Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 25, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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This mornlns's frost of 30 de
grees In Medford and 2 8 degrees In
the low lying parts of the valloy did
no material damage to fruit, accord
ing to County Agent Cate, but here
and there nipped potatoes, tomatoes,
peppers and other garden truck. An
other light to heavy frost is predicted
for tonight along with fair weather
and warmer for Wednesday.
A weak tire repaired In time will
save your tubo and much trouble. Try
Exchange Tire Co., Gates' old shop
D ."i
Someone took a paper sack with
ono pound of butter from the .Mail
Tribune office by mistake Monday.
Pleaso return same. o(i
Members of Talisman lodge.
Knights of Pythias lo the number of
about CO will leave by autos between
4 and G p. m. today for Grants Pass
to attend the meeting of the K. of P.
lodge of that city where Talisman's
team will conduct the initiary work
on a. number of candidates.
Hegular communication of Henmes
Chapter Order of Kastern Star, Wed
nesday ovening, .May 2Gth. Initiation.
French pastry and dainty confec
tions made fresh daily at Hex Cafo. tf
Dean Carder of Medford and Frank
Itoss and Jack Cowley of Central
Point loft Medford last night for
Shasta county, Calif., whore they will
Join their class from the O. A. C. in a
two weeks mino surveying and gool
ogy trip. Each of the new are juniors
In mining engineering at O. A. C.
Brotherhood of American Yeomen.
Itogular meeting and clasB initiation,
Thursday evening, 8 p. m., May 27, nt
Althea hull. Visiting Yeomun Invit
ed and Yeomen friends invited at
9:15 p. m. to enjoy a social game of
cards' and refreshments. i7
Fllos are dangerous and a nuis
ance. Wo mako window screens nnd
screen doors. Trowbridgo Cabinet
Works. 67
The faculty of St. Mary's academy
have Issued invitations for a recital
presenting Miss Neva Samuels and
Miss I.uclle Koontz, piano-forte grad
uates at the academy auditorium on
Thursday evening at 8:15 o'clock.
Delco-Llght Electricity for evory
farm. J. 13 Bartlott, Medford Hotel,
Medford, Ore.
Awnings made to order and put
tip. All kinds of repairing. Douglas,
101 South Central. Phone 615-J.
Oregoninns at tho Medford aro Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. R. Myers of Tilla
mook, A. Fordyce of Klamath Falls,
II. I). Smith and family of Hugcno,
F. h. llrnmwell of Grants Pass, Mrs.
O. 1). Hakor of Uoguo Rivor, A. .1.
Derby of Hood Itlvor and .1. A. Och
wlg, D. W. Iloilinnn, J. A. Schneider,
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall S. Wright,
Elizabeth Richardson, Warren U,
Starkoy, E. G. Hurko, Harry Woldson
J. A. Judtsch, Harry Newton, W. .1.
,,11. Clark and J. W. Wolford of Port
'land. It pnys to save and saves to pay
We will show you. Bring your laun
dry lo Paul's Eloctrle Storo.
A complote lino Tru Mil enkos and
crackers at tho Palace Grocery. 72
Miss Dorothy Miller is conducting
a dancing class for youngsters from
the ago of flvo to eight, und the
money received for these lessons goes
to the hcnoflt of tho Women's build
ing. Tier class is also to tako part
in a pageant to bo held nt tho univer
sity this spring. Those who knew
MIbs Miller will ramcmbor that she
took much Interest In physical educa
tion whilo attending the Medford high
school. Sho is mnjorliiK In that de
partment at tho University of Oregon
Anyone having any of Crowson's
Ice cream puckors please return o
let them know. 58
Broken forglns9 ana castings, all
shapes, all metals, nil sizes, woldod
rolnforccd nnd guaranteed. Vulcan
Welding Works, 39 South Front St
So fnr as tho desk men at tho'Oro
gon axo concerned, Court Hnll of
Medford is a prominent citizen, chief
ly distinguished hy the fact that every
tlmo ho asks for his key ho hands the
clerk or bollhop or anybody clso who
Is handy an npplo or a pear or some
uensonnblo fruit from Jackson county
'Mr. Hall runs a garage as an ofcupn-
. Hon and cultivates apples as an avo
cation. Tho Oregonlan. '
Wo guarantee our worlc to bo or
tho best that can bo turned out. Ex
change Tiro Co., phono 520. 56
' Ilomo-mndo broad, cakes, and pas
try of all kinds for geionil trade at
Jlex Cnfo. tf
Don't fail to hear Itev. Paul Daltz
, of the Philippine Lsiamhiand see hit
bcuul Kill slides on hi:: work there, at tho brick uliurch, Central
Point. No churls but an offering
will bo taken to heln meet expenses.
