Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 07, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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f 13,009,000 1LE
1 V,V Mb' '
WASJHIXOTOX,- Jan. ?, l-leatinsrs
on thc national forestry program :liin
which calls for the expenditure of
$11,000,000 a year fur the protection
and development of forests, were set
out today before tho- ptib-rominlttee
on appropriations of which Renresen
'tative AudVrson is chairman. '
' Newspaper publishers, paper manu
facturers, lumber mon. ' timber Umd
owners,, wood using indu-siries, ' the
United States forest 'service and .the
Anterican Forestry association .'were
One million dollars a year for co
operating with the. states in protont-
' Ing- the forestH from fire and 10.000,
. 000 a year for obtaining additional
forest land for the' government, is
. being asked ns a forward step In the
ohdeavor to obtain sufficient lumber
and paper pulp for, future needs.
f : Importance of 'the proposed legis
lation to the industries of the country
cannot be over-estimated, according
to R. S. Kellogg, chairman of the na
tional -forest program committee,
made up of(men representing' many
industries. - '
"This is a paper ago' and fn tho
United States, nt least, a newspaper
age," said Chairman Kellogg, who is
also secretary of tho News Print Ser
vice bureau. "From an annual con
scription ..of. -three pounds of; - news
print paper per capita, in 1880, wo
have gone 16-115 pounds in 1 920... The
. niews )rint paper produced in the
United States and Canada ', this year
ii put 'in the form of a standard roll
73. inches wide, su:hus is used by
tnariy of the largo newspapers, would
unwind 13,000,000 miles."
jj "Unlike our other basic' raw ninto
rjalu, sanh ns -coal, mil and nietuls,
timber, need trot he mined and. ex
hausted anil sb(iu!d bo harvested mid
reproduced like other products "of the
soil." , ', ' - '- :
? :'-:. .'
So much interest In'havfng a regular
nild-week meeting by tho Phoenix
church lias developed in the special
iyeek , of ' prayer services this week,
tbnt such a meeting,, will bo started
next ! week, to meet every Thursday
evening at 7:30- until further .notice.
Full.announcoment of . this and other
plans will be given on Sunday pioru
lag from the pulpit. '
fj Special music and sermons at both
Services on Sunday, Jan. 10. All hear
tily welcome. . Communion at the close
pf the morning service.
Next week, or on Monday, Jan. 1
Rev. W. L. Van Niyys of Portland will
foe in. Phoenix for a day-time and even
ing' Sunday .school conference with of
ficers and teachers and all interested
til the Sunday school and its work for
bur, children:
i . On New Year's eve'many gathered
pt, Clyde hall for supper and spent the
pVening most enjoyubly, closing -at
midnight with a brief "watch night"
service, j" : ' ''.-' '' ,
i ', ' ' , Livestock.
PORTLAXD,:.. Jan. i .7c-.Cattlo
Bteady; no receipts. Quotations un
changed. . v
iHogs steady; receipts 103. ' Quo
tations unchanged. ' . .;
1 1 -Sheep steady ; receipts f?5"' Quota
tion unchanged. '
-v-:-1 :. ::v - - -A
-.i PORTLAND; Ore.,vJan.' 7. 'Butter-
fdur 'cehts lower." Extra cubes
America' Gets Concession!
From Soviet Government
Washington .vanoernp, ih? mr
: Urn! Mining Eelneer who--lias et
the orld agog by getti&e coocesslona
. from the Soviet Government at Mos
cow covering 400.000 tquaro miles In
S-berla. containing valuable mlnea
and oil well3. Pfcotogrphed at
Carlton Hotel, London, Just befor
(ailing for America.
Copyright TS2Q, by Tks International Syndicate .
Oiling System Derangements.
