man mam rrcnFOKr mail tribune..- medford,-- outfox, Friday, December ?a, mo FRUIT CROP IN 1920 SURPASSES 'VALLEY'S RECORD Fruit Hhiimient out of the Kokuc ' TMvcr valley in HCiil wi-ro 7S7 curs of or, nna 233 of npi'lcK. a total of JW cni-H, of tlu- cfiiinmicti vuluu of f 2,000.000. In i, ?71 cnrs were shimied out, illvlrtvtP 020 cars of pcam and 151 of applet. - , - It will bo noted that In 1 1120, the total cut-kind pear nhiimmtu wan in cxcchh of thu apple and item shlp lnvntK for 111 lli, JiiHt year at thin time tho outlook vvjh illMcouniKinK, but with the ground full of mulHluru from- -vint raliiH, and tho on-hurdH In excellent 8l)HH, 1H21 with normal luck, prom Ikh to excel all pnttl rt-eordK for size of crojm mid nhiiMiuntK. Nlnctccn- t wonty was a pruHpc romi year for cirrhardlRts. According to 'mint.u Atfont ( ( C'ate, th only dniwr now 1h from a too rapid development, of tho buds, which would int'an a long hard coin bat with tho frostH in tin; Hprinff. A mouth of clour weather with cold UKlhtH, -would put the trees in excel - lent ahaps for the frost season, the chill of the nights minimizing tin growth of tho day. In l!t20, the small fruit shipment:!, such us berries, peaches, cherries, etel, wero In excess of 1U 19. Figures art not available on the cur shipments, most of which were made from Ash- laud. U US Poultry Day Tuesday. TiioHtliiy, January llli, will lie l'onl try day at Hid Short Course at (ho 1.! lull i y and there will ho something 1o- Im(! Tidim 0:30 n. in. to 4 p. in. Kvnryono Interested in clilckotm In urgently In vltnd to attend. Tho principal upon li mn for the day will he Prof. Cosby or 0. A: C, TJ. L. Upson, of tho Ore Siin Producers Association and C. S. Ilrewster of Korr (Jlfford Co. PORTIiANIJj Don. 30. Iuoy Sim n wealthy CIiIiioho who has business lnternta horo and in Seattle was to day uniitcncfld to two yearn In MeNetls Inland prison following hla conviction on a charge of Helling narcotlcH. Mo was given a stay of execution and Ills halt Increased from f l."00 to J.'OOU. Milk Toast Diet Too , Much for Her ; "I 'doctored, for yeitr with onlyl temporary relief. My liver wuh very bad, nfter eating 1 would always have Hueh a fullness In my stomach ami my heart would palpitate. 1 could not ea'tmilk toast without distressing inc. Hlnco taking a course-of Mayra Won derful XComedy, moru than a year ego 1 can eat unythlng my Mipetitu de sires." - It Is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catar rhal mucus from tliu iutcst'.mil tract iind allays the Inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and Intest-lnal ailments, liietodlug ap pendicitis, tine dose will convince or numcy. refunded. For sale by ull driiKRlslH. Adv. Ceorge A. Mansfield, president of the temporary state farm bureau, ar rived homo from Pendleton this mor ning where he attended the meeting of the heads of farm organizations to discuss plana for pooling all wheat In the slate, along with the national move by farmers to pool all wheat holdings. ' Mr. Mansfield gives out the news that at this meeting he took steps to bring a cloto amalgamation of the slate farm bureau federation, stale grange!, state Farmers Union and the state federation of labor. At the Pendleton meeting thru tils efforts a definite agreement lo pool wheat boltings was deferred until tho hold in IS of the annual organization meet ing of the farm bureau federation In Portland at the Imperial hole, .Ian 10, 1 1 and 12. A feature of this assemblage will be a big haii'iuet which will be at tended by representatives of the var ious farm organizations, the state lulior federation and the O. A. C. A very close alliance between the state farm bodies and labor Is expected to comu out of this gathering. Ciasil' IIOWX DltV 1,11) (Continued flora Page One) Hotels and cafes reported all .