Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 28, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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    Bedford Mail. Ihibune
Qrtio, Mall Tribune E'llldlo, 2S-1?1S
nor 10 f ir aireeu jrnone 4 a.
A OQD solid at Ion of the Democratic
Time. The Med ford Mall, The Medford
Tribune, the Southern Oregonlao. The
Aahl&nq Tribune.
The Medford Sunday Sun la furnished
upecnoera oeemng a. seven-oar auy
a S. SMITH, Manager.
Eally. with Sunday Sun, year M-00
ally, with Sunday Sun, month -65
Dally, without Sunday Sun, year- 6.00
paUy, without Sunday Sun, month SO
Weekly Mall Tribune, one year- 1.50
Sunday Sun, one year 1-60
BY CARRIER In Medford, Ashland.
Jacksonville, Central Point, Phoenix:
' Dally, with Sunday Sun, year 7.6Q
Dally, with Sunday Sun, month .65
PeJly, without Sunday Sun, year.. 6.00
Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .60
Official papef of the City of Medford.
Official paper of Jackson County.
Entered as second-class matter at
Medford, Oregon, under the act of March
I. 187 .
Sworn dally average circulation for
six months ending April 1919 3,074
Full Leased Wire Service. The Asso
ciated Press Is exclusively entitled to
the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to It or not other
wise credited in this paper, and also the
local news published herein. All rights
of republication of special dispatches
Herein are aiso resnrvea
'Whatever sympathy the genera!
public may have hud for Juek Demp
ney, the henvytveieht ehninpion, 3onn
to face trial for hcinir a slacken (al
leged), vnnislied with the publication
of the photo shovlne a Charlie Chap
lin jnustnche on his upper lip.
' Astronomers are fnssine nmonc
themselves whether the present theory
in regard to the Univorso is right or
Krone, which is n lot to worry
jthput at this particular stage of the
game. '
c ' '
';. Only the hated profiteers, who
.made millions before, during, -1111(1
since the war, would have the heart
to'do such a thing. These lusty
oussers would have sold their pro
duets at exact cost, nnd been delight
ed' to have broken even on the deals.
Only, a very few of the men with
Something, are after all thev can zet,
and aggravating fate presented them
with the chance.
The average weight of tho f.isn
ionnble dress, according to Paris
dressmakers is 3 ounces, and 2 ounces
is taken up with shot in tho hem of
the skirt to keep the same from l'lur
ing up with every vagrant breeze.
Mary Pickford is said to bo broken
hearted over the public's resentment
pf her matrimonial venture, and it is
too bad if a charming actress with
Beb. lovely curls can't break 8 or 10
state and federal laws without run
ning into an argument.
Disgruntled democrats nre now
planning to keep William Jennings
Bryan from attending the democratic
convention, which is tiuiliummn!
(foxy legal term) to saying there will
be no convention.
Another Carranzn general received
no letter from his girl Tuesday, so he
started another revolution.
' The presidential candidates ore fur
below tho average. No mother ha?
J'ct succumbed to enthusiasm and
named a baby after one of them.
' Jf tho Washington citizen who pro
claimed Wooilro v Wilson "a party
wrecker had done so four years ago,
the throwing of fits would have lusted
six weeks.
Tribune's Daily
Health Hint
Ily Harriet liwwlg.
Medical Inspection ot school chil
dren Is a subject that warrants con
siderable publicity.
With the rather lialr-ralaiiiB dis
coveries made la the draft of tho
number ot defective men of military
age. It behooves us to innuiro which
ot the children In our Bchools are fur
nishing tho same percent ago for the
next draft. For there was no imme
diate reason for this lariso number
of defectives that does not hold good
today as It did when these men went
Ye Smudge Pot
By Artfcu Fan?
to school.
. Teeth and eyes should lie exaniln
ed at Bchool, for too few people know
how Important they me, and the
greatest seat of deficiency lies horo
The ,teeth are a source of infections
that cause no end of degenerative
diseases, such as rheumatism, indi
geBtlon and cancer of the jaw. Dad
eye sight means dull pupils and han
dicapped workers.
Malnutrition Is another source of
defective adults that needs euro from
the school nurse. Too few peoplo
know how to feed their children
High cost ot milk means actual star
vation of children. It might bo moro
polite to the reader to say that our
foreigners are the peoplo who don t
know how to eat; but truth of tho
matter Is that any number of straight
Amorlcans are starving their children
by feeding them enough bulk, but
not the food that a child needs to
(row on. Many cities could follow
nnUESDAY'S primaries
the results tin: decisive.
candidate lias much to crow
there will be no crowing, for
the game.
