Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 01, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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The next big feature of commence
ment week will bo the senior cIiwb
reception which will bo held at the
natatorium .tonight. The graduation
exercises will tako place at the Pago
theater Thursday night.
Good house und lot for sale cheap,
close In. Phono 403-X-2. (ill
During tho gasoline crisis why not
drive .'an Overland and average 25
miles to the gallon of gas. " -; 05''
The, "Passing Show", ot the Page
theater tonight is expected to be the
biggest theatrical event of tho local
season. ' W"hl!o the advance sale has
been heavy, there are plenty of good
seats left, but undoubtedly when the
curtain rises tonight there will be a
capacity house. And the performance
will begin on time as the very large
"Passing Show" company arrived in
tho city at 1 o'clock this afternoon by
special train made up of three sleep
ing cars, a diner and four hagguge
. cars. Manager Hunt positively de:
clarca the Passing Show Is tho big
gest theatrical treat of tho local sea
son. '
' DiyHalstoad, at 225 East Main, 9
a. m. to 5 p. ni. Phone 090-M. fi5
Coffee has urrlved. 3- lbs. $1.
Truax Store. 0.4
Dwlght Phlpps of tho Unlverslly of
Oregon has been elected to tho musi
cal council of tho unlverslly. This
society has charge of all music ot the
campus. ' ,
Ladies" and Men's suits cleaned
$1.25 to $1.50; hats cleaned and
blacked 50c to'.f l.BU. Phone 223-.1.
103 North Contnil. CG
Salt for buy and stock. Good qual
ity and price light. Farm Hurcnii
Exchange. !
Quite a lnrgo contingent of eastern
people are registered at tho Medford,
including Mrs. James E. Ncwcomb of
New York, MIbs Cornelia Ncwcomb of
New London, Conn., II. K. I'ugo of
Pscw York, D. T. Slock of New, Haven,
Conn., Mr. and Mrs. James T. Oliver
and Mr. and ,Mis. n. I' (londert of
Akron, O., nnd Ooorgo R. Purvis. 'and
V. H. Spooner of Chicago. '
If Willy Wood wanted some wood,
what wood would Willy try? Ho
would call up 70 and say: Send somo
wood -to Willy Woot, of courso ho
would, bocnuso their wood is the
choapest wood that Willy Wood could
buy. Valley Fuel Co. 1
Amorlcan Legion mooting Mooso
hull postponed until Wednesday night
Floyd Hart because of absence from
the city was not able to act ub 'mar
shal of the Memorial day parade yes
terday, and hence another well known
American legion man, Robert Wilson
took this position.
Wo sell 'tires nnd accessories for
less-.. Save money by paying cash at
MoCurdy-Dowue Motor Co. . flf
Coffee week at, Truax store. M. J..
B.t',' Golden West, Golden Star, Gol
den Onto. Schilling's, Folger's Com
rade, Tlllmnn & llendol's Aromatic
brand, all at reduced prices, and
three lbs. of our fine blend in bulk
. at $1. 64"
Mrs. Lillian Greer Zundel of Ash
land wus a week end visitor ut the
homo of Mr. and .Mrs. J. W, Ling.
Danco nt Trail Saturday, Juno G.
Music by Majestic orcbostra. 0 1
1 Medford Camp i 0 1 3 Modern Wood
men of America meets in Alt hen hull
over Sub-Post Office, Wednesday
night, June 2, 8 p. m. 61
L. W. Wilson or Willnrd, Kas., and
C. C. Wilson of Applegato nro Hotel
Holland gnosis who arrived in the
city yesterday.
Real homo mudo sorghum at
Hutchison & Lumsden. '
Your cash Ih worth more nt Mc
Curdy-Donne's In Gates's old storo
as wo give a discount on tiros nnd ac
cessories for cash. 05'
H. L. Wallher is back from a sev
eral days short trip to Yreka and oth
er northern California points.
