BEDFORD MXTE TRTBITXE, . MEDFOIiD. OlfEGOX. MONDAY. WAY P1, 1920. SALES MANAGER AT LOS ANGELES PRIZES GIVEN U.S.AIR SERVICE the government furnishes free room, board, clotlrug. dental niul medical ntteutiun, hospital treatment, cheap life insurance, laundry, recreation, athletics, miiuscmcnts. etc. ASPIRIN FOR COLDS "Passing Show" at Page Tomorrow Name "Bayer" is on Genuine; Aspirin say Bayef ' 1 E , JS BACK ON 1 HEALTH RULES a LACK OF CARS ft ft 5 One of the distinguishing features in connection with the introduction !nd sale of Tanlac throughout Amer ica. Is the large number of traveling iraen no have been benefited by its line., From Maine to California and jfrom the Gulf, to Northern Canada, men representing almost every lino of business have testified to the remark able and gratifying results obtained by taking Tanlac. j; One of the latest of those to en dorse Tanlac' is -H. Srardlow, salos I manager for the Solar Illuminating I Co., of Chicago, who lives at the Hotel qtnwell, Los Angeles, Cat.' I "Tanlac: is the finest medicine 1 ; have . ever run across,'1- Bald Mr. ifenarcllow -recently. "I vgained nine pounds on three bottles and have got ten rid of. a case of'Btomach trouble Ht nearly coat me my life. For sev eral month I had suffered terribly 'txom. acute gastritis and was very f nervous; Everything I wound eat soured and formed gas, my chest and lungs would path, me and my heart palpitate so at times I would almost taint. .1 have walked the floor, for hours in misery and have been forced jib spend days at a time in bed. 1 !)ost nineteen pounds,. waa-a nervous wreck and had to give up all idea of jbuslness,. . ; l' "I had the best treatment and med icine and "was put on a special diet ,but. got' no better, and was finally ! told thai only an operation would relieve-my trouble. Ono day while in 'fcl Paso, Texas, I had an attack that almost proved fatal. I had been read ing about Tanlac and. Immediately i tried It. . Thanksgiving- Day I was ;slck, blue and discouraged, but since taking Tanlac I can enjoy a 'good i meal and feel well, cheerful and hap py. It gives me pleasure to recom mend Tanlac and I hope all sufferers from stomach troubles may be in duced to try It."' .. - Tanlac Is sold in-.Medford by West Bide. Pharmacy, and by leading drug- . gists In every town. -Adv. .. . ' 'VP-''- -.' IT Holland Cafe f. GIM CHUNG y China Herb Store f-Herb cure for earache, headache, eat rb. dlptberia eon throat, unff trouble. VWnfl troubte, stomach trouble, heart trouble, eblflS and fever, cramps, coughs, poor circulation, carbuncles, .tumors crebbed breast, cures all kinds of goiters NO OPERATIONS. v j ' Medford. Orejron, Jan, 13, 1017, r This Is to certify that I, the nndervlgn d, bad very severe stomach trouble and bad been withered for several years and last August was not eipected to live, and bear lop of Gtm Chans (whose Herb Store Is at 214 South Front street, Med ffotd),. 1 decided to get herbs for my stomach trouble, a&d f started to feel lag better as soon as I used them and today am well man and can. heartily recom- Sent anyone afflicted as I was to sas 1m Chung and try his Herbs. -(Signed) W R JOHNSON. f Wllnesa: . Vm. Lewis, Ragle Totnt. ; W. i. Chlldreth, Basle Point. 1 M. A- Anderson, Med ford ' 8. B. Holmes, Eagle Point. C. K. Moore, Eagle Point i 'J. V. Mclntyre. Eagle Point 1 Geo. Von der Helen, Eagle Point : Thou, E. Nieaom. Kuala Point POTATOES Come Early.' Como Quick. :; Hand picked Old Crop Potatoes at ionly $7.00 per cwt. by the sack. 'i We'll knock the son off of Old Man II. C. L. MONARCH Seed & Feed Co. ' -7 El Main ' Stenography ; . Multigraphtog Circular work of all kind ' Mailing LUU Tunnell & Edwards 0-J08 Liberty Building , Ifedford, Oregon. - The actual value ' of systematic habits of health to bo observed every day in the life of a child has been emphasized in the last five years, in almost every section of the United States. . The modern health crusader movement is a definite movement to make. health habits a permanent part of the daily life of every child: There fore the teachers must show their active, practical sympathy. with every child who enrolls under the banner of the modern health crusader. Much work was accomplished a'ong this line by co-operation between the teachers of Jackson county and the Jackson, county nursa in 1918-1918. Owing to the. fact that the little awards which many of the pupils had earnell, failed to arrive before the closing of school la 1919, ntauslaam waa not e great In the city school this year. However, on Friday the 2 8th, the pupils of Washington and Roosevelt schools received the awards to which they were entitled when school closed last year. 