WTCDFOTIT) mm T-RTCUNT:, MTSDF01TO. OTtFlOy. SATURDAY, MAY 1. 1020. POTT! TWO Early last evening local weather conditions were Buch as to lead Frost Expert Young and County Awt Cate to deem it wise to give out warning to the orchanlists of a possi ble, killing frost of about 27 degrees but fortunately about 10 p. in. there was a lack of wind and clouds settled over the valley which remained all night. ThlB morning's official weath er -bureau prediction forecasts fair weather for tonight and Sunday, but again local conditions by night may Indicate a posslblo frost. The min imum temperature of last night and this morning was 40 degrees. All kinds dry wood, phono 305. Ray Blackburn. Live to dye right let us dye your coat, suit, skirt, hat, sweater, dress goods; our work guaranteed. Phonc-22,'1-J. 103 North Central, Apparel Cleaners and Dyers. '10 An auto parly from I.os Angeles arrived in the city Friday and will make tho Jlotol Medford their head quarters while the men 'of the party look over tho valley and hill districts for a few days. In tho parly are I). M. Locey, well known Now York nnd Chicago mining capitalist and promo ter, and Mrs. hocey, 1). W. Campbell, retired, of Los Angeles, a former general manager of tho Southern Pa cific railroad who has been in poor health for a year or more, X. K. Pol tor, and Mrs. H. A. Henderson of Los Angeles. Tho visitors accompanied by Dr. J. l' ltoddy leave Sunday to visit tho niue Lodgo mine. Gllddim arsenato of lead. Tho best to bo had. Conner's Warehouse. Correspondence cards and writing papers in four colors and white, 2!i and 36 cents, with a lot of other good buys. Next, week. Watch. Jlodford Hook Store. 3G Miss Florence Pool, home demon stration agent, who had spent the last three days with the women of Ashlnnd in drossmaking schools, and who had been absent for tho past month engaged in clothing demon strations thruout the county, was in her office today and will he dally until next Wednesday when the milk campaign opens for this city. Kodak finishing, best work for lowest prices. Jap Art Store. 61 Singer Shop Quality counts. New and UBod machines sold or rented. :Kxport repairing on all makes ma chines. Phono 215-H. 116 W. Main 60 Confirming tho disgust of tho Med ford Klks ovur Thursday night's box ing exhibition fiasco at Oruuts Pass tho Courlor of that city says: "The fights of last night mean, probably, tho abandoning of tho tight game here. Tho house was packed with fanB from all over tho southern pari of tho statu. To say that tho major ity wero disgusted would bo putting It mildly. Tho loglou management paid large amounts for tho flghlurs and had a right to beliovu the fight era would glvo what they wero paid for. Thero Is nothing I hut will give a black eye to tho fighting game quicker than an exhibition such as that of last night." Ollddon arsenate of load. Tho best to bo had. Connor's Warehouse. .Hemstitching, pecoting 10c per yard, thread furnished. Expert op eration. iSuger Shop, 115 West Main Btroot. ' II u Among tho guests from a distance at the Holland nro D. A. .lirodio of Washington, D. (!., Mr. nnd Mrs. II. 12. Sunda of Orchard, '.Neb., and Mr. nnd Mrs. D. M. Siehort of Ceutrulla, Wash. Ashland Hclmnn sulphur but tin and BWlinming pools open for the Benson, Saturday, May 1st. II 'Paxson's "Superb" Dahlias. Cata logue for postcard, or phono 11, It. II. Paxsou, Conlral Poliiit. 17 f Tho dale for the commenceinenl exercises of tho Cold Mill schools has been announced by Iho faculty to tako place .May 21st. Soo Modforft Land & Insuranco Agoncy, successors to D. It. Wood 4! Co., Bin. 209 Liberty Hldg., tor fire Insurance. If For eye, oat, noso, throat see Dr. Jlolno. Lihorty Illdg. Classes fitted. ' All mumberH or M'edford Post ol the Amorican Legion are urged to be present at the regular monthly meet ing to bo held Tuesday. May lib. Scv oral Important matters vlll be brought before the meeting for final disposition, th'i committee on enler tuimmiH 1 Ixmmi working for wckf end hr.w fine prograi t prepared. 