Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 28, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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This Letter Tell How it May
be overcome all Mothers
Fort Dodge, la. "From the time my
daughter was 13 years old until aha was
10 she suffered so
badly each month,
that sometimes I had
to call in the doctor.
She had headaches.
backache, and such
pains and cranius
that she would have
to stay in bed two
or three davs. She
became terribly run
down in health and
at last a friend who
l had used L Ydia E.
Pjnkham's vegetable Compound told
her about it and she has used sixteen
bottles, and we always have it in the
bouBe. Sho feels fine now and she has
no trouble at all each month. We al
ways praise it and advise any friends
who suffer to use your wonderful med
icine."; Mrs. Minnie Mandelko, 1005
S. 18th St. & 10th Avenue, Fort
Dodge, Iowa,
Girls who are troubled as Miss Man
delko was, should immediately seek res
toration to health by taking Lydia .
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Those who need special advice may
write to Lydia E. l'inkham Medicine
Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. These
letters will be opened, reud and an
Bwered by a woman and held in strict
Where you get Service.
Fancy Canned Goods
Fresh Fruits
Fresh Veysetnbles
Frensh Ranch .Mutter
Fresh Creamery Butter
In fact everything to
Moffat & Launspach
Phone 109
132 West Main.
Give us a trial.
New arrivals every
week of the latest mod
els in colored voiles,
guaranteed to "tub."
Vanity Shop
Next Rialto Theater.
Big Reduction on
Used Cars
For the next ten days we
will give a 15 per cent reduc
tion on the prices of our used
cars. We have some excep
tional good cars, that will be
sold at a bargain, and sold on
easy terms.
Ono Franklin Touring car $300
with new cord tires Down
Ono 1018 Chevrolet..
Ono Appcrson touring car
run twclvo thousand
Ono 1910 Oldsmobilo 8,
just Uko new -
1013 Cadillac, a fine car
for stago runs
1010 2-ton Federal,
Ono Dodge touring..
One Overland, good con
dition, run 8000 miles
Seely V. Hall
i Motor Co.
. Opposite M. P. & H. Itldg.
10 BE
The dirertur of the Chamber of
Coinnu'ive met last eveniutr uni
adopted the recommendations of the
headquarters committee. This plnee
the directors on record as favorinir
no expend tares made for additional
office furniture, that the huildin he
kept well lighted, both inside and out,
that photographic views of scenic
points not located in southern Oregon
which now h:uiir on the walls of the
office and exhibit room of the chetn
ber he presented to the library.
It is recommended that a fresh
fruit display he maintained in the ex
hibit room and that growers be re
quested to furnish same when
becomes uvailable. The urain ex
hibit will eventually be displayed in a
decorative way, instead of ill sheaf
form. The processed fruit display to
be renewed when conditions warrant
and that the minim; exhibit he en
larged and that mine owners be re
quested to furnish specimens for this
purpose. tJ jju
Caution in 'fependitiiros
The directors showed extreme dilu
tion rciiirdiinr . the expenditure of
money for any purpose other than
what was considered absolutelv
necessary. The untidy conditions of
the walls and in view of the many
visiting the biiildini; for tourist infor
mation, it was thought advisable to
have the walls and ceilinirs of the
building tufted. As director C. E.
Gates expressed it, the first impres
sion is the most lastinir one, and
therefore, he was in favor of having
the office sive a neat, clean appear-
:ince. It was necessary to order new
screens for the main entrance as the
old ones had disappeared and from
all accounts their usefulness had Ions
passed. A new set ol nwninirs was
ordered as the sun makes conditions
unbearable in the builHiuir during the
summer time.
Xew Signs Ordered
The old Commercial Club siirns on
the windows are to be replaced witii
that of Med ford. Chamber of Com
merce and as the tourist traffic has
become such a factor these days
added sign, "Tourist Information
Bureau." will be placed on one of the
front windows.