An important meeting of the Far
mers & Fruitgrowers league will be
held at tho public library on Satur
day. A large attendance is desired.
Anyono having any of Crowson's
lco cream paclttrs please return Ki
ln them know. 5('
Seo Medford t.and & Insurance
Agency, successors to D. R. Wood &
Co., Rm. 209 Liberty Bldg., for fire
insurance. tf
Among the Hotel Medford guests
from California are It. J. Raymond of
Napa, II. Elliott Urown of Klamath
Hot Springs. D. U Cnlvlg or Yreka.
nnd W. Palmor, O. W. Iiieglnr. Mr.
nnd Mrs. J. S. Frankel nnd V. T.
Clement of San Krnnrltico.
Gliddoii arsenate of lead. Tho best
to bo had. Connor's Warehouse!.
For the best insurance sue Holinos
the Insurance Man.
E. M. McKeany has, returned from J
a trip to the fruit districts of Wash
ington and Oregon. The Yakima val
ley crop estimate Is placed at 1200
cars of pears', but this estimate Is
considered too high. Many of the
trees v.:-e killed during the winter.
In tho Hood River district the trees
did not polleuize, but the true extent
will not be known until June 1. The
Walla Walla country was also hard
hit. Mr. McKeany thinks the liart
letts will he high this fall.
Do you want to save your curtains
by washing and ironing them by the
electric washer and Ironer at Paul'B
Electric Storo? We will do It or show
you how.
Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlere for
NuBono. Phone 686-J.
Tho Parent-Teachers association of
tho Lincoln school will hold the last
Tho sheriff's office received a tele-
grain from the Greeley, Colo., author
ities that Mrs. Mabel Goodan, wife
of Dan Goodan, arrested there for
forgery would not return to Medford
without requisition papers, and appli
cation for same has been made to the
governor. The Colorado officials
ulso want to try Goodan In that stato
for obtaining money under false pre
tenses, and Jackson county author
ities are endeavoring to secure his
return also, to unsweV to the forgery
committed in this city. Goodan for
merly drove a wood wagon in this
city, and Mrs. Goodan was a waitress
In a local restaurant
Lithia mineral water has great me
dicinal value. Phone 51. Jackson
County Creamery.
Miss Grace Hitchcock of Roseburg
is visiting friends and relatives In
moetlno- of tho vear nt the xchr.,,1 , tho clty anu vallcy '"hi week.
building Friduy afternoon. A laraoL Hol"e8 'or sale. Jackson County
ettendanco Is urged, as officers for "u'lumK 1'0aD ansociatlon.
Junius riessier. or .viontague
the coming your will be elected
Quality, service, satisfaction La
dies' and men's BUits dry or steam
cleaned $1.50. Phono 223-J. Deliv
ery service. Myers Apparel Cleaners,
Dyers, Hatters, 103 North Centrnl. 57
Your spring suit Dost woolens,
reasonable prices. Klein tho Tailor,
East Main, upstairs.
