Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 21, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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    mrm rotm
Office. Mall Tribune C'ltldlng. 26-JI7-1V
Norm f ir Bireei. rnone to-
A. consolidation of the Democratic
Times. The Medford Mull, The Meaford
Tribune, the Southern Orfgonlan. The
Antiland Tribune.
Tfce Med ford Sunday Sun la fumlahcd
uiscriDirs uesiring a Kuven-uay ohm?
Drtwn paper.
ROBKRT rtUJ!I., Editor
S. 8. SMITH. Manager.
Dally, with Sunday Hun, year?8.00
' Iatly, with Sunday Kun, month. -fi&
- Pally, without Sunday fiun, year.. 6.00
I'ttliy, wiiliuut mimmy nun, monin -ou
Weekly Mali Tribune, one year J. BO
Sunday Sun, ono yenr 1 BO
BY CARIUKU In Medford, Ashland,
JrhMOiivHlM, Central l'olnt. I'hoenli
Jmily. with Hundiiy Kun, year 7 50
Dally, with Sunday Sun, month..- .85
Dally, without Sunday Sun. year.. 8. 00
L'ally, without Sunday Sun, month .6'
Official paper of the City of Medford.
Official paper of Jackaon County.
Knterod an snrond-clnns matter at
Medford, Oregon, under the act of March
dwora' dally avornRe circulation for
six months ending April t9l9...S,074
! Full leased Wire Service. The Abbo
datt-d PrcwH Is exchmlvely entitled tt.
the- line for republication of all newt
dispatches credited to It or not other
wise credited In this pa pur, and also l hi
lot I news published h"reln. All rlKhtt
of republication of special diapatciies
boreln are also reserved.
"Tlioro Is no question ubout tlio con-
ecltiutlouu ohJuctorH now boKKinB for
pardons, being conscientious uhout
wbiHIiik to net out of Jail.
Another ono of Amos Walker'u
roliitt'f$s Is Silas Oait of Pilot Rock
Tho Espoo watchman on the main
ntoni' crossing Icuris n hiippy life. 11
ft train don't hit him, nn auto will.
Tho Bolsheviks havo control of the
tclcftruph offices, and maul tho Poles
,: Tho closing days of the primary in
dicato that tho voters will need mud
awards during the fail campaign.
' . ,
; Now that the country has had a
- l'01(an Up wopk," and a "Paint Up
week' a "Dry lTp Week" Is In order.
:jrOio rnads of tho "hungry violin
Utn:. of Vienna". They should drop
the riddlo and grah a plow.
j Poaco can't even roKt in.peaco.
.1 A porusal of tlin principles of the
communist party shows thorn to ho u
gontlo outfit tho main Ulna holng to
kill everybody with cash In excess of
Ho cents.
Tribune's Daily
Health Hint
iiV Ity llitrrirl, riorwig.
"Nourusthoiilrs aro liorn and not
mado" nay Boinn doctora. Thero la a
Rood doal of truth In (ho statement
Your nervous invalid usually litis n
history that In callud "posKivn,'
which mount that tliuro uro ImnuMli
nto uucfiHtors or close relatives who
hud boon nervous Invalids too.
. 'g used to think that a drunken
taUion or KiiiniltatluT accounted for
tho'weak nerves of a peivon. Wo now
kntftf ' that 'It Is more ncein'ato lo
othor way around. Tho drink habit
of tho ancestor was tho Hanionervous
lnalahlllty that crops out in I lie later
Roncrntlon " St. Vitus dance, nouniH
thcnla. or bad temper. If our ances-
lora wore to account f (r our poor
constitutions, wo would be In a bud
way,''' tor nouo of us need look fai
for ono or several of them. To Kot
"drunk ns a lord" was an accomplish
ment? that n gentleman could not nf- iniH.i. So it is not alcoholism
that cavo tho oflsprlnu the weak
uervos H was rather those pimuo
iworik' neivi in grandfather that
caused him .lo take solace in too many
toddles. Al(Mdiolisiu has a variety of
sins otanswer for but lltlb fs not out
hp 1 ihnni. ,
. Tho war brought out many of these
wyalt norved constitutions. In times
of peaco tho soldkr would have been
'an well an tho rest. Hut under the
uuusual slroHs of battle, something
Ktive way, and tho "Shell Shock" that
wo heard so much about was the re
sirlt. We -uro exporlenciitK now the
vory .isutlsfyiiiK spectacle of these
b1h1I 8hock cases helni; tuiie cured bH
much the same methods as me used
in treat hiKbnd nervous breakdowns.
