ye la: uji th Sf IT Tt i tl tci M i :! ir) C i a P. fi V- tl. u f b T 11 -Ji! fPSGB TWO T ocal and Personal Tin- tommts of the l.llit-riy building mo ninth inconvenienced liuuaiiKe the ImatiiiK, sewer luid water supply h-b-tems f the structure were put out of commission by Sunday night's fire. It will be several days yet before the complete service will be restored. The elevator is operating as usual. The insurance adjusters will begin work to day or tomorrow adjusting (he losses occasioned by the fire. The tenants I lire using oil und electric heaters to beat their offices. Let us re-treud or repair your tires now. You can call for them any time when wanted. KxohaiiKe Tire Co. 244 Uuy your Kirlio a hat for 25c. at Knders, Ashland. 247 Ilrociins made by the HoKiin Jliver llroom Wot lis ure the best for the money. Insist on home-made brooms. 2IS The prevalence of whooping cough throughout the city was greatly de creased thru the schools not being in session during the holiday season, as was shown when -tlio pupils reassem bled .Monday. The famous Van Haaltc glove silk underwear now on sale at the Vanity Shop, new location cor. E. Main und Jiartlett. 251 Now that your stock Inventory Is over 11 is time to take Inventory of your Insurance; If you are not ade quately protected call C. I, (luff, phone 41. 247 Wo save you money on your dry cleanlug. dyeing and repairing. City Cleaning Works, 401 youth itlverslde. Phone 1 14. - tl' i'luuk I'reslon and son Curlcy re turned Monday from Sun Frauclsco where, they spent the holidays with lnends and relatives. Mrs. I'reslon will remain In San Francisco for a few weeks. A. Mon and family were shopping at Knders clearance sale ut Ashland to day. 247 (Wonderful values in beaded, em broidered and luce trimmed blouses at 33 1-3 por cent discount. Tho Vanity Shop, new location, cor. East Main and Bartlett. 247 Sco Close about reborlng your cylin ders, lllverslde Garage. 2(iu Prod II. Hopkins returned Monday from San Francisco whore he went to see his son Frederick off to South America. Frederick who joined the U. S. murines a year ago has already been promoted to first sergeant, which is an exceptional record for so young a man, with so brief a sorvice. A moving picture of a race In which the winner went 200 miles in ICS min utes und 37 seconds, ought to ho good. Free Bhow at Guylcml's Hurley-Davld-I son Shop, Wednesday evening, Junu nry Bth, ut 8 p. tn., showing 11120 races nt .Marion, lndiana, Dodge City, Kan sas and Cleveland. Ladles Invited. Good soats. 144 One of the Jolllost social times of tho Now Year was a gathering ' of vnlloy friends ut Knders clearance salo at Ashland. 2471 Inland Suporoy! nnd plain rings nt ltiveraldo Clarago. piston 2(10 Tho regular meeting of tho VV'ednes day Study club will be held lit the Y w. j. a. room tomorrow at 2:30 p. m Gnosis at tho Holland Include F. L. DougluH'of Washington, 1). C, F. W Hubbard of Spokane, A. Uerylo Lowis und son of Siicramonto, F. M. McTag glint of San Francisco, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank L. Webb, J. Hall and J. R, Lee of Portland. Miss Alta Naylor, the Goodwin Cor. sotloro. Phono 54S-J. 22 Not n man killed at the champion ship motorcycle ruces. Soe moving Pictures of three big ruces nt Mnrlon Uodgo City and Clevelund, at Guylord's Motorcycle Shop, Natnlorluin, Wed nesilay evening, January B. Free Bhow. Ladies welcome. Good seats. Jll For Sale Klglith grade and fifth grade school btioks, good lis new, ut the Modl'ord Shou Hospital, U!l ICus Sixth street. 241V jiiciisonviiio got imck on n pro-war social basis Saturday night, with the lust public UuUco In seven years at Orth's hall, and It was a well ntu-niln nffiilr, with lending citizens on the floor. '1 ho last dance in the coutilv scut was In 1914. Will furnish lot nnd build house to suit, smiill payment down, balanci1 long time. Address lltillder, care Til punn. 214 Hemstitching nnd pecotlng, 10 cents per yard. Tho Vanity Shop, new location, cor. Knst Main and Partlett. 