BTETFFOTTD WKXL TRIBUTE, WTCOTOIID, OTCFiOX. SATURDAY. MAY 1, 1020. Page-Dressier Co. Phone 282 Nash Block Medford MEDFORD 1. Modern four room cottage: Host of plumbing. Well furnished. This furniture worth over gS5(M). The lot is 50x150 ft. A real snap. $1750. 2. Cottage, 3 rooms, bath. Lot 5(lv 100. Good garden. Shade trees. Will soon bo biLsincss frontage. Tin price, $1250. 3. Five rooms, strictly modern, bungalow. Many builtin features. Cabinet kitchen, woodhouse, garage, all paving paid, $2500. 1. Largo 8 room house. Large grounds, Good shade, llaru. This fine country linuie is located in Jacksonville. The price makes it most attractive, $1000. 5. A flao country home located in Central Point. It's u 0 room bunga low. Store, house, barn and two acivs land. Consider this. Sco it. The prico $11200. 0. Large 0 room house, close in on most travelled street in city. Lawn. Sluulc. Cement walks. It's worth more than $1000. For quick action, $2500. 7. Beautiful home place, fl rooms modern house, spacious grounds. KiLst front. Von must look this over. It will surely please and all ussessnients paid. Only $:M50. 8. It's a well built 5 room bunga low on paved street. I.nvit. Fast front. Tho price only $2100 plus paving, $225. I). Largo 8 room two story bunga low. . All first floor finished with beamed ceilings and elm veneer, (inrage, woodhouse. In fact every thing that Is required for an up to date home. $4500. 10. Largo colonial modern home. Spacious grounds, 1:1017,1 ft. Well shaded. Fino lann. Nice drive. All assessments paid. The price $8000. 1 1 . Largo 0 room bungalow. Two porches. A splendid close hi home. Fast front. Ixt 100 ft.xlOO ft. Nice shade. All paving paid. The price $550O. 12. Iteuutifiil 0 room two story bungalow. Oak floors. Fireplace. Garage. $550O. 13. This is a snap buy. Non-resident" owner. A 7 room modern home, Iot 100 ft.vlOO ft. Fast front. AJ1 clear. Would cost to build $S500. Now only $2500. ' 14. A fine largo 8 room hou-'io in best condition. Close in, good dis trict, Fast front. A Ice. lawn, it's u high class home. . Tho price,' $f!5(M) If you nro renting, if you ever intend to own your own home, take it from us that it will cost you money to de lay. Medford homes will advance at least 25 per cent in the next sixty days. If you arc not interested in any of theso properties, como in and wo will bo pleased to submit others. Our listing is very largo and wc have many very attractive bargains. ACREAGE 15, 40 acres learing orchard, l)est of soil. CiUl lie irrigated. Fair im provements. Present crops show vnluo $IOOO to $7000. Wo can de liver this for $12,000. 10. ISO aero pear and alfalfa ranch. Mostly Hear Creek bottom. Seven teen acres bearing pears. Some al falfa. Under water. A money mak er. Tho price $lo,00O, with terms, it. Thh-teen acres hearing pears and Wewtowns, fine crop this year. It is a good investment. Prico $5500. In. 22 acres foothill land near Centrnl Point, A chcjip property, a good buy, $1500, 10. Five acres host of soil, good 4 room house, can all be irrigated. Well located. Price only $250O. Terms. 20. Ti-n acres garden landfc good small house. Can irrigate. Price $2500. Terms. 21. 82 acres. Best lnnd. 10 acres new ulfnlfa. Some bearing pears, all in crop. Partly Irrigated. Close in Snap, $7250. 22. A real bargain. On paved highway. Two hundred ncres. ltMJ acres in crop. All under water. You should sec this one. Price $25,000. Terms. , 23. Two hundred forty acres. 70 acres in nlfnlfu. 80 more acres in crop. ' Water right fully paid. Will cut over 300 tons luty this season. On pnvcri highway. This is a money makcr. Price $2 1,000. 24. 80 acres. 40 in producing orch ard. Has water, right. Crop this season will he over $0000. Non resident owner offers it for $20,000. 