V. FIFITFI C'WOOD IN FAVOR VLVLld of simplified Workshirts PRIMARY 1AWS for Men ! $1.35 Lee Unionalls for Children : $1.75 , After you eat always take F ATONIC " BlBfro'R Y6UR STOMACH'S SAKg) Jntuntly relic vm Heartburn, Blotted Cmo FHb. Stop iodiiMtion, food ourioa. r ' Acid -Stomach Ubd f4r fully iMFitiit. Poaltivalr ur u!d la jjJa wr'V will rfud muD7. CU ud ft h t)i tKJX uUy, Yuu mil m. Heath's Drua Store. M ml ford, Oregon NOTICE The undei'sigiied banks will remain open until 32:00 o'clock lKion on Saturday's beginning Juno 5 and ending August 28. : Central Point State Bank . First State Bank of Eagle :', Point. ": The Gold Hill Bank. Bank of J acksonville. : The State Bank of Talent. First State Bank of Ash ,' land. ' State Bank of Ashland. The Citizen's Bank of Ash y land. ' Pine Belt Banking Co., of Butte Falls. an ENTER THE LAST LAP!! ! RACE ENDS TOMORROW . MIDNIGHT!! WALLY REID , was going the limit in "EXCUSE MY DUST" AND THE "SPEAK-EASY" Mack Sennett's Latest Laugh Machine A uood-natureri travesty on prohibition. LIBERTY COMING ROBERT WARWICK John Drew's Celebrated Comedy Success "JACK STRAW" niH'AflO, June 2. fiincrnl Wood tuiil newspapermen this inornintr tluit In- liml not "taken over lull charge" of his campaign, as reported. "I am here onlv to take chartre of sin-h matters as limy rciiiiire mv at tention," lie explained. "Jvry de partment of my campaign is a law unto itself, but occasionally fioiui. thnir crops uu that rcitoires u de cision." The general reiterated his pre viously expressed views on the ad visability of a nioilifieation of the nri murv system in politieal campaians. lie art; aed tor a natonnl primary ilav, open expense aeeounts anil perhaps tome system of state eontrolleil pub heitv that could he open to bona fiiie candidates at a reasonable cost. In eonneetion with this last pro posal lie referred to the South Da kota system whereby tor a compare lively small fee a candidate inav. Ihroucli the state government, send his- photouraoh and a limited sie.l eirenlar to eaeh voter in the eommon. wealth. ; (ieneral Wood asked his inter viewers for their views on the et'eet of the senatorial invetieutiou o campaign expenditures and c"eed with them that that would ut'ohuMv ttiv. the publie some needed infonau tion as to the very cuiisider.ible ex pense retiuired for even a modest camimmn. An old friend in a nev? package VACUUM PACKED IMEPEiWvDLE C0&0 f 1 till lie landed something hut he still nude utypd "SUM SPEED" NOTE Is it anv wonder that, with such a combination we are break ing all records. FINE CLOTHIER $55,000, REGRET NO JAIL CELL SYRACUSE, u. Y., June 2. Thn John A. Roberts corporation, one of rtlca dealers In wearing apparel, was today fined $55,001) by Federal JudKo llarlund II. Howe, following Its con viction of profiteering on eleven counts. In imposing the fine the heaviest the law would permit, Judge Howe said: "I believe that convicted profiteers should be sent to Jail. That would do more than anything else to Impress the merchants who are doing busi ness that they must confine them 6elves to fair and reasonable profits. "Hut tho dofendant being a cor poration In this case there can be no prison sentence. 1 believe It Is plalu y the duty of the court to impose the maximum sentence which Is $a000 on each count or a total of $.rifi,000 and such hi the sentence of this court." PROVIDE SALE OF WASHINGTON'. Juue 2.-Sale of American ships to foreign interests il after dilicent effort the shippin," board has been unable to dispose ot I hem to Americans, is provided for in the merchant marine hill us finally nureed upon bv senate and house con ferees after virtually an ull-niuht session. I'nder the agreement, senate pro visions providing for a permanent shipirntr board of seven members were returned, but the senate amendment niithurizini: the board to set aside an nually for the next five vears $."i0.- (lOD.UIII) from proceeds of charters and sales for construction of new ships was modified so as to provide for a reserve fund of onlv $2.,UOO,0Ob unuually.- T KDMONTON, Alnerta, June 2. A po.-fse of provincial police are search ing for Thomas Munn, homesteader and returned soldier, following the discovery of the bodies of Sylvia Mac Donald, 13, and her brother, Otis, 10 whom Munn is alleged to have en ttced Into the woods near Manola, Alberta. The bIiuIIu of the children were crushed with a bluut instru ment. (Furnished by toe Jackson County Abstract Co.) Ciicuit Court Mary Ilorton vs. Wayne Ilortn. Divorce. I .1. K. Ilhoads vs. A. L. Seabrookc. I'or money. ! Uulloelt .Mere. Co. vs. lloo. Penlantl et al. I'or money. I Bullock Merc. Co. vs. Clarence ' Pepper et al. Kor money. I II. C. Gurnott vs. .1. M. llayllss et al Affidavit, default, decree, j Rogue River Fruit & Produce Ass'n vs. John Y. Hooho. Amended coin- plnlm. I State vs. Oeraldlno Kvans. Motion. I Hen W. Olcott (governor) et al vs. lico. 1.. Yost et ul. Affidavit, de i murrer, decree, request for oxecutor. Cost hill. I Mt. Vernon .National Dank vs. Geo- A. Morse et al. Stipulation. Ora A. Morse vs. II. C. Christoffcr- aon. Judgment, cost bill. I Fred Wolff vs. Continental Casual. It company. Stipulation. I City of Jledford vs. 11. C. Kentner et al. Proof of publication. I Susie Jones vs. Thomas D. Jones. Motion and affidavit. Order. A. K. Crance vs. Mollie M. Crance. Affidavit, findings, default, decree. 1 City of Medford vs. Anlo Pcnwell ota!. Proof of publication. 1 City of Medford vs. Caroline K. Leo el al. Proof of publication. City of Medford vs. Annie llonney. Proof of publication. ' 1.. A. Murphy, guardian) vs. Henry Francis Whetstone. Mandate. Probate. Court I Fat. Nancy Pcrnoll. Inventory and appraisement. F.st. Joseph P. Hendricks. Receipts j Hat. William Cochran. Final re port, order and affidavit. I F.st. Sadie .1. Irwin. Affidavit. F.st. Caroline W. Anderson. Order. 1 Kst. K. Dean Swanson. Inventor) and appraisement. KM. A. P. Talent. Proof of publi cation. Kst. Samuel H. Outfield. Inven tory and uppruisement. Kst. Klleu I. Wells. Proof or pub lication. Kst. Thomas J. Pedicord. Troof of publication. Kst. William iluntley. Proof ot publication. ....... jFIRST BLOOD TO s DOZEN VOTES CIUCAOO, June 2. In its first decision uffectin? the Johnson forces in the convention the republican na tional committee bv 3(3 to 12. voted to seat delegates from the tenth Min nesota district, who are counted us favorable to the candidacy of the California senator; Another headiiuurters was added to presidential row when Marvin A. Kilev, of Trenton. X. J., opened of fices in behalf of the candidacy -if Nicholas Murray Butler, of New York. Mr. Kilev said the Butler mummers were certain of -bavins' eighty of '.he 88 New York votes and be udded that after the third ballot, votes would come to the Butler column from nu merous other states. The Ohio situation cleared up this mornini; when alter a mcetiuir f Harry Dauchertv. camiinimi manager lor Senator llnrdiui; of Ohio, ami Itudotph K. Hvnieka, national coni- mitteemah from Ohio, it was an flounced at flurdimr lieaiUiuartcis that there would he complete co operation ninnnir the Ohio dcleyution lor Senator llardinsr. I TO BE MAINTAINED WASHINGTON, June 2. Contlnu atfon of present federal wheat stan dards was decided upon toduy by Sec retary Meredith In an opinion cover ing hearings held to Inquire into (lis satisfaction in the central northwest with existing grades for hard red spring aud durum wheats. .Requests for lowering the present standards the secrotary announced would tend to decrease .the return to farmers while advocates of the change argued that the producer would receive more money for his wheat. The federal standards established in .1917 and revised in 1918 have been operative only under fixed price und war con ditions, the secretary statedadding that opportunity for fair tests of their merits or defects has not been afford ed under normal