c MTTDFO'CT flfXTL TRTBTTNT!. TirETOFOftD. OBEfiON, FT? TP AY, MAY' 21, 1020. CiitldrenS COMPANY D IS NOW PLANNING I H. FULLER m SEC'Y.OF ASHLAND CUT IN Ailments A COMIRCIALCIUB PRICES TISORDERS of the stomach and constipation are jLJ the most common diseases of children. To , correct them you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Tablets. One tablet at bed time will -'-do the work and will make your child bright and cheerful the following morning. Do not punish your children by giving them castor oil. Chamber lain's Tablets are better and more pleasant to take. Internal Baths Are the greatest aid to health J. B. L. Cascades Ask to have it explained to you by the sole agents in Medford. Ralph Woodford !")l;QUiUf( Proprietor 'ti American Legion Week, May 17-22 Every ox-sorvlco man, not now a mom nor, is requested to sign blnnk nrftl mail to S. M. Leonard or R. Hubbard, Medford, during the above weok. Jlomboralilp foo t'i. My nnmo In Plenso Print) Military rank J'roscnt nddi'PHB . (Last) (First) (Middlo) If .Porninnent nddmss Aillitnry oi'K'iiilxutloiiH In which 1 sorvod '. 'Civil occupations ..I..! hcruliy Hiiltsfi'lhn to llio CoiinIIIiiIIiiii of tlio A.MI'.ltlCAN' I.KlilON and nijply for enrollment in l'ost No. 15, Oirgon (Slale) Department. (Signature) . .'. ORIENTAL ART GOODS CURIOS DRY GOODS CHINA WARE BASKETS AND TOYS Kodak FlnishlnflS, Best Work, Lowest Pricos. Postal card photos, $1.25 dozen, additional, (iOc down. Costumes fur nished true. Japanese Art Store 34 N. Central Medford " HAS THE BOTTOM DROPPED OUT? Cups and Saucers, each 15 Window Shades 69c Bin Reduction on 2-ln. Post Iron Bens. Get our prices on Silk Fibre Mattresses and Coil Springs. Mordoff & Woolf Phone 9 22-24-26 South Fir i . - il". Fifth and North Riverside Telephone 11 The Dow Hospital ... Graduate Nurses Only Special Attention to X-Ray Cases. NEW SCHEDULE INTERURBAN AUTO CO. Adopted Monday, March 29. J 1 1 ASHIiAXIV M KIlFOIllt ' Pullr nwpt Similar. . - 10:16 lliOO a. in, U:U noun: 1:S 1 :. t"l. :00, S:4.1, 4:S0. 15. 0:00. 7:00 n m. SUn P, m. Katimlaj- onlfi -0 " """ 10:80 p. m. Saturday only. i I.nl Aahland 7:I. :". . . 1016 11:00 a. m.i U:00 noon; 1J:(S, 1:10 J:l JT :00. 1:19, a:0, :!, 7:00 P "! 5l4o 1). m. Htur.ly only! 0:0 p. m. ilallj; 11:16 midnight, Saturday only. ..a- Sunday Only 1 Oioo. 10:011, 11:00 a. m.: U noon: 1:00. 1:00 S:00, 4:UO, fi:O0, 0:80, 0:30 p. m. 0:00 10:00, 11:00 a. m.i "11 noon; 1:00, 1:00. 1:00, 4:00, 6:00, 0:S0, 0:10 p. m. JVlUn room AabUmi, Kt 6le Fbjnmcj. I JACKSON VII.I.K MKDKOH1) Oully faiH.pt Sunday. I.rava Kfdluid :(!, :Ho, 10:30 a. 12:01) noon: 1 :.1'. 3:00. 4:n, a-.1 p m Sjturday only 7:30 p. In.; 0.40 p. m. daitj Siituiday only 10:Sl p. m. Saturday Onlr l.aT Jarkannviltt 7:20. 8:30, 10:00, 11:8 a. in ; 1:00, S ;00, 8:1.-., :00 7:00 p. m. Sat urday only, 8:00 p. m. Sumlay Only !.aTI MfKlford 0:0O, 10:30 a. m.t 11:00 noon; t:3n 4:00, 0:30, 0:80 10:80 p. ta 3:30, 6;00, 7:00, :fto p. m. tlfflro and waiting room No. 0. Sooth Front. Naali IMtl huildlnir. Jaokaoiiiille Waiting; Room at Ht'ter'a Coo (ci-tiotiarr. VMvno Vtt Mutton), Qro, The finit annual hall of Company D, Fifth regiment of Iniantry, held at the natntorium last night was a very largely atlended and Hut'cessful affair in fact one of the finest and most pleuHiireahle of the social season. Music was furnished by the Imperial orchestra and the hundreds of dan cers onjoyed themselves until mid night or after. Many were present from outside the city. The success of last night's ball In sures to tho people of Medford and vicinity that a good timo is always in store for them whenever Company D puts on a public social affair. The large hall was artistically decorated with tho national colors, and espec ially the stage with its large flags, tents, stacks of arms and streamers of red, white and blue. The Natlonnl Cuard boys aro all tho more to be congratulated for this success because like a bolt of light ning out of a clear sky Colonel C. E. Dentler, tho federal Inspector, and Sorgeant Hates, federal Instructor, unexpectedly arrived in the city late in tho afternoon to make a Burprise Inspection, which at 5 p. in. was or dered for last night. Because of the dance the regular drill for last night had been postponed nad tho soldiers wore busy perfecting the dance, ar rangements. Nevertheless the company mndo a surprisingly good showing under the circumstances, both numerically and otherwise, and Colonel Dentlor com mended the command highly, and ex pressed himself as gratified with the way tho boys aro doing things. Altho the colonel is a veteran army officer ho Is ono of tho greatest boosters for the iXational Guard, and Is doing everything ho can for this branch of tho service. Ho was a vory welcome guest of the company at the danco after the Inspection had- been completed. Tho