Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 04, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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    P37JB TWO
A heavy frost for touiglit is tln
rathiir alarming prediction iliat rami'
this forenoon from the San KranciMM
weather bureau, und it U honed hyitield. The wedding t'"k place at
the orchardists and gardeners t ha: Woodward Avenue Methodist taber
somethlng will happen by nipht to'nacle. Di-iroit. on Saturday. Dr. M.
alter this gloomy outlook. There : S. itice p.-rformed the ceremony. Tho
was a frost last ni'ht of 31 dcKre-s in 1 Mrs. Green is a newcomer to Pontiac,
Medford and vicinity, and of 1!7 to 'is she has gained popularity and is well
deprees in the low lying parts of the , known. She in a member of the Delta
valley, necessitating smudging in a; Sigma sorority. Mrs. Croon's home
number of orchards including the j was in Oregon, where she attended
Hear Creek orchard. I1'1'- public schools at Medford, Orn-
M11I run aiV.ancing in price. We''n. With her niotln-r she came to
still havo a few tons at the old pri.'.
Bardwell Fruit Co. A 1
Notice After May Mh SiiiKT
Shop will move to lu South Kir St.
The slate highway commission
party comprising ;hairmun Jlenson,
E. C. KiddlD and Herbert Nunn, stat
highway engineer, left by auto this
morning to inspect the Pacific high
way aa far as Hoseburg. They were
accompanied as fur as Grants Pans
by Kuitficth IIcdKiiiuti, Ihy. uisuui.
highway engineer.
All kinds dry wood, phono 305.
Jtay Blackburn.
Opening dance Gold Kill Pavilion,
Sat. night, May Sth. Good music, it
Unique and entertaining will be
Ye Olde Tyme Concert whkh will be
given by the Alpha Delta class of the
Christian church and about which a
further announcement will soon be
American Legion meeting Moose
hall Tuesday night. Entertainment.
Prof. Hemstreet, mind reader and
hypnotist. -if
J-ive to dye right let us dye your
coat, suit, ekirt, hat, sweater, dress
goods; our work guaranteed. Phone
223-J. 103 North Central, Apparel
Cleaners and Dyers. 40
Port 11. Itice arrived In Medford
yesterday from Klamath Falls and
reports tho Green Spring mountain
road in frightful shape. It took Mr.
Kice five days to make the trip and
two days were spent In the mud.
Near the summit part of the road is
completely washed away. Ho went
via Ager and advises nny ono con
templating a motor trip to Klamath
"alH to take that route.
Notlco After May 8th Singer
Shop will move to 10 South Fir St.
(Mill run advancing in price daily.
"We still havo a few tons at the old
price. Bardwell Fruit Co. 4 1
Oregoninns in the city and stopping
nt tho Medford are W. S. Zuyes of
Salem, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. llarrignn of
Marshflehl, It. J. Winthrop, Frank,
V. Stoll and C. F. Harrison of Ku
gene, Mrs. Geo. Peobler of Albany.
Chas. II or ton of Klamath Falls and
tho following from Portland: C. A.
Peternon, J. E. Held, .lames B. Mar
tin, J. K. Bouter. A. K. Benson, .1. S.
Peterson, Douglas C. Ingram, T. .1.
AughlnbaugH. N. F. Sutton, Wm, A.
Engleko, W. A. Snodiker, Wm. Uogaii
and Kdw. J. Failing.
Attend the dunco at Gold Hill pa
vilion, Sat. night. Good roads. Good
music and good floor. 4 I
'American Legion meeting. Moose
hall, Tuesday night. Kntertaininent.
Prof. Hemstreet, mind reader and
hypnotist. 37
While working at tho Skewis Hi
Bullia lumber mill tills morning,
Amos Gamblin fell fifteen feel,
spraining his right hip and wrist. He
was taken to tho Dow hospital tor
Send copies of tho Sun auto edition
to your friends In tho east. 3 7
Kodak finishing, best work for
lowest prices. Jap Art Store. fl
Tho May day festival to bo given
by tho Lincoln school will bo held
Frlduy ovening. May 14, on tho school
ground. There will ho a May pole
und other ontortalnmcnt.
