tifEDFORD ' TRIBUNE. MTOFORD WKOOK. TTIITft Sll AY,? MAY -20, Vl 020. Medford Mail, tribune AN fNDEPENDBNT NEWHPAPER PlMtLISHKD EVKKT AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY BY TUB MEDFORD PAtNTlNO CO Office, Wall Tribune C-iD-llng, 2(-3?-l norm rir sireu I'none jo. A consolidation of the Democratic Times. The Medford Mall, The Medford Tribune, the Southern Oregon I an. The Ashland Tribune. The Medford Bun day Sun, ia furnlehed uoecriDera aeeinng a seveo-aay a&iiy newspaper. ROBERT RUIIU Editor B. S. SMITH. Manager. UBBCEPTIOIf TE1MII BT MAIL. IN ADVANCE: Dally, with Sunday Sun, year.00 Dally, with Sunday Run, month.-. .85 Dally, without Sunday Hun, year- 6.00 Dally, without Sunday 8un. month .50 Weekly Mall Tribune, one year.. 1.60 Sunday Sun, one yenr 1.60 BT CARRIER In Medford. Aahland, Jacksonville. Central Point. Phoenix Dally, with Sunday Bun, year 7 60 Daily, with Sunday Sun, month..- .65 Dally, without Sunday hun, year.. I 00 iailjr, witnout Sunday Bun, montn .bv Official paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jacnaon County, Entered as aecond-claea matter Medford, Oregon, under the act of March I. 1H.H. riworn daily a vera ire circulation for lx months ending April 191P.mJ,074 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Full Leaned Wire Service. The Aaeo elated Vrenm Is exchiHivety entitled t the una for republication of all new dispatches credit'', to It or not other wine credited In this paper, and also th local news puhllahed herein. All rlKhtu of republication of njii-clal dlNpatcbes ercin are aiso reservea. Ye Smudge Pot llihun Johnson v i 1 1 lie robbed airnin tomorrow, una lie will veil it to the world' in a louder kov tlian usual. . This' is "Paint Up Week." over, it is wholly ;oiit'iiit'(l KirU; not the buildings. How to the '"This Etcniiil Airur.ivators inav ciuse up' the movies Sundays as threatened,-blit the eharehes won't have io build additions to aeeomodate the rush. ,'3'lic, country is irotlintr to t lie en! of its. rope, linani iallv. liuiimiii: hoi; wild (iuioncr the dollars was delicious, ami now the fiddler wants his wv. Tho Inw of compensation has never lieeji repealed. .,'.)'.(' . - Esirri Trotter is a resident of Cot taffe Grove. lie is a cousin of Amos Walker. , ; V ' I , ( , . . . state deimrtment has discover (jil, lliat while the United Stnles wn ficjdlinir around with liumanitv in Ku roji'cund dishinr mi self-deteriniiia-iiA for rolnnd, EiiL'hind enilihed ."H pcj cent of tho oil supph oil Ixu'ni: rnjrc i ;ibiportant than cold, coinmci (liAlly'und militarily. VY,'v ' ' ' . pjlld nlheritv with which the elusive Carxnnzn runs, -causes tho suspicion th t He mnv have some Russian blood inUj is.' system. BE CAREFUL OF YOUR DELEGATES Hoil'orts from all over I lie state in dicate that the uent riinniiiir nuaiust ;"(7ur' Goonro" foi lhe I'nited States Woplitc, never will he able tn prove (htit he was n contestant, i-' . . . ' k, if about time llenrv Kord hud a Kcju-nie to elect n prosident without an election. ri Given Croilll Through tlio Land .;Jlacliaeha,, lamo and stiff muscles nntt rhoumntlo pains are often symp toms, of doninKod kidneys. "I had weak hludder, hud kidneys and llvor" writes Willie Cutter, Luxar, I'll. "I could not Bleep well anil my hack pained mo awful... 1 Iind a dizzy feel ing, tn tho innnihiK. Sinco taking J'ol'ey Kidney l'llls I huvo been re lieved of all such ailments." They rid tho system of tlio iioisonnus adds Unit cause aches and pains. Kor sale fiv MedTnrri 1'hnrmacv. Adv . Over fifty years aga a young physician pnu'timl widely in n rural district nntl became, famous for his uniform success in tlio curing of disease. This was Dr. l'ierco, who nfterwnrds estab lished himself in HulTulo, N. Y., and placed one of his prescriptions, which he called "Golden Medical Discovery," in the drujr stores of the United States so that the pub lic could easily obtain this very remarkable tonic, corrective and Wood - maker. Dr. Tierce manu factured this "Discovery" from roots and barks a corrective rehtedy, the ingredients of which natjire had put in the fields and forests, for keeping us healthy. Fevf folks or families now living havfe not at sometime or other used this1 "Golden Medical Discovery" for -the stomach, liver and heart. Ovdr twenty -four million bottles of , this tonic and blood remedy have been sold in this country. POLITICS resemble prize fighting. Everyone is a wii' ner before the battle. It would be refreshing to have a candidate admit his chances were slim, but that is con trary to the accepted traditions of the sport. Gattling Gun Wood is going to make mince meat of Slasher Johnson, ar.d Bumper Lowdcn is going to propel both heavyweights through the ropes, while Husky Hiram, there's nothing to it but warming up for Husky! So it goes. So it has always gone. But