Glance At Thi Oil Pressure Indicator Every Few Minutes
0yLIDER OIL especially it of poor -Quality and unable to resist tin. ..
effect of beat in a normal manner, produces by decomposition, a solid
residue or "sludge" which la likely to collect in the strainer to sucb
an extent as practically tq .prevent tbe tiow tbrougb It and stoi
lubricatipn. Rather frequeul "cfeaning of the oil strainer thus becomes a
necessary precaution, which every motorist 6bould observe. If .the strainer
is accessiblo and easily removed for cleaniug, there is no great trouble
involved, but care should be taken not to Injuro the fine wire mesb. nc this
would defeat the purpose of the strainer and permit solid matter to enter
tbe oil passages and perhaps obstruct them, with very serious results A
large proportion ot the solid matter present in used oil can be drawn off
with it. If the emptying of tbe system is doue just as soon as tbe euglue Is
stopped after a trip and before settling has occurred, bin the tendency is
tor the sludge to collect in the oil pan or sump, only to be stirred up agam
' when the engine starts, so that It is a good thing occasionally to remove
the pan and free It of deposits, by means of kerosene and a stiff brush. It
is sometimes recommended that, alter spent oil has been drawn olf. kero-.
sene be put in. tfie engine turned over by the starter to circulate the"
kerosene and that the dirty liquid then be drawn off. In following this
procedure It should be realized that au engine with tho circulating-splash
system of lubrication, may hold possibly a quarter of the Iota) liquid
capacity of Its piling system in its splash troughs and that these will not
be emptied when the drain plug in removed, thus leaving a considerable
quantity of dirty kerosene still in the engine, to contaminate tho fresl) ell.
There should be no danger in turning Ilia engine over a tew times, with
the starter, while the drain plug Is still out. In order to get rid of this. A
clogged stralnftr generally causes the oil pressure-gage to give a low indica
tion and any failure upon Its part to show the required oil pressure should
be the signal for stopping the engine. ,
SI'I-JEI) ' , '
R. N. W, asks! Is there any woj
In which a fourth speed could bo
added to the three-speed transmls-'.
'-sion pf my six car? Could
I arrange for a fourth"-gear of say
2V4 to 1 and still retain the present,
direct drive of 4 to 1 ? Could tho
required extra gears be installed la
the present transmission cose? - '
Answer: There ts no way In
which your three speed ' transmis
sion can be converted Into one of
fcur speeds, as' tbe design would
. have -' to be - greatly aliered and
there is no room for the extra gears.
There are -four speed transmissions
in use. having dlrect-drlye on third
and a "geared up" fourth speed,
higher tban the direct-drive and
somewhere near " the ratio you 're
quire, but probably ,-not quite co
high. Possibly -you might - find one
of tbeso that could be- adapted l.o
. i-bur ;car but. we fear, not without
requiring oxnenslve alteration of
your nressnt installation. ft is not
Very likely, howevpr. and :wa fear
that the benefits derived would not
0flon of general 'nterest to mutonsin Kill ba inauerml in Iktt
column, space permitting. If an immediate ansuer is desired, enclose sell
addressed, 'stamned snvelopei' :Add(ess Albert L. Cloiigh, care of our office.
4 3c; parchment wrapped prints, box j
lots -4He; cartons -ao-c; hair -bd ioib
half cent more; less than half box
lots one cent ntorev-w ,r. ,.T4 v-..; -.-Dutterfut
Oc lower. No. 1 churn:
ing cream 40c f. o. b. Portland; un
dergrades 'Ho r. o. i.. roruanu.
. PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. G EgSH low
er. Buying price unchanged at 45c,
Selling price, candled 48(li'50c; -selects
523D4c. ' ' '. i
Hens, light, 23c; heavy ,30 (gi81c lb.;
Siirlngs, light, 28(5 2l)c ; : heavy, 2Ufi
27c; old roosters, .IBq;,. tmkpys, 68 (t
GOc; geese, 40c; ducks, 45c. ' i
' :" . , (3raln and feed
Barley, 3234; oats,'. ? 32.50 ; corn,
No. 3, yellow, $34, Slillrun, $34 035..
Hay ' ' ;
: Buying price, timothy, ?27-2S; al
faira, $20) 21; mixed, S234 clover, $20
22; cheat, $22 23; straw, $13.. ;
CHICAGO, Jan. 7. Estimates that
the exportable surplus wheat In Ar
gentine and Australia would totaj
201,000,000 bushels hai'a bcarish ef
fect today on tho -wheat- market.
