fAnra beg ' BEDFORD STSTE TRIBUTE, MEDTORD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 17. 1920. Terrible Tortures From Itching Skin Diseases No Sure Relief Until the Cause Is Removed. When the Viood becomes in fested with millions of tiny dis- ease germs that attack the skin, then the nery irritation and in tense itching will remain with you until these germs are removed from the blood. Genuine relief therefore, can only be expected from a treatment that goes right to the seat of the trouble, and strikes at its cause Such a remedy is S. S. S., the re liable old blood purifier that kills the germs of disease, and sends a new supply of rich red blood coursing through the veins. S. S. S. has been used success fully in some of the worst cases of eczema and other skin disor ders. For valuable literature write to Medical Adviser. 108 Swift Laboi ratory, Atlanta, Ga. Goodvear Tire Sale 30x3 A. W. T. Outings ; $15.00 36x31. a. W. T. OasiiiKs ' l1"' 32x4 A. W. T. (JasiiiKH, : 30.00 32x41, A. W. T. ('lords, 50.00 36x412 A. AV. T. Cords 54.00 TUBES ALL SIZES 30x3 Cirpy Tube $2.25 30x31, Grey Tube 2.50 32x31" Crc'v Tube. 3.50 34x4 (Irey Tube 4.00 30x41. Grey Tube 0X0 32x41" GreV Tube 5.00 32x4 Grev Tube .' 4.00 31x4 Grey Tube 4.00 All Goodyear; all fresh stock. Cut out this ad and send cheek. Grants Pass Service Station Grants Pass, Ore. iS A -The J IISII -,iiiiuiiiunmmniiuiniuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii'iiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiMiiiniiiiuiiiiiMiHiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiii, i. I ii (i rill i n tin I I I ii I I n I ii I nn. 'n Pi a II SERIES20 SPECIAL-SIX You will better understand the enthusiasm of Stude baker owners af ter you have ta).ii, a demonstration ride n the Special-Six any . vnere and under any condU ' tions you choose. Do this, andyou will know the reason for its popularity. , BO H. P. detachablchrad tnotnrt Inlermediata Iraiumiauon; 119 inch wheelbaae, uivina maximum comfort for fivo pAuanners. All Studobaker Can are equipped with Cord Tlrea another Studebakerprecedeot "This is aStudebaker Year" HINES & SNIDER South Fi r Street WILLOW SPRINGS, May 14 broom corn industry in the Willow Sprint's district Is quite active, l.nst year there was considerable acreage but this year it will be much greater. W. 11. Harris is planting GU acres und others lesser amounts. Mrs. Win. Thompson entertained informully Saturday afternoon for her old college friend, -Miss Florence Cleveland of Portland. Those present were: Mrs. Charles Taylor, Mrs. Will Smith, Mrs. 11. II. Clarke, Mrs. I3ur dutto Dodge and Mrs. Dodge, Sr. Miss Cleveland stopped over here for a few days while enrouto to San KranclHco to spend her vacation. The family cow at the J. W. Elden homo got into the granary and died from too much wheat. A good cow Is a decided Iohb these days. Mrs. Charles Murray, who visited here a month ago, is spending the week with her sister, .Mrs. Sam An derson, while enroute from Sacra mento to hor home in Portland. The Willow Springs school mado a very creditable showing at tho track and field meet at Talent last Friday, winning second place in the rural sec tion, doing credit to the careful train ing given them by Thcl Thomas who very kindly acted as physical direc tor. (Tho little daughter or Lew Smith, who swullowed a pin a number of weeks ago, will bo operated on Thurs day. Mrs. Hoy. Nichols reports that her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. I). M'. (irishain, havo sold their ranch at Sweet Homo, Oregon, and are coming to the Rogue River valley to make their pormanent home. 'Mrs. Sam Anderson wishes to noti fy all the members of the Parent Touchers club that the meoting will bo held at her home next Saturday afternoon, May lfi. rrho death of Mrs. Rebecca Hicks was deeply regretted by her' many frlonds In this community, who ex tend their sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Young nnd family. Miss Martona Ncal spent the week end at "Tho Crossing Ranch." Miss Neal has filled the position of home economics teaehor in the Ashland day where they will visit relatives for a few weeks. Mrs. Keith went to Medford Mon day to have some dental work done. Mr. Ed Keith is home from Butte Kails where ho has been employed in a logging camp. Fred Spencer has purchased a new car and has moved to Phoenix where he expects to work in the mill. Chas. Lacy and family have moved to Leland where he has employment In a mill. Mrs. Meda Netherland visited her mother, Mrs. Crosby last Saturday. Ray Kennedy of Waldo, Ore., visit ed his nephew, Mr. W. Clark and has gone to Ashland to work. Louis Brown has purchased a new Dort car. i.VIrs. Jean Estes and little daugh ter have gone to Ashland to visit rela lives. Frank Mulligan has purchased new car. ' Tho M. W. A. nnd their families had a social evening last Saturday anu all present spent a very enjoy able evening and a nice lunch was served. I Rev. J. T. Anderson of Marshfield, was in town a few days and his wife and children who have been Btaying with her pnrentB, Mr. and Mrs. J. N Pace for a few months, returned to Marshfield with him. Tho home talent play given by the Ladles' Aid of the M. P.. church Tuesday evening, was a success in spite of tho rain which prevented many from coming. uonior high tho last two years, but is considering accepting a position southern California in order to nouror her parents who resldo Long ltcach. TALENT TALK Mrs. Carter and sons have moved to Roguo River. Mr. Dillnrd ha3 moved into tho rooms in Mrs. Wal ters' houso Just vacated by Mrs. Car-tor. Mr. AduniRon has moved back to tholr homo hero from Ashland. - K. K. Cook spent a few days nt homo and has returned to Klamath Falls. Hurley Dunn, wlfo and daughter Pourl left for Tho Dalles, Ore., Mon Sure Relief 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief LL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION Vote for GOOD ROADS MAY 21 Vote 302 X Yes for 4 State Road Bond Limit NO PROPERTY TAX NO DIRECT TAX NO INCREASE IN AUTO LICENSE FEES NO INCREASE OF GASOLINE TAX Present Auto License hYes and Gasoline Tax will pay Lot Ii principal and interest on all the bonds under this constitu tional amendment. Approval ol this amendment is neces sary to permit early completion of State Highways. California -Oregon Power Company Phone ICS. 216 West Main Street, Medford, Ore Mi'B. McFnren. spent last Friday with friends nt Gold Mill. Mr. liav Smith lias returned from Willows, Cal. i lie Ladicsi Circle will meet at Hope Prcsbvtcriaii church Mnv 1!) nt JO o'clock, the occasion heiinr a real old-fashioned house cleunimr job. It has been stated that men will he wel comed and a chance will be iriven them to cam n 1:001 dinner. The Korue Itiver hi'jli school is ex pecting to participate in the Jackson countv base ball tournament Satur day, Mav 15, at Central Point. On Mnnduv eveniiiL'. Mnv II). Miss Deli-io Hiirkhardt was aiven a sur prise in the wuv of a liirthdnv picnic supper nt the homo of Mrs. llnishonr. Those present were Kvu Wilcox, Gladys Dix. MMdred Stevens, I.illn Martin, Tlielniu Owens. Mrs. Dm Mrs. Mcllvain, Mrs. Hraslicar, Dclcij Hurkhardt. Two of the teachers, Miss Hanl:in and Miss Carstcns will take lliei classes out fur a picnic in Kol'U Hivur pari; on I'Vida'al'tcrnoon, Mir I t, mill, 0, bnv! There will be cnK and ice cream to a finish! 1'iiifcisii and mrs. mirrmiiin will be the honor ed uuests, and 'larcut.s of the pupils are invited. Mr. and Mrs. limderinnn uniled with the Hope Presbyterian church last Sunday by letter from the Fourth Presbyterian church of Portland. V FOR The Aut oPays the Bill ll-aS " HlffiB There were only 39,000 Autos in Oregon when we started in with the State Highway Program. Now there are 85,000. The auto license fees and gaso line tax pay for the roads. Revenues constantly growing. Good Roads bring the autos the more autos, the more money for good roads Let's build the roads and develop Oregon. , . NO TAX IN THIS for the 4 State Road Bond Limit And make it possible to build more state roads No Property Tax No Direct Tax No Increase in Auto License Fees No Increase in Gasoline Tax VOTE 302 X YES-41ake it Unanimous t Roll up a Big Majority, to Show, Oregon believes In Progress-- ' The Auto Pays the Bill. OREGON STATE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CHARLES HALL, Presldant, MarahMald. GEORGE QUAVLE, Genaral SecraUry, Partland OREGON ROADS & DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION W L. THOMPSON, PreiMent. 12S Kin St., Portland. C. C. CHAPMAN, Chairman Executive Committee, R. i. Amity, Ore. Official Computation shows that income from auto fees and gas tax' pays both principal and interest of bonds. Write to a. above eddrcss for copy, certified by Whitfield, Whitcomb & Co., Certified Public Accountants, Portland, Oregon TRAIL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Painter canio out on Wednesday's stage for a short visit with tho lnttor's parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Geo. Adamson, leaving Thursday for Washington whore they will make their home. . U. It. Dawson, R. D. Watson, E. E. Ash, Lowell Ash, Johnnie Warner, C. Cushman, Claud Ungsdalo and Frank Mlddlebusher all spent tho week end at their homes jiear Trail, returning to Union Creek Sunday evening where they aro working on the high way. Little Ethel nnd Alma Inlow have recovered from their colds, sufficient to resume their school duties again. Miss Edna Peterson left Monday for Portland where sho will visit rela tives 'and friends for a couplo of mouths. Thoro will bo a big dnnce at Trail hall, Saturday night. May 22. Orches tra music from Medford. Come evory one and bring your suppor and have a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Houston and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Houston and chil dren were Sunday visitors ut Trail. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ilnzclwood and family left Wednesday for Klamath county, in their now Ford, where Mr. Hazehvood has employment for the uiimmcr. What Do You Want a Tractor For? The first thing yoir will think of is plowing. But don't stop there. If your tractor is to be a profit-maker for you, it must do much more than plow. It must be able to do practically all the work around your farm that you have been in the habit of doing with horses or mules and do it better and more cheaply. , It must be able to do your harrowing and fitting and seeding. It must be able to do your haying and harvesting. It must be able to do your hauling. It must be able to do your belt work. ' ' ' ' And it must work in all sorts of soil, too sandy soil, volcanic, ash soil, wet clay, hard soil, soft soil, heavy and light soil. It must be able to handle your work on side hills and grades, as well as on level fields. In short, it must be able to do all kinds of farm work at all times of the year. Tho Farmers and Fruitgrowers I). ink calls our nttontion to tho fact that J. 11. Cochran, manager of the Western I'nion Life, has recently caused several large deposits to ho made in .Medford banks. This action is commended by the local hanks on account of the friendly spirit of reci procity shown by tho Western Fnion. as well as the sound business sense displayed. The people of tho city of Medford pay out annually something over a hundred thousand dollars In life In surance premiums. For tho most part, this money Is Invested in the large cities of the east. The policy and practice of the Wes tern I'nion Life Is to, leave a good portion of the money they receive in the communities where they are rep resented. They do this through mak ing deposits In tho local banks and investing in rami mortgages In those communities, The Cletrac Tank-Type Tractor was designed and built with a full knowl- edge of the various kinds of farm work it would have to do in order to solve the 5 farmer's tractor problems. 3 The more you investigate the Cletrac, the better satisfied you will be that H; it measures up to these requirements. ' . . .3 I i . -v- Hubbard Bros. ... 1 ., Medford, Oregon IIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM FREE! EXTRA TROUSERS For a limited time only with every Shayne-Brun Hand Tailored to Order Suit. Spring and summer PURE WOOL FABRICS City Cleaning Works Phone 474 . 401 So. Riverside Stenography Multigraphing Circular work of all kind Mailing LliU Tunnell & Edwards 1 106-308 Liberty Building Medford, Oregon. HZD70RD EBON WORKS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP Aliso neat for Fairbanks an4 Horn. 1 Enrinen.. -JI. 17 South Brvtnldt