Throe lbs. of our fino blend coffee
$1. Truax Store. (I I
Young man, lonm a trade and In
after years you will not bo doing day
labor. Wo havo u splendid opportu
nliy for a young man 1S yours oi
over ut this office nt once. "
The homo made brooms which are
boing sold nt tho public market an
not tho product of tho local broom
making concern, tho Roguo River
valley broom works, whose excellent
product, equal to the best broom
made, Is sold only thru tho regular
retail liusine.mi rli.'imicls.
From:li jta.sLry ui.d dainty confec
tions made. fi csli daily at Rox C'ufo. tf
' Who'll im' Is hcarce you won't
worry if nu lnm an Overland our
nvnr.iito In 25 miles to the gallon. 05"
J. I!. Onnvkir ami r. M. ItobiiiMMi
of Portland tire quests nt the Hoi
land. Other Oregonlans at Ibis hotel
uroMrwyn Stephenson of ltoseburg
und J. II. Saunders of Ashland.
Moonlight dnnco! Medford Nat.
Wed. 02"
Havo just iusl ailed new elect ric
Thor washer. Your washing done
promptly and efficiently. Mrs. Henry
Burnetto, Tuli'iit, Ore. Ilex 11.'!. (":!
J..' J. Skinner and Thus. Hushing
of the California Oregon Power com
pany,, hare returned to Medford nfter
having spent several days in Grants
Puss, ,
Ulg moonlight dance. Nat. Wed.
Moonlight! Moonlight fox
trots: .Moonlight one-steps: Don't
miss this! 62
Wo are now Orohard
Brand Spray ntatorials, good quality,
prices right. Farm Dureau Coopera
tive Exchange. Phono 932. G!
liny Phon? 2i!7
Mght Phnniw Y. Wn-kn, !i
A. K. Orr, 227-J.a.
Washington state guests at the
Medford include K. M. Richardson of
Tacoma, O. E. Crossman of Snoho
mish, II. D. Coalo and A. Wlnns of
Seattle, and .Mr. and Mrs. John T.
Davlos, Frank IJavles and Elizabeth
Davles ot Spokane.
.Moonlight dance! Medford Nat.
Wed. Imperial orchestra! Admission
free! 62
Kodak finishing. Good work, low
est prices. Japanese Art Store. '
Rev. D. C. Millard delivered the
baccalaureate sermon to the grad
uates of tho high school Sunday night
at the Page theater Instead of Rev
.1. R. Sasnett, as was erroneously pub
We do hemstitching, picotlng. The
vanity Shop, next Rlnlto theatre. '
Sanitary Reality Shop, Garnctt-
Corey Bldg., rooms 406-407. Phono
S41-R. Goneral work. 84
It Is not known yet whether or not
tho Elks lodge will huvu initiation
Thursday night.
Tru Blu cookies and crackers. The
Palace Grocery. 72
Auto repairing SI. J. Swing, with
Hlttson Motors Auto Home, 29 South
Front. All work guaranteed. tf
Carl Von der Heljen was a business
visitor In the city today from Wollen.
The Hoot Shop, Ashiand, announces
arrivals of white low shoes for huiii
nior. Sport oxfords at $4.23 and
?5.00. Cloth pumps, military or
French heels $6.50. Cloth oxfords
$6.50 and $7.00. These in addition
lo all varieties pumps, ties and ox
fords, brown or black. 61
Mill-run at the old price. Bardwell
Fruit Co. .02
A moonlight dancing party Is an
nounced for Wednesday night, June
2, at the natutorlitin. Music of the
modern, up to the liilnuto type will
bo provided by tho full imperial or
chestra. That huge saxophone which
created such a sensation nt the, patri
otic bull last Saturday wUl again be
featured tomorrow night; Dancing
will begin at 9 p. m. nnd there will
bo no admission charge at tho door'. '
. See Medford Land & Insurance
Agency, successors to D. ii. Wood &
Co., Urn, 209 Liberty Bldg., for tire
Insurance, - tt
Orres, tho ladles' tnilor, will be at
Hotel Holland every Thursday, Pine
woolens, latest stylos always. tf
Tho Ashland Fruit & Produce as
sociation has let tho contract for tho
40x125 feet addition to their plant
which will bo erected on tho site of
tho old While Sulphur hotel adjoin
ing I ho association building, and
will be completed-before tho big fruit
rush lulo in tho sensoni
Roycroft leather, copper and Shef
field plate for graduation gifts. Med
ford Itook Store. ..; . 60
For tbe best insurance soo Holmes
the Insurance Man!