Selling was ratjier general. Opening
prices, which ranged from 1 to 2c
lowor with March 51.72. to.$t.72W
and Jlay $1.GG to i:GU4 wer,e fol:
lowed by n materini further Uccline
apd then tiomethlng of a rally. '
Corn reflected the action of wheat.
Aflpr opephig to c Jower, In
cluding (May at 74 to 75c the
market underwent an additional sag
and then recovered somewhat.
Oats were weak with other cereals,
starting . to 3-8c. off, May 4S to
48c and receding, a liitlo more. ".'
In tho provision . market : higher
quotations on hogs failed to huve
more than a temporary influence be
ing soon overbalanced hy the w'c'ak
ncss of grain. : . , 1,
N. Y. Stocks
iXEW YORK, Jan. 7.-Tradlng ex
panded t midday hen 'Mexican Pe
troleum rebounded 'briskly and Van
adium nnd Reploglo Steals joso three
points each. Low priced rails were
unusually active, especially New Ha
ven, SL Paul preferred, Texas nnd
Pacific and Pere Marquette at gains
of o:io to two points. -.
Rails advanced, later the Pacific
division, also Reading, Norfolk 'and
Western nnd Xcw York-Ont,ral gain
ing one in two points. .Mexican Pe-
tioleura nnd 'Intematlonbl . Paper
featured the higher specialties'. The
closing was strong. " s
' Speculative iBgiies were the doinin-,
cut featurc3 of today's active .ntocl.-'
ninrkpt, notably steels und equip-'
meMs. Sales approximated 1,100
000 Bhares. -. . .
NEW YORK., Jan. 7. The Federal
Sugar Refining company today reduc
ed lt:i price to a basis of, .7.75. cents a'
he commensurate . with the outlay
incurred. Hy taking up the miiuer
with some of the transmission man
ufacturers you could find out.
E. II. asks: Wbnt causes auto
mobilo brakes to squeak before they
are worn out. and what Is tho rem
edy? What Is the best way to clean
leather cushions a-nd to keep them
looking welli?
Answer: If the llnlns wears so
that thorivets used to fasten it to
the bund, rub on the brnko drum or
If tho surface of the lining becomes
Kla;:sd over with dirt, squeaking Is
likely , to occur. Countersinking such
rivutsas may be high and cleunlliK
thellnlng surface with gasulno nnd
a stiff brush, is. the remedy. The
use of mild soap otitis and a sponge
will take the dirt from leather up
holstery. Excessive moisture should
then be wiped o(T nnd. nfter the ma
terial Is- perfectly dry. If may bo
gone over lightly with nealsfoot oil
or a prepared leather dressing. Aft
er this Is absorbed, tho surface
should, be, wiped in order to avoid
sniline. -be clothes of passonger?.
pound, the lowest figure slneo the
downward 'movement began in sugur.
Ney York Stork List Western
Allis-Cbalmora ; 33.
American Heet Sugar 40.
American Can -t 2 8
Amr Car ft Foundry..,...; ,.125.
Amr Hide and Leather pfd CO
Amr International Corp 44.
;'Aniorican Locomotive , ...X...,,.,.. 84
Amr Smelting & Rof'g ......;:. 39 '
American Sugar. '...v... '93.
Amr Sumatra Tobacco 7!).
American T, & X 99
American Tobacco Sec 1'
Ameirtfan Woolen , OS
Anaconda' Copper . 38-5
Atchison 84.
At.!,,. Gulf & W. 'Indies 72.
Baldwin Locomotive 90
Baltimore & Ohio 88.
Bethlehem Steel "B" ..,.; ' 58.
Canadian Pacific ,......,...117.
Central Leather 41.
Chandler Motors .. 70.
Chesupeake & Ohio 02
Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul .:. .;, 30
Chicago, R. I. &'IP. 27.
Chlno Coppe'r ........'21.
Colorado Fuel & Iron 29
Corn Products'.;. 09.
Crucible Steel S8.
Ctjba Cano' Siligaiv..,,,...;,,,,., 2i,
Erie I...............::::..:....:...... 14.
General Electric ,...121.
General Motors 15.
Goodrich Co; 42
Great iNorthern -pfd ...:..,..'....;t... 7G.
Great Northorn Ore ctfs 29.
