Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 20, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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The Young Mother
with its
for thei
health and
But later,
bring a dif
ferent result Thecareofafamily
multiplied household duties, and
very often the weakness caused by
womanly disease, tend to prolong
the suffering and to make conva
lescence a slow and weary process.
Many women perhaps your own
neighbors have had beneficial
experience with Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription, which prepares
the prospective mother. Send 10
cents to Doctor Pierce's Invalids'
Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for a
trial package of tablets.
South Vallejo, Calif. "I have
taken Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription during expectancy and
found it excellent. It relieved my
headache, backache, and helped me
in a great many ways. I was
strong, had a good appetite and
had comparatively no suffering.
Was strong and felt well when I
got up and my baby was nice and
healthy." Mrs. S. P. Houston,
'40 Fifth Street.
Farmers Attention
Tankless pressure water system Is to
the home what wireless telegraphy is
to the commercial world... Maximum
pressure all the time, without the in
cumbrance of a tank. Besides all
other features. It has only one (1)
moving part, needs no oil and lasts a
life time.
See tms wonderful tankless pressure
system now. '
Modern Plumbing
& Heating Co.
Sparta Bldg.
Phone 620
And HOLD It better If you linre a
'.(. So that you can GO
See the list of used motors at the
shop of
East Payments sure
Modford Nat. Phono IN8-111
Plumbing and Stove Repair
Coil fitting, stoves rebuilt. Prompt
Venice, lteasomiblo charges. Good
jttork 8. It. CASTILE
J01MI3 S. Holly. Phono 030
I Aretelyno Welding.
I Make Them
128 East Man St.
The Medford
Auto Paint Shop
Generul Motor Car Rcflnishlng
N. Contral & ,Inrkon. PhonP 707
- - Licensed
All refuse Immediately removed on
ihort notice. Weekly visit In resi
dence districts. Dally business dis
iiict. Phone 895.
All tha ftrapnn AlpcITlC ears BtOD 81
. .. - hntai nf hnraU hnvA thn home
like atmosphere, and our service is
unexcelled. Wo strive to please.
Rates 11.50 and up. With bath
$2.00 and up. Our dining room Is
fery popular, and our business men's
luncheon, and our regular and Sun
Jay dinners aru not equalled else
where at our price. Opposite Olds.
rVortman & King's big store.
C, CULBEllTSON. Proprietor-
On January 1, 1!I2I. a commuiilcn-
1 nil wuh addressed to the chiefs of
1 ollce and marshals of the cities and
towns, and to the slv.'iif's of the
counties of Oregon, dire ,'m .tltcn
t'on to a congestion in the :notatr vo
Hole division of the department of
state, occasioned through the f:ilurv
I of manv motor vehicle owner 10
'apply for their l:i:M nioto:- vehl-.-ie
-licenses before January 1, Ivil. 7n
such communication, the deim-1 mi;it
stated that It hoped totie able by
January 15. 19-1, to assign turl for
ward licenses to tho on'rs.f all
motor vehicles who filed nsodca
tions therefor by that time. Tho in
spectors of the department ver.j nlfo
instructed not to enforce the law
against any persons who applied for
1921 licenses on or prior to January
,13, 1921.
The department finds today, upon
ascertaining the number of applica
tions for 1021 licenses on file and the
number of 1!I21 licenses It hns been
I able to issue thus far, that it will be
I unable to catch up with the current
I work before January 211, 1921. In
view or this condition, therefore, the
inspectors will nut enforce tho law
against any persons who havo applied
for 1921 licenses on or prior to Janu
ary 20, 1921.
It is to be regretted that many mo
tor vehicle owners did not . earlier ap
ply for their 1921 licenses, and that
by deferring applying for such li
censes caused the existing conccstton
of work In the department. Oppor
tunity Is therefore taken at tills time
to direct your attention to tho fact
that tho department will without
(mention have cleared up Its work by
January 211, 1921. and will then be
on a dally basis, that is, licenses will
bo issued for all applications on the
day of the receipt of tho application.
Tho inspectors will strictly enforce tho
j license requirements on and after
February 1, 1921.
I.l.N'COJ.X, Neb., Jan. 20. The su
preme court has affirmed tho find
ings of tho ''.rial court In which a
judgment for $75,000 is awarded
Peter Long of Sheridan, Wyo., against
leged deception in the matter of the
John 11. Krauso as damages for nl
valuo of a tract of land supposed to
be only lit for grazing, but which was
found to contain valuable potash de
posits. Long, original owner of tho prop
erty, sold the land to Krausc for $17,
nnn n i...u..un ..... ..
'lake on tho land contained potash, but
deceived him concerning its existence.
Nlnco that tiljio he alleged Krauso had
taken from the lake potash worth
many thousands of dollars. He sued
for $900,000.
