MEDFOTiD A FA TL TRTRTTXE, MKTTFOTfTX ORKOOW TUfDAV, 1. 19i0. Medford Mail Tribune AN IXIiKI'ENhKNT NKW'SI'AI'KIt I'V. 1 ( L I H 1 IK i K V K It V A I'T K 1 1 N OO.N KXCKI'T 81'NHAV TtV T1IK .M K I i Ki ) ft iMt I NTI.WJ Ci ). Off km- Mfiil Trn.i:ie ru;'.uiriK, i.'j--7-: North Kir Bircr-t. 1'hnnt- 7'. A consolidation of Mm iH'inocnitU-TMiih-s. Til-- Aivdfuril Mail. th .M-drunl Tribune, The Southern Ori'Konliii), flu Ashland Tribune. . The Aledfonl .Suwluy .Sun Ih fm iiishid hUbM-rlbei-M di'HinnK a seven iiity daily uewM taper. Editorial Correspondence ItOlJKUT V. ftl.'HI,. KdlUr. H. S. SMITH. .MiiniiKur. 6UBS0UIFT9K TERMS; 51V MAIL IS ADVANCE: Daily., with fnnday Kuti, yenr $6.00 Drill v. with Suniliw Sun. month.... Dallv. without .Sunday Hun, year ... 5. no i")ilv. willinnL Htimiav Sun. month "Weekly .Mail Tribune, one year J.0 Sunday Sun. one year l.i'U I!Y CAltlll Kit In Meilfm d, Anhltind. Jacksonville, Central l'nint. I'liuenix: 'Dallv, with Slindiiy Mini. Mouth... .'in , Daily, without Miiiduy Sun, month .".n Dally, 'Without Sunday Sun. year I.'"1 Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year 1M All term by farrier ouhIi in advance. Officinl paper of tin CMiv of Medfoid Official jitiper of Jaek.son County. Knter"d hm secoiul-elaws matter ill Medford, Oregon, umler tlie act of M.ircli X, 1X7H. Sworn daily average clreulation for nix nionthH endiiiK April. Q2Hi 3'U'J Ye Smudge Pot Ily Arthur Jcrry 'Active Democrats of Oregon," one rends In the liend Times, "plan to curry tho state for tiia party nom inee", and, if they succeed, they .will not alono bo nctlvo, but agile, acro hatic, and adroit. Dave Wood, who likes to teaso peo ple, can lay off thu rough stuff until he figures out what relation Goliath Knott of Hunihui;, Cal., bears to him. It is too bad that Assistant Secre tary of Labor Post can not bo sent to Russia, where he can find company for his thoughts anil his whiskers. Attorney General I'almor testified beforo the senate that ho was "self willed and autocratic" a form of bullheuiledness In Washington, IJ. C, not confined entirely to his own dear self. "Wanted A female, not over :t" years, for housekeeper. Phono 45.1 Malln" (Wunt Ad SK Bulletin). A brutally candid advertiser. .One of the favorite tricks of. bean cry cooks Is to call soup of no partic ular origin, "Puree of Peas, ala Jack son," thoio being overyiaiug but peas implicated In Its manufacture. 1 Tho son of (III Johnson Is on the ground at Chicago, presumably to aBSlst In the family bawling, when his pa is "robbed." The English report on the Armen ian situation, says in ono paragraph that there Is "ample flour on hand." The English do not know that the Armenians aro too busy starving to bako bread. Congressman Hough of Alabama urges tlio oil Interests" to put oil upon tho waters, for Industrial hap piness." Tho advice Is good but dan gerous, and thoso addressed are liable to get wator In the oil, Instead of oil upon tho waters. Anminzlo, the "mad poet," Is mad- dor than over. The premier of Italy Bays he Is crazy. ; Room 1b senrco at Sun Francisco for the Hem. convention which means tliut Colonel Minis will huvo to leave his $3(i, 8 quart, UK Inches across the beam, plantation bat to homo. iot (iooil Itc.sults , This honest, straight forward let ter from a woman who has suffered should be heeded by all arflictod with backache, rheumatic pains, sore mus cles, awful tired feeling and other symptoms of kidney and bladded trouble: "I have got such good re sults from Foley Kidney Pills that I can sleep much better and tho pain In my back and sides is a good lot better. I am going to keep n taking them." Mrs. Chns. Cray, 270 lith St Detroit, Mich. For sale