PAGE ETOHT I Simon Henson of Portland, clinir tnan of the state hiirhwuv cuuimissi'U:. K. C. Kiddle of Inland (.'it v. member of the commission and Herbert Nuan. state liik'luvav engineer, with the num bers of the count v ctjurt. siient Mon day in inspectini: the new Crater L:ko hithwnv road between KniMu I'oim nnd tho western boundary id' tiie park, and returned late this afternoon to tho Hotel iledford, where this eveniri1.' an informal dinner will be tendered them bv n number of prominent Cham ber of Comineree members. JEessrs. Henson. Kiddie nnd Xunn inspected tho biu'lnvav work between A. t.1 i i . o:.. JIMIIM1U iiim lue Minium 1 mti I L;...,t. ,....i,.,. f. .-..., m, son nrrived in the city Saturda-y. nn.ll Messrs. Kiddle and Nunn arrived here by auto from Kosehurg on Sunday forenoon, having made the 112 miles in five hours, which plainly show-! that the highway is in fairly good condition. While inspecting the highway Isfour acta We feature Tru Blu "The Cracker for You'' In Metlford C. 8. IIUTTKtlFIEM) V. K. COXSOIt O. A. DICVOE G. A. HAJU.IX HCTCllISOX & I.VMSDEX H. K. S1AILSH J. A. MOFFATT J. E. SOI.1SS WAJtNEH, WOllTMAX COKE I TOLDJT'BAYER" "Bayer" Introduced Aspirin to the physicians over 18 years ago. To gfi quick relief follow enrpfullv the aafo uiul proper directions in wieh unbroken package of "lluyer TahlrU of Aspirin." This packnj; i plninlr etnmped with the safety "Buyer Crtws, The "lt:iyer CriW moans the j;en tiinc, vor)l-f anions Aspirin presort le.l by physician for over cfiMrn years, "Bayer Tu blots of Aspirin" can be taken safclv for CoKls, Headache. Toothrhe, fcariuhe, Neuniljri;,, hngo, Kheiiintism. .Toint I'sini, Neuri ti. nd Riin tenernlly. Handy t in boxes of 12 tablets cont but Ik fw rent.. Prucirists &Uo nell larger MIUye,r"' pa.-k.-ie. A-pirin is ihe trade mark of liayer Manufacture Of Mononceticacidester of SHlicylu-acid. Palace Grocery j Where you get Service. J Fancy Canned Goinls Fresh Fruits Fresh Vegetables Finish Ranch Butter Fresh Creamery Hut tor $ In fact everything to J cat." ' : Moffat & Launspach Phone 109 132 West Main. Give us a trial. the Siskivou.s yesterday Chairman Henson ordered the contractor to '.ret the bad places in shape as soon as possible, and buye this repair 'Work completed bv May 20. in time for the passage of the bit; advertising men's auto caravan from Seattle to Stock ton. One purpose of today s inspection of the Crater Lake highway by th highway commissioners and count court was to determine whether to pave part of the roadway or niaea demize it all the way through. i he state highway commission has much new road work in view for Ibis section in case tho big issue of road improvement bonds carries ut the tlection. TRACK MEET AT TALENT FRIDAY ni c.. . , . , . , , 1,10 f-'th Annual Track nnd Field - ""'1 01 1110 "oiimcni Drecon Atlncti, Association will be held at Talent Fr day. May 7, lilJO. A tennic tourna ment nnd base ball contests for both boys and irirls will be held at Central Point on Saturday, Slav 1". Tho-e contests however, will be entirely separate fro nithe field and track meet, liules covcrninir them will be sent separately. All students regu larly enrolled in districts of the sec ond and third classes in Jackson county which maintain standard hiuh school are eligible. The chief trophy will be the Ohm pic cup, which was won bv Gold 1 1 til in l'.H I. bv Central Point in V.n'i. In Talent in .1 il ti. bv Phoenix in 11117. nnd not contested for in 1(118 on ac count of the war was in 1910. nir'.i'i won bv Talent. The cup is to to into permanent possession of the school wiiiain? it three times. .1 MOW YORK, May 3. Supporters of Senator lllram W. Johnson of Cal ifornia have abandoned their plans tor a recount of votes cast in tho New- Jersey presidential primary last Tues day, It was announced today by A. C. Joy, assistant eastern campaign man ager, after a conference of Johnson lenders lasting most of tho day. JUAREZ JOINS REVOLT. (Continued from Page One) and military conunaudor of which were reported last week to have Join ed the Sonora revolution. 