The first local grown strawberries
of the season appeared on the market
Tuesday, ut 25 cents the box
Anyono having any of Crowson's
lco cream packers please return or
lot them know. fjG
Excbango Tiro Co. will take In your
old tires and tubos on new goods or
pay caBh. Phono 520, Gates' old stand
Tho ndvanco salo for "Hitchy-Koo"
with Raymond Hitchcock, nt tho Pugo
tonight is heavy with many coming
from Grants Pass, Ashland, and other
out of town points.
Ford, Chevrolet and Maxwell tires
and all kinds of accessories at Mc-
Curdy-Ilowno Motor Co., Sparta bldg.
lny mono B27
Night riwnra P. W. Weeks, 227-J-S
A. E. Orr, S27-J-a.
Auto repairing M. J. Swing, with
Huttson Motors Auto Home, 29 South
Front. All work guaranteed. tf
O. O. Alendorfer left Tuesday mor
ning on a short business trip to Glen,
dale, Oregon.
Tru Jilu cookies and crackers. The
Palaco Grocery. 72
Orres, the ladles' tailor, will be at
Hotel Holland every Thursday. Fine
wonlens, lntost stylos always. tf
' Northbound train No. 14 was three
hours lato Tuesday morning owing to
u freight derailment near Weed, Cnl.
Godyoar .10x3 tires for your
Chovrolot, Ford or Maxwell 20. Med
ford Auto Co. 57
All kinds dry wood, phono 859 or
5 19-J. Ray Blackburn.
Tho Medford Auto company un
loaded u curlond of Buicks and a cm
load of Franklins today. Those cars
aro hard to got.
Suits sponged, pressed on a Hoff
man snnltnry steam pressing machine
Special rates by month. Delivery ser
vice. Phono 22 3-J. Myers Apparel
Cloanoi-B, Dyors, Hatters, 103 North
Central. 59
Anyono having any ot Crowson's
lco cream packers pleaso roturn or
let thorn know. 6G
Mrs. Wayne Leover of Senttlo, Is
visiting friends and relatives In the
city and valloy.
For eye, eai, nose, throat see Dr.
Heine, Liberty Bldg. Glasses fitted
Dolco-Llght Electricity for every
farm. J. 13. Bartlott, Medford Hotel,
Modford, Oro.
J. .1. Dorman of Colestln, Ore,
spout Tuesday in the city attending
to business matters.
We aro now Orchard
Brand Spray materials, good quality,
prices right. Farm Bureau Coopera
tive Exchange Phone 932. 69'
Homo-mndo broad and pastry ffesh
daily at Rex Cafe. tf
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pelouze ot Eagle
Point woro visitors in tho city Tuos-day.
Old phonographs ana records
bought, sold and exchanged. Doug
laBS, 101 S. Central. Phone 616-J. '
Dance at Benglo Saturday, May 29
Muslo by Majestic orchestra, 5S
t'ompllmontary votes for constable
wero oxtonded the following by the
voters at the primary Friday: Mose
llarkditll, Dr. J. M. Keeno, Colonel
JliiDH, Carl Y. Tengwald, 1)111 Batos
and P. W. Hamlll,
Orres, tailors for mon and womon
High grade only. Ashlnnd, Oro. '
Phono 4 71 about your dry cleaning
and dyeing. All work fully guaran
teod. City Cleaning Works, 401 South
Tho freight trafflo on tho Southern
Pacific has shown a steady Incroaso
the last ton days, 15 or 16 heavy
traitiB passing thru daily. This Is
duo to tho nutlon-wldo concentrated
effort to move loaded cars from con
gested centers.
tSults nt cost plus 10 per cent. Gus
The Tailor. tf
W. F. Selleck of North Yakima,
Wash., a frultmun of the Yakima val
ley is spending n few days in the city
attending to business matters.
The Chamber ot Commerce is a
clearing house tor community
thought and action. Join. tf
Thero is tin ppldumic of stiff necks
prevailing In the city, nnd tho drug
stoves as a result have received many
alls for soap liniment the regula
tion army euro.