company Is now planning a banquet, also nrrunging for tho Sat urday and Sunday camp nt tho river. Target practlco will soon be com menced and with tho now equipment on hand the boys expect to malto a fine showing. It 1b expected that muny moro of the young men of the city will join, and with tho presont membership assist In making Com pany 13 ono of tho best companies in tho regiment. ASHLAND, Jlav 21. J. H. Fullc will he the new secretarv of the Ash land Coiiimori'inl C'luh. ns re-oram-icd, hi.s duties in this respect to ht'is'm about June 1. Tills action has been foreshadowed for some time ;:ist, in view of rafiical changes which were .announced as , following in the wake of the new departure, all tho club's former officers hetii'j' pledged to resiir nin Invor of a new (leal throughout, should the member-, ship ho desire. The presidency of the club lias not vet been indicated, all interest thus far, centerinsr upon the secretaryship, inasmuch us this of ficial's position eclipses that of any other servant in the directorate, due to the prestnr'e. of the job and tlir. multiplicity of activities which lite place imposes. Jlr. Fuller . formerly lived vicinity of Talont. Since here, he has been manager Southern Oregon Cliaiitauiiua l)lv. Kecentlv he lias been employ of the Ellison-White bureau on the-Chaiitauiiua circuit, his terri tory bcinir. in the south. This em ployment, however, implied that lie would return to Ashland in time to oversee details of the customary Julv assembly here, duties which miiv be incorporated in connection with I lie Commercial Club position this season, ut least, as the chautaufiuu period covers less than a fortnight. There have been all sorts of sur mises as to new quarters for the Commercial Club. The present ones are convenient, but small. Some time ago thero was talk of movinir to the F.Ik's building, in quarters formerly occupied by the Hod Cross, nnd in- stnllin": rest rooms ns an adjunct to tile flub center. Such n chnimc was deemed advisable in order to secure more room, but notions ever develop ed in regard to it. Lynn. Mowat, present socretnrv of the club, has heed more than efficient, lie is a ready writer, n gift which has been most opportune in connection with boostinir publicity phases of the organization, lieinir well posted on nmtturs rejating' to athletics, mili tary developments, and civic needs, liis assistance in extendinc a hclpim: hand in behalf of all these objects has been cheerfully extended. in the coming of the assem- thc E AT TRAIL TRAIL, Jlay 20. Mr. George Woeks' houso. hurnod last week, de stroying ovorythlng. Mrs. Weeks first discovered tho flro just smouldering on tho roof hut being iiilnno was un abln to roach It with water. After saving their papers and a few clothes sho look the baby and ran half a nillo to n neighbor's for help, lly the timo tho men got to tho burning houso It was too Into to do any good The children aro staying with neigh bors until -Mr. Weeks decides what to do. Tho Franklin fire Insurance man was out Friday. Mr. mid Mrs. Charllo ltlnss enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson at dinner Sunday. .Mr. and .Mrs. Oscar Stewart and Will Stewart spent Tuesday in town Mr. and Mrs. -George Saltiman wero out Tnesdny to spend the day with Mr. and Jlrs. S. W. Hutchinson. There was public speaking at Trail Wednesday on the road ques tion. (Ins Newbury nnd other speak ers took part. DARKEN GRAY HAIR, LOOK YOUNG, Sage Tea and Sulphur Darkens . bo mturally that No body can tell. Hair that Iobm Its color and lustre, or when U fail on. turns pray, dull nnd lifeless, la cauaod by n lack of sulphur in the hair. Our grandmother mado up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keop her locks dark and beautiful, and thousands of women nnd men who value that even color, that beautiful dark shado of hair which Is so at tractive, use only this old-time recipe. Nowadays wo (ret this famous mix ture improved by the addition of other inKredients by asking at nny drujf etore for a bottle of "Wyeth's Hatte nnd Sulphur Compound," which dark ens the hair so naturally, so evenly, that nobody can possibly tell it has been applied. You Just dampen a epopRe or soft brush with It and draw this throiiRh your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning tho gray hair disappears; but what delights the ladles with Wyeth's Sag and Sulphur Compound Is that, be dtdes beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications, it also brings back the gloss and lustre and eivea it an appearance of abundance. Wyoth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound ts a delightful toilet requisite to Impart color and a youthful ap pearance to the hair. It is not In tended for the cure, mitigation or pre vention of dleeaso, J MARTIAL LAW IS MAnnm. May -21. (Bv