XL FA.I41 fUUl! ftrTCD"FOT?D MATTJ TRTBUXR TUTCTTFOTm OttTtflO, TrTCDXTCS'DAY, TTTNTl 2. '1020, Medford Mail Tribune AN lNDKPKKPKNT NBWHI'AI'RH PUBLIKHKD KVKHY A FT K UNOO N KXCKPT SUNDAY BY T1IH ; MKDKOHO PRINTING L'O, :Offico Mull Trihurte iMiiWUng, li'y-M-W North Kir street. Phono 75. A consolidation of the Democratic Times, The Mt'lfnl Mall, the Medfonl Tribune. The Southern Ort-fjonliui, riiu Ashtund Tribun.-, , - Tho Medford Sunday Sim i furnish 1 ftupscrll'r u-MriiiK a sevi-n day uauy newspapiT. ROUKKT W. KUHU Kditor, S. K. H.MITH, MnnaKtr. HUBSCUIPTION terms: HV MAIL IN AHVANCK: Pally, with Sunday Hun, year fC.O'i . I)aily, with Sunday Sun, month '" atly, without Sunday Sun, year ... a.'Xl Jaily. without Sunday Sim. mouth Vtfrkiy Mull Tribune, one your........ l.V Sunday Sun. one tir l.'tO UY CA Hill Kit In Medford, Ashland. . Jacksonville, (Vntral point, Phoenix: Dally, with Sunday Sun. Month '' 'laily, without Sunday Sun. month .." '"Tiaily. without Sunday Sun. year .") rJHily,, with Kiind-.y Sun. mm yar 7.fitf '-All tTina ny carrier casii in mivaime RipplingRhiimGslpl Walt Macon S M Mi THE DESERT. Offlci.il paper of 'the City of Medford : omcal paper ol .men son uouniy. Hntored aH Heroiid-clatm matter ; Med ford, prtigon, under the act of March ft, IK IV. Sworn dailv nveraire circulation for .'six months eniilnir April. P.tliO 304 n j Ye Smudge Pot Hy Aiihur Terry v'N olio' inttx "rolinert'' willi sm-li freoiieucv . us tlio farmer, nroliuhlv bccaiiso -tbrv will not let hint use a htovepipe in tile, center oi' u hack, down which to imiir the. kiiijiII pota- toOK. . The iikxIitii runner mav hav reformed, hut 8 or 10 years nun, h". was us full of slick tricks as ,i C'himiuiun. 'Nowadays not hinir i riiilit, nil is "injustice," anil will In uilil llio iroiim1 wairn for labor is a ilnnA a day, and wheat is $10 per Hack. r i.'Unclc. Oenrire Nichols and Wiir Ash- p(Io lire baviiitr their front painted a battleship irrev. ''. .Took Aitken invaded the sanctum Tuck, p. in,, and announced that be Vqiild skin mi V Klk not at Ihu incet iiiir Thursday eve. The cuttiiitr up of tho 'herd on the river bank ,w(JI be 1b.ji'owil in tlumovies, and an nppur- tilhily (riven to determine what kind 'of;' a Douir Fairbanks Kort Hull makes, . kJ.' i .fWAWxrri.:Ki, xo ii;ito.xiiio .. V-.f:'.. j- (Kalem 'apital Joiirnal) .''"$!' i WANTKO A cowboy from ..;iciiKtern Washington, n blond, ,: ;f 38, .would like to exehanue eor- .. "'Veispoiideneo nnd photos with , 'Ronio niniiU or widows.. Ad-' i 'flriisH Hill Drowns, Albiinw Oru. ," P. 0. Box U22. '-... 1 .,.; ".Now iti developed that notliimr is coliiir down in price but silk in which .there is no nourishment. f .'-.V'Hiram Johnson wjll enter Chicago .tomorrow and all good t'aliforniaiis will throw n fit, ns n result thereof. ' 0 onaress has ordered nil inVesli iration of the escnpo of Orover l!er,' (1611, tho wealthv slacker, from a luilitiirv mison. A private who nave him it mutch li nioutlis auo, can't bleep niuhts. e . About all the showers, due for this month, will he for the June brides. i. " . Tribune's Daily Health Hint u. : . Hv Harriet Hoewiir. i . .'I'enlal floss is a Lood inx'e.stmcnt Tor eiM'taiii people. ; If vour teeth are so close that your tooth brush will not uo "all the wav down" into the places between the teeth, the tliiiiu' to do is to run dental floss tlii'oueh each space before ever hfiishiiur. It, is a nuisance, but such teeth lire a nuisance whatever wav you look at, them. We lyo just blessed with a permanent cure. et it pnvs better to do this than bi have so much dental work done. Nfonv of our cavities develop at ;hc Allies of the teeth for the simple re.i son that, ilecav is caused chiel'lv bv ,ftiid that ferments. l''ermciitatioii moans aeiditv anil acids on the euaiiK el arc not irond. Mat I'crmculation n;euns also the presence of bacteria, hmj these flourish wherever tbev iwc allowed to live in peace. Thcv are not biit, ni'd'a very tmv place uiiloui hcd ftn a week will suffice. 