4 STCBFGRTr 5TXTE TKTBTJYR, ' MTTrOT?TTF. OTJTYI0N-, TrTSTCtT. .THTR T. TO" .- I 'it ' w (Information concern ing Jire$ taken from biro Prevention Manual issued Ay The Nat'l Board of Fire Under un iters.) Another home destroyed ! More than 15,000 people lose their lives and hundreds of thousands of hordes are damaged or destroyed by fire in the United States every year. One of the commonest causes is carelessness in handling matches, according to tKc National Board of Fire Underwriters. Use a Franco Flashlight instead of matches or candles in search ing dark corners. ' . , Franco Flashlights equipped with Fra ( Batteries are safe, strong, powerful, wireless. Caanoi. corrode or short circui!:. guaranteed to last. Always dependable. TomorrowMqy fa too lak Reduction in Lard Prices Effective Immediately V One gallon pail . $2.75 j'r6tie-half gallon pail 1.40 Small pail . ... .75 This lard is pure and sweet, made in Medford, and full quality and quantity I West Side Market V Economy Market City Treasurer's Notice of Semi -Annual interest Due NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the semi-rfnnuai interest on paving, sewer and watermain assessmenl.a iipon all properties for which application was made to "extend time of payment, will be due and payable at the office of the city city treasurer June 1, 1920, and will be delinquent after thirty (30) days from .said date and shall bear a penalty of five, per cent (5) upon the amount of such delinquency. ;''''.. s '. Thirty days after any such delinquency the prop erty will be sold for the amount of such delinqiiency, together with penalty and costs of such sale in ac cordance with the provisions of Section 148 of the city charter. TYDated at Medford, Oregon, this 24th day of May, -toon ' - - . ' -, - . , : MARY A. HASWELL, j ' Treasurer of the City of Medford, Oregon. NEW SCHEDULE INTERURBAN AUTO CO Adopted Monday, March 29. ASHLAND MEDFORD t . , Dally icp Sunday. ... ... " Urn llKKortl 7:15, 8:00. i:4, :. 10:16 11:00 a. D), 11:00 noon: 1J:45, 1 :!. :16, t:00, :45. 4:0, S:15, :00, 7:00 p m. 11:46 p. m. Saturday only; 9:S0 p. m. daily; p. m. batarday only. '' Um AaMand T:1S, S:00. :4S, :S0, 10:15, 11:00 ft. m.; 12:00 noon; 11:46, 1:S0 1:15, :00, :4, :S0, 8:15, 6:00, 7:00 p. m.i :4S p. m. SituHn onlr: :0 p. m. dally; H:16 midnight, Saturday only. Sunday Only :0, 10:00, 11:00 a. ir..; U noon: 1:M, 1:00 a:00,4:00, 6:00. 0:10, 0:10 p. m. ' 0:00 10:00, 11:00 a. m.; It noon; 1:00, 1:00, f:00. 4:00. 6:00, 0:S0. 0:$O p. m. JfalUnc room Aaalaad, East Sid. Pharmacy. CONSORTIUM TO AID CHINA IS FAR EAST CURE J. P. Morgan Banking Aide Praises Japan for Fair Mindedness In Doing Share Expect to Solve Ori ental Problems Entire World In terested in Success of Prelect. SAX FRAN'CISCO, Juno 1. The Far Kastern question which for'yeara has directly or indirectly ut't'ected all leuding nations of the world, hB been brought one step nearer solution by reason of the assured formation of the consortium to aid China, mem bers of the Commonwealth club of California were told today by Thom as W. l.amont, member of the New York banking firm of J.. P. Morgan and company, who has just returned from the Far East whore he was In strumental in effecting Japan's en trance Into the consortium. "Japan's entry into the consortium upon precisely the same terms as England, France and America has advanced by at least one step solution of the Far Eastern problem," Mr. La mont said, j "I am Informed that in the two years it has taken to form the consor Hum there hus been the freest Inter change of views among the govern ments of the United States, - Great Britain, France and Japans "I was received in Japan with the utmost cordiality by the members of the Japanese banking group, for long ago they learned, to . speak the Ian guage of international co-operation in banking matters. "Japan absolulMy showed broad- mindedness and wisdom in waiving her reservations regarding Manchuria and Mongolia. She was courageous in recognizing that ..those .. reservations were of- no value to her and If main tallied, would only serve as an inevit able bar to her entering-as a free and full partner in the consortium. "The policy of the United States government respecting the Far Eust hus been criticised in the past. But i the" Buccesa of the consortium and ("the maintenance of trade in the Far I East rests, in the last analysis,- not JACKSONVILLE MEDFORD Dally except Sunday. Inn Hfdtord 8:00, :0. 