Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 20, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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    FXCffi SIX
The Bulck automobile belonging
to the Jlodford Auto Company, that
was secured by a salesman who call
ed himself Arnold R. Carol, has been
found at Napa, California. A tele
gram was received this afternoon by
the 'McCurdy Insurance company
from the Auto Theft Bureau Rlvinn
this information. The telegram
road :
"Auto Theft Bureau reports that
Medford Auto Company Bulck in
hands Chief of Police, Napa, Cali
fornia. (Signed SEKLBY CO."
The car was fully Insured against
theft, and will be returned to this
city. Tho police authorities also tel
egraphed that Carol had been cap
tured. Carol posed as a jewelry sales
man, and claimed to have closed a
deal for tho purchaso of tho- John
son Jewelry store in Ashland, lie
dickered with tho eMdford Auto com
pany for several days, and finally
gave a chock on the I-add and Tilton
Bank of Portland for $1800, and a
note for the balance, lie drove the
car to Ashland, presumably to close
the Jowelry store deal, ,and kept go
ing over the Sisklyous. A telephone
message showed Carol had no funds
In tho bank at Portland, and the
hunt started.
A day or so afterwards word wnB
received of Carol passing through
Sacramento valley towns.
ThiTft him ncv(!i boon nnyUihiK
with the quick action of Nlinplu witch
huzel, camphor, hydniHtlH, ot, hh
nilxod fn l-divoptilc eyu wanh. Ono
lady with inflamed and watory oytm
rcportH her iyos arc bright and clear
after using- Iavoptlk a very Minrl
time. In another eao five applica
tions produced! Ki-cut benefit. Wo
guarantee a Hinal bottle to help ANY"
CASIO weak, strained or inflamed eyes.
Mod ford Pharmacy, Main and Con
tral StroetH, Adv.
Merchants' Lunch
122 p. ni.
Salmon Halad
Fulton Market Clam Chowder
$ 1 llaker Halibut,, aux Klnancier
Individual Veal I-ouf. l'apiika Hauco
Corn Itread
MnHhed PotutooH Creamed Macaroni
Applo IMo
Ton yoffeo Milk
Try Our Special Plate Lunch
Salmon 8a lad
lulled Halibut, aux Financier
Corn Itread
MnHhed l'otatoeH
Tea Coffo Milk
Honest to Goodness
MONDAY 22d and 24th
(iiirdi'ii Court !i'iizoiii mid
Almond Cri'iiin. ltiulnr ti'w.
Special 40
Aritmnd's "Flowers of l'n ra
dian" Tale, liogular 25.
Special 15
lVuslnr Cold Cri'iim in Tubos
Regular U0e. Special 15(
Courtesy Service
Eyes Scientifically Tested
and Glasses Properly Fitted
Broken lenses Accurntely Duplicated
dult 1-2 over May Co.
BOH K, Main. I pntrtlra
Scratch Fwd. It 100 Hw. ..S3.HS
Kick phmIucw, ikt 100 iiw. ...
Buttermilk MiihIi, per 100 Hw. .. 4.00
MMlrun, ir HO Hs l.o
riHlT' DnliT W. l,,tp- 2 75
Khrllod Corn, per 100 IN 3.75
Vrvah Corn Mml. mt lb 4c
We mcvt all conifUiln. Call mid
see uh.
pcUvcry lu City 209
LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 20. Mib. H.
H. Wlieelcr, dclesate chared with de
livering1 the electoral vote of tho Htate
to WanhinKton, jjot away today on
the first leg of hr airplane flight to
the national capital. Her firm Htop
will be Omaha, where nho will be
joined in another airplane by .Mrs.
Draper Hmlth, alternate,
Mrs. "Wheeler carried the certifi
cate of the electoral vote In an array
dispatch craHe which her Hon, Mawon,
now aBHirttant attorney general of Ne
hraHka, UHed in artillery service In
OMAHA, Neb., Jan. 20. Two alr
plancH that will carry Mih. H. H.
Wheeler of Lincoln, delegate from the
Nebraska electoral college, and Mrt.
Draher Smith of Omaha, alternute, to
Washington to deliver the eight elec
toral voteH of the Htate, left here to
day for Lincoln, where tho official
Mart of tho trip will be made. Mch.
Wheeler will enter one of tho planes
at Lincoln and ride to Omaha, where
Mm. Hmtth will enter the hccoiuI one.
At tile annual mooting of tlio stock
holdot'B of the Central Point State
bank tho following officora and direc
tors were elected: J. O. Isaacson,
president, W. C. Leevcr, Vr. J. Free
innn and Victor Itursell, vice presi
dents, D. R, Torrltt, caHhier.
Tho past yur proved the most prnK
poroiis of any slnco tho bank's organi
zation In 11)0(1. Dividends totaling J
per conL were declared.
