Medford Mail Tri: The Weather MAtlmum yesterday 71 Minimum today 33 Predictions Fair. Fiftieth Year. Daily Fifteenth Year. MEDFORD, OEEGOX, .SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1920. XO. 59 rune RELIEF BILL fl Contrary to Expectations House : Passes Soldier Relief Bill 289 to 92 Two-Thirds Majority Needed Under Suspension of Rules Is Se- curedBill Now Goes to the Sen ateArmy Bill up to Wilson. WASHINGTON. Mav 29. The sol dicr relief bill was pusscd todav by , ihe,house'289 to 92 and sent to the senate. WASHINGTON, May 29. Wbilc supvrterfc of the soldier relief bill won the opening skirmish in the house today to force consideration of the measure, thev were many votes below the .two-thirds majority necessnrv to passHhc legislation .under a suspen sion of the rules. A suspension program was adopted 220 to 165. This vote showed a sub stantial gain in strength for the mem bers seeking to force of the bill, but the total was 37 less than the two-th:rds necessary for final pass uee. ' . . Chairman Campbell presented the resolution to the rules committee pro poning to suspend the rules. ;, Leaders .in the fight for tho bill said thev would .call up tlie measure today, despite the indicated lack of yotcs necessary to pass it. j'...' ;' WASHINGTON, ; Mav 29. The conference report on the nrmv. re organization bill was adopted todav by the senate without a record vole and now noes to the president. . . QUALIFY IN BIG HAL INDIANAPOLIS. May 29. Four teen cars and their drivers have qual ified tor the five hundred mile race at the Indianapolis motor speedway Monday and ten more were to qualify thin afternoon for America's biggest motor racing event. An average speed ot SO miles an bour for four laps (round the 2 mile brick saucer is required of each . entrant. Tommy Milton made the tautest tlmo yester day, negotiating tfl ten miles at an sverago of SQ.20 miles an hour. John Holing, Willie Haupt and Eddie O'Donnell. were the other drivers to qualify on the second day of the tests. Eddie Rlckenbackcr, American ace and formerly a competitor in 600 mlle race events here, flew over from Dayton, Ohio, and visited the pits and aiagos. E , NOT ELECTED HOOD RIYErV Ore., Mav 29. W. t-;Hart, deputy city marshal here, was the nominee of the democrats at 'i primary May 21 for sheriff, and not "Bill'' Hurt, movie star, it de- 'clbped todav. Intimates call the o;tv marshal "Iiill"' and thev wrote his name on the hnllnl in that manner. Tellers thought it was meant for P19 movie mnn. The innrshnl said to day that he was "peeved," but felt he vnn not he sn hnrllw nut out as a "certain gentleman in Los Angeles,'' h he learns thnt the honor was ot intended for him. LL TORONTO. Ont., May 29. The Provincial legislature ot Ontario has "lourned after a session in which jn United Farmers pirty had things Jf6ely its own way. " Opposition to the "farmers govern ment" during the session was charac nted hy a snirit nf ."bIvb tho far- DR SERVICE MEN PASSES " a chance." A IS NAMED BY WILSON I 1 WASHINGTON. Mav 29 William C. Frierson of Chatta nooga, Tcnn., now un nssistant attorney general, was nominated todav by President Wilson to be solicitor general of the United States and Mrs. Annette Abbott Adams of San Francisco, now United. States attorney for tho northern district of California, was named an assistant attor ney general. SAN FRANCISCO, May 29. Mrs. Annette A. Adams, nomi nated as assistant attorney gen eral of tho United States today, was the first woman in the country to be named as a Unit ed States attorney, this post coming to her in July, 1918. IS. LARK EVANS FREE. COURT TAKES Mrs. Lark Evans, who has been under charges here for months past in connection with the robbery of W. O. White of Grants Pass, for which her husband was found guilty some time ago and sentenced to 15 years in the penitentiary, is at last a free woman. At her trial in circuit court at Jack sonville on the charge of alleged un lawful relations with F.vnns