by Medford Pharmacy. Auv Miss Leah Walthor has returned homo from a several weeks visit in northern California. : Lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Frcczone costs only a few cents. mil "With your finpora! You run lift ofT Any hunl corn, hot corn, or corn botw pen tho to 8, ntul tho hanl ktn h1ums fiwn bottom of fort. A tiny bottle nf "Frpcwme cots little fit any drug More; apply n ivw drop u pen the com or cnllun. Instantly it Htops hurtiiif. thon shortly yon lift lhat linthrrftome mrn or rathi riM olT, root find all, without onr hit nf pain or or pesa. iruiyi uuiuuugi (hcrlnml IJ:riilt'tI, en roitti H;u Fiiini'isco to Cliiriiuo, Mav M- Tliv Ovcrlatul Limited is limited nl ritiM, limited to tlie rhildri-n of. IsriM'l. and Johnson rielt'mttes to tho ('Inrniro convi'iition. The i'onnfcr .vii: on numbers, tlx- latter on noise. The Kvno;oiueK must have let out carlv todnv tor all their coniirouii-tton.-i were at- the station, intre out ide of tin- train than in, but enoituli in both tilures. And tliev were ul! wjivinii" uod-lve, hori .out ally, . ticallv and teart'tilly. So many fam ily disruptions never luive been wit nessed since Noah lel't tiie Ark. There, was one .Jewish intuiiisl in pjulieuh'f, very dressy voiiij?; man, witli a l'-al nose, hlaek, curly hair and a curio i watch chain of seed pearls and near platinum, rummiir riiuuuimllv over the third piece of a snappv suit of olivo ureen flannel The watch rhnin, or.e surmised, had formerly been the neel; eh.'tin of the who was departiu:;. If so, she had lon since abainloi.ed all concern ih its survival. Tor. though I know nothinir about Ahe's fistic abilities, when it conies o cliiiehiuif Abey is the Jiuhtwenhl eliatupion ! . Iml at last the train slurted wit Ji (lie Johnson delegation, only thrv.i of lliriii thus far, smoking fat ci ijnrs on the buck plat form. The trio imiliched. the cigars, all strangers since habvlpiod to mal-nutrition. Hut tljere was nolhinir roughneck about them. In fact, one had all the mnvl; insiM of a nitm ol! wealth nnd educa tion. At any rate lie confided to the unattended lleunu Inured beauty at his side that lie -paid $.IH for lii -dioc.K nnd wna a famous athlete :it college. A irold medal on Hie eml of a watch eliain was presented to sub stantiate this hitter statement. The dher two were not so well tailored iiitsjdc, Imt they unve every indica tion of heinir fullv up Ut par inii!e. In Jact. they moked ernnmh ciir-ir.-between San Francisco and Nevada to kill a reuiuient of ordinary luinuui ' beiiiL's, while the heaviest one ehewe! tine cut between times. j If noise, pure, unadulterated ver bal violence. is oimr to win the re-; publican nomination, then Johnson is, tif, certain of li'Wni: to the White; House as Debs is of noinir to Mazes. We waiter these three men could put it over themselves, unassisted. And' it is not idle patter. It's irood stuff. 1 facts, figures, data, dicta, h-tr, riaht, upside nnd down, inside ami out, over bri litres and under them, into tunnels and out of them, lli rtirn! Hiram! Hiratn! And for their own edification a)p:trentlv, but if auvoue yets to Chieairo without knowiitir that Hiram is the best friend of the common people, the most hater! foe of pi'iveloiie. and, this is the IJet Motif of tho entire performance th.' ureat and onlv native son of the urent ami onlv California who for the first lime since lialboa discovered the lu- cific, can bninr the White House to the (ioldeti Oate, tlien they better take a taxi from the train to an nu rist. Their hearinir is in daimer. State pride, there is the answer to the California primaries, the marvel is Hoover bayired any votes at all. But, (his is 8 p. m., and the