Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 24, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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1I15D1-OKD I'l'.iKTINO 1:0
Office. Mall Tribune D'llMIng, J6-7-I
Norlh Fir street. I'hone 75.
A conHOlldatlon of the Democratic
Times. Tb Mclfor.i Mall, The Medford
Tribune, the Bouthera Oregonlan. Th
Aahland Tribune.
Tito Med ford Sunday Sun la furnlih'd
tubscrttHTS deulring a seven-day dally
DttWAimper. ,
8 S, SMITH. Manafffr.
Daily, with Hunduy Sun, y-r 16.00
Pally, with Huiuhiy Kun, month 65
Daily, without Hunduy Sun, yeiir.. 6.00
uuiy, wunuut Hunday Hun, month &)
Weekly Mull Tribune, one ypar.. 1.60
Humirty Hun, one year 1.60
wi whkieii in Medford, Ashland,
jacKHonvllIo. CVntrul I'oint. Phoenix
Uaiiy, with Humify Sun, ypur 750
umiy, wun buriMiiy Nun, month.... .fifi
Dally, without .Sund.iy Sun. year.. 6.00
Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .60
Officlftl pnper of the City of MMiford
crucial puper or jaokHon County.
Rlitt-rod rh m-cond-plas matter
Med ford, On-yon, under tiio act of March
dworn dally avor'tse circulation for
nil months ending April 1919 8,074
Pull leaded Win? Servian. Th A nun
OlaW'd Ir'an Is xrliitlvely entitled to
mo unj mr rcpurjnraiion or all new
oiaptrrifi crt-dlti d to It or not other
riiwe credit d in thlR jmper. and alao tin
local newa piihlthed herein. All rlchis
f rnpubllratlnti of a fecial dmpatchrn
inrHin urn aiao ri'8Tvil.
Ye Smudge Pot
M Irtliii Forty
The Democratic parfY 1ms not lift
ter luck beating ''Our George' thun
.J ltd J(cpublicuh luirt.y. (See election
''There in'ooinctlitiur distinctly fi.-liv
nbout the escape of drover Cleve
land Ben.'do!l (lie wealthy slacker,
and ns usual when there is anvthinu'
i'isljv nbout the escape til' a draft
evmlcr.' the tracks leatl towurds the
delectable N'uuty Hakcr.
Hv hicikiiiir ill the I, it. Ilia's picture.;
oii the presidential candidates, tine
can see- that the only tine with a
smile w Charles Kvnus lluu'hes, who
his no excuse at all for L'timiiiur. All
the rest look like they i.ntl heett seat
fur mill couldn't come.
ilshevik's went to the l'tilet
in Russia Friday.
They also went in
,'. Hip ruffles for the dresses of I he
.women, is very stylish, mid only two
.lumps awnv from the old -.fashioned
YT If KTJIKIi Johnson wins or loses in Oregon, his vott
V is nothing short of scnsatioiinl. In Multnomah, foi
example, he had the opposition of all the influential news
papers, throughout the state, there was no nppreciahk'
newspaper support and yet he carried Multnomah and it
leading in a majority of the comities. The republican or
ganization was opposed to him. There was no Johnson
campaign until the last week and then it was a very feeble
one, and yet he still leads and more than likely wiil main
tain this lead when the final count is completed.
"What does this mean ? It is futile to dismiss the John
son sentiment as a combination of the League of Nation
lialers, pro-Germans and JJolsheviks. Such n coniliiiuiHnn
could never niarshnll the votes Johnson marshalled. The
truth is Johnson has captured the independent and liberal
support wincli Jloover should have captured.
Ve venture to say the League of Nations entered ver
utile into the calculations of the average Johnson sup
porter. As a matter of fact, the old guard Republicans, who
voted for "Wood, are as bitterly opposed to the league tu
Johnson. The old guard oppose any league but they oppose
me cnanenge to tlieir autiiority which Johnson threatens.
In fact, the election returns demonstrate that the ma
jority of the Republican party in Oregon favor the league,
as iar as their votes are concerned, for the combination ol
Hoover, Lowrten and ood votes total approximately 07,
000. to the 10,000 for Johnson. Moreover, the contest be
tween Stan field and Abraham was clearly between tin
league with reservations and no league at all, and the pro
league candidate won.
No, the league issue canjt be made a determining factoi
at this stage of the game, no matter how hard the cam
paigners try to make it so. The people, as a whole, are
more concerned with domestic policies. They want a new
political deal all around, and with Hoover throwing his
support to "Wood, they gave their votes to the. candidate
nest calculated, in their opinion, to make mufee meat ol
the si at us quo.