25. 80 acres, 70 acres in orchard. It's another non-resident owner. Wc can sell you this for $250 per acre. Wo have a very large list of coun try properties. We are pleased to show these. Call any time and ar range for showing. Page-Dressier Co. The Host Fire Insurance, and any kind of Ileal Estate. Livestock I'OIiTLAM). tire.. Mav 1. Cut tle weak: receipts ,". Grain and pulp-fed steers, if l..")0(,i lit. in ,-hoii e ll.."(i((i V'.M: good to choice. 10.."o (nll.iiO; medium to aood. .!l.5v'; 10.3(1; lair to goml, .tS.7.")(ii S.'mI; common to fair. !?7..'Hl(rt'B.T5: choice ows mid heifers, $ 1.,")0 ; aood o choice .U).'J."(r7H ; medium to iroou f 8. "."( lO.'J,"); fair to medium, 7."in C'"; ca niiers, $.).")()( 7.,")0: bulls. r(if!): prime liiilit calves, il'idil": mctlimii, .-fllluTl."); heavy, $7CalO: itoekers and feeders, 7.."i()(ffS.f0. Hogs weak: receipts 100. Prime mixed, $ KidiKl.iO; medium. $-j.')Cd it: rough heavy. $ . i:-'s.i ?!'(! H..iO. Sheen weaker; mi receipts. Snr-iiir lambs $l.")(,i (i; easteni lambs I lift? 17: light valley, $1 I.7."i(ii l(i: heavy. tK1.-."((i 14.75; common lo medium. $10.50(11 1X:0; yearlings l-l(ol5; wethers, $13.,")0f(i'M.2ri: ewes, 8(i lL'. Butter PORTLAND, Ore., Jlav 1. Butter weaker. Cubes, extra Mffiri-lc; parch ment wrapped, ho xlots, 58c; cartons ile: half boxes, half cent more: less than half boxes la more. Hutterfat. No. 1 churning cream ,ri(i(If57i- f. -j. b. station; ,18c Portland. Fggs Having price eggs. .Iflc. Mill run. fl7(?18 ton. .Only changes today. " Angeles wherein the sheriff ro (Furnished by the Jackson County Abstract Co.) Circuit Court Albert Clements, vs. Ross Small Notice William A. Pierce vs. Fannie M Pierce. Demurrer. Lottio L. Pelton vs. Estacada State Bank et al. Summons. Pi-obnte Court Est. Ann Beall. Inventory. Est. Clms. Erlwein. Petition and order. i Est. Edytho W. Cranflll. Power .of attorney, inventory and appraisement uciiuerson riasn. rinai ac count, order and vouchers. Real Estate Transfers Genevieve G. Seymour et vlr to Jackson Co. Bldg. & Lonn Ass'n, land in sec. 25, tp. 37, R. 2W 5 D. B. Walch et nx to Willlum B. Walch, land in sec. 20, tp. 36, R. IE 10 Oscar R. Stewart et ux to E. C. Ferguson, land In sec. 25, tp. 3 7, R. 2W .?. E. C. Ferguson et ux to Gene vieve G. Seymour, land In sec. 25, tp. 37, R. 2W Ima Taylor to Frank A. GHd den et ux, lots 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Mace Subdivision W. G. Mayfleld et ux to John Mace, land in D. L. C. 53, tp. 137, If. 2V Mansel Brooks to F. A. Glid don et ux, lots 11, 12, 13, 14 aiace Subdivision Jackson County to Camilla Gibson et vir, SE of NE sec. 2, tp. 39, R. 2E O. C. Boggs et ux t olst Meth odist Episcopal Church of Medford, Ore., lanu in Cal loway's Add. to Medford.... H. F. Pohland et ux to Axel fo'illjam Hall et ux, land in Ashland R. F. Lewman et als to Mar garet Loesch, land in sec. 7, tp. SS. R. 4W. F. A. Steffcn to Enola G. Ham ilton, lot 1, blk. 1 Whitney Add. to Medford Elma R. Amnnn et al to . C. Boggs, trustee, land In Gal loway's Add. to Medford.... Jackson County lo If. C. Gar nett. lot G. blk 4 Nickell Add. to Medford Jackson County to Alfio O. Freel, SV4 of SW soc. 30, tp. 35, R. 4'W 10 10 10 400 1000 FARM LOANS PAY OFF YOUR OLD MORTGAGE on your farm or orchard by replac ing your loan with us en the ex tended payment plan at 67o inter est. McCurdy Insurance Agency. tt FOR RENT .WA RTMJ3XTS FOR RENT Furnished apartment 113 East Eleventh. Phono S97. 36' WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Work by an experienced orcharuist; just sold my own place Box A, Mail Tribune office. 30 WANTED By carpenter, any kind of work. J3ox A, Mall Tribune office. 