'Houses fo'- t.i:;i. .WtcUseu County llulh!ii:g & t.nn association. Yo.i c-i l srt S.iiu.M-V. pure milk and tioillil ;,t i'e.vlrss llakery. :!. Orego;:l;:u:s at the Medford are A. i.. tiibson of Marshfleld. C. .1. Smith of liugeno, .1. 10. Armstrong of Klam ath Falls, (!. M. Ksterly of Waldo, and the following from Portland: M L. Henderson. P. L. ltoss. L. C Thoroughinuu. D. t'allireath. Neil Hertrandlos, H. 10. Parsons, C. V. norguian, A. J. Waglntz and K. X. fox. For Sa'.o Now and socond-haud machines. Singer Shop, J 15 West Mnln, phono 2 1 5-K. May Day dance ;:t iteagle. Satur day, May 1st. Music by Majestic oi'cliuiitrn. 3."' C. A. Stcbbillh of Clllrn. Calif., ru gtonal director of the railed States School iianlens. is In tin- city on bus iness in connection with thi.' duties of that position. Urres, tho ladies' tail nr, will be nt Hotel Holland every Thursday. Fine wralcns. latest styles always tf lOconoutlzo by using ncratch padb for use. (Jot thorn at this office, if .IIbs .Mary Hackney of the California-Oregon Power company, left to day for Klamath Falls. Plain and fancy ribbons for trim mings. Handicraft Shop. 37 airs. Roy Smith Is teaching in the I fifth and sixth grades of the Jack-! sonvlllo schools, succeeding in that position Mrs. Mabel Wertz who has moved to Climax. Try some of Snlder's choico whip ping cream for your Sunday dinner. Peerless llakery. 3S New Columbia ycrns n light col- c-.'s for summer scarfs and sweaters.) Handicraft Shop. 37 A delegation of Ashland Christian Endeavorers Is hero attending the Southern Oregon Christian Endeavor societies, which convened this fore noon at the First Christian church. Tablets and scratch pads made of Dews print, for school and office use for sale at this office. tf Splendid values in children's wash dresses for summer. Handicraft Shop. .37 "The county scarifier and grader and crew have completed grading and cutting out new road ways on the P.lackwell bill to Rock Point bridge road south of the river opposite this city. This is indeed a good road now and a wonderful improvement over tho old trail. The scarifier is now busily engaged on tho Gold 1 1 Ill Sams Valley road which is getting a renovating needed for many years. This puts the roads In the Cold Hill district in wonderful good condition and much credit Is due the county court for this Iniprovenieht. Gold 11111 News. Now under now management, The Apparel cleaners and dyers, hatters. Good work, lowest prices, beter ser vice Guaranteed. Wo called anil deliver. Phono 223-J. 42 Delco-Llght Electricity for evory farm. J. E Bartlott, Medford Hotel, Medford, Ore. Peggy Agnew Hogan of Lake creek is a visitor in the city today and Is registered at the Nash hotel. Now under new management, The Apparel cleaners, dyers, hatters. Good work, lowest prices, bettor sor vlce. Guaranteed. Wo call and do liver. Phono 223-J. 30 '.Hand made lacos. Handicraft Shop. 37 F. Corning Kenly has arrlvod home from a six weeks sojourn at Port land. Prompt reliable sorvlco, satisfac tion fully guaranteed. City Cleaning & Dyeing Co., 401 South Riverside. Phono 474. The Chambor of Commerce la a clearing houso for community thought and action. Join. tf Callforulans registered at Iho Hol land Include M. L. Fstfer of Los An geleB, Air. and Mrs. E. A. Ilrown and Mr. an d.Mrs. Eugeno Llbby of .Ber keley, and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Jlnrk liuni and S. W. Tracy of San Fran- ClHCO. Your spring suit Dost woolens, reasonable prices. Klein the Tailor, Kasl. Main, upstairs. Cllidden arsenato of load. Tho best to bo h;ul. Conner's Warehouse. Tho prediction of fair weather Is pleasing to many Medford people who are planning autu and fishing outings for Sunday. Pocotlng Hemstitching Handicraft Shop. 37 Old phonographs and rocords bought. Bold and exchanged. Doug lass. 101 S. Central. Phono 615-J. Tho pupils of tho Grants Tass schools hold their May Day celebra tkm this afternoon with a big parade Including stunts, and exercises on the high school campus. Pnluco Qrocory, Moffatt & Launs- pach, proprietors. One of tho neatest and most sanitary grocery stores In Medford. Give us a trial. 