Illinois Central , 88.
Inspiration Copper 35.
Int. Wer. Marine pfd 65.
International Paper 52.
Kennecott Copper 20.
Iouisville & Nashviilo 102
Maxwell Motors 7..,...' 5
Mexican Petroleum 150.
f?eura!gie Pains
bra Vay to Soothing Hamlin'
Wizard OH
.Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a safe,
Jimple and effective trcatmeht for
botn headache and neuralgia.
Rubbed m where the pain is, it cases
(he tortured nerves and almost in
variably brings quick relief. Keep
a supply on band.
Wizard Oil is a pood dependable
preparation to have in the medicine
.chest for first aid when the doctor
may be far away. Its healing, anti
septic, qualities can always be re
lied upon as a preventive against
infection, or other serious results,
from sprains, bruises, cuts burns,
bites and stings. Just as good, too.
for sore feet, stiff neck, frost bites,
old sores and canker sores.
. Ciineroun itteo bouts 3:,!.
it you are- t.-uublrrt with ronottu.-ittnn
IiVi!r J1i'"- , J"' Plooiaat llulo unit '
pills at drugfftata (or 30c.
x ':
M'atnl Copper
Middle (States Oil ..
..... is.;
7 3.:
Mid. ale Steel
Mlsourl I'ucilic
Missouri Pacific
New York Central
.. Y.. X. H. & Hartford 21
Xorlolk ft Western . 100.'
Northern Pacific
. 3.:
Oklahoma Prod. & Ref
fan Amr Petroleirni' 73.S
Pennsylvania 41.0
People's Has 35
Pittsburg und W. Vu 30. S
Kay Consolidated Copper 13.3
Reading .'. 84 '
Rep. Iron & Steel , 0 0.3
Royal Dutch, N. Y 05.7
Shell Traus. & Trud. 4 3.7
Sinclair Con. OH
Southern Pacific
Southern Railwuy ,
Standard Oil oiJ..,.l pfd ..
Studebaker Corporation ...
TenneAoo Copper
Texas Co'
Texas & Paclfio
Tobaco Products
Transcontinental Oil
Union Pacific .,
V. S. Food Products
IV S. Retail Stores
V. S. Ind. Alcohol ,
linited States Rubber :..
United States Steel
Utah Copper
Westinghouso Klectrlc
Willy's Overland
Amr. Zinc, Lead and Sm.
liittto and Suporior
Calu. Petroloum . ,.,
Montaiiu P)worj ., ,
Shatluck Arizona
Puro Oil
Invincibla Oil ...
.. no. 3
.. 23.5
.. 50.0
.. ' c
.. 4 4
... 1 s
...' 55.5
.. 10.2
... 20. I
.. 23.5
.. 6 7
.. 70.
... 08.2
... S3. 5
... K3.7
:.. -is
... S.7
... 13.8
... 28
... 53.5
... G.5
... 30.8
... 23.0
Says Sulphur is 'Quickest to Clean
i.Up An .Ugly Skin if '. ;'
Any breaking out of the sltlri on
face, neck, arms or body is overcomo
quickest by applying Mentho-Sul-phur.
The pimples seem . to dry
right up and go away, declares a
noted skin specialist.
" Nothing has ever been found to
take the place of sulphur as a pimple
remover. It is harmless and inex
pensive. Just ask any druggist for a'
small jar of Mentho-Sulphur and ubo:
it like cold cream. . ' i
Notice of Annual Meeting
Notice is heroby given that tho an
nual meeting of the' stockholders of
Meridian Orchard Company, an Oregon
corporation.! has. boon called und will
bo held at tho office 'pf said corpora
lion, at No." 7 Wost Eleventh St., Med
ford, Oregon, on tho 14th (lay of Feb
ruary, 1921, at the hottr of two o cioci;
P. MV; that being the lawful time fixed
therefor by the hy-laws ot said cor
poration. . . ' !
Said annual meeting will bo held for
the purpose of electing directors, con
sidering annual reports of officers and
directors nnd the copdition ot the
orchard property, revising Jiy-laws, de
ciding financial policies Tor the, coming
year, and transacting such other busi
ness as pmv cVme before the meeting.