1 Have the teeth examined everv -is months bv a uood dentist. When .there is an ache, it may he too li te. At Jill events an ncbe means a lunch ilcttper in.iurv than a dentist, can de tect, witholit aches ami nip in ilie l.'iid. ' ' . Deeavinir teeth are a menace not onlv because they make a bad breath and eivc pain, but tbev lnav do neither nnd' vet be doim: a cieat deal ltuur ilamairc if the eavitv is jnt ri'jht. All these tooth abscesses that we hear About are caus-jd Itv bacti'ria tliat cut in throuuh incredibly little spaces, work through the spom.'V tis sue of the tooth pulp and fct to the tip of the root. Here thev contami nate the bone just next the tooth a'.il flourish unmolested, lint where I here lire bacteria there are waste poisons, and as the abscess has no place to (iniin out of the head, these waste, are poured into the blood stream wbieh enrrics them to all the bodv. Tooth abscesses are no nivlh. Thev lire wicked thine,. 1'revent them. i T CKOSSKI) the dcsfit iti a car that .Mr. Tulnna!'. , ;Hiad('i ft. l'olletl without a .jolt oi1 jar, in bright grout plusli arrHyi'd. And when 1 wislicd to sleep at night, -awl rest my drowsy liead, tliere came a )or1er, nmst jiolijc, wlio tucked me into lied. And to the dining ear J went three times a day, at least; heneath large travs the waiters hent, find brought a gorgeous feast. 'I'lio train was fuH'of dames and men who grumbled all the time; tliey'd never come- out there again the desert wa.s a eriine.' .It hurt their eyoity view the sand, and M'ateli the hills id' stone-; 'and everything their anger fanned, and they ut 'up a groan. And I recalled iioneers who Mazed the path that way, and sternly whacked their mules and steers through burning sand all day. They only halted in their stride'arro.ss that waste accurst, to plant some fellow who had died oi' heartbreak or (if thirst. 'I wished (host; mighty men of old could board that georgeous train, and there some moving discourse hold, of tragedy and pain; for that might shame t he stall-fed men, and fat enameled dames, who sighed and swore and sighed again, and called the desert, names. . , ' KieV, War Buffetted, Historic City Kiev, whirl) h;is rlui ni!rl h.uiils h'lt linii's in llin't' .vt'nrs with tin- recent cntrv nf Polish troops, tlcst rilicil in news rlis);itch('s, is tho snlijtM't ol' I In? rullim'iiitr Inillctin t'rom tlic Wnshih-r-ton, I). C, hrmhiiiMrters ol" the Nji tionnt (leiiinihii Society: "Kiev, mother ol' Uiissinn cities, also the .lei-ttsitlein ol'Kussia, did not live in the pnst, even helore its recen:, kiileiiloscoptc jh! veil I u res, (hoiiirh it w;is siit'l'ifientlv sicnil'ieiiut a thoiis Mid veurs ami a i;ive its mime to ;'. three-eenturv period of Kiissiun his- toiv. "Hntli the Wull Street nnd the Plymouth Uock of Kussin, each Keh I'linrv found thoiisnnds of merchants erowd'rur its fair to coulniei for nier- i handise and protlnec, espceiallv hc(f sii uar, mid other seasons found hun dreds of thosunnd of pilgrim. tlirontiini; its iniinue 'hhrine,' the Con vent, of the Caves. "Kew eit;es offer snrh mi ninrlnm vrnlion of the old and the new. Kk-v lies upon the muddy Dnieper, the Ohio, river of liussia. formerly ear rier, id" solne .iO.OtlO.ltOd .worth) of freight ituunall.v.. 