30 For tho best lnsurancu sco Ilolmos tho Insurance Man. Tho state encampment of the G. A. 1). will bo held at Astoria, Juno S-l 1, and efforts are being made to have the navy station a battleship there at that time. Wo are now handling Snlder's Dairy pure milk and cream. Peerless Bakery. 3S Glldden arsenato of lend. Tho host to be had. Conner's Warehouse. iMls. J. P. Malkin and son of Hilt are among the northern Callfornians hero today. They are registered at the Holland. ullddcu arsenate ol load. Tho best to bo had. Conner's Warehouso. R. I. eggs at UuVoo'i. Suits sponged and pressed, 70c. Our delivery at your servico. City Cleaning & Dyulng Co., Phono 47 1. One or Iho big affairs of the sea son occurs at the Medrord Nat to night, when Hie May Day ball opens at 'J p. in. Elaborate preparations have been made lo assure those who attend a splendid time troni start to finish. A varied program or the lat est dance hits lias been prepared )) the Imperial orchestra and will he interspersed Willi special surprise features. A record-breaking urtuu dauce is anticipated. Palace Grocery. Moffatt & I.auns pach. proprietors, one of the neatest and most sanitary grocery stores in Medford. Give us a trial. 30 20 cute Utile May Day pets for sale at 910 W. Tenth street, Medford. Because of the fame of Medford and the valley which Secretary II. O. Fnibach of the Chamber of Com merce spread while he was a resident there. Fred Herbert, a farmer of Three Forks. Mont., arrived In the city Friday lo lonk over the valley Willi a view to locating here. He is stopping at lie Medford. Mr. and Mis. Edwin White of Miiito, iN. I).. are also guests at this hotel. Glldden arsenate of lead. The best to be had. Conner's Warehouse. " WEEKS & ORE UNDERTAKERS Day lliono Night Phones V, AV. Week, 227-J-2 A. fc Qrr, i7-J-3. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Dailey of Kluin ath Kails, motored to the valley this week to look after property interest:. Delco-Llght Electricity for every farm. J. K. Uartlett, Medford Jlotel, Medford, Ore. Miss Jessie ttilrs of f'orvallii-'. as sistant mate home demonstration J aent, who has spent the past monthi in this county assisting Miss I'lomicu Pool In her clothinK making demon strations, leaves tonight for Grunts! Pass to help Miss Corbett, the home demonstration agent of Josephine county, In her clothing schools for the next two weeks. (May Day ball. Nat. tonight. 3", You'll ho surprised! May Day hail.: Nat tonight! ' 3- I The public market today was a; great improvement over that of tho j pant few weeks. There was a good ; supply of home grown garden stuff and a fairly good supply of veal and park, chicken and smoked meats. Awnings made to order and put up. All kinds of repairing. Douglas, 101 South Central. Phone 615-J. Mrs. (). h. Lee was a social ami business visitor in tho city Friday from Grants Pass. Carl Jeschko, High grade watch and cloc krepaiiing, 9 l'lr street. Eastern guests at the Medford are Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Mellan of Chica go and Mr. and Mrs. K. IlirHchfield of St. Louis. Other guests at this hotel are II. (1. Croffield of Spokane, Sid Polack of Seattle and M. L. Lee, V. K. Sutliffe and F. G. Ebehling of San Francisco. The event of the season! May Day ball. Medford Nat. tonight! Special features. H-r The Itoguo River Valley band dance ut Ashland last night drew out a large attendance. Tho hand will givo another benefit dance here a week from next Wednesday night. When you want any hauling, mov ing, etc., dona call 4 07-Y, Kolzur Brothers Transfer and Storage. 