. ' i i- , . c Secretary ot Meridian '
v , ." Oicitird..Com)uny.
NOTICE is hereby given that in ac
cordance with Chapter .35 7 of the
General Laws of Oregon for 1917,
and all acts amendatory thereof and
supplemental thereto, -the Board of
DlractorB of Medford' Irrigation Dis
tricts, a municipal corporation luly
organized -and existing ulider the
laws of the State ot Oregon, with Its
principal office in the City of Mod
ford, Oregon, wllj sell one million
two hundred 'and fifty thousand
($1,250,000.00) Dollars in-honds of
the Medford Irrigation District, being
the issue authorized at uji election
duly held by the electors of said dis
trict on tho 9th day of August, 1920,
and directed to bo issued and sold by
resolution of) said Board of Directors
at the office pf the Bpard of Direc
tors ot the Medford irrigation Dis
trict in the Liborty Building on the
corner of West Muln und South Orape
Streets, in the City of Medford, Ore
gon, on the' 18th day, of January,
1921, at 11 o'clock in tho forenoon
of! that day. ' , , "
Said bonds to lie sold shall mature
serially in. annual amounts so at) to
be approximately equal, principal nnd
interest, beginning five years after
the date of Issue und continuing up
to and including a period of forty
years thereafter. Suid bonds shall be
negotiable in form and payaldovtn
gold coin of tho United States ofthe
present standard of weight and fine
ness, or In its equivalent, Said bonds
shall hear Iritercat nt- the rale of nix
(0) per cent' per annum, payable
semi-annually, on the. first day of
January und July of each year, prln-
A .simple', ordinary, .common
icnse method, of assisting you In
correctly preparing your annual
return of
. SYSTEM Is our business
. and . -
EFFICIENT, la our system
Consult us about vottr income
tnx. bookkecnintf. ;and other
business troublest ' .'.' .
AuJ:tir ((" AeeouMin4 t?
Irv'ouriKcc Irvvestmcrds
s, ; ;;M.P, SchrnlttMfr...;
Pbone58l Liberty Blda-
clpal and interest payable at the plan
to be designated respectively in tho
bonds and coupons, said placo to be
in the Cuited States, and to hi
designated by the successful bidder
or bidders. Said ibonds shall be 01
the denomination of not less than one
hundred ff 100.00) dollars, nor moro
than one thousand ($t000.00) dol
lars. 'oupon8 for interest shall be
attached to each bond.
Sealed proposals, addressed to K.
M.i Wilson, Secretary ot Hoard ol
Directors of Medt'ord Irrigation Dis
trict, Medford, Oregon, will be re
ceived bv the said lioard of Directors
at their said office for the. purcha
of said bouds until the said" 18th day
of January, 1021, at 11 o'clock in the
forenoon ot that day, when said
sealed proposals win be opened In
public .
' Said. Board of Directors reserves
tho right to reject any und all bids.
Dated at Medford, Oregon, Ibis
17th dav of December, 1020.
lly Leonard Carpenter, President
, , V. A. Folger. Director.
'. 'Ii. G. Coleman, Director.
' E. M. Wilson, aecretary.
WANTED A bus boy.
Medford HotoH
WANTJCD Men to clear brush land
on confructs. phono 403-Y. Frank
Van Dyke. 2I0
W A N 'n-il) Woi k of any uiiuMlowurd
for same. Will contract, land lor
HjU'ing plowing, etc.,- by acre or
otherwlso at once. Address llox S.
Mail Tribune. 219
WANTEIW lly energetic young - inar
ried man, position with firm in city
where a future Is! assured. Russell
Kduiuaduu, 537 Austin St. 240
WANTED Garden work; wood put
In; house cleaning; carpets beat;
packing,' crating. 518 Penn Avo. 2-19
WANTED Gopd clupn rugs. -Medfonl
Printing Co.. ' : .- . '
WANTED -FurnisluHl tiparliuenta,
two adults only. Phone 471, between
12 and ouu.
WANTED Parties having
rugs to r.epalr, phone 929.
' 2-18
two pigs, weight
Address J. A. M..
ftbotit 35 to 50 lbs.
cure Mail Tribune.