Suits at cost plus 10 per cent. Gus
The Tuilor. tf
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Plymale will re
turn the first of next week from a
honeymoon tour ot California by
Economize bj using scratch pads
for use. Got them at this office, tf
K I Films Developed Better
0 I Prints Made Clearer
D- i Prompt attention to Mail Orders
K I 217 East Main St. Medford
is among tho out of town visitors in
the city.
Real home made sorghum at
Hutchison & Lummlen.
Ward Spatz loft Monday afternoon
to look over his ranch Interests in
Josephine county.
Suits at cost plus 10 per cent. Gus
The Tailor. tf
Douglas county, where the state
highway commission will spend a
large proportion of tho highway
funds tho coming year, voted against
tho road bonds by a small majority.
Wanted Boer and pop bottles at
Lynn Mowatt, secretary of tho
Ashland Commercial club was a busi
ness visitor in the city Tuesday
Have you trlod the Llthla mineral
water? If not call tho bottling de
pnrtmont of the Jackson County
Creamery and get a sample free
Don l. Colvlg of Yreka, Cal., visit
ed with friends and relatives In the
city Monday.
Homo made Ilogue River brooms
75c (it Hutchison & Lumsden,
Several political wagers have been
made the last week that neither John
son, Iloovor, Lowdon, or Wood, will
bo tho republican nominee at the Chi
cago convention.
Suits ut cost plus 10 per cent. Gus
The Tailor. tf
George Leonard, son of Mr. and
Mrs. S. L. Leonard, nominated for
entrance to West Point, will leave
July 1st for West Point to begin his
Hemstitching, pecotlng 10s per
yard, throad furnished. Expert op-
orator. Singer Shop, 10 South Fir
street. GO'
An auto stage lino between Med
ford nnd Roseburg has been placed in
Big moonlight dnnco Wed. night.
Medford Nat. Admission free! 50
Ed G. Brown, who wns injured in
an auto wreck two weeks ago on tho
Pacific Highway near Gold Hill is
Improving rupldly, and he has been
rolensed from tho hospital whore ho
has been undergoing treatment to a
hotel whoro ho is convalescing. It is
expocted that Mr. Brown will be able
to roturn to Medford next week.
Why pay 20c for sugar when you
can buy homo made sorghum for ISc
ut Hutchison, Lumsden.
Attorney Newton Borden attonded
to legal business In tho county seat
Tuesday morning.
Big moonlight dance! Wed. night.
Medford iNnt. Everybody's going! 5G
Among the out of town guests at
tho Medford Hotol aro II. Hit of San
Francisco and Leslie If. Young of
uoodyear 30x3 V4 tires for your
Chovrolot, Ford or Maxwell S20. Med
ford Auto Co. 57"
Sheriff Terrlll went to Ashlnnd
Tuesday morning to bring back R. II.
Joyce hold in that city on an Insanity
Suits at cost plus 10 per cent. Gus
The Tailor. tf
Two men arrested In Astoria, Ore
for burglary have confessod to the
robbery of Porrino's store In Ashland
of 200, and will bo brought back to
this county for trial. The sheriff's
office bellovos that thoy aro responsi
ble for the robbery of tho Lamport
llnrnoss shop In this city last month.
Puro homo made sorghum 18c nt
Hutchison & Lumsden.
Tho first (Natatorium Wednesday
night dancing party in several weoks
will occur tomorrow night. The af
fair will bo in tho form of a moon
light dunce nnd promises to draw a
largo attendance Tho music will bo
provided by tho popular Imperial
orchestra which will be out in full
force Lucky spot dances will bo fea
tured at Intervals thruout tho even
ing. There will bo no advlsslon
chnrgo and dancing will bo free till
9:30 p. in.
Among guests at the Hotel Holland
from a distance aro Mrs. A. Small of
Sheridan, Wyo., II. W. Jones of
Rapid City, S. D., Jay G. Hauzman
ot Noston, W; Va,, and Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Stevens of Soattle.