2C John Grlnv has returned from n visit to Chlco, Calif., nnd will go to Prospect today. From ...o weight of bis suiti-iiKe ono would think It needed an examination. A committee .composed of Dr. J. F. Hmlily. Sam lliclumlson, and James Hell culled on citizens .Monday for $10 subscriptions per month for the -pay roll of tho Trluonln Oil well, which be- Rim operations Monday morning under the direction of Judge K. h.. Kelly. The ivmin are iu per intuitu ror six months, covered with stock In the com pany. The committee will continue today. Attention, l-.astern Star. Special coinuinnlcatlim of Kennies chapter Wednesday evening. .Inn. (ith, 7 : no sharp. Social evening. Mrs. Pickle's committer serving. All members are urged to intend. Order of worthy matron, Irene I'uidin. 212 Thor und ICtlcn electric washing ma chines. Tonus. People's Kloct re store, 21s KndeiH ut Ashland sell shoes at pre war prices. . .7 Huns Olson Is n visitor in tho city from Ashland who arrived here on Monday. All bats greatly reduced ut Lottie Jloward's, Vfj North Central. 213 Considerable money changed hands Saturday in the city and valley on the Ohio-California footbal game at Pasa dena. The fans were evenly divided in their sympathies. Speed hounds attention! Free show moving pictures of three big champion ship motorcycle races shown at Gay lord's Motorcycle Shop, Wednesday evening, 8 o'clock. Good seats. Ladles included. 144 Gene Narrogan, former Medford high school football star, was in the city over the New Year's festivities. lirlng your pumping problems to the People's Kleetric Store. 248 Miss Callle Vogeli of Tulent, spent Christmas with her sister, Mrs. H. L Andrews of Yreku, and from there went on the next day to Berkeley, Cal., for a two weeks visit with friends. The Wise family shops at Enders, Ashland. 247 All millinery and blouses 33 1-3 per cent discount The Vanity Shop, new location, Cor. K. Muln and Bartlett. 247 We have a new up to date line of lighting fixtures. People's Electric Store. 248 Thu Hoyal Neighbors will meet with Mm. Artie Wood, 42li South Ivy street, Wednesday afternoon, Jan. Clli. A full attendance Is desired. Everything electrical. Medford Elec tric Co. Phone CGI. , Butter values for less. It will pay you to climb my stairway. Klein the Ttallor, 128 East .Main. U)Btairs.243 Wo have secured the services of n first class auto washer und polisher. Give him a tryout. Open until 12 at night. HilLson Motors. 248 The rain of Monday amounted to .24 of nn Inch, making the total preclplla tion for the season since September, 10.46 inches. More rain foil today und rain is tho prediction for tonight und Wednesday. Grupe cider, fresh from the press nt the Jackson County Creamery Bottling Dept. I'liono 22-11. New shoes and shoe repairing, rea sonable prices ut the Medford Shoe Hospital, 119 K. Sixth street. 10 per cent to 40 per cent discount on merchandise this week. Jap Art Store. 245 According to Louis Ulrlcli of Juck sonvllle, a reply Is due this week rrom Governor Olcott to the petition of the citizens of Jacksonville for a special prosecutor to try the Bank of Jackson ville cases, scheduled to bo called at the February term of court. Happy Boh, best shoo cobbler in town at Kidd's Shoo Store, 223 Kust Main. Big clearance sale on this week nt Jap Art Store. 245 Phono 321-X for your wood. lG-in. pine limbs, dry, J4.25. Fine heater wood, also IG-ln. hardwood. Good and dry. Ouk and laurel $5.25 per tier. Order 0110 day in advance. 240 The news that "Wild Bill" Reed had been glvon the decision over Willie Median at Phoenix, Arizona in n ton round contest revived interest locally in the first mimed gent, who fought twice in this city last fall. Tho last time ho was defeated by Joe Bonds of Taconm, Wash. Two weoks later Joe Bonds was knocked cold by a fourth inter nt Portland. Reed won the Arl- zona fight on a foul In the tenth round. Mrs. Paul Hiinsen, corsctlere for NuBono. Phono B85-J. tf You're loosing money if you don't buy your corn of Monarch Seed Co. Their prices are alwuys right. Everything electrical. Medford Kloc trie Co. Phono GG1. Miss Alice Vitiidersliils, former supervisor of music In tho Medford schools, who this yenr holds the Biiuie position in the Santa Maria, Calif., schools has fully recovered from her locent serious illness ami spent the holidays with hor purentB at Grenada Calif. Invest your savings In the Jackson County Building und Lonn association tf Thoso wishing to rent water from the Canal company next season should niuke written application ut once for tho amount needed. No ap plications received after March IB. 11121 will bo considered. t.oino and look them over. High grade JtlB.OO suits at J IB. 00 tailored to measure. Klein tho Tailor, 128 Kust Main. Upstairs. 