preferred by the state, which attempted to prove that she was not the wife of Evans, Judge. Cnlkins this noon took the ease awnv from t'ne iurv on the grounds that tho state had failed to. produce proof that she and Evans were not married. District Attorney Roberts then dismissed Itio other two charges against Mrs. Evans on which sho was indicted some time ago, ono oi larceny of White's car and the other of assault to rob White. Thus. Mrs. Evans is legally freed from all connection with the sensa tional White robbery case. She vr-.s defended bv Gus Newbury. MILLION AND HALF El WASHINGTON, May 25. A cam paign fund of approximately $1,000, 000 has been raised for Major Gen eral Leonard Wood, A. A. Sprague of Chicago, treasurer of tho Wood or ganization, testified today before the Bonato campaign investigating com mittee. Mr. Spraguo said contributions to talled $358,768; that Colonel Wil liam Cooper Proctor, Cincinnati man ufacturer, had advanced $521,000; A. E. Monell of INew York $100,000, and that the Corn Exchange National bank of Chicago and the Merchants Loan and Trust company of Chicago had each loaned $100,000 on notes signed by Colonel Procter. BRIDE OF A StfATTI.K Mnv 29. Madge Anna Q. ,.,.,- l,r;,ln nf n month. wllO Shot nnd fatallv wounded her husband fol lowing a quarrel Mav 10. will bo tried ,,. nf murder in the second decree on June 14. Presiding Judge Mitchell announced in superior court todav. . ., Tvrs s-nvvpr is nt liberty on nan of $15,000. On her behalf counsel hos interposed a special plea of men i ;t,-nnuihtiitv nt inc lime oi cum mission of the crime charged, coui-IimI with the contention that she has am". regained her poise. Penn Wins Boat Race. PHILADELPHIA. Mav 29 Special eight-oared shells race Ho" poun.i rrwO won bv I nivcrsitv 01 i enu l,v half a length of open wnter: second i run .-,". fourth, Annnpolic. Time 6:34 2-o Second time. 6:52. Tiaers Beat Yale. NE WHAVEN, Conu., Mav 29.- fVllnirn hull? R. H. E. Princeton .. j 1' Vale 5 8 EAR WEST ATHLETES GO STRONG Pacific Coast Universities Prove Sen sation of Intercollegiate Meet at Franklin Field Every Member of Team Qualifies. Many More Than Once 440-yard Dash Wort . bv Hendrixson of California Majors California, 5th. in Shot Put. FRANKLIN FIELD. Philadelphia, Mnv 29. The University of Pennsyl vania won the inter-colieginte track and field championship on Franklin Field today. Tho final point standing was as follows: Pennsylvania, HOVi: Princeton. 29: Dartmouth, 24: Cornell, 20; California 181,:,; Stanford, 15; Harvard. 11: Pennsylvania State, 10: Williams 7: Mnsuchusctts Toch, 7; Yule 5 ' o ; Now York university, 5: LnFnvettc. 3: Bowdoin, 2: Brown, 2; Ruitgers. 2. Amherst, l1.; Pittsburg. 1: Boston 1. PHILADELPHIA. May 29. Twen ty colleges and universities had one or more men in the semi-finals of the intcr-eollcgiatc track and field cham pionships at Franklin field todav nnd of this number uny one of six insti tutions was in a position to ccm-e the I. C. A. A. A. A. title. The show ing of the Pacific coast universities in the preliminaries was considered remarkable. With a combined force of but eight entrants thev placed at least one man in each of the eleven events rind hnd : total of thirteen qualifiers. Points allotted in the finals are on the basis of five for f'rst place: four for second. place; three for third; two for fourth" mid one for filth. Shot put, final Won by J. H. Mc Cnnn, New York university. 45 feet. 101, inches: second. J. A.-Shelburno. Dartmouth. 43 feet 5 V.. inches ; third. C. D. ITclsev, Princeton, 43 feet: fourth, R. IT. Nichols, Brown. 