J his Johnson vote in Oregon with his tremendous-
strength in other states, demonstrates conclusively that if
the Republican nominee is not a man of progressive tem
per, who can he depended upon to end the strangle hold of
old machine, the independent and progressive vote will
go to the Democratic party. Hoover remains the one Re
publican candidate, vvbo can unite the Republican party
gain this forward-looking vote, and yet retain those prin
ciples of international policy, and proper domestic adjust
ment, which the Johnson following oppbses.
The restoration of limminir in OYe
(ron will cause a decided decrease in
the husiness of outsiders coiiijmr to
-this stale to commit their murders.
It is loo hail that this commonwealth
should thus revert to "barbarism."
but ex-convicts will he more careful
when they hit old women with mis
pipes in the future.
' The cheerful news is fortheomitiL'
that casolino will he scarcer thun
whiskey hy Amrtist. which is not lis
Hcnrec as it tuii;ht he.
A number of vouni; ladies, who
visited l,os Amides durini; the win
ter have enmc hack intimate, cnnl'i
ilentinl, ami bosom friends of all. the
leading movie iiuceus.
5IV ('arran.a died with his -boots
on hut, some Mexican has stolen tli"m
by this time.
' ' "Kor Sale-HIIH Krd. Price risltl
I'hone ,ri(w . . - Want Ad. Portland
OrcKiiman. Hut is about all.
rwa t Maton
. .IT M
T R.OITGIIT a suit of overalls, a suit of ding,
- with creases down the outer walls, and bib an!
. C1.KVKI.AXI). O. - The theatrical
busine-N has iucrca-.c, r,ii .r ;.,.ni
since the country went "dry," a rd-
itur to John I 'tirl of New York, one V
the country's Icailim; producers, on a
renont visit to Cleveland. lie 1
dared the'drv era staved off a dis
astrous period lor. the theatrical
world. '
gy nine.
and tuck
er, loo. And all my neighbors did the same, and every
one in town, to knock the profiteering game, and bring
the prices down. The rich men in tlieir gilded halh
with poor men fell in line; we all were wearing overalls,'
and feeling mighty fine. At hist we'd found a useful
way to curb the rising cost, and make the profiteering
jay feel like an early frost. And then t he price of denim
.rags went soaring to the moon; the dealers sprung the
same old gags, and crooned the same old tune. ' The
honest toiler in the ditch could not afford to buy ip'w
overalls -we idle rich had sent; the price sky high. The
honest- workers everywhere in fig-leaves we're arrayed,
the dealer had no duds to sjlare we'd bought his stock
in trade. We. wore our overalls a week, and then the
thing grew stale; we look and threw them in the creek,
or hung them on a nail. And thus a great reform, niv
dears, was to the discard hurled; and still the busy'
profiteers are fencing in the world.
"For the ..first , time- in a , whole
year I am able to do nil hiy'h'ouae
work," said. .Mrg C. .Ulikej yR. P".'D.
4, Box CO, Taooriia, Wash'.; when, a
spec.'ul Tan:ac representative, who
had heard of her remarkable recov
ery, callitl to ascertain the facts, re
cently. .
"Tanlac Is certainly, the grandest
medicine In the world,?-- the contin
ued, "and I Just sh 1 could tell
everybody personally what' It has
done for me. Why, my troubles have
been completely overcome, and I feel
better than I have In years and have
actually gained over twenty pounds
In weight, besides. ". "I don't Jielieve
anyone ever had a much worse case
of stomach trouble and Indigestion
than I did. .My food would Invariably
sour and I would just suffer agony
after meals from gas on my stomach
I had no appetite and really dreaded
to eat on account of the misery It
caused me. Then T had an attack of
neuritis in my right hand and knee
and I stmply cannot describe tho aw
ful pain I went through. I could not
use my right hand at all and for six
niontus.'l could nog; even raise it to
comb my hair. 1 was badly const!
patod and would get so weak and
dizzy I could hardly walk across the
room. My narvos wore all shattered
and 1 would often lie awake all night
suffering so I could not sleep. Then
Ihe rheumatism got In myi feet and
ankles and I could hardly get around
No kind of treatment or medicine
helped mo and I got bo discouraged
and down hearted I almost gave up
"At last I got Tanlac and 1 wil'
never get thru praising It for what it
has done for me. Sly stomach never
bothers me at all now and I am eating
lust anything I want, nnd I think it
tne mo?t wonderful tbing 1 ever
beard of how Tanlac has built mo up
The neuritis snd 'rheumatim have
left me entirely nnd, as I said, for the
first time In a whole year I am able
to get around and do my housework.
I have also beon relieved of nervous
ness nnd dizziness and can sleep
every night just like a child, ne'ore
I got Tanlac I was In such a bad fix
that I really thought I couldn't get
well, but here 1 nm feeling Just fine.
I havo the boat of rearons for
prnrelng .Tanlac.'.' ,- .
