IIEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, BEDFORD, 01, Eli OX, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY - r, mt rj; l PAGE TWO ye la. ' mi i "! Sej IT ,: Ti3 thv I), i in 01,; St. tl 1 to' h' h i n : c:; u!-' P a' tl',' ZocaZ and Personal With a 33 mile gale of wind from C o'clock until midnight lust night, and another big fall of rain during that time and the remainder of I he night, and a heavy snow this forenoon Med ford was given a varied taste of weath er. The rainfall up to this morning was .39 of an inch, making the iirecipi tatlon since September 1st amount to 10.84 inches. Last night's rain put Bear creek at its highest stage for years, greatly raised the water in the Itogue river, caused small lakes in the low yards and lots of the city, and flooded street corners where the catch basins were not functioning properly. Clet your corn at Hubs Mill and buy It for less. Fine eastern shelled corn just received. Phone S29. After the stork comes phone us for nurser, nipples., etc. Medford Pharmacy, prescription druggists, Main and Central. Phono 10. Community dancing tonight at the Natatoriuin. Imperial orchestra needs no Introduction and is undoubtedly the best in the west. 214 Tho Elks lodge will have another big session tomorrow night as It is the annual roll call night of tho lodge anil every member is expected to bo pres ent. In addition there will be a hu morous entertainment by t tie Ameri can Legion contingent of the lodge membership. We have piston rings to fit all cars and the highest quality ring made, too, the American Hammered, which Is regular factory equipment on our highest priced car. Iinsy Corner Motor Co. 244 .F. H. Wiiite of Sutheiiln, Ore., is n'mong tho out of town visitors in tho idty this week. iNow your 1921 portrait. No resolu tion will give you and others greater joy In years to conio than it good photo- graph. Later you will appreciate the photographic mtley-tones which we ' mako for you. Main and Central, South No. 204, Mucker.' 249 Tho Woman's Missionary circle of tho Christian church will have n home coming at the home of Sirs. D. E. Mil lard on West Eleventh .street Friday iii.eniooii at 2:30. Every member and friend of the church Is Invited to at tend. .' Are you still forgetting to write It 11)21 Instead of 1920, or have yon now gotten onto the hang of the tiling. Get those soft paper tablots at this offlco at 16c per pound. tf A pleasant evening can be spent at tho Natatoriuin tonight. Personal at tention Is given these parties to main tain the highest standard of - cnter tulninont. , 214 Mrs. A. R. P.hlpps of Medford, ac companied her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Hondershott and Mr. Ilondeisliott. who huvo been visiting since Christmas nt her homo In that city, to Eitgeno yes terday to spend Bomo tlnio at their homo hero. Eugono Guard. Has your stove shown 'Blgns of fail ing or coll sprung a leak? Stoves and coils, rebuilt and repaired. Prompt service, rcasonablo charges. Phone 1)39. 109 South Holly. 219 Junuary clearanco salo nt Euders. 24?' Ihoro will be a demonstration of the WeBto Tankless Pressure Water system nt the library nt II p. in. The Modern Plumbing & llenting Co. 24 A committee of Medford business men are making a campaign In the interest of tfhe Trlgonia oil well. Are you doing your bit to further . this drilling? Your prescription win ho filled ns tho doctor intends It to ho with pure drugs and in proper proportions. We "know how." Medford Pharmacy, prescription specialists, Main and Central. Phone 10. Mrs. llaney, hemstitching, pecot buttons covered. M. F. & II, lildg. i . 