Another feature lo be added will
be a visitors register which will bo
indexed by states. This will give the
tourist from Ohio an opportunity lo
see who from Ohio has visited Ibis
locality without going through the en
tire register. In connection with the
register, the local residents should
see that their names are on file at the
chamber together with the oddress of
their former residence. The visitors
will have the privilege of uoiiis? thru
the files to see who is located hen:
from the states in which they live.
it is very important to ilia opera
tion of the chamber that this f'ilo be
up to date and therefore, residents
should co-operate in making it a si
Grip, influenza
Hamlin' Wizard Oil a Rallab!,
Antiseptic Preventive
During influenza epidemics spraf
the nose and throat several times a
day with one part Wizard Oil and
two parts water, using an atomizer.
If you haven't an atomizer, gargle
the throat and snuff the mixture up
the nose. This treatment sets up an
antiseptic wall of defense against
"Flu" germs.
Chest colds and sore throat lead
to grip. Stop them at once with
Wizard Oil before they can develop
into dangerous influenza.
Get it from druggists for 30c If
not satisfied, return the bottle and
get your money back.
4Ever constipated or have sick head
ache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips,
pleasant little pink pills, 30c at drug
gists. Guaranteed.
Mr. Good Goods Says:
Our GOODS are GOoD;
36 in. Fancy Silks
$1.98, $2.48 and $2.65
a yard
NEW YORK, April 2S. The bod
les of 353 American soldiers who
gave their lives for the cause of free
dom and humanity on foreign, soil,
and of whom all but eighty died in
France, arrived here today on the
army transport Mercury from Ant
werp and Southampton. Their arri
val marked the first return of sol
dler dead from France. The bodies
of four officers were aboard.
Under a soldier guard of honor the
caskets were prepared for shipment
home by rail. Each body will bo nc-
compaaled by a uniformed guard of
honor who will remain witli his
charge until the casket Is lowered
into tho" final resting place.
At the piers horo there was no
ceremony, no display or ostentation
save colors at half mast and the bare
walls of the temporary morgue hid
den with the (lags for which the men
lived and died.
CORY ALUS. Ore., April 28. Ore-
eon hens are at the head of the list
in the nil-northwest esrir-lavintr con
test beine held at Washington stato
collesre, nccordinir to latest reports.
The hinh len for the period already
elapsed November 5 to March 111
is a pen of Barred Hocks owned by
Oregon Atrriculturiil College. The
record is 44(1 eifit-s.
NOHTIf T4F.ND. Ore. Auril 28. By
a vote of nearly seven to one the is
suance and sale ot .f-l(IU.0l)0 ot city
bonds for the purchase and improve
ment, nf 7-r,n neres of iidebind wns
authorized at a special election here
PORTLAND, Ore., April 28 Port
land has beon selected as the 1020
convention city for the American So
eicty of Civil Engineers, a national
organization with a membership of
more than 10,00(1 men. The enliven
tion dates have not vet been selected.
buit it is probable that the session
will be held early in Auniist.
CANYON VILLE, Ore., April 28. -Mrs.
Milt Dubell, who lives near Can
vonville, wns seriously injured vaster
day when the horse she wns driving
on the narrow irrade five miles north
of here became friirhtencd at an auto
mobile and pluntred over the bank.
As n seiiual to the accident on the
highway, Deputv'Sheriff Hopkins suf
fered a broken leir when he received
instructions bv telephone to arrest the
auto driver in the Dubell ease. In
his haste to overtake the strnnircr, lie
"cranked his own machine while it
was in tionr.
Ladles Will IJkc Them
One of the plcnsinir features for the
women patrons of the Liberty theatre,
where Ethel Claytons new picture.
