WFJFOT?.T' " MATH ' TUTBTINE. MEDFORT), ON", WEDNESDAY. DEfEMRER 22. 1020 ; MINING ENGINEER SAYS HE SUFFERED 30 YEARS IS GONFIDENT OF B Well Known Oregonian Declares Tanlac Has Given Him a Ne.vv Lease on Life. "For tho first tiino In thirty years I am now able to put whatever 1 warn--without BiifforJjif? afterwards," said F. C. Ilogei-R, a well-known mln In Rtnglneer Hvlnar at 1075 Kust Nine teenth Btreet north, 1'ortland, Ore, VI now know what it Is to enjoy fine he lath, for Tanluo hiiH built mo up until, I have gained fifteen poundM and today 1 am feeling better than 1 have irt 2t years. In 1810 my Htuiuaeh Went back on me and in Hplte, of everything I went down hill until J was a nervous and physieul wreck. Everything1 J ate soured on my stom ach, and 1 would have awful spells of indigestion. f'For days at a time T couldn't re tain athing 1 ate and I had a burning like a coal of fire in my throat and client. These spells were so bad some times I could neither lie down nor sit up with any comfort. "I had pains all over my body. I suffered from nausea and gas and bloated up so tight I could hardily breathe. My nerves broke down and I seemed to be playing out alto gether. "Nothing In tho way of medicine did me any good until I Kt hold of Tan la u and now L can hardly remem ber the day when I felt better. 1 eat like u bear and never have a sign c.f indigestion afterwards. The pains and gas have all disappeared and my breathing Is fre aend regular, .My nerves are as strong ;is iron and i sleep as sound as I ever did in my life. I am as sound us a dollar, never miss a day from my work and I feed that 1 have a new lease on life." Tan tact is sold in Med ford by West Side Pharmacy, in Jacksonville by ,J. W. Hohinson, in Rogue Jli'er by W. S. Cary, and by leading druggists In every town. Adv. Get Your Xmas i ' ...... ...... v. Eats from Us Large Cal. Walnuts, lb. . . 30c Fresh Roasted Jumbo Peanuts, lb. . . . 20c Cal. paper-shelled Almonds, lb. .... .40c Fancy miked nuts, Almonds, Walnuts, Brazils, Peanuts Filberts and Chessnuts at pound 35c Sweet Cal. Oranges, dozen . 40c, 50c, 60c ' Large Florida Grape Fruit, each . . . 20c Large Fancy Cranberries, lb. 30c Fresh Dromedary Dates, box ...... .30c "Dried Figs, package ,. . 15c Fancy Candied Figs, package ...... 15c Pure Maple Sugar, lb. .50c .Choice Cal. Ripe Olives, pint . 20c Fresh Xmas Candies, lb 30c Chocolates, lb 40c .We carry a full line of fresh vegetables. California Head Lettuce, Cauliflower, , Celery, Egg Plant, Sweet Radishes, Spin ach, Home Grown Leaf Lettuce, Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips, Cabbage, etc. HIBBARD'S GROCERY 131 East Main Phone 143 . ; We Have Our Own Free Delivery , AIDS IN CONTROLLING , . BLIGHT TREE TANGLEFOOT Ifceonimended by Prof. 0. Keimer, mul Pro IV CO. Gate uiul lending orchardists. Place your order helire .January 1, 1021 ud nave nimify. Phone 932 Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange A few items that may be of interest to you for Xmas gfitS: " " Spring Bumpers Spot Lights Moto-M eters Weed Chains Sets of Crescent Wrenches Cygnet Ratchet Wrench Noblus Polish ' Head Light Lens Muffler Cut-Out Gabrel Snubbers Johnson Shock Absorbers Geo. L.Treichler Motor Co. BUDAPEST. Former Em p e r o r Charles of AiiHtnitt-JIungury has eut a letter to his supporters here encour uglni; them In the hope that he will he restored to the Aiistro-HiinKarlan throne. "Powerful agents are at work to restore tho Austro-lluugurian mon archy und thereby prevent the Ana- trlans from joining Clermany," the erstwhile monarch wrote from Pran gins, Switzerland, where lie is still in exile. , "Walt patlenlly, our trusted and well-heloved, the oircumstances are favorahle and with the help of Clod 1 shull return to my faithful 'Magyar subjects." The letteu was 'brought by a confidant to Charles' adherents headed by Prince Louis AVindiseh- graetz, Counte Julius Andrassy and Uaron Joseph Szterenyi. In it he warned his partisans against making alliances or conspiring wilh adven turers because, he wrote, he had no (loti'lit about tho ultimate victory of the legitimists principle. "My claim" tho letter continues - "Is, supported by the Vatican and backed by the French aristocracy, the clergy and the higher military circles. I hope that the Catholic population of Croatia and Slovakia will be only too glad to return under my sceptre aud King Ferdinand of Rumania will not refuse some territorial conces sions from ine, who Buved his throne at the time when Rumania, wus occu pied by the Hermans." NEW YORK, Dec. 22.