'When any one sees a child wearing a little pin made of gun metal In the form of a shield, it means that the wearer is a Knight of the Modern Health Cru sade. Whenever a . child wears a gold-washed pin, with, the same de vice, it means that the wearer for fifty-two weeks, an entire: year, hits performed daily the health habits of the modern health crusader. Perhaps adults may be inclined to scoff and make light of these efforts to build up the health of the growing child. But to be a modern health crusader requires much self-denial on the part of the child. . You. must not drink coffee or tea,, if you are a knight. You must have ten hours of sleep, you must use your tooth-brush twice a day, and seven other dally rules for health conduct.. Even the parent who most bitterly opposes the physical inspection of children in the school, who thinks quarantining quite unnecessary, cannot fall to appreciate what the modern -health crusader mqyement is trying to tench the children. ' ' : Many of the rural schools have shown their willingness to perform the health habits every day, and much time has been spent 'of . late' by the' county nurse mailing the awards and certificates to the schools where they have been earned. ' ' I The following Is a. list. of. tile rural schools that: have earned, credits in the modern' health crusader work: District 52, Chaparral Schoolgold washed pins. (8). 1 .' District 90, Roguelands school gold-washed pins. (.4). . .. . . . ' Lake Creek school, gun metal pins Rogue River (town), gun metal pins :(12), ;.. ; . . v. . .' . '; Reese Creek, gun metal pins '(T.3)..-Pankey,-certificates (1 IV , Savage Creek, gun metal pin (1) Butte Creek, gun metal pins and certificates (11).' . . '.'.-.'' COL; MILLER WILL TALK WEDNESDAY The foruni luncheons nfthc Cham.- ber of Commerce On each Wednexliiv thinner tho month of June will be help at the MedfordCHotel. . Xext Wednes day Colonel Robert A. M Her of Port; lan dwill discuss tbe development cf commuditv ftpirit and as the colonel has jriven this subject con--iderab!e study, his talk will be very interest inz. The I'orom luncheons will be held in the annex dining room of the Med: ford and arrangements are bcins made for' its full cnpacilv next Wednesday as it is believed that a Rood manv of the members of the Chamber of Comerce intend to hear Col. Miller and also brine a number of out of town iruests. Members wiH assemble promptly at twelve o'clock So that thore will be no deliiv in starting. f TROPHY TO TROEH DES MOIXES. In., Jlnv 31 Kraiil Troch of Vancouver. Wash., defeat cd V. B. Albert of Dcs Homes.- 171 to 170 in tho Hazard trophw. shoo: vefterdav afternoon. The trophv i emblcmaficnl of the worlds chumu- ionshio doubles. When Troeh won the f'roph vhe took the last champ ionship it is possible for him in ama teur sports as lie has held all tliC others at various times in the past The event was the openinir of the Iowa state shooting tournament which is to continue until Thursdav. Ahoir two hundred mnksmen arc entered in the tournament. . ' ' A I H II ti ' t r ,y i tj S j . ? j 5 it- j ! - r , n A ft f 4 . t t : T he air service offers to men n cUlince lo leurn uud to ncuuire an iiitiniute nnd thorouuh kuowledire of vlnnes, ensines, electricity, foundry ;in dinnchine show work at govern ment expense on full nrmv pay. Kn litjtmcnts nrc from one to threo vesrs without further military obligation. The air service trains enlisted men lo become expert aviation mechanics. liid prepares them for tho most modern and fascinating came, whic'i will be on a puviug commercial bmi ih the very near future. Vnder Ihe net of congress approved Mnv lit, 1920, the new urmv rates of pnv in (ho uir erico for enlisted men roneres from 30 to $102.30 per month first enlistment. In addition to this I'cKgy Itrown, famous dancer in New imk Winter Garden, with .Show." 'Passing The celebrated mus'ful extnive-. gnnza lrom the .New lork winter Gurdcn, "The I'assiii? Show," will lie presented n't Pago Theatre Tuesday niuht, June -1. The advance sale of sents has broken nil records, the avalanche of mail orders is snid to be absolutely unprecedented. 'Thc Passing Show" is told in fifteen co lossal rieen'es-,' with twenty-1 wo lilting. dnsh ng musicnl nuniliers, and wealth-of' scenic and colorful benuty that del les nil description. 1 ho cos tumes arid color .schemes ni'c said to be .richly, bniuto hnd brilliant. The company-' numbers '200 people, i eluding' Willie and Kugene Howard those ever popular fun makers and singers so long ussoclnled witty Win ter Garden spectacles. The curtain nt the performance of ''Tho Passing Show" rises sharply at 8 o'clock. As tho opening scene is one of the most attractive of tho. entire productior it is wise for patrons to be in tlieiv scuts at 'least n few minutes befor. the curtain rises. "The Pausing Shov;' is u spectacle that' .will linger long ii: the nlfemoT.v. '.Thore . is .nothing . like it in 'the". world. '' ASHLAN'D, May 31. Kale Shep herd, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Shep herd, of this city, was accidentally drowned in the vicinity of Bend last Saturday.' The body was recover Sunday- morning. J'resiimnnly the young, hiafl lost. h:s life in the De schutes hiver. thoush particulars arc still laekimi. He wan 31 years of age and leaves" a wife, also a little dunxh ter. His wife was fomicrlv Jliss JUrium Gregg of Ashland. The fam ily home ia at Beud,. where Kale for some tine tnst hu dlieen eneated in the musicnl instrument busines-s. Earl Shepherd, of Klamath Falls, n brother of the deceased, has gone to Bnc, als Dr. Great of this city, father of the young man's wife. Kola was a fine fellow, universally liked, and great imnpnthv is being ex pressed' for relatives over his tragic fate. " 'ASHLAXD, Mav. 31. Decoration Day. observed on Monday instead of Sunday, ushered in liov Scout Week, a period replete with interesting exor cises, both mental and physical, per taining to development of the scout purposes nnd. ideals. On Sunday the .scouts in uniform assembled at the armor" and marched to the Presbyterian church in ft bodv, where thev attended. morning service. Individual scouts ulso appeared at jther, churches,-and in brief talks set forth the meaning and objection ot the Bcoiit movement'. On Monday theboys pnrlicipntjd in Decoration . Day services, which were held nt the nimorv in contunc t on with the Grand Army nnd its affiliations, the American Legion ;im! First Compnnv of the National Guard. Tuesday evening, June 1, there is lo be a public rally to which all the citi zens of the cominnnitv are invited It is hoped Hint a capable speaker from elsewhere will be here to .do liver an address... Dcfinito place to be designated later. .... . Wednesday. is to be field day, and the nfterqoon to be. spent in base ball or other athletics. , ! Thursday evening nt 8 o'clock the scouts arc to assemble at the Mctho dist church, where light refresh ments served nnd an im promptu program rendored. ' Friday afternoon the snouts will bo given an automobile rido bv tbe citizens of tho community. " It in hoped that -caro enough for this pur pose will be volunteered. The . following' men ; have . bee chosen bv tbo local scout masters to be tbe .local council . of .Ashland: Professor Wilson, Professor Bri- coe. Rev. C. A. Edwards. V. 0. K Smith, Homer Billings. John Fuller, O. V. Carson, Geo. Iccnhower. D. Winter. Hev.'C'F. Koehler tnd Rv.' ff . E. Bean, pastors of tbe Presbyterian and Chrislinn churches respectively are scout masters, also obn H representine the city, and all three are enthusiastic in furthering this movement in behalf of the mental and physical development of tbe bovs. Neither is their spiritual welfare overlooked. The masters lend where tho boys follow, nnd somo athletic records nre being made in connection with bikes over hill and dale, while camping experiences arc as pleasing as the surrounding environment . of forest nnd stream arc evpically ideal EX-TREASURER OF DAKOTA DEAD rOHTLA-NB.- May 31. Funora services are to be held here tomorrow for Donald II. McMillan, former state treasurer of North Dakota, who died at the home of his daughter hero last Thursday. Mr. McMillan had only recently come to Portland and his death was Budden. Do Not Get Careless : r ' With Your Biood Supply The Weather. Tonight and Tuesday, fair:' heavy frost tonight east, l.ght frost south west portion", moderate northerly winds, . Impurities Invite Disease. You should pay particular heed to any indication that your blood aupply is becoming sluggish, or that there is a lessening in its strong and vital force. By keeping your-blood purified, your system more easily -wards off disease that is ever present, wait