SrEPrOKD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, " JANUARY ' 15, 1921' .5 ; I r ii t I i i ! i ill ? Medford Mail Tribune! A NEW DRIVE FOR PEACE. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY Ri THE U EDFORD PRINTI NO CO. Office Mall Tribune Building, I5-27-S0 jNorta Kir street, i'fione 7b. A consolidation of the Democratic rimes, Tfc Medford Mull, the Medford Tribune, Tho Houttiern Oregon Ian, The Ashland Tribune , The Medford Sunday Sun Is furolehe pubecrlbers desiring a seven day dally newspaper. ROBERT W. TUT HI Editor. SUMPTER S. SMITH, Manager. BTB8CBIPTX0N TEBMIt BY MAIL IN ADVANCE: Dally, with Sunday Hun, year 7.R0 Daily, vnn tsunuay wun, monin . Dnllv. without Ktindav Sun. vecr.. 6.51 Tally. without Sunday Sun, month .65 Weekly Mali Tribuno, ouo year..- 2.00 ' Sunday Sun, ontj year 2.00 BY CARRIER In Medford. Ashland, Jacksonville, Central Point Phoenix Dallv. with Sundav Sun. month .7 Daily, without Hundoy Hun, month .65 ml v. without Sundav Sun. year.. 7.( Dallv. with Sundav Sun. one year 8.5 All terms by carrier cush In advanco, Official paper of the City of Medford. uiriciai paper or jacKson uouniy. Entered as second-class matter Medford. Oregon, under the act of March I, 1870. 7 worn dallv average circulation for Six months ending April, 1020 1042 MEMBERS OF Tnrv ASSOCIATED i PRESS. The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of 11 news dispatches credited to It, or not otherwise credltod In this paper, and also toe local news published herein.. All rights of republication of special fliepaicnes herein art aiao rasnrvea. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Terry A bill lins boon Introduced In the legislatures providing for the "develop ment of Oregon possibilities," but wluit In needed Is a bill providing for tho extermination of Oregon impossi bilities. Tho Antl-Snloon league reports dericlt In snlnrles for 1920, and they put up a valiant fight nguinst some thing that does not exist. There are almost as many officers In tho league as thoro used to bo giunillls, and none pf 'om ever miss a payday. GOSPEL A LA TIN LIZZIE (Roseburg News-Review) Baptist night Friday ovening nt tho tabernacle. All Unptlsts aro requested to moot at tho church at 7 ). m. and march in a body to tho big tabernacle. If you cannot walk let us know and wo will Bond a Tin Lizzie aflor you. Como with ub and God will bloss you. J. II. Dickson. Citizens will soon bo getting black hand lotions from tho sheriff ordering thorn to go over to Ulrlchville, and dccoriito tho mahogany in tho treasur er's office. Tho coughing np will com monco about Mch. 1. "Hall! Hail! Tho Clenllo Rain Is Falllngf' (From musical program). This is a fair samplo of yelling tor one thing, and getting another. ' Earthquakes nro occurring In Cali fornia. This Is contrary to tho treaty with, Nature, agreeing to stage no per formances during tho tourist ttcasou. A SOCIAL CASUALTY i (Yreka, Cal., News) All tinexcctcd pleasure was given Allss Amelia Ihiscmnn on Wednesday evening of last week when she wns tho victim of a sur prise party which was planned by Jllss Jesslo Tebbo. Fred Chainplln was np from Fonts Crick Fri. his clawhammer coat. Tho clawlmimnor coat was largely used among tho ancient Crooks and has no poor In concealing tho truo status of the seat of tho ncthor Joans. N: yt TIIK t'lissediioKS of war, lint the cost of it, is tlie Jcteniiiiiiii factor today. There is cnoucli cusseilness flyinc around loose to slaf-'o a war, in every niche and corner of this tcrrcstial orb; but there is no money l'iying around to meet the monthly pay roll. Therefore, we have tho senate reducing the army a second time, and .the house committee Approving a disarmament conference by unanimous vote. The white robed dove of peace has soared down from the rainbow clouds of peace built upon emotion to a peace built upon dollars and cents. . We have a strong suspicion (he hitler foundation is more stable I ntil tin; nations of Ihc world cease to be competing nations, talk about universal pence, and the end of war is idle talk. But as long as the world's treasure chests arc as depicted as they are today, talk hooiil ois.ii inaiiieni ami grautiai reduction oi tne cosls ol war prepa lation, is not idle talk at all, but talk that is pertinent, and likely to amount to something. Jn lact, most evils have been destroyed by economic, ralhcr than by ethical forces. The moral revolt lias been the more spectacular perhaps, but without an economic- basis, the crusaders have had little more satislaction