1MTTSI1URO, Jan. 20. Carl E.
Davis, graduate manager of athletics
Davis, graduate manager of athletics
of the University of Pittsburg, an
nounced here today that ho had re
jected an offer made by the University
of California to have tho Panthers
play at ' Morkoloy October 22. He
raid that tho offer was declined be
cause the Pitt football schedule had
been definitely decided upon for next
Mr. Davis said he received tho in
vitation in a letter from the California
institution yesterday. Acceptance, he
said would necessitate cancellation of
two games alrendy scheduled.
When the Children Cough,
Rub Musterole on Throats
and Chests
No telling how soon the symptoms
may develop into croup, or worse. And
then's when you're glad you have a
jar of Musterole at hand to give
prompt, sure relief. It does not blister.
As first aid and a certain remedv,
Musterole is excellent Thousands of
mothers know it You should keep a
jar in the house, ready for instant use.
It is the remedy for adults, too. Re
lieves sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis,
croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia
headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheu
matism, lumbago, pains and aches of
back or joints, sprains, sore muscles,
chilblains, frosted feet and colds of tha
chest (it often prevents pneumonia).
in new, second-hand
103 N. Central
jjj Marshall Meilan Production "DINTY" with Wesley Barry
One of the best attractions of a de
cade Is the entertainment offering
playing for tho remainder of the week
at tho Page theatre. 11 is "Dlnty," in
which Marshall Nollan presents Wes
ley Harry, the freckle-faced hoy actor,
in the first starring vehicle of his
youthful career. It Is the talo of a
fighting newsboy, who has nil old Irish
mother to support. San Kranclsco's
Miss Alma Voedisch spent yester
day in Grants Pass, and reports that
a large delegation from there will
hear Mr. Dodowsky's concert at tho
Page theatre on next Tuesday evening.
iRettirning to Medford hist night,
Miss Voedisch met Mine. Irene Pav
loska, of the Chicago Grandw Opera
confpany, whose western tour is nlso
under the direction of Miss. Voedisch.
Mme. Pavloska was euroute to San
Francisco. ' She has just appeared in
concert in Seattle, Tacoma, Helllng
liani, Yakima, Toppenish and Grand
View, and made such a sensational
success in these cities that (hoy havo
already re-engaged her for noxt sea
son. SHANGHAI The first stop In an
effort toward uniformity In Chincne
currency will be undertaken by the
building here of China's first na
tional mint. Tho work will be di
rected by Clifford Hewitt, of Phila
delphia, whose services have been
loaned to China by the United Htates
and who came hero a short time ago
to begin his duties. Mr. Hewitt in
stalled the new mint at Manila, the
first established In thc;Phl!lpplnes.
H is expected' that the completion
of the new Chinese mint will put. an
end to the conglomerate system -of
currency of all kinds and values which
has long been a drag on the commer
cial progress of China.
While the Mexican dollar, Intro
duced into China from the Philip
pines, has come to be the common
unit of value, tho various tuchuns,
governors and other officials of pro
vinces have Issued coins that are
dealt with commercially at values
based on the quantity of their sliver
content. The Chinese tael in which
government funds and customs ordi
narily are reckoned is not a coin at
all, but a silver slug of a given weight
and fineness, differing In weight and
value In tho different proylnees.
The Shanghai mint is to cost about
$2,000,000 and be one of the largest
in the world, rivalling In size and out
put tho mint at Philadelphia. It Is
to have a capacity of R00.000 silver
dollars a day with a dally consump
tion of 14 tons of silver in addition
to baser metals used as ulloys. Mr.
Hewitt hopes to have tho plant com
pleted and in operation within two
He is tho originator of many of tho
machines and processes in use in
American mints, having been In the
service of the United Ktatcs govern
ment for 24 years. He was builder of
the American mints at Denver and
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh Is a local diepuse, greatly In
fluenced by constitutional conditions, and
tn order to cure It you must take an
Internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine Is taken internally and acts thru
toe blood on the mucoim surfaces of the
system. Hall s Catarrh Medlolne wee
prescribed by one of the best physicians
In this country for years. It Is com
posed of some of the best tonics known,
combined lth some of the bept blood
purifiers. The perfect combination of
the ingredients In Hall's catarrh Medi
cine ts what produces such wonderful
results In catarrhal conditions Send for
restlnionlfllfi. free.
T. J. CHRNEY A CO., Props., Toledo, O.
All tiniKKlsts, 76c.
Hall's l'.inilly Pills tor constipation.
pictutesiiue Chinatown is the locale for
some of the scenes, mid the photoplay
is replete with dramatic as well as
amusing Incidents. Wesley Harry's
smile, freckler. and inimitable acting
made him famous In "Daddy Long
Legs" with Mitry Plckford. and "Don't
liver Marry" and "Go and Got It", hut
his crowning achievement bus un
doubtedly been made in "Dlnty."
