PXGB FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, pfiEGON, THURSDAY,' JAXITARY 20, 1021 Medford Mail Tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED 15VKKT AKTEHNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY BY THE IdBDEOBD PRINTING CO. Office Mull Tribune feulldlog, 26-27-19 norm ir aireet. mono vo. A consolidation of the Democratic Times, The Medford Mall, the Medford Tribune, The Southern Oregon lan. The Aaniana in Dune. , The Medford Sunday Sun Is furnished ubscrlbers desiring a seven day dally bewapaper. ROBERT W. RUHTj, Editor. BUMPTHIt S. SMITH, Manager. UBSOBXFTIOIf TCBUII Af A 1 1 IN AIVA,VfM.;: Dally, with Sunday Hun, year 11.50 Dally, with Sunday Sun, month.. .76 Dally, without Sunday Sun, year.. 6. 50 Dally, without Kumiuy Sun, month .65 Weekly Mull Tribune, one year 2.00 Sunday Sun. one year 2.00 BY CARRIER In Medford, AHhlanrt, Jnr.kflonvillB. Centml Point Phuenx Dally, with Sunday Sun, month 75 Dally, without Sunday Kun, month .65 Dally, without Sunday Kun, year- 7.50 Dally, with Sunday Sun. one year 8.60 All terms by carrier cash in aavanco Official paper of the City of Medford. uiriciai paper oz jaexson uouniy. Entered as second-class matter at Medford, Oregon, under the act of March a, lo t v. worn dally average circulation for six months ending April. tS20 S042 MEMBERS OP TFltv ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated Press la exclusively entitled to the use for republication oi ftll news dispatches credited to It, or not otherwise credited In thlB paper, and also xne local news puniiHiieu nerein. All rights of republication of special J ape tones herein are also reaerveo. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Porry The nccuniury remunerations of boottaKginff aro not to bo mieozed at. Vor iiiHtnuco there is the Lou AiikoIoh moonshine (lispciiHcr who in a short and snappy twelve month accumulated a measly ?3S0,0OO, from an original capital of a pint bottlo and a sly wink. Sid Brown is hack from Portland, and tho operations of the mysterious "Shadow" have ceased. A number of citizens telegraphed this moriilni; usk ins what reward, if any, was offered, TWO CATS ELOPE i (Oregon City Enterprise) Ijost TlKor-strlped cat, about year old, from vicinity of Glh and Monroe. LoBt Whllo Persian kitten with gray, spot on head. Flmlor ploaso return to Mrs. Davis, 315 Fifth St. The government has boon unable to figure out how many of tho unemploy ed spent last summer gadding around tho country in an overloaded ford. Ono objection to tho proposed bonus for ox-scrvico men, Ib that tho horoos of 1017, or "treasury raiders or 111120" would do what nobody olao would do spend it. What llio country should do is to lake care of the wounded, who so far have received less consideration than a foreign hcllrnisor. Champion Jnck Oempscy is back on a war basis. Ho docB not euro whothor lio ever fights again or not. LOOKS LIKE PYRORRHEA (Salem Capital-Journal) A party of young folk left hero Friday evening to attend a plo so cial near Qulnuby. They never arrived tlioro. Ask tlio man who invenlB automobiles if you would know why. It now develops (hat lie naval bal loonist who battled his ccimpaiii'in, nftor their rescue, "to protect Lis honor," had ono eyo on tho $la,uM) offerod by a newspaper syndicate for the story of their flight into tho frozen wilds of Cunadu. So far tlioro have been no fool bills introduced In the legislature. They will wait until tho last minute, when thoro is no chance to kill them. Link -alto Is now able to find his lioso ill ono guoBH, and his head in two. Tho hens that laid 111 eggs in !)( conibor, get less credit for It than the O. A. C. professor, who had charge of them. THE HARDING WAY. If Mr. Harding is to be a successful preeidt'iil, Mr. Harding must be guided, not by attempted compromise among factions, but by what be deems to bo a true policy fur the whole country. If he be comes a follower instead of a leader he will fall. Theodore Uoose velt would never waste his time in trying to pick a cabinet to please the politicians, but would boldly name men to suit himself. I'ortiand Journal. "H ALP truths form the fabric of falsehood." Here we have half- truths which certainly "ive an entirely false impression. Undoubtedly Theodore lioosuvelt would have boldly named men to suit himself, so would Woodrow AVilsun, but. they were both onu- i mi n leaders, with those qualities of temper and trniniu", which ren dered co-operation and. co-ordination impossible. President-elect Hardin;; js of a totallv different stamp. The con dition he faces is a totally different condition. He could never be a one-man