V r-KOTE FOUI? "JfEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD 'OTIECIONV SATURDAY; JANTTARY 8, 1921 Medford Mail Tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED KVKRY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY BY THIS r MEDFORD PRINTING -CO. Office Mull Tribune Building. -17-l mono f ir street, rnone yd. consolidation of the Democratic Tlmee, Th: Medford Mall, the Medlord Tribune, The Southern Oregonian, The The Medford Sunday Sun ! furnished subscribers desiring a, seven day dally newspaper. ROBERT W. RUHL, Editor. BUM PTE R 8. SMITH, Manager. SUBSCBIYTXOZf TUBUS t 9TT MATT IN A MVANOE: Daily, with Sunday Sun. year .$7.60 gaily, with Sunday Sun, month .75 ally, without Sunday Sun, year.. 8.50 uany, wiinoui rciinuay nun, monin .wo Weekly Mall Tribune, one year. 2.00 Sunday Sun. one year 2.00 BY CARRIER In Medford, Ashland, Jacksonville. Central Point Phoenix: Dally, with Sunday Sun, month 76 Daily, without Sunday Sun, month .65 Daily, without Sunday Sun, yenr 7.50 Daily, with Sunday Sun. one year 8.60 ' All terms by carrier cash in advance. Official paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jackson County. Bntered as second-class matter at Medford, Oregon, under the act of March ft. 1678. worn dally average circulation for six months ending April. 1920 1042 $10 TO SAVE A CHILD'S LJFE. AT TflI ca n (! ; MEMBERS OF THPj ASSOCIATED . PRI5SS. The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of ail news dispatches crmmeo to , or noi ?t her wine credited In this paper, and also be local news published herein. - AH rights of republication of special sjispatcnes herein are aiao reserveo. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry , Tho roads lo JackBonvllle uro pack eil and Jimmied with a BtruKKlIng iiiuhh of Immunity, heroically buttling for chance to pay unnecessary laxcn, Im posed upon them by a cruel and tyran nlcal government. '"DEAD MAN ACTIVK IN CIVIC AFFAIRS (Klamath Herald.) The uilllonium is here. A number of solons who will journey to Salom for the blonnlul discussion of tho llofruo river fish bill, hare come out UKiiliiBt tho bonus for war vnipriins which Is In strict nccordunce with their pre-election declarations "that Nothing was too good for the boys." ' MARVELOUS ACROBATIC FEAT, AT A COUNTRY SHINDIG (Yreka, Cat., News) Konneth llrowor of Tccnor at tending the New Year's ball in Dorrls. Ho Is small of stature, but he played a mu'a part In the entertainment. Ho glenned Mt. llobron of tho handsomest young lady tho io and showed a keen eye ' for beauty by bringing the fineHt looking to be found In Macdoel. His chest was In his way on the floor but ho managed to do a dance around It nil night and carry . It homo with him the next morii lilng. . i'ro'Bldont Harding has been ordain ed a 32nd degree Mason, and tho dis patch did not stnto whother Hons Pen rose approved or disapproved, prob libly tltt former. T TUB CLOSE of the recent holiday season, thousands of 'Ameri- hildi'un required the. attention of physicians, because they had eaten too much. At the close of the holiday season in Central and Eastern Europe thousands of Polish, IIuiiK.'irian and Slovak children required the at tention of physicians, because they had nothing to eat at all. These sharply contrasted statements arc supported by official sta tistics, the first from an American medical journal the second from the European Relief council. But there were no physicians to cure the ailing children of En rope. No physicians can cure 'them. Their only cure is food, and the only country capable of supplying this food is the United States, The resources of the American relief were exhausted the first of. the year. Early in November Herbert Hoover issued an appeal for con tributioiiH to a fund of $211,000,000 to save these -three and a half million children from death by starvation. In many parts of this country, and many parts of this state, the response was immediate and generous; but for some, reason, not clearly explained- nothing has been done in Medford and Jackson county. We cau't believe that the people of this community wish to be left out of this ureut humanitarian .movement entirely. We believe there, are hundreds of people, who if they knew where the money should be sent, would be f;lad