TEOUClGALP-V.-Appreheiisions of
another revolution In tho republic of
Salvador which may begin early this
year are entertained here. The union
ist party In that country Is reported to
be convinced that the SalvadoYian gov
ernment is opposed to the proposed
union of five Central Amerioan repub
lics Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua,
Costa Ilica and Salvador and to bo
making all preparations for nn upris
ing. In this they are Bald to havo the
sympathy of the unionists of Guate
mala, who a few months ago overthrew
EBtradn Cabrera as president. Reports
received here state that the revolu
tionary movement in Salvador has tho
moral support of SO percent of the
people. f
One phase of tho present apparently
serious situation in Salvador Is tho
result or a sort of coup do' etat by
which Carlos Klolondez turned over
the presidency to his brother Jorge,
which is alleged to bo unconstitutional.
Following this the revolutionary move
ment was undertaken with Arturo
Araujo as Its leader. .
Aranjo Is a wealthy engineer and
landowner of Salvador and chief of
tho republican unionist party, olio of
the most prominent men of Central
America, and has spent millions of dol
lars for tho benefit of public institu
To stop the revolutionary movement,
the government, conducted a scries of
arrests and deportations. Honduras
refused to permit arms to pass through
its territory to the rebel forces in Sal
vador and consequently the revolution
failed' and Araujo fled to Honduras,
escaping government I roups sent after
him by order of tho president who tlo-
manded Araujo dead oc nllvo.
Tho leaders of this revolutionary
movement are now in Guatemala pre
paring to again try to overthrow Mo
Icndes. It Is believed hero that tho
government and revolutionary forces
will come to a clash sometime early
this year unless the United States in
tervenes. Most of the foreign element in Sal
vador Is reported to bo. In favor of
Araujo and against Molendoz whoso
sentiments against the United States
and Mexico are a matter of com moll
report. Most of the thinking people of
Central America want peace and be
Hove it can be secured only by a guar
antee of the United States. ,-
nLWTKVIl.LK. Ala., Jail. 20. The
claim of Joseph Jones to hospital at
taches that he had "some bean" was
born out today when his story that
he had been kicked by a mule on the
head and that ns a result the animal
was lying helpless with a broken leg,
was investigated and found to be true.
Jones said his way was blocked by
a stray mule and bo made a threat
ening gesture to frighten it away.
It refused to stampede, however, re
plying with a well directed kick to
the brow. Tha' mule's leg was broken
In two places. It was pronounced a
helpless cripple and shot. Jones will
SAI,KM, Ore., Jan. 19. Hy 14 noes
to 13 ayes, the senate lale yesterday
defeated Upton's proposed joint reso
lution to refer nil congressional dis
tricting and reapporllonnient nf the
legislature measures to ft special com
TOKIO. Charges that the Japanese
troops sent Into the Chinese district
of Chienta, a Manchurlan community
just over the Korean border, indis
criminately shot hundreds of the vil
lagers without semblanco of trial,
burned villages, schools, churches and 1
crops, are made public by Canadian
missionaries stationed at Manchuria
and Korea.
Replying to these charges, I.leulen-,
ant Colonel Data, of the Japanese im-1
perial staff, at the Japanese war off leo ;
stated that the Japanese soldiers had;
burned churches and schools only !
after evidence had been obtained that
they were being used as centers of
intrigue by Korean malcontents. He
said tho villages destroyed were thoso
In which the inhabitants had been in .
league with the outlaws. He declared
that the villagers were executed tally
after inquiry by the military and civil
ian authorities.
The Japanese government lias sent
to Chientao a commission to Investl-'
gate tho conduct of tho troops. This
body is he'!ed by Colonel Mi.umachi,
formerly military aUitcliu at Washing
ton. 11
Ono of tho missionaries, Dr. S. It.
Martin, of Newfoundland, a physician
attached to tho Canadian Presbyterian
mission at Yongjung, who visited the
village of Noralmwlo, on October ill,
two dnys after the Japanese went thru
that district, states: ;
"The facts recordeil below apply to
the whole district of Kuudo or Chien
tao, in the southern part of the pro-i
vlnces'of Klrin, China.
"Japan, under the strongest protect
from China has sent over 15,000 men
into this part of China with the scorn
ing incntion of wiping out o existence,!
if possible, the whole Christian com-!
munity, especially all young men.