2(14 'SjTlm'ro will ho a demonstration of the Westco Tankless Pressure YVutur sys tern nt. the library at. 3 p, in. The Modern Plumbing & Heating Co. 241 Mr. 'nnd Mrs. V. 11. Pool of Nelson, II. C are guests lit the Holland iih are also C. A. Wagner and family of lloru- brook. F, W. Hubbard of Spokane, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest Webb, N. 10 Olson and Ralph S. Clarke of Portland. Prof. Win. U W'fblc, trlnuinologiht and vocational director of Los Angeles Is In the city and will make an address at tho Methodist church .-Mindny on vo cational guidance, lie delivered nn ad dress nt Ashland last Sunday in the Methodist church and will also speak at (ti'nuts Pass soon. Among poultry feeds you will always find Kerr's egg mash and Golden Hod egg mash at the top. liny them at Farm Hiirenu Co-operative Exchange. Peico-Llght Electricity for every farm. Xcdford Electric Co. The Imperial orchestra will be heard again tonight at the Nataloiiuni. Ad mission 10c. 41 Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Martin of Hogue Hlvor, who have been spending the past few weeks wlin Mrs. Martin's mother, Mrs. W. 11. Young, lert this morning for their home. HoKuhurg .News Itovlow. U) this week nt Enders, Ashland 217" re Relief 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief BE LL-ASMS FOR INDIGESTION Mrs. Chas. Lebo of San Francisco, formerly of this city, who Is a guest of Mrs. W. H. Halley, went to Applegaie yesterday to spend a couple of days with Mrs. Ernest McKee. llutter Roll Ilread at your grocer. 246 I5r. Robert W. Stearns is cufflcent ly recovered from his recent opera tion to resume the practice of med icine. 246 Mann's January clearance sale opens Saturday, Jan. 8th. Every article re duced It will please you. 244 When Carl Tengwald wrote his name and address on a Portland hotel register he little dreamed It would call forth the following from the Portland Journal: "In big, bold, purple hand writing on the register of the Imperial, Carl Ytingewald Inscribes himself as hailing from " Youbetcheriand," which conclusively proves he Is an admirer ot Irviu Cobb and has read Cobb's last article 'in tho Saturday Evening Post about the folk of vision nnd perfor mance In "Youbetcheriand," as Cobb terms tho country ordinarily referred to as tho Inland Empire." As the Smudge Pot department of this paper would say, "Hell no nnd Hell yes." For Sale Eighth grade and fifth grade school , books, good as new, at the Medford .Shoe Hospital, 119 East Sixth street. 245 Thor and Eden electric washing ina chines. Terms. People's Electric Store. 248' Dancing tonight at the Natatorium Admission 10c. 244 Miss Ruth Corbett, home demonstra tion agent of Josephine county has re signed her. position on account of 111 health and will go to her homo nt Cor- vallis to recuperate. She is well known In Jackson county. uotween friends 6 photograph t.et tnem at Mackey'B, Main and Cen trai, 204. Upstairs. 244 Do not order calenitnrs from travel nig representatives or cut of town firms. We have a factory line of all sizes and kinds of calendars, wall pockets, cut-outs, etc., thut we will show the trado later and save you money on the same. tf Mann's January cleurnnce sale opens biiiuniay, Jan. Mil. Every article re duced It will please you. 214 uregonians registered nt the Med ford are W. O. Dudley of The Dalles H. L. Nebergall of Albany, F. J. Sleep er of Glendiilo, Harry Raymond and Edna Hudson of Grants Puss, and the lollowlng from Portland: R. H. Henry r. a. uurrow, Walter E. IIIIss, Cllf Irwin, G. E. Manning, W. C. Peer. Ira N. l.nljrlelson. Russell M. Forirnaon p H. Petorson, C. C. Lathey and F. K. iyers. uno ot the lolllest social times of the New Year was a gathering of viuiey trlends at Enders clearance sale at Ashland. 