243 Among the guests nt the Medford are John Anlsflcld or Cleveland, John F. Wilde of Chicago, Mrs. J. W. Light of St. IaiiiIs, Win. Olinsky of New York, Mr. and Mrs. 101 mer lllgglns or Seattle, J. ll P. w. anil M. Sharp and K. Campbell of Ft. Jones, Calif., nnd Mr. und Mrs. J. Mersrelder, II. C. Burr. I''. L. Schneider, J. L. Goss and S. 10. McGreer or Sun Francisco. Miu cellln, huir dyeing, liuir switches made or combings. All hair goods half price, Phono 237-J, Sanitary Beauty Sltop. 2-14 I'pholsloiing, packing nnd crating or all kinds, nuittiess ninkiiig and reno vating, chair repairing. Cull at 101 S. Central or phono 6111-J. 257 Hot Ttiimiles nt IW'oe's. tr George A. Mansfield arrived home this forenoon from Albany whoro he bad been spending some time on state farm bureau federation work For a few days only $G5.00 suits nt $45.00 tailored to measure. Klein the Tailor, 12S East Main. Unstulrs 243 Smoke Crater Lako cigars, made In Medford. Phone IIHO-M. 254 Karl I'lrlcli, the stockman or the I'nlon Creek district, has been spend ing a few days in the city visiting menus and attending to business mut ters. Try our merchants lunch. The Shasta. - Prof. Thompson nnd his high school i-luss of 21 buys in the vocational agri culture course are attending tho ses- ions or the Fanners Short Course in he public library this week. One hundred ladles' hats and velvet shapes are offered at $1 each at .ndoi's big clearance sale. ' MEDFORD" MAIL TRIBUNE, County Clerk Florey lias Issued call for all owners of dogs to come in and pay the licenses on same. So fa canine owners have been slow in re siKindlng. The license law applies to both city and country dogs, and will lie enforced. Get your corn at ltnss Mill and buy it for less. Fine eastern shelled corn just received. Phone 529. If your merchant does not handle Rogue Rive:- made brooms you can get them at the public market. 243 After the stork comes phone us for iiurser, nipples., etc. Medford Pharmacy, prescription druggists Muln and Central. Phone 10. Henry Winters of the Steamboat country Is spending a few days in the city transacting business, We have piston rings to fit all cars and the highest quality ring made, too, the American Hammered, which is1 regular factory equipment on our highest priced car. Busy Corner Motor Co. 24 4 F. I). Wait of SutherUn, Ore., is among the out of town visitors in the city this week. Are you still forgetting to write It 1921 Instead of 1920, or have you now gotten onto tho hang of tho thing Miss June Wilson underwent an op erutlon In the Dow hospital, for uppen (Ileitis and other severe complications last night. She Is doing as well as can be expected today. MIbs Wilson has been the manager and buyer of the dress goods department of tho Golden Rule Btore for several yearB. Get those soft paper tablets nt this office at 15c per pound. tf Senator II. Von der Hellen who came to the city Monday from Wellen left Ibis morning for Corvallis to at tend a meeting of the board of regents of the O. A. C, of which he is a member. Hub your stove shown signs of fall lug or coll, sprung a leak? Stoves and coils rebuilt and repaired. '. Prompt service, reasonable charges. Phone 929. 109 South Holly. 249 Austin Goodell of Centrnlla, Wn., L. Aodrieua of Portland and J. W. Fur lelgh of Grunts' Pass are among the guests at the Nash. January clearance sale at Enders. '247 Tho $15,000 law library of Attorney Evan Renmes In the Liberty building was Badly smudged In the fire Sunday night. This is one or the best and most complete libraries or Its kind in the stute, and wbb heavily insured. Some or tho volumes are extremely difficult to replace If destroyed Your proscription will be filled as the doctor Intends It to be with pure drugs and in proper proportions. We "know how." 