Phone 452-Y.
C. C.
a work
WAN'l'ED Sinn Aiken wants to prom
ise all pleasure suckers new features;
of Intorest at Prospect tho coming
season.. 219
WANTED Winter pasluro for two
ponies. Call 071 I'bono. .' tf
WANTED Ford touring car. Cloud
shape. Must not be older than 1918
model. Address Rox 103, care Mall
Tribuno stating price. 2 17
WANTED Four or five Urns toed
pats, Canal Company. Ilipne-.13U,
WANTE1 To ront 4 or 5 room
house, unfurnished; no children.
Phone 41 6-H. - tf
WANTED 500 Medford families to
buy dry tlor wood. We doliver.
Phpne .S90-X or 947-L. 252
WANTED Shoe repatrlng while you
wait at lhe,"Model Boot Shop." 21
S. Ceatrai Ave. (Juick service,
quality work. E. N. BIdcn, prop.
WANTED 10 h. p. ootler.
31-X-l, Contrul Point.
WANTED All kmas of building and
repair work. Phone 359-Y or
; 606-M, after six p. hi. or before
. seven a. m. 203'
WANTED-Jlouse moving and re
pairing. Phone 48S-M or 488-X. tf
Phone 808.
room, close in.
FOR RENT Rooms. Hot nd cold
' wuter. Rent reasonable. ' Imperial,
30 N. Front. 24Y
rfbOMB ,
FOR RENT Light ' housekeeping
rooms. 322 S. Central Ave. , 247
FOR RENT Room furnished for llgbt
housekeeping; also Bleeping : porch.
.325 E. Jackson St. Phono 211. 250
TO LOAN J. B. Andrew loam
money on root estate and buys
mortgages and Liberty bonds
Phone ' 63-M. ' II , North (Orapr
LOST On Eagle Point roud, Goodrich
tire 30x3,- oil' rim. Finder pleuso
cull 07-J-3. - ; 219
LOST Black fur neck-piece. Lcavo nt
-Tribuno. Reward. 210
LOST-r-Ladles' blue velvet hat, be
tween Medford and Ashlund, Satur
day. Jan. 1, Phono 70. Reward. 247
With: covered body, cab and
windshield. Practically new $725
Pation and Robinson, Inc.
Tel 150 112 So. Eiversido
l'OR RKXT Five room fn-nished
house. Imiulie 435 N. Hurtlelt. 240
l-'Olt KKNT Modurn 5-room bungalow
unfurnished; no children. Phone 49.
FOR RKXT House. Phone 360, room
20, Illinium Apts., after 0:30 p. m.
evenings. 248
FOR RKXT -4 room furnished house.
Close in. Will II. Wilson. tt
FOR SALE J0 pair of good secon.l,
hand shoes. New shoes at coat to
day and Saturday. Medford' Shoe
Hospital,-llil K, Ninth.' 217"
FOR SALE Tnncred White Leghorn
cockerels for heeding. W. T. Holger.
Medford, R. 3, 1 mile uut Soring St.
off Crater Lake road. 248
FOR SALE Heavy farm wagon, 3 In.
tires, good condition. Phono 25-11-2.
24 'J
FOR SALE Timber of all kinds.
Htumpugu $1.00 und fl.fiU per cord.
Hay for salt! and feed on premises,
three miles from Jacksonville, phone
:t(17 fir u-rflA Mnlirv Mlil;lll 'tJKV
FOR SALE New and used typewrit
ers, adding machines, cheek writers.
Expert typewriter overhauling, all
makes. Call Mr. Hall, Hotel Holland.
. 219
FOR SALE Laying pullets.
FOR SALE Gootl )naiiziiuita wood.
J'hpno l-F-14 $4 ui ranch, $5 deliv
ered. Good measure. 219
FOR SALE Abput 20 tons hay In
barn; use of feuding racks, ttluuls
anil pasture goes with it.' C. L.
Farrur, Lake Creek, Oregon. 24 7
l'OR SALE Alfalfa buy. 12.
L, Will..
FOR SALIC Single comb White Leg
horn cockerels from T.-incrod's Im
perial 250 to 2S7 egg .train; large
vigorous birds. $1.00 each. R, V.