cli'.rn- on the hack pint form is dwindling in volume. Perhaps it was a too'henrty dinner. Perhaps its the distance be tween here and .San Francisco, for sonielhiiur tells us that the Johnson enthusiasm throws in inverse propor tion to the mileatre of the Overland laniited, trohur east. f would nnulv.e further, hut the elderly woman opposite laid down her knitting and started up eoitvera tion on the lied IVril in America. To tuote the immortal phrase of Futile I'oint "More Anion". ' w. tYiG Mason BY THE SEA. T'M AT Ln Jolla, by tho sea; tho view is something -- fine, with largo lilue billows rolling 1'ree five thous and miles of brine. Tho grand old ocean is my lawn, it. slops against iny door; no dandelions grow 1 hereon, to make my spirit sore. Tho water booins Into the caves, reminding mo ol' this: I do not have to mow Hie waves; and such a thought is bliss. . I sOo the bil lows, high find dark, the endless surge and swell; I soo the seals, and hear them bark, as though they'd things to sell. And I could sit and watch the son one thous and years or two, and every hour 'twould bring to me some message strange and new. t's saying, -as it sighs and raves, and murmurs, moans and pleads, "You do not have to mow my waves, or from me dig. tlie. woods." Tho salt sea sloshes round my coop, ami sharks oomo up and play, and I sit out, upon the stooii, and smile tho livelong day. T'vc always had a lawn to mow; and woods to dig at night; no sandburrs on the ocean grow, to mar mv chaste delight. 1 : : The Bank of Progress and Prosperity The Medford National Bank THE YOUNG MAN WHO IS AMBITIOUS AND THRIFTY lias a Savings Account with this Hank. Thai is the. reason why, he is getting ahead in the world. DON'T LAG BEHIND Oct some pop in you and bo a Real Man. Start a Savings Account with us. w. s. c. Fifth and North Riverside Telephone 1 Tie Dow Hospital Graduate Nurse3 Only Special Attention to X-Eay Cases. MEDFORD IRON WORKS J FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPj AUo nt:rnt Tor l''u!rluukM nntl lm-t, it soi in iti iousiiu: STAR TAXI PHONE 300 Cars for hire with or without driver. JAMES LESLIE Nash Hotel NE CENT SALE BARGAINS. . Thursday, Friday and Saturday 2 June 3, 4, and 5. Chock your wants. Cut tJiis out and bring it with you REMEDIES AVar tax Extra . Ufie Analgesic lialm ..; : 2 for : 25o Arnica Salvo 2 for 2tfo. T!0e Babv Cough Svrup ...2 for 31o 25o Carbolic Salve ' , 2 for 2Gc ?,0c Ciierrv Bark Cough,Svrup 2 for SI'.- 25,; ChilJjiiiin Romodv 2 for 2(5c 25,- Roxall Cold Tablets .-., : 2 for 2Co 2oc Uoxall Corn Solvant 2 for '2(ic 2;")c Roxall Foot Powder 2 for 2fi; 25e Headache Tablets 2 for 26c. i0i- Kidney Pills.. .-. 2 for f)lc .$1.25 Kidnov Compound 2 for $1.26 2.")c Laxative Aspirin Cold Tablets .:..2 for 2Cc 25c Liver Pills 2 for 2(i;i $1.00 Nerve Tonic 2 for $1.0,1 25c Purgative Pills '. 2 for 2(k; 50c Rheumatic Compound 2 for 51 o r55o Rubbing Oil : 2 for :!0c r!0c Throat Oarglo 2 for lUc 25c Universal Cloanor : .2 for 2b'e 25cv.ATorm Syrup ..2 for 2(c 50c Balsam Tar Compound 2 for 51c 25c Roiker Expectorant ..2 for 2(ic TOOTH PREPARATIONS A'ar Tax on 1'astes andPowders iific Antiseptic Tooth P.owder 2 for 'Ale 25c I'oarl Tooth Powder 2 for 2(ic 25c Roxall Tooth Paste '. 2 for 2(o 25c Pteiker's Tooth Paste 2 for 2c :?5c Tooth Bi'iishos (Xo War Tax) '..2 for 3(i; FACE CREAMS. War Tax Extra. 35c Roxall Toilet Cream (liquid) 2 for 3Go 0c Coca Putter Cold Cream 2 for file (iOc A'iolot Dulce Vanishing Cream 2 for file 30c IJoikcr's Peroxide Cream ....2 for 31". 50c Harmon v. Massage Cream 2 for 51c. (i0o IWker's Almond Meal 2 for file TALCUM POWDERS War Tax Extra. 25c intense Rose ..' : .2 for. 2fic 25c Paby Talcum . 