'Medford Pharmacy, prescription specialists, 'Main and Central. Phone 10. A large number of 1921 auto licenses appeared on autoes of the city Mon day. They ate green In color, with white figures. Mrs. Haney, hemstitching, pecot, buttons covered. 01. F. & H. bldg. 2G4 H. H. Pomoroy, the state fire mar shal. Is here from Portland Investigat ing Into the origin ot the fire In the Liberty building Sunday night, and visited tho building this forenoon in company with Fire Chief Lawton. Among poultry feeds you will always find Kerr's egg mash and Golden Rod egg mash at the top. Buy them ut FttVm Bureau Co-operative Exchange. Tho school board will' hold its first session of the year next Tuesday evening nt the high school. Delco-Llght Electricity for every farm, A.edford Electric Co. Alex Sparrow who arrived back Sun day night from his week's visit at Critter Lake via Klamath Falls and Ft. Klamath, says that thero lins been nn unusually heavy ' rainfall in that section recently, which has reduced the snow ut tho lake a foot or more from Its depth of 7V4 feet two weeks ago. Although ho visited the lnke sev eral limes during tho week he was uniihlo to see it, us It was raining or snowing hard, each time. However. alter giving the miitter culm considera tion ho rinully decided that tho world wonder was still thero. He found the park telephone' line broken down In a number of places, and with tho aid o( Ranger Brown restored this service. Buy this week at Enders, Ashlnnd 247" Lnurln Ilinman returned to Portland lust night ufter spending New Yenr's day with relatives and friends. Butler Roll Bread at your grocer, ' 2 40 The thrirty housewife will find ninny items of interest In tho Medford bar gain day specials put on by local mer chants tomorrow. Tho bargain list appeared as nsiml In Mouduy's issue of the Mail Tribune. Dancing Wednesday night at the Nataturliim. Imperial orchestra. Ad mission 10c. 243 The Rogue river because of the re cent heavy rains has been very high and tne power company s measure ments at the bridge at Rogue River showed the wnter to ho 9.10 Inches in depth nt midnight lust night and 8.03 Inches tills forenoon. This Is the high est the river has been nt this point during the past three years. Dr. Robert W. Stearns is sufficent ly recovered from his recent opera tion to resume the practice or med icine. .. 24G . There wnsliorn to Mr. nnd Mrs. Hal Piatt today nt 'their home a 7?i pound daughter. Hemstitching and pecoiing. Ilnudl ci aft Shop. A ten pound daughter was bora toj Mr. nnd Mrs. Diamond Flynn this mor ning. ueico-i.igiit farm light and power plants. Medford Electric Co. Born To Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wolff, at tho Sacred Heart hospital, a daugh ter, Elizabeth IauiIso, weight 7 pounds. Between friends 1 photograph. Get them at Muckcy's, Main und Cen- 201. Upstairs. JH MEDFORH, " OREflOX u. Hearing has been fixed for January 18 at Portland on the complaints of the Klamath Kalis and Medford Chambers of Commerce and tho Portland Traffic und Transportation association involv ing allegations that the rates made by the California state commission in comparison with the Interstate rates give undue preference to California interests in reaching the cities of nor thern California. Examiner Keeler will hear the testimony for the inter state commerce commission. Do not order calendars from travel ing representatives or put of town firms. We have a factory line of all sizes and kinds of calendars, wall pockets, cut-outs, etc., . that we will show the trade later and save you money on the same. tf Enders at Ashland are selling $35 suits at $19.95. . 