to contribute to such a worthy and appealing cause. In lieu of any local organization or any individual 'willing to take the responsibility of leadership, The Mail-Tribune has decided to start a Jackson County fund with a contribution of $10, and provide a medium through which other contributions may T)e made. From day to day a donation blank will be printed in this paper, until a fund is secured, or until it is finally demonstrated that no fund can be secured. There will be no limit to these amounts,- they may be as small or as large as the donor desires. The blanks may be signed or anonymous. Our only interest in this movement is to see that this community does something to avert the greatest tragedy of modern history, the death of millions of helpless children. nil. - . 1 .. i . i t , ... .... me peopie are urea ot war drives, and with reason. Tlicy arc tired of requests for money. But this is not a war drive; it is not in the ordinary sense a drive for funds. It is essentially a drive for life against death, during a supreme crisis in the world's history. And finally it is a drive for children. It makes no difference to what race they belong. Children are1 not racial." They are not nation".!. Thev are merel v children Ami today they arc unclothed and unfed, millions of them. The small sum of $10 will provide tins coat and boots and stockings and one meal n day for one child this ,wuitcr. Not r square meal, not what most children would consider a clecent meal, but enough nourishment to keep body and soul together Is it necessary to compose a sob Sjtory with all tho tremelo stops out, to impress upon anyone, the reality of the emergency that exists, and the genuineness of the obligation upon every well-to-do. well-fed and well-clothod American? We think not. Herbert Hoover is spon sor for it. Every charitable organization in tho country is behind it. llic tied Cross, Y. AV. C. A Y. M. C. A., and Knights of Columbus all endorse it. We believe all that the people of Jacltsoii County need is to know the faets and know what they have to do to help;' A large sum from1 this community is not expected. All that is expected is -something, from o very individual who is willing rtnd ablo to give to children, who arc starving, whoever they are, wherever they are. Thin paper is merely affording theui, through its columns the opportunity' and the privilege. How Much Do You Know? If Mho farmors put Into effect the Kansas plan to starvo out the country by raising no crops, thoy should be warned to be prepared for a long run, whllo citizens are taking up tho slack In tholr boltB. 'Reformers wago no war on tobacco chewers, becuuxo It probably catches Homo of tho prominent oppniiunts or he.clgurotto. Noil pllhto, non quid. "Kuropo faces her economic prob lems In fear," says Lloyd George, which Is ono way to say that Huropo does not want to go to work. Ono of the beat counter. Irrltuuts known Is potiiHslum of Arbuckles, wado and propurcd In beimery laboratories. NEED SYSTEM IN MARKETING (Albany Democrat) Crabtrco, Jan. .6. Leap year has passed by onco mora and not a single marriage In the neighbor hood despite tho vxlstenco of a choice lot of bachelors and widow ers waiting to bo taken. Owing to tho scarcity of old mnidn anil Widows around Crabtreo, cllglhles nrn depending on outxldo domund tor our surplus. Secretary of War Nooty linker does iwit favor tho publication of the list of draft dodgers,. Tills would lie too bad, and indicates Koot w ill snivel to tho finish. Aesthetic dancing la urged for young girls by the Women's club of America, and will be used by tho girls as an excuse for not washing the fam ily dishes. ,'lf .they do discover oil In the valley, 0 number of local citizens w ill nover be ablo to llvo through It. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money -' Cut out this slip, enclose with 6c and mall It to Foley & Co.. 2835 Shef field Ave., Chicago, HI., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package con taining Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Tills for pains in sides And back; rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, it wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation, biliousness, head aches, and sluggish bowels. Sold CHILD FEEDING FUND Mail Tribune, Medford, Oregon, . Enclosed please find "$.!:..'