutor toi' third-floor. '' Phono .29. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician atid Burgeon. Piactico limited;! to oyo, ear, noso and throat. Eyes, scientif ically tested and glasses suprilied. . Oculist and Aurist for S. P. R. R. .Co. M. F. & II. Co. Bldg. l-none,otI7. ; . DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS .CARLOW-Osteop:Vhic. Physiclims. ; -.4 10-417-Gurnntt-Corey- Bldg. : Phone 904-L. Rosldonce 26 S. Laurel St. . DR. : V. i W. J HOWARD Osteopatblo Physician. 'Special attention given I to eye;; ear, i nose -and throat. 303 Liberty building. Phone 490. DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro- practlc and Natural. Painless Meth ods. Room 428 M. F. & II. HSdh. Phono 965. JAMES - C. HAYES Pbysic-laii and Surgeon; pfflco hours 11 to 13 n.jni;, ' 2 to -I, 7 to 8 -p. m. i Sparta buildlpg; rosldonce 1405 W. Main. Phonos: Offlco 663, res. 492. :"Spoi:lalty," Medical and Surgical Diagnosis, j tf Dr. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and c Surgeon. .Offices M. F. & H. Bldg. Phone 165. -Will be in Eagle Point on Sundays until further notice. ". Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. hns tho , best equipped printing office in Southern Oregon. Hook binding, looso leaf lodgers,' billing systems, eto. Portland prices'. 27 N. iFir St. Rii0 -Weavlns. MEDFORD: FLUFF1 iWG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old ami worn -jcaxpots-and ..ruga. PhoneJ 510-M. 706 Pine St. Tent and Awning Works MEDFORD, 'TENT- AND , AWNING WORKS Its N. Grape St" Phone . ,443-Y... .. Iturger, Prop. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front 8t. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guar- nnteed. : ! f ' - : DAVIS TRANSFER Anyihin moved day or nlttht, Service Romanleod. Fnlr treatment, lot F)r- phono: ortice Oil or res,'Ui7-n son, ' m Oott 17 MiU-m .i UxJ Yearly -No.-123-So'Pront'St Tel 160 J12 -So. 'Riverside "J