Frank Ilrannn of Kansas left
Monday nftor a visit with his slater,
Mrs. Low Ruckcs whom he had not
Heen for cloven years. ,. .
Do you want to save your curtains
by washing and ironing them by the
electric washer and ironer at Paul's
Ulectrlc Storo? We will do It or show
you how.
Kodaks for graduation. Medford
Uook Storo. 60
Tho members ot tho "Passing
Show" company, which urrlved Id tho
city by Bpcclal train early this after
noon, lost no time in getting out of
tho cars und walking about tho city.
A numbur of tho principals und oth
ers enjoyed auto rides about tho city
and vicinity.
Mrs. Paul HanseD, corsotiere for
NuBone. Phone 585-J.
For eye, cm, nose, throat see Dr.
Holno, Liberty Bldg. Glasses fitted.
In tho Jacksonville cemetery nro
burled 00 vetornns of tho Indiun war
of this 'country in 1S56-7, ninuty
olgbt votorans of the Civil and Mex
ican wars, sixteen ot tho Civil war
and six of t)ie lato World war, so far
as known. Several of those burled
hero were In both tho Mexican and
Civil wars. General John K. Ross,
who defeated the Roguo Indians lit
tho Table Rock battlo and who also
fought In the Modoc Indian war, is
buried In this cemetery. Ross Lane
was mimed for lilni.
Your spring suit host woolens,
reasonable prices. Klein tho Tailor,
East Main, upstairs,.
Dclco-Llght Electricity for evory
farm. J. E. Bartlett, Modford Hotel,
Modford, Oro.
At tho homo of Mrs. George Pur
ucker on May II 1st was born an N
pound daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Kl
mer Kincald of Ashland.
Tablets and Bcraici. pads made of
news print, for school and offlco uso
for sale at this offlco. tt
Carl Joschko, high grado watch
and cloc krepalrlng. 9 Fir stroet.
For some reason tho majority of
the local American legion members
do not relish the Idea of turning out
in uniform on a public occasion, as
witness their small showing In the
local Memorial parade yesterday,
with ouly 27 of several hundred
members in line. Tho woman's auxil
iary of Ihe American legion post bad
in line about 25 members. Consider
ing their small membership and ad
vanced age the G. A. R. men made n
veterans marching, as did the Woin-
n's Relief corps with 22 members.
FOR SAI.K-offtcially
-A few fresh milk rows,
ested. Half mile south
of Medford on Adkins place. Schul?:
Hios. ot;
John Olmstead, the former well
known Medford business man, and
.Mrs. Olmstead after an absence of
three years diiring which they resid
ed at San Diego and Oakland, are
again in Medford to permanently lo
cate and will soon be esconced in
their former heme on South Newtown
street. .Mr. Olmstead who will again
enter the local business field, arrived
here Saturday from a several months
absence In Michigan, during which
Mrs. Olmstead visited in Medford.
Their son Jay is located in Los 'Angeles.
Why pay 26c for sugar when you
can buy home mado sorghum for ISc
at Hutchison & Lumsden.
Dolco-Llgnt Electricity for every
farm. J. E Bartlett,. Medford Hotol,
Medford, Ore. '
The Methodists of Medford ahd the
valley will have their opportunity to
see. and hear tbe new Methodist
bishop of Oregon, Rev. W. O. Shcpurd
on the morning of Sunday, July 4th,
in the Chautauqua building at Ash
land. Illshop Shepurd recently re
turned from Franco and Denmark
where he assisted in distributing
nearly a half million dollars worth of
food and clothing among war strick
en districts.