Tan 'no Is sold In-MedfoTd at West
lido Pharmacy nnd by leading drug-
tsls Id every town'.'-Adv
Tourist Travel on Coast in 1920
Promises to Break All Records
Officials In charge of Ihe national thousands of dollars Into highway
parks and persons who are in touch
with -long distance motor travel are
anticipating this year as a wonderful
season for motor travel, exceeding
tile astonishing record nuide In lllti).
The foregoing statement is lnude
by 11. O. Krohbach. .secretary of the
MetU'ord ('oninierctal club, who Is the
maps and service guides and road
Ainrkera, besides Ihe writing of thou
sands of personal letters to prospec
tive travelers.
The association has no slogan, but
It might fiitingly adopt a paraphrase
of "See America first" nnd make It,
"See America anyhow." There Is
Bayer Company, who introduced
! Aspirin in 1000, give
; - - proper directions.
"Bayer Tablets of Aspiiin" can be
taken safely for Colds, Headache,
Toothache, Karaciie, Neur:i!;:ia, Lum
bago, JthcnmatiAtn, Joint l'uins, Neuri
tis, and Pain generally.
To get quick relief follow carefully
tho snfo nnd proper directions in each
unbroken pnokago of "Mayer Tablets of
.Afmirin." Tlud iinrk:iL'n is iilninlv
stamped with the safety "Daycr CrostO'
The "Hayer Cross" means the pen
Ttine, world-famous Aspirin prescribed
by physicians for over eighteen years.
Ilundy tin boxes of VI tablets cost
but a few cents. Druv-gists alio sell 1
Ihy journeys Is the certainty that one
may now travel along a well niirked
long Journeys with their autos as the
The second big feature Is the ex
tensive advertising campaigns carried
on by the National Parks Highway
larger "Mayer" pucka.. Aspirin is association ns well as by other oig.itt
the -tMilc mnrk "of-Buyer Manufacture ' Izatlons which seek to promote nuto
of Monoacciicncidestor, of Salicylicncid, ' I ravel, . Pltf association has put many
local representative of Ihe Nat lonal j such a wealth of scenic wonder to bo
Parks Highway association. This or- leached by the highway that 1 really
ganlzatlon, according to Mr. I'roh-1 believe we are doing people a kind
bach. Is perferling lis preparations I ness when wo induce them to take a
for belter service to travelers and Is! little ttmo from tlieir ordinary voca
plannlng lis work on a scale much i Hons nnd spend It under pleasant
larger than la any preceding year. I conditions while becoming familiar
Air. Krolibaeb says: Iwlth their native land.
"There are three primary causes! The third factor of Importance In
ror tlio unusual Interest In long dis- the Increasing use of nutos for long
tuner- motoring tins year, first, there
Is the general prosperity of tho
country. Tluiiisands of p-rsons have road w ith no fear of getting off the
profiled thru the unusual trade ox-j main line; with comfortable hotels at
pansion of the past year besides those i easy distance making night riding
who inn do fortunes during the war unnecessary; with excellent garages
time. Aiiiieu to these are the thou- j available at convenient points in each
sands of salaried persons and wago 1 day's travel; with good, freo camping
earners w ho have been receiving j grounds In ninny cities for these who
more pay than at any time in their prefer outdoor life in Its entirety,
history. Th. se facts have resulted In j Lastly there is the romfort'ng
unusual largo percentage of car buy-1 knowledge that representatives of the
crs among people who formerly were , highway will he waiting in each city
not In this class and also has caused ! or tow n to give free intormation and
many other thousands to contemplate ! advice to tho motorist nnd show him
Circular work of all klndu
Malltus t.l'ta
Tunncll & Edwards
luff-aoa UWiy Building
Metiford. Oregon.
vliso trrDI for r"inroao't au Mon-F.nyinen
those little courtesies which help to
make a Journey enjoyuble.
LOl 1SVII.1.K. Kv. Maunuo.i
Cave. Kentucky's contribution ti the
wonders of the world, may soon be
I'tiryluised nnd transformed into nn
extensive tinliotiul park, - "
newly lraui.fid Haiti Mont
tit IiMr to San Ki
iCot Nff fjiniJimn unctaal
(Harm on J cfwnloit. a loSbjr it -tf nri
to provi.) t ftcnosnhcre ol a
Kmtt.oui Lome md aVew Dining
Room. roniH'ntd ci 4 Kc moil
i.itcitvtir) H A-n;ica P cctntnSut
t jof It i ihe only fcetti
wdi Tvnmni Ice Wi.tM m evrrv room
Ml ill JoA
M U c7
Gose rto Theatres
rind Shopping District
- PL N - AJT "Sf A THI
liOANDUPlk yj wajAMEs Lj
Page-Dressier Co.
