r BEDFORD " BCSTE " TKIBUA'B, " MKUfOBD. flttTV WTTST5aT. MAT 15. " T950." its. nixmi: l'lXK, of Kaii A 8AS City, who says her little boy never hurt u well day until lie began taking Titnhu:, Declare slio will never lc ablo to ay the debt of fcratiturie she owes the medicine. 'A 7 "I will never be nblo to pay the debt of gratitude 1 owe to Tunluo for what it huH clime for my llttlo boy und mo," said Mrs. Nellie Peek, No. H21 Charlotte St., Kansas City, recently. "My little boy Curtis 1h fourteen years old and never in his life had he neon a well day until he began taking Tanlac. I worried and worried over Ills condition, but In Hpito of every thing 1 could do ho didn't Heein to gain any strenKth and was weak and delicate practically all his life, lie seemed to have a very weak stomach. It Just looked llko he couldn't oat anything and digest it like other chil dren. lie had no appetite at all and what little ho did eut seemed to sour on his stomach. Sometimes his heart would palpitate terribly and he would get bo dizzy he could hardly walk and as I Btood and looked ut liiin I thought ho would suroly fall over, lie would havo bad headaches and was nervous und could never sloep well at night. At school ho was never able to keep up ills work and he had to' stay out a great deal on uccount of poor health.. "I had heard so much about Tanlac I decided to try it nnd soo if It wouldn't help him. Well, you Just can't imagine how overjoyod I wuh when he began to Improve! I kept Tight on giving him tho medicine until now It is hard for mo to believe he Is tho samo child. Ills health Is bettor than over before in his life and he is bright and playful all the time and ho enjoys going out and playing with other hoys. lie bus u splendid appetite nnd I lot him cat anything he wants, lie is not the least bit ner vous any mora and is asleep as soon OS he gooB to bed. in fact, he is per fectly well In evory way. "Aftor soelng what Tanlac did for him J began taking It myself as havo beon Buffoiing from stomach trouble, headaches und dizziness for five years. Since taking this grand medicine I am now happy to say that I never suffer any more with those troubles. "Tanlac has beon ono of tho grout ost blessings that ever enmu Into our home and 1 expect to prulso it as long as I live." Tanlac is sold In MedfoVd at Wost Side Pharmacy nnd by leading drug- fists In evory town. Adv Palace Grocery Where you get Service. Fancy Canned Goods Fresh Fruits Fresh Vegetables Frcnsli Ranch Butter Fresh Creamery Butter In fact everything to cat. Moffat & Launspach Phone 109 132 West Main. Give us a trial. POTATOES Fancy Seed Potatoes $10.00 per hundred. Also A complete lino of Bee Sup plies in stock. MONARCH Seed & Feed Co. SI7 Fft4 Main Sti-wrf CLOSED, REESE )L Reese Creek, May 10. Miss Marie Meyers closed a very successful eight months term of Bchool, Friday, May 7th, with a picnic dinner. Quite a number of the patrons and friends of the school bringing their dinner and participating. Those present besides the pupils and teacher were: Mr. and Mrs. H. French and Miss May, Mr. nnd Mrs. Bellows, Mr. and Mrs. Cran dull and children, Mrs. Merrltt and Miss Maud Merrltt, Mrs. Pettlgrew, Miss Ethel ICwen, Charles and Loland Pettlgrew, M. Ueckenborg, II. It. Min- tor, Marshall Minter and Miss Mlna, Mrs. Sam Courtney, Mrs. W. E. Hum mel, Mrs. II. Watklns, Miss Ellen Mc- Cabe. Those attending from Laurel lill wero the Misses Stella Conovcr and llattle Johnson. After dinner tho young people played gumes while the older peoplo visited. Miss Meyers expects to return Thursday and Friday for tho oighth grado examinations. Pau Hobortson is ntll! quite sick. The rest of tho family havo all been sick but aro getting hotter. Almost everyone is having an attack in some form of bad colds or flu. Tho farmers are rejoicing over the fine rain that fell Saturday night, which was much needed. on the peace treaty felt the growing responsibility." House republicans, Mr. Hitchcock charged, were called Into conference and the house action arranged, altho he declared that th house never had been permitted a voice In peace dec larations previously. Upon receipt of the house resolution by the senate however, Mr. Hitchcock said there was a sudden change of plans and the Present resolution was drafted as a futile plan for republican indorse ment. JOHN BULL HYPNOTIZED. (Continued from Page One) imr from our cnlriince into the war," declared Hie secretary. "Hut even then, Admiral Siinn saiil it hail not been definitely decided on lv tho war council, lltoiiLrli Hie darino and suc cessful attack on ZeclirUL'Ue came much later. It miirltt have been n verv different storv if it hud been undertaken earlier when the new do pnrtnicnt was unriner some such hold plan, nil of which Admiral Kims thouL'lit 'iinpruclicuble' when timed by the navy department." Discredited U. S. Navy Admiral Sims told the president he had been shown studies of the de partment's plan to prevent the (litres of submarines. Mr. Daniels said, nnd that he considered the scheme im practicable. 'lie evidently sought to discredit tho navv dopurlnient's plans bv wtv- iritr that these Hntnu snu'irestions nnd mnnv similar ones had been made bv people of nil classes since the beain- iimtr of tlie war," said Mr. Danicl-i. Sims' cable to the president sti::- ircslcd that tlie proper policy to pur suu was to adopt tho rccnmmcnilti tions he had made tn the department, "most of which had been decided upon and put in operation before Admiral Sims susiirestcd Ihein," Secretary Daniels said. "lie added," the seerclarv con tinued, ''that we should adopt nil or ciiirziitioii similar in all respects lo the llritish snundrim nnd virtually transfer nil navy nulhority to hiss hcuiltiuurlcrs in London." CALLS KNOX MOVE FOLLY. (Continued from Page One) treaty which wo hnvo refused to rati fy." Hevlowlng tho courso of other ponco resolutions, Mr. Hitchcock said a previous resolution by Senator Knox was "abandoned on tho senate doorstep llko Hs predocossors." "Hut tho effort lo do something to escape from tho constitutional meth od of making penco was not aban doned," ho continued. "Something hud to bo done. Intransigent states men who had rofusod nil offorts to reach nn ngreomont or comproniiso J I y suffer the discomforts and embarrassment of a Goitre t O. G. C. preparation fur goitre tins bent tiled iii .tn y, Wliy pny ii viral hundred dollars Cor an oiiL'tiituxi In rt'imnvn yoitro when (..(. C, can tie obtain, d fur bulIi a comparatively suiallexpt'iidituref 0. (i.C. wlien properly npplicd kIvcs amis laflorv results, or your money will he lednid.d. u.O.C. i sold direct, by mail miy. V rite for (mullet. Address Dept.Z O.U.C CMRMICAI. COMPANY Seattle, S',itihiiiK' ten rfiistsau if you want ,;, the genuine - in bottles for the home at soda fountains and on draught How the First Storage Battery Was Received in China "Have you heard the story of how the find b to rage battery was received in China," auked M. B. AValker of Auto Electric Equipment Co., VSL Service Station representative of this aection, yesterday. "Well," he chuckled, "when some delegates of the great Chinese prole tariat examined the mysterious black box for the first time and saw it bub bling and simmering and acting fussy and excited like, they robbed their heads together and decided it was allvo with spirits. f As the story waB told me, it was unanimously approved to give the thing a strong injection of hot tea to keep it quiet. While In the act of doing so ono sage-like Celestial came in contact with a live connection and set up a yell that put every tom-iom in the kingdom to shpme. Again the pig-tulled heads bumped together in conference. This time the decision was that the box was central head quarters for half a hundred Oriental devils. "I've told this story because it con veys a moral. You cannot dispossess un Oriental of tho belief that there are certain earlhly possessions that aro devil-possessed, any more than you can convluco some skeptical Americans that by giving the storage battery a little attention ho will pro long its life considerably. "Although I conduct a USL Service Stution my chief purpose is not to sell a man a new batterv but to render efficient Rcrvlce at all times on ques tions pertaining to butteries old and new regardless of what muke they nro. If motorists will insist on get ting the last ounco of energy out of their old batteries they will know, when they purchase a new battery, that they have been playing the game as it should" bo played." ' Adv. LIBERTY NOW PLAYING "My Lady's Garter" AND HERE'S THE . COMEDY! What would mv ladv do without her garter? What would a movie fan do without a comedy? That's easy! The fan's spirits would fall down! 'CAN YOU BEAT IT?' will keep vour spirits up! IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT CUM -'N-RUBBER RUBBER WAT? I l LIBERTY NEXT: BRYANT WASHBURN "SIX BEST CELLERS" 28 MANN'S THE BEST GOODS FOR THE PRICE-NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE-MANN'S . . U The Quality of the Merchandise combined 1 with the Low Price offered in this sale makes a combination hard to beat. 1 he prices of all Cotton Goods are advancing: every day. Our advice lSjto j i-- - tin. tj'i-i 'MffttttTU 1 BUY NOW AND SAVEIMONEY SHEETS AND PILLOW SLIPS FOR LESS 72x90 Sheets, Linen Fin- 9lA Sheeting, Bleached. ish. Cheap today at $2.25 This sale, each $1.98 Pillow Slips 42 and 4- inch linen finish. Cheap today at 60c. Sale price 45c HOPE. MUSLIN This well-known brand of Muslin is cheap today at 45c On sale at, vard 39c No Clips Brand. Cheap today at $1.00.' Sale SSr 89c Bedspreads Wear Well Brand. Large size scal loped, $4.50 values. This sale, 1 AO each P J70 LUSTRA CAMBRIC 36 inches wide, fine qual ity for fine underwear. Cheap at 60c. This sale, yard TOWELS AND TOWELING REDUCED Bath Towels Good qual ity and size. Cheap at 75c. For this sale, C each U Bath Towels Good qual ity. Medium -size, 30c values. This sale, each Extra size hath towels. This sale, . 'fiQr Soft Spun Towels 17x34 size. Guaranteed to wear; very absorbent. Special finish, 30c values. This sale, OCf 55c each Crash Toweling Part linen. Good heavy qual ity. Cheap today at 25c. Sale price, 1 Qo yard l'v LONG CLOTH . Imperial Brand No. 150. Cheap today at 35c. This S'S 29c 25c each ENGLISH NAINSOOK Imperial Brand Fine quality. Regular price, 50c. For this AZ sale, yard Jv ALL CORSETS REDUCED During this sale we are offering our entire stock of Gossard, Warner's and Red Fern Corsets and Brais ieres at 10 Per Cent Off Regular Price. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR FOR LESS Dove Underwear Made of fine Lingerie Cloth: nicely trimmed with lace or embroidered Gowns, Bloomers' and Chemise. All new goods. Very special tf3 AO iu at Dove Underwear In Gowns, Petticoats and Chemise. Fine quality. All good styles. Very cheap at $4.50. On sale Thursday, CO QO Hjyj each . 3 i &5 f The Biggest Ready-to-Wear Sale of the Season. Every" Suit Coat ! and Dress in the House Must be Sold at Once. Your Opportunity g 1 Suits 1-3 off. Coats 1-4 off. Dresses 20 off. 1 ; $30.00 Spring Suits, now $20.00 $25.00 Spring Coat3, now....$18.75 $25.00 Spring Dresses, now $20.00 i $37.50 Spring Suits, now $25.00 $30.00 Spring Coats, now....$22.50 $35.00 Spring Dresses, now $28.00 i $45.00 Spring Suits, now $30.00 $35.00 Spring Coats, now....$26.25 $40.00 Spring Dresses, now $32.00 i $55.00 Spring Suits, now $36.65 $40.00 Spring Coats, now....$30.00 $45.00 Spring Dresses, now $36.00 ! $60.00 Spring Suits, now $40.00 $45.00 Spring Coats, now....$33.75 $50.00 Spring Dresses, now $40.00 i $75.00 Spring Suits, now $50.00 $50.00 Spring Coats, now....$37.50 $75.00 Spring Dresses, now $60.00 No Alterations No Approvals No Exchanges. . - BOY'S BLOUSES Made of best Percale. All sizes. Worth $1.50 today, Sai 98c VOILE WAISTS 'All good styles. Cheap today at $2.50. For this 3S ?50 BOY'S SUITS Made of fine Madras and Percale. $2.00 values. This sale, ffl JZ suit P1.C,J MIDDY BLOUSES All sizes. Made of fine Twill. Good styles. For tins sale, each $2.98 I WOMEN'S NET DRESSES. All good styles and sizes, in white onlv. ( heap today at $2o.00. Tliis sale '. 'McmrCs A GREAT SALE OF WAISTS Made of fine Georgette Crepe and ttIC nrn -v: jr . p. Crepe do Chene. Good colors; cheap JlJ IheWomansotore at $8.00. Tins nfi s 14-22 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE. sale J."0 MEDF0RD. OREGON MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED MAIL OR EXPRESS PREPAID. inilllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinillllllMIIIII 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 115 " " fa I .RiiTmiTTlf T i -l ri , nil,, J m T-Vr ,t TTryraR PROPER USE, OR BAD ABUSE. WIIICII system do YOU follow with your money? If you are making every pay day stand for an enlarged hank balance here at Hie First National you arc properly using it. If you are extravagantly spending or reck lessly investing it your money is being abused, Literest on Savings. the FIRST NATIONAL BANK" Mcdford Oregon Jrfl HOUSEWIVES Who aim at greater perfection in cooking should use VILMO FLOUR We deal in all kinds of feeds and grains and can give you prices that will please you Rogue Valley Milling Co. MED FORD IRON WORKS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP Uiso went for Fairbanks an4 Ifom Encine.. ft 17 South Blvircld. STAR TAXI PHONE 300 Cars for hire with or without driver. JAMES LESLIE Nash Hotel ;A m2TT'