. ... as a contribution to Jackson County's quota for aid to the starving children of Europe, it being understood that the full amount be devoted to that pur pose and forwarded to state headquarters. , Signed Address EACH TEN DOLLARS SAVES A CHILD'S LIFE Wk RipplingRhymbs$P g Walt fing NIGHT COMETH. THIS .NIGHT is coining on apace, when I shall quit the road, and seek my final resting place, my daisy -strewn abode; and so the little ills of life don't, fret my ancient heart; night coineth. with the end of strife, iiiid every sting and smart. It isn't worth my while to weep or sing a doleful tune; for all life's troubles cud in sleep, and sleep's the greatest boon. It isn't worth my while to hate the man who does me wrong; far better keep my smile on straight, and chirp my cheer-up song. It isn't worth my while to swat the man who punches me; far better keep my timbrel hot beneath the sunset tree. My autumn day will quickly puss, the sun's low down the sky. and stormy passions cut no grass when it is time to die. And hates ami grudges look so cheap when night is drawing on., and it is time to think of sleep, of dark without a dawn. I haven't time to mope and brood o'er some small passing woe. and in a glad ami cheerful mood I watch the bright days go. Why taste the wormwood when the prune are wholesome, weet and cheap! The night is coining on el't soons, when I lie down to sleep. SYMPATHETIC SKHVIC Kendorod In a Qulot Dignified manner at THE PERL FUNERAL HOME- Tour loved ono Is taken Into the Homo wher' there It alwayi aome one with thorn. Our Kesldonce Is on tho Second Floor. We are Licensed Kmbalmera and are prepared to make shipment to any part of the United Statos or Foreign Countries. We win tako complote charge ot any gorvico and niaJte all arrangement!. Idy AMfetant. Phone 47. Corner of Sixth and Oakdnlo. Ono block went of Pottofflon. 1. Whnt are the bronchial tubes? . WlUch .cereal feeds the mo:it human, holng3? 3. "What is "vegetable parch ment?" A How did Kir Arthur Welleslcy come to be the Duko of Wellington? . 5. When and where was Jeffer- op Davis captured? r , G. What is Les Hallea and where Ib it? 7. What -is the homo of the true Negro race? S. What Is the meaning of the name ' Jlenjamfn ? 9. What '"caused Napoleon's ' de feat at Waterloo? 10. What is-the value of a pins tor? Answers to yesterday's questions: r 1. -When was the first battle fought in America between EngltHli speaking men? Ans. Jt was fought in. 1655 between sympathizers of two English parties which were at war lit England. ' ' ' ;' ' .' 'What is an -abacus? 'Ans.:'lt la the counting mitchlno of the Chi nese. :- -. ........ 3. What was the largest adding machine over built? Ans. It had a. capacity of forty oolunins or within ono ''unit 'of, duodeelllion. The num ber Is too prodigious for the nlind of man to grasp. ' ' 4. Why was' William F. Cody called "Buffalo .Bill?" ' Ans. Because he killed 4,000 buffaloes on the plains in -38 months to feed laborers en gaged in the construction of the Kan sas Pacific railroad. 5. Whnt use is made of cotton seed and stalks? Ans.' Pulp is made from the stalks from which the finest wrltlnfc paper is made Cotton seed oil and cakes are' mado from the soe.d. - - ' i 0. How many souni'c miles of coal fields hus tho United States' Ans. Coal fields in the United States cover about 211,345 square miles. .7. When did -common ' matches first come Into genernt use. ' Ans. Matches came Into general use about 1834. . . . 8. How often does a moose shed Its horns? Ans. Mouse shed their horns each year In Deoember. They sprout auuln irt April and are fully lornieu in junc. Jt is remarkable lo think that the Iiuro hrtrns are shed annually and produced unain in so short a time.1 : i IU For whnt was India, rubber -first used? Ans. It was first used to rub out marks made by blue lead on whllo puper. 