Perhaps the defeat of Senator Johnson in New Jersey
gives as much satisfaction as anything. Yet the fact can't
be denied that with a few
"Wood, like an illustrious predecessor, will be out of the
running. J' or it he can t keep
convention will have none ot
certain that when the official count is made, his few hun
dred vote lead, will not be lost in the shuffle.
Nor do things look bright forthe dark horse, Harding.
For a favorite son to win hLs home state by only ten thous
and, gives him no prestige with the political bookies. If
Lowden's showing in Illinois was disappointing, Harding's
performance in Ohio, must be crushing.
The wets may liiul solace in uovernor luiwunls load
ing his delegation in New Jersey. Hut in Massachusetts,
Congressman O 'Council on an anti-dry platform was com
pletely snowed under.
The old guard won in .Massachusetts as it did m JNew
York, but while one or two
the majority are unpledged and may be expected to jockey
for position as the New York delegation will. Lucky for
Hiram he withdrew irom the
England will have none of him.
. -
All of which strengthens the belief that a dark horse
will have the best chance in the Chicago convention. The
Old Guard will not be grieved if Wood is killed off. They
want some one thev can handle.
So California promises to
as i.t was in 191(i. If Johnson wins, as is probable with
money, the machine, and native son sentiment behind him,
then watch tho hreworks
then the old boys will be faced by a man who can't be
handled and whose record is clean.
Whatever ensues now, there won t be much tatting m
the Coliseum galleries this June.
HOW SOON we lorget. Unly two years ago placarded
on every street corner was the slogan, "Save food and
win the war." And the American peoplo saved it and the
war was won.
The man who asked the American people to do that was
Herbert Hoover. It was also Herbert Hoover who guaran
teed to the American farmer a fair return for his wheat and
to the people of the country
price lor tneir nreati.
A - . , -r
Hut lor the Hoover program ine war wouid nave v u-
ncssed the greatest orgy of
the world, and while the farmers would have made money,
it is no exaggeration to say that money so secured would
now be worth no more than the German mark. "
It was a great patriotic service Hoover rendered, and
every right thinking citizen should be grateful for it. Hut
are they If Not if one is to judge by the anti-Hoover propo
ganda that the Johnson forces arc conducting in California.
Pamphlets have recently been sent to every fanner in that
state, painting Hoover as the diabolical monster who
robbed the poor but honest farmer of California, during the
war of his legitimate profits, one of the most contempti
ble appeals to selfish interest and class greed, a political
campaign has ever witnessed.
"Vote for Hiram Johnson, the friend of the poor man
and the champion of the hard-working and deserving
farmer." Could anything show more clearly the degra
dation of Anierican'politics, the reprehensible depths to
which otherwise self-respecting American citizens will
sink, in a mail desire to gain political advantage?
Small wonder Herbert Hoover was reluctant to enter
a contest where such tactics are tolerated, small wonder
that he should prefer to devote his energies to feeding the
starving women and children of Europe, and leave the po
litical hodge-podge to the natural born mud-slingcrs and
11 . - . . .
T HAVE a hundred tasks in mind, a hundred useful
chores; I have the eight-day clock to wind, the cat
Jo chase outdoors. I '111 planting rhubarb, that our pies
you'll praise in glowing terms; and soon I'll have to
swat the flics, and boil uncounted germs. And so it
makes me tired and sad when some one takes my time,
to boost some patent liver pad that retails for a dime.
Oh, when the agent comes along (you know how 'tis
yourselves) and springs Inn old accustomed song con
cerning six-foot shelves, and when I see him from his
grip his large prospectus draw, the cup of sorrow then
1 sip there ought to be a law. For I have many things
to do; I have to fix my lyre, and patch up the defective
flue that spoils the kitchen fire. 1 have to prime the
cistern pinup, and make the mower run; however brisk
ly I may hump, I never will get done. And so it makes
me tired and sick when I am asked to pause, and
listen to some windy hick there ought to be nine laws!
tho example of iNew York, where thewelght and stunted growth of their
nurses have classes in food values forchildren Is proven to them,
the children and then get the moth- The school doctor and the school
cr8 Interested and teach them also. nurse have a. big Job before them,
Somo peoplo surprise us by thelmnd should bo supported by all thlnk-
wllliusness to loam when tho loss lnitig people.
ucmum) thibuuel
are disappointing.
Xone of
At the present moment no
about, which doesn't mean
crowing is an essential part of
more such victories Genera
a linn hold on the east, the
Jinn. And it is bv no means
are acknowledged Wood men,
Kay state. It is plain, New
be the decisive state this year
in Chicago, u Hoover wins,
and the allied countries a lair
II 111. :i
profiteering in the history ol
. - -W' KJ, .
wmFORD, opvegot, wednesdivy, xprte 2.