than the paciiists have today The anti-slavery movement started shortly after the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Koek. It never attained effective proportions until slavery was dem onstrated to lie economically impossible. So it has been since ilw Norman conquest, and probably before. J his doesn t mean the idealist and the evangelist have no func tion to perform. They have. But they are the advance agents, so to speak, they prepare the way; they never, or almost never put on the performance. The opponents of an immigration embargo declare that such a law would have kept out President Wilson's mother, t'.nd Charles R Hughes' grandfather. Good argument perhaps, but r-oor politics. All the Ik'publieans will vote for it on the first conn!, and all the Demo crats on the second. .;, Opposition to a service men's compensation net is developing among the members of the Legion.' This calls for serious considera tion. Whatever law is passed, it should be so drawn as to allow com pensation only to those who want it. The legislature adjourns on Thursday to listen lo the Governor's special message oil Monday. Can our chief executive's literary ef forts be ns taxing as all that? 1 I roes' THE HOBO. TIIKIJK came a hobo to my door, as closed the winter day; he said his poor old feet were spre, he'd walked a weary way, and he would like a place to snore, a chance lo hit the hay.: I fed him victuals by the pail, his urgent need in mind; when he was filled ho told a tale of fortunes most unkind; he said he'd like to earn some kale, if ho a job could find. I said. "You've reached my bumble den, I bid you linger here, and you may earn somo iron men to round out your career; I need a man to herd my hen I'll hire you by the year." And all the night I lay awake tip building pleasant plans; one homeless wanderer I'd take from ranks of also rans, and smooth the road-of one poor Jako to whom Fate tied her cans. And in the morning, at his door I rapped and cried, "Arise! The table groans 'ueath grub galore, comprising prunes and pics; don't keep us waiting any more you'll hustle if you're wise." But none responded lo my call; the bo had wan dered thence; when shades of night enshrouded all, he jumped my residence, and he had swiped my basket ball, the clothesline and the fence. Oh, most of us right gladly would relieve some hu man woe; but most of us at times have stood for things like this, you know, and if we tire of doing good, it's not surprising, bo! CHILD FEEDING FUND PASSES $500 MARK Although the Mail Tribune campaign for aid to the starving children cf Central Europe, through the Hoover organization, closed at noon today, the total sum collected will not be known before the first of next week, for con tributions are coming in by every mail. Today, however, the . iial a.v;ed the $500 mark, far in excess of our ex pectations and we hereby thank the contributors, and congratulate them upon the fine spirit they have shown and the high service they have ren dered. Whit pleases us particularly about the success of this "drive" of only six days is its voluntary character. We were not solicited to start this fund no one was solicited to contribute to It. Everyone gave because they wanted to give, and for no other reason. More money has been collected in the past, more money could have been collected this time, but we maintain no "better" money has ever been col lected here, or for a better cause. By "better" we mean the feeling behind the contributions for which the money is but a symbol. Contributions were received from young and old, from rich and poor, and each and every contribution was given with a "will." Many contributions represented a real sacrifice, which according to excellent authority makes them more blessed. And all of them were given, we repeat, in the finest possible spirit of disinterested and unselfish service. " So Medford and Jackson county doeo its part, as we were certain they would. There were those who maintained, no drive could be put over, no matter how worthy, particularly for the relief of suffering far from home. We were aware of the general reaction from "war drives" but we felt that the people of this community would be as responsive to a real appeal for help ' from those less fortunate than themselves, as the people of any other com munity. The result of this campaign certainly justifies that faith. Although the campaign is closed, and the publicity over, there are un doubtedly many who wish to contribute to this fund and have not done so. They can