247 Carl Jeschko, high grade watch and clock repairing, 11 Fir street. Huttor. Roll Bread at your grocer. 246 Air. .ami Mrs. W. T. Normlle. Miss Arlone Nbrniilo nnd MIkb .Inaooiiinn Koppes left by aulo Tuosdny forenoon for San Francisco, whore tho Noi-mlto rurally will visit friends for a while and then go on to Long Peach. Miss Koppes will stop at Berkeley to be the guest of Miss Helen Drown, formerly of Medford, for a week. . Another pleasant ovenlng can be sient at the Natatoriuin Wednesday night. Personal, attention is given these parties to miiintaii tho highest standard of entertainment. 243 The Racine Horse-Shoe tires' are well liked by drivers everywhere. Hxchnnge Tiro Co. - 244 Mann's January clearance sale opens Saturday, Jan. tith. Every article re duced it will please you. 244 Hear creek was tho highest this morning that it has been for many years and was truly In the raging flood stage. The usually placid stream wnn over 200 feet in width and was a couplo of foot above tho foundation of mo Pago theater. The water was vorv muddy as It swiftly plunged along. iKiers nig store oonaied S100I1 to the public this weok by saving on men 1 15 each on a new suit of clothes. This oner Is still good. 24 ivo nuvo a largo stock of re-built Hies. Good makus and guaranteed wont, isxchnngo Tiro Co. ujt Girl attending business college will exchange service for homo and small wngos. Phono 259-H. 4:,t Mrs. V. M. Lowe of Valley View spent the holidays In Corning. Calif.. the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Hazel Anderson. Let us re-tread or repair your tires now. You can call for them any time when wanted. Exchange Tire Co. 244 liny your girlie a hat for Me nt Enders, Ashland. j7 Mann s January clearance sale onens Saturday, Jan. .Mb. Every article re- dneed It will please voir 'jr. Mr. and Mrs. Louli Wakeinan. ot Medford. with their dituclitnr. Mis niietie Wukonmn, and sons. Morris nnd Neal, were guests nt tho I'mpqun Saturday night. Thev were iimim-im. to Portland, and enioulo will leave Miss Annette and MnvHu o i.. elr college duties at Corvnllis. while oiu returns to Mount Angel. Mr. and nun. HUlifinan lllld fnmi v r.nonl ..v. .rai nours with Mr. and Mrs P t Parker ami son, Donald C. Parker, of the Ros. liui's t.firage garage, on Ste phens street. Mrs. Wakcnian and Mr. and Mrs. Parker having been close friends In Minnesota many years ago. It.isebui-g News Iy-vleiv. Hrooms made by the Rogue River lirooin Works are the bust for the money. Insist on homemade brooms. 2 IS The famous Van" Rnalto glove silk underwear now on sale at the Vanity Shop, new location cor. E. .Main anil I'artlett. :st. Now that your slock Inventory is over it is time to take inventory of your Insurance. If yon are not ado- qnatoly protected call C. I,. Gofr. phone 41, .!- W. O. Hadley of The Dalles, superin tendent of fish ladders, In Oregon, was In Medford today and in company with Pat Daily, game warden, went to Savage Rapids today to inspect the fish ladder helng put In with the dam being built for a new Irrigation project. We save you money on your dry cleaning, dyeing and repairing. City Cleaning Works, 401 South Riverside Phone 44. tf A. Mou and family were shopping at Enders clearance Bale at Ashland to day. 247 ivtonderriil values In beaded, em broldered and lace trimmed blouses at 33 1-3 per cent discount. The Vanity Shop, new location, cor. Has Main and Ilartlott. 