247' Wednesday evening the regular monthly social prayer meeting of the Flint Baptist church will be hold. Fol lowing the meeting a social time will follow with a good program and good eats for everybody. These gatherings of all the church and congregation arc proving helprul and interesting to many. The quarterly business meeting will also he conducted. A large atten danco on the part of the members and ajl who attend the church Is urged. Buy goods at wholesale, cost Enders. '.-;. 24 R. A. Holmes, the Insurance Man. Insurance, and Bonds, plus Service. The community, parties at the Is'uta- torlum maintain their popularity by the excellent management, best of music, finest of floors, well lighted best ventilated and most spacious hall in southern Oregon. .. 243" Oregonlaus registered at the Med ford are J. R. Shuw of Klumatli Falls, George W. -Kulglit' of Hubbard, It. J. Winthrop, John C. Alinack'and Mr. and Mrs. Hurry 11. Hogue of Eugene, Emma S: Weld and B. C. Seymour of CorvalllB and Mr. and Mrs. Verne Guthrie, Robert R. Rankin, E. L. Har mon, C. F. Schmeer, H. H. Ponieroy and C. C. Evans of Portland. Wanted $2000 loan, three years, ample security. Address Loan, care Mail Tribune. 243 Community dancing Wednesday night nt the Natatorlum. Imperial orchestra needs no Introduction and is undoubtedly the best in the west. 243 Carl Jeschke, high grade watch and clock repairing, 11 Fir street. The Gleaners class or the First Bap tist church of which clnss Mrs. P. H. Dalley Is the teacher held a social evening at- the home of Mrs. Hilda Hague Tuesday evening. It was In the nature .of a surprise to Mrs. Hague, it being her birthday. The husbands were invited. All intending report an unusually good-time. Refreshments were served and games were indulged in. The class loft Mrs. Hague a me mento of the occasion. Butter Roll Bread at your grocer. 24G Another pleasant evening can be spent at the Natatorlum Wednesday night Personal attention is given these parties to maintan the highest standard of entertainment. 243 The Racine Horse-Shoe tires are well liked by drivers everywhere Exchange Tire Co. 244 The prizes awarded at the New Year's carnival held at the Ashland armory last week were ail won by Ashland people despite the fact that many from Medford were in atten dance, but evidently had I left their horseshoes at home. The French ivory manicure set was won by Miss Lucy Davis, the electric hot plate by Mr. A. Livingston and the Japanese laquer toilet case by Mr. Dickerson. Many other smaller and favors were given away during the evening. lOndors big store aonnted $1000 to the public this week by saving 66 men $15 each on a new suit of clothes. This offer Is still good. 247 You can hear tho Imperial orchestra again Wednesday night nt the Nata- toritim. Dancing begins promptly at 9 o clock. Admission only 10c. -243 We have a large stock of re-built tires. Good mnkes and guaranteed work. Kxchange Tire Co. 244 Girl attending business college will oxchansei service for home and small wages. Phone 259-H. 245' BABE RUTH AFTER S1921 NEW YORK, Jan. 4. If "Babe Ruth docs not got at least 60 home runs next season he will he greatly disappointed he said today. As he f-s many pounds overweight dfie tn hi" extended vacation In Cuba, he will go to his rami In Massachusetts and put in ubout six weeks at wood clum ping. . Ruth Is counting on doing some of the twirling for the Yankees. Lota of old papers lOo the bundle at this office. tf TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY "OR SALE Turkeys for breeding. J. C. Herring, Control Point. 267 FOR SALE Leaving city. Choice fur niture nt bargain prices. 106 S Grape St. Phone 3SS-II. 245 I?r,t5 1- , 1 t. ... ... o.