10. How lone has lnicatlon been practiced? Ans. In Euviit ii-i-lim. tlon was practiced about .2,000. iJ'cars W-'iUlU VIII'ISI, 31 dMSOFffl) CROSS' HUDAPEST, Hungary, Jan. 4. A train, of. 31. carloads of American Red Cross supplies valued at $100,000, ar rived here today from Paris for distri bution among the hospitals and desti tute children. BRUISES-SPRAINS f Alternate applications hot and cold clothn then apply V VARORUB . Ovct 1 7 Million Jan-Uxd Yearly RHEUMATISM Is one of the most painful and dangerous ailments. At times it causes total disabil ity and even deformity. ANTI-URIC Has proved to be the master of rheumatism in all forms. Money refunded if' you are not pleased with results. ' -. r For sale by . ti HEATH'S DRUG STORE REASONS WHY You Should Huve Your Income Tax Jtelui-ns prepared by an ex pert .income tax accountant. No. I Au exact knowledge of accounting. , , No. 2 v An exact knowledge of Income tax, war profits and ex cess profits. - y No. 3. An exact knowledge of nil deductions and exemptions. The Benefit which you may derive from the services of our Income ,Tnx Specialist is incalculable. DO IT NOW WILSON AUDITING CO. , , . . 1-ilherty Uldg. , k. m. wiihoii .' . C. 1'. A. J. C. Cones ' v. Income Tax KiwiullHt . ; . , GOOD CLOTHES I Stake Them ' KLEIN ran TAILOR 12a Knst Man St. The .-. Medford . " Auto Paintj Shop (Registered) ; ,3eaorl Motor Car Jtofjnbibing .:. N. Central & Jackson. Phone 707 Farmers Attention THE WESTCO Tankless pressure water system is to the homo what wireless telegraphy Is to the commercial world... Maximum pressure all the time, without the in cumbrance of a tank.. Besides all other features. It has only one (1) moving part, needs no oil and lasts a life, time, ,v v- . 'j-.j n j i ' See this wonderful tankless pressure system now., ,.(.. -i ... x . Modern Plumbing I & Heating Go. Sparta Bldg. i i Phone 60 j YOU CAN GET MOST ANY OLD THING ' AT MOST ANY OLD TIME AT DE VOE'S CORONA Persona! Typewriter Told It up, take It with you. . type write anyw-h ere. I 50.00, Including l carrying case. MEDFORD BOOK STORE -Distributors .for Po. Oreson. nighcst Quality Jowclry Repairing, Diamond Setting, Watch Repairing. Satisfaction Assured In Quality and price. . Mall us your wants, MARTIN J. REDDY YOU CAN GET THAT JOB i And HOLD it better If you Jwre a HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE So that you enn GO See the list of used motors at the shop of - - GAYLOED East Payments ure f Medford Nat. . - Phone lS8-jn TREE TANGLEFOOT AIDS IN CONTROLLING BLIG HT iii Recommended by Prof. PY Ci Keimcr, and Prof. C. C. Cute and leading prcjiardists, .P,lace ypur order before January 1, 1321 . .and .save monry. .. '.. ...Phono 932 'Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange GRANTS PASS - MEDFORD INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. ICffoetlTo October S3 Dally and Sunday. LEAVE GRANTS PASS. 10:00 a. m. - 1:00 p. m. 4:80 p. m. LEAVE MEDFORD. 10:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m. t. Cars atop at all Intermediate points. Office and Waiting Rooms: Hodford, 6 South Front, Nash Hotel Bldg. Thone 309. Grant Pass: The Bonbonnler, Phone 160. We also operate atage Uses from Medford to Ashland. Phoenix. Talont, Central Polrt, Jackaonrllle. ,x" ' General Pershing began to be a general when he was a small boy. He played soldier. . .-.,. 5 Then ho became lieutenant, captain, and general, by always WORKING to that end. If you want to be a captain of INDUSTRY, you must be in dustrious and BANK REGULARLY a part of your earnings . and not be tempted to make foolish investments. .. . We invite YOUR Banking Business. Jackson County Bank i. .. .... -'. Established 1888 ., " Member Federal Reserve PHONE 201 -W C. F. CARPOTER, MGR. ROGUE RIVER POULTRY FARM BREEDERS OF HIGH PRODUCING S, tj. WHITE LEGHORNS For Snlo: HA BY CHIX . HnlehlnR kkh ( 8-Wcck Old Pullets ' Agents for ttho Kresky Force VonUlatin Oil Burning Brood- er Stove. Tho BEST . Stovo Cntaloguu Free. Jacksonville . . . 4toad. ,. , . .. j Our 10,000-Egg EliECTRIO HATCHERY Will liatell STRONGER CHIX. ; l'erfeet temiicrature coutrol, do oil fumes, no soot. Your liiltuli GUARANTEED. SU11- booklnK Orders. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to former owners of city property that if they desire to redeem lots taken over by the City they should at once make written application to the undersigned, at her office in the City, Hall. MARY A. HASWELL, " ! . City Treasurer. glove! We are cutting the prices on out complete stock ' of Auto Driving Gloves to the .quick : s Busy Corner Motor Co. The Store Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty here. i.