Singer Shop Quality counts. New
and used machines sold or rented.
Expert repairing on all makes ma-
chinos. Phone 215-R. 10 So. Fir. 60
Mrs. L. J. Mlksche who underwent
a major operation is recovering.
Every member of the Elks lodge
is requested to be at the club house
next Friday at G p. m. when moving
pictures will bo taken both of the ex
terior and interior of the building.
Tablets and scrntcn. pads made of
nowa print, for school and office use
for sale at this office. tf
Guests from Ilornbrook at the Hol
land are Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hull and
children, and Mr. and Mrs. II. Janes.
From Butte Falls Mrs. H. L. Hery
ford and children are registered.
E. A. Brown of Medford thought he
knew all there was to know about
automobiles; hut not long ago a ma
chine turned round and taught him
a evf more things. Mr. Brown mixed
In an accident and showed up at the
Seward yesterday to spend some time
there whilo he gets a fractured skull
repaired. Tho Orgonian.
Carl Joschke, mgu grade watch
and cloc krepalring. 9 Fir street.
A. delegation of citizens will be at
tho depot at 5:15 p. m. today to greet
Major General Bnrnett, commander
of the United States marine corps
and Ills stuff and family on their ar
rival from the south. Mayor Gates
will mako a short address of folcome
General Barnett and party will leave
on tho 7 o'clock train tonight for
At the Mod ford are registered F.
L. Richardson of Alpona, Mich., E.
F. Allison of Bellamy, Ala., Joe J.
Dunham of Washington, D. C, R. W.
Phillips of Now York, M. C. Hemen
way and K. I. Druminond of .New
York, W. M. Shaw of Denver, and W.
N. Straup, XI. W. Young and Merrill
Nlbley of Salt Lake City.
i AT
Raymond Hitchcock, the theater
going public like, and "Hitchy" Ilk:
them. If a voto were taken as to
who was the most liked eccentric co
median on our stage, It is more than
probable that Raymond would be the
winner. Nobody In the theater game
on or off the stage does more than
Hitchy" to stimulate and cherish
this good will. In Liberty Loan
Baptist Church Meeting
To tho members of the First Baptist
Church ot Medford, Oregon:
A special business meeting of the
First Baptist church of Medford, Ore
gon, is hereby called for Thursday
evening, June 10th, 1920, at eight
o'clock at the First Baptist church
for the puprpose of voting on calling
a pastor.
1)11. F. h. CARLOW
How's This?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ttewnrd
for any ensts of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hull's Catarrh Medicine.
Hnll s Catarrh Mectlclro has beon taken
by calnrrti oufferora for tho past thirty-
.Ive years, ami lias become known as the
most rebut lo remedy for Catarrh. Hall's
Cntntrh Medicine, acts thru tho Blood ctl
tho Mucous surfaces, oxpelhnft tho Pol
oti from tho Dlcod and heating the dta
44s?d portions.
After yon have taken Knit's Catarrh
Medicine tvr n ihort timo you wilt sec a
sront limirovement In vonr renernl
health Burt taking Hall's Catarrh MiMl-
-no at nti'-fl anil iret rid of catarrh, fiend
for lestlmonlnls. free.
V. J. i'Hi:ni-:y t o., Toledo. Ohio.
P.M hv nil nni'-!t. ?.--.
Attention' Fruitgrowers!
If you want ihe Oregon Growers
Cooperative association to handle
your fruit this year you must join be
fore Juno first. No new members
wllLbe taken after that date for the
1920 crop season. Mora than 245
members having 6750 acres in Roguo
Rivor valloy. Phone J. E. Edmiston,
5G8 or Oregon., Growers Association
cold storage plant, 128, for informa
tion. .61
Stockholders Notice
iNotlce Is hereby given that the
annual meeting of tho stockholders
of the Homo Telephone & Telegraph
company, of Southern Oregon, will
bo hold nt the office of the company,
218 West Sixth street, Medford, Ore
gon, at 3 o'clock p. m., June 1, 1920.