247 II. W. Langenour and Otto Werlin of San Francisco, Mrs. D. L. Richardson of SlcCloud, Calif., H. W. Minhead o Gold Hill and G. M. Young of Ashland are guests at the Medford. yuy goods at wholesale cost a Enders. 247 Hemstitching and pecotlng. Handi craft Shop. ueico-Lignt rarm light nnd power plants. Medford Electric Co. n iton tno riro department was en route last night to the chimney fire on West Jackson street it reached Jackson street just as tho engine of a long freight train had crossed over (he street, and had to wait until the train got by. The engineer reallzin the situation speeded up the train as fas as possible so as to let the de partment by. See Close nhout reboring your cylln ders. Riverside Garage., 260' A moving picture ai a race in which the winner went 200 miles In 108 mln ides and 37 seconds, ought to ho good Free show at Gaylord's Hurley-David son Shop, Wednesday evening, Janu ary 5th, at 8 p. m showing 1920 races at Marion, Indiana, Dodge City, Kan sas and Cleveland. Ladles invited Good sentB. 1441 nland Superoyl and plain piston rings at Riverside Garage. 260 Sir George Foster, the representa tive of Canada to the League of Na tions, whoso picture was published in this paper yeBterday, is a first cousin of Dr. T. G. Heine and Bert Haney of Medford. Dr. Heine corresponds with him regularly; Miss Alta Naylor, the Goodwin Cor. setlore. Phono D4S-J. . 262 Not a man killed nt the champion ship motorcycle races. See moving pictures of three big races at Marion Dodge City and Cleveland, at Gaylord's Motorcycle Shop, Natatorium, Wed nesday evening, January 5. Free show. Ladles welcome. Good seats. 144 Will furnish lot and build house to suit, small paymont down, balance long time. Address Builder, care Tri bune. 244 Mrs. F. Nell, who has been a guest of her daughtors, the Misses Noll, at 719 West Eleventh, has returned to the ranch on the Roguo. Hemstitching nnd pocoting, 10 cents per yard, The Vanity Shop, new location, cor. East Main nnd Bartlett. 265 Enders at Ashland sell shoes nt pre war prices. 247 Invest your savings In the Jackson County Building and Loan association. tf 1 . Quaker Minister Is ' Grateful to Tanlac ' fill Rev,, Parker Moon, Carthage, Missouri ......, ,1, mui jui i ol me i. tin referiWiiK to his remarkable nation to health by Tanlac, be The "Heal-All" of the Indians There is nn herb which grows wild on our A estern Plains known as Mnnzanltn" and to which, tho ln- lians attribute wonderful curative and healing virtue. Three Is no iiesllon but that na- ure has bounteously provided in tho roots and herbs of the field n remedy for many of the Ills to which humnli lesh Is heir. This Is demonstrated by the wonderful success of that runt nd belli medicine, Lydin E. Plnlt- niini s egetalilu Compound. which for more than forty years has been relieving women of American from some of the worst forms or female ills. It will, certainly pay any woman who suffers to try It. Adv. Nearly everybody in Southwest Missouri either knows or has heard of tho Rev. Parker Moon, who far a full half century has devoted his life and talents to Sunday school and organi zation work for the Society of Friends or Quakers. He resides at 628 How ard avenue, Carthage. AIo. Lnclc Pnrker," as he is more fa miliarly known, capie from fine old i-uRKcu uuiiKer stock, and there is not better known or more highly re spected citizen In that part of the Htatc, estor said "About five years ago I suffeied general breakdown. Mv nrincinnl trouble wns nervous indigestion. My appetite was very poor and mv foo.l seldom agreed with me, and I bnrl to live on a vory Hcstricted diet. I suf fered a great deal from headaches ami dizzy spells: I had severe pains across tile