.'So it is with the rest of us. While
nil fioos smoothly wo are aide to opc
with thoao who have a more fortu
nate inheritance. Only If the strain
bocoipeu too great wo fall victims oi
norvouH disease, and the who phasic
litn Bees in n nerve case Jird a.i re:il a
pfftionl as if he had smallnox beUue
him. iXorvon ued treatment.
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
j - iij i , I, .
. e Smudge Pot
, ' i B Artk.i Pirry
'"pII2 hi idea today i.s to get out a hig vote. Mattel's o'
A great importance are before the peoile for decision
This decision should represent all the people, not a part
of them.
So regardless of what your business may be on ordinan
afternoons, make your first business this afternoon, thai
of voting. The polls don't close until eight o'clock. Th
election will probably be carried one way or the other ii
the last hour.
So if you haven't voted, do so. Every election day if
a test of democratic; government. . Every election carricc1
by a minority is a body blow at the survival of democratic
We howl at the man who votes wrong. Put he is ;
haloed saint beside the man, or woman, who doesn'l
vote at all.
If you haven't voted, do so. Don't think up an excuse
There i.s none. There are slackers in peace as well as in
war. Heading the list of the former, is the citizen whe
shirks the obligations of a free government and enjoys its-priveleges.
T1H- KVAY YORK WORLD belabors congress for tin
work it lias done. Hut for six months at least, congress
lias done no work, it lias been playing, playing the old
worn out jazz of partisan politics. It would take an ex
pert accountant to determine which party lias been the
more guiltv. The public in general is about as much dis
gusted with Attorney (ieneral
Day plots, as with (Senator Johnson and his political
junket. , There is little more sympathy for Secretary Dan
iels in his defense, than in Admiral Kims in his attack. Tin
entire performance fills the average citizen with weari
ness to the point of nausea.
Heaven only knows how much money, time and energy
has been wasted in these profitless "investigations." Tin
air .probe, the ship probe, the potash probe, and the Lore"
only knows how many other probes.
In each case there has been a majority report, damn
ing the Democrats, and a minority report, damning the
Republicans. Talk, about profiteers! Congress, whiit
spouting empty nothings about the II. C. L., has led even
other agency in the business, of wasting substance and
producing nothing. .
fy wait
TKN thousand statesmen fume and -fret, upon the
well-known 'stump, and'lell how crises should be
met' and carted to the dump. They elocute until they'ie
hot, and rant and tear their duds; and it would help
things out a lot if they'd start raising spuds. By grow
ing Burhanks here and there, they'd help a land dis
traught; we need potatoes more, I swear, than we need
(lems of Thought. Ten thousand poets twang their
lyres until they break the strings, and boost our altars
and our fires, our bulwarks and such things. But na
tions are not saved by tunes, however nobly played; the
poets should be growing prunes, which is a better trade.
Vov prunes the hungry children cry, and stricken par
ents pray, while bughouse poets drool and sigh of tem
ples in ('athay. Ten thousand agents seek our doors
to sell us foolish books, and they'd be far more useful
bores if they plied reaping hooks. The country's full
of well dressed skates who grow no hay or straw, pro
duce no pumpkins, figs or dates there ought to ba a
Iowa War Veterans Respond to
Bonus Opposition in Congress
As cluilrnum or the liouso commit
ti'e en upprnpriatloiip. Congrrssmau
Imm'S W. Oond of C'edur Itupitl.s.
lowu, opposed to the proposed lmmis
for scrviro men on tho score that It
will add Kfi'al'.y to tho delits and fi
nancial hurdiMi of the nation. One
lay last wm-k .Mr. Oood delivered a
speech in tho house of representatives
In which ho placed tho hadivo of sacri
fice worn by former soldiers and sai
lors as ahovo tho "liadKO of bonus.'