1'n.s TliroilKll I'. S. A. ASIIl.NC.TOX, May 3. Generals Juan .lose Hios nnd -Manuel Uaiuhoa and their staffs of about thirty offi cers, who hnvo arrived at Kl I'aso from tho stale of Sonora, have been given permission by tho American government to pass thru American territory on their way to .Moxlco City I no generals lost their commands when Sonora revolted against Car- ranza anil tho Mexican government asked that they be allowed to go thru tho I'nlted Stales. They must pass tnru unarmed and as civilians. Advance on Mexico City rGl'A l'ltlKTA. Sonora, Mav 3. Revolutionary troops were beinc moved south and east today. Those going south will join others in the mountains dividing Chihuahua and bonora to Invade Chihuahua. Tho others will reliiforco General Angel Klores in his march on the port of Mazatlaa, military headquarters an nounced. Troops from southern Sonora nnd Slnaloa, It was said, also would be sent eastward In a converging move ment on the city of Torreon, and the rich Laguna district of Coahuila. Troops that rebelled against Carran za in Chihuahua already are inarch ing toward Torreon. it was announc ed. According to military leaders here the plans of the revolutionists all center oa a drive as iiuicklv admissi ble on Mexico City. Lots of old papers 10c the bundle nt this office. tf MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Svrun of Kic? only look for tho name California on the package, then ou ar sure your child is having the btt and most harmless physic tor tho little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Kull direction on each bottle. You must say "Cali fornia " Ajv. B OY SCOUTS EAST AND WES t "One kind act a day" creed is spreading over China One kind act a day" soon will China is only seven years old, but! startle the Dragon ot China, for the already it is in a flourishing con-i Boy Scout movement is spreading dition. It has developed around the among the almond-eyed youth o the universities and schools established' Far Eastern republic Boys of a in China by the various American race which, for ages, did not know boards of missions of the Protest how to play or to enjoy the great ant churches. outdoor life, have taken eagerly to With the th o miion the uniform, equipment and activ- schools, wisely distributed through Hies which have had such an influ- the opcration of thc thirty dmomi. ence in developing the youth of nations co-operating under the name America and of other advanced 0f the Imcrchurcii World Move countries. mcnt hascd on its surveys, it can Khaki-clad youth can be seen bc expected that Boy Scout troops hiking along the centuries-old roads wjH spring up in every section of in this mysterious land just as they China. Work for youth in all do in the United States. Every parts of the world is one of the close-up view of them discloses a prime objects of the canvass for smiling, healthier and more alert $336,777,572 the week of April 25 Young China than did that ot the in which the help of ever Prot lads of a generation ago. cstant in the United States will be The Boy Scout movement in asked. Guatemala, Land of WASHINGTON, I). C, May 5. "A condition of upheaval, not necessar ily from political causes, is nothing new to the Republic of Guatemala. This country has wonderfully rich nnd fordid soil and its climate rarely is equaled," sr.:-s a bulletin from ihe National Geographic society. "The City of Guatemala, which is now being gradually rebuilt, was tho scene of one of the most violent earthquakes known in Central Amer ican history. This earthquake ex tended over several months during tho latter part of 1917 and the early months of 19 IS. It began November 17, 1917. On Christmas night In the parks of tho city, beneath a full moon in an untroubled sky, tho populace huddled watching in fear and misery their homes, the trees, and the earth as well, creep, writhe and twist On the night of January 24, tho moon aain beamed from a cloudless sky upon these people as they saw nearly every remaining edifice i their city tumMe in whirlwinds of dust. The tremors seemed to center under the very city itself, and spec tators have said that they feared that the earth would give away and a vol cano form in the very heart of the city. Houses and bell towers crum bled, water mains were broken, the sewaRO oozed up in the streets, and, in tho cemeteries, skeletons were shaken out of their coffins. "One can take u steamer from New Orleans and in three days reach Puerto Harrios, on the dulf of Ama tique, along the sunny eastern shores of the country, where stately palms wave in greeting. "Along this seacoast and farther inland lnrgo banana plantations cover thousands of acres. This one com paratively small country raises for its own and the outside world's con sum pt ion