10:10 a. m.1 U:0O Boon; 1:30. 8:00, 4:80, 0:S0 p. m Saturday onlr 7:80 p. m.; 9:80 p. B. dally Saturday only 10:80 p. m. Hatnrrf.v OnlV taT Ja--kon11le 7:10, 8:80, 10:00, 11:80 a. m.; 1:00, 1:00, 9:40, r:uu 7:vu p. m. Dat urday only, 8:00 p. m. Runday O-lhr ln Htdford 0:00, 10:80 a. m l 11:00 noon: 1:3U, 4:00, 0:30, 0:30 10:10 p. m I.t Jacaaonrillc 10:00, 11:80 a. m. 1:80. Ian 5:00. 7:00. 0:60 D. IB. TWfirt and watting room No. 8, South front Maaft Hot! Dunlin. Jarkaomrllla Waiting Room at ftctat'a Ooo hwiion.rr. nkona suv. jteaiora. uro, upon .governments, .but upon private citizens and upon their support. For this new plan of Far Eastern co operation I bespeak. your cordial sup port, your thoughtful interest and the free expression of 'your, views." PASSING SHOW AT THE PAGET0N1GHT Grcut interest is manifested in the bier -New York Winter Garden's most popular revue "The Passim; .Show" nt the Puire Theittre toniuht. The advance sale of scats has broken nil' records and indications point to u sell-put for the one performance. In prosentimr "The Pussinir Show' here, the Messrs. Shubcrt desire to emphasize the .uet .that this brilliant and benutiful'produc tion will be a-ivcu iri its ent'retVj exuetlv as presented ut the New York Winter Garden las, year. Th8. complete orisinul produc tion, down la the very lust s.iancio, has been broutrht here, and will be shown nt the Pnec Theatre. The cast contains Willie and En trene Howard, two of the world's CTcutest enteii.iiuers. und includes such hendliners us Rov Commini-'S, Wm. Philhrifk, Juhn . Durke, Mwurd. Hassc, Edward Cutler, Ileion CnrTini; ton, Leeta Corder, Kmilv Miles, Alex andra DiiEDinr, Uorshii, Peterv Brown, Victor Ilosnrt. Billie Shaw. Jack I lull. Dolores Sunrez, Frank Hall, Mary Bootl), and 125 l'umons Winter Gnnleu benuties.'-V ...... . . ' E MEDFORD HOIEL It is anticipated that tho Forum of the Chamber of Commerce tomorrow noon at the Medford hotol will be one of the largest in attendance of any hold since the Forums have been adopted by the chamber. Col. Rob ert A. Miller will lead the discussion on "The Development of Community Spirit" and as the colonel has given this subject a great deal of study, his talk will bo most interesting and ln" structivo. In the arrangement of the program of work for tho Chamber of Com merce as compiled from the replies In tho "write it down" blanks, the de velopment of a better community spirit was a subject which received the third largest number of sugges tions, therefore, a .great many mem bers of tho Chamber of Commerce have shown themselves Interested In this subject und there is nn evident desire that a better Bplrit along this lino be built up. The Wednesday Forum lunches during month of June will be held at the Medford hatel and members should endeavor to bring traveling men who call upon them, as their guests. The traveling men are the best advertisers that a community can have. If a town which thoy visit is dead, they make no bones about it when asked abput same, but if the town Is up and going, they become enthusiastic about same and let oth ers know about It. Tho Forum meet ings refloct the spirit of Medford arid unless visitors are invited, the energy placed Into these Forums by tho com mittee in charge is lost. The Forum luncheons start prompt and end promptly at 1 : 15. BE L STATI Another proposition which prom- kiw in .nut. Modfm-il nn thp inim lis an uirplnno station, is the proposed establishment of - mi air line from Seattle, via Tncoinn, Portland, Kn irenc anil Medford, to Sn Francisco and buck nlonir the const, for nidil iind' tourists. . :'F.Kt.iiliHKliniPTif. of mi . jiimlnric laiidiliu' field at Astoria is now the onlv Inckim niviliminnrv tn the s:ii('. eess. of tlie project," says J. 10. Gratlte tor years publisher ot the Astoria Evenilin- lludifet. and W. B." Roller. son, a prominent tinibermnn. . Helped Man and Wife 1 Walter Farraud,. 