'for. tho' i -1,000,00') peoJo wit li in ilrt basMi. Near. its site Priuct Vliidiiuif herded his people, for wholesale baptism, after he had foivaken his patrtiu irods and a thous and wives and roiisubines fur Chris luurt.v. ''Vhidimir's wa.s a slranire eonver sion. . Hp sent emsaries to study re liuioiiK of the civilized world of his day (the tenth 'century)'. The (inv' ceremonials ill Pvznnlimn captured his imauiuation. Some historians sav hi sdesiro. to niiirrv the dauuhler of the Komau Kiuperor influenced his ehoiee. ,'l!usians nilrneed the new ni l uiou with all the fervor with which thev had offered human sacrifiri's to the abandoned idol, Peruu. VYh'K- ladiinir held political swav at Kie there came a lowlv nioiik, Anthony, who look up bis ahode in a nvv niln'1 devout ijK'ii followed his .ex am pie. A rcheolouists since ha v I'eeouni.ed in these caves the homes u fcave dwellers of the stone am. t 1 WITH CITY PAY M'AV VOliK. .Mav 111. The n.vl f ma kin--' aiiiiculloral wiil-cs com- octitivc with ( i(v waucs and the in - -ilv of the ;:o crnaictit to I'tnd a nu:i II-, nt' inn un-t no- I'm-l ili r ! orice that American farmers will pav lor it, were emphasized today in re ports niadt! puhhc hv subrnmiuit tee.-. I the repuhliean national conindt - tee's' ad isorv comni ttce on oolicies ad ptat form. H i- planned to Milnitit the sipjes lion- ill the nlatform eniiiniit t ' the rcpublieuh national .convoutiou at Cliicauo. The nh -eon unit fee rep'M'timr m l ie ul 1 lire, nt' w 'hi eh 1 nit ! St -i!.-. eniitor Arthur Clipper of Katise i wn. chairman, urjed that a national Hiimi-tion he atiDninted to en.orJi. tiale all rail, water and motor trans port with udeoiiiite facilities for re- cci a-, hniulliinr ami Iran-port iuu foo.I hclucen citio. This coniniis--ion. it Mas -Mid. would rende- a ileal national omul at thi lime. The international trade ami cred'ts eom- mitlec beaded hv K. A. andilii M. 'inirmiin. nri;ed the in im:uratiori, of an e ! tect i e eo onerat ion n t ln.no- 'ind ahroad hetween L'ovcrumcnt of. fieials who excreiM' authonl v in Aim rica'- foiei-n 1 ratle relation. Tlii- coii-petiition. it wa- stated. .as needed to replace what was tie-cri!ed a loo-e and overlappiii" forei'n trade service, rile with memoo-ton- -ie and inter -depari mental t oniro- ver-ie-. in dcrihim: the .-hifi of the I'nit- "Thesc hdv hermits walled tip the exits of Ihci!' self-appointed cells and iiiimiv nevor airain caum forth to davliht. Tli(v lasted, pravd, and ate the food placed in niches ((very second day. When the food was not removed their fellow monks knew the reclus teo he dead, and wal!cd up hi shomc to he his lomli. If is the tomhs of Ihese asintlv I roold vh s that orined til etua.jor attraction for the iniuhtv huniaii stream of pilgrims that flowed tliroiili Kiev until the war storm broke. One hcrmit-inonl;, Jolnr, is said to have spent the last thirty years of his life with his bodv buried in earth tip to his arm pits. "Tim caves constitute hut one fea ture if the famous monastery which, with its streets of churches, eel! J, inns and schools, is a small city in itself. Amouir the mummies that formerly lav in open coffins, envelop ed in costly rohes, was that of N'es lor, the us-inn 1 lerodolus, wlun-e chroniclers are re 'sponsible for t he tradition that Kiev was founded hv three brothers in the ninth century. "Prom the 'Cave Town' (piarter o!." tho, city one. emerges suddenly iut') the Podol, or I rmliii (inarter, sult ueslin&r. a New Knulund faetory eiv. with its mills and shops, for pane!, machinery, tobacco, chemicals, and hardware. Kiev not only was the chief seat of the Uu-sian beet. sm:ar trade, but also dealt heavilv in timber, livestock and iraiu. Its recent growth has been rapid. In 1SH!) it had loss than LMHtjmo (teople, and in 1011 more than -'illll.OlUl. "Oldest of the better known Itu.-'.-siiim cities, Kiev ave Kitssin her f;rst Christian church, fir-t libr-ir, first Christian school, and today "It boasts the -blest cathedral of the former empire, that of St. Soph a. Therein is the mi -called 'Virgin of the I'libreakahlc Wall.' because the fiiiiire re-isted the vandal frenzy o the Tatars when thev sma-hed other pricelc.