Cilim-, phono 597-R-l. 219
FOR SALE Canary s'.ngers, $5.00
eaeh. Females $1.00. DeVoe's. tf
FOR SALE Latest model vulcanizing
machine,. 31V N. Clputral Avo. 248
FOR SALE 00 White Leghorn hens
and pullets, laying, llownmn ranch
tin highway, two miles north Central
Point. I'bono 19xxl. 248
FOR SALE Fine 9-pleco oak dining
set, Circassian' walnut bedroom suito,
library tublcs, chairs, wilfon rugs,
Columbia wood or coal range, refrig
erator, and .other, articles, all praa-
tlcally ns good as new, very reason
able. Call 149-W. 240
FOR SALE Pino Btumpngu $2.00 per
corn, l -lioiio usu-j-n. It'
FOR SALE One feed grinder, $20
one. corn shcllcr, $20, llubburd
Bros. .- . j tf
I'X)R SALE Good sowing
ohuap. F. E. Redden, 32 N.
- tf
FOR SALE The Valley Fuel Co.
carries tho best- selection lit the
city of all kinds of fuel, (Ives
- prompt service, and will meet all
competition. Why titty olsowhero?
Phono 70. tf
FOR SALp-Ono; D-horse AJmo sta
tionary cugino, like new, $225.
One 0-foot orchard disk,- used one
season, $5 0, One 8-foot orchard
disk, used one season, $75. One
JO-lpch gang plow. Just like new,
$75. C. E. Gates Auto Co. . if
FOR SALE Eight horses, one colt;
9 nests harness; 1 Killfer subsoller;
1 spray rig, complotp, C)J 30 N-1
uentrai. rnono iod. . tr
FOR SALE Band, gravel, sediment
and dirt. Plowing and teaming
ork done. Pbone 912-J, Samuel
Batoman, 302 Maple street.
FOR SALE--1918 Ford with camping
outfit, folding table, camp stools,
camp Btovo, trunk rack, small tent
and auto tools all for $:5; terms if
desired. Will H. Wilson, 32 N. Front
' v - ' -"' "" ' tf
FOR SALE Overland
Chlldcrs. t
Clurk &
" tf
, Guilders. .
-Ford,. cbap.
Clark &
For" SALE Hupmuuiie Uiuriug car.
A bargain for gomoime.- Clark &
- Cliildors. tf
FOR SALE Dodge roadster. Run
2800 miles. Extra equipment con
sists of cord tires on rear wheels,
two extra tires on carrier, spotlight,
lurgo plate glass in buck curtain,
Iliotormeter, windshield shade, Ga
briel snubbers, Johnson shock absor
bers, years fire and theft insurance.
1921 license on car. Here is a real
cur and at a prlcp that will not be
offered every day. Car absolutely
guaranteed. Some cash, rest terms.
Box 1000, phone 800-L. 247
tOH SALE One good Ford with
-new tires and light delivery body.
Total price only $250. Turn) Mo
tor Co., J25 S. Front St. tf
FOR SALE--Ono Dodge car, or trado
for light car. Phono 489-J. tf
FOR SALE Four Duroc Jersey brood
sows, 12 pigs, nil fine slock, or will
trade for one good milk cow. See
Raymond, Gold Hill, Oregon. 1 2M
FOR SALE Extra good milk cow. W.
S. Slancliff, Phoenix. . '247
FOR SALE Ono team of mares
weight about 1260. Edw. G. ilillor,
phone 13-X-3. Control Point : 210
FOR SALfc-Two No. 1 milk cows,
Just fresh. Will sell separate. Ad
dress W. A, Chllders, Jacksonville,
Oregon. ( 248
FOR" SALE Ono team of mares and
harness. . Phone 723-W. ! 251
?OR SALE Six A-l fresh milch cows
Walsh's place, one mile northeast of
Medford ou Crater- Lake road;- 247
FOR SALE Hood ranches. See us
before buying. J. li. Andrews, 31
K. Grape St. Phone 53-M. tf
FOR SALE Leasw and exchange real
estate. Gold Ray Realty C mpany.