43 f"et 4 inches; fifth." O. C. Majors, Culi- lorniu, 42 feet. 81? inches. Four hundred and forty yard dnsh Final, won bv O. O. Hendrixson. California: second, R. S. Mnxnm, Pennsylvania; third. E. It. Ebv. Pennsylvania; fourth C. E. Johns Cor nell; fifth, I. W. Driscoll, Boston cc'. lege. Time 48 2-5 seconds. iPcnn fs Lending Pole vault Won bv E. E. Myers. Dartmouth,-height 12 feet, six inches: second, tie between S. G. Landers. Pennsylvania; J. X. Gordon. Dart mouth and R. W. Hnrwood. Harvard at 12 feet ; fifth, tic between M. Peter son, California, and W. W. Webber. i ale, at 1 1 feet, six inches. Two-mile inn Won bv H. H. Brown. Williams: second. A. Suede. Princeton; third. W. K. MncMahon. Massachusetts Tech.: fourth, J. V. Crofts, Williams; fifth, J. L. Homic. Pcnn state. Time 9 :27 3-5. Broad jump Won bv S. O. Lan ders, Pennsylvania, 23 feet. 8 inches: second E. L. Gourdin, Harvard, 23 feet, 7Vi inches: lliird IL L. Temnle- ton, Stanford. 23 feet 34 inches: fourth, C. A. Way, Pennsylvania stale 2.1 feet, 3 inches: fifth, J. W. Mor chant. California. 23 feet, V inch. Cornell, 10; Pcnsylvnnia state, 10; Stanford, 3. Half mile run Won bv E. W. Ebv Pennsylvania: second K. A. Mayor. Cornell; third, A. II. Sprotl. Call foniin : fourth, F. L. Murrcv. Prince ton ; fifth. L. A. Brown. Pennsylvania. Time, 1 :.r8. Hurdles, 220 yard Won bv W. B. Wells, Stanford ; second. E. J. Thonii son, Dartmouth: third. W. Smith, Cor nell; fourth. J. M. Watt. Cornell; tilth E. B. Bickford. Cornell. Time 2.'.-'i. Dash, 220 yards on bv K. r. Brown. Princeton: second. R. S. Mux am, Pennsylvania : third, O. O. Hen drixjson. California: 'fourth. R. D. Clark. Princeton: fifth. Frank Shea, Pittsburg. Time 21 4-o. Notice to Merchants. When solicited for advertising foi programs, cards or anv other scheme. .nnita ttin ftnticitnr to show VOU the endorsement of the proposition bv the Chamber of Commerce. Since the Merchant's Association went out of existence, the work of endorsing advertising proposition i. un ncnmcH hv the Chamber nnd merchants are hereby reminded tint thev should not purchase space in anv advertising scheme unless the so licitor can show a written statement lUr. Ua tnmA hat been investigated bv the proper committee from Ihej Chamber of Commerce and tonne ,,) he of such a character that it i worthy of support. FORESTRY DEPT. ASKS $10,000 FROM STATE FOR AIRPLANE PATROL SALEM. Ore., Mav 29. At n meeting of the state emergency board, which Secretary of State Kozer yesterday called for Juno 4, deficiency allowances in the sum of $300,000 or moro will be asked. About $250,000 of this amount will bo to carry out the soldiers, sailors and marines cducntionnl aid net for the re mainder of tho venr. About $25,000 will be needed to meet unpaid claims already existing under the act. Tho forestry department will ask for $10,000 for the mainte nance of an airplane patrol pending a congressional appro priation nnd the Cedars, n Port land institution for women will probably ask for from $5000 to $15,000. Other smaller claims are expected to be presented. EXPECT TO SETTLE G. 0. P. CONTESTS T CHICAGO, Mav 29 Decisions in four of the contests among delega tions to the republican national con vention probably will settle all of the disputes, which involve 122 seats, members of the national comtmtte said todav. Precedents in fJur maior rulings will govern the oj its raised in the other cases, it was aid Clarence B. Miller, secretary of tin republican nationa committee, i rived yesterday wttl i the briefs. Tlie national .committed will begin cor.'- sidcrntion of thom Monday and Jour days, it is estimated, will finish all of them. Aside from the contests in - the tenth M-nnesotn (Minneapolis) r.nd the . fourth and fifth Missouri dis tricts, the contests are from south ern states. Another sort of contest to be bandied cither by tho national com mittee or the' state delegations in volved is the elimination of 5(1 "ex cess delegates" from ten states where more thnn the allotted number, of delegates were chosen with fractional votes. In these ten stale dologa t'ons 117 delegates wefo certified to the convention with only til available scuts. The states that have elected loo many delegates, according to See rc'tary Miller's records aro thp tol lowing: v Arkansas Eleven delegates' for si: seats. Illinois Ten delegates at