Phone 282 ' Nash Block
We wish to call you atten
tion to the facfr-that the pres
ent time is most opportune
for investing '-"in " country
property, Theii.'reracrkable'
buying in the Middle Westj
of last year has started again;
this season and this means a!
large influx of buyers &V
over the coast distnet. Win; i
present crop outlook, locally
we can reasonably expect a
big buying movement. Why
not take advantage of this.
Look these over, every one
will pay well, either as an in
vestment or speculation.
1. 20 acres on Pacific
Highway. Not in crop. Non
resident owner offers this for
$150 per acre... Adjoining
land held at $300. It's a snap.
240 acres, 70 acres alfalfa,
80 acres in corn and grain
Water right paid. This will
produce over 300 tons alfalfa
this season. Buy now and get
this crop. The price is only
3. 16 acres near Central
Pojit, all in cultivation; 15
acres in alfalfa. All under
water. Nice five-room bunga
low. This is a fine close in
property. The .price $6000.
4. 40 acres of the best
'and in this valley. All under
water and m cultivation
Water right fully paid. We
consider this an ezception
illy good biiy. Price $7500.
5. 200 acres on Pacific
High-vray, 1C0 acres in culti
vation and under water.
This located at Talent and is
offered for a time for $25,000.
Fifteen thousand cash. Bal
ance terms.
6. 40 acres producing or
chard; 80 acres in all. Has
water right. Crop this sea
son will be over $5000. Non
resident owner offers it $20,-
7. 22 acres 1 mile south of
Medford, fronting on Pacific
I tt: TI 1. j
iiiguway. iiignieen acr3s
of this Bear Creek bottom
land. Six acres bearing pears.
fciight acres apples. Nice
five-room bungalow. Good
barn. A nice home. Close in.
Price $10,000.
8. 40 acres bearing or
chard, best of soil. Can be
irrigated. Fair improve
ments. Present crop shows
value $6000 to $7000. We can
sell this property for $12,000.
9. 22 acres diversified
ranch property. Nice home,
every comfort. The alfalfa
and fruit have given a profit
the past four seasons. This
year's crop will pay big. It's
a safe investment. Prico
10. 20 acres with paid ivp
water right. All leveled and
in alfalfa except three acres.
(Modern home, right up-to-date,
water piped through
house and buildings. Bath,
septic tank. Electric pump
ing system. Keep in mind
this is in the alfalfa district!
near Central Point. Located
almost on highway. The
place is offered fully fur
nished, even includes the
dishes. It's all ready to
move into and start living.
Good barn, chicken house.
Think of it, everything com
plete. Price $13,000.. ....
Phone or call, and arrange
for showing. We can save
you money and also make
you money.
Page-Dressier Co.
-Join the American T-bot'p
Now. ' MembershiD- WppW
May 17-22,,!? v ? i
City Treasurer's Notice
of Semi -Annual Interest Due
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' that the semi-annual interest
on paving, sewer and watermaln .assessments upon all prop
erties for which application was made to extend time of apy
ment, due and payable at the office of the city treasure
er June 1, 1920, and will be delinquent after thirty (30) days
from said date and shall bear a penalty of five per cent (5)
upon the amount of suc'.i delinquency.
, . Thirty dnys after anysuch delinquency tho property will be
sold for the amount of such delinquency together with pen
alty and costs of such sale, in accordance with the provisions
of Section US of the city charter.
I Dated at Medford, Orsgon, this 24th day of May, 1920. I
Treasurer of the City of Medford, Oregon. I
IT pays in the first place to make
sure that the battery you put
your money down for has the
f "Thread Rubber" Trade Mark(
stamped on the side. Then bring ;
that battery here to have it regis
tered, and after that make a
point of stopping in once in two
weeks for inspection and test
You cannot keep on getting first
class service even from a Still
Better Willard unless you keep it
charged and put in water when
; Electric SKop
South Bartlett Street.
Medford, Ore.
k TffW y qf 4 STORAGE tf A
We Have a Better Grain
Binder for You
The next time you
are in town, come in
and look over the John
Deere Binder. It's a
machine that will give
you extra years of ser
vice at less cost for repairs,
and will do better work
under abnormal field and
weather conditions than
other binders.
We want to tskow you
many points about this ma
chine not found in other
binders that you will rec
ognize as extra value.
Stronger wheels, heavier
frame, reinforced platform,
self-aligned bearings, roller
bearings, three packers in
stead of two, hardened
wearing surfaces on knotter
parts, ground and polished
packer shaft bearing nnd
quick turn tongue truck
are a few of the many points
about this binder that make
it serviceable.Iight draft and
economical to operate.
You will appreciate what
binder satisfaction truly is
when you get a John Deere,
into your harvest fields.
Come In and See this Better Binder
. Medford, Oregon
IMiUBW!j''WM'"-;-t't JV-lj-'.I.H"
!''f IP!