FCR SALE Ronaes ana bungalows,
furnished or nnfuruished; also
acreage. C. 8, Buttcrtield, phone
216. .
FOR SALE OR TRADE 40 acre wood
and timber ranch eight miles out, on
Griffin Creek. Small house. ? barn
and other Improvements. Inquire at
518 Realty St. 248
Abstracts of Title. RoomB 3 and 6,
No. 2 North Central Ave.-, up
stairs, i .
COMPANY Incorporated 1904.
Abstracts of Title, Title Insurance.
Auto Supplies.
are operating the largest, oldest
and best-equipped plant ' the Pa
clfio northwest.. Use our spring!'
when othoi-s fa(l, Sold under writ
ten guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth
St., Portland, Oregon.
PORTJBIt J. -NEF8' Attorney-at-law.
rooms 8 and 9, Medford National
Bank Building. ;
A. E. REAM ES Lawyer,
Corey Building.
o. O. BOUQS Real estate law and
settlement of estates a specialty.
B, F. LINDAsT-Attornoy. General
Practice. Pateuts a specialty, 31
N, Grape St. . i
Building Materials.
BLOCK WORKS specialize in all
kinds ot cement building produota,
Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. : ,,
" x Chiropractor. , ; .
Bplnul Adjustments. '
204-205 Sparta Bldg., cor. Main an
Riverside. - - (
Office phone 285,
DR. V. R. KAUFMAI, Dentist. Office f A
i(i Sput'Ut Building. Office hours 8 V
to lij.e. in.; 1 to 5 p. m. Evenlug ("
hy appointment Phone 285.
i i,ir-- i '
Expert Accountant. '
Wilson, O. P. A. Attention ciTef
to anything In Accounting and la -Come
Tax requirements. Look lot!
our simplified accountlr method.
LRorty Building, Medford. Phong
1S7-P. ; T
Fidelity and Surety Bond
Ve execute all forms of ' bond
KcCurdy Insurance Agency. tr
Instruction In Music . '
piano and harmony. Halght Muit
tudlo, 318 Garnett-Corey Bid
Phone It. '
lliysiclnni and Surgeon.
DR. A. BURSBLL BpinologiBt, Phy;
.slcian and surgeon. Spinal adjusta
inentsi general treatments and
' diagnosis. 309-10-11 L.F, & H. -,
Bldg. Take elevator to third floor,
I'houe 29. ' , .
DR. J. J. Emmens PhyBlCian ani
surgeou. Praotlee limited to eye
ear, nose and throat, Eyes solea
tlfflcally tested and glasses infr
plied. Oculist and Aurlst pat B. P.
rt. n. co. unices m. jr.
Bids. Phone 567.
l'H-117 Garnett-Corey Bldl,
- Phooe 904-L. '- i .'- ',
Residence 20 S. Laurel Street.'
DR. W. W. HOWARD OsteopathU
: Physician. Special attention (Wen
to eye, ear, nose and throat. . SOI
Liberty building. Phone 498i - j
practlc and Natural Painless Meth
ods. Room 48 M. b &. H. Bldg.
Phone 965.'-" -
JAMES C. HAYES Physician and
Surgeon; offlco hours 11 to 12 .
h., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. rn. Sparta)
hullding; residence 1405 W. Alain,
Phones; office 603, res. -4 93, :
"Specialty," Medical and Surgical
Diagnosis. it
Printer and PutrilKber.
best equipped printing trlfitie b3
Southern Oregon. Beok binding,
loose leaf ledgers, billing system,
etc. Portland prices. 17 Norts
Fir St. ;-'
Rug AVerMnfj
makes Huff rugs from old and
worn carpets and ruga. Phone
610-M. 700 Pine St,
Stove and Plumbing Repairing
ING S. R. Castile, M. F. & H. Bldg.
Phono 35. Oxy-Ace.tylene weldirMj ;
shop, 109 S. Holly St Prompt service,
reasonable prices, - ' . i
Tent and Awning Wojca
WORKSU-128 N. Orape St PhOM
443-. E. Iluiger, Prop. : ' ',
; r
lXffice-42 North Front St. Phonej
315. Prices light. Eerrica futr:
, v..-..--.,.. j-.
J-H JtLJ '