marketing condi tions. ' HT7 E INDIANAPOLIS. Juno 2. John Mcl'arlund, 11 member of Local No. t), New York City, was elected president of the International Typographical 1'nion, deleatina Mnrsdcn .0. -Scott who sought re-election, according to unofficial tabulation of returns com piled at headuunrters in Indianapolis, it was announced today. DOVKR. Del.. June 2. The Dela ware legislature adjourned sine die at .1:710 p. m. toduy without ratifying the Susan II. Anthony federal suf frage amendment. There was a lost vote shortly before adjournment when Representative Lyons, major ity floor leader, attempted to force the house Into committee of the whole to consider the suffrage rati fication resolution. Air. Lyons' 1110 lion was lost by 24 votes to 10. A Few Battery Don'ts for Car Owners St. n. Walker of Auto Klectric Equipment Co., advised all careful motorists to adopt the, following bat lery axioms: Keep electrolyte, water or mois ture of any kind away from the out side of the battery and from the in side of the batiery compartment This will prevent shortcircuits other wise likely to occur at those points. Occasionally wipe all dust and dirt off the battery surface. Co still fur ther. Wipe over all the metal parts with a vaseline covered rag. The give the parts a good coating with the vaseline. This will keep them bright and prevent acid exuding from the buttery from sulphatlng them. If acid should by accident get on the exterior of the battery' or com partment interior, clean it off by a prompt application of washing soda, which is a strong alkali. Then clean tho alkali off thoroughly witli a wet rag. and wipe dry. Coat metal parts with vaseline. Occasionally visit a PSL Service Station at which a free inspection ser vice is maintained. At such a sta tion is an expert who understands the complete electric system and who is trained inthe care and scientific re pair of batteries, no matter what the make. Adv. HIGH PRICE OF . SUGAR DUE TO ILLEGAL ACTS "WASHINGTON, June 2. The sugar investigating committee in a majority report presented to the house today declared that "Attorney 1 n..im 1... .1 I Ul Kn...n, as chief prosecuting officer of the government for the purpose of fixing maximum selling prices of sugar in Louisiana and in so doing acted whol ly without authority ot law and In violation of his own construction of his official duty." The report, prepared by Represen tative Husted, republican, New York, as chairman, charged that the legal istic method adopted by the attorney general was "wholly ineffective as a means of price control," and that "It gave upparent governmental sanction to extremely high sugar prices, which excited the cupidity of Cuban pro ducers and caused uu advauce in tint Cuban market. TO CALGARY, Alberta, June 2.--Dan McDonald today identified the pho tograph of James V. Wut-sun. nllegeii polygamist, now .servim; a lite sen tence in Sun Ouentin, Cul fornia. pen itentiary, as that of the man who married his Conner housekeeper, Mrs. Kleanor Fisher, in Seattle, two years ago, since when no trace of her has been found. Mrs. Fisher was en: nloved by McDonald in his hotel al Okotiiks, Alberta, he said. McDonald readily identified the photograph of Watson at the Calgary police sin-lion. IM!!llllltollllllllll!lllll!ilillll!lilllfili!lll MANN'S The Best Goods for the Price, No Matter fCDCif Notable Price Offerings for It Will Pay You to Look These ALL SUITS ONE-THIRD OFF $30.00 Spring Suits, now ;.. $20.00 $40.00 Spring Suits, now $26.67 $50.00 Spring Suits, now $33.34 $60.00 Spring Suits, now $40.00 $75.00 Spring Suits, now $50.00 $100.00 Spring Suits, now $66-75 WHITE GOODS 70-inch Mprcorizorl . Table Damask. Our regular $l.f)0 values. Special J. hursday, . . yard ; Crash Toweling -Good (jualitv, part linen. Cheap today at 25c On ' 1 Qr sale Thursday, yard :.. wt White Organdie and Voiles H(i and 40 inches wide. Also a line of j'ain v 5 waisting's, fiOe values. Sale AJr S price, yard