president, his most certain course of defeat would be to at tempt to be one. And no honest student of political conditions, can claim that the conditions demand oner Leadership is imperative, lint there are many kinds of lead ership. Wilson and Koosevelt represented the leadership of per sonal domination and individual force. Both men, very different in temperaments and native characteristics, left a tremendous im pression upon their country and the world. Theirs was a method of agression and persistence, which overcame obstacles by crushing them, rather thun conciliating. and eventually redirecting them. The political revolutions they directed have gone, their contri butions to posterity have been made. Now it is a different leadership, ii different policy the country needs, and it was this realization, per haps subconsciously apprehended by the people at large, that led to the overwhelming victory for Senator IIitrtlni$r. liolh Koosevelt anil Wilson were often compared to Lincoln. Yet uiilv in aim- certainly not in temperament or methods, could such an analogy be sustained. It is Harding who lias tho Lincoln tempera ment, the Lincoln methods and lie faces a condition in many ways resembling the condition Lincoln faced. Tho old order has passed. A new order is here. And the country is internally rent and torn with the process ol a new economic align ment. "Whether or not Harding has any of the greatness of Lincoln only the future can disclose, but that he is approaching his problems in the Lincoln manner, with toleration, patience, moderation, with a quiet but genuine passion to compose differences and return to a a basis, of a united Americanism, seems to us apparent. Lincoln was the anthithesis of the one-'inan president. He led not by smashing opposition, but by conciliating it. It was Lincoln who offered two cabinet positions to southern politicians, it was Lincoln who conferred with all sides :uid ,all factions, it was Lincoln who gave to one of his bitterest personal and political opponents, a position in his cabinet of supreme importance and trust. is "What would have happened if LincoTn had chosen a cabinet to 'suit himself"' His cabinet was nothing short of a personal morti fication, but he chose it for his country's good, he chose men, not for icir friendship to him, but for their capacity to make good, and that cabinet, as for as political principles of the past were concerned, was nothing but compromise. No, the Wilson and Roosevelt receipt is not and should not be the Harding receipt. Until the cabinet is formally announced it is oulv air to reserve judgment And until that time until the contrary is leinotistralcd, we shall hold to the view that Mr. Harding is pro ceeding precisely as ho should proceed, slowly, cautiously, temper ately, resolved on two important things, to be true to himself and to be true to those policies which he believes, at this particular time, the welfare of the country demands. ; i How Much Do You Know? 1 What arc the Articles of War? 2 What was "window tax?" 3 How many liveB were lost on the Lusitania? 4 What per cent of. an egg is the Hawaiian ANTI-TOBACCO. Tho "On Time" week tho C of C is ngltatlng will force everybody to get up boforo breakfast. "ALL CONCERNED WELL" (Watkins Warbles) Tho milk cow belonging to Hub ert Watkins, of the Watkins ranch on tho Applegato river, has a fine new holler calf. "Cold Weather Hints l.lmbs" (lid lino Portland Jourmill. The gliis have apparontly not policed ll. It's Ci'imhI for Children' Mrs. C. K. Schwab. 1007 14th St., Canton, Ohio, writes: "Wo lino Fo ley's llpnoy and Tar for coughs and find it ono of the best remedies on the market, especially good for chil dren's coughs, as It does not contain any drug that Is harmful." Serious sickness often follows lingering colds. Jiard coughing rucks a child's body and disturbs strength-giving sleep, and the poisons weaken the system so that disease cannot be wanted off. Take Foley's in time. Sold every where. CIH'SADKlxS say their plans aro ripe, they've hitched their wagons to some stars, and soon they'll take away my pipe, and shut me off from long cigars. When I am smoking I am mild, 1 never raise a fuss or rant. I am as gentle as a child, and harmless as my maiden. aunt, ltut when they take my pipe away 1 fear I'll train with savage men; I really am afraid to say what tragedies may happen then. Our lives are full of ugly curves and what we suffer no one knows; tobacco soothes the tired man's nerves, and gives his jaded soul repose. There's pence in forty million homes because Tired Fathers puff and puff; with wreaths of smoke around their domes, they know tobacco is the stuff. They do not care to beat their wives or break the crockery and chairs; for smoking calms their troubled lives, as it would heal sore heads of bears. In moral fits, at divers times, IVe thrown my trusty pipe away; (hen I Wrote pessimistic rhymes and scrapped wilh neighbors every day. I'd .sternly say, "No stack of pelf will ever make me smoke again-" and thou I'd sit and hate myself, and also hate my fellow-ineii. ; i ' i i ? i' water? 