forward their contributions to Robert Smith, state chairman, Title and Trust company, Portland, or they can forward them to this office, they ' will be sent to the state chairman and public acknowledgment given. The list of contributions to date, In addition to those previously acknow ledged, follows: - ' Previously acknowledged $412.35 mora. Da Orchards 30.00 John C. Mann 50.00 Frank .7. Hel'elc ' 2.00 Miss Amelia Ilartman 1.50 Miss Antonia Miller 1.50 Colony Club 40.00 Mrs. F. E. Upton, Central Point 10.00 W. 13. Scott 1.00 T. A. Flfer ., 5.00 Anonymous , 2.00 O. A. M , 10.00 H. G. Coleman, Phoenix 10.00 ,T. O., Talent 2.50 Bertha Williams 10.00 II. S. Aikins 5.00 Total , .'. $592.f CHILD FEEDING FUND ; . ii Mail Tribune, Medford, Oregon. . . . ------ .; Enclosed please find $ , as a contribution to Jackson County's quota for aid to the starving children of Europe, it being understood that the full amount be devoted to that pur pose and forwarded to state, headquarters. Signed Address EACH TEN DOLLARS SAVES A CHILD'S LIFE V a, &4t -nmd. voJuuSU j , It is part of our bank's Tiusrness to aid everyone in this com munity by showing" them the necessity of having money in our bank. 1 ' ' You MUST bank regularly a part of what you earn if you ever get ahead and ever amount to anything. Money is the measmie of SUCCESS in any business or pro fession. Give yourstJf .' a full measure of success. It is your EIGHT to yourself .and. your DUTY to your family. ,; We invite YOUR Banking Business. Jackson County Bank ! Established 1888 ' ' v - I Member Federal Reserve How Much Do You Know? Klamath Stands Back of Seimens Tho Illinois woman who la Htnrvlni? liorsnlf In onlur to nmku bur huHhnud go to church, has now enlarged her plan to tako in nil mankind. .Judging by the way somo of the lcKlulntoru at Salem nro aethiK, Ih should bo permanently located there. NOW TIED UP ELSEWHERE (Salem Capital Journal) Willis Free, a former resident of Liberty, Is visiting her. I.enino, leader of the IlolshoviKI died Thursday nt PetmKiail ut tho bauds ol u No. 10 I'nderwood typewriter. A Rood lookliiK schnolmarm from North Calif, was In the burg Friday, and left the impression that sho did not know It. Two pimlllsts last nishl !;-. ,'e'.v York battled for ' devastated France." One got $-10,000 ami the other $0.0H0. They inado sura that what happened to France will not happen to them. Phil Ilenln returned Wednesday evening from Portland whom he spent tho foro part of the week. (ICimonc Guard). Mr. HeKln meet .Mr. lOnders of Ashland. The First Suite and Savings bank has not failed, and wo do not believe It will Tall. Tho Tact that the doors were closed today does not mean that they will not reopen. Neither does It mean that tho depositors will lose a cent. This Is tho opinion of the slate hank examiner, and of every banker In tho city. It is tho belief of every business man who has given tho situa tion I he consideration Us importance deserves. The natural ipiestlon is: If the bank Is solvent: If the depositors will not lose; If the Institution is to re open, then why did it close? Hack of tho cIosIiir lies a lent;, long story. Its telling at this time Is neith er opportune nor necessary. Hut it does not Involve any men connected with tho First State and Savings bank in uny misconduct In the management of its affairs. The dominating figure In tho bank was Captain Siemens. Itlsing from obscurity to the very pin nacle of success solely by Ills own ef forts, ho made the bank ono of tbu big financial Inslltiillons of the state. In his rise ho left no mangled remains nt tho bottom of tho laddor. Rather tlicl ho shove ahead of him and pull' up with li i tn scores of citizens of this county who would otherwise havo dis appeared from tho affairs of this com munity. That Is why you will find scattered throughout tho county scores of men and women whoso sentiments are summed up In tho statement of ouo of the biggest depositors: "I would rather go down to failure standing side by side with Cnptain Sie mens, than to rise to famo by contrib uting ono iota to tho hardships now confronting him." It Is this confidence In the man that Is going to put tho First State and Savings bank back In its old 'place as one of tho sound financial Institu tions of tho state Klamath Fnlls Herald. 1 How many bones are there In the iirm ? 2 When a musclo acts does it ex pand or contract? 3 How aro tho different colors pro duced in fireworks? 4 Who wrote "The Fall of the House of Usher?" 