-en-ervatlons taken, although the word has been given out that "bill" par ties will not lie permitted. This will be the first "bene dry" New Yearn eve San Fianeiseo has ever known. Federal prohibition agents have been Instructed to mingle with the crowds. More parties will bo gvlen in private residences ' this year than ever beforo bocauso of the notice of tile .prohibition agents. T.OR ANfilll.KK. Oil.,' Dee. 31. Noise Is practically the only thing1 the unrestricted use of which will lie per mitted by tho pollen tonight to those who will celebrato hero tho coming of the new year. Confetti fighting and the use of ticklers have been banned. Dancing must stop at midnight In public danco halls in J.os -Angeles, but those who canter to the music -of Jazz hands may enjoy themselves much iater by going to Vernon and Venice. A Woman's Itecoinniendation Mrs. D. T. Tryor, Franklin Av., Otsego, O., writes: "Nino years ngo 1 was very much afflicted with kid ney trouble. 1 bought dlfferont kinds of medicine, Hit all to no effect, until one day, I bought a box of Foloy Kid ney Pills. 1 realized so groat a bene fit from the use of that box that I feel safo In recoin men ding Foley Kidney Pills to any kldnoy sufforors." They relltivo headache, aore muscles, rheu matic pains and bladder - ailments. Sold everywhere. A sun was born to Air; and Mrs. Hewitt Clark yesterday at the Sacred Heart hospital. (iet our prices befora buying. Watklns Feed Store, 397 South Front street. Phone 269. 241 Among tho many prizes to be given away at the Ashland armory New Year's eve dancing carnival tonight will be a seven teen-piece French ivory manicure set, an electric hot plate, a Japanese Lacquer toilet case, and other attractive articles. (Scores of favors, appiopriate for the occa sion will he given away uurmg me favor dances and a riotous confetti I attle will bo staged soon after1 mid night. This affair is expected to be one of the biggest New Year's eve events ever staged In southern Ore gon. All millinery and blouses I'.:) l-.'l per cent discount The Vanity Shop, new location, Cor. 10. Main and Uarllett. 247 :.lrs. I.. L. Snell has received word from her daughter, Mrs. Chas. String follow, who Is in the hospital at Van couver, Wash., that she Is slowly re covering. Hotter values for less. Jt will pay you to climb my stairway. Klein tho Ttallor, 128 Fast Main. Upstairs.243 Why not give your wife a New Year's present by taking her and the family to tho Hotel Medford for Now Year's dinner. Mr. Mohr lias provid ed for a swell turkey dinner and will also have splendid music. Ilcttor lelephono and reservo a table. The Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners were highly enjoyed by. a large num ber of pooplo. " Coney Island high jinks and carni val at liuglo Point Now Year's ovo. 2411 Much local interest la being mani tested in the Jess Ingram-George ICagles bout before the Cold Hill box ing commission New Year's afternoon at 3 -o'clock, and one of the best box ing exhibitions ever given in southern Oregon is the forecast. Emil Mohr will bo very careful hereafter how he words his holiday dinner ads. Two young men came Into tho Hotel Medford last evening angry with the management for in viting them and other young men, thru a Mail Tribune nd to bring their sweethearts to dinner on New Year's day, as they had already been invited by their sweothearts, who happen to bo alBtors and prominent young wom en, to dine at their home. Tho ad vertisement turned tho tables-however, for the young ladles read it and asked the young men to take them to the hotel dinner instead. The library will bo open for lend ing books as usual on New Year's day except that it will be closed during the noon hour and between six and seven In tho evening. All children under ton years of ago are invited to come at ton o'clock promptly so that they may miss none of tho interest ing stories which Mrs. Canodo will tell. NOW PLAYING Tonic for the Mind, Soul and Body. COMING SUNDAY "SOONER OR LATER" RIALTO PAGE NEW SHOW TODAY "HIS OWN LAW" With HOBART BOSWORTII Another illicitly drama of Alaska 7WUI1 Mr. Ilos-woi-th In the character of MucNicr, one of the CIiicmI thliiKN he tins ever done. A Trujy Worth While