I am nit sure but wo would do him
nn Injustice oven ir wo had I no
money, to attempt to place him along
with the men who received unjust
ami unfair profits out of war con
tracts." said tho congressman.
Tho address called forth a novel!
response from veterans In Des Moines
who wroto a "bill" which they sub
mitted to tho editor of the lies
Moines Itcuislcr. Not because of the
merits or demerits of tho bonus hill.
or in relation io the situation prompt
ed by Ihe proposed legislation, bill
solely because the letter from tho l)es
Moines veterans is a masterpiece in
sal fro. it Is reprinted herewith.
We. the undersigned, former sol -
Hers all, afler reading what
senlatlvo (Inod had to my In regard
to additional compensation to former
service men in this morning's issue, I
respectfully siibnill the following bill
for the approval of yourself and your
readers and the people of tho I'nlted
Article I. Whereas. The question
of honor:i has been brought up In
tho congress of the I'nlted States
by Itepresenlatlvo Good of Iowa. It
being snld that tho .soldier should
tako his payment for serving his
country in honor paid hini uy iiiq:slx dollars and sixty (f b.huia montn.
peoplo of tho I'nlted States. And as Kach congressman shall also lie ex
thls Is considered payment enough 'poctod to subscribe to all bond Issues
Palmer and his fake Maj
for serving our government, nnd as
tho government Is founded on equal
ity, then tho following measure Is
Article 2. Wliereas, It Is consid
ered n great honor to be named by
tho people of tho different states and
territories of tho United States lo
reproient them in congress.
And whereas, it tends to place a
burden on tho people of thu I'nlted
States to pay $7;".00 a year salary to
Uio men elected to congress, we movo
that tho present salaries of tho con
gressmen bo abolished and tho meth
od of payment nnd tho amount ns
mentioned in the nrtielo bo substitut
ed. Artlclo 3. All congressmen shall
bo paid in the sum of thirty dollars
(SOI n calendar month for each
month nerved doing duty at their
station In the capital at Washington
In the District of Columbia, after
being properly elected nnd given per
mission lo talio their seat.
And, whereas, to protect these
men nnd not mnko their dependents
a burden to the I'nlted States In case
lof death or Injury while serving In
Kepre-;cougresit, each one shall ho requested
to tnko out ten thousand dollars
( J III, KOO I t::surairo through the
bureau of war risk Insurance.
The method payment shall be as
In case a congressman has a de
pendent wife, he shall allot her the
sum of fifteen dollars (tl.1l a month,
and on doing so tho government will
allow the sine amount.
The cost of the insurance shall bo
tnkon from tho pay of the said con-
grossman and the cost to him shall he
jjr 1'S. A. I. VVII.KHK'K, of Iaih
Angeles, C'itlif., who says slit
had to spend half her time In bed
anil could not (;ct relief until she
took Tanlac. Declares she non
feels as well ns she over felt In her
life anil that she lias gained flftc-n
founds in weight.
i'M t 1 &
The following remarkable state
ment was mado recently by -Mrs. A. L.
Wlldrick, a well-known and highly
respected resident of Los Angeles.
Calif., living at No. 222 North Alva-
rado Street. Mrs. Wildnek Is li'J yoais
of age and is tho mother of seven
children. Ilor photograph appears
"For the past year or more," said
Mrs. Wlldrick, "1 havo been In very
poor health, r suffered principally
from chronic'indlgestion and my con.
dltion was so bad I had to spend half
f my time In bed from sheer weak
ness. In spllo of all tho medicine I
took I could not possibly get any re
lief and 1 became so nervous and un
strung that at times I could hardly
realize what 1 was doing. 1 just had
no appetite at all nnd suffered terri
bly nearly all the time with Indiges
tion and was really in a very bad way
nhysKnlly. ir 1 did eat a little some
thing 1 would always have a misor-
auie, distressed teoling attcrward and
1 tell you 1 was going down hill
protty fust.