5 How did Samuel L. Clemens come to take the tltlo of "Mark Twain"? C When and whero was the Y. M. C. A. organized? 7 Who wcro the Dominlclans? 8 What city in India is ontered by metaled roads through 13 gates? 9 What is tho largest state east of tho Mississippi river? 10 What is the yearly value of tho fur trado ol Aias:ii? Answers to Yesterday's Questions 1 What is the duty of consuls? Ans. They keep home governments inform ed on all facts relating to tho commer cial interests of the country. They also protect the rights of tho mer chants of the country they represent. 2 Who discovered St. Anthony's falls? Ans. Father Louis Hennepin, a Franciscan oxplorev, discovered the falls. , 3 What is .considered tho most beautiful ruin in tho world? Ans. The Parthenon at AUkhie :s :t::uwn ns tho A Woman's Recommendation Mrs. D. T. Tryor, Franklin Av., Otse- go, O., writes: "Nino years ago 1 was, ...!. nrrn i ...i.i. i.t.i . . vvijr mum uiiiiHtii nun iviuuey iron- ble. I bought different kindH of med icine, but all to no effect, until one day I bought a box of Foley Kidney Pills. I realized so great a benefit from tho use of that box that I feel nafo in recommending Foley Kidney Pills to any kidney" They relieve backache, sore i Ancles, rheu matic pains nnil Mnddod Bli.-hK Sol. I e very whore. . k GRANTS PASS - MEDFORD INTERURBAX AUTOCAR CO. Kffcctlve October Brt LEAVE MKDFORD. ! 10:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. " 4:30 p. m. .. Cars atop at all Intormedla'e points. Office and Waiting Rooms: Modfnrd. 6 South Front, Nash Hotel Bldg. Phone 309." Grants Pass: The Bonbonnler, Phone 160. We also operate stage lino from Medford to Ashland. Phoenix, Talent, Central' Point, Jacksonville. Dally and Snnday. LEAVK G HANTS TASS. 10:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m. Licensed CITY SCAVENGER All refuse immediately removed on short notice. Weekly visit In reni- deneo districts. Daily business dis trict. Vhono 895. WHIT8KTT & JliNXIXGS. The Medford Auto Paint Shop (Registered) ', General Moior Car Itcfinlshing . Central & Jackson. Phono 71)7 world's most beautiful ruin! 4 What was the "Children's Cru sade"? Ans. It was one of the strang est happenings in history. In 1212 nn army of 30,000 French children headed by a peasant boy set out for the Holy land. Two armies of German children of 20,000 each also started. The ma jority of the crusaders either perished or were sold into slavery. 6 What did Columbus say of Cuba? Ans. He said it was the most beautiful land that eyes ever beheld. 1 6 What are the five zones of the earth? Ans. The north and south frigid zones, the north and south tem perate zones and the torrid zone. 7 How often are Solar eclipses re peated? Ans. Solar eclipses are re peated almost exactly every 18 years. 8 From what is bay rum made? Ans. It is made by distilling rum In which bay leaves have been boiled. 9 Has any person ever seen both sides of tho moon? Ans. No. The moon always keeps the same side toward tho earth. 10 What animal has moro than I I,- 000 teeth? Ans. The common garden snail has 135 rows of 105 teeth each, making 14,175. I What home? do you heed' most In your 253 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to former owners of city property that, if they desire to redeem lots taken over by the City they should at once make written application to the undersigned, at her office in the City Hall. MARY A. HASWELL. City Treasurer.. COAL! COAL! COAL! EOSSEAU COAL CO. P , ' $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 per ton delivered. Orders taken , at 25 W. Main. Phone 934 aaH aMMB 9w5n r GOOD CLOTHES 1 Make Them KLEIN i;,s fcmt Man ,Sf 1HR TAIIiOR YOU CAN GET MOST ANY OLD THING AT MOST ANY OLD TIME AT DE VOE'S :i;. 4U .- 1 REFINED SERVICE at. a saving We are in a position to give., the lowest., possible rates obtainable. Every item of modern fun eral service is given oui most careful attention. aiso the assistance of a Licensed Lady Embalmer without extra charge Weeks -Conger Co. T ? T i f Y ? t i X ? T T t ? T f ? ? i i - : -S f i a Make Your Home t a Place to Be Proud of It doesn't make so much difference what kind of a dwelling or building j-ou live in, you'll find itit bright, cheery and comfy look ing if it is wired for. c - . Electric Lighting, Cooking and Heating It will add warmth and. hospitality to j-our rooms. They will make your home the kind of a place you liavc always wanted. Call up your electrical contractor and have your home wired now. California -Oregon Power Company Phone 168. 216 West Main Street, Medford, Ore 4 f I X ; V 1 - i i t. t v. .