1 lie Thirteenth Commandment," i:
now pluyinir are the exquisite gowns
which are displayed durintr the course
of the action. Two of the actresses
in the cast have the roles of idlo and
oxtrnvairant wives hvho keep their
husbands continually strimulintr to
supply their whims. In keeping with
their part, thev ore attired in the
most expensive looking costumes, n
in the latest mode. Moreover, their
chief occupations seem to be remov
ing new creations of the milliners and
fashionable modistes from their
Twenty-one and . one-half per
cent of all trucks, registered
at Salem as operating in the state
of Oregon, are Republics. This is a
wonderful testimonial of the rugged
strength and dependability of these
standardized trucks and show beyond
a shadow of a doubt which is the
best known and moat used truck in
this western country. Not only is
this a fact hero in Oregon, but it
holds true throughout the whole
United States, for there are more He-
public trucks in dally use through
out the breath of the land, in every
possible Industry than ot any other
The Continental red seal motor,
the sturdy chassis and efficient in
ternnl gear drive delivering the pow
er near the rim of the rear wheels
and the Bize and Integrity of the
Republic Motor Truck Co. have made
this wonderful record possible.
The McCurdy-Downe Motor Co.
handle this well known truck and
are in a position to furnish parts and
service in southern Oregon. Speak
ing of 'parts, tho branches of the
-Mother fuctory at Portlund and Scat
tie assure real parts service. This
sales record has been made possible
by the fact that it is the policy of
and their parts service has killed the
the factory to personally see that
every truck is operating at all times
bugbear of having the trucks laid up
waiting for parts. Adv.
SAX 1)1 KGO, Cul., April 2S. An
unidentified negro shortly before 3
o'clock this morning, held up and
robbed a United Slates mail truck
about one block from the postoffiee,
making away with cue mall pouch
filled with registered mail and ob
taining loot believed to total more
than $30,000, according to the dri
ver's report lo the police.
Tile driver of the truck said he
was on his way (o the anion depot
to deliver mail for the owl train for
Los Angeles when a negro suddenly
ran out from a sidewali; and present
ing a revolver ordered him to stop
and throw up his hands.
Forcing the driver to hold the mail
pouches while he cut them open, the
robber, according (o the story ripped
open thirty-one sacks of mail but
took nothing from these sacks. The
thirty-second pouch was filled with
registered matter and this the robber
took with him after ordering the
driver not to leave the. place for fif
teen minutes. The driver, however,
as soon as the robber disappeared,
hurried to the polico station and of
ficers were immediately detailed to
run down the bandit.
Women Give Out
Housework is hard enough when
healthy. Every Mcdford woman who
is having backache, blue and nervous
spells, di.zy headaches and kidney or
bladder troubles, should be glud to
hoed this Modford woman's exper
ience: .Mrs. A. E. Dodge, 242 S. Holly
St., snys: "I am glad to nay-a good
word for Doan's Kidney Pills as they
have given me splendid results. My
kidneys were in a weak condition and
I became run down und nervous. 1
tired easily and was often unalilc to
do my housework. My hack would
ache as if it would break and I had
dizzy spells. My feet and ankles he
camo swollen and 1 couldn't utiind
up for any length of time. My kid
neys acted irregularly, too. Doan's
Kidney Pills wore recommended to
mo and I used them witli good re
sults. Soon my kidneys were streng
thened and all the symptoms of kid
ney disorder had disappeared."
Price due, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
noun's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Dodge hud. Fostor-Milburn Co.,
'Buffalo, N. Y.. Adv.
mson Iracto.t
Arrives in Medford
'1 W. H
N ...
Mi r
. 1 (
Our first shipment of Samson Model M Tractors was
unloaded today and ihey can be seen at
our salesroom )
See this small but powerful tractor
Two days trial on your farm before buying
Completely Equipped
Patton and Robinson, Inc.
Tel. 150
Everything for the Farm
112 So. Riverside
yl fathers ivoi will clashing with liis daughter's love,
L- I'd' an honest man Characters like cameos t
d lei
bcenes ot power artel resistless moineiittiin
transpiring" in the atmoSplicro of
Strait-laccdt New Encfiaiul
SS5? & WJ M Jfyemendousfstage play stands as the greatest y I
S '7sS- -(
yS . J ,4 yrf'fe : ' NOW PLAYING
' xl ' ' C0MINGI ;
yf-. I ' ;SdV i & mk MARY I
It's the Newest From Christie's Incomparable Fun f&j' ' YTiV Jl !' ' !
Bray Pictograph wl y ll k '
Odds and Ends of Interest , , , jP- AdLXT