36 WANTED Day work; all kinds of work. Tribune office. understand Box A, Mail 36 WANTED Work on ranch by white couple without children, where wife can cook for about six people: wife first class clean economical cook; husband experienced ranch er and tractor driver. George Thomson, 113 East Eleventh street (Phone 897. 35 WANTED Sheep shearing by good shearer. Please call Sam Meadows, Griffin Creek. 37 WANTED Carpenter work, contract or by the day; estimates furnished free. Call Carpenter. Phone 931. 35 HELP WASTED MALIC SALESMAN- -Are you desirous of in creasing your income? We need a man to sell a dividend paying Oil Stock that will stand the closest Investigation. Write for particu lars. Wni. J. Dunn, Inc., 23-31 W est 43d St., New York. 34 WANTED Wo have a a boy who wants to position for learn the photographic trade. Sivem's Studio WANTED Man on ranch with fam ily preferred. Inqulro 12G North Holly. 35 MEN WANTED Cement plant at Gold Hill re quires men in plant and quarry. Wages 50c per hour. Apply to Heaver Portland Cement Co., Cold Hill, Oregon, or lied Cross Em ployment Bureau, .Medford. 37 xvan'TEI Man for the summer to work on ranch. E. M. Corlies. Phono 4 6S-R-1. 35 WANTED Bus boy, Hotel Medford. Call, do not phone. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED A cook; small family; good wages. Mrs. Ben Sheldon. " WANTED Woman or girl for gen eral house work, two in family. Call 131 Almond. 35 WANTED Girl or woman for gen eral house work for small family. Permanent position. Phone S2 7-H. 3S WAiNTED Woman for general housework. Family of two. Call 6 3 7-11. 3 7 WANTED Girl tor general house work. 815 East Main. Phone 431-R. WANTED Hoof pamting, coloring, auto painting, house painting. Mod ford Painting Co., 36 South Grape. 36 WANTED MISC1SLLA fTEOUS WANTED Four horse power gaso line engine and 2',i-inch centrifu gal pump. J. F. Leaper, Rogue River, R. R. 1. 31 FOR SALE- Waterproof auto box body suitable for tourists or retail stores. Geo. Thomson, 113 East Eleventh street. 3: WANTED By single gentleman, room in private family, with hoard if possible. Phono 557, 8 to 5. 35 WANTED Roomers, men only, nlco- lv furnished rooms. 243 North Holly. 3S WA'NTED- -3 or 3 54 wagon. Phono 912-J. WANTED 2000 to 5000 feet of sec ond hand barn lumbor. Box 50, R. 1, Talent. 35 WANTED Good clean rags. Mod- ford Printing Co. WANTED To hear from owner at good ranch for sale. State cash pr)ce, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 83 WANTED 900 lawn mowers to sharpen on onr new grinder. Lib erty Repair Shop. Phone 26 1-J. WANTED Will pay top market prices for wool and mohair. See us before you sell. Medford Junk Co. Phone 2S3-J. WANTED Carpet -weaving and cleaning. 201 South Riverside. Phone 356-J. Fluff Rug Factory.. WAINTED Automobiles for repair by expert auto mechanic. Clark & Childers, opp. Nat. I'hone 26. 336 WANTED To buy good clean cotton rags. Medford Printing Co. WANTED-jpHonse moving and re tmlrlnir Pbone 488-M or 48S-X. tf SPLENDID VALUES IN MEDFORD HOMES Well built, splendidly arranged, modern 5 room bungalow, largo lot, lawn, garden and berries, $2800. 5 room modern bnngalow, hard wood floors, fine electric flxturos, modern built in features, two lots, $3000. 6 room modern bungalow, hot water heating plant, largo lot, $4200. 6 room modorn bungalow, every thing up to tho minute, $3200. Two 5 room modorn homes, each $2500. 10 room strictly modern homo, hardwood floors, garago and drivo way, 100 feet frontage, $5500. , 1 1 rooms, all modern conveniences $3000. Good 4 room house, large lot, $900 Good 7 room modorn house, 2 lots, $1000. Good 7 room, modern, fine loca tion, $1900. BROWN & WHITE HEAL ESTATE, INSURANCE LOANS HOLLAND HOTEL BUILDING WHY $200 CASH -BALANCE TERMS Buys 5-rooni modern house 323 N. Iviverside. $1830. , ... , : East front, newly papered, range goes with house. All assessments paid. Sec owner. J. C. BARNES Phone 784-L WA NTI-:i) AGENTS AGENTS DKMONSTIiATOItS STIiEET MEN Wonderful oppor tunity Self Shaving Cream For mula now ready can be scented. No more razors, soaps or brushes need. Simply rub on face, wash off and you have a clean shave. World-wide sales. Every man a user. Can be made at home. You can make big money by starting at once. $1 postpaid; no free partic ulars ad tells all. Par-Moy-Co., 406 Handolph Bids., Chicago, 111. FOIl SALE MISCELLANEOUS -"OR SALE Good gas stove, furni ture, dishes, beds. etc. 413 West Second street. Plume 5 4 7-1. . FOR SALE Two tons first crop al falfa hay. l.ofland Ranch. 35 FOR SALE Deer keg. show case, beer glasses and milk shako or lomonado glasses. Inquire roar 246 bouth Ivy. :! FOR SALE Sunrise seed potatoes, (Tel. 403-X-2. S6 FOR SALE Hay. I'liono 500-R- FOR SALE Almost new 125 North Holly. gas stove. 36 FOR SALE Cheap for cash, lumber, harness, stoves, chickons, bicycles. Route 1, Box S, Gold Hill, Oregon. ss FOR SALE 450 lbs. of sulphate of potash; Sudan grass seed; also a few turkey eggs for setting. Cen tral Point Feed Store. Jesse Rich nrdson. . 35 FOR SALE Ono six horse power Now Way gas engine in good me chanical order. John A. Andorson. phone 193, Central Point. 37 FOR SALE First class 719 Welch street. furniture 35 FOR SALE Ono 6 h. p. steam up right boiler In good condition. Stnck, new grates and with base. Phone 235-It. John C. Slgnor. .35 FOR SALE Almost new 5 V ft nwning. Complete, garden seed drill with fertilizer attachment. Three wareliouso trucks. Howe platform scales. Three-quartor h. p. single-phase electric motor, Ralph Waldo Elden, Kuss Mill. FOR SALE Fine collections of agates. Mrs. C. Carey, Talent, R. 1. Phono 16-F-ll. 35 FOR SALE A-ono Yellow Dent soed corn. Phono 591-J-2. FOR SALE Sand and gravel, sodl- mont and team work of all kinds rhone 425. 39 FOR SALE Sana, gravel, sodimont and dirt. Plowing and teaming work done. Phono 912-J, Samuel Bateman, 302 Maple street. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Phono 199-M K3IU :.,- :'- ' 36 FOR- RENT Modern down stairs . front TOOin. . Phono 641-H. 36 FOR RENT Roomi! 236 Central. Phono 028-J.' South 46 FOR SALE POULTRY AJfD EGGS SALE -Rot?" FOR SALE Rod oggs, reduced prices; and May 22 and Juno Log horn chicks. Mrs. F. H. Dressier, phone 777-L. 37 FOR SALE Young White Leghorn hens. 203 North Grape. 34 FOR SALE Eggs from my bred to Jay Leghorns at reducod price for balance of tho season. W. J. War ner. 1 FOK BENT HOUSES FOR RENT Six room furnished bungalow. Phono 224-L. 37 FOR RENT Kino room modern plastered house. One block off pavement. Inquire 503 North Grape. V. C. Bigham. ' 39 , THREE GOOD -. BARGAINS 15 ncros V4 mile-from town, woll Improved. Good alfalfa and grain land.. 3 acres in grapes, family orch ard, two wells and-pumping plant. Good house and barn. If Bold at once $2850,' .. . ' 6 rorom bungalow. Four lots, fino garden land. Houso on corner lot. Electric lights, bath, toilet, screen jiorches, woodshed, chicken house, shade. House modern and well built. $1250. Terms. 7 room story and half bungalow. Bath, toilet, screen porch, electric lights. Built in bookcaso, china cjoset and cupboards. Barn, garago, woodshed, and chicken house. Nice lawn, roses and Bhade trees. All city improvement assessments paid. 14 block from pavement. $1600, half cash. ' ' See us. We have several other good city homes and ranches. FOX & TEX REALTY CO Central Point. Oreaon. - Price SO ti. Teach St. FOB KENT MISCELLANEOUS FOIl KENT ;',' rooms in brick bids, over milliard's storo and Oregon Gas Co. office. West Main. John F. White. Phone 4 4H-.M. 4 0 FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE See this: 120 acre stock and grain ranch, 7 miles out; good road; fenced and cross fenc ed; two barns, granary, tool shed: free range. Half low, level black land ill wheat, balance good red soil. Two creeks. A Snap, $50. Oo an acre. Simerville, Rogue River. 31 FOR SALE Nice modern ti room bungalow in east .Medford; two largo lots. A bargain at $2600. Also new five-room modern bun galow and 1 acres laud .lust out sido city, for $2600. Clarence Pierce, phono 370-J. 35 FOR SALE Two story modern bun galow, six rooms, bath room, toilet on each floor, two large dressing rooms, sleeping porch, closets, etc. Dutch kitchen and plenty of built ins, electric light and heat. Cement block well-house with electric pumping plant. Garago with ce ment floor. Woodshed and ware room combined. Chicken liouso and yard. block In grounds. LM1 cement walks. Has many beau tiful shado trees; Hawthorne, Cork Elm, Wooping Birch and numerous other imported trees. Roses and fino lawn. City improvement as sessments all paid. Everything in best of condition. An extraordin ary bargain. Tonus. For details apply at onco to Fox & Tex, Cen tral Point, Ore. 35 FOR SALE Story and half bunga low, eight rooms, basement, hard wood floors in living room; hot air heating plant; assessments ful lv paid. Seo Bennett Investment Co. FOR SALE Modern five room cot tage with sleoping porch and west screen porch. 85 feet east front. Five pear trees, 10 plum trees, strawberries and ruspboiTlos, gar don planted, chicken honso, wood shed. 318 South Newtown. 39 FOR SALE Must be sold bargain. 80 acres land near Applegatu. De scription on request. Address E. M. B Mail Tribune. 3S FOR SALE tHungnlow six rooms and hath, three lots, with fruit enough to pay interest nnd taxes on Investment. Phono 819-L. E. 11. French. 37 FOR ' SALE Furnished bungalow threo rooms and bath. Garage. Phone 819-L. E. II. French. 37 FOR SALE Fine fruit ranch, beau tifiil location; good housos. Phono 819-L. E. 11. French. 37 FOR SALE 24 0 aero stock ranch nine miles out. Let mo show you. Alex Andorson, 4 06 Botttty or phono 824-X, Medford. 35 FOR SALE By owner, five room modern houso on Wost Elovonth street; in good condition. Phono 5S3-M. 41 FOR SALIJ Six room modorn houso desirable location, two blocks from post office Inqulro 121 North Grape. 62 TANTED I'arties looking for cheap land, near a town that has the record of raising tho finest borries In the wost; also tho best veget ables, fruit, nuts, hay and grain, safe from frosts, snow or floods. Land from $20.00 up to $300 per acre, unimproved. Improved land from $150 to $500 per acre, right on canal. For further Information write M. L. Southard & Sons. Real Estate and Loans, Lebanon, Oregon 38 FOR SALE Bungalow with five roomB. inclosed sleeping porch liath, tollot, flroplaco, hardwood floors in living room nnd dining room: east facing; ground lOOx 140. Price $2500.00; ono-half cash will handle. Also have a nice little throe room bungalow, with hath, toilet, oloctrlc light; barn, chicken houso; ground 100x140. Prico $1800; can bo handlod for $500. Seo Ben nett Investment Co., 102 West -Main street. - SOME BARGAIN ttl!0 Aero Grain Ranch All fenced, 200 acres In cultivation small houso, spring wator; Price $8,500, $2,500 cash. See or write ub at onco for stock or grain ranches. MIDVALK REAL ESTATE CO. Mldvalo, Ida. 41 LISTEN. Fully three-fourths of (ho annual lncoino of this valley conies from the Apple and Pear Orchards In tho future tho cost of develop ment will he doubled. Ergo, now is tho time to buy Bearing Orchards and realize an Immediate Income Wo offer today 120 acres, 7 miles from Pacific Highway, with good improvements, 14 Acres in Bearing Pears 20 acres alfalfa, .'10 acres in grain, balance in pasture, for ' i ' - $12,000 on Good Terms Rogue River Land Co. Since 1902 Qffjce Hotel Nash Corner. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Small 2S-R-2. calves. Phone 4 0 FOR SALE Small bunch of sheep. 12 lambs in. bunch. Call Jackson ville, 363. 3D FOR SALE Team horses ness. Phono R-13-X. and har 10 FOR SALE-591-J-2. -Eigii: icq pigs. Phone FOR SALIC Twenty of lio very best milch cows. Theso cows can't be beat: como ami see for yourself. Walsh's place on Ross Lane, two miles northwest of Medford. 55 FOR SALE A tew fresh milk cows, officially tested. Half mile south of Medford on Adklus place. Sehulz Bros. 35 FOR SALE .Milk cow nnd good calf. Ono and one-half fnlles northeast Medford on Boydeu Place. R. Muskopf. 35 FOR SALE 200 Angora goats about 160 nannies and 40 wethers, 60 kids now nnd more to come, all for $1000 for quick sale. F. W. Moore, phono 261-J, Ashland, Oregon. 40 FOR BALE Pure bred Duroc-Jcrsoy sows with spring litters; also bred bows; also a fow half grown pigs. Inquire of foreman at Modoo Orch ard or D. R. Wood, Modford. FOR SALE Two gootf spring wag ons, suitable for ono or two horses. Also fino saddle. Walsh's place, on Ross Lane, two miles northwest of Modford. 231 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Cleveland tractor in ex cellent shape. Bear Creek Orchard. liw-; 36 FOR SALE Two ton auto truck, extra fino in every particular. Bar gain at $1S00. G. O. Jarvis, 423 lielman street, Ashland. 38 FOR SALE Light six touring car; cxcollont merclianicnl condition. Good tiros. Phono 272-R after 5 p. m. 36 FOR SALE 1918 Velio, good shapo, good tires and paint. Hanson & Keyt, Valley Garago, 30 North Holly. FOR SALE 1919 Mltcholl, run 3400 (nlloa; just liko new; for quick snlo will sell, cheap. Hanson & Keyt, Valley Gurago, 30 North Holly. FOR SALE 1917 Ford roadBtor in first class shapo. Just boon com plotoly overhauled. Patton and Robinson, Inc., 112 South Rivor- slde. FOR SALE Fordson tractor plow, 2-bottom, 12-Inch Ollvor. Slightly used. Cheap. Patton nnd Robin son, Inc., 112 South Riverside. FOR SALE Buick chassis, firBt-class shape; good tires. Would muko good bug or light delivery truck, Hanson & Keyt, Vulluy Garago, 30 Es'orth Holly. FOR SALE Used Maxwell five-pas-songor car. Good condition. Prico $400. Pago Dressier Co., Nash Block. FOR SALE See our prices on over hauled Ford earn, licenses paid; liberal terms. McCurdy-Bcwno Motor Co. i FOR SALE At a , sacrifice, roomy five passenger car, now top, cord tires, runs and looks like new; self etnrtor of course. McCurdy-Bowne Motor Co., temporary location Cra ter Lake Garago, 18 South Fir street. , LOST LOST Tortoise sen colored spec tacles with lenses cracked. If found ploaso return to Tribune office, tf FOUND F01P.ND A small sum Owner call 270. of money. 36' BUSINESS Ol'lrORTUMTIES FOR SALE Restaurant. Small amount of cash will handle. Aim. Mail Tribune. Box 70. 35 FOR EXCHANGE I'O TRADE Riding gang plow, for mowing machine or lumber. Photic 370-J. FOR TRADE Saw logs for Ford car, Address P. O. Box 81, Jacksonville, Oregon. 35 6 FARM LOANS 0. C. Boggs Atty. for State Land Board NOW $1200 buys modorn flvo room cot tage, liko now, two lots, on pavemont $1000 buys eight room modorn cottage, 2 lots, on pavement, closo in $16u0 buys modern fire room plastered houso with furniture, two lots. $3500 buys 120 acros, well Im proved with irrigation for part, crops go If bought at once. Improvements worth more than the prize, 6 miles from Pacific highway. $12,500 buys 80 acros bottom land Improved, Irrigated and sub-irrigated on Evans crock; team, farming tools and crops go If bought now. 8ee us for particulars, HURD LAND & INVEST MENT CO. Gjirjtqtt-Coicy IJIdjr, FOIl SALE- BCSINESS DIRECTORY. Abstractors MURRAY 11R03. & VAN VORIS Abstracts of Title. Cuthbert Bldg., Rooms 3 and 5, North Central Ave, Auto Supplies. LA11ER AUTO SPRING CO. We are operating tho .Iargest, oldest and best-equipped plant In the Pa cific northwest. Use our springs when others fail. Sold under writ ten guarantee. 