as a matter of fact, tho world will still wobble on whoever carries the primary. Its dollars to doughnuts none of the contestants will be nominated at Chicago. Wherefore, the important point is not who the Republicans of Oregon want for Presi dent, but wlio .they are going to get. I Ins depends, as far as Oregon s miluenee is concerned, upon the delegates sent to convention. There are 13 delegates at large to be voted on four to be sent. "If Oregon's favorite is not nominated on the first ballot, the trading will begin, and it is up to the voters on J- riclay to set; this trading is in the right direction. J hat is to sav if vou don t want a Hiram Johnson tnu; of man for President, you don't want to vote for a Hiram delegate, if you want fin anti-Hiram type of man for Presi dent, you want to vole for an anti-Hiram type of delegate. 1 hanks to the cl torts ot the Hoover club ot Oregon. each delegate has been forced to go on record regarding the League ot Nations. A few have' maintained a discreet silence, which puts them on record perhaps more forcibly than if they had spoken. After a studv of these replies, and some knowledge of the characters of the men making them, we are convinced that the four best men to send to Chicago as delegates at, large are: Charles H. Carey, Edward A. Maclean, N. C. Maris, Conrad P. Olson, with O. M. Hickey as an alternate rs'one of thoin, as far as we know, arc Hoover men, but all of them are emphatically for Hoover's principles, ami can be depended upon to make a fight in the convention for the man embodying tlii'in. J" or district delegates our preference on the same grounds is l). 0. Adams and John C. Kendall. There are undoubtedly other good men in the list, but they have cither made no reply or have expressed an in terest in the League of Nations, which is obviously ix-r- iinctorv. It is pretty safe to assume they are the type win at heart, oppose the covenant, but are willing to give it a ip service to ga'ip; votes. Finally, tliercrare the following delegates at large, who 'ithcr oppose -tho-leaguc idea or favor Hiram Johnson: Daniel Boyd,-H..R. Butler, Sanfield MaeUonald, John J Rand, and James S. Stewart... K vou believe in the Hiram Johnson principles, vote for these men, if you don't, vote for some six of the other men, preferably the .men above mentioned, for both ir their avowed principles and individual capacities, they car. be depended upon. OUR FAVORITE SONS. I T SEEMS hardly necessary to call attention to the fact that, Medford has three men on the democratic ticket. who should receive and undoubtedly'will receive the solid vote of their party in Sou hern Oregon. They are Frank Wortnian, district delegate, Dr. J. F. Reddy, delegatc-at-large, and A. E. Realties for presidential elector. They are all men of high standing who would reflect credit upo". their state iind their community if elected to the positions for which thev have been named. OK THE aino should cert REGARDING AMENDMENTS iinendnients t linly be de nig tor a successor to (he governor. All tin lie voted on there is one which cated, the amendment provid- others, with the possible exception ol . restoring capital punishment, should pass, but particularly the following: The 4 per cent indebtedness hint i;it ion, higher educational tax bill, state elementary school fund tax, soldiers, sailors and marines educational bill. The virtues and necessities of these meas ures have been set forth in this column during the cam paign, and need not be repeated now. For any one of these four measures to be defeat ed, would be a distinct loss to the state. VOTE FOR BOND ISSUE. Vote for the county bond issue. Don't let the war re flex cloud your better judgment. This measure, with the I per cent state provision means better roads for all and more money for all. The )00,)00 federal and state aid once lost can't be recovered. Vote I(H) Yes. and get it now. Id ROBERTS Has Made Good During His First Term Why educate another man at the Expense of the County. Insure continued efficiency inthe office District Attorney and, . Vote 72 X for G. M. Roberts for District Attorney wait Mason THE DISMAL DAY. TfTE DAi" is dark and chilly, and nasty showers de scend; the winds are sad and silly, their wailing hits no end. The men have quit their hoing until the weather's dry; the women drop their sewing, and trav.e outdoors and sigh. On such a day a fellow is willing to believe Hiat all the world is yellow, this life designed to peeve. The cheerful words of Browning that all the world is well, can't stop his heavy frowning, or soothe him for a spell. He feels that all the sages and bards who sing of hope can never earn their wages by spring ing sunshine dope. The weary winds are blowing, it is a beastly day; no cheerful cows are crowing, no blithe some roosters neigh. But all the out-door critters art wet and cold and blue; no wren or robin twitters and makes a howdydo. But hold, the ducks are joyous, the he ducks and their wives! The rainstorms that annoy us bring joy to their young lives! So let's resume our grinnings and caper round again; the ducks must have their innings, as well as hens and men. Fred G. Buchtel JtKI'l'llMCAS C'AXIinUTK for 1 Public Service . Commissioner . ..iff?