Inrgo for six seats. . Jowa iwclvo delegates lor six scats. Mississippi Eight delegates for six scats. ... - Missouri Eight delegates for four scats. Novada Twelve delegates for six scats. Tennessei! Ten delegates for five seats. Oklahoma Eight delegates for four scats. Texas- Thirty-four delegates for seventeen seats. Yirginia Three delegates for otic scat. Census Returns WASHINGTON, May 29 Vancou ver, Wash., 12,037. increase 3337 or 35.0 per cent. Bristil, It. I., 11,37.5, increase 2810 or 32.8 per cent. Bethlehem Pa.. 50,358, increase 37,'- 521 or 292.3 per ccnt.t Chaster, Pa., 58,030, increase 19, 193 or 50.6 per cent. Sanbury, Pa., 15,721 increnso 1951 or 1 4.2 per cent. Wiilimnntic, Conn., 12,330, increase 1100 or 9.8 per cent. Ashland. Was.. 1 1,33 1 decrease 2fi0 or 2.2 per cent. Hiinovcr, Pa., 8064 'increase 1007 or 22.8 per cent. Wilmington, Ohio, 5037, increase 54(i or 12.2 per cent. Iola, Kas., 8513, decrease 519 or 5.7 per cent. Sharon. Pa., 21,747, increase 047 or 42.4 tier cent. Bay Citv, Mich., 47,554, increase 2388 or 5.3 per cent. Findlay, Ohio, 17,015, increase 2157 or 14.5 per cent. Atchison. Kas., 12.63Q, decrease 3799 or 23.1 per cent. Barrels ville, Okla., 14,417, increase 823(1 or 133.2 per cent. DA1UNZI0 STRIKES AT JUGOSLAVS Mad Poet at Head of Troops Take Cavalanna and Threatens to Seize Sussak Juno-Slavs Prcoare Army of Resistance French Troops Re lieve Syrian Town After Heavy Fighting Bolslieviki Brir-- Up Re inforcement at Kiev. PARIS. Miy 29. The troops of Gabricle d'Annimzio, which wero ic ported here as having occupied tho village of Cnvulumm and threatening to sei7.e Sussak, in the Finnic region. are continuing to advance from Finnic according to information received by the foreign office from Belgrade this morning. The dispatch says the Jugo-Kluvs are preparing military measures to resist ' ' LONDON. Mnv 29. A French col umn t ought its way into Amino, ,-v- ria, and after heavy fighting sue cccded in relieving the town, it was officially announced today, llie Turki suffered heavy casualties. ROME. Mav 28. England nnd France have agreed, upon reoucst of 1'remie rNitti. to postpone the nllicd Gernum conference at Spa from June 21 to July 15, according lo the Trio una. llolslu-viki Fight Hard LONDON, May 28. Statements re gnrding the. scope of negotiations be tween British officials and Gregory Ivrassin, Russian bolshevik min'stcr for trade and commerce, continuu contradictory. It is believed Premier Lloyd George will meet M. Krassin, but it is re called that the negotiations concern the supreme allied council as a whole, nnd it is with this body (hut M. Kras sn will negotiate nnd not exclusively frith representatives of England. WARSAW. Mav 29. Russian bo'i shevik reinforcements are bein: brought un everywhere in the often sivo against the Poles, which is in creasing in violence along the north ern sectors of the front, says an of fiuial statement issued at headcimii'- tcrs hero twin v. Fierce combnts nro raging from llie Dvina river, on ',he north to the Pripet river, on the som'Ti, a distance ot approximately 'J20 mile Prisoners captured bv tho Poles west of the Beresinn river, tho state ment snvs, include 300 Cossacks, LATEST NEWS OF THE STATE PORTLAND, May 29. Lumber shipments of tho mills of the West Coast Lumbermen's association by water for tho weok ending May 22 aggregated 26,025,221 fuel and tho books of the mills carry a handBomo total of export orders for later de livery. Facts of tho association's weekly report are sot forth as follows: Cargo business accepted by tho 126 mills contributing to tho report for the week aggregated 2C,62.",221 feet of which 10,128,391 feet Is to be ex ported and 16,496,830 feet delivered to California. The balance ot cargo orders remaining on the books of the mills after the week's deliveries was lt8,469,434 feet 63,244,124 foet domestic and 85,225,310 export. The same mills havo.a balance' of 8608 cars or 258,240,000 feet of rail orders on their books awnlting ship ment. Total rail shipments for the week were 48,810,000 feet or 1627 cars. The rail orders woro 36,003,- 000 feet or 1221 cars. ; SALEM, May 29. Tho public Bor- vice commission today appointed W. P.