3 4 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. W. E. PHIPPi Attorney at Law, 425-426 M. F. & it. Bldg. Office phono 372; rcsldonco phone 325-M. ELIJAH H. HURT) Lawyer. 213-14 Garnett-Corey Bldg. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. E. REAMES Lawyor, Oarnett- Corey Building. Building Materials. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK A! BLOCK WORKS specialize in all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tonth streets. 269' Expert Accountant. Wilson auditing co. e. m. Wilson, C. P. A. Attention given to anything In Accounting and In come Tax requirements. Loon Into our simplified accounting method. M. F. & II. Building, Modford. Phone 167-R. Instruction in Music FRED ALTON HAIGIIT Teacher ol piano and harmony. Haight Musi studio, 318 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Phono 72. Minornl Baths MINERAL BATHS Dr. Hawloy, Ch ropractic Physician; First National Bank building. Entrance, room 6, Ashland, Oregon. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. BURKLUND, ChlropraetH physician, St. Mark's building, acute and chronic cases. Offlc hours 10 a. m. to 12 m. 2 to 5 p. m. Telephones Office 464, rei 750-J. BR. J. J. EMMENS Physician ana surgeon. Practice limited to eye) oar, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glnsses sup pliod. Oculist and Aurlst far B. 1 R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & H. On Bldg. Phone 567. DR. F. G. CARLOW DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW OSTEOPATHIS PHYSICIANS 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg. ' Phone 904-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel Street DR. McMORRlS M. DOW, PhyBiclsn and Surgeon Practice limited to surgery and hospital obsterlcs. Special attention given to diseases of women. Offices 306-7 M. F. & H. Bldg. Residence, the Dorw Hos pital. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office lo Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf lodgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North FirSt. Transfer. KADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO". Office 42 North Front St. Phone 815. Prices right. Service guar anteed. Undertakers JOHN A. 1'EIUi" " 1-1 Undertaker Phone M 47 and 47-J-2. 18 Booth Bartlott. Lady assistant. Auto mobile Hearse Service. Auto Am bulance Service. Coroner. Lodge. I, O. O. F. Moilford lodge No.' 81, Macts every Monuiiy night at 7:30. O. T. Parker, N. U., W. L. Miller, secre tary. Hague Rlvor Encampment No. 80 Moets 2d and 4tli Fridays at 7:80 p. in. b'amuol Uatemt&n. C. P., L. O. How ard, scrlbo. Olive Hbekah lodge No. 18 Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 8 p. m. Nan nie Hull, N. G Annie J. Batemao, . secretary. - Visitors cordially Invited to ' all mcetlnirB. MOVEY TO LOAN TO LOAN J. B. Andrews loans money on real estate and buys mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone 63-M. 81 North Grapa street. " MISCELLANEOUS JUST ARRIVED a large shipment of wool sacks; fleece twine for sale cheap. We are also In the market for both wool and mohair. John- son's, 45 South Front. Phone 302. FOR SERVICE Jersey bull. DrMslnr. F. H. FOR RENT Close In furnished aparlments for light housekeeping. Hot and cold water. ItlVKltMHIK AIMRTMF.XTS 217 South Riverside. Phone 467-J. ifW; 'lit 'RiV,'iW i'ir -S.s.