KEDFORTJ W3TB TKLBUNR. MTTOFCnm (YRF.fiOV, FRIDAY. MAY 21. 1020. (Furnished by the Jackson County Abstract Co.) ' '" Marriage Licenses Ben T. Plyinale and Vera V. Mer- riruun. Herman F. Pence and Ruth Sweet. i Circuit Court CMacklcra (trustee! vb. Geo. S. Clute, et al. Sheriffs . return on (Ora A. Morse vs. II. .C. Christoffer HOri.' Reply. ' Slount Vernon National Bank vs. Georee A. Morse. Amended Answer. ' May Darby vs. James Darby. Af fidavit. ' Ora A. Morse vs. Mount Vernon National Bank. Special appearance. iJem'tirrur. Order. , i,ottie L. Pelton vs. Estaeodo State Rant. Affidavit. Default. Kindinsr. Decree. Cost Bill. Florence Whiteaker vs. Jesse i hifeaker. Affidavit. Default. Bon W. Olcott (governor) et al vs. Gerald Sooy-Smith, et ul, Qrder. Naomi Perrv vs. Otis Porn'. De fault. Affidavit Stute vs. Lark N. Evans. Certifi cte. Appeal. ' Julia Dbubleday, et al. vs. Napo leon. B. Evans, et al. Summons. Pacific Enirineorinir Equipment Co. v. Butto Fulls Lumber Co. Stipu lation. Order dismissinsr. '. John F. Roeho. vs. Elizabeth C. Miller, et al. Amended deinurrur. .' James M. Garnay vs. Georee Wolff. For accounting. ' William V. llansoom vs. Myrtle May Hanseom. Affidavit. Default. : Butler & Thompson Co. vs. Lucrctia E. Enynrd, et u). Stipulation, rjdiiry E. Williams Bailey vs. Un known heirs of Robert Montgomery. To quiet title. . William JV. Ifiinsconi' vs. Myrtles day Hnnsoom. Findings. ' Decree. William Cook vs. J. Hnnselholder. Claim of lien. ' 5 ' Probata Court Alice Martin, estate. Appearance of guardian. . Order. - Fay Robley, estate. Proof of pub lication. Genevieve Rose, estate. Motion, Order. J, L. Hamilton, estate. Petition. Order. Sadie J. Irwin, estate. Inventory and appraisement. Anna Mhnturet Walter, estate. An mini report. Order. Charles A. Pruetl. estate. Final account. Order. Vouchers. - C. Chittenden, estate. Report of sale. E. Chittenden, estate. Report of sale. " ' Varies A. Brown, estate. Final order. - D. P. Jcrmstad, estate. First re port. Order. William J, Virgin, estate. 10th. an nual report. Order. Order for hear ing. George Gillett. estate. Citation. Christ Gunekle, estate. Admitted to probate. : Ileal HstAto Transfers i. Chas. B. Guy et ux to Clar ence Bates et us, land til Gal- loway'B Add, to Medford..;.S 10 Tyson Beall et ux to Sarah E. Downing, land In Snowy Butte Bub. 75 Hattle B. Bruin et als to Ore. Cal. R. B. Co., land in D. L. , C, 64, tp. 38, R. 1WT. 1 P. H. Tucker et als to Farmers & Traders Natl, 3ank, N . of BE of SB, HE JOt SW, SE of NW sec. 8, tp. 38, R. 3B 1 Flora A. Kelsey ' et vir to- Geo. IBrlggs, land in sec. 16, tp. . 36, R. 3W. 1 Ruth Bullock et al to W. B. Jackson, land in sec. 19, tp. 37, R. 1W. ....... 10 C. B. Torrlll (Sheriff) to J. W. Clark, lot 6, blk. 31, Gold '.. Hill -.. 35.42 X. W. Clark, er ax to William F. Blackert, lot blk. 81, Gold Hill , , 480 Geov M. Wagner et ux to A. L.; Phelps et al, lot 37, being parte of sees. 14-15, tp. 38, ' "R, 3W. ..;:..... .I...... 350 L. A. Wright' et ux to Botty Peterson, land 'In D.,L, C. 37. ID. 36. R. 3W... 1100 S3, A. Kroschel et ux to Henry Manklns et al, land In D. L. C. 61, tp. 37, R. 2W .. 1960 Mrs, Mary S. Sibley to Daniel I,. Mo.Vary et ux, land In . blk. 6, Medford 1000 - SPECIAL NOTICE : The Owner of One of flu Finest Homes on SOUTH 0AKDALE AVE. Has asked us to force the sale of this home. He has permitted us to offer this fine property, not only for less money than It could be built for at the present time, but for muc hless than it cost with cheap labor and material. . . ... i .. 