"Village after village Is dally being
methodically burned and tho young'
men shot, so that nt present we have a !
ring of villages surrounding this city
that have suffered from fire or whole- j
sale murder or both. Tho facts lielow :
are absolutely accurate:
"At daybreak a completo cordon of
Japanese Infantry surrounded the
main Christian village of Nornbawie
and, starting from tho top of the valley
set fire to tho Immense stacks of tm
threshed millet, barley and straw and
then ordered tho occupants of tho
house outside. In each case ns the
father 'or son stepped forth, he was!
shot on sight, and as he fell on his!
face, perhaps only half dead, great I
piles of burning straw wore thrown on
top of him,
"J. was shown tho blood marks on
the ground cutisod by the bayonet
thrusts inflicted on tho men as they
strove to rise from tho flames, In spite
of the fact that they had boon shot
three times at close range. The bodies
were soon charred beyond recognition.
The mothers, wlveB and oven the chil
dren were forced spectators of this
treatment of all tho grown males of
the village. Houses wore fired and
soon the whole country was full of
smoke which was plainly visible from
this town. The Japanese soldiers then
spread out and burned tho houses of
Christian believers In other villages
all the way down tho valloy to the
main road. Then they returned home
to celebrate the omporor's birthday.
"As we approached the nearby vil
lages wo found only women anil chil
dren and some white-haired melt. The
women with young babies on their
hacks were walking up and (low,, v, till
ing, i:
"I photographed ruins of 10 villages,
among which were old iron tearing
their hair and crying whllo 'mothers
and daughters were recovering bodies
or tinliurned treasures from tho burn
ing ruins. , So ninny womon wero cry
ing and I was so nngry at what I hud
seen that 1 could not hold my camera
steady enough to take a Jlme oxposuro.
"We havo names and accurate re
ports of 32 villages whore murder and
tiro havo been used. Ono village has
had us many as 146 inhabllniits killed.
Houses havo boon burned with womon
and children In thorn. At Soniintiing
14 wero stood up in front of n large
grave, then shot and their bodies de
stroyed with burning wood and oil.
This is typical."
Concentrated Heat Penetratei
Instantly and Brings Quick
est Relief Known
Rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis,
backache, stiff neck, sore muscles,
strains, aching joints. When you are
suffering so you can hardly get around,
just try "Red Pepper Rub" and you
will have the quickest relief known.
Nothing has such concentrated, pene
trating heat as red peppers. Instant
relief. Just as soon as you apply Red
Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat.
In three minutes, it warms the sore
spot through and through. Frees tho
blood circulation, breaks up the con
gestionand pain is gone.
Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from
red peppers, costs little at any drug
store. Get a jar at once. Almost in
stant relief awaits you. Use it for
colds in chest. No matter what you
have used for pain or congestion, don't
fail to try Red Pepper Rub,
J5 B"? ss smssmwiS5Wswssssss a
Rub Backache Awaij.
Back hurt you? Can't straighten
up without feeling sudden pains, sharp
aches and twinges? Now listen!
That's lumbago, sciatica or maybe
from a strain, and you'll get blessed
relief the moment you rub your back
with soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs
Oil." Nothing else takes out sore
ness, lameness and stiffness so quickly.
.You simply rub it on and out comes
. ft jH$
When parents let their boys spend money foolishly they do
the boys HARM instead of good. When a father and mother
COMPEL, if must be, their boys to bank a part of the money
they earn, they start them on the road to SUCCESS, reliability
and independence.
And maybe tho parents will some day NEED their boys'
Start YOUR boys to banking their money today. Some
day soon lliey will thank you.
We invite Y.OUR Banking Business.
Jackson County Bank
Established 1888
Member Federal Reserve .
Rendered In a Quiet Dignified manner at
Your loved ono is taken Into the Home whoro there Is always)
some one with them. Our Residence Is on the Second Floor.
We are Licensed Enihalmors and are prepared to make shipment
to any part of tho United Statos or Foreign Countries. Wo will
take comfilcto charge of any Service und make all arrangements.
Lady Assistant. Phone 47.
Corner of Sixth and Onkdiilo, One block west of Postofflce,
II llnvn decided to be rom Tort able in future. Just ns III
! much all- from outside as wanted and no more.
l , ilusl as Hindi warmth from Insldo as needed and
l no more. Always n clear vision in all directions l
l safe lo drive anywhere. ' III
l Ford closed cars are capah'e of going wherever
E Inuring cars can ho driven. All the sturdy depend-
! iihl lly and economy of the Ford Clinssis and engine,
anil nil tho beauty und com fort of an electric, at u
I price you cannot resist.
j "ICveiy Oregon Driver should Own a Sedan."
Cor. Sixth and Pacific Highway l
Bring Your Old Rags to This Office
OC pound
the pain. It is perfectly harmless and
doesn't burn or discolor tho skin.
Limber up! Don't suffer! Get a
small trial bottle from any drug store,
and after using it just once, you'll
foipret that you ever had backache,
lumbago or sciatica, because your back
will never hurt or cause any more
misery. Tt never disappoints and has
been recommended for GO years. ,
nf QT