--Failure of the brokuniKo firm of Foster and Lounsberry wus announced from the rostrum of the Stock Kxchange short ly after the opening today. The firm cohhIsIh of J. Hngenian Foster, floor member, H. Jiurell I.ounsborry and W. Frazer Oilmen. It has done business on the exchange for nearly twenty years. BERLIN. Smuggling over the Dutch and Danish .frontiers, which the German government had gone to great effort to suppress, again is flourishing "on a colossal scale" and at some points with the full know ledge and connivance of many gov ernment officials, . according to re ports reaching here. Smugglers aru declared to be outbidding the gov ernment for the aid of dishonest of ficials and the "veritable army of customs officers on the borders have permitted millions of marks worth of tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, coffee, and sugar to cross the border duty-free within the last few months." Flying squadrons of, customs off! cers have been organized by the gov eminent to catch the smugglers who are said to have so thoroly systoma- tized their operations that "customs receipts are rapidly falllns back to nothing, for custom control Is again only on paper." Fifty thousand pounds of coffee are being smuggled oyer the border daily at one point, a report says, and smugglers everywhere are working with the sympathy and assistance of all dwellers along the frontiers. Sure Relief I t "W3 6 HFl l-AMS Sure Relief 'FOR INDIGESTION Last Notice Pure Sugar ' "WASHINGTON, ' Derv 22. Presl dont Wilfion wtMit window shopping on "F." tivot 'yesterday ; vlowinjr the OhiiHtnmS cn'owdH and biMghUy deco- ntted whops from an open automobile. Accompanied by Mrs. Wilson, the president wuh driven Hlowly down one side of the street which in the main untery of the capital's shopping district and buck the other, few in the hurrying crowds, of shoppers recog nizing the chief executive. Candy Per Pound 20c arid 23c Bucking the Candy Trust Sugar Bowl You'll Always Find" . says the Good Judge That you get more genuine satisfaction at less cost when you use this class of tobacco. MrafeS' A small chew lasts so much longer man ' a big chew of the ordinary kind. And the full, rich real tobacco taste gives a long lasting chewing satisfaction.' , ' Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco tasa q iijh COMMUNITY CHARITY BALL ' FOR BENEFIT Red Cross HEALTHY NSW YEAR AT NATATORIUM Wednesday Eve., Dec. 22 Full Imperial Orchestra of .10 pieees. Tickets $2 per couple, including ' refreshments. Extra ladies $1. CHRISTMAS 1920 IN BEAUTIFUL AND PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS WE SUGGEST THE FOLLOWING: FOR THE MEN: Fountain pens nil styles and prices. Vacuum Bottles Anseo Cameras) Safety Razors Gillette, Anto strop, Clem, Everdnny, Dur ham Duplex and others. Leather Goods In Bill Bonks, 1'ocket Books, Card Cases, etc. Shaving accessories in Soap, Tales, and Lotions, Etc. FOR THE LADY: White Ivory Goods In Mir rors, Brushes, Combs, Trays, I'uft' und Powder Boxes, etc. Manicure Sets and Requisites of all knids. Perfumes In Djer-Kiss, IIou higauts, Palmer's, lludnuts, Pivers, etc. Toilet Waters, Domestic and imported All odors and prides. Fountain Pens Gold-banded ami plain. Anseo Cameras All sizes and prices. Manicuring Requisites In va riety. Box Stationery in Holiday and plain designs. COME IN AND GIVE US THE "ONCE-OVER" MEDFORD PHARMACY Courtesy ! t Cor. Central and Main Sts. Service Our UNLOADING SALE presents an opportunity for you to pur chase Chrstmas gfts at a great saving. WMi : FOUR-IN-HAND TIES $4.50 Four in Hand Tics $1.75 $3.00 Four in Hand Ties .. $1.50 $2.50 Four in Hand Ties $1.25 Others' at 50c 65c, 75c, 85c : to $1.00 MEN'S GLOVES Auto Gloves, lined and unlined $1.95 to $6.00 Dress Gloves, many different styles $1.75 to $4.50 . Work Gloves in great variety at 85c to $3.00 MEN'S TROUSERS A big line of Men's Dress Trousers just received. Many very desirable, patterns. Extraordinarv bargains at 3.95, $4.95, $5.95, $6.25, $7.50 to $9.00 SWEATERS Men's Slip over. Roughneck Sweaters .$6.00 to $10.00 Dov's Slip over Roughneck Sweaters $4.00 and' $5.50 MEN'S SOCKS Men's Silk Sox .......85c and $1.00 Men's Mercerized and Lisld Sox 35c, 45c and 65c . Others at 20c, 25c, 30c UMBRELLAS Ladies' Silk Umbrellas in colors $6.50 to $10.00 Fine Cotton Umbrellas $2.25 to $3.95 SKIRTS AND WAISTS v A fine line of Ladies,' Skirts in Silk Foplin,. Serge. BroadclotlirTricolet, etc., at $6.45, $7.50. $8.00, $9.00, $10.00--' ' ; and $12.50 . : ueorgeite repe aisis at ao to $a.uo .' BLANKETS ',(' Extra heaw ArooNa $4.95 to $6.50 ' Heaw Wool Nap Blankets $3.95 and $4.50 Good Cotton Blankets $3.25 and $3.95 MEN'S HATS $5.00 Men's Hats ....$4.00 $4.00 Men's Hats 3.25 $5.50 Men's Hats $4.50 $(5.00 Vclour Hats 5.00 $10.00 Imported Hats 6.50 SLIPPERS Ladies' Slip pers, .Men's Slip pers, Children's Slippers Very reason ably priced at $1.50, $1.65 $1.95, $2.25 and $2.50 ' Medford Sample Store 9