small of my back nnd wns li.nllv constipated most .of the time. In fact. was so wean iinfl rundown I w: not ublo to attend to my duties. this condition made mo vorv nor. vous nnd I could not sleep at night. iMeimcmiy i would io awake m..i all night and was In that condition moro or less for rive years. Mv i,i,v. sielan said he could not do anything u kiui suggested a change of ell- foi- WT7THl'-' mate. J then moved to Texas and went back and forth three times, but did not got the relief I had hoped for. Finally, I got so bad off I was not able, to get around with any degree of comfort. I was also told 1 had heart trouble. "t had read about Tanlac and, as it had been very highly recommended to me, I decided to try it., I got a bottle and had taken only a few doses until 1 could notice a - marked im provement In my condition. I noticed especially that I was not troubled any moro with sour stomach after eating, wnicn was a great relief. "I kept on taking Tanlac until I fully regained my health. My appo tito is splendid; I enjoy my meals and I do not find it necessary now to take any laxative medicines of, any kind. 1 can sloop much hotter and am not nearly so nervous. "1 take great pleasure in recom mending Tanlac to unyono who needs a good system builder, or who suf fers with .stomach .trouble. ,1 have recommended Tanlac to a m-eat ninnv of my friends and am pleased to reach others by giving this statement for indication." Tanlac is sold In Medford by West Side Pharmacy, in Jacksonville by J. W. Robinson, in Rogue River by W. S. Cary, and by loading druggists in overy town. Adv.- Economy Groceteria! After-war reconstruction' necessarily means decline in wages' in farm products in fact, in all incomes, but it doesn't mean that you have to change your standard of living. . Buy where your dollar buys the most where you get the benefit of every market decline,' where all service luxuries .(clerks, credits and deliveries'eliminated) and the fewer dollars you get today will go farther than the low value war dollar that that was so easy to get. Here are some examples : Wesson Oil, pints ................ !,.34c .64c $1.18 $1.07 TOO LATE TU CLASSIFY t'Utt bAl,b Turkeys for breeding. j. ricrring, central Point. 267 WANTED Reward of S10.II0 for In lormntion given that will lead to securing a satisfactory house or apartment. A. Berylo Lewis, Holland notei. 215 iya.nu'.u lo buy a work Phone 452-Y. C. C. Hoover. team. 240 WANTED Work of any kind. Reward for sumo. Will contract land for spring phAvlug, otc., by acre or otherwise at once. Address Box S Mail Tribune. 24!' LOST On Eagle Point road, Goodrich tiro JvOxIHi.., ou rim. Finder pleae call l',7-J-:i. ' 24S MIOXE 20I-W O. F. CAKPXTEIt, MGR. ROGUE RIVER POULTRY FARM MltEEDEItS OF HIGH I'KOJll'CIXU s. C. WHITE LEGHORN'S For Sale: itAHY mix Hatching ggs 8-Wcek Old Pullets Agents for the Kresky Force Ventilating Oil Ruridiig Itrood- vr Stove. The HKST Stovi" Cntnlogiie .Free. Jacksonville llond. Our 10,000-Egg ELECTRIC HATCHERY Will hutch STKOXUEl.t CIIIX. Perfect temperature control, no oil fumes, no SOot. Your Iialeh GUARANTEED. Still booking Orders. Wesson Oil, quarts . . . . . . . , . . L Wesson Oil,, one-half gallpn Snow Drift Shortening, 4 pounds Snow Drift Shorteninb, 8 pounds . , .$2.07 Cottoline, 8 pounds, pail. ..: . . . .,v.:0. $1.37 !01ympic Pancake Flour;. . . . . .2Sc Alber's Flap Jack Flour .?'.r'':'..K .' . 30c Hill's Blue Can Coffee, 1 pound,: 'K :33c Hill's Blue Can Coffee, 3 pounds 95c Hill's Blue Can Coffee, 5 pound .... ;$1.58 Minnesota Sweet Corn . :. ...... . 15c m Alaska Pink Salmon 15c, 2 for .. . . 1 . .29c Govt.' Bacon, 12 pounds for .,.