Production Fcx News Mutt and Jeff Comedy Htircke and Our Mighty Organ Coming Sunday Olive Thonia3 in "Youthful Folly" OBITUARY IIOUVtllUKG Wilhelmlna D. llolm berg died at the homo of her niece, Mrs. J. A, Westorlund, yesterday afternoon from Infirmities of old ago, aged eighty-seven yours. Mrs. Holm berg had made hor homo with nor nicco for tho past sixteen years, com ing here from Chicago. She was n kind and loving woman, and leaves to mourn her loss, Mrs. ,1. A. Westor lund and '.Miss Sophlo Ilolmbcrg of Medford, anil Mrs. A. J. Tengwald of Denver, Colorado. SorvIce3 will be held this afternoon at 2:110 at the Perl Funeral Home, and tho remains will bo sent to Portland for cremation. ElfRE, EUGENIE iLOXDOJC, Dec. Tho most roman tic touch in tho will of tho former Empress Kufcunto of France, probate on which has just been granted, In her 1o(UCHt of a Utile Oreuze por trait to Sir John Burj?yne, on whose yacht she escaped from France to KnKiimd on September 6. 170, two days after the fall of the French em pire. It was Dr. Kvuns, an American dentist, who brought tho Kmprcss in disguise to Ueauvllle, and she se cretly embarked on l!ui7;oyne8 yacht at midnight, an hour after tle vessel had been searched by the French po lice. the most beautiful woman of urope, the most bcautfiul woman of K urope, and who died in "Madrid on July 11, last, aged 94, left an estate estimated at over $10,000,000. Deposited at tho record office along with the will Is u copy which Kugenio wrote with her own hands, when tho' fJermans were bomhlug Jjondon and she feared the orlgimil might bo destroyed, tho net where they were met by Brookes and Patterson, who congratu lated them heartily as the throng that had witnessed thu stirring match. cheered lustily. Throughout tho entire match Hrookes was below his usual doubles form. Ho played well, but never reached tho heights he attained in pnst tennis battles. Johnston deserves tho most credit for tho American vic tory. His servlco games were won by tho lightning shots to the weak spots in his opponents' armor, and his drives were certain winners where there was the slightest chance for a break through. In many volleying rallies. ho beat Brookes by sheer merit, but at this he was slow in going to the net. Johnston Is the Star. ' Tilden did not. show as severe a service as ho flashed in tho singles yesterdny mid ho was not at his best in doubles, J-Ie often was out of po sition, but extricated himself from bad situations by tho brilliancy of his strokes. Tho Americans formed an unciues- tlonably superior team. Patterson undoubtedly won . the first sot, but beyond question his poor work lost the next three. Tho Ameri cans scored their victory by their excellent strokes, by pressing every woak position and by scoring bril liantly many times when la difficul ties. ' Tilden meets Pnttcrson and Brookes meets Johnston in singles tomorrow but the result of these contests can not effect hte possession of the cup. mm off 1 TOBACCO "No-To-Hac" has helped thousands to break' the costly, nerve-shattering' tobacco habit. Whenever you have a longing for a cigarette, cigar, pipe, or for a chew, just place a harmless No-To-Btic tablet ii) your mouth In stead, to holp relievo that awful de sire. Shortly tho habit may bo com pletely, broken, and you aro better off mentally, physically, financially. It's so easy, so simple, (let a box of No-To-Bae and if it doesn't release you from lal craving for tobacco In any form, your druggist will refund your money without question. Adv. livSS llobcrt Kranklin fious died December ill at the homo of his grandparents, 1. F. Williams of Cen tral Point. Ore., where the, parents came from their home at Grants PaH.s to spend the holidays. Kobert was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Ship ley linHH and was aged I mouths ami I 1 days. The funeral services will be held at the grandparent's home, SiU urdny. January 1, at 2 p. m. Iiiiev inenl 111 t'l.'utrat Point cemetery. SMITH l.ewcy Smith, infant son of Mr. ami