39 Kenneth Jerome has returned from a several days business trip to Klam ath Falls. broken forgings and castings, all shapes, nil mctuls, all sizes, welded, rolnforccd and guaranteed. Vulcan Welding Works, 39 South Front St. (James Oscar Johanson, of Medford and Nel.Io Pearl Fletcher of Waldo, were married Thursday afternoon at tho Haptist parsonage, Itov. C. M Cliuo officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Jo hanson will make their home at Med ford. Grants PasB Courier. (Hidden arsenate of lead. Tho best to bo had. Conner's AVarehouse, Glidder arsenato of lead the best to be had. Connor's Warehouso. -It Because of tho high price of sugar sonic of the Medford restaurants no longer servo tho sweet stuff in bowls on tho tables, hut have gone hack to the war time method of serving each individual customer a small quantity. Tho Ashland hotels and restaurants put this method into effect today. Orres, tailors for mon and women. High grade only. Ashland. Oro. Porter J. 'Xcff arrived homo Fri day from San aia Obispo, Calif., where ho this week defended Hugh Aioore of Gold Hill on the chargo of burglary. At tho Lima of his leaving that city no verdict had been an nouueod. Mrs. Paul Hanson, corsetloro for Nu Bono. Phono 5S5-J. Miss Mario ltambo who has been in the city from San Francisco for a few days visiting friends and rela tives was called to .Medford yester day morning by the illness of her mother. Klunmth Fulls Herald (Hidden arsenato of lead. Tho host to ho had. Connor's Warehouso, II. A. Ilanhy of Medford, was one of tho speakers at the celebration of the Ashland Odd Fellows and Uebek ahs held Thursday night to commem orate the 10 1 st anniversary of tho I. O. O. F. order. If you want to know what 1o know what tho spiritualist teaches attend the spiritualist meetings, learn tlu truth, and he free from error. 3-"i I Mr. and Mrs. H. X. French of Tal ent were business callers in Xorth Talent Tuesday. They visited at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. James Allen. Also at Mr. Dunkin's, the former homo of Mr. and Mrs. French. There were an unusually large number who attended tho services at the home of the late Clay Patterson. There wero Masons from each of the valley towns, besides friends from! far and near. After the services, the procession accompanied the body to the depot at Talent, where previous arrangement! had been made for the thru train which passes thru at 5, to ;;top and take Ihe casket on. W'm. Ferns and Ralph Koozer accompan ied the remains to Portland, where the body will be cremated. The community was shocked to learn of tho death of MrK. Cleorge F. Clausing In Portland, where she underwent an operation. .Mrs. Claus ing hail been ill hut a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Clark and family have been visiting at the homo of a. S. Furry for the past week. Mrs. Clark is a sister of Mrs. M. Rose. The family have been down in California during tho winter, und aro on their return trip to their home in Washington. Mrs. Efflo Taylor and .Miss Dassett of .Medford spent Sunday with Mrs Joe Rader at her pleasant home south of Phoenix. -Mrs. J. D. Jlonry of Xorth Talent, was a Modford business caller Wed nesday lfaving dental work done. Mrs. Walter Stancliff was calling on Mrs. A. S. Furry Wednesday after noon. Mrs. Lilly lilackwood of Phoenix, was an ABhlaiid visitor Wednesday and waB calling on Mrs. Clyde. Dr. and Mrs. .1. K. Baillio left Thursday for Ashland, where they were to take dinner with Mrs. Clyde and then tako the evening train for their future home in L03 Angeles. Mrs. Dunkln of Xorth Talent, had the misfortune to run a needlo in her hand last week, and the point broke off remaining in her hand. An X-ray had to bo taken (o locate it. And Thursday morning of this week Dr. Malmgrcn operated upon the hand and removed the piece. have been livintr in the ('. II. Toncv idaee near Mrl.eoil. moved to I'nion Creek WciIiicmIii v, where tliev will re main for tlie summer. Mr. nnd -Mrs. W. T. Grieve were" callers at the F.verL'recn raneli ranch Tuevdav afternoon. Miss I.izzv Manninir spent Satur day nivl Sunday at (lie lmme of James K. (irieve. GIVE ENDORSEMENT OF W. D. WELCH'SISERViGES Wo understand that Mr. W. I. Welch has filed -application for the office of County Treasurer on the republican ticket. We wish to tako this occasion to oxp ress ou r en t i ro sa t isf act ion w i I h tho services rendered us by Mr. Welch, who has been in our employ for (he past three years us office manager. We tako pleasure '.u recommend ing him to tho voters of Jackson county as HONEST, INIH STRlOrs and CAPABLK and worthy of their support. iu:xxi: Y tsi COMPANY, Adv. Por M. E. lioot. Mgr. Card of Thanks )We wish to thank our friends nnd neighuors for their kindness und sympathy and tho beautiful floral offerings during the illness and de mise of our beloved wile and sister. GFO F. CLAI MING. MUS. CAKi;iK IHHiSON. miss i.ocisk ('lapsing. DR. RICKERT ryra HoiFvrrnoAiyi.T rKSTKlV, AM) GIiASSKH PROPERLY FITTED no nitore rsm Broken Tn Accurately PnpUcotol Suite 1-D over MT Co. 308 E. lyiln, UpiUlrf Trnov Iloothbv and family motor ed to Medford Friday. 1'hev were accompanied by Miss Gladys Uncle of lalent, who lias been visitinir at til Hoothbv Iionie for some. time. W. A. Iliyinliotliuni and fainiiv motored to the lioi;ue Jfiver ranch Tuesday eveuiui:. Clem Clark and sister, Mae of 'JVi enl, spent Saturday and Sundav villi their parents, M.r. and Mrs. C. W Chirks of the Cascade unrge. Mr. and Mrs. Joe I'liipps and son. John, spent Sunday at Mr. lligin botham's. (rns Jlitfiworlli made a business t ri to Medford Friday, returnin Saturday,, Mrs. .y7,v Xieliols and eliildre TOO LATE TO CLAS8IFY FOR SALE 191S -Maxwell In good shape. Will sell right; would ex , pect part payment. Call at Victor Danlelson Garage, 113 Xorth Con tral. ;iii FOR BALK A No. 0110 grain and seed corn. Phono aSll-.l--. -Hi FOIt SALE OR KXCIIAXC.H For cattle, threo fiye-acre irrigated tracts close In on Pacific Highway .Phono -1.12-11. 40 FOR RFXT Five room modern house, furnished: garden planted; garage, ull Soulh Central. WAXTFI) Yearling Shorthorn bull A. IS. Hall, H. 1, lltix 5 an. 311 LOST Aenln Ijivelter nn.t l,n tween Johnson's and Chamber of l onimerce. Finder return Johnson's Jewelry Store. WAXTKI) Young couple, who will .guaranlee best of care tp property, wants to lease 5 or i room modern bungalow, unfurnished preferred, for year or more; would consider purchase little later. If you have something to offer address Jlunga low care Mail Tribune, statinA where property is, size, etc., and party will call on you. 2li K 0 D A K Films Developed Better Prints Hade Clearer Prompt attention to Mail Ordc SVYEM'S STUDIO Met! ford 217 Eart Main'St. tk a : Our way of Dry Cleaning Is mechan ically thorough and it saves wear and tear on the articles. Suits, gowns, everything In fabrics cleaned Call l'liono -I t. Miss Ted Manning spent the week end at the Prospect hotel. There was a community dance at the Prospect hall and evory one re ported having had a good time. Mrs. Hert Nichols returned home from Medford where she had gone on business. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pankey made a husiness trip to Medford Tuesday and returned Wednesday., Mr. Chester Davis carried the mail lo Prospect Thursday and Friday for our mail carried, A. A. Hollenhcak.l Krnest Hollenlteak went to work on the road for Wm. Von der llellenl Monday. ! Mrs. Ernest Price and Harold Wal- termires made a trip to Medford Fri day. Mr. Waltermires returned Sat urday with a new Chevrolet car. (Mr. and Mrs. Charley Wttlker and daughter Alice, and accompanied by Lee Waddell went to Medford Mon day to visit Mr. Walker's folks. Mrs. A. A. Ilollenbeak visited her father, Mr. Adams of McCloud, Wed nesday. S. S. Aiken returned homc-iTues- day from an assessing trip. Sho T'eels Fine Xou Aches and pains often indicate kidnoys out of order. Your