$2.50 California Peaches, size 2 1-2 can .... 26c Baker's Chocolate, per pound . . . ... . .55c Apple Butter, per gallon can . . ; ; .,,$1.29 Sardines in Oil, per can . . . ... : . . . ... .8c Good White Laundry Soap ,. . 5c v Camel Cigarettes, per carton 10 pkg. $1.75 Lucky Strike Cigarettes, carton 10 ...$1.75 Creamery Butter, lb. 54c YOU. CAN. ALWAYS SAVE : AT "the grqceteria Economy Groceteria Gates & Lydiard, Props. f)i DISTRIBUTION is a very important factor in your INCOME TAX RETURNS ; You .Must We the proper system of uccountlns to obtnin' and i' I properly :r Distribute Revenue and Expenses " ."" . Our Income Tax Specialist. Mr. ,i. C Cone will .v.,i,.i.. .1... 1 '.mice if you , call. It place mide" ! S'i "nl""" E. 31. ,WIl,SOX .'. P A. Medford, Oregon. ' i;re. -coxes,' Income Tux Spccla'list , Nobody who knew, ever disputed the exceptional worth of the Hupmobile. fl-AUK CIII!.I(EHK MOTOK X. 1-'7 X. Itivershle. Phone SO Hiipinobilc GEM CHUNG China Rerfc Store Herb cure for arncne, Headache, eat. rrn, aipinena, sore threat, lun trouble. Kinney irounie. stomach trnnl.ia h.. trouble, chills and Xecr. cramps, coui-hs, i , """ vi uiiiiti!ti, lumorn. , Medfunl, Oregon, Jan. 13, 1917. Thla IB to certify that I. the inderanm. ea. una very severe atomach trouble and hail been bothered for several yeara and nuKui was not expected to live, and henrlliR of Glm ChunB Cwhoae Slorb t T t , Collin rronl alreet, Med- uri-mru 10 gei nerbs for my stomach trouble, and 1 started to foetlni better an soon as I used them and today wen man anil ran boarllly recom bient anyone afflicted as I waa to ut - "a nu iry ma jteros. taiKne.l) w It JOHNSON. ttnessoa: ym. Lewis, Eagle Point. V. It. Chlldreth, Kagle Point, M. A. Anderson, Medford. R. B. Holmes, EaKle Point, C. E. Moore, Eagle Point J. V. Mclntyre. Eagle Point. Oeo. Von der Helen. Enifie Point. Tho., R. Nlohola. KiiBl. IVrtnt nTTaj, YOU CAN GET THAT JOB And ItOI,l ti belter if vnu hnv. . HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE So that you cdn i() So the list of used niotorx nt lm shop of GAYLORD East Payments sure. MmlfonI Xat. Phone 188-m REFINED SERVICE at a saving We are in a position to give., the lowest... possible laies oDtainable. :. Every item of modern fun ciai seivice is given our most carelul attention, also the assistance' of a Licensed Lady -Embalmer without extra charge Weeks -Conger Co. SPECIAL SALE. In U. S, Army Good3 In order to save the cost of ship ping our quality Army Goods irora Medford, we are offering our complete stock at remarkable discounts, ' .' ... Act Now! If you wish to take advantage of these sale 'priced ' Come ,ancV ;make your offer! U. S; Army Store 31 S FRONT With Medford trade Is Medford made Plumbing and Stove Repair oil fitting, .stoves rebuilt. Pinn.m service, !esonnhli im.. ...! work S. 1:. riSTii i- ! 0IMI3 S. Holly. iMlono 03 Acctelync WeldinK. AUTO PAINT SHOP Automobiles Painted and Revarnished , . 221 North Fir. L. G. SPRINKLE, Prop. " PltnnB 777 1 h Spotless, sterile, clean when we DRY CLEAN the garments. Master Dyers and Cleaners. GOOD CLOTHES I Mnke Them KLEIN 1S8 Knst fn St TfTB TAIIX)R ' Licensed CITY SCAVENGER K All refufc immediately remo 1 01 short notice. Weekly visit in resi oenee districts. Duy bualiieta trlct. Phone 8!'!7. t WIirrsiCTT JKX.MXGS. din- OOROXA Personal Typewriter Fold It up, take It With you, typo-1 write anyw-h e r e. 1 $50.00, including; carrying caae. i MEDFORD BOOK STORE I . Dlntrlhntoro for Fo. Oreeon. ' 'YOU CAN1 GET MOST ANY OLD THING AT MOST ANY OLD TIME AT DE VOE'S !Z?J?XD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADI l