PGB TWO MEDFOttD ULATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OftEfiONV SATURDAY,- MAY 29 1920. . The Junior Prom of the high school held last night at the natatorium was a very enjoyable affair with.about 60 couples from the senior and junior classeB, and alumni, present as well as members of the faculty. Tho hall was tastefully decorated in the Junior class colors, purple and white. An orchestra furnished music. The pa- irons and patronesses wore Mr. and Mrs. J..W. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Vance, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jor- mlle and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Grey. American Legion members report 1n uniform City Park Monday ut 1:30 P. m. i . .. f 160 trimmed hats to choosejfrom at Lottlo Howard's, 109 North Cen tral avenue. 1 ' 59 . If you forgot to purchase food sup plies for. over Monday it Is not yet too late' to do so, porhnps, for the tores will all be closed Monday. All members of Co. U, National Guard, will report In uniform for parade Monday aftornoon at 1:00 o'clock sharp. .19' Coffee has arrived. 3 lbs. $1 Truax Store. 04' '. Oregonlans stopping at tho Holland include Mr. and Mrs. C. -N. Johnson of Forest Grove, . W. L. Powers of Corvallls, Glenn 13. Garrett of Klam ath Falls, James II. Owen and J. B Watts of Bly, E. J. Cascboer of Coos county, and Chas. Kullman, Allen C. "White, Mrs. W. 1). Allen and 11. I). Brady of Portland. American legion members report la uniform city Park, Monday at 1:30 p. ru. . If Willy Wood wanted some wood, what wood .would Willy try? He would oall up 76 and say: Send some wood to Willy Wood, of course ho would, because tholr wood Is the cheapest wood that Willy Wood could buy. Valley Fuol Co. 01 Medford people contemplating auto trips north will bo Interested In the following In tho Omnia Pass Courlor df Friday: "Shell & Calvert will start laying "hot stuff" tomorrow morning , on tho Pacific highway between rtoguo Itlvor and Grants Pass. In order that the work will not be lntor fored with, tho rond will bo cIobocI. No ono without a special permit will be allowed to use the rond and n spe cial deputy sheriff has been appoint ed to arroBt any ono caught using it without a pormlt. Tho traffic will bo routed over the road on tho north Bide of tho rlvor which Is said to lie In good condition. Tho pavement be ing laid Is to be of the blthulltlc var iety, tho base being nlrondy laid." 1 Patriotic ball! Medford Nat. to night. Roal music! Superb floor! Fine tlnio! Follow the crowds! & ". Coffee woek nt Truax storo. M. J. B, , Golden WeBt, Golden Star, Gol den Gate, Schilling's, Folger's Com rade,. Tillman & llondol's Arormttlc brand, all at reduced prices, ond threo lbB. of our fine blend In bulk t 1. 04 " Corbln Edgoll of Kaglo Point has returned homo from Now York city where ho some tlmo ago accompanied tho body of his mother for burial. He IS a guest at tho Medford. . Amorican Legion members roport In uniform, City Purk, Monday at 1:30 p. ' The Rod Cross employment office asks that all orchardlsts of tho valley who neod holp in thinning send In name to tho office In the Sparta bldg Phone 456. All high school students are also requested to list with' tho Red Cross If they doslro to secure work In tho orchards. 59' ' M. C. Wright of Portland, Is a bus ness visitor In Medford for a few days ..Patriotic ball!, (Nut tonight! i"9 ' Real home mado sorghum, nt Hutchison & Lumsdon. ; Much Inlorost is being taken In tho patriotic bull which will bo hold nt the natatorium tonight. The large hall Is In readiness to take caro of tho crowds, having been dorornted turnout with the national colors. Spe cial music by tho Imperlnl orchestra, moonlight and surprise danceB will bo featured in addition tn tho rogulnr order of dunco. Admis sion will bo only 10c and no charge will bo made for dancing until nrtnr 9:.'I0 p. tn. A record nttumlunco In anticipated. ; If you aro figuring on a used car, H' will pay you to see tho Motor Sales Co.. Ti. F. & II. Bldg. . ' Threo lbs. of our fine blend coffee J. Truax Stern. 64 ' Minn Curollpe Andrt'wn will nrrive thin evening tn upend the summer - wit h her rn-.iKln. Mm. Kolh Itullis. .'KurprlHe ditmiMt' :il. toninh. f.9 l'renc:h r-nsiry iittil dainty confec tions mad" friwli dully at He Cuto. it A. W. Wakefield and C. Is'. Ander son of Klamath Falls and M. .1. An derson of Gold Hill nro registered at the Nash. 'Received a carload of Klgins. Mo tor Sales Co., M. F. & II. Illdg.. r.9 Plnno pupils of Mrs. K. K. (lore will be heard In two programs at the Presbyterian church, Monday, May 31. The hours are 3:30 and 8:13. Tho public Is 'invited to hear those recitals. S9' 'H.' L. Walther left Saturday morn ing for Vreka to be gone until the first of tho week. 'Have Just Installed new electric . Ttior washer. Your washing done promptly and efficiently. Mrs. Henry , Bjirnotto, Talent, Ore. Box 113. 63 Hemstitching, peco:.'ng 100 por yard, thread furnished. Export op erator. Slngor Shop, 10 South Fir street. 60 WEEKS & ORE UNDERTAKERS Day Phono 227 Night Phones P. IV. Weeks, 227-J-S ' A. E. Orr, 8S7-J-8. Among tho Oregon residents regis tered at the Medford are D. V. Paling of Corvallls, V. C. Kcyr and E. N. Yarmouth of Eugene, and J., E. Cat tan, Geo. C. Good, Dr. J. C. Elliot King, John H. Ellis, Wilder Veazle, J. L. Wright and W. T. Goldelwalte of Portland. Some saxophone! 'Nat! tonight. 59 Ham dance at Harry Carlton ranch on Antelope, Saturday, May 29.. Jazz music. Everybody come. 69 The public library will be open as usual Monday except from 12 noon until 1 p. m. , You tire or poor tires buy 7000 mile tires at McCurdy-Bowne Jldtor Co. --,... i, ,r,9 We do hemstitching, picoting. The Vnnlty Shop, next Rialto theatre. Fred L. Chomplln arrived in tho city Friday to spend tho week end. banltary Beauty Shop, Garnett- Corcy Bldg., rooms 400-407. Phono 841-K. Goneral work. X4 Tru Blu cookies and crackers. The Palace Grocery. 72 Many people who wore under the Impression that drilling had already been resumed nt the Trlgoniu oil well and had planned to visit tho well Sunday, had better give up that i)!un because drilling will not bo begun again until Tuesday, ub cxpluincd elsewhere In this newspaper. Graduation gifts of Eversharp pen cils and Waterman fountain pens will be appreciated. Medford Book Store. .19 Auto repairing M. J. Swing, with Hlttson Motors Auto Home, 29 South Front. All work guaranteed. tf Eastern guests at tho Hotol Med ford aro Mrs, B. K. Howard of Buf falo, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Chusc man of Washington, 1). C, L. Way of Chicago and W. V. O'Connir of New Haven, Mill-run at the old price.1 Bordwoll Fruit Co. 02 See Medford Land fi. Insurance Agency, successors to D; R. Wood & Co., Rm 209 Liberty Bldg., for fire Insurance. tf Because of the recent chilly weath er and lato spring, flowers are scarce for Momorlal day docorating. All over tho city the rose bushes nro full of buds almost ready to open ond Just a few days warm weather will bring out tho rosos and other flowe in profusion. .Every studont going to collego needs a Corona typewriter. Mnko ox collcnt grnduulion gifts. .Medford Book Storo. - 59 Orres, tho laaroB' tailor, will be ut Hotol Holland every Thursday. Fine woolens, latest stylos always. tf Mrs. C. F. WIlllnniB of Central Point Is in Grants Pass to attend th Baptist association mooting and visit hor duughtor, Mrs. Frod Roper. For toe best insurance see Holmes the Insurance Man, Bo you want to save your curtains by washing and ironing thorn by tho electric wnshor and lronor at Paul'i Bloctrlc Storo? Wo will do It or show you how. Illogal flshormon nro still being caught. Rolln Wnrdrlp and Edwin Reynolds wore brought before Justice Holmnn at Grants Pass yesterday by Deputy Oamo Warden Walkor, of Jackson county. Wardrlp was charg ed with snagging salmon nt tho Gol dron dam, while Reynolds was charg ed with obstructing nnd interfering with tho flshwny nt tho dam. Both ploadod guilty ond Wnrdrlp was fined $50 and costs, while Reynolds was assessed 120. We mako all adjustments of Horse Shoo Tires nnd tubes. Give us a trial Exehnngo Tiro Co. 59 Mrs. Paul Hanson, corsetlore lor NnBono. Phone 685-J. H. C. Stoddard of San Francisco loft today for home after having spent tho woek horo on business. Suits sponged, pressed on a Hoff man sanitary steam pressing machine Spocinl rates by month. Delivery Ber- vlco. Phono 223-J. Myors Appnrel Cleaners, Dyers, HnttorB, 103 North Central. 59 For oyo, eat, noso, throat boo Dr. Heine, Liberty Bldg. Glasses fitted .Mrs. O I), linker of Rogue River. arrived In tho city Friday and is guest at the Holland. Gel that extra tire fixed and put on at Exchange Tiro Co., 2S North Rlvei-sldo. 5 9 lour spring suit Best woolonB, reasonable prices. Kloln tho Tailor East Main, upstairs. The Elks had much fun while np peering In front of tho moving pic turo camera tn front of tho club Iiouho steps from 0 to 6:30 p. tn. yes tnrdny, A special picture of John, tho club stewurd, carrying Billy, the club house cat, down tho steps was taken, iih John whoso expansive .lap anose snillo ordinarily takes In much of the landscape was cautioned by the Klks on the sidelines to "smllo wider." Deico-Llght Klocirlclty for every farm. J. E. Ilartlelt, Modrord Hotel, Medford, Oro. Old phonographs and records bought, sold and exchanged. Daug lasa, 101 S. Central. Phono 615-J. Robert ltuhl and Son Roddy left this afternoon for Rockford. 111., where they will visit Mr. ltuhl's par ents for a few weeks during which Mr. ltuhl will attend the republican convention, nnd returning will also attend the democratic convention ut Francisco. llorse-Shno tires and tubes are en titled to your consideration when buying. Seo these at Exchange Tire Co., 2S North Riverside. 50 Tablets and ccratci. pads made of news print, for school and office use for sale at this office. tf XI 0 D A Kl Films Developed Better Prints Made Clearer Prompt attention to Mail Orders SYVEM'S STUDIO 217 East Main St, Medford The Rod Cross rooms will be closed on Monday all day because of its being observed as Memorial day. Bring in your old tires and tubes. We give you credit on new goods, or pay you cash. Exchange Tire Co. 59 Singer Shop Quality counts. New and used machines sold or rented. Expert repairing on ail makes ma chines. Phone 215-R. 10 So. Fir. 60 60 The prediction of continued fair weather for Sunday Is welcome to those Medford people who plan to go away on a two days outing, and Is especially welcomed by the Elks and their families who plan to attend the lodge picnic tomorrow. Carl Joschke, high grade watch and cloc krepalring. 9 Fir street. Why pay 20c for sugar when you can buy home made sorghum for ISc at Hutchison & Lumsden. Washington Btuto guests at the Medford are Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Nye of Bollingham and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hall and M, L. Cone of Seattle. From San Francisco F. B. Archer, J. A. Van Horn and S. Cohen are reg istered. Delco-Llght Electricity for every farm. J. H Bartlett, Medford Hotol, Medford, Ore. Ladies' nnd men's suits thoroughly cleaned, $1.50. City Cleaning & Dye ing Works. Phone 474. At tho city auto camp grounds this morning twelvo parties were encamp ed and 10 tents wore up. Bert Anderson left Friday for San Francisco on a several days business trip. Awnings made to order and put up. All kinds of repairing. Douglas, 101 South Central. Phone 615-J. A complete line Tru Blu cakes and crackers at the Palace Grocery. 72 Horace Bromley after lighting np his pipe and wielding his lend pencil handed V1 the following today to tho unsuspecting city editor of the Mall Tribune: "Ono of the queerest musi cal Instruments ever Been in these parts will be featured by the Imperial orchestra nt tho patriotic ball tonight. This oddity is a huge, antique saxo phone nearly bIx feet in length nnd tho only ono of Us kind in existence. It Is said to have been first played by a wandering minstrel in tho court or Henry tho 5th, who was later be hoaded becauso he was unablo to play loud enough or long enough to please tho king. Horb Alford will endeavor to play this huge-saxophone tonight Broken forglngs ana casLlngs, all shapes, all motals, nil sizes, weldod, relnforcod and guaranteed. Vulcan Welding Works, 39 South Front St. 1 Wo aro not satisfied unless you nro. City Clounlng and Dyeing Works, 401 South Riverside. Phone 474. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. iV. "Johnson, of Highmoro, S. D., are In Medford look ing nt tho country with a view of looming here. They were attracted to Medford by an article D. 15. Millard wrote for tho National Sportman, of a trip to Crater luke. -.' v ' ': All kinds dry wood, phone 859 or 519-J. Ray Blackburn. Pure homo mafio sorghum 18c .at Hutchison & Lumsdon. Mr. and Mrs. J. jr. Wilson nnd child and A. J. Collins of Raymond, Wash., and II. W. Wright of Seattlo aro stopping nt-the Holland. We aro now handling. Orchard Brand Spray materials, good quality, prices right. Farm Buroau Coopera tive Exchange. Phone 932. 69 Home-mado broad and pastry frosh daily at Rex Cafe. tf Amorican Legion members aro re quested to report in uniform at the city park at 1:30 p. m. Monday, May 31, to assist tho O. A. R. In Momorlal day services. Tho pnrado will form at the park and march to the Bear creek bridge where aervlcos will bo held, Immediately thereafter services will bo held In the Pago theatre. - SLOW .; DEATH Aches, - pains, nervousness, diffi culty in urinating, often mean eerious disorders. Tho world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles bring quick rollef and often ward off doadly diseases. Known as the national ronicijy of Holland for moro than 200 years. All druggists, io threa ' Looh (at the lump Gold Mndal oa every boa arid accept no imitation 1 A feature of the public market to day was the first appearance of home grown strawberries, which sold at two boxes for 4 5 cents. vHome grown peas were also on sale. It was a fair ly good market. Orres, tailors for men and women. High grade only. Ashland, Ore. Home made Rogue River brooms 70c at Hutchison & Lumsden. Houses for sale. Jackson County Building & Loan association. Mrs. Melvin Horton, of Bend, Ore gon, returned to Medford last night after a visit here with Mrs. Merle! Dyer. Grants Pass Courier. Economize by using scratch pads for use.: Get them at this office, tf The Chamtier. . of. Commerce Is clearing house . for community thought and action. Join. . tf There will be one carrier delivery Monday and the postofflco. will be closed all day fexcept tho general de livery win,dow which will only be open from 8 to 9 a. in. The reason for the one delivery is that it Is a! most imperative, as 'Monday is the Inst day of the month, with Its always heavy billing, and with no deliveries ut all on Sunday and Monday there would bo such a congestion of mail matter for Tuesday that tho carriers could not handle it in time. Lithia mineral water has great me dicinal value. Phone 51. Jackson County Creamery. There Is a strong probability, it has been learned, that the foderal trado commission inquiry Into the charge against the Utah-Ilaho Beet Sugar company will be resumed here next August, after tho San Francisco, New York and Salt Lake City hear ings, at which .testimony will bo board for tho defense. The commis sion party loft today for San Fran- Cisco. Have you tried the Lithia mineral water?., If not call the bottling de partment of the Jackson County Creamery and get a sample free. The hour for leaving for the bas ket picnic of the Elka and their fam ilies to be held at tho lodge grounds on the Rogue river tomorrow is be tween 10 and 11a. m. All Elks with nutos are-expected to stop enroute at the Elks clubhouse to gather up those without autos. Tho moving pictures will be taken both before and after the dining hour, which Is at noon time. Wanted Beer ana pop bottles at DeVoo's: District Highway Engineer Hodg man was busy yostordny Inspecting tho highway botween hofo and Glen dale. He says that the roads north are in good condition, and that the highway, work is progressing favor ably. . 7 ".' : . . Eyes Made Equal Notice All members of Co. D, National Guard, will report In uniform Mon day afternoon nt l:00 o'clock sharp for parade . - (Signed) H. A. CANADA Y, r,() , Captain. If your eyes are not working together if ono of them is unequal to its task you nro under u yreat disadvantage. If your eyeif are not serving you pro perly, everything you. do Mill be , worse than it should bc though seeming right to ; 5". Think what this means. How ciLsily a reputation .for skill may slip away 'from you and your earn-; ing capacity lessened! Yon can only be at your best while both eyes are giving you their beat Hcrvicc. If they are not, waste no time In hesita tion, but call utid let us mako a careful examination. Dr. Rickert Optometrist Deuel Bids. Medford, Oro. INDIES When Irregular or suppressed use Triumph Pills. Safe and always de pendable. Not sold at drug stores. Do not experiment with others; save disappointment. Write for "Rdllef" and particulars. It's free. Address: National Medical Institute, Milwau kee, Was. GOOD CLOTHES I Make CChem KLEIN St." 12ft Knat Main fit. ' First Methodist Episcopal Church Fourth and Bartlett "The Church with a challenging program." A Church of Good Music 11A. M. , : Security of the World's Future A discussion setting forth the- part the church must" play ill making secui'tr the peace of the world. I-, V- ; " '.t 8:0Q'rf. M. ''! , V t. - !.;" ! ;,- BACCALAUREATE SERVICE PAGE THEATRE iT :.' .. Ill TALK IT OVER WITH YOUR BANKER THAT'S the best advice we can give a per son when he or she forms a connection- with the First National. This institution is not, only interested in safeguarding a depositor's money, but guiding it safely as well. If an investment or important" expenditure'" isn't worthy 'of being discussed, it probably isn't worth your own consideration. G7? FIRST NATIONAL BANK' Mddford. Oregon I1U ft! TOO LATE TB CLASSIFY WANTEi: Cook for family of throe. woman preferred. Call Sunday or between six and soven p. in., 1518 West Main. V. , 61 FOR SALE 1400 lb. mnre cheap. I. A. Merriinan, Pacific Highway, north of Medford. 61 FOR SALE Dodge car, Al condition live good tires. A bargain. Clark &Chlldcrs..' 59 FOR SALE Harley Davidson motor cycle in first class condition. Phone Gll-R-2. 64 WANTED Man with ton truck wonts steady work. Phono H70-J or write Archio Pierce, Medford. FOR SALE Nino acre tract, five- room unfinished house, well locat ed. This is a special bargain at $120 per aero. Also fine six room modern bungalow atid two large lots In east Medford, JlitlOO, for quirk salo. Phono 370-J or Inquire of Clnrenco Piorce. 5!l TO TRADE Riding gang plow for mower or alfalfa hay. Phono 370-J. 5! out work wii-r. wi your APPROVAL. DRY -CLEANING That is tho maximum of skill, perfec tion In results. . Let us restore that old suit as a trial. -- POTATO ES Come Early. Come Quick. Hand picked Oltl Crop Potatoes nt only $7.00 por cut. by tho sack. We'll knock Jinn If. C. L. the ox off of Old MONARCH Seed & Feed Co. 217 East Main Strt Daiicing Academy MODERN INTERPRETATION CHARACTER Adult and Children's Classes For inf ornmtion call 566-j. MISS KATIIRYN SWEM Fisher's Dairy Feed Is a complete milk producing and body maintain ing, a-ation, composed of a variety of wholesome in gredients scientifically mixed. - . It is highly palatable easily digested, supplying the necessary nourishment to the cow when under high pressure milk production. ! .. No .other concentrates or grain required to in crease milk flow. Guaranteed analysis 17 per cent protein. Double the food value of Mill Run.' Order today ','"..''' Bardwell Fruit Co. 445 So. Fir St. Phone 124 Medford, Oregon LET'S GO! ? T ? ? ? ? I To the Elks Picnic at the Elks Park, Sunday, May 30th. Ball games, swim ming contests, tug o' war, running races. The moving picture man will be on the grounds. Call the secretary if you Y can take an extra passenger. , i t ELKS ONLY . Dependable Through Thick and Thin 1 :tar" Above everything else you want dependability built , into the grain binder you buy. You want your binder to go in- to your grain fields, no matter ;what the conditions may tc, : and cut the grain with the least p possible loss of time and grain. We are selling the John Deere - Grain Binder because we know it will give you that dependable bind-r service which makes it a profitable investment. . ' From the bottom up it's a letter-built grain binder. Bigger and stronger roller-bearing wheels; "heavier one-piece main frame widely 3apped and hot-riveted together; strong rigid platform; three packers instead of two, assuring better bundles in all kinds of grain these are just a few of the features that make it the frcfler binder. Another feature you will appreciate on this binder Is the easily-operated bundle carrier. No cITort to hold it in receiving position or to dump it. Because the teeth rise out of the stubble f the instant you start to return the . carrier, it's exceptionally -easy to bring it back to receiving position. ' And it's no tricit to keep this carrier t always in easy-working order simple adjustments are provided to accom- piish this. . i. The Quick Tufn TongtieiV . Truck adds much to the' effective-, work of the John Deere. The wheels ? turn faster than the pole, making clean, square corners possible. Be cause the truck axle is flexibly . mounted, both wheels hold to the--ground no matter how rough the v field may be. This keeps the binder- -running straight, and takes oSf thai side draft from the horses. Come and see this binder. You can't make a better J binder investment. Y,; HUBBARD BROS. Established Before the Town. I I TWllllsMM r im II JL,-1:.M,:,:,:aa,l.,.,.-dlrttBTTj, I.I1II..J J..H 3