GO ' President.
drives, recruiting campaigns, and big
performances of all kinds for charit
able ends, Raymond Hitchcock, Is
usually sought after and he Is always
ready to do his bit. As an after din
ner speaker he stands alone Just as
he does in his intimate talks to aud
iences oeiore me curtain rises upon
his plotless but gayly festive and
entertaining show.
He will be at the Page theatre to1-
Lift off Corns!
Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone
costs only a few cents.
With your flneors! You enn lift off
any lmrd corn, soft corn, or corn between
the toes, and the hard skin calluses from
bottom of feet.
A tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs little
Bt any drug store; npply a few drops
upon tho corn or oallus. Instantly it
stops hurting, then shortly you lift that
bothersome corn or callus right off, root
and all, without ono bit of nain or sore
ness. .Truly! No humbug)
When the body begins to stiffen
and movement becomes painful it
is usually an indication that the
kidneys ore out of order. Keep
these organs healthy by takic-
The world's standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladdor and uric cid troublos.
Ffcir.ous since 1696. Take regularly and
keep In good health. In three sizes, alt
druggists. Guaranteed as represented.
Look for the dame Gold Medal on evarr box
and occfpt no imitation
Broken Lvnsna Accurately DnpUeated
Hutio 1-a over Mar (Jo
ins E. Main. Unataln
For Sale
' Now in Our Store
Medford Book Store
New arrivals every
week of the latest mod
els ill eolored voiles,
guaranteed to "tub."
Vanity Shop
Next Rialto Theater.
POUTLAXD, May 25. Plaus for
tho immediate rebuilding of the plant
of the North Portland Box company,
which was razed in the $000,000 fire
which swept that section last Sunday,
aro now being made, according to an
nouncement by Foster Beeson, man
ager of the factory.
0 YOU WANT your friends to avoid you? They
will certainly do so when your breath is bad.
.-at.There IS no PYrilRi rr onvnn' h-ivinff o Knrl
" "7; , 7 7 1 o
which can be corrected by taking Chamberlain's
Tablets. Many have been permanently cured of
stomach' troubles by the use of these tablets after
years of suffering. Price 25 cents per bottle.
Sa&?J tees aa mfam
THERE'S been more reckless investments
entered into on that promise than anj'thing
we know of.
'As a matter of fact the "ground floor" is far
more shaky than the topmost one of a true
and tried industrial structure. It may not
PROMISE much, but it DELIVERS more.
You're always welcome to talk those tilings
over with us at the First National.
Vhe First National Bank:
Medford Oregon
Prices on woolens dropped
$1 to $2 per yard today
We give the customers
the benefit of the cut
Our Prices Are Strictly
PLUS 10 Per Cent
GUS, TKe Tailor
roll SAL 10 Chevrolet car in Rood
condition. Priro $47 cash, lrvin
Host wick at Whtscnant Darbur
Shop, Main street. 5 7
FOR SA1.K Ono ruR, sir dininR
chairs and enrvnr. a White sowIhk
machine and threo stoves. Call
190-b, 803 West Klevonth street.
WANTKD ltoy to deliver bills nnd
carry banner after school, l'homi
71C-X, 05
Dancing Academy
Adult and Children's Classes
For information call 5GG-J. ,
City Treasurer's Notice
of Semi -Annual Interest Due
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the scmi-annua!:
interest on paving, ,cwcr and watermain assessments
upon all properties for which application was made to
extend time of payment, will be due and payable at
the office of the city city treasurer June 1, 1920, and
will be delinquent after thirty (30) days from said
date and 'shall bear a penalty of five per cent (5)
upon the amount of such delinquency.
Thirty days after any such delinquency the prop
erty will be sold for the amount of such delinquencv.
together with penalty and costs of such sale in ac
cordance with the provisions of Section 1.48 of the
citv charter.
Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 24th day of May,
Treasurer of the City of Medford, Oregon.