ing to attack wherever there is an opening. A few bottles of S, 3, S., the ' great vegetable blood medi cine, will revitalize your blood and give you new itrength and a healthy, vigorous vitality. Every- . one needs it just now to keep the system in perfect condition. Go to your drug store and get a bottle to-day, and if you need ny med-. ical advice, you can obtain it with out cost by writing to Medical Di rector, Swift Specific Co., 109 Swift Laboratory! Atlanta, Ga, MYRTLE POIXT. Ore.. Miiv 31. Threo lumber and shingle mills hen) hav cben shut, down because of lack of cars, mnnv workers being thrown out of employment. At the li. K. Booth shingle mill alone 200 men nrc temporarily out of work. Sevcrui other mills in other sections of the Oonuille vnllev nlso arc said to have closed, or nre contemplating such ac tion, because of the car shortage. Bankers, the Mvrtlo Point Commer cial Club, and other organization-., have joined in asking the intcr-smto commerce commission for relief. Insist on "Haver Tablrts of Anpirin" in a "Bayer package," containing proper ilirertinnn for Cohli, J'ain. Headache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheum.itifini. Name Buyer'' means genuir.o Aspirin prcHwiN'il br ptireiciai: for nineteen yvurs. tUntly tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Aspirin ia trade mnrk of llnyer Mnnufneture of Monoacettc- . Acidcater of Snlicylicacid. I Make Them KLEIN Th Tailor i r.-f Mala t FABCO Universal Slip Joint f f T V t ? ? ? T t I ? X The Fabco Universal slip Joint Introduced between the Kord cnitlno and tho Kord drivo Bhalt tube, Is an exclusive feature, and the perfection of thcvdesign made possible tho nuccoss of the Fabco Truck -Krames. Numerous unique and important features havo been embodied In the construction of this Universal Hllp Joint. It, provides for: (a) Extension of tho wttcel baso. (b) Flexibility, to prevent twisting or torsorlal strains from frame to engluo. (c) Lateral movement of rear axle caused by flex of springs. (d) Elimination of all strains and ahocks ordinarily transmisstod direct to the engine in tho reBUlur Ford deBlgn. Tho material used In tho construction of tho Universal Slip Joint is tho highest grade case ateel, bronze and chrome nickel steel obtainable. Tho finish and workmanship, which leaves alt parts ground to a perfect running fit, are also of Hia highest order. The Fabco Frame Is made from standard heavy 4-Inch rolled channel sections, heavily braced at the corners and nt points of connections to tho Ford chassis. The Fabco 40-inch lateral springs are of 2 -Inch alloy stool, designed to carry 1 ton each with a large margin of safety and aro niountod laterally, eliminating tho regular Ford transverse spring. Tho springs have bushed eycsand aro secured to tho frame by stool Bpring bolts, carried at the front end by )ieavy steel brackets, and are secured at the rear end by steel shackles. The springs are sup ported at the Ford roar axle housing by meanB of heavy stool saddles held firmly In place by steel U boltB fitted with Drake lock nuts. Tho Drake lock nuts will not jar loose undor the most severe vibrations, and are a feature employod only In building tho highest grade trucks and tractors on the market. Fabco trucks are successfully In use on the fnrm and in the city, In Industrial plants and commer cial delivery, grueiling express service and stage work. There is no place whore a light truck Is desired that a Kabco-Enuipped Tdrd will not show the greatest return for overy dollar Invested. , Use 'FABCO Trucks for Quality Reliability Satisfaction. ' . . If you want to increase, the capacity of your Ford como In and see us. Billings Carriage & Auto Works t t r T f t T T f t t T t ! ? 4 y T t f I USED THAT YOU CAN USE No Misrepresentation . VUICK EIX- 1TJICKF0UB $325.00. Eestdy for buainss. Starttr and lights MAXWELL Tburing; fixed ,. sleeping. ' for CEALlf Bits mix tion. CHALMERS SIX-overhauled. -In fine coaili- -Roadster, tTUDEBAXER FOUR New ' . paint and tires. OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX Good value. CHEVROLET Touring; ' ' model. CHEVROLET- model. Roadster; MAXWELL Touring; '19 model. MAXWELL Touring; '18 model FORD 120-inch wheel base, mdoel. , FORD Touring, '16 model. FORD Delivery; with top. FORD Chain drive truck. HUDSON SUPER-SIX-lar car. 'IS Walk in and See A. W. Walker Auto Cos Annex 16 S. First Phone 100 OPEN EVENINGS OPEN FOR INSPECTION WE ARE ON A FOUR-WHEEL BASIS.