1 It has an East front: it has a large frontage and is a very lame lot: it hat beautiful shade trees: it has splendid lawn: it has base ment and heating plant ; . - This ts a beautiful home for anyone." In the center of one of Medford's best residence districts. This is a good investment. This house will sell at an advance .of $2,000 over present price before. January. 1921. : Call or phone. Make appointment for showing. Page-Dressier Co. See Us for the Best Fire insurance. See us for Any Kind of Real i.;- -ijvr,.. .. --. Estate. i- C. W. Layman to Carl A. Patz- laf, lot , blk. 3 lots 3, 4, 5, blk. 2, Narregan's Add. to Medford, SW of V 15, XW of SW 16. tp. 38, R. 2W 10 Jessie Mabel Dilhan et vir to Eliz. A. Dunlap, lots 13-14. blk. "K" HR. Add. to Ash land i 10C0 W. J. Tester to Minor A. Fos ter, SV4 of NW of sec. 34. tp. 36, R. 3W 1 Duane H. Sturtevant et ux to Eva Sisty. lot 8, EVj of lot 7. blk. 2, Shields Add. to Central Point .....'.. 10 N. Ritter et ux to Toney Ross, lots 10, 11, 12, blk. 30, Gold Hill 4 00 Albert Anderson et ux to Pres ton S. Phillips, land in sec. 17, tp. 38. R. 1W. 10 H. W. Reames et als to G. E. Hilslnger, land In D. L. C. 57, tp. 38, R. 1W 1 Alice Reames, to G. B. Hilsln ger, land in D.-L. C. 57, tp. 38, R. 1W 10 Elsie Cbrlsteneen et vir to O. H. Hilslnger, land in I. L. C. 57, tp. 38, R. EW 1 Edith E. Horton to G. E. Hil slnger, land in D. L. C. 5 7, tp. 38, R. 1W...: : 10 J. ). Mason to J. W. Hamlin et ux, land in D. L. C. 42, tp. 37, R. 1W. 5500 Henry J. Neville et ux to Mol-- vln S. Emery et ux. Land m the city of Ashland 450 Lodemiu Hough to Alvin R. Hedges, et ux. Lot 3, block 3, Olson Add. to Medford : 10 W. W. Hittle. et ux, to Hoy I. Cunfield, et ux. SE of NE, Gov. It 1, 19-30-3W 100 United Slates to Oregon and California R. R. Co. Land in Jackson County S. S. Abbott, et ux, to II. S. Aikins, et tlx. Lund in !)-39-1E ....... 175 Wallace D. Carey, et ux, to George L! Carey, et ax. Lot 40, Pracht's Add. to Ashland. Lot 2, block 45, Summit Add. to Ashland 10 Hugh Warren Oliver, ct ux, to William M. Brtjwn. Lots 1!), 20, 21, 22, 23. 24. block 31, R. R, Add. to Phoenix 325 R. E. Tucker, et ux, to W. N. Staub. Land in 5-30-1E 1750 Elizabeth Ruth Webster, to 'Chnuneov Florev, BE of SE 18 NV, of NE 19-37-2W and easement for right of way 10 E. V. Osborn to 11. E. Tucker. Land in 5-30-1 E , 1750 Lift off Corns! Doesn'jt hurt a bit and Freezone costs only a few cents. ' With your fingers! You can lift off any bard corn, toft corn, or corn between the toes, end the hard skin calluses from bottom of feet.. A tiny bottle of "Freerone" costs little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or callus. Instantly it Btops hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or callus right off, root and alh without onejbtt of pain or sore neea. Trulyl No humbug 1 The MAN WHO WINS is the MAN WHO ACTS "". X NOW 41000 cash buys ten acres, Improv. ed with five acres pears, bearing, one acre cherries and apples, with Irriga tion, 3H miles from Medford. . $1500 buys modern 0 room house. close in, with pavement paid. (3500 buys 15 acres, improved, set in alfalfa, near town and Pacific 'Highway, best water right worth S1G00, fully paid. HUED LAND & INVEST ME NT CO. i Garnctt-Oorey IUdg. M ml ford. Oregon Nash Block Phone 282 SHI . , FRECKLE-FACE Kiin mid Wind ItrUiK Out I'tfly Spots. How tu Kcmovo Kiiily Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-faco, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable concern that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles; while if it does Rivo you a clear complexion the ex pense is trifling. Simply get an ounce of Othine double strength from any druggist and a few applications tihould Khow you how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a beauti ful complexion. Harely is mora than one ounce needed for the worst case. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength Othine as this strength la sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove .freckles. , Advertising Rates Classified One cent a word. Locals Ten cents a line. Legal Five cents a line. Display 35 cents an inch. Contract rates on application. Cash In advance. iiOBT LOST Will party -who picked up airs. K. u. Browns nut at auto wreck please return to 101 East Main. . 53 LOST Man's dark coat near Main and Riverside. Finder leave at Hutchinson & Lunisden and re ceive reward. 54 HELP WANTED -MALE WIANTED At once, three good car penters, wages $0.50., 13. F. Flfer, 132 Vancouver. ' 57 WANTED Experienced man to buy rruu. uive experience, box a. Mail Tribune. 53 WANTED Men for spraying. Etlen Valley Orchard, phono 039-R. 53 WIANTED Bus boy, -Hotel Medford". WANTED Men near Rogue River, going wages; reasonable board. Schell & Calvert, Contractors. WAINTED Thinners, also someone with a car to thin fruit and carry ' other- workers. Allowance made for transportation. Egan Orchard , . Phone 597-R-O. WANTED Middle aged married man on ranch; must bo a good milker; , a good steady job for right party. Telephone of call, Frederick Pelouze, Eaglo Point, Ore. 55 WANTED Orchard foreman; good wages. Phone 64. WANTED Man at Medford Ico and Storage Co. WANTED Marrleft man to work on ranch; wife to help with cooking. Phone H. W. Bingham, 597-J-3. WANTED Teams and men, Moon & Co., near Port Orford, Curry coun ty. Teams $10.00 per day; Cali fornia hay and grain, hay $34.00 per ton, grain $72. Good men $5.00 per day; board $1.10; work road construction. Moon & Co. 70 WANTED Ranch help. W. Bingham, D97-J-3. Phono. H. WANTED Carpenter work, contract or by the day; estimates furnished tree. Call Carpenter, phone 931. 67 WANTED An apprentice over 16 years of age to learn printing trade at Mail Tribune office. Young man with previous experience preferred. Must have good grammar school education. Good wages with quar terly advancement, Apply to Bten nett, foreman. Brown & White 5-room modern bungalow, furnish ed, garage, wood shed, $2625.00, 5-room modern house, furnished, woodshed end store room, $2625.00. 6 rooms all modern conveniences, furnished, garage, etc., $2000.00, Some splendid modern bungalow homes, 5 and 6 rooms, priced from $2800.00 to $4200.00. A new strictly modern 6-room bun galow with all built In features, all kinds of outbuildings, 2 Vz acres ground all In cultivation, and set to pear trees. This is close In and very attractive, part cash and easy terms, $5000.00. Brown & White Holland Hotel Building 3 Real Bargains 9 florefr of good black, level lnd on Pacific Highway. 4 acres In growing pears. Orchard and balance of place In good alfalfa. House Is a modern plastered bungalow with all city conveniences and no city taxes. 5 large rooms, double floors, 2 porches, builtln closets, cupboards and book-case. Windows all screened. Electric lights, bath and toilet. Hydrants for watering stock and chickem. Good barn and other out-bulldlngs. An Ideal country home and a bargain at $6000.00. 245 acre stock ranch on Crater Lake Highway, 200 acres under fence. Finest outside range In the state. Some alfalfa and about 30 acres In grain. Large modern 10 room j,ouse, good big barn and other buildings. About 175 acres of this ranch can be cultivated. $10,000.00. FOX & TEX CENTRAL POINT) OREGON WANTED SITUATIONS W ANTE D Position by inidil le acd man on dairy ranch. Answer Box Jl', Mail Tribune. 52 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTKl) Cook for hotel. Straight family cooking: no short orders. Koom, board and $?," per month. Knre paid. Write Macdoel Hotel, llacdoel, California. " 4 7 WANTED Olrl or woman for gen eral housework, two in family. 