kidneys surely need help and quickly when your hands and feet are swol len and you feel dull and sluggish, lose your appetite and your energy and there Is a puffy look under the eyes. Mrs. L. Gibson, 12th and Edi son St., LaJunta, Colo., writes: 'My kidneys were giving me a great deal of trouble for some time. I took Foley Kidney Pills and they helped me right away. I feel fine now." For salo by M'edford Pharmacy. Adv, Notice Have just put in a now Electric Thor Washer. Your washing done promptly. MRS. S. P. ELLIOTT. Second and Oak street, Central Point, Ore. 35 Not Ire Postal card photos $1.25 dozen; 5c each additional printing. Cos tumes used froe. Jap Art Store. 51 Mr. Good Goods Says: OurCOODS are GOOD; Our PRICES LOW. SHANTUNG PONGEE Hand Made Special Price QOp This Week JOL Beuels Higuet qualllj jewelry repiurluK Diamond oottlm, watch repairing iaturactlon wiured "fii n MARTIN I. IiEDX Mall a T.ur -wanU. !Bloeses! New arrivals every week of the latest mod els in colored voiles, guaranteed to "tub." ' The Vanity Shop Next Riallo Theater. MEDFORD IRON WORKS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SH0F Al'.ao nrent for Fairbauks ac4 Morai (7 South Blvtrsldt. First Methodist Episcopal Church Fourth and Uartlett "The Church with a cluilleiigjii',' program." A Church of (iood Music 11A.M. "A VOICE FOR THE TIMES" J. Randolph Sasnett 8:00 P.M. "AMERICA'S RECEPTION TO THE NATIONS UNDER OUR FLAG" A missionary pngaent with a caste of fifty costumed characters. "The Prayer Perfect," Cunt i alto Solo y M rs. -J. 'Randolph Sasnett. "Words by James Whitconib Riley YOUNG PEOPLE EPWORTH LEAGUE 6:45 i wi ii ii 1 1 ii 1 111 1 1 ii ill M 1 1 i iii ii nil in i ii urn Give Consecrated Dollars :tjfWha.t )'iACfA fft , ISA IJ'- - ESss r ill J- Be an Informed ifoyterian HOSPITALS of the Presbyterian Church throughout the mission world last year cared for over a million patients. Offerings of Presbyterian churches in mission lands are so large that for every $ I given by you to foreign work there is expended on the field $1.43. The Presbyterian Church is teaching the Siamese the dignity of labor and providing them with shoes through a mission tannery. Better bred chickens have been intro duced into India, so that the people may have sufficient food. In Africa this church is leaching the blacks farming, carpentering, and blacksmithing all lo help build better life for the natives. Learn ihe facts of Presbylcrianism. Subscribe lo New Era Magazine, (75 cents a year, club rates) sample copy from I 328 ChcslnutSt., Philadelphia, Pa. Get from your pastor two leaflets: "Bird's Eye View of the Budget of 1920-2 I " and "What Your Money Will Buy". Read "The Four-Fold Task of the Prcsbylerian Church" (40 ccnls, of New Era Headquarters). Come to Church on Sunday New Era Movement Presbyterian CKurcK InthlU S.A. Cooperating with. Interchurch World. Movement ll ft i 11 131' PUT THE SCREWS ON EXTRAVAGANCE TODAY will somi be tomorrow, and then might come a change in conditions which would you to reflect with sorrow upon the neglected opportunities to save. Systematic depositing of your earnings in a Savings Account at the First National Hank will soon bring you real prosperity Interest on Savings Zhe First National Bank9 Medford Oregon WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE FEED Save money on chicken feed by buying from us. Scratch Food $4.50 Egg Producer 3.65 Developing Mash 5.C0 Wheat 4.50 wjattii hjueii MONARCH Seed & Feed Co. 317 East Main Strut Operators of coal properties In Utah nnd Wyoming advlso buying your winter supply now. The Idea Is spreading that the coal commission :nay award the miners a further ad vance In wages, gs well aa to maks other concessions that will further ( materially Increase the cost of pro ducing. We can now fill Tour orderi with I different sizes of ' SPRING CANYON UTAH COAL Dry Wood of All Kinds on Hand WISEMAN & SCHEFFEff Phone 218 ffiH 60. Front 9. 0