There have been 2'2 dividends de
clared and paid under the present
management which dates buck to
1I09. f
This bank was the first state bank
In southern Oregon to be admitted to
the fede"al reserve system.
(Continued fiota Page One)
NKW YORK, Jan. 20. Withdrawal
of two of the promoters of tho $.r00,
000 championship bout between Jack
DempHcy and (loerges Car pent let
would not prevent him filling their
places and Htaglug the bout, Tex
Itlckard, the third promoter deelai'fd
today. William A. Hrady has an
nounced that he and Charles ii. Coch
ran of London, were "through" be
cause ' "the contracts have not been
mutually observed."
Jtrady Haid when his representative
called at the Central Union Trust
company to deposit bis third of the
? 100,000 agreed upon as the pro
moters' forfeit fund, he found that
only Cochran's 311 II. 3 3 waH there.
He said tho fighters had not posted
their forfeits, but that an assignment
of DempHey's interest In tho fight had
been deposited.
IMckard Insisted he would try to
stage tho bout July 2 In Montreal.
NKW YORKII Jan. 20. Neither
ick Dempsey nor Ceorges Carpen-
tier, under contract to meet In a
J ft 00. 000 chamnlonsbli heavvweltrht
boxing bout next summer, has put up
his forfeit money with tho deposi
tory here, it was announced today by
F. J. Fuller. vIce-nreHidont of tho Cen
tral UnUm Trust company.
"Dempsey has made no deposit
whatever with uh," cald Mr. Fuller
'Wo have never heard from him ex
cept as to an aHHlgnment of rights In
the moving nlctures of tho bout.
which have nothing to do with the de
posit remilrrd of him.
"Carpentler has made no deposit as
required by the bout contract. II.
has deposited some French securlUe;
with Morgan-Ha rjes and company
Paris bankers, which calls for pre
vious consent of tho government of
"Charles R. Cochran, Hritish pro
moter, has deposited tho money re
quired of him and William A. llrady,
and Tex Rlcard, American promotern
have covered their deposits with
surety bonds as allowed by tho con
tract. "That Is the wholo story of who
has deposited and who has not."
OAKLAND. Cal., Jan. 20. Koltern
tion of his past statements that the
necessary forfeits for the Jack Doinp-sey-tleorges
Carpentler heavyweight
championship fight liavo been deposit
ed for two months with tho Central
1-nloii Trust company of New York
was made hero today by Jack Kearns,
manager of lVmpsey.
"Tho three parties concerned, tho
two fighters and the promoter, made
these deposits last November with the
Central Union Trust company and hold
receipts for the same," Kearns said.
"I do not know Mr. Fuller of tho Trust
company who said tho money has not
been put up.
"Tho money was placed in escrow
for payment to the properties for any
violation of the fight agreement. Hon
or! Kdgren, the sporting writer, is the
solo arbiter of tho forfeit agreement
ami the keeping and disposition of
these escrow amounts is Under his ab
solute Jurisdiction. If there is any
change he would know all about it and
1 have heard nothing from him. In
fact ho would direct such n change
If any is made, for he Is the only olio
qualified to do so."
SALIOM, Ore., Jan. 20. By sustain
ing the veto of Governor Oleott on n
big batch of local road hills, tho sen
ate today sKMit an hour undoing work
that was dono In facetious mood dur
ing the closing hours of the session a
year ago. Nine vetoes were unstained
today uud uoue overridden.
TU'HUN. Jan, 20. Dint rift In
Hpector Clarke, a Berfieant and four
coiiHtahh'H were killed and a wrgoant
and conKtable wounded in an amhuHh
at 3:30 o'clock thin afternoon ut (ilen
wood, near Six-Mile bridge, it waa
announcde by the autborilieH In Dub
lin caHtle this evening.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 20. A "pre
liminary report to contain conclu
sions and recommendations," is being
prepared by tho commission of the
committee of one hundred Investigat
ing conditions in Ireland nad will be
issued soon, it was announcde today.
Tho report will be based on state
ments made before the commission,
it said, but the bearings will be
continued indefinitely and any new
faetH developed will be included In an
appendix to the report now being
LONDON, Jan. 20. Alleged. Sinn
Fein n centers In this city were sub
jected to simultaneous raids by Scot
land i ard detectives late last night,
says the Dally Crap hie. Ruildlngs In
both the east and west end, notably
in Rayswater, Rarnshury, Paddlng
ton, Ktpehany, Kastham, and Han
well, were raided, and it Is stated a
number of Important documents were
seized. .. , , "
Local Importance attached to a. raid
on a four-story bouse In Colvillo Ter-
e, Dayswater, 'which was thor
oughly searched 'for hours.