The greatest assortment of new
white goods In southern Oregon on
sale at Mann's Saturday, May Oth.
Singer Shop Quality counts. New
and used machines sold or rented.
Expert repairing on all makes ma
chines. Phono 215-U. llj W. Main
Tho meeting of Medford post of
the American legion tonight at s
o'clock in Mooro hall Is for members
only, and membership cards will be
examined ut the door. A very large
gathering of ex-sorvico men is ex
pected. Tho gentlemen are giving a basket
social at tho Presbyterian church.
"Wednesday evening. May " at i'
o'clock. Ladie.i eoine prepared to bid
on baskets. Ceff. e will be furnished.
He I'.uie to come
A good time for
Extra copies of the Sua nuto edi
tion fn Mail 'iDni1 to your friends. ;IT
Miss Florence Pool, homo dumou
Blration agent, spent the week end a:
iirants Pass with Miss Kuth Corbett,
tho Josephine county homo demon
stration agent.
J lemst itching, pecoting 10c per
yard, thread furnished. Expert op
eration. ISnger Shop, 11 .'i West Main
street. tU
Reduce the high cost of living by
attending the May sale of white goods
nt Mann's, Saturday, May 9th. , 37
(Mrs. Axi Stevens of Rogue River,
apeut tho week end with friends in
Ashland Helman sulphur baths
and 'Bwlinming pools open for the
season, Saturday, May 1st. 4 1
For eye, eat, noso, throat see Dr.
Heine, Liberty Bldg. Glasses fitted.
Mrs. William Brayton. wife of tho
superintendent of the Holloway orch
ard, who was operated on at the
Sacred Heart hospital Monday fore
noon and whoso condition wan re
garded as critical last nlRht was re
ported In n much improved condition
thiff forenoon
Afann'a May pale of white goods i
opens' Saturday, May ! t li . Wonderful I For the Best insurance see Holmes
Buviiigs on good merchandise. u7tbc Insurance Mau.
A Pontiac, Mich., newspaper, con
tains tho following wcddinK-item of
Modford int'TCHt: "An InterntinK an
nouncement la made by Mrs. -Nellie
VoorheiK Hell, niakinK known the
wedding of hT daughter, Miss AiiVen
H.'ll, to Jami-s Wi-ndel! drecn, son of
Mr ami .Mrs. I. A. (Irvi'ii of Hloom-
Pontine to visit her grand-parents.
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Voorheis of
Sylvan Lake, and they have remained
here. After a course in the Pontiac
Lusinos college, Mrs. Green accept
ed a po.Hinn in tho Pontiac Savings
bank. Mr. Green graduated from thu
Pontiac high school, class of lft 17,
and also attended the I'niversity of
Detroit. He is at present dealer for
the Paige automobile in Pontiac."
See Medford T-and & Insurance
Agency, successors to D. R. Wood &
Co., Km. 209 Liberty BIdg., for fire
insurance. tf
Houses for sale. Jackson County
Building & L'jan association.
The Clark & Henery company, con
t raclors will start pouring the hot
stuff on 2-00 feet of road approach
ing and crossing the Tolo overhead
tho coming week. This will complete
the pavement between Ashland and
Gold Hill. The contractors in charge
of the Ashland-Siskiyou pavement
will soon commence shortening the
dirt road to the top of the Siskiyous.
Schell & Calvert's are preparing fur
the hot stuff on the Grants Pass-Gold
Hill division and announce their In
tention of commencing nving in about
ten days. Gold Hill News.
Save your money for the great May
sale of white goods at Mann's, opens
Saturday, May !Hh. 37
You can get Snider's pure milk
and cream nt Peerless Bakery. 3S
Percy B. Douglas, a world war vet
eran of this city, re-enlisted yester
day at tho local army recruiting sta
tion, 123 East Main street, for the
3 1 Sth Kngineers, Camp Grant. Illi
nois, anil left last night for his station
by way of Portland.
For Sale New and second-hand
mnchines. Singor Shop, 115 West
Main, phono 215-R.
Orres, tho ladies' tailor, will be at
Hotel Holland every Thursday. Fine
woolens, latest styles always. tf ;
Hoy Nunn, engineor In charge ofj
the highway building Jn tho north:
part of tho county, Oakar Huber, con
tractor for bardsurfacing tho high-j
way over tho Siskiyous, and .Mr.
Dunn, his foreman in charge wore all
In Medford Monday In conference
with tho highway commission and at
tended the Chamber of Commerce
Economizo by using scratch pads
for use. Got them at this office, tf
Plain and fancy ribbons for trim
mings. Handicraft Shop. , 37
Miss B. K. Galvin left today for
Vreka where she will conduct a series
of demonstrations for the California
Oregon Power company branch of
that city.
CaMfornians registered at the
Nash are J. F. Collieoltc of Stock
ton, L. N. Conger of Bangor and F.
11. Miller of Ililt.
Try some of Solder's choice whip
ping cri'iuu for your Sunday dinner.
Peerless Bakery. 3S
New Columbia yms hi light col
ors for summer scarfs and sweaters.
Handicraft Shop. 37
Medford readers take an added in
terest in the news accounts of tho
meeting of the general conference of
tho Methodist Kplscopal church now
in session at Des Moines, la., because
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Meeker of this city
are in attendance, the former being
one of tho delegates from the Oregon
Tablets and scratci. paas made of
news print, for school and office use
for sale at this office. tf
Informal dancing party! Medford
Nat. Wed. May 5. Imperial orchestra.
The second in the series of baseball
games between the teams of tho Ash
land and Grants Pass high schools
will be played in tho formed city
Thursday afternoon.
Splendid values tn children's wash
dresses for summer. Handicraft
Shop. 37
Now under new management. The
Apparel ibMiners and dyers, hatters.
Good work, lowest prices, beter ser
vice. Guaranteed. We called and
deliver. Phono L'23-J. 42
Tho Koyal Neighbors will hold
their meeting on Wednesday after
noon, May oth, at the homo of Mrs.
Ida Wood. 19 North Peach street.
Inform. it dance! Wed. May :. Med
ford Nat. Everybody's going! 3s
Mr and Mrs. C. II. Joust of Port
land :ire guests at the Holland. Other
Porrtand men at this hotel are K. G.
Bunnell, O. H. Kiev and K. Stone.
Delco-Light Klevlrlcity for every
farm. J. K Bartlett, Medford Hotel,
Medford. Ore.
"Mor(JJntorest was taken in t he
special election called last Saturday
or voting flj.e ui bonds for a high
school gymnasium than has been
shown in a pchvl election tn years."
says the Grants Pas Courier. "There
were a total of ;it'.3 votes cast. 2i(l
being against the bonds. The stu
dents of the high M'hool had been
campaigning for sewral weeks on the
proposition. They are very much u-
appointed as a
result of the voters
turnttiK down the bonds."
Hand mado laces. Handicraft
Shop. 37
S. M. Ilitllis is in Olendale on busi
ness connected with the California-
Oregon Tower company.
Signor Harry Manning, Med ford's
Canrso, delighted a large audience of
i admirers at tho Liberty lust night in
his latest song recital. Harry was in
tine voice particularly in his middle
register, while his coloratura work
was truly exceptional. He was forced
as usual to respond to numerous en
cores. , K
The Chamber of Commerce Is a
clearing house for community
thought and action. Join. tf
Next attraction at the Page will be
Raymond Hitchcock in "Hitchy-Koo".
May 2 5. There will be no return
date of Guy Bates Post.
Your spring suit uost woolens,
reasonable prices. Klein the Tailor,
East Main, upstairs.
The touring party which recently
arrived in the rity from southern
California consisting of Mr. and
Mrs. D. M. Locey of New York City,
and Gladys Henderson, D. W. Camp
bell and M. K. Potter of Los Angeles
returned to the Medford last evening
from their visit to the Blue Ledge
mine under the guidance of Dr. J. F.
Keddy. Messrs. Campbell and Potter
are registered at the Holland.
Prompt reliabte service, satisfac
tion fully guaranteed. City Cleaning
& Dyeing Co., 401 South Riverside.
Phone 4 74.
i he Klamath Falls-Ashland auto
stage is now running over tho Green
Springs mountain road. Driver C. B
Howard, who takes the stage out
from this end states that this road
is in very good condition with the
exception of a few spots that are prut
ty rough. Asfiland Tidings.
Handicraft Shop. 37
Peter K. Nally left. Sunday for his
raneh at Butte Falls where he expects
to re-main until late fall.
Old phonographs and records
bought, sold and exchanged. Doug
lass, 101 S. Central. Phono (515-J.
William A. Hanna, the Medford
manager of the Associated Oil com
pany returned to his business duties
yesterday after an illness since last
November Including an operation In
a Portland hospital where for weeks
his life was despaired of. His come
back Is regarded as remarkable, and
he is happy to be on the job again.
Wo are now handling Snider's
Dairy pure milk and cream. Peerless
Bakery. 3S
Incidental to the C. F. Gates Auto
company being esconsed in its big
new homo announcement was inude
today that M. C. (Doc) Wright who
has been in tho concern's employ
for the past six years has boun pro
moted to manager and buyer of its
retail department of auto parts and
accessories. Wm. A. Gates who had
performed those duties for years will
hereafter give the most of his time to
managing tho tractor department
(Hidden arsenate of load. Tho best
to bo had. Conner's 'Warehouse.
F. O. Ahlstrom of Butte Falls Is
one of tho business visitors in the city
from that section of tho county.
Suits sponged and pressed, 75c.
Our delivery at your service. City
Cleaning & Dyeing Co., Phone 474.
iMrs. K. L. French, Mrs. Kdward
Harriman and daughter who have
been spending the winter in Medford.
left this morning for Kugene and
Portland where they will visit with
relatives and friends for several
Delco-Light Electricity for every
farm. J. F. Bartlett, Medford Hotel,
Medford, Ore.
The regular meeting of the city
council is scheduled to be held to
night at which a successor to Hr. H.
P. Hargrave. resigned on account of
removing to Berkeley, Calif., may be
Awnings mado to order and put
up. All kinds of repairing. Douglas.
10 1 South Central. Phono 615-J.
Eastern visitors registered at the
Medford include S. G. McClellan of
Chicago and Norman P. Sutton of
New York. Other guests are C. C
Champeny of Seattle. S. Sternberg of
Spokane, J. W. Hopkins of Los An
geles. and L. l. Dohay, M. F. Tail
Jack Kohr. K. A. Bennett, M. I
Broudy, Richard Pfeiffer and B. A.
Schallhorn of San Francisco.
Carl Jeschke, high grade watch
and cloc krepairlng. 9 Fir street. '
A real estate deal was consummat
ed this weel? whereby Ernest Forman
of A p p 1 e ga t e , been m e o w nor of t h c
Dr. T. T. Shaw residence on Fifth
street, now occupied by John Reter.
This is one of tho most attractive
i evidences In Jacksonville and Mr.
Fonnau is to be congratulated on
having aetiuired such a comfortable
home. He experts to take possession
in about a week or ten days. Jack
sonville Post.
When you want any hauling, mov
ing, etc., done call 4 07-Y, Keizur
Brothers Transfer and Storage. 3l
Broken forgings and castings, all
shapes, nil metals, all sizes, welded,
reinforced and guaranteed. Vulcan
Welding Works, 39 South Front St.
A popular mid-week dancing party
will be given at the N'atatoriuin to
morrow night. The Imperial orches
tra will be out in fullforce to provide
the latest dance hits and will intro
duce several new ones. Two saa
pliones are now being used. Dancing
will be free till 1;30 p. m. and admis
sion free to all.
Orres. tailors for men and women.
High grade only. Ashland, Ore.
Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlero for
NuBono. Phone 5S5-J.
Tosta! card photos $1.C." dozen:
"r each ad.litiv-.nal printing Cos
tumes used free, .lap Art Store.
Kay ITione 227
NtKlit l'liones F. W. We-k, 227-J-2
A. E. Orr, S27-J-a.
Hoover Continues to Lead in
Oregonian's Straw Ballot
Carried fwd. for Mth..
Civic League
Clasco Iliiilding
ILowenKart Store
I ROHenblatt Store
j Kriod hinders Store ....
i M. Slehel Store
j Wuodard Clarke
Yeon Bldg
Corridors, Old 1'. O
Wiley II. Allen Co
Hoover per cent 34.
Scattering votes: Harding 9. Hughes 11, Taft 20, Coolidge 2, Persh
ing x.
DALLAS, Texas. May !. Menser
additional returns t'roni Saturdnv'.s
democratic precinct convention held
to select delegates to countv conven
tions. Tuesday, wiio in turn will selee;
delegates to the Texas democratic
convention .Wav further emidia
izeil the ovi'rwhelininsr victory ut
that element of the party favorable
to the national administration. The
unofficial returns with 1 11 preeiiu Is
missimr, u'ive the forces indorsing
President Wilson's administration
of the .14110 votes n the state
convention while the i'imires for the
anti-administration element headed
hy former I'nited States Senator
Joseph W. Hailey remained at forty
nine .-tate convention votes.
Crater Luke Chapter Xo. : It. A. L
Called Convocation Tues
day evening. May 4th, S
p. m. Visitors welcomed
Royal Arch degree to bw
confired. Refreshments
served. Order of tho K. II. P.
37 A. P. NOTH, Secy.
This i to notify all dealers and
the public in general that neither our
farm land or town property have
been or. will bo on tho market for
sale or lease until further published
(Signed) MRS. II AE SCANTI.l.W
In order to allow our employes a
half holiday each week we have de
cided to close our shop at noon each
Saturday beginning .May 8 and con
tinuing all through the summer sea
Notice to KnMeru Star
A special communication of Reames
chapter, Thursday evening. May Oth.
lor tho purpose of the official visit
of the Worthy Grand Matron, Jlrs.
Alberta Mc.Mnrphey. Social evening
in charge or the auxiliary committee.
All members earnestly requested to
attend. 38
or heaviness after meals are
most annoying manifestations
ot acid-dyspepsia.
pleasant to take, neutralize
acidity and help restore
normal digestion.
VOH S.W.K Seed corn. Sudan crass
peed and one-foot cement tilinfr.
Phono 3 7 0-J. 38
WANTKli Orchard man. nlso a man
to take care of cows and do nardon
work. Kden Valley Orchard. 39
KSTUAYK1) One Mack railK.v gold
Iiik. ono Mack ransy mare: both
inancs were clipped. C. C. Hoover.
KOlt SAI.K OU T HA 1)10 McC'ormicI:
hinder, 10-Kiuifi plow, sprlnstooth
harrow, corn cultivator, Iowa
cream separator, walking plow.;
and three twelve-Inch tractor
plows. Phone 4o-H-3. 39'
VK SAI.K l.nrce Trench plate
glass mirror. ladys bicycle, garden
cultivator and seeder. Phone 371-X
TAKKX I P Three horses. Owner
may havo same by identifying anil
raying expenses. Phono 6:'V-J. 37
FOK SAI.K Oood milk cow;
5.4. Phone 4."2-M.
1 offer 60 fine rabbits
for sa'e this week at rea-'
c.sti ill!.. nrl.'C4 Itlisl
hri Heine i 1 ft West Tenth
street. MdfoTi!.
Cars tor hire with or without
N.uh Hotel
2 'T f 3 '"
3 2
- T I I f 3.
; I ! f
.370 I'll 272 131 i.j 113 1173
.2211 C 4 1 3 50
. 08 li-'. 23 29 0 8 163
; i 4 o i 2 17
1 1 It 1 0 1 7
:; i; l 7 o o 17
2 :i 0 0 0 2 7
.IS 1 7 7 2,0 4 4 S
.V.l 4 0 24 IT, 0 14 i:.s
3 7 11 I IS 3 10 il 1
.". 2 (1 0 0 0 13
7,'Ji 408 304 193 20 103 1744
HOSTOX, May 4. Announce
ment that the present hoard of di
rectors of the First Church of Cluist
I Scientist would he regarded as the do
I facto hoard until the full bench of
j tin? supreme court hits decided
I whether the dismissal of John V. Ditt
j more as a director was letial, wa
j made in the supreme court today !.'V
Jtulire l'ieree.
WASHINGTON'. Mav 4.-Profits
made hv brokers in the sale of print
paper, especially to small newspapers
were impiired into today bv the son
the committee iuvestittatin the paper
llecnuse the witnesses were reouir
ed to produce contracts and other in
formation which mii:ht he of value
to their competitors, Chairman Heed
ordered an executive session.
Representatives of a number of
brokerage firms in New York City
and elsewhere were examined today.
R. R. Deficiency Approved.
WASHINGTON. Mav 4. The con
ference report on the deficiency ui
proprintion of .f.iOO.UdO.OOO 'for the
railroad administration was approved
today by the house. The bill now r.ocs
to the president.
JK1U SALKM. Mav 3 ISedouin de
tachments raided Jericho Sunday
driving' off a larsie number of cattle.
Ilritish troops have been sent in pur
suit. K 1 Films Developed Better i
0 I Prints Made Clearer
S Prompt attention to Jtail Orders j
K 1 217 East Main St. Medford
Farm Tractor
The Fordson cuts the cost of in-cpai-inii- land almost to half of
what it costs with horses. But even more important is the fact that
the Fordson saves from thirty to fifty per cent of the farmer's
time. And time saved fvttinir fields in shape to plant in the
proper season; gettins; things done when they should lie done
means money to the farmer. Besides it solves the labor problem.
As ever, the machine way is proving more efficient, faster,
easier, than the old hand way. in the factory, the machine creases
production, saves labor prodm es more at less cost. And that is
what the Fordson does on the farm. The Fordson way is the ma
chine way of farming. Besides itsolves the labor problem.
The Fordson's first cost is thelowest in the market; and the
after or operating cost is lowest. It is a compact, easily handled
tractor, backed by the greatest
tractor service organization in
the United States
. We are Fordson dealers. Not
only do we sell Fordson tractor-?,
but we carry a stock of Fordson
parts and employ Fordson me
chanics to help the farmers get
the best results from the Fordson.
Made by Henry Ford and S-mi
and sold bv
Ho.MK, Mav 4. After an inter
val of fifty wars the Coliseum n'.'ain
litis been the scene ol the moving tmil
picturesque ceremony of the la C: u-
cis. 1'ope Dcucdict XIV. who re-L-i-cd
as pope from 1710 to 17"S. in ;i
tutcd the ceremony bv placinL' a cross
in the center of :1k- arena, whire
mart rs hail iriven their live lor tie'
faith, and crcctinir fourteen stations
of the cross about the historic pile.
Kach vcar the ampithcatcr witnc.-ei!
the solemn rile.
The practice was abandoned i"
1870. The celebrants have mice mutt
isited tile Coliseum, however, ami ,ir
raved in their stranve urnv L'aniu uls.
which include a cowl which cover- tin
head and lace, have revived the ccrr
nionv of old time.
Two Minutes
Sold By All Druqqists.
Broken Lenses Accurately Duplicated
Bnlt 1-3 over May Co.
308 E. Main. Uoitalr.
Aliflo aeent for FaiibanJcB ami Morsi
17 Smith Rlvrslrf
if ssmsszs !
Dancing Academy
Adult and Children's Classes
For information fall 5(iG-J.
o r
New Quarters, Sixth and Riverside.
Get the Genuine
and Avoid
in every taKe
Mr. Good Goods Says:
Hand Made
Special Price QQn
This Week Ov,
2S"cw arrivals every
week of the latest mod
els in colored voiles,
griaraiiteed to "tub."
Vanity Shop
Next Rialto Theafer.. ,