A Battery Service
Station in the Jungle
"A L'SI, Service Station in the Jun
gles of Borneo? That would sound
rather ridiculous, wouldn't it?" said
M. B. Walker of Auto Klectrlc Equip
ment Co.. of the local L'SL Service
Station representative for this sec
tion, in the course of a discussion of.
storage battery problems Willi a rep
resentative of this paper today.
"The fact is," lie continued, "that
too many motorists in our own coun
try are still in tho Jungle on mutters
pertaining to the care and upkeep of
thuir storage batteries. They are
wandering about aimlessly in the
darkness of battery-misunderstanding.
They, only seo daylight when
they accidentally stumble upon a
L'SL Service Stution signboard.
'"Perhaps It may bo better from
tho viewpoint of some service sta
tions to keep them groping blindly
junglewurd, but this is not the case
with me, nor with the service station
I represent. The automobile-driving
public should have, at least, a fair
knowledge of the storage buttery.
They know their motors; why do
they neglect their batteries?
"There's the battery plates, for in
stance. There isn't a motorist in five
who knows the difference between
a machine-pasted battery plate and a
hand-pasted plate, nor the relative
staying qualities of eacb. Nor is
there ono in forty who understands
why a plate will buckle or how to
"hydrometo" his buttery. .Most of
'em get flustered wbeu battery trou
bles occur and make record time to
the service station.
"We are glad to meet 'em, of
course. Hut take it from me I'd
sooner seo a motorist, for his own
comfort, know more about that little
black box attached to his car." Adv.
Father Grammer
Divine Healer
Health Evangelist
Healing daily, 10 to 12 a, 111.
and 2 to 4 p. in.
Hear Hi 111 at
The Eleventh Commandeth
Time 7:45 P.M.
Admission Free
Save money on chicken
feed by buying from us.
Scratch Food $4.50
Egg Producer 3.65
Developing Mash 5.00
Whf at 4.50
Oyster Shell 2.C0
Seed & Feed Co.
317 East Main Strut
Operators of coal properties Id
Jlah and Wyoming advise buying
your winter supply now. The idea If
spreading that the coal commission
nay award the minors a further ad
vance in wages, as well as to mak
other concessions that will further
materially Increase the cost of pro
We can now fill your orders wltL
different sizes of
Dry Wood of All Kinds on
I'hone 2 CJ
A31 So. Front St
"It Will Surprise You"
says the Good Judge
Put Up In
RIGHT CUT is a short
Economical Serviceable Dependable
212 V. Main A. B. Cunningham, Prop. Phone 12
Films Developed
ItulpU Woodford
at the
Natatorium, Medford
Orchestra of 15 Pieces
Will furnish music for the dance
District Attorney.
I hereby snnounce myself as a can
didate for the office of Prosecuting
Attorney for Jackson county, Oregon,
on the republican ticket, subject to
the wish of the voters at the coming
primary election. It nominated and
elected I will see thai tbe laws are
Justly and honestly enforced. Re
spectfully yours,
Believing bat mj successful man
agement ot the office ot District At
torney has eho-wn thoroughly
qualified, and that 1 can serve the
peoplo of Jackson county. In that
capacity best, I announce my candi
dacy for re-election on the republican
ticket at the May primaries.
I ncreby announce my candidacy
for nomination on the republican
ticket for the office of Prosecuting
Attorney. If elected I pledge myself
to an Impartial enforcement ot the
law. F. P. FARRfcLL.
1 hereby annoume ray candidacy
tor re-nomlnatlon for tbe office cf
sheriff on ths republican ticket, sub
ject to the Maj primaries. I feel
that my record as a public official
during tbe first tsrm entitles me to
When you learn how long
a little of the Real Tobacco
Chew lasts.
How long it holds its rich
tobacco taste.
The real satisfaction.
The money saved.
Any man who uses the
Real Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
Two Styles
- cut tobacco
is a long fine-cut tobacco
and re-election.
I hereby announce myself a repub
lican candidate for sheriff of Jackson
county, at the May primaries. Sev
eral years experience in this line of
work, including last six months ot
1919 In the tax collection depart
ment, thoroughly qualifies me to ad
minister the dutl s of the office In sr.
efficient manner.
I have decided to make the race
for tho democratic nomination for
sheriff at the May primaries. I will
stand on my record of a littlo over a
year in. the sheriff's office, prior to
my entering the service.