131 South Almond. jl WANTED Woman atenog r a p h e r and bookkeeper for perniunent po sition: 30 to 30 years of ago. Will pay good wages for services of competent person. Klum Adv. Co. u3 WANTED Woman or girl for house work in a good home. Three In family. Phone 453-11. 65 WANTED Girl or woman lor gener al housework. Phono 7.1O-X. 03 WANTED Woman to do kitchen work evenings. Crowson's. WANTED Waitresses at Hex Cafe $15 per week." tf WANTED 1USAL ESTATE WANTED To buy 4 or 5 room house or bungalow to move. Box 50, Mail Tribune. 53 WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Winn. 83 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Small show case or wall case. Phono 841-U. 53 'OK SALE Camping or delivery wagon. Phone 037-J. 53 FOR SALE New crop hay. Loflund ranch. Phone l-F-4. 54 FOR SALE Juno chicks 15c. Order now. Mrs. Fs H. Dressier, phone 777-L. 53 WANTED Light cur, good condi tion. Guy Conner. Phono 6 1. ' WANTED Two-Inch rotary or cen trifugal pump. Phone 12, People s Liectric Store. WANTED Work for a two-ton truck Phone 574. 54 WANTED To rent strictly modern 5 or 6 room bungalow; muBt ue first class, or 8 or 4 room apart ment. Phone 180. ' WANTED Laundry; work, 35c per dozen. Ironing 30c per hour. 337 West Holly. 63 WANTED Second-hand Jackson fork. Route 1, Box 50, Talent. 53 WANTED To rent four or five room furnished modern house. No chil dren. Phone 162-R. WANTED Logging teams. Call L. W. Stansell, phone 685-R-4. WANTED Ten tons of grain hay. L. W. Stansell, fchone 685-R-4. WAITED 3 y or 3 wagon. Phone 912-J. WANTED Good clean rags. Med ford Printing Co. WANTED 900 lawn mowers to eharpon on our new grinder. Lib erty Repair Shop. Phone 261-J. WANTED Will pay top market prices for wool and mohair. See us before you sell. Medford Junk . Co. Phone 283-J. . WANTED Carpet weaving and cleaning. 201 South Riverside. Phone 356-J. Fluff Rug Factory. WANTED Honse moving and re pairing, mono- 45B-M or bb-a.. u FOB RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished front apart ment. The Nye, 1005 West Main. 63 FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Phone 829. i 62 FOB KENT HOUSES FOR RENT Six room houBe, barn, tour lots ploughed for garden. 520 .Hamilton. Phone 217-X. 53 FOR RENT Hous partly furnlBhed. Call at 36 North Riverside. 51 FOB RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Room In prlvato house, fit tor two gentlemen; bath and phone privileges. 503 South Oak- ' dale. 53 FOR RENT Two sleeping roomB. Inquire Mrs. M. J. Muth, 035 Palm street. , -54- FOB RENT HOUSEKEEPING! ROOMS FOR .RENT Ihg rooms. -Furnished hoUBokoep 311 North Bartlett. FOR SALE ItEAb ESTATE FOR SALE Bv owner, at sacrifice. six acres land, irrigated; house, barn ami orchard. 12 miles from Medford. Address Box 00, .Mail Tribune. 57 FOR SALE Five room modern bun galow. 315 liuven street. 5 3 FOR SALE Mouse and ihreo lots, corner Sixth and Grape. See R. M. Whiteside, Central Point. 53 FOR SALE 120 ucre wood ranch. on Pacific Highway, price $25UO. Nine miles south of Ashland. Some improvements. 80 bearing apple trees, 300 tier of lG-fncti wood cut. About 25 acres can be put in culti vation. For this bargain see Ed Davis, 423 llelman street. Ashland. Ore. Phone 12ti or 47S-J. 53 FOR SALE Seven room modern bungulow, lot 75x1 4 0, on South Onkdulo. East front, city assess ments all paid. Discount If sold in 10 duys. Seo or phono J., W. Wakefield. 55 FOR SALE Ten acres on highway. good buildings, berries, grain, gar den all in, irrigation. Address. Ten Acres, care -Mail Tribune. 