- You cannot deny them. Motorists buy Zerolene because it is good lubrica ting oil ; because it makes the car last longer. More than, half the mo torists of the Pacific Coast states use Zerolene. Such approval is never an acci dent; it is given only as a reward to products of highest quality. Use Zerolene for Correct Lubrication of your auto mobile, truck or tractor. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Cillfomla) each type of tnint W. E. Walker, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co., Medford I Series 20 Big-Six Pride of ownership goes with the. possession of a fine motor car. The owner of a BlG-SlX has a car of beauty, grace and distinction, with well-nigh unlimited power; a car that rides easily regardless of the road or the speed at which it travels. Take a demonstration, and you, too, will choose a Studebaker. 60-H. P. detachable-head motor; interme diate tranimiuion; 126 inch wheelbase, iniuring ample room for aeren adults. All Studebaker Can ara equipped with Cord Tirea another Studebaker precedeat 'This is a Studebaker year1 HINES & SNIDER soi tii rut stui:i:t r HAS THE BOTTOM DROPPED OUT? Cups and Saucers, each 15p Window Shades 69c Biq Reduction on 2-ln. Post Iron Bcas. Get our prices on Silk Fibre Mattresses and Coil Springs. Mordoff & Woolf Phone 9 22-24-26 South Fir Mr. Buchtel is chairman of the Public Service Commission, and be cause ot the efficient and economical manner In which he has conducted Us affairs, his candidacy for a second term is cenerallv endorsed by the press of the state. A few of many lecent commendations follow: 'Sound business, aBBressivencss and protection of the public is the triple theme in the platform of h red (i. Duchtel. chairman of the Public Service Commission." Albany Even ing Herald. "Mr. Buchtel has made a reputa tion of being an energetic, fair and fearless member and his sorvlce and fumlliarlty with the duties of tho of fice make him a valuable man to he retained." Cottage Grove Sentinel. "Mr. Buchtel has consistently ex hibited good judgment, tho faculty of patient and exhaustive investigation the attribute of fairness to all inter ests involved and an administrative ability that meant valuable service to the people of this state and sec tion." Portland Telegram. "Mr. Buchtcrs activities to secure more cars with equitable distribution thereof to Oregon Industries and lum ber shippers; reduction of fuel wood rates and his campaign to minimize traffic hazards, together with the establishment of station facilities, in dustry tracks and service investiga tions have all been of public Interest and benefit. . With the country now in the midst of the reconstruction era his" valuable experience,, 'executive ability, and broad vision are needed more than ever before, to solve the grave prob lems continually arisjng, and the wel faro of the state demands his re-election." Oregon City Enterprise. "r?red G. Buchtel is deserving of re-election, for his administration haS been honest, efficient and eco nomionl. Among the big achievements of his administration are: The Pacific Tel and Tel. Company case, which result ed not only in a general reduction of telephone rates and the elimination of toll charges over numbers of tho short distance routes, but a refund of approximately $150,000 to patrons of the company; adjustment of apple rates which netted a saving of a quar ter of a million dollars to the fruit growers and the reduction" of rates on road building materials saved more than $100,000.00 to the state." Medford Sun. ' Paid Adv r hnrpwtth announce myself as can didate for nomination, on the republl- lntendent. SUSA.N.NE w. HUMEa. r-OM'l'ICAl. UAHUb. Dlstrlcr Attorney. I hereby announce myself as a can dldate for the office of Prosecuting Attorney for Jackson county, Oregon on the republican ticket, subject to the wish of the roters at the coming primary election. If nominated and elected I will see that the laws are Justly and honestly enforced Re spectfully yours. Adv. H. A. CANADA!. I hereby announce my candidacy tor nomination on the republican ticket tor the office of Prosecuting Attorney. If elected i pledge myself to an Impartial enforcement of the law. F. P. FARRJ5IX. Adv. Itawlcs Monro Is a candidate for the democratic nomination for Dis trict Attorney. Believing that ray successful man agement of the office of District At torney has shown mr thoroughly qualified, and that I can serve the