1093 Springfield Ave.,. Irvington, N. J., writes: "My back ached continuously, as did' my wife's." After taking- Foley Kidney Pills, we were surprised with the quick results. I recommend Foley Kidney Pills to any-6no who has kid ney or bladder trouble." They help rid the blood of impurities that cause rheumatic pains, swollen', aching and stiff joints and muscles and . other symptoms of kidney trouble. For sale by Medford rharmacy. '. Adv. In Fchrufirvi 1318. (here mis pre sented on the Xew York stnse n play culled "The Copperhead." The day before its opening no one knew auv- thinif . about it. The duv after the entire citv was talk about it. "The Copperhead;"-bv lAueuslus Thomas, with Lionel Barrvmore in the lcndintr role, scored the most pro nounced success of nnv play on the stns;e that season. Its appeal was universul. ' The house was sold or! every nuiht for months. Critics pro claimed it to be one of the ereatcst pluvs ever written. "The Copperhead" has been ma into u picture, with Lionel Bnrrvmorc as star, in the same role' lie create ! on the stuire. Charles Mu'gne adapt ed it from the Thomas plnv. We are certain that this picture will be as ereat a triumph on th' screen ns it was on the state. We are showinsr it four davs, beuinnine to morrow matinee.' Don't miss it. ASPIRIN !, 'A Name ''Bayer" on Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" is genuine Aspirin proved fwift by millions and pro scribed by phyaiciana for over twenty years. Accept only an unbroken "liaycr package" wbicli contains proper direc tions to relieve Headache, Tootbaclie, Earache, Neural pi a, Rheumatism, Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tab let coat few cents. Drupgista also sell larger "Bayer . packages. Aspirin in trade .mark Bayer Manufacture Mono Qceticacidestcr of Salicylicacid. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local appllcfttlons.c as thy cannot reach the diseased portion of ths car. There Is only on way to cur -catarrhal deafiujs, aca that i ty a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Dcafneai is cauacd by an In flamed condition of th mucoui lining of the Eustachian Tub. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Im perfect hear Inn. and when It Is entirely closed, Deafness la the result. Unless th( Inflammation can be reduced and this tub restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed Jrrever. Many cases o deafness ore cauied by catarrh, which It an Inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of th system. We will rive One Hundred , Dollars for ny ccse of Catarrhal Deafnens that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Cir culars free. All Drugalsts. TBc. 1 P. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo. O, OVER-ACIDITY of the stomach hai upset many nigbfsreat. U your stomach ia add disturbed, dissolve two ot three 0 ilHiDIDS on the tonirue before retiring and en joy refreshing sleep. The purity ctssd goodness of Ki-moida guaranteed by SCOTT A BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT Z EMULSIOU and whales more you can't buy a better cigarette no matter what you're willing to pay! GREAT thing; to be cigarette contented like youTl find youreelf with Camels an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos which you will prefer to either kind smoked straight! Camels are a revelation in flavor, in refreshing good ness, in smooth, mellow-mildness. Yet, Camels have : a delightful "body" that meets your keenest desires. Camels are so good you will want to smoke them liberally. And, you may for Camels never tire your taste I Camels quality and Camels blend take care of thatl You will also enjoy Camels freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor. If you want to get some personal information about Camels com pare them with any cigarette in the world at anyi jse saa 11 t"' r Cam els era aod everywhere in ockinftficatty Beatcd packegeB of JO cirvttc for 20 1 rot a, ortenpackaiiiiiJQOcigarttea) ' in a o'iif?-psier-ciftreti caron. tV atrongfy recommenoT 1 thim carton tot the home or office euppty or when you travel. 2 J. Reynold Tobacco Co. Wicston-Salcin, N. C Special Steels Eliminate Useless Weight in a MAXWELL The reason the Maxwell engine is so responsive and yet thrifty, the reason the tires roll into big mileage is due largely to one fact: A Maxwell is burdened with no uselcss weight. Special steels make this so. They re made to Maxwell's own formulae. No ether steels in any car are just like them. These special steels are of fjreat strength and make pos sible h ideal Maxwell con struction of brute strength with light weight. Obviously, they are high priced metals. THiey . equal, pound for pound, tlie steels in any car built. ; , The wisdom of their use in the Maxwell becomes evident when one observes the rapid growth in public favor of this remarkable car. Consider that nearly 400,000 of them are now in use; that 100,000 more will be added to this total in 1920. A.W.Walker Auto Co. Medford, Oregon SA 1