53 FOR SALE Furnished bungalow, nice bath, corner lot. close in, all clear. Answer Box 62, Mail Tri bune. 63 FOR SALE Close in well Improved suburban home. Phone 453-L. 54 FOR SALE Modern furnished or unfurnished bungalow. Girl's bi cyclo cheap. Phone 37 1-X. 54 FOR SALE Four room modern houso, plustercd, two chicken houses, burn, woodshed and garage on 2 ncres alfalfa land, all fenced and in good shape. Place located al 2113 Mountain avenue, Ashland, or Inquire 731 West Sec ond street, Medford. 53 FOR SALE Close in four room houso. Close in six room house. Five close in east front lots. Eigh ty acres foothill land. This prop erty sure to increase in value. Easy terms of payment can bo arranged or will take late model automobile as first payment on any of those properties. H. C. Stoddard, 129 Lcldesdorff street, Sun Francisco, California. 53 FOR SALE Five room modern bnn- . galow, one closo and one screened porch, no assessments against pro perty, Cull 375-W or 222. FOR SALE Invest for profit. We have a proposition that will pay big Interest on the investment. A 24-room bouse with five three room apartments and fivo single sleeping rooms completely furnish ed besides four rooms nicoly fur nished for owner'B apartments, hot and cold water throughout; steam beating plant;, garage room for five cars. At present bringing in a rental of $222.00 per month; expenses nro light. Will sell com pletely furnished for $9000.00. Flguro this out yoursolf and see that It Is a good buy. Bennett In vestment Company, 102 West Main street. ' FOR SALE Six room modern house desirable location, two blocks from post office. Inquire 121 North Grape. 53 FOB BALE MlSCHLtANEOUS "v FOR SALE Used White two-ton truck in flno condition, $1751). Medford Auto Co. 63 FOR SALE; 'Household goods and rugs, 'including White sewing ma, chine In good repair. Phono 190-L, 803 West Eleventh street. 53 FOR SALE Piano, writing desk, sanitary couch, dining table, chairs, dreBsers, sowing machine, etc. 1121 East Main street. Phone 716-W. 52 FOR SALE Mountod eik head. Cen : tral Point, P. O. Bx 311. ,67 FOR SALE Typewriter, 30 U. 8. rifle, shotgun, two violins, double . hack, buggy, harnesfl, carponter tools, 10 gallon auto gas tank, buggy shafts, canned fruit, fruit jars, Btone jugs, oak table, band lamps, 4 office chairs, small couch, sanitary couch, iron beds, springs, 60 sacks, bicycle, 150 ft. 2-inch plank, hay forks, shovels, etc. 30 ft. oxtonslon ladder, grind stone, billy goat everything halt price. South Hamilton street, south of Dakota avenue. 56 FOR SALE Man'a bicycle, good con dition, $15.00. 321 Bonson. 52 FOU 'SALE Two tons barlov hav. J. D. Honry, Phoenix. 52 FOR SALE Oils TRADE A two-ton truck. Phone 574. . 64 FOR SALE A few tons of alfalfa hay. Inqulro of M. B. Glover, Ross Lane. FOR SALE Throe horsepower Fair banks Moro 'A type engine. Socond hnnd.. Apply Medford Iron Works, 17 South Riverside. 62 FOR SALE ;Sana, gravel, sediment and dirt. Plowing and teaming work done. Phone 912-J, Samuel Bateman. 302 Maple street. Brown & White Holland Hotel Building ' One acre, every Inch under cultiva tion, fruit, berries and garden, city water, electricity, etc., a flno, well built plastered small house, and all kinds of outbuildings. Price Is $1500. 10 acres on the paved highway, good buildings, Irrigation, fruit, ber ries, clover, alfalfa and grain all do well on this property. Price today la $5250. 26 acres, good 5 room plastered house, good barn, etc., 10 acres In cornv Price $3200. 10 acres, mostly In bearing fruit, nice S room modern bungalow home complotoly furnished, good barn chicken houses, wood shed, tank houso, $3500. BROWN & WHITE HOLLAND HOTEL BUILDING FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Thoroughbred Flemish Giant uubit,. uin i m..