the As sociated Press) Miartial law has been proclaimed here ns the result of bread disturbances. MADRTD, May 21. Collisions oc curred between police and crowd engaged in food riots in several districts- of tho city yesterday and for a time treat excitement prevailed. In ?nnv instances mounted police rode in anions the people to disperse those omrniritiir in demonstrations; The situation here because of the lack of bread, is apparently becomimr worse. TALENT TALK '.Mrs. Hnzen hns heon home for a few days from tho Granite City hospi tal where sho has been helping nurse hor daughter Edith who is improving- Mr. Carl Foster came home from Klamath Falls where ho has been em ployed as lineman for tho past month and returned to Klamath Kails. Tues day accompanied by his wife and baby. Arthur Kllis Is homo from Ber keley, Calif., for a short vacation. .less F.slcs has moved to Leland whoro he has employment In the mills. Air. and Mrs. High havo gone to Port:!-. Calif., in their now cur to look atter I heir ranch. Mrs. Louisa Uurnett is on tho sick list. , . .Mrs. E. E. Cook and son Fred left Monday for Klamath Falls whero Mr. CnnU hns been working for some time' Mr. S. F. O. Maness Is hero from' Liberty Bond, Wash., where he has been working in the mills.. jl Miss Ruth liudgeon spent Thurs day willi Miss Maud Eads of Jledford.! Census Returns WASHINGTON'. Mav 21. Census; Krie. l'u.. !.'l,;i72, increase 'JH.S47 or 40.4 ner cent. Hristol. Conn., 20.1VJ0, increase 7118 VJ.7 per cent. IUikin.vie, Ky !l(i!H, increase J. i or J.!i ier cent. I. n (iratf'o. (la.. 17.0.18. inereisc 11.4.M or 'Jtl.'i per cent. Traverse City. Mich.. 10.H25. de crease 1.11) or !).8 )cr cent. ; r.rte s Pooulntinn ns announced. does not include a part of Mill t"re:k township, annexed last April 11. the populntion of .which is 8721, nnd which would make F.rie'si population a? of that date 102,003. Beginning Saturday, May 22 Everything in Our Line Will Be Sold at COST PLUS 10 PER CENT Yon ran lmy your goods and trimmings at the -wholesale price, have your suit made at actual cost plus ten per cent. This will mean a saving to you from 2 Oto 50 per cent on all your clothing bought from us. . . , . . Back of every custom taiiored suit we make to individual measure there is a vast organization of tailors functioned as a single unit, a buying power that demands the utmost consideration of the world's best Avoolcn mills, brings to .you the best tailoring service at a fair price i- -: ,: IT IS THE HIGHEST TYPE OP TAILORING POSSIBLE TO PRODUCE. These are facts that should .warrant investigation, and men who think for themselves should make .this -one of the busiest stores in the city. This scien tific, cooperative method of doing business will bring to you the finest tailored to individual measure cloths at a fail-price, and our idea of fairness makes a mighty appeal to reasonable men. "We will endeavor if labor will permit, to work on a 14 to 16 day basis. Six days from the day you order your suit until your .try-on is ready, then eight, days from the time you try-on until your garment is finished. REMEMBER This is not a sale that will last for a day or a week. We have no old stock to dispose of. Our business is done strictly from sam ples, giving you the benefit of the entire wholesale woolen line to select from a at actual cost. If tho people of Medford and the Valley will appreciate our endeavor to lower the high cost of clothing we will continue this business on a cost plus ten per cent basis until the cost of clothing comes down to normal or we go broke in the effort.' . YOURS FOR GOOD GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES. GUS, THE TAILOR 105 W. MAIN i - afaf Yovly overalls fit easy why dont mine?" "T TERE we are, Bill, doing the same kind of work .Li and my overalls pull and bind make me want to take 'em off throw 'em way! . "Andwhenllookatyou,you'rcaw9yscomorra67e. Your overalls fit justas easyas thedayyou bought 'em. "Believe me next time I'll take your advice and buy Blue Buckles," ' Hard work kneeling, bending, stretching is what Blue Buckles are built for. They are so big and roomy they always fit easy make you forget you have on overalls. "J'vo fried a lot of overas, but of all I've worn I'll choose Bhia Buckles every time. They always give long K-ear." Cmmd Small (iraim They arc made of the toughest, longest-wearing dfcalm. with broad, double-stitched scams that don't tin. irat class workmanship has made Blue Buckles the Ktmnt selling ov.raU in the world. Big reinforced packets placed so you won't sit on them a solid back hand that .1, jmupc extra wme suspenders heavy brcsn buttons and best quality loops and buckles-atlltroa e Buckles rht ia .evtristsii? the points that make Blue 1 Ask your dealer for Blue Buckles. Blue Buckle Biggest selling overall in the world 5