-s treasures of the church. "Ivuv is the scat of miveriiinerl oi the new republic of t'kruine. 1 1 is (ij I miles soul Invest of Mnseow. and 'J7II mile- north of Ode--a." 1 Slates international po-itioii frou a debtor nation to a creditor iiataai. the committee's report stated that the ultimate outcome of this shift ui!l mean an exees.s of imports over e-I'orls. Census Returns WASIIINIITON, .llllic 2 Wori-.'s-Icr. .Mass., ITtl.TIl, liuroaso :t :! , 7 .". r. ir L'l! I per ccul. Caw -tucket, 1!. I., i; I.; IS, lncrcaM' I2.iii,i; or H 1... per cent. Woonsiioket. it. i., iit.iiMi, increase ,'ntT t or t 1. 1 tier cent. Centrat falls, H. I,, 2 1.17 1, In- ciease I Il'ii or per cent. Cransiiin, li. t., -n . 10 7. Iiicieasej "ill on or ,",:i. ;', per ceni. KllM I'l'oviilence, It. I.. 2 1.7:i:!, ja-! crease .fi!,s,'- or ;t7.!i per cent. Itayoline. N. .1.. 7(1. 7.". t. Increase1 2 t.nnn or :S.J per cent. Wlinlipster. Mass.. ! 0.:! t 1 . increa t 0S' or I t .11 per cent. Hires Household Extract contains the actual juices of roots, barks, herbs and berries. It makes rootbeer as pure as it is W Him Htm r hold t:trmrt. nJ THE CttARl ES E. HIRT.S COMPANT Pttitadlphia. tm. mm' It, , S4 (to ) iliiilii Vvz Jt gk, 7S ' ,st!l!itf f V$il w ) sail I i1 A SURE testof i I llf III I UNIFORMITY I j III i i '-"ForTafrteenyearsThave used 1 J!Plfffl l iff I I I M.J.B. Coffee at the St. Francis ". 1 ifeiffl) SJI'. ,WV I -Hotel. My experience! is 'world- P X' ! fwide. Ihave served presidenta:! ; j p I f!aa00 ' ' Timw I. iV .' and ; i kings -f arid ' never j f ouiid .: a '' ' P -S i Cr'owiS';si3Si 81 coffee .witlias 'rich ' a flavor crV'Jj If i 'i Ij -x' I IT.''i I '-as. good a quality "as M.J. B.'- 1 11! i vJ Thousands of guests who' are J H SmJS 1 1 f lU good judges of coffee have been - Iji m ' J li. ' yf ) lL V "JJ i delighted with '.this the supreme I I P f aU Cffee8'" j a i Sole! in OneThreeaaid Five PoimdV&aiism Packed Xms inn j;'i- Ihr liiu Fisher's Dairy Feed Is ;i roiiiiilcto milk prodm-in and Imdy tiiiiintain ratimi. c(iniiMiscd 1" a varij'tv of whoU'soint; it;- dicnts si'icnt iricallv mixed. It is liilily I'alalaMe easily diu'ested, suplyin lieeessaryni'iirislnnent. to the cow when under h jifessmv milk in'inlitet ion. Xo oilier concent rales or j;'rain required to in ase milk flow. (iiiaianteed analysis 17 per cent protein. Pontile the food value of Mill Knn. Onlor toilav Bardwell Fruit Co., 445 So. Fir St. Phone 124 Medford, Oregon MOOKItN Uqi'IPMKNT nnd cxnert liauilliiiK. returns your apparel In A-l t-liaiie at least cost. Pon't trust to home-made efforts get best results here. ii WITH MT3DFGUD TKADE IS MEDFORD LTADE (aioll Ct.OTIiKS 1 Make Tlicm KLEIN TIIK TAIUM1 l;is l-jivt Alain St. GIH CHUNG China Herb Store Hrh carp fnr rnrnch, hH(lnch, rftt arrh, .htiilicria. nore ihront. lung troubl. Ktoio'v ir'tii'U, Htrtmach tionhle. heurt liouhj,.. chlllj: nml fever, cramna, coughs, poor cM'culiitton. carbuncles, tumors, rracKori ju-onf.t, cir.'s all klnda of coHtera. NO (iniUATION:;. Ufilf.rr'l, Oregon. Jnn. 13, tfll7. ThH to e-Mlify that t, the 'indoriicn imI. dmi very sovele stonmch trouble and had hjen holhercil fnr several yeara and hi.it Aupupt was not c-xpectM to live, and hfariTji; of iim - "hunR fwiiose Hrrb Stoi-p is at CM South Kront atrept. Med frrI. 1 fWid el to Rri herbs for my Ntoniaoh trniihic, Hnri i started to fellnn htdT as soon n 1 usetl them and today riin it w.-n man unrt ran htnrttly rerom nipnt anyone (iffllctnl n I waa to iet Gini Chung and try hf Herbs. lcmu) w R JOHNSON. Wilnesses: Xm. L.-vvis, Fagle Point. W. .. Clnl.Ireth, Facie I'olnt. !. A. Ati.hrson, Me.lford. S. l Holmes, Kaple Point. C. J Jloore. Ka;le Point J. V. U In tyre. Kiile Point. Oeo. Von iUt Helen. Kajfle Point. Thr K. Vir joiji. V,nele Pfflnt.