-i.r. 1 wo ennnrv birds, s ue-. .o, I'lAiii) uu.. rnoiie WM-.I - 245 FOR RENT Furnished apartment! Adults only. Phone 936-R. 245 FOR SALE Bronze turkey eggs $3.60 ! por dozen. Order early and avoid1 , tho rush. Mrs. J. W. Kelsoe, Central Point, Oregon. Phone 2!S. 243 1 FOR SALE Canary singers, $5.00 each. Females $1.00. DeVoo's. t(j TUESDAY. .TAXITARY - 4, .OIF. 1 il YEAR IN IIS HISTORY The new officers of Medfqrd lodlfe of Odd Fellows were installed Just evening by C. W. Holdrlilife. D. D. tl. M.. of Talent, and suite, us follows: D. . Millard, X. O.; H. W. Conger V. G.: W. L. Miller, rec. sec; J. L. Dlinmer, fin. sec"; J. L. Heed, treas iirt-r: 1 J: Walton, con.; Fred York, war.; M. O. CJarrett, Chaplain .las. H. Dittniore, R. S. N. C..; O Showers, L. S. N. O.: O. L. Hooker, I, H. O.: Francis D. Fry, O. S. CI.; 13, W. Paul, It. S. V. a.; O. . Ba'rr, L. S, V. . After lodge work, a splendid lunch was served. The reports of the affairs and con dition of the lodge for the past yea showed tiie institution to have Joyed the best period lu Its history Three outstanding features were the purchase of property, consolidation with Eagle Point lodge, nnd the big increase in membership by initiation. LUCKY MEDFORD FIRM AS A ROCK While other cities and towns in many states of the United States are reeling the pinch of hard times and tight money, and have been for a long period, here in Medford during the past year prosperity has reigned, and business hiiB gone 011 much the name usual during 1920. Tho Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank- reports that its customers are prosperous; and while others in many other places have been clamoring for credit, here iu Medford and surrounding territory everybody has been taken care of. Tho amount or loans or tho Farmers and Fruitgrowers Banlt is larger than ever herore, and the bank reports that its earnings last year were also greater. During the seven years last past this bank has not lost one dollar by bad notes or otherwise. This is certainly a remarkable record. ;On December 31, 1920,-the bank closed its books for that year, and in addition to providing for the usual dividend, more than doubled its am pins out of earnings.' ' 243' WEDDING BELLS Last Saturday evening at the par sonage of the Methodist Episcopal church, Mr. William E. Eaton and Mrs Ella Mary Caine were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. . The cere niony was performed in the presence ota few friends who escorted the cou pie from JacksBonvllle. ; Mrs.: Eaton is a charming, beautiful young woman. who has made a host of friends dining her management of the telephone ex change at Jacksonville. Mr. Eaton is a man of worth and is engaged in the lumber industry, hauling logs, at the present time, with trucks. The newly weds will make their home In Jackson ville. Allen-Hubbard A romance that began In the grade schools of this city, was culminated Thursday, Dec. 30, 1920, when Miss Alene Allen, daughter of Mrs. D. Lee Allen of Centralia, Wash., became the bride of Rolund A. Hubbard of this city. . Tho ceremony was performed at Portland, Ore., the Rev. Joshua Stan field of the First Methodist church of that city officiating, in tho presence of Intimate Mends and relatives. The newly weds are both well known' in this city, nnd both graduated Tram the Medffird high schqof ;The groom is a son or Mr. Bnd'Mrs. A.'c. Hubbard of tills city, and i,weH Jinown and popular young man.. , He Is - if member of the Sigma Nu fratornltyinjiil attend ed o. A, c. He is employed with the Hubbard Brothers Implement houso of this city. Tho bride Is a very attractive young lady, with a wide circle ot friends, and tor tne past two years has been em ployed by the F. C. Compton company of Chicago, as a traveling-representa tive. They will make their future home in this city. Special Convocation Tues day, January 4, S p. m. Degree Light lunct, Visi tors welcomed. A. F. NOTH, 443 Secretary. WASHINGTON. Jan. .1. Federal court decrees holding that tho Clav ton act In effect legalized "secondary boycotts" by organized lulior were set aside today liy the supremo court. RHEUMATISM Many people claim they have been relieved and cured of this dread ailment by using ANTI-URIC If you suffer with gout, rheumatism or lumbago get an outfit of this herbal rem edy. Money refunded if you are not satisfied. For Sale by HEATH'S DRUG STORE 1021 PRINCE'S FORMER V"0 nnliNH, Switzerland, Max Wcst ermnnn, the former agent of tho Hun garian Prince Esttrhazy has been nr rcHted by tho Zurish police, charged with having sold the Jewelry of the Eriterhazy family nnd realized more than $500,000 from the sale. It is alleged that 1'rinie Esterhnzy gave the family jewels to Westcriiiann during the Hungarian revolution and WcBturmmin promised to carry the jewels to a safe place in Switzerland. The police allege that Westermann hud more than 50 accomplices, but none of them have yet been arrested. Most of the property of Prince Nicholas Estcrimzy, one of tile wuHlthlost of the Hungarian aristo crats was sequestrated by the Hun garian- bo!.