2 for 26c 25c Trailing Arbutus 2 for 2(ic 50c Boque.t Rameo .:. 2 for 51c FACE POWDERS . AVar Tax Extra. $1.00 -Roquet Rameo 2 fwr $1.01 50c Violet Dulce -2 for 5tc 50c Charmona 2 for 51c HAIR PREPARATIONS War Tax Extra. $1.00 Sept one Hair Tonic 2 for $1.01 30e Violet Dulce Shampoo Crystals :.....2 for 3.1c , RUBBER GOODS No War Tax. $2.50 Maximum Fountain Syringes 2 for $2.51 $2.50 Maximum Water Pottles' 2 for $2.51 $2.50 Ladies' Svringes : 2 for $2.51 $2.00 Svmbol Wator Bottles 1: 2 for $2.01 $1.00 Combination Attachment Sets ......2 for $1.01 STATIONERY. 50c Lord Baltimore Box 1 ...2 for 51o '10(i Pox Paper (White,) 2 for 41c (iOc Pox Paper in Tints .2 for Oh; fiOc Fernsdalo Linen 2 for file 75c Medallion Linen (tints) ..2 -for 76c 10c Writing Tablets (note size) 2 for 11". 15c Writing Tablets (all sizes) : 2 for Kic 50c Pound Paper 2 for 51e 15c Envelopes 1 . 2 for Kic 20c Envelopes : .....2 for 21c 15c Visiting Cards (bunches) 2 for l(c 5c Erasers -.2 for .06c PHARMACEUTICALS. War Tax Kxtra. 25c Zinc Oxide Ointment (tubes) ,2 for 26; 25c Sulphur and Cream Tartar Lozenges 2 for 26.; 25c Aspirin Tablets 2 for 2(k- 50c Aspirin Tablets ! 2 for 51c SV Xux and Iron Tablets 2 for 86c 2Cc Soda Mint Tablets : 2 for 26c FOOD PRODUCTS No War Tax. 60.' Opeka Tea , 2 for 61c :',"c Chocohvte Bans (bitter) 2 for 36.; 3u-('oca' it :.: 2 for 36.- -1 Vanilla 2 for 41c 40.- L-Mii. u 2 for 4L; MISCELLANEOUS 25c Tar Shampoo Soap 2 for 26c 15c Bath Tablets : 2 for 16-- 25c Cuticle Solvant 2 for 26c 20c Powder Puffs 2 for 21c $1.00 Hair Brushes 2 for $1.01 15c Washing Compound '. :.2 for Tic 5c ( mm '. 2 for .()6c WEST SIDE PHARMACY GOoE Store lewi .J pi! fiStv ECONOMIC CONDITIONS . TOO few people study this subject from tho standpoint of their own welfare. Yet such a factor enters! into all business and finance. Supply and Demand, Labor and Wages, Sav ing and Spending, Investment and Specula tion all have their effect for good or-for. bad. Your own economic condition is bettered by a First National BANK ACCOUNT. . vie First National Bank3 We Can Make You a Bargain in Made-up Apple Boxes, also Lug Boxes Shook is high this year. Let us save you money. Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange Phone 932 4th & Fir Streets TO FRUIT. - SHIPPERS ' Wo take pleasure in announcing that we have completed arrangements -to pack and handle all our fruit, through the Poguo Pivor Fruit Distributors Packing Plant this coming season. DENNIS, KIMBALL & POPE, INC. E. M. McKoanv Pacific Coast Representative. Office Holland Hotel Elk. ' HAS THE BOTTOM DROPPED OUT? ; Cups and Saucers, each ': 15 Window Shades ..:......:.:... .69 Bin Reduction on 2-In. Post Iron Beas. Get our prices on Silk Fibre Mattresses and Coil Springs. Mordoff & Woolf Phone 9 . 22-24-26 South Fir j i ; at " Cafe : 510DERN EQUIPMENT and expert handling returns yom" upparel In A-f Kluipe at least. cost. Don't trust to home-made effort get best results hero. Licensed City Scavenger. POTATOES Como Early. Como Quick. Hand picked Old Crop Potatoes at only $7.00 per cwt. by tlio snck. I We'll knock the soy off of Old j Alan H. C. I.. MONARCH Seed & Feed Co.' 317 Faxl. Main Rrr ! All refuse Immediately remoTed on short notice. Weekly visit ln resi dence districts. Dally business dis trict. Phone S93. . Stenography Muitigraphing Circular work of all klr.di Milling LtiU Tunnell & Edwards IOe-308 Liberty Bnlldlng Medford, Oregon. 4 For Sale BalconyandStairs v . Now in Our Store Medford Book Store (;ooi clothes I 31ake Them KLEIN THT. TAII.OU . l:JH East Main St. iiin nirt-Si iw' f. ..... -.-Mfw. nl reniim uU of I ailed Mates rcsiu. I ami and posts wliere miirine in li-Tis "aiinoiiuct'tnu Oic pies "todnv