lC White Pique !W inches wide. Priced specially at 59f 69 and 79 yard Hardspun Bed Spreads 82 i !M Heavy quality. Cheap ff-5-00. Thursday Mallinsons Silk De ."Kunisi-Kinitsa" in Sport Skirting styles. All the new spring shades in fancy block patterns. Former pric .10.!)8. On sale Thursday, yard 40-inch Georgette Crepe line of colors, $2.50 values. ff no Thursday, yard INFANT'S HOSE Fine Lisle in mi, pink and blue, 29e val- lies. Special, pair 15c llllinillllMIIIIIMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIllliiiiiiiiiiMiiitiiii i, ,-,, BODIES OF BOYS ! MISSING Fi PORTLAND, Ore.. June 2. The bodies of Mario and Frank Casale. 11 and 7 vears of use. respectively, were taken from the Willamette riv?; here today, solving; a mvsterv of their disappearance from their home biPt night and imfnlriinir a tale, accord ing to footprints, ol a desperate at inmitt on the imrt of the older liov to save his little brother. Thei smaller youth, haretooted. aupiirenth Summer is fine for Painting Have the aurfaen and vov. lav alt ; to av turjaet, wlUtt-Uad it. Eiwew&Mie 1 no- 701 at f A io fl.U Thursday, Thursday Sale of Beautiful Silks Luxe 40-inch in a liomi fl70 vi ' u irt nc ny, j sr 14-22 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE. urnrnon nnr-r.n.. fill into the river, and the older brother, lootpriiits iudieated, made every effort to dras him to luiul but his feet slipped in the soft mini, and he too. went under. The bovs left home early yesterday evenins on a bicycle, the small one ridinsr 011 the handlebars. It is assumed the small Iboy fell from the bicycle the snot where the bdoies were recovered being' unusually slippery. APPEALS TO WET VOTES (Continued from Page One) paign committee of the American Federation of Labor and thnt this committee hud taken no part in the presidential campaign.. "Its duty will be to convey infor mation to members of the. organiza tions, principally ubout senators und v .in.Tessnien." he said. ' Paint Inside as well as Outside Early summer is an' especially favorable time to "do" the house all over, inside as well as outside. Stop in and let us tell you why. Interior walls and wJwrk 4ecratesl now with paint made of Dutch Boy White-Lead and Dutch Boy Flatting Oil ' will add a coolness and freshness to your rooms which will be doubly appreciated during the hot summer months. Any desirable tint. .Truly washable. Our stock of paint materials is complete and reliable. Can we be of service? Medford Fur. & Hdw. Co. Crater Lake Hardware Co. Medford. Oregon. What the Price MANN'S il Thursday up Tomorrow IT -iL ALL COATS ONE:FOURTH OFF $20.00 Spring Coats, now ....$15.00 $25.00 Spring Coats, now $18.75 $30.00 Spring Coats, now .: $22.50 $40.00 Spring Coats, now $30.00 $50.00 Spring Coats, now ....$37.50 $75.00 Spring Coats, now $56 25 WASH GOODS "Admiration" Voiles 40 inches wide. Several good shudes. Cheap at, 75e. Very special ZA Thursday, yard .....OC Revilla Dress Voiles 40 inches wide in a fine range of good patterns. On sale ThursdaV, -. An. ' yard VOL Silk and Cotton Tissue in good pat-' terns. Cheap at 75c. On : re sale' Thursday, yard : .0DC Voile DianaAFine quality Printed Voile in dark patterns. Very special Thni'sdav, ffl AO yard :.......;J10 Devonshire Cloth and.. School Day Suiting Beautiful new - .pattern?. Very special Thursday , 32-inch Fin Imported Zephyr Dress Ginghams Beautiful patterns, cheap today at .85c. Verv snoHal A. vard OC 36-Inch Chinchilla Satin Comes in new si .ing shades for sport wear. .Regular price .$10.00. On saleff O Qfi Thursday, yard JlO.70 36-Inch Khaki Kool The best sport silk made for the. money. Special' Thursday, - ff C rtO yard ....J&J.70 36-Inch Imported Pongee Silk In colors. .-s'LVj.j value, Thurs- 11 AO. (lay, yard $.t0 SUMMER VESTS Women's bodice and round neck similiter vests, 25: values. 19 eaeh iiaiiiafiiiiilillHllllHlLHiailllllIjllI llllllllillllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfl llll