Comity Clerk
I announce my candidacy for re
nomlnatlon for County Clerk on the
republican ticket subject to the decis
ion of the people at the coming pri
maries, and hope my record In this
office the first term Is such that 1
am entitled to your support this year
tnMCyt Proprietor
founty Ae(ior.
I hereby announce my candldacj
for the re-notninatlon to the office
of County Assessor for Jackson coun
ty, by the Republican party at the
primary election May 2lBt, 1920.
1 School Superintendent
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for nomination for County
School Superintendent on the repub
lican ticket. Q. W. GODWARD.
I hereby announce myself as candi
date for County School Superinten
dent, on the republican ticket, at the
primary election. May 21st, I am for
progressive education, the education
that prepares for life, and for giving
the rural schools the Tory best ad
vantages possible. 1 favor more nor
mal schools for Oregon.
Adv. A. 4. HANBT.
I herewith announce myself as can
didate for nomination, on the republi
can ticket, for County School Super
intendent. SUSANNE VV. HOMES.
County Coroner
I hereby announce my candidacy
for nomination on the republican
ticket for the office of County Cor
oner. If elected I promise econom
ical management of the Coroner's of
fice. JOHN A. PERU
County Treasurer
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate on the republican ticket for
tho nomination for tho office of
County Treasurer, promising to ad-,
minister the duties ot the office en an
efficient business basis.
I hereby announce myself as can
didate for nomination for- County
Treasurer on tho republican ticket.
I am an experienced business man.
Adv. W. D. WELCH.
I hereby announce my candidacy
on tho republican ticket for County
Treasurer, subject to the primary.
May 21.
E. P. CHANDLER, Rogue River.
County Commissioner
t am a candidate for the nomina
tion for county commissioner on the
republican ticket, subject to the pri
mary of May 2,1. I have lived In
Jackson county n nnuibor of years,
understand tho needs .of the county
and if chosen will promise an . eco
nomical, efficient business adminis
tration. I have always been a good
roads booster. A. E. KINNEY.
I announce my candidacy for the
office of County Commissioner on the
republican ticket, subject to the will
of . the voters at the primaries, May
21, 1920. If elected I promise an
economical, fair and Impartial ad
ministration of the duties of the of
fice. 1 have always been for good
roads. (Adv.) COURT HALL. .;
Upon tbe solicitation of friends I
have consented to become a candir
date for County Commissioner, sub
ject to May primaries. I am a good
ronds enthusiast and think business
methods can prevail in county af
Adv. R. F. D. 2, Medford.
I am a candidate for re-nomlnatlon
for Joint representative of Douglas
and Jackson counties, on the republi
can ticket, at the primary, May 21.
I am for good roads and have helped
frame the present good roads legisla
tion. If nominated and elected I pro
mise to devote my energies to the
prosecution ot those interests of the
district 1 represent and the state of
Oregon. , (Adv.). ,,, V. II. GORE.
democratic Nomination
District Attorney
May Primary. 1920.
China Herb Store
ITorb euro for earache, headache, cat
arrh, dipthirfa, sore throat, lung trouble,
Uidnry trouble, stomach trouble, heart
uotible, chills and fever, cramps, coughs,
poor circulation, carbuncl-s, tumors,
cracked breast, cures all kinds of colters.
MedfoTd. Oregon. Jan. 13, 1917.
Thin Is to certify that I, the undersign
oil. had very severe stomach trouble and '
had been bothered for stvtral years nnd
lust August wiiB not expected to live, and '
h'arlnt? of Otin Chung (whose Herb
Store Is at 214 South Kroht street, Med
rrrd). 1 decided to Ret liorbs for my
Htomnch trouble, nnd I atarted to feeling
better as soon as 1 used them and today
;im a well man and can heartily recom- -nt
anyone afflicted as I was to see
Gim Chung and try his Herbs.
W 1 1 iii's. s's:
Vm. Lewis Ragle Point. '
W. U Chlhfreth, Eagle Point
M. A. AnderHon, Medford.
S. R Holmes, Eagle Point.
( E. Moore. Eagle Point
J. . Mclntyre. Eagle Point
Oo. Von dor Helen, Eagle Point
Tlioa. E, Nicjols. Eagle Point
Powell Si at OTdrreH,
Bnd Shopping Ds frier.
A newly beautified Hetrl Man
awiih tho vintof to SUn Fn
citcol New fumUhinfft of unuioal
cb&rm ftnd comfort. lobby desiEDtd
to provide the ttmetphere of a
luxuriout home nnd a new Dining
Rom. considered one of the mod
iatciestinit in America !1 contribute
to your welfare! Ii is the o hotel
with ruminj lee Wnter in every reem.
nMMffrnTT'M n