people ot Jackson county, In that capacity best, I announce my candi dacy for re-election on the republican ticket at the May primaries. Adr. O. M. ROBERTS. Sheriff I hereby announce my candidacy tor re-nomlnatton for the office of sheriff on the republican ticket, sub ject to the May primaries. I feel that my record as a public official during the first term entitles me to re-nomlnatlon and re-election. Adv. C. E. TERR1LL. I hereby announce myself a repub lican candidate for sheriff of Jackson county, at the May primaries. Sev eral years experience tn this line of work. Including last six months of 19,19 In the tax collection depart ment, thoroughly qualifies me to ad minister the dutl s of the office In an efficient manner. Adv. . JOHN B. WIMER. I have rlpcidpit tn rrmkA tho rano tor tbe democratic nomination for sheriff at the May primaries. 1 will stand on my record of a littlo over a year In the sheriff's office, prior to my entering the service. Adv. RALPH JENX1NOS.- . County Clerk I announce my candidacy for re- nomlnatlon for County Clerk on the 'republican ticket subject to the decis ion of the people at the coming pri maries, and bope my record In this office the first term la sack that I am entitled to your support this year. Adv. CHAUNCEY FLORET. . . Bounty Assessor. I hereby announce my candidacy for the re-nomlnatlon to the office of County Assessor for Jackson coun ty, by tbe Republican party at tha primary election May 2l8t, 1920; Adv. J. B. COLEMAN, School Superintendent I hereby announce myself candl- Ant a tnr nomination ' for . County School Superintendent on the repub lican ticket. Q. W. UODWAKD. Adr. t herehv announce myself as candi date for County School Superinten dent, on the republican ticket, at the primary election. May 21st. I am for progressive education, the education that prepares for life, and for giving the rural schools the very best ad vantages possible. I favor mora nor mal Bcbools for Oregon. Adv. A. 7. HANBT. Count; Coroner I hereby announce my candidacy tor nomination on tbe republican ticket for the office of County Cor oner. If elected I promise econom ical management of the Coroner's of fice. JOHN A. PERU. Adv. County Treasurer r hnrphv announce mvself as a can didate on the republican ticket tor the nomination for the office . ot County Treasurer, "promising to ad minister the duties of the office on an efficient bus'ness basis. Adv. A. C. WALKER. , 1 hereby announce myself as can didate for nomination for County Treasurer on tbe republican ticket. 1 am an experienced business man; Adv. W. D. WELCH. I hereby announce my candidacy on the republican ticket for County Treasurer, subject to the . primary, May 21. E. P. CHANDLER, Rogue Rlrer. (Adv.) t'onnty Commissioner " i I am a candidate for the. nomina tion for county commissioner on the i-.niikll.an tltlrat atlMpitf tn tha nH. mary of May 21. I hare lived In Jackson county a number of years, understand the needs of tbe county and if chosen will promise an eco nomical, efficient business adminis tration. I have always been a good roads booster. A. E. KINNEY. AdT. Upon the solicitation of friends I have consented to become a candi date for County Commissioner, sub ject to May primaries. I am a good roads enthusiast and think business methods can prevail In county af fairs. VICTOR BURSELL. Adv. R. F. D. 2, Medford. I announce my candidacy for the office ot County Commissioner on the republican ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the primaries, May 21,-1920. if elected 1 promise an economical, fair and Impartial ad' ministration ot the duties qf the of fice. . I have always been for good roads. (Adv.) COURT HALL. Representative . I am a candidate for re-nomlnatlon tor joint representative of Datiglas and Jackson counties, on the republi can ticket, at the primary. May 21. I am for good roads and have helped frame the present good roads legisla tion. If nominated and elected I pro mise to dovote my energies to the prosecution of those Interests ot the district I represent and the state ot Oregon. (Adv.) W H. GORE. . Let's Go, IOWA IOWA FIGHTS (Slogan just received from Iowa Uni versity Alumnus for State of Oregon) Wo can not send our sons and - -daughters Iowa Alumnus ; and Iowa Men and Women ! in Oregon " ' For two reasons: Either It is too far or Iowa Institutions are crowded; so let's VOTE YES XO. 8tO, Primary May 21st, Higher Educational Tax Act, so that our sons and daughters may have an opportunity to attend Oregon State University and Agricul tural College, and State Normal School. Also do not forget to Vote 312 Yes -Soldiers', Sailors' and Marines' Ed ucational Aid. Also 303 Yes and County Road Bonds for Permanent Highways. ELIJAH H. HVRD, Iowa University Alumnus for Oregon. This space given by HVRD LA XT) INVESTMENT CO., Medford, Ore Bon. paid Adv.