- Kills who has been examiner for the commission to tho post of secre tary In succession to Ed Wright, re signed. Benjamin K. Forbes is pro moted to official reported. Ellis will draw a salary of $2700 a year and Forbes $2000. Ellis has been with tho commission six years. Forbes saw active service overseas for two years and lias been with tho commis sion for six nwmihB. Clearlna House Report. NEW YORK. May 29. The nctua! condition of clearing house bunks &n, trust companies for the week showr, thnt thev hold $24,338,800 reserve in excess of legal requirements.. This is an increase of $10,(118,450 from last week. -UP SPELLERS 4 PORTLAND. Ore., Mav 29. The eighth g.4ado champion spellers, gathered ifroni tho Portland schools lust night overwhelmingly defoated in a great spelling bee tho picked spellers of their elders. Thirty-six women did 'their best to uphold tho banner of age ami experience nnd 50 13 nnd 14-yenr-olds proved that youth has its day. In 33 tense minutes, keen with excitement, the children made but one slip in the 300 odd words presented, while 11 mis takes were scored up to tho charge of the women. OBTAINED BY THE NEW YORK, May 29. Corrective measures woro again enforced In tho finnnclnl markets this week as iudl cnted by tho smaller operations on tho Stock Exchange. The tone was steadier, however, nnd greater confi dence prevailed. The process of price reduction extended to tho point where it encompassed provisions and other foodstuffs, albeit, In moderate degree while such commodities as textiles and loiuher experienced further do preclation. On overy hand it was conceded that substantial benefits already have re sulted from additional curtailment ot credits, excopt in instances whore this policy has temporarily affected pro ductive enterprises and Icgitimac bus. iness expansion. The turn into June brought no ap parent change In to tho local money market, cuV. loans lending thmout the weok at six per cent subject to slight hardening. Time, loans ma iling Into tho mld-ycar were compara tively ncgliglhlo however, at 8V4 to 8 per cent bid. Sensational advnnces.ln exchange on Germany and Austria with mark ed betterment in tho Italian rate fea tured tho active dealings in foreign exchange. Francs also Improved and bills on London rose almost ton cents to the pound over tho previous week's lowest quotation. Arrival of gold from tho Orient, In payment ot a loan made to tho Omsk government more than a year ago, reversal of exchange on Orgontlna to tho level whoro gold was rolonsod for that account at this center and moro acuta financial disturbances in Japan comprised tha significant Interna tional developments of tho week. GIVES UP SHIP ! SAN FHAXCISCO, May 29. Suit of tho Uusslan Bovlot govornmont for possession of the HuhsIuii naval trans port Itogdni, now in this harbor, was dissolved In tho United States district court hero today upon motion of noils Ilakhmotctr of Washington, I). C who claimed That ho was the am bassador to tho United Stntcs of the "only recognized government of Rus sia." The soviet government sought to libel tho vessol, holding thnt as it had succeeded to tho administration of Russian governmental affairs the Rogdal was the property of Biich ad ministration. Itnkhmctcft held that the vossel was tho property ot tho recognized Russian government which controlled her up to tho time of tho action. EUGENE DEBS KISSES ELECTION DELEGATES ATLANTA, Ga., May 29. Eugeno V. Debs, who is serving a ten year sentence In tho federal penitentiary here for violation of tho espionage act, was formally notified today ot his nomination for the fifth time as the socialist candidate for president of the United States. The ceremony took place In the warden's office. Doha, attired in