5 Who discovered Islands? 6 How long is Long island? 7 Where Is "Lookout Mountain"? S When is Quina.iingeaima Sunday? 9 Wha is a sagamore? 10 Where Is the sperm whale found? Answers to Yesterday's Questions 1 Where Is Mt. Etna? Ans. It is situated on the east coast of Sicily 2 What are the "Florida Keys"? Ans. They aro a group of islands off the Florida peninsula. There are thou sands of them but many are of coral formation and are uninhabitable. 3 When did the present 2-cent pos tuge rate begin? Ans. The present two-cent rate began March 3, 1885. 4 What were tho "Punic Wars"? Ans. They wero the contests between Home and Carthage for supremacy of tho western world. The first of these wars broke out ia 2U4 1J. C. and the third in 149 U. C. 5 Where is tho source of the Rio Grande river which forms tho boun dary line between Texas and .Mexico? AnB Tho river rises in tho San Juan mountains In Colorado. It is 1SO0 miles long. G What is tlio average daily range of temperature on the Sahara desert? Ans. Tlio thermometer falls from above 100 F. during the day to just be low freezing at night. 7 Who founded tho Salvation army? Ans. Tho Salvation Army was found ed by William Booth in England in 1865. The present name was adopted in 1875. 8 What Is a sand dollar? Ans. It is a naino given to a flattened sea urchin round on sandy shores. 9 Was Shakespeare anything else besides an aiuiior? Ans. Ho was an actor and played until artor 1604. 10 Was Noah's ark a seaworthy ship? Ans. Ship builders Bay the de scription of the ark proves that It was built on a plan to give it perfect proportion. Poem For Today The Beautiful Snow I love tho snow, tho fleecy snow. j ranseendont, pure and white; Descending from tho etliertnl blue, As angel's wings, In flight. Then nil the dark uncanny spots, Are hid from mortal view Llko holy saints, rolled In wlilto, Or tlio old earth, born anew. t hear the merry chlmo of bells; The joyous shouts of youth. I see tho holy ones of God Come forth to tell His truth. i Like the anointed ones so fair, jii washed; from sin made free. I humbly bow my head in prayer, . ."Lord, take all stains from mo. (Sequel to "Snow," by Walt Mason). By Mary O. Carey, Talent, Oregon. FORD QUI JL CURONA Personal Typewriter Fold It up, take It with you, type write anyw'h ere. I $50.00, including carrying case. , .MWl'XIItll l)(HK HTOItK pJiJtrluntors pr gp, Oregon. CHILD FEEDING FUND PASSES $1000 MARK To the University club goes the honor for putting the Hoover Child Feed, ing fund in Medford and Jackson county over the $1000 mark today. At a meeting of the board of directors last night a donation of $100 was voted, which with total of approximately $000 at that time, sent the fund over the ten century top, a total which only a few days ago would have been consid ered unattainable. The drive toward the $1000 mark was started early Wednesday afternoon when W. G. Chandler of Gold Hill came to this office and contributed a ten dollar bill. After a few minutes conversation he said he thought the kids over there needed it more than he did and contributed another ten dollars. Then an anonymouB contribution of $90 was received followed quickly by other contributions. Every contribution above was unsolicited, as have been all contributions since the fund was started. Owing to a typographical error In yesterday's list Mrs. Eric Crawford was given credit for a $10 contribution when the name should have been Mrs. Oris Crawford. The list of contributors In addition to those already an nounced follows: Previously acknowledged $ W. 11. Chandler, Hold Hill iO.OO Anonymous P0.00 Jacksonville l.oo 92.35 1 Cash 2 M Dr. Henry Hart 10.01" fnlveislty Club : ..; 100.00 Total $itnr.i: WOT MEDFCXD TRADE 13 MEDFORD HAD! your wife has quit serving baked beans be cause they're too much trouble to bake, tell her to give you Del Monte Beans. They're economical, satisfying and "bully" good. SSI Dr. Henry B. Purl SPECIALIST IN EXTRACTING, CROWN and BRIDGE WORK and ARTIFICIAL TEETH 303 E Main St. Phone 503-R AUTO PAINT SHOP Automobiles Painted and Revarnished 221 North Fir. L. Q. SPRINKLE, Prop. Phone 77? READY FOR GAME TOMORROW NIGHT The Red and Illack basketball