about ten million bunches of bananas a year. The valley of the Motagua river is considered one of the most densely vegetated regions of the world. Hut tho most important crop of tho stato is coffee. I'pon the slopes of its mountains, K00 to oOOO foot above sea level, these fields of trees in full bloom, with their wealth ot tragrant white blossoms, are indeed a beautiful siput. And equally beau tiful are they when the berries have become a bright red. As soon as the coffee oeans are picked, they are pulped to prevent fermentation in the pulp, which would stain them, after which they go into great fermenting tankr-, where they remain from to 4 S hours, in order to take off t ho sweet, gummy t-ubtanee on the hull. Then the? are washed and spread to dry in tho sun. After the last fine ilvory skin is taken off, the coffee is ready for the market. In 1 1 1 T itiiatcmala produced about l' million pounds ot coffee. "A fascinating land Guatemala is too. with its dense tropical forests coenng more than a million acres, whose giant trees are linked together trailing vinos above a gorgeous carpet of orchids, waxen begonias.' he peculiar blossoms of the plantain. and scarlet peir.sottias. for centuries tho country was the home of the Maya-Q iiche Indians whivo history reads b.ko a romance i At QuIrUua are located some of the i most remarkable rums to be found i in the Americas. Many queer old j ! monolith?., rosi niblin;, to ome e- I tent. Kgp:tan obchks. fsvm the top! of which gituatic faces stare at the. .intruder, still s:and in an excellent state of preservation. ;is well as many rocks carved in the shapes of animals by h: a:u' lent people. Kea vat ions in the vicinity jut", e re waled tho ground plan of wat have beer, a remui k.C'le and impo-iing temple. "Ju tfce ai'.uitit-v.n? of Ku;hwwtem Upheavals, Progress Guatemala live pure-blooded Indians who have won admiration of travel ers for their physique, cleanliness and scrupulous honesty. One visitor tells of trying to buy a ring from an Indian girl who refused to sell be cause tho jewel was not pure gold, it nd she did not wish to sell a stran ger an imitation! "These Indians wear beautiful shawls, with no fringes, dyed in brilliant colors. When brought to this country specimens have with stood repeated washing, and the col ors hnvo retained their marvelous luster." Summary of Work of Local Entomological Station In 1917, upon the solicitation of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station at Corvallis, tho Bureau of Entomology of the V. S. department of agriculture agreed to place an entomologist in the Rogue River val ley to study the codling moth, which was at that time causing so much injury to the fruit industry of this district. M. A. Yolhers, who was for two years ou the staff of the Mich- igan Agricultural college, and for j necessarily of a preliminary nature, seven years on the staff of the Wash- are not yet available for submission ington" State college, was appointed as conclusive evidence, to the position, having had several! It is proposed to continue these years practical experience on this i experiments and studies over a per nroblem in ihe state of Washington, liod of years, testing out new poisons, Tho local laboratory was established during the winter or jiut-is, nu since that time Mr. Yothers and his assistants have conducted studies and experiments on tho control and life history of tho codling moth. Tho life history of the codling moth is being studied in tho minutest detail, not for the purpose of satisfy ing personal w hims nor for the acqui sition of pure scientific knowledge, but to the end that control measures may be scientifically and properly ap plied. The experiments on the control of The Constant id Demand T or OST IOASTIES insures fresh stock from your g'rocer and a triple, wrapping? holds these most delicious of corn flakes' crisp and appetizing, im mediately ready for yoiar tabie. These superior com flakes have flavor and substance which mark them distinct among com foods. Insist upon . PostToasties by name. Tijde by Postum Cereal Co.Inc.Baitle Creek,Midv AND 001 OF II WASHINGTON. Mav 3. Dedar iiiL' that (sympathizers with radicals bent on the overthrow of the srovern ment are to be found "in hiali places," Senator Myers, democrat. Montana, speaking recently in the senate, criti cised the covernnient in ceneral and the department of labor in particular for failure to take adeouate steps to prevent the spread of radicalism. 