Mrs. Art4iur I,. Smith of SOT S. Central ave died at tho Sac red Heart Hospital December 110, aged s days. Interment was at the Jjogtowii cemetery, December 30. The funeral services for Anna Bar bara Pennell was held at tho Catho lic church Friday morning at !:;i0 a. m J lev. Father Powers celebrated lietiuim High Mass. Interment wan in Medford cemetery. The pall bear ers were I,. .1. Schade. Win. Smith, Francis Smith, Jens Jensen. Chas. Delin and II. 11. Noel. Mrs. J. J. Dunlea, daughter was In attendance for the funeral services of her mother from San Francisco. AMKltlCANN XN CTP (Continued From Tnge Ono). that ball went tho possession of the Davis cup. Americans Mmlc!. Tilden ami Johnston were modest in victory. They walked quietly t (GRANULES) E21INDIGESTION Dittolve instantly on tongue, or in hot or cold water, or vichy. Try at soda fountain. QUICK RELIEF! ALSO IN TABLET FCOM MACK BY SCOTT ft BOWKS . HUPMOBILE owners are in universal accord tTiat they have not only "the best car of its class in the world but one that stand3 out among motor cars without regard to class. CI..AKK ('llll.Hl:ilS MOTDlt CO. IU7 X. Itlverside. Phone 1!" inn BABY CHICKS HATCHING EGGS j 8-WEEK PULLET3 From S. C. White Leghorns, bred to liiqh production. ROGUE RIVER POULTRY FARM Jacksonville Road ' Phnne 201-W J. T. lnls l'enrl llavls Davis Transfer We Move Anything ; Day or Night SERVICE GUARANTEED Give s a Trial. We Will Treat You Right Every Good Wish for a , Happy and Prosperous . New Year and may each day be full of joy for you JAPANESE ART STORE Our Great After-Christmas Sale STARTING MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 3 6 days" of remarkable offerings. With reductions c,n many lines, showing a total disregard of costs. - KIMONAS AND MANDARIN COATS ' Iliiiiti cnili. Ilabutae Sillc .ami 'handsome Crepe d'e Chine.: -.;."' :; ' .".' ' $20.00 Kiinonns, now :.....:.::.....:. $13.50 35.00 KiinoiiHS, now ...:..1...L....:..;...1........$22.50 ' '47.00 Kinioims, now ,,:L;.,,.-,.L,,,1,..$29.50 Ji35.00 jlMiidnrin Gouts, now ! $25.00 ' ' ... 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT On nil Einli. Cotton 'Crepe, inioniis HAND EMB. QUILTED SILK ROBES ' 1 Jinny Colors and Sizes $20.00 Holies, now ..........l.:.........,.: $13.50 $25.00 Kobe, now ;.' ....$16.52 QUILTED JAPANESE SILK VESTS For wearing under your coat. With ' or without sleeves. Many, colors and sizes. $2.50 Vest's, without sleeves, now $1.65 $4.50 Vests, with sleeves, how $2.95 CARRIAGE OR CRIB ROBES 01' fine (ualily quilted Japanese Silk with Japanese hand emb. on .corners. ' $2.75 Cammre' Robes, now $2.20 $3.50 Carriage Kobes, now $2.80 $3.25 Crib Kobes, now ..$2.60 $(!.(() Crib Kobes, now $4.80 BEST QUALITY JAPANESE LUNCH ;!f.v:!li re 48x4S. regul flT.flTHR Hilar $1.00, how ..1 ar stu.ou, now ... (iOxtiO. regular $2.50, now 72x 72, regular. $3.50. now .;;.::..88' ...1 $l;25 1 $1.95 ..$2.25 15 PER CENT DISCOUNT On all Vases, Tea Sets, .3eiT.v . Sets, Pepper and, Bait Sets. Mayonnaise Sets, Cups and Saucers. Plate. All china ih..tlie. store. - i ; Hand Painted Nippon Tea Sets $5.95 Tea Set, now :....:...,:.......;. ;.;.:$4.95 $10.85 Tea Sets, now ...:. ,'.,....., :..:.'..:.....$8.95 $11.85 Tea Sets, now '.. .........$10.00 $12.75 Tea Sets, now 1 L.....' l.:$10.75 $15.00 Tea Sets, now $12.95 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT 5 , On all Laipier Trays and Boxes $1.50 Ijatpier lioxes, with key, now $1.10 $2.75 l.aquer lioxes, with kye, now ...$2.05 $4,110' liiupier Trays, now $3.00 ! $5.0() Laipier Trays, now $3.75 .Japanese Hand Kmb. Lunch Sets, rejlneed 20 per cent. ' . ' 25c box of incense, now.'. 15 10 per cent to 40 per cent discount on nil toys 1 10 Per Cent to. 40 Per Cent Discount on All Goods in the Store.1 Let us help you to make ' the year 1921 a Happy O ne i for you and your family by selling to you a new Dodge Brothers Motor Car GEO. L. TREICHLER MOTOR CO. Liberty Building Phone 304 n. : MAKERS OF SCOTT S EMULSION K in i smith rir 'hones! Office . Kv l" a aim