Economize by using scratch pads
for uso. Got them at this office, tf
Ladies' and men's suits thoroughly
cleaned, $1.50. City Cleaning & Dye
ing Works. Phono 474.
Orres, tailors for men and women.
High grade only. Ashland. Ore.
Tho dance music for the senior
class reception tonight will bo fur
nished by A'lford's Imperial orches
tra. Broken forglngs ana castings, all
shapes, all metals, all sizes, wdlitod,
reinforced and guaranteed. Vulcan
Welding Works, 39 South Front St,
Miss Marjorie Grisez has
Klamath Falls where she 'will 'spend
tho summer. '
Houses for sale. Jackson County
Building & Loan association.
We nro not satisfied unless you
nro. City Cleaning and Dyeing Works,
401 South Riverside. Phono 471.
Rudy Scholz, tho well known Med
ford nthlolo nnd student at Santa
Clara university, Ciillf., has been
chosen irs ono ot the select nil-Cali
fornia team in Rugby football which
will play at tho Olympic games to be
hold this summer at Antwerp, Bel
gium. Tho' California athletes will
assemble at San Francisco, Juno 15
and start on tho long Journey to Ant
Homo made litguo River brooms
75c at Hutchison & Lumsden.
ithlu in ill era 1 vutor has groat me
dicinal value. Phone 51. Jackson
County Creamery.
All kinds dry wood nnd mill blocks.
phono '359 oi-519-.I. Ray Blackburn.
Mis. Albert Forgy underwent a
ajor operation at tho Sacred Heart
hospital this forenoon.
Puro homo maso sorghum 18o at
Hutchison. & Lumsden. '
Home-mndo broad and pastry frosh
dally nt Rex Cafo. tf
A complete lino Tru Blu cakes and
crackers at the Palace Grocery. 72
Californians stopping nt the Med
ford aro Raymond S. Potter and Ar
thur S. Poller of Los Angeles. II. R.
Ilrnnfleld of Oakland nnd M. J. .Mc
lirldo and A. Gobler of San Francis
co. Havo you tried tho Lltbla minonil
water? It not call the bottling de
partment of tho Jackson County
Creamery and get a sumplo freo.
Wanted Boer nna pop bottles nt
DoVoo's. " ' ' V
Frank C. Clark, tho Medford archi
tect, was agreeably surprised yester
day' upon receiving from Governor
Olcott an official notification of his
appointment as ono of fivo members
of the state board ot architect exam
iners, to serve in 'such capacity for a
term of five years: This appointment
Ing mad
un expired term of a former member
- .w r. Clark is coming into promin
ence thru the; merits of bis worl:.
Whilo residing in Ashland he design
ed many homes among wlikh are the
present residence of Dr. Swedonburg.
William Tavener, Hon
unthought of by .Mr. Clark, be
mado to fill a vacancy caused by
E. V, Carter
and Gwimi Butler. The Temple of
Truth church, tho Elk temple, Enders
building nnd Ashland improvement
company's 'building nnd natatorium
and other building' Including .'the
state normul! v
In Grants Pass he has designed sev
eral homes und. business buildings
among' which are the residence of
Attormsy A. C. Hough, and Albert
and Calyln and 'Paddock blocks. Ho
has now being constructed from his
drawings a modern theatro building
being erected by Jf. A. L. Edgorton
for Messrs. Hunt nnd Antlo, which
when completed will .compare favor
ably with the best..
Ills work in Medford has been var
ied and of note. The Hotel Medford
being considered one of tho best ho
tels In the state. The Elk temple is
pronounced by everyone as being the
best planned building of its kind on
tiio coast.
Recently tho grand exalted ruler
of the grand lodge of Klks, Mr. Frank
L. Lain of Fairbury, Neb., on his
visiting tour of the lodges turnout
tile country, in company with bis wife
stopped at tho temple and expressed
tho wish that Mr. Clark might design
their now building, as they consid
ered tho Medford temple tbe finest of
its kind that they had visited.