Well, I Just can't find words to
tell you how really bad off I was and
also to toll you what Tanlac has done
for me, for I foe! as we I now as I
ever felt in my life.' Whyi nftor tak
ing only three and a halt bottles of
this medicine I have actually gamed
15 pounds In weight and everyone
tells me 1 am looking better than in
"b.nce I have been taking Tanlac
I have found out lhat several of my
intfmuto friends uo also talcing it
and everyone of them are delighted
with It. 1 am surelv glad to recom
mend Tanlac and help Bpread tho
goodness of this' Inedicine. Yos, l
want yuu lo use my photograph too.
so that all my friends may sec how
well 1 am looking. Anyone who could
seo mo now aftor seeing me only u
eeifa ago would be convinced
that Tanlac must ba a really wonder
ful medicine. "
luu-uc is gold In Medford at West
ildo Pharmacy and by leading drug
lists In every town. ' Adv.
placed on sale by tho government of
tho United Stales.
This nlso will be taken from their
salary at the rate of ten dollars ($10)
a month.
Tho next article, shall provide for
ration and clothing.
Artlclo 4. Kach congressman shall
bo obliged to wear u uniform as pro
scribed by the urmy. Kat congress
men shall be given small clothing and
small crngicssuion shall bo given fat
men's clothing,' and nlso they must
oxchnngo with each other to get the
right fit. Only ono suit will bo al
lowed to each man and total cost of
onch suit not to exceed ten dollars
And, furthermore, when tho uni
form Is worn out they must turn it
in to recolve a new suit.
Rations shall be furnished to each
man at the rate of' fifty-two cents
(,"i2c) a day, each congressman must
oat In the congressional kitchen. All
work done around tho kitchen and
barracks of the congressmen shall be
done by themselves.
In regard to tobacco, the congress
men will- bo issued one-tenth of an
ounce of Bull Durham tobacco nnd
five cigarot papers q day. All "other
smokes will bo furnished by tho Y.
M. C. A. at cost.
Artlclo n. In tho matter of travel
pay and rntlons, I lie congressmen
shall ride - third class, and in case
third c'nss coacfies aro not handy.
box cars and cattle cars shall be sub
stituted. Kalions sliail bo hard tack,
corned beef canned, and tomatoes.
with coffee when the people are good
enough to give it to them.
Wo believe there will be honor
enough to pay them for serving the
government o that tho congressmen
will not kick on tho snrnll pay that
this bill will provide. We did not
mention hours hut tho bugler will
sound reveille at 5 : :t 0 and ench con
gressman will be at his seat at 7 a.
j m., Sunday excepted, with retreat
at H::i0 p. m.
We thank you for your trouble In
reviewing this bill.
aw itu nrtTB
4j IW lass T- !, fi a4 j
It's Mann's Men's
I MANN'S ANNEX A Little Store With a Big Idea, to
Some Fancy Ideas in Silk
All Silk Hose in black and
cardovan, pair $1.75
Fancy Silk Hose in dots,
plaids and strines. From
S0 and $2.75 pair.
Mercerized. Lislo Hose in
black and cardovan, plain
or stripped, pair 80
Our regular 39c; Cotton
Hose in black, brown and
white, Saturday, pair 2U
Engineer and Firemen
Hose, in black and brown,
all sizes. Saturday, pair
Theres Active Buying Go
ing on in Athletic Under
wear Here.
B. V. D. Union Suits
Seal Pax Union Suits
Seal Pax Drawers and
Shirts, garment 75cj
Men's Knit Union Suits in
summer weight, short or
long sleeves, suit ....$2.25
Finest grade summer
weight Union Euits
Men's medium weight
Union Suits, suit
Fine light weight Wool
Union Suits, suit
Palbriggan . 1 drawers
and Shirts. Garment
A knitted four-in-hand
wears to beat the band.