-iheviki during tiie revolu tion of last year. The prince, who was tiie owner of 100,000 acres of land, several caUles and art collec tions of jreat value was reported then to have been assigned by the bolsho viki to a three-room apartment in ills splendid castle of Klsenstadt. A bol shcvlst tailor was administrator of lii.-i ostutes and it' was reported that the prince hud applied, to him for work ill .order to support his family. The bolsbevist appointed him inspector of his own forests at a salary of 3,000 crowns a month. Formerly the prince's income amounted to Beveral million crowns a year, . I t' Attention G. A. R. There will be a regular meeting of Chester- A.' Arthur Post G. A. R. and W. R.'&.in (He American Legion hall in the M; P. & H. building. 3rd floor, Thursday evening, January Gth, at which there will be a joint public In stallation of tho officers of the Post and W. Ti.vC! for the' ensuing year. The public nnd old soldiers are cot- dially Invited. . D. W. LUKE, Commander. J. DAVIS, Adjutant. 245 DR. RIGKERT Eyes Scientifically Tested and Glasses Properly Fitted . . ,,nq .DRora used . , Broken Lenses Accurately Duplicated ,., Suite 1-2 over M'uy Co. . 808 E. Main. Upstairs Plumbing and . Stove Repair Coil fittine. stoves i-cblliif. I'l-onmt service.- IteitKonable clinrgca. . Good work S: 31, CASTllE lOlMlil S. Holly. ' ' Phone 0!!0 ' Acetclync Welding. GOOD CLOTHES I Mnko Thorn KLEIN TAILOR J2K Host Sinn St. ' -.- Licensed CITY SCAVENGER All refuse immediately removed on short notice. Weekly visit in resi dence districts. Daily business dis trict.'' Phono 805.1 WTUTHRTT .7KNNIXGS. ViDU. CAN GET MOST ANY OLD THING AT MOST ANY OLD TIME AT DE VOE'S I ; NO PROFIT Ivory Still Going at Cost $8.00 Hair Brush for ...... . . . . .$5.75 .. $5.00 Hair Brush for . . $3.50 'A few small pieces left FAY E. DIAMOND Jeweler Fisher Flouring Mill Company's ' ; "FEEDS Are the recognized standard ofquality among Poultry and Stock Men and represent the best feed values obtainable. No guess work is em ployed in the manufacture of any of Fisher's Brands; Fisher's Feeds are made from proven formulas .and are calculated to bring the best results. RETAIL PRICES, IN EFFECT IBIS DATE Scratch Food, per 100 pound sack .. Egg Producer, per 100-pound sack Mill Run, per 80-pound sack Dairy Food, rjer 90,pound sack ..Z. Mormilk, per 80-pound sack (Subject to change The above prices are cash f. o.b. our warehouse. A discount of five cents per sack will be allowed on purchase of half ton or more. Bardwell Fruit Company Phone 124 ' 445 So. Fir St. J iliiiit,, ' Arch Preserver Shoe For the Perfect Foot- You who have perfect feet quite likely do not ap preciate the fact. You have always had them you see no reason why your feet should fail you. Yet seven people out of every ten have weak or fallen arches. Value your perfect foot and keep it perfect for all times wear the ARCH PRESERVER SHOE with the concealed bridge which comfortably and properly supports and keeps the arch in normal shape. If your feet are perfect the ARGH PRESERVER SHOE will keep them per fect, if they are not, this ' shoe will help them.' KEPS, THt FOOT WKLJj . REFINED SERVICE at a saving We are in a ' position, to give., the lowest... possible rates obtainable. f . Every item of modern fun eral service is given our most careful attention,! , - alSO , the assistance of $ t ': Licensed Lady -; '''' Embalmer without extra charge. Weeks -Conger Co. COROXA Personal Typewriter Fold It up, take. It with you, type wrlto anyw-h ere. $50.00, Including carrying case.- .MKIJFORI) BOOK STOKK ' ? ' runtrihutnrs for 9a. Oronnn. . ..$3.70 3.70 1.80 2.60 .. 2.05 without notice) ftie- . .:vlo is r.o.wn 1