squad will complete its preparatory practice for the Etna SI ills game this after noon and will then rest up for Its mix with the northern California quintet at the Nntatorium tomorrow niuht. The local men aro expected to show up well ill Friday's game as there has been a marked improvement in their work this week and at times they are showing flashes of team work and has- ket-tosslng seen only in season-end contests. Coleman and Sherwood, veteran players of last year, will hold down the forward berths on the squad when the whistle blows tomorrow night. Uaufrh- man will represent Medford in the center ring while Young and Prcscott, the clever Red and Black guards, will oppose the Etna forwards. This com bination forms one of the best hoop- teams that ever represented Medford on the floor and should give tho fast Etna Mills five a hard run. Since the title of northern California as well as this section hangs in the balance of Friday's game KlUm's men may be relied upon to do their best. As a preliminary to the hoys game Medford's fast girls team will play the Talent squad. Tho latter is considered ono of tlio best teams in tlio valley league and will undoubtedly make it Interesting for Klum's line-up. ' This opening game will begiii at 7:30.' Tannin is a powerful astringent. MOTHER! 'California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Aocopt "Calltointa- fjyrtin of Figs only look for the name California on tho puckage, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for tho little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love Its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "Cali fornia." Adv. BUSINESS IS GOOD Ol'lt January business up to date; lias been phenomenal. That proves that the PIXIPUO of Medford. appreciate ability nml nervlee. AVo have In creased our staft or account ants to meet demands to enable ns to give your iiei'sonal SEKVK'K. IX AUDITION" to our account Ing and audlling- lip have estab lished an INCOME TAX Slilt VK'K III charge of Mil. ,!. C. CONKS, who Is thoroughly fti : miliar and up to the inliiuto In INCOME TAX MATTE I IS Wilson Auditing Co. Liberty llldg. Accountants K M. Wilson, C. 1'. A. J. 0. Cones, Income Tax Specialist REFINED SERVICE at a saving We are in a position to give., the lowest... possible rates obtainable. Every item of modern fun eral service is given oui most careful attention. also the assistance of a Licensed Lcdy Embalmer without extra charge Weeks -Conger Co. GET FROM UNDER NEW AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE RATES as follows l-oliey coverins a limit of .100U.OO for injuries to ono person d 10,000.00 limit for injuries to ...ore than one person I. any -attorneys' fees ami o.I.er expenses included In addition to tho above 9iSm per mini. covering follow InR cars: Chevrolet, DodBe, Dort, Ford,. .Maxwell, Overland, Oakland, etc. v . 911.00 Iluirk. nmlnwrs. Cl.nn.ller. Cleveland, I 'ssox. I "P mobile, asl.. Oldsmobile, Hoo. Studcbaker, Templar, .1 .vs- " Kht. - 517,00 Cadilac, Cole, Franklin, Hudson, l'ackard '0, Unless, eic ijl.OO All larger curs. . . , .t' Court judgements against automobile owners for injuries are get ting larger all over the country. . Some states are now making automobile owners carry liability, in surance as a protection to all concerned. Yoirttnow the maximum amount you can lose by reason of fire or theft but do you know what a claim for personal injuries would total? Could you retain a lawyer to fight even a "trumped up" claim for an amount similar to tho cost of this protection? Yours for insurance service.. Just TLEPHONE one-two-tbree. McCurdy Insurance Agency All Forms of Insurance' Medford National Bank Building . . ; Kill That Cold With j, it FOR Colds, Coughs CASCARA W QUININE AND La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Tnlte no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks op a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippo in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect tho head Cascara is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT APPRECIATED So many seem to appreciate getting the right time. We enjoy giving it to you. , Always welcome. FAY fc. DIAMOND Jeweler ing Car Fully Equipped Even to Motometer Spare Tire and Tube Mechanically Right Looks Like New , . Trade Considered The Busy Corner Motor Co. The store where your dollar does its duty We have the right size Exide to give long-lasting power and care-free service in your car at a i - 28 REDUCTION i . All makes of Batteries repaired and recharged. . BATTERIES Battery and Electric Co. Nat. Bldg D. L. Ewing Phone 116 G. J. Hoffman Y V V