-nl!i4 old rea Mmulro. ;; Portland avenue. 5- FOR SALE Mules. Kino big team heavy mules. Bear Creek Orchards. FOR SALE Young Jersey milk cow. Phono 452-M. Cull evenings. 53 FOR SALE Two brood sows anil 17 pigs, four miles south of Medford on highway. No phono. Lester n. r ay. FOR SALE Cheap, two dnndy sad dle horses, two driving anil work horses. Walsh's place on Ross l.ano, two miles northwest of Med ford. 70 FOR SALE Cheap, rabbits a tew fine does with litters. Phono 9S-J FOR SALE Good work horse. Dor keley Orchards. 5.' FOR SALE A few fresh milk cows officially tested. Alfalfa hay. Halt mile south of Modford on Ad kins Place. Schul. lrros. 64 FOR SALE Ono Jersey cow, fresh soon, ono colt, one bog, rabbits and 2 acres wheat. T. J aggers, .Med ford, R. R. 2. FOR SALE Good team. L. A. Rose, phone 0-F-13, Phoenix. 5, FOR SALE Black work team Phone 452-Y. FOR SALE Twenty of tiio very best milch cows. These cows can't be bent; come and seo for yourself. Walsh's plueo on Ross Lane, two miles northwest of Medford. 55 ACTOMOB1I.E8 FOR SALE By owner, 1017 Dodge touring car. 1103 Wost Tenth street. '61 FOR SALE Wo have a 1910 Liberty Six, five passenger model, that has never been used except for demon . Blratlng purposes. He been driven only a few miles. Wo can oTfor this exceptional car at $300 under the proscnt price. Patton ami Rob- ' inson, Inc., 112 Souuh Riverside. FOR SALE Ford, hal just been ro built, runs like ney; perfect me chanical condition. Cheap if taken at onco. lliues & Snyder Garage. 54 FOR SALE Ford touring car, 1918, in Al Bhape; can make terms with part payment down. Phone 457-J. S. K. Lockwood.. 53 FOR SALE Ford bug. Has shock absorbers, etc., cheap. Pickens Motor Co. FOR SALE Ford touring car. Hub bard UlroB. FOR SALE Practically new Ford car, 1920 model with self starter; also Chevrolet in excellent condi tion. McCurdy-Bowno Motor Co., Sparta Bldg. , FOR SALE A Bulck four touring car with Delco solf starter. Just overhauled and in good running order; good tires. Price only $500. Terms If desired. . Tumy Motor Co., 125 South Front street. 62 FOR SALE Studebalter Dug, Just overhauled. In first clnss Bhape. iCheap. On time. Clark & Childors, , 127 North Riverside, phono 26. FOR SALE 1920 Mnxwell bug, five now tires, wire wheels; best me chanical shapo. Price reasonable. Clark & Childerfl, 127 North River side Phone 20. WAINTED Automobiles for repair by expert auto mechanic. Clark & Childers, opp. Nat. Phone 26. 836 FOR SALE Used Maxwell five-pas-songer car. Good condition. Price $400. Page Dressier Co., Nash : Block. FOR SALE See our prices on over hauled Ford cars, - licenses paid; liberal terms. McCurdy-Bowne i Motor Co. FOR SALE At a sacrifice, roomy five passenger car, new top, cord tires, runs and looks like new; self . starter of course. McCurdy-Bowne ' Motor Co. Now location Main and Riverside. FOB SALE FOUWRx AND EGOS FOR SALE Laying White Leghorn , hens, O. A. C. strain. Phono 655-R FARM LOANS PAY OFF YOUR OLD MORTGAGE on your farm of orchard by replac . lng your loan with us on the ex- 1 tended payment plan at 6 Inter est. McCurdy Insurance Agency. if MISCELLANEOUS JUST ARRIVED a large shipmont of wool sacks; fleece twine for Bale ' cheap. We are ulso In the market , for both wool and mohair. John son's. 45 South Front. Phone 302. The Economists toll us to DIVERSIFY ' and good Alfalfa Meadows and ono of the best r , BEARING ORCHARDS In the foothill belt combined on one forty-acre tract enable us to offor Eighty Acres of bearing Apple Orchard and a nice acreage In yielding alfalfa for the reasonable sum of ONLY $10,000 The Improvements aro good, location could not be 'excelled, and tho tract will bring In a good income. Our advice would be to ' GRAB IT I Rogue River Land Co. Since 1902 Office Hotel Nash Comer BUSINESS DIRECTOR!. Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & VAN VORIS Abstracts of Title. Cuthbert Bldg., Rooms 3 and 5, North Central Ave. Auto SappUefl. LAHER AUTO SPRINO CO. W are operating the largest, oldest and best-equipped plant In the Pa cific northwest. Use our sprlngi when others fail. Sold under writ ten guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. O. C. ROGGS I.aad Hoard. -Attorney for State W. E. PHIPPS Attorney at Law, 425-426 M. F. & H. Bldg. Office phone 372; residence phoue 825-M. ELIJAH H. HURD Lawyer, ilS-M Garnott-Coroy Bldg. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, Garnett Corey Building. O. C. BOGGS Real estate, law and settlement of estates a specialty. Illnrkxinithinp; MEDFORD 'BLACKSMITH SHOP All kinds of auto blacksmithing. ' Springs guaranteed. Portland prices. 118 South Bnrtlctt street. Phono 183-J. 71 RulMing MnteiiaU. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK WORKS speclaline In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth stroets. 159' Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. H. M. WilBon, C. P. a,. Attontion given to anything In Accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified acconntlng method. M. F. & H. Balldlng, Medford. Phone 15 7-R. . Instruction In Music " FRED ALTON HAIGIIT Teacher ol piano and harmony, Halght Mualf studio, 318 Garnott-Corey Eld. Phone 72. j , Mineral Rnths MINERAL BATHS Dr. Hawley, Chi, ropractio Physician, First National Bank building. Entrance, room 6, Ashland, Orogon. Physicians and Surgeons, DR. A. BURKLUND, ChlropraotU physician, St. Mark's building, acute and chronlo cases. Offlc hours 10 a. m. to 12 m. 2 to i p. m. Telephones Of flee 464, res 750-J. DR. J. J. EMM ENS PJiyslcian an surgeon, .practice limited to eyt ear, nose and throat. Eyea idea tlflcally tested and glosses aupt piled. Oculist and Aurlat for 8. it R. R. Co. Officea M, F. A H. Co Bldg. Phone 667. DR. F. G. CARLOW DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW OSTEOPATHIS PHYSICIANS 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Phone 904-L. Itosldenco 26 S. Laurel Street DR. McMORRIS M. DOW, Physician ana surgeon practice limited to surgery and hospital obsterics. Special attention given to diseases of women. Offices 806-7 M. F. A H. Bldg. Residence, the Dow Ho pltal. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING. CO. has the best equipped printing office la Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, ete. Portland prices, -.,27 North FlrSt, M Transfer. EAD3 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO". Office 42 North Front 8t. Phona 816. Prices right. Service guar, nteed. Undertaken JOHN A. PERL Undertaker Phone M 47 anjl 47-J-8. IS Bouth Bartlett. Lady assistant. Auto-i mobile Hearse Service. Anto Am bulance Service. Coroner," Lodges. I. O. O. F. Medford lodga No. ,'' Meets every Monday night at 7:80, C T. Parker, N. O., W. L. Miller, secre tary. ltogue River Encampment No.' 10 J Meets 2d and 4th Fridays at 7:10 p. . m. Bamuel Hatouian, C. P., L, O. How ard, ecrlbo. Olive ltbekah lodge No. 18 Meets'' ' 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 8 p. m. Nan--' nle Hull, N. O., Annie J. Bateman,' secretary. Visitors cordially Invited to aJi meeting. ; 7rJz T r r - f MONET TO LOAN TO LOAN J. B. Andrews loans money on real estate and buys mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone 53-M. 81 North Grapo street. . w WANTED i - -i 2-inch Centrifugal or ro tary pump. Phone 12. People's Electric Store.