CORlv. Ireland, Jan. 20. Tho first
official destruction for attacks on
crown forces, in Cork- city since mar
tial law was enforced in this area
was carried out today, when two
houses in Washington street where
two members of tho royal Irish con
stabulary were attacked Saturday
last, were destroyed by military forces.
The military authorities assert
crown forces were fired on Saturday
from six houses lu Washington street
and that tho "two worst" were se
lected for destruction.
OAKLAND, Cal., Jan. 20. Mis. Vir
glnia 1. Clark was sentenced toilay to
iniHon for ton years to life for tho
murder of her husband laat August.
ICxcept to protest that an "Injustice
had heen dono her which demanded
correction," sho evinced no emotion
when sentence was passed.
Mrs. Clark shot her husband in bed
nt 5 a. in., AiiKiiHt 15. She offered n
dofense of insanity and alleged that
Indocencles of her husband's part had
suddenly turned her mind and led to
the shooting. Notice of appeal was
Hied by her counsel. Her trial lasted
sixty-two days.
(Continued from rage One)
United States to accomplish immedi
ately a substantial reduction of tho
naval armaments of tho world."
Chairman Lodge said it was impos
sible to say when the resolution could
be brought before the senate, but that
ho hoped It would he nt an early date.
The committee finally decided to
limit tho proposed negotiations to the
United Stales, Great Britain and Ja
pan. -. '
Tho committee struck out the pre
anuilo of the Borah resolution which
doclared that'll Japaneso official has
said that Japan could not consent to
naval reduction without action by the
United States.
Another amendment mado was in
minor phraseology to limit the negoti
ations to naval disarmament and ex
clude all consideration of military re
duction. This was ttie Intention of
Senator Borah, hut some members felt
that tho original language was not
SALEM, Ore., Jan. 20. A bill carry
ing out Governor Olcott's recommenda
tion fitl- the reiienl rtf tbn m-esetlt law
appropriating more than half a million
tor highway construction and the util
ization of $1100.000 of it for tho erection
i f a boys training school was intro
duced In tho sennto today by Senator
Ruddy Checks SpnrklincrEyea
Most Women Can Have
Says Dr. Edwards, n Weil-Known
Ohio 1 hysician
Pr.F.M.Edwards for 17 yenrs fronted
Scores of women for liver and bowel ail
ments. During these years he pave to
Iiis patients a prescription made of a
few well-known vegetable ingredients
mixed with olive oil, rr.min? them
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. ou will
Know them by their olive eclor. (
These tablets are wonclcr-workcrs on
tlie liver and bowels, which came a
normal action, carrying off t'.'.e wafte
and poisonous matter in one's system.
If you have a pale face, sallow look
dull eyes, pimples, coated lonpie. head
aches, a listless, no-Rood feeling, all out
o sorts, inactive lxiwels, you take one
of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly
(or a time and note the pleasing result.
Thousands of women and men takj
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the suc
cessful substitute for calomel now anj
llitn just to keep tlicm lit.',
COLON. I'annma. Jan. 10. Hoth
the L'niU-d StaU-H Atlantic- fleet andi
the seaplane division attached to It,
arrived here today, the seaplanes com
pleting a 700-mile flight from Ouan-
tanamo, with two Intermediate land
ings, which was nia?red by only one
forced descent. The flyers preceded
the warships by several hours. Pas
sage through the canal was expected
to be completed Thursday when the
fleet will Join the Pacific fleet at the
Pacific entrance to the canal. Dur
ing the flight from Kingston to Old
Province Island, about 200 miles off
tho Niearauguan coast, one of the
seaolanes came down and was escort
ed on to tho canal by the tender
Plans provide for departure of the
warships from Panama southward
January 22, the force to exist as a
combined fleet until January 28, when
tho Atlantic fleet will head for Callao
and the Pacific fleet for Valparaiso.
Each fleet will Hail again February 5,
joining forces February 7 for battle
maneuvers and arriving at Panan.i
February 1(1. The separation of the
two fleets will occur February 23.
Tad Jones Yale Fixture.
NEW HAVKN, Conn.. Jan. 20.
Satisfaction was t expressed by -the
Yale News today at the selection- of
T. A. D. 'Jones as football coach for
a term of years. It says bis time will
be devoted "to building up a new
Yale system such as has been utterly
lacking since the days of Ted Coy."
(Continued From rage One).
case of any difference ns to this agree
ment or any dispute arising thereun
der,", to the "lord high chancellor of
Great Britain." Provision Is made for
continuance oi the agreement after
the twenty year period "subject to no
tice of five years on either slde.'?
As a result of this agreement, Sen
ator Jones said-, the steamship lines
owned by the International Mercantile
Marine company ns well as the leased
shipping board vessels under its con
trol are "actually operated in the in -
terest of the British government and
British trade and subject to tne terms
of the contract."
In support of Ills charges that
American interests were aiding in the
British campaign against American
shipping, he declared an agent of the
shipping board in New York City, who,
said, was a former oniploye of the
International Mercantile company had
opposed the establishment of an Amer
ican shipping line between New York
and England and admitted that his
reason for doing so was that it would
The freckle-faced
1 The Doctor Says: illl
"Dry throat has dangerou9 possl- B nSi 1
B bilities. BUNTE'S Cough Drops I -a-' -ggjkUfo
B for my patients and myself." ?(sy f(l
8 Drive away dry throat with this Jft ) St
i physician's prescription!
Makera of the WorU Famous Canity uul Cocoa Jr
Lookfor the Red Bo Jf
Man on ill B m PURB
WESLEY "FrecRles"
barry immm
It leaves a trail of mystery, drama, comedy and thrills you
won't want to forget.
r A lift
Owen Moore
"injure tile business of Itritish lines
from New York."
English Control N. Y.
"The excerpts quoted from
agreement of August 1903," Senator
Jones continued, "do not leave the
question open to doubt as to where
the International Mercantile Marine
company stands as regards llritish in
terests. The question naturally arises
'where do British shipping interests
center in the United States'?' The an
swer is that they center almost entire
ly in me port of New York, where
their large terminal investments are
! seated and from which most of their
tonnage on this side of the Atlantic
sails. .
"Consequently whatever benefits
the port of New York, benefits British
shipping. A monopoly of export
freight sent through the port of New
York spells greater profits for these
British owners It follows then that
the British shipping men are in accord
with the eastern trunk line railway
officials who seek to cancel the pres
ent equalization of export freight rates
from central freight association terri
tory to Gulf and South Atlantic ports
"The Chamber of Commerce of the
state of New York is made up of inter
national bankers and the heads of
great railroads and steamship com
panies," he continued, "Phillip A. S.
Franklin, a vice president of this
chamber of commerce, Is president of
the International Mercantile Marine
"In reviewing this sequence of hap
penings, can any man doubt that the
prinqiplo necessarily underlying the
establishment of an American merch
ant5 marine is being Sacrificed to .a
group devoted to furthering. 'the inter
ests of the -British merchant marine or
British trade.'" "
- v . V ' i if
Situation Is Critical !
WASHINGTON, Jan. The ship
ping, hoard must move slowly in any
thing It does in connection with
changes in Hie sales policy for gov
ernmejit vessels now In force, Chair
man Benson declared today In an ad
dress before tile National Merchant
Marine association In convention here.
"There is no use blinking at the
truth, so far as maritime affairs are
concerned," Chairman Benson said.
"Today we are confronted witli a big
question brought on by falling freight
reflected through increased outlays
and lessening earnings.
' This is the opportunity for the man
who desires to prove anything of a
1 depressing character. The opportunist
may proclaim to the world that now is
itne time to take stock and immediately
get out of the shipping business. This
niight he true if we were not solemnly
i charged by the law of tho land to
'establish n permanent merchant ma
rine. Mind you, . genr.emen, the law
says a permanent merchant marine
under the American flag. . The board
must conform to the shipping act so as
to provide for an American permanent
merchant marine under private owner
ship sufficient to carry the greater
part of our commerce."
Owen Moore
The rarest thing in comedy is an idea! This pic
ture has it An idea novel and unique ! It has gen
uine laughs by the yard ! '
Sunday "The
Leopold Godowsky
Appearing in Concert at
Page Theatre
Tuesday Evening, Jan. 25
Records exclusively for
THE Brunswick Records of the playing of Godow
sky, the greatest living pianist, are worthy of his
art. ' Godowsky's singing tone, his great power and
clarity are preserved and faithfully reproduced. They '
are real piano records.
Hetir them and be convinced; at all Brunswick
Manufacturers Established 1845
To the Fruitgrowers
We solicit your business and co-operation. Our sales organi
zation is of the best. We are established in all-important
markets. We are always glad to meet you and talk over
your orchard problems.
L. M. Campbell, Manager Medford District.
Kffectlve Ortotra- 2.1
10:00 a. m.
1:00 p. m.
4:30 p. m. .
Cam stop at all Intermediate
Office and Waiting Rooms: Medford, 5 South Front, Naan Hotel
Bldg. Phone 309. Oranu Pass: The Bonbonnier, Phone 160.
We also oporate stage linos from Medford to Ashland, Phoenix,
Talent, Central Point, Jacksonrllle.
Connie makes all the world and
you fall in love with her ! It's a
barrel of fun.
Branding Iron"
Pally and Sunday.
10:00 a. m.
1:00 p. m.
4:30 p. m.