his prison suit, greet ed each member of the notification committee with a kiss. CROCKER IS ANSEL FOR II, JOHNSON Wilthy Politician, Former Enemy of Hiram's Contributes $4000, Fleishbacker $5000 $125,000 Is Raised for California Campaign Johnson's Campaign Treasurers Place Total Fund at $200,000, Not Includlnp Local Contributions. ; WASHINGTON, May 29. Approx imately $200,000 has beon raised' for the national campaign of ' Senator Johnson of California for the republi can presidential nomination, Alexan der McCabo, treasurer of the Johnson California organization testified to day heforo the senate committee in vestigating pre-conventlon campaign flouncing. , Replying to questions ot Senator Spencer, republican, Missouri, Mr. McCnbe said this total did not include local sums raised over the country, but ho declared that all other sums would not aggregate more than a few thousand dollars. , ; i ' . The witness testified that $25,000 ot the totnl ot the California fund was sent to tho Johnson national hendquartors in New York. He addod that he had boon in touch with the state organization up to "about May 4 when tho California primary closed." . .... "Money was still coming In 'then,"' Mr, McCabo testified. ''Bui we .were In constant difficulties meeting the campaign of our opponents, , Mr. Hoover ran opposing Johnson there. Possibly $20,000 has been collected since to moet tho deficit:" . - Crocker Gives IJ-tOOO . Contributors named by the witness Included Herbert . Flel'9chhacTt'0f; $5000; William H. Crooken, 44000, and John 'it. Rostetor, $25001' J ' ;. '' "The money was gathered. In vi state wide solicitation,'! Mr. McC.abe continued. Asked as to contributions by stuto officers, he said "Charles L., Neumillor, a prison commissioner, gnvo $1000." ' ' Will C. Wood, stato 1 educational offlcor, ''contributed active support to Mr. Hoover," tho wltness'declared, nddlng thnt out of five railroad com missioners, three gave to Johnson funds, nnd the others "supported Mr. Hoover." , Hogonts of tho state university also woro divided In allegiance, Mr. -Mc-" Cabe said, but ono or two "gave pos sibly $250 or $500, to .the .Johnson campaign. r . ' , '! WASHINGTON, May 39. "Bo- ' tween $100,000 and $125,000," was . raisofl In the California primary by tha campaign organization In behalf ; of Sonator Johnson, republican; of,' that state, tho sonnto campaign In vestigating committee was told today hy Alexander McCabo, California ' stato insurnnco commissioner who acted as treasurer for the Johpson ;' organization. ' . .-, : ' Mr. McCabo said ho did not have the records with him but offered to " send for them. Ills estimato was based, he said, "on tho last time I . looked over the books." ' , , .. iiwoao for Oregon ' ' '., " ': '" "A largo numbor of state officials did contribute to us," Mr.; MeCabe said, "but thoy woro not . men - of. means, and they did not give large amounts." ; . " ' Asked as to the ossertlon ,tht "nine millionaires aro on tho Johnson tickot of delegates." from California, tho witness named Mr. Crocker, Mr. Flolschhacker, George 1. Cochran nnd M. II. DeYoung. Mr. DoYoung, , he said, gave nothing. . : , "How many millionaires on - the Hoover delegation " askod Chairman , Kenyon. . ' ' ' " "I've novor counted," was the re ply. -. ,,- : As to expenditures of. . California, Mr, McCabe said $2000 had, been , sont to K. F. Mitchell In Indiana, probably $5000 to Montana; $4000. , to Michigan; $11500 to Bouth foakota; . $2000 to 'North Dakota and $5500 to Oregon. . . James A. Johnson of ' California; i . Mr. McCabo said, had authorized ' somo of the expenditures, which mado him uncertain as, to exact amounts. To Minnesota $1500 was sent, he said. ,....;. "Then out of California funds you sent more than $."0,000 to . other states?" Chairman Kenyon question ed. ' . Hoover Was Feared .- - "I'm sure that's about right," Mr. McCabo said. , "You say this money was raised tn small amounts?" . (Continued on rage Bit) - 5 ,