The Rialtd theatre is greatly ad
mired for Its attractiveness nnd sim
plicity of design. Tho Natatoiiuni.'i
.Mason, Ehrman warehouse, Sparta
building and otho'r Tilocks, including
the one story buildlng-on the. corner
of Main and Fir streets, the Crater
Lake garage and tho Gates garage are
of his designing, the latter building
being, pronuunced one of the rinest in
the state. '
Among; Hie residences dexiunod 1V
him inav be:. mentioned those oC
Frank 0. Oweros Walter M.iivne, Del
l'oy Getehell, J)r. . A. Salade, If. II.
1'uiioiis, Ralph 3tardwell, Geo.
Trieeliler, .Miv. .Charles II. Connor,
Victor llursell, V. IJ. Merrick, II. Vnn
I locveniiertr niul the recently com
pleted residence fur .Mayor Cilites.
The I'arsons warehouse, designed
bv Sir. Chirk is pronounced liv the
ij. .i. irovcninieiit oliicmls as beimr
of t lie best (if its class, eontiiiniiu.'
lealiires that were embodied i '
ucJve'rnmcnt pnmiihlct .coiilniniii'j of
tit' ill 1 ilala for the prnicr construe
tion of common fruit. storage and .-.old
s-toilnge buildings, thus rceo,'iii.iir'
his tnlonts.-
The American Legion meeting
which was to have been held at the
Moose hall tonight, has been post
poned until tomorrow night, June 2.
The meeting tomorrow night will be
a short . business meeting, and all
members are urged to be present for
several matters of Importance will
come before the post fur considera
tion. ' '
I A Regular I
- Breakfast ,
1 have a 1
! ' dish of Awt- I
I Ut 9
Post -.
jMade byi Postum Cereal Co. Battle CreekMich
FOR SALK First class alfalfa hay
In shocks. Inquire at 919 West
Klevcnth. til
I Films Developed Better
0 I Prints Mado Clearer
D 1 Promol nttenliim lo Mnil Orders
A J swem's STiinm
K I 217 Enst Main St. Meriinrri
; Dancing Academy
Adult and Children's Classes
For information call 566-J. . " ' "' ' '
Speakinir of the defeat of former
members of the house of rcpersonta
tives. the Ort-L'on Voter suvs:
"YY. H. Gore is one of the Iris lr.en
of the state and wus one of the most
valuable members of the leisrilture,
an upriuht man of stronu moral force.
The1 attack aiiainst him was' espec
ially unwarranted nnd unjustifiable. .' in which he had served with distine
a gross slander of a good name, and j tion und honor for two terms, ilr.
a meuns of retiring 'il stcrlinir, force-1 Gore had not turned a hand for Ins
fill nnd effwtfva member from n I re-Vlt'etion'.." M ' '-
THERE IS NOTHING equal to Chamberlaih'i
i Tablets for constipation. When . the proper
v 'j dose is taken their action is so agreeable and so
natural that you do not realize that it is the effect
of a medicine. These tablets possess tonic proper
ties that aid in establishing a natural arid regular
action of the bowels. Chamberlain's Tablets have
- cured many cases of chronic constipation. ;
Your .Films
Without a Scratch or Stain
They will receive expert attention at all
stages of the work the prints will be clear,
lie flat, and above all absolutely permanent
. You will be more than satisfied
with the results obtained
Deliveries Prompt. Mail Orders Filled
Swems Studio
217 East Main St.
Medford, Oregon
II ' F o r d so ax " II
Farm Tractor
Hero's the one Farm Tractor that lias real praMical service
behind it,-and a tractor without prompt efficient service cannot
deliver its full value to the owner.
The Foi'dson Tractor will ful nish all the power the fanner
wants in farming and also all the power he may want for cutting
ensilage and wood, for milking, electric lighting, household con
veniences, etc. It is the niarve! (
money-maker for the farmer. '
Let us tell you about the Ford
son tractor and the serive we of
fer witlfit.
..Made by Henry Ford & Son
and sold hv
.e-ar-' .
New Quarters, Sixth and Riverside.