'The activities of those who would undermine and overturn our covern nient are undoubtedly increasinz." he said. "In mv opinion, this country is rookinsr nnd seethin? with the ms chaniations of disloyal sedition and bolshevism." Heferrinc to thc recent miners strike nt Butte. Mont.. Senator Myers said that aside from thc eovernment keepiner temporary order bv tho use of troops, he did not know what would be done toward coinir to "the bottom of this nest of anarchy and rootins: out the moving force." "There is one thinir." he said, "that the government appears to be ex tremely reluctant to do nnd that is to measure strength to a final test with iinv organized body of p- -s af filiated with organized labor or act ing themselves n branch of organized labor. ' "The government mav promise to do so. may threaten to do so. ni'iy start to do so. but when the time for the actual test comes it seems there is almost certain to be bv the govern ment ' some wav found of avoiding the test." The senator declared congress was too subservient to the decrees of or ganized labor," adding that since Samuel Gompers had said the Ster ling nnti-sedition hill must not be enacted nor anything kile it, he did not believe it would be. Senator Myers declared that con gress cnuld remedy the conditions of w hich he complained. "We whipped the redskins to ob tain possession of this country.'' he said, "wo whipped the red coats to achieve its independence, and we nuv-t not let thc red-hearted nnd red-handed overthrow it. 'Down with the reds' has been our practice. It should now be our motto." the moth come under the following spray), time of application, number of applications necessary; strength of poisons, kind or kinds of poisons, the use of spreaders for the uniform distribution of the poison, and mis cellaneous tests with various traps and bands for collecting the codling moth larvae. On all of these points considerable information has been gaiifod. but the results so far, being j new apparatus, and new methods of control until the very best methods of controlling the codling moth has been devised. In addition to the codling moth work, experiments are being conduct ed on the control of the woolly aphis of the apple, by finding a woolly aphis resistant root stock upon which to graft our commercial apple vari eties. This work will necessitate planting of nursery stock and exam ination of the samo at intervals over a period of years. This season the codling moth con MP 3 9 trol work will include experiments of various kinds on both apple and rear orchards. An interesting and important phase of control work, which will be taken up this summer, will be an nounced later. ANARCHIST IS SUICIDE. (Continued from Page One) pressed fear of being murdered UN the 'anarchist plotters if it became known thev had confessed. . At their own suggestion ouarteri were arranged fur them in the Park lfow building. Salsedo's wife was al lowed to visit him frequently. She is said to have spent much of yesterday with him. . News of Salsedos death will g:ve the first information to some o his former confederates, Chief Flvnn -ai.l that some of the conspirators had been for a Inn? time in custody. NOW 0k PLAYING ,W ,-jSF$ "er fGee, these chocolate creams are fine!" said Ann, as she chewed a handful of peas. No she wasn't hult witted or simple-minded, but she had a wonderful Imagination. A little orphan, sick for want of love, facing all the trials and tribulations of tho selfish world It's the kind of a play that arouses your sympathy, makes your blood boil with anger, and makes you roar with laughter. "TERROR ISLAND The !-lorv is a marvel ot melodramatic excitement. Every scene is a surprise, every situation u knockout. Knough action to make a twenty-part serial packed into six reels of smashing entertainment. 250 includes STARTS TOMORROW WALLIE RIED in - DOUBLE SPEED and Sennett's GEE WHIZ V JL r- i'u ifyouwanf , the genuine -in bottles for the home at soda fountains and on draught MARY MILES MINTER -IN "ANN of GREEN GABLES" rialto WEDNESDAY "DOUG" FAIRBANKS EXTRA!' Limited Engagement TONIGHT ONLY MEDFORD'S CARUSO (HARRY MANNING) HOUDINI -In- LIBERTY 25 includes Tax THE TWO BEST SELLERS TANLAC and ANTI-URIC We get wonderful reports from Anti Uric as a rheumatic remedy. We sell either medicine "6 bottles for the price of 5." Heath's Drug Store The San Tox Store