H Knit ties from $2.00 to
S $3-50 each.
Men's Four-in-hand Ties,
a real $2.50 value, for, each
Wo have just put in a line
of Triangle Soft Collars
ill all the newest styles.
all sizes.
Closing out sale of Slidc
5 well Linen Collars
18 each, 3 for 50c
The Medford National Bank
The Rank of Absolute Safety
To Our Prosperity
1. Is Loyal Service
2. Faithful Friends
3. Square Dealing
4. No Speculation
Remember Our National Trust
w. s. 0.
Store for Real Values in Men's Wear B
1 . -i
Better Values Are Not
to Ee Found Today.
A good line of colors,
styles and sizes, each
Our better hats are very
reasonable, and are all
good makes and styles.
They sell from $5.00 to
$6.50 each
A large assortment of
Men's Caps in all sizes,
in silk and wool, 89
This is the time to think
of straw hats. We have
jjust; a few Straws an.l,
Panamas left and they
are real values at from
$3.00 to $5.00 each.
Khaki Hats for outing,
50 each
Big Straw Hats for out
door work, each ....50c
J ust a few cloth hats left
in good styles and colors.
From $2.00 to $3.50
Men's Caps in good col
ors and styles, from
$2.00 to $3.50 each.
Men's Auto Caps... .75
Regulation Sailor Hat:?,
50 each.
Mann's Annex
Next to Schieffelin's Old Stand
Cuthbert Building
v J
Hart. Schaffuer & Marx
Suits They arc all wool
and the latest styles, in
good colors $45.00 and
$48.00 ., ; n
Going fishing soon? You'll,
need a flannel shirt. We
have them in - blue, Grey ;
and khaki, all sizes. From
$2.50 to $6.00 H
A real value in ' Men's
Work Shirts, each $1.19
Men's Negligee Shirts, a j
real $2.50 value. Special, '
each $1.98
Men's Golf Shirt's, wtih f
stiff cuffs, each $1.98
Boy's Bine and ' Grey s
School and Play Shirts,
each .'1..S1.50 ss
Don't Borrow, Don't Rent, H
it's unsanitary. Own your
own bathing suit. ' A good
selection of bathing suits, 3
from $2.50 to $4.50 each f
Boss of the Road Waist H
Avrvnlla tmii. 2 AH
Boss of the Road Bib Over-
!.-;. aa
iwju, iiiiii .tyMiua
10 per cent off on all
Leather Work Gloves. E
Canvas Gloves 15e
pair, 2 for 25 '
10 per cent off 011 all fj
Suit Cases and Travel-
ing Bags. J
Suspenders, pair.. ..50c.1 53
Leather Belts, each '
59c U
Children's Overalls,
from 3 to 10 vears, pair,
$2.25 - U
Overalls for children, j
froni 10 to 15 yeras. 3
pair 2.50 f
All $4.00 Work PaiitiC'
on sale Saturday, pair
Youth's Khaki Pants,
in good quality, pair
$2.00 U
Men's Khaki Pants, in J
all sizes, pair ....$2.98 3
Men's Whipcord Pants, J
a real $5.00 value. Sat- 55
urday, pair $3.50 p3
Regular $6.50 Corduroy 5
Pants, Saturday, pair. 3
Men's Laced Bottom
Riding Breeches, ir.
i.'i,i..' aer nrk
juci&.i, imu tptj.uvs
Men's Sanipax' Hand- fjj
kerchief, ........2for35cr 3J
E Z Garters, pair....4S 3
Logger's Shirts from 1
$6.50 to $15100 U
nrvnn a. rnA rr
rl J I f 111 HN
Fancy Seed Potatoes $10.00
per hundred.
A complete line of Bee Sup
plies in stock.